5429 work results

16) 1111-1135 7/5/68-12/31/68 [WABI News Department July 5, 1968 - December 31, 1968]
Approximate dates of uncatalogued reels. Catalog numbers 1111 - 1135. See WABI News Department Film Record: Notebook 1 1964-1969.
2) 1201-1205 12/10/69-12/31/69 [WABI News Department December 12 - 31, 1969]
Approximate dates of uncatalogued reels. Catalog numbers 1201-1205. See WABI News Department Film Record: Notebook 1 1964-1969.
34) 0238.PC1 Maine State Gym Finals, 1967
Footage of the men's and women's gymnastics finals at the University of Maine, Orono.
12) 0240.0001 Maine Goes to the Tangerine Bowl
Documentary on the University of Maine football team playing East Carolina State University at the Tangerine Bowl in Florida. Behind the scenes pre-game practice, visit to home ...
15) 0244.PC1 Women's Final Olympics
Womens sports.
3) 0245.PC1 Maine State Gym Finals, 1966
Footage of the Maine State Gymnastics finals for Men and Women.
12) 0250 Portrait of Harriett Matthews
Educational/cultural work. Running time: 8 min.
26) 0261.0001 ASEE at Maine
ASEE [American Society of Electrical Engineers] convention at Orono. Footage consists mainly of office and various convention shots. However, the film also includes short sequen...
18) 0284.0066 [Meyer Davis--home movies] Reel 66
Box notes: '[Frontier Town?] 1960 Ocean City.' // Dancing Indians, water mill, locomotive, tourists on stage coach, tourist ghost town, children on ponies, log fort.
21) 0284.0067 [Meyer Davis--home movies] Reel 67
Can notes: 'Strasbourg 1965. Sorrento 1965. Marge, etc. Firestones at Newport--Kittrns [sic] when born--reg. 8 mm.' Our Family Thru the Years 65-67. //NHF cataloguer's notes: In...
20) 0284.0068 [Meyer Davis--home movies] Reel 68
Can notes: '1965--Sorrento--E.D. Family, Margie & Family. Tennis. Marge, Lee--Tennis--Sorrento 1967. Dinner Party 101, Perins, Ila, Marge, Kids, Barbecue--Sorrento 1967. Kids at...
21) 0284.0069 [Meyer Davis--home movies] Reel 69
Box notes: '1966--Birthday--Strasbourg--Garry home--children--new baby. Super 8.' NHF cataloguer's notes: Informal gathering and dinner party. Meyer sits at head of table. Sheep...
21) 0284.0070 [Meyer Davis--home movies] Reel 70
Can note: 'Macy Parade '66.' // NHF Cataloguer's Notes: Parade: Smokey the Bear float, also Underdog and Donald Duck. Sign for Tessie O'Shea (?), Charleston High School band. Si...
5) 0284.0071 [Meyer Davis--home movies] Reel 71
Can notes: Summer '67. Kozitsky's; Trot--Garry. Esther; Girl Scouts; Enroute to Maine. CPW--Park Swings. Frug--All Grand--[chk?].' // Swimming in pool with mother and children. ...
23) 0284.0072 [Meyer Davis--home movies] Reel 72
Box notes: '1967--Israel--Hilton Hotel--Tel Aviv. Jerusalem--Kennedy Library. Going to Nazareth--Tiberias--Sea of Galilee. Capernian Hills. Entrance to Kibbutz. Planting trees i...
25) 0284.0073 [Meyer Davis--home movies] Reel 73
Can note: 'Dinner party at home. Barbadoes--the Lords. Sorrento pool. Pam--Pari. Esther and children--Troy, Tina, Kim. Village flea market. Quarry. Barbecue at home.' // NHF cat...
25) 0285.0003 Pemaquid
Date from edge code on film. // Shot as unedited documentary footage, gives a detailed visual and oral account of the archeological site in Pemaquid, Maine where two 1000 year o...
6) 0293 [unidentified--home movies]
13) 0293 [unidentified--home movies]
Amateur. Dated 9-29-1966 on package. Woman bowling, man bowling, shot from front. CU face, CU bowling pins. Elderly couple: man plays fiddle in parlor, woman plays piano. Anothe...
29) 0295.0018-.0025 cat. 5312-01 [Philip Veilleux--home movies]
NHF cataloguer's notes, 12/95, amended 11/2022: .0018: Winter scene, children running through snow, young men sledding [on Essex Street hill?]. Skiing. Toboganning. [1961 date...
82) 0301 cat. 0001-03-WABI Association of Broadcasters
Augusta: Association of Broadcasters meeting at the Augusta House. Various unidentified people give speeches. Ref. 300
6) 0307 cat. 0005-05-WABI John F. Kennedy in Bangor
Bangor: JFK's plane lands at Bangor airport (Dow Field) and he deplanes. Shots of JFK riding with three other men in a convertible in Bangor streets. Crowd cheers.
10) 0307 cat. 0006-01-WABI-62 Governor Reed Campaign
Governor Reed, three years after becoming governor, is running again for office. Five separate campaign commercials of approximately 5 mins. each. 1) Highway Safety ; 2) Educati...
1) 0308 cat. 0007-01-WABI-60 Hume Cronyn
Hume Cronyn is interviewed at the Bangor airport, Northeast Airlines. He is asked about his part in the film 'Sunrise at Campobello.' He comments on Roosevelt, his part. Ref. 300.
25) 0308 cat. 0007-02-WABI-60 Ralph Bellamy
Bangor : Two men at airport. Probably Ralph Bellamy being interviewed by George Gonyar. Ref. 300.
13) 0308 cat. 1002-01-WABI-60 Ralph Bellamy at Northeast Airlines
Interview with actor Ralph Bellamy by George Gonyer regarding theater strike. CUs of actors.
19) 0309 cat. 0007-03-WABI-60 Woodman Lumber Fire
A very large fire at a lumber mill. Shots of fire fighters at the fire and extensive damage. Brewer fire fighters. Ref. 300.
36) 0309 cat. 0007-04-WABI Hounds Playing
Three dogs playing on a lawn and in water, including one of the dogs struggling to reach the dock.
18) 0309 cat. 0007-06-WABI-60 Thunderbirds
Bangor : Airplanes on the ground and Thunderbird jets in formation flying overhead. Air Force demonstration. Airplanes parked on the ground in a row. Ref. 300.
13) 0309 cat. 0007-09-WABI-60 Eastern Trust and Banking Co.
Commercial about the Eastern Trust and Banking Co., and list of branch offices. Probably used with the University of Maine 114th Commencement, which they sponsored live telecast...
2) 0309 cat. 0007-10-WABI-60 Merchants National Bank
Commercial for Merchants National Bank, advantages and locations of various branches. Probably broadcast with University of Maine 114th Commencement. 'Remember, you are always w...
33) 0309 cat. 0007-11-WABI-60 Merrill Trust Co.
Merrill Trust Co., advantages of the banking system. 'The commencement broadcast is a public service provided by Merrill Trust Co.' Probably broadcast with University of Maine 1...
35) 0309 cat.0007-13 Bowl MOR Lanes
Exterior Bowl MOR Lanes, three men shaking hands, man bowls a strike. Ref. 300.
1) 0309 cat. 0008-02-WABI-60 Hampden Roofing
Product promotion: Scenes include demonstration of the strength of the exterior door of a house and CU of trim and siding. Man hangs from door, looks at camera. Two men stand on...
14) 0315 cat.0010-03-WABI-60 Open Bangor Salmon Pool
Bangor: A few men fishing at the Penobscot Salmon club. Scenes include the club sign, men with fishing gear, men rowing and fishing. (neg. of 1007-10-WABI-60)
15) 0316 cat.0010-07-WABI-60 Rice and Miller Dealer Show
Bangor: Eighth Annual Rice and Miller Dealer Show. Shots include pan of displays with show title superimposed. MS of people and displays.
17) 0316 cat.0010-11-WABI-60 Libby Motor Renault
Commercial for Libby Motors for the new Renault. No visible image. Announcer states advantages of buying a Renault.
36) 0316 cat.0011-01-WABI-60 Forestry Service Olamon
State Forest Nursery: Young trees are moved to other planting ground. Scenes include removal, bundling and transportation of trees. Also Smoky the Bear talking, a stump costume,...
9) 0316 cat.0011-07-WABI-60 Boy Scouts 50th Anniversary
Bangor: Boy Scout and man in cherry picker hang a scarf around neck of Paul Bunyan Statue in front of Bangor Auditorium.
12) 0316 cat.0011-10-WABI-61 ETV Shulton
Interview with Tarpy Shulton about the role of UM in educational television. He describes history and future of Educational Television (ETV) in Maine. Fred Howler (?) discusses ...
18) 0316 cat.0011-11-WABI-61 New Central Furniture
New Central Furniture Store. Exterior shots. Indoor scenes of crew working on lighting and electrical systems.
32) 0316 cat.0011-12-WABI-62 State Police
State police in action. Scenes include demonstration of loading tear gas launcher, weighing trucks, policemen talking, target practice, police taking and responding to a call, s...
16) 0317 cat.0011-13-WABI-60 Coopal Office
Bangor: Men at conference table talking with Bangor city map in background. River in Bangor. Labeled 'Pre-for Domya.'
16) 0317 cat. 0011-14-WABI-60 Evacuation of Dow Air Force Base
Dow Air Force Base. Low angle shots of jets taking off.
17) 0317 cat.0011-15-WABI-60 T-Birds at Orphanage
Five T-Bird flying aces speak to children, then ride in stagecoach as part of a horse show.
18) 0317 cat.0011-16-WABI-60 Brewer East Maine Champs
Eleven members of the Brewer Witches Eastern Maine Champion Basketball Team are shown in MS executing passes and in CU smiling for the camera.
11) 0317 cat.0012-09-WABI-60 State of Maine Ship
'State of Maine' ship pulling into harbor. Shots of crowd and ship.
28) 0317 cat.0012-10-WABI-60 Storm
Bangor: Citizens try to dig out from heavy snowfall. Shots of people walking through falling snow, digging out cars, using snow blower, police directing traffic.
8) 0318 cat.0013-02-WABI Car Accident
Car accident. Shots of car and crowd.
6) 0318 cat.0013-03-WABI-60 Ferry Scenes
Ferry. Shots taken on board of dock and spectators as ferry leaves, Boat, an island, passengers, cars on board, captain's central room, trail of bubbles left behind.
19) 0318 cat.0013-04-WABI-60 Shell Sign
Revolving Shell service station sign. Two takes.
2) 0318 cat.0013-07-WABI-61 Bangor Police
Bangor: A day at the police station. Shots in traffic division of officer fingerprinting offender, a blowup of fingerprints, a weapon case, officers lined up to receive instruct...
25) 0319 cat.0014-03-WABI-59 Hurricane Donna
People preparing for Hurricane Donna and coping with aftermath. People preparing by tying things down, later cutting fallen branches. Shots of waves crashing on shore, trees fal...
27) 0320 cat.1003-15-WABI-60 Governor Reed Inauguration
Ceremony including swearing-in, speeches, a reading, roll call, narration by reporters. Poor sound and visibility.
4) 0320 cat.1005-01-WABI-60 Governor Reed -- Part 1
Reed speech to Maine State Legislature regarding higher education, mineral resources. Former governors are introduced by Senate President Earl Hillman. Sponsored by Bangor & Aro...
31) 0320 cat.1006-01-WABI-60 Governor Reed -- Part 2
Second half of Cat. No. 1005-01-WABI-60.
32) 0321 cat.0014-05-WABI-60 Nixon in Bangor
Bangor: Dick and Pat Nixon presidential campaign stop. Boarding and arrival of their incoming plane, then boarding and departure of their outgoing plane. Speech at reception hal...
18) 0321 cat.0015-01-WABI-62 Lyndon B. Johnson in Portland
Portland: Lyndon Johnson and his wife campaign for Democratic incumbents in Maine. Views of LBJ and Lady Bird Johnson on platform, Margaret Chase Smith, Edmund S. Muskie, crowds...
19) 0321 cat.0015-02-WABI Don Penny Audition
Don Penny auditioning for broadcasting position. Is shown in MS reading stories of the era.
21) 0321 cat.1007-02-WABI-61 Pulse of the World -- Show 11
Show with Reverend Robert C. Graves in which he talks about world and U. S. news, a White House breakfast, and Communism. Sponsored by Shop 'n Save.
34) 0322 cat.0016-04-WABI-60 Ice Capades
Crew preparing for ice show. Wiring, costume finishing.
23) 0322 cat.0016-05-WABI-60 Frost Farm Fire
Frost Farm on fire. Farm burning, fire fighters with hose, car on fire.
21) 0322 cat.0016-06-WABI-60 Farm and Home Week at UM
Students and faculty at Farm and Home Week presentation. Students walking in front of Student Union, students and faculty listening to speaker.
25) 0322 cat.0016-07-WABI-60 Boat Show at Auditorium
Bangor: Boat show at Bangor Auditorium. Boat displays.
26) 0322 cat.0016-08-WABI-60 Shop 'n Save Store
New Shop 'n Save Store about to open. Sign, parking lot, interior, exterior, new employees, store inspection.
27) 0322 cat.0016-09-WABI-60 Interstate Highway Augusta
Augusta: Opening of Interstate Highway connecting to I-95 in Augusta. Ribbon-cutting, crowd, marching band, cars entering highway.
5) 0322 cat.1007-06-WABI-60 Brewer Basketball Players
Brewer Witches, the Eastern Maine champion basketball team, are shown executing chest passes, posing.
33) 0322 cat.1007-07-WABI-60 Milbridge Fire
Milbridge: Fire that has burned two houses, rubble, water pipes, fire fighters.
5) 0322 cat.1007-08-WABI-60 'State of Maine' at Castine
Castine: Ship pulling into harbor through fog including docked ship with a few hundred people aboard, pier with crowd waiting, crew on ship, pan shots of ship.
5) 0322 cat.1007-09-WABI-60 Farm and Home Week at Univ. of Maine
Live broadcast including UM sign, a WABI interview, people seated and listening, baby animal playing.
32) 0322 cat.1007-10-WABI-60 Open Bangor Salmon Pool
Bangor: Fishing at Penobscot Salmon Club including club sign, men leaving with fishing gear, rowing out in water, and fishing. (pos. of 0010-03-WABI-60)
36) 0322 cat.1007-11-WABI-60 Flood Pictures at Hudson
Flooded river including cars trying to cross road, water rushing over road past trees and houses.
30) 0322 cat.1008-01-WABI-60 Sunset Drive
Bangor: Shots of I-95 by Union Street including view from bridge of both directions.
19) 0322 cat.1008-02-WABI-60 Sears Roebuck Farm Dept.
Commercial for Sears. Man tries to sell couple an item at Sears, then shakes their hands.
23) 0322 cat.1008-03-WABI-60 Interstate Highway -- Augusta
Shots of highway from inside of moving car. First 10 ft. of a film negative story on the interstate highway in Augusta. This positive is spliced onto negative reel.
57) 0323 cat. 0017-13-WABI-60 Accident at State Street
Bangor : Minor accident. Shots of cars and damage.
2) 0323 cat. 0017-14-WABI-60 Bangor Osteopathic Hospital
Bangor : Exterior and interior shots of Bangor Osteopathic Hospital.
4) 0323 cat. 0017-15-WABI-60 Groundbreaking at Emple Knitting Mill
Brewer : Young boy performs groundbreaking at mill while older men look on.
14) 0323 cat. 0017-16-WABI-60 Boeing 707 at Dow
Bangor : Dow Air Force Base: Shots of people standing around and working on a Boeing 707 airplane.
23) 0323 cat. 0017-17-WABI-60 Civil Air Patrol Cadets at Dow
CAP cadets boarding, exiting, and exploring a troop carrier.
6) 0323 cat. 0017-18-WABI-60 Bangor Art Exposition
Bangor : Bangor Art Society outdoor art show on the mall (possibly UM). Shots of paintings and a few people walking around examining them.
14) 0323 cat. 0017-19-WABI-60 Bangor Dollar Days
Bangor : Annual Dollar Days celebration on Main Street. Shots of crowds, street scenes, banner, people window-shopping.
8) 0323 cat. 0017-20-WABI-60 Brewer Fire
Brewer : Apartment building fire. Shots of building, fire fighters, spectators. Man in upper window shrugs his shoulders. Rescuing furniture.
31) 0323 cat. 0017-21-WABI-60 Kebo Country Club
Shots of golf playing include drives, putts, an instructor, the fairway, clubhouse and its sign.
9) 0323 cat. 0017-22-WABI-60 Garry Moore at Northeast Air
Garry Moore poses, signs autographs for people in crowd.
26) 0323 cat. 0017-23-WABI-60 Belfast Fire
Belfast : house burns down. No attempt to put out fire.
5) 0323 cat. 0017-24-WABI-60 Hahn
Golfer talks with three men and a woman. Uses woman as a golf tee by placing a ball in her mouth as she lay on the floor.
13) 0323 cat. 0017-25-WABI-60 Star Store Opening
Ribbon cutting and crowd at new Star store.
17) 0323 cat. 0017-26-WABI-60 Paul Bunyan Golf Open
Golf Open shots include parking lot, sign, golfers playing and receving awards.
18) 0323 cat. 0017-27-WABI-60 3/4 Century Club of UM
Senior citizens club activities including socializing, horseshoes.
33) 0323 cat. 1008-06-WABI-60 Rockland, Maine Lobster Festival
Rockland : Event including young girl wearing tiara showing lobster to camera, men pulling large baskets of lobster out of boiling steam bath, girl eating lobster.
17) 0323 cat. 1008-07-WABI-60 Fishing East Coast
Fishing scene including men in small boat fishing on body of water and at bottom of falls, mountains in background, reeling fish in.
18) 0324 cat. 0016-10-WABI-60 Republican State Convention
Bangor: Republican State Convention at Bangor Auditorium. Reed giving speech, onstage with his wife, with family in car. Also crowds, representatives marching with signs, audito...
16) 0324 cat. 0017-01-WABI-60 American Legion at Dow
Group of men and women posing.
31) 0324 cat. 0017-02-WABI-60 One Millionth Visitor to Maine
Man and woman are millionth visitors to Maine. They get off plane and pose with officials.
21) 0324 cat. 0017-03-WABI-60 Armed Forces Day
Armed Forces Day at Air Force Base. Aircraft, crowds.
22) 0324 cat. 0017-04-WABI-60 Highway Safety at Augusta
Highway safety meeting at Capitol in Augusta. Closeup of dome, shots of people at meeting, Governor Reed.
26) 0324 cat. 0017-05-WABI-60 Chevron Meeting
Chevron dealer receives plaque in recognition of merit. Three men are presenters.
25) 0324 cat. 0017-08-WABI-60 Tractor Accident at Auditorium
Bangor : a farm tractor is flipped back into position by a wrecker in front of the civic auditorium.
31) 0324 cat. 0017-11-WABI-60 Dedication of Harold Arthur Slager Plaque
Plaque dedication ceremony. Shots of plaque, ceremony, flag, Bangor Army Reserve Center and its sign.
28) 0324 cat. 0017-12-WABI-60 Dead River Contract Signing
Shots of four men signing contract.
23) 0325 cat. 0018-01-WABI-60 BOMARC and Base Dedication
BOMARC Missile Base dedication ceremonies. Shots include '30th Air Defense Missile Squadron' sign, speakers platform, ribbon cutting, crowd, soldiers, missile.
2) 0325 cat. 0018-02-WABI-60 Civil Air Patrol Cadets Off to Encampment
Female CAP cadets file past officers onto an Air Force bus.
1) 0325 cat. 0018-03-WABI-60 A & P Store in Brewer
Brewer: Construction of A & P Supermarket.
4) 0325 cat. 0018-04-WABI-60 UM Football Squad
Shots of UM 1960 Football squad include players executing ball snaps and passes, lining up, and coaches.
22) 0325 cat. 0018-05-WABI-60 1960 United Fund Kickoff
Shots of fund drive kickoff include people talking and sitting down to fund drive dinner.
36) 0325 cat. 0018-06-WABI-60 Navy Art Exhibit
Bangor: Ribbon cutting for art show at City Hall.
11) 0325 cat. 0018-07-WABI-60 MCRR 1st Freight Service
Christening ceremony for Maine Central Railroad's new Freight Express. Shots include christening by woman and engineer looking from his station as train pulls out.
2) 0325 cat. 0018-08-WABI-60 Fire at Essex Street
House fire. Fire fighter climbing to roof, working with axes and hoses, spraying trees, as police officer and spectator look on.
26) 0325 cat. 0018-09-WABI-60 Kiddie Town USA
Men enter Kiddie Town and look at shelves of toys.
4) 0325 cat. 0018-10-WABI-60 Opening of GOP Headquarters
Bangor: Shots of GOP Headquarters opening include building exterior, ribbon cutting, official posing.
20) 0325 cat. 0018-11-WABI-60 Cornerstone at UM
Dedication ceremony at which cornerstone marked 1960 is laid as part of Dormitory M-2.
1) 0325 cat. 0018-12-WABI-60 Muskie
Muskie posing with three men.
13) 0325 cat. 0018-13-WABI-60 ROTC Inspection at Bangor High School
Bangor: Officers inspect ROTC high school students marching with rifles.
17) 0325 cat. 1008-08-WABI-60 Coopal Office
Men apparently discussing Bangor at conference table, map of Bangor, river in Bangor. Negative story was labeled 'Pre-for Domya.'
36) 0325 cat. 1008-09-WABI-60 Evacuation of Dow Air Force Base
Shots of large jets taking off.
10) 0325 cat. 1008-10-WABI-60 T-birds at Orphanage
T-birds flying group's visit to orphanage including men talking to children.
11) 0325 cat. 1008-11-WABI-60 Horse Show at Dow Air Force Base
Show including horses jumping over barricades, a clown with a water hose, a stagecoach loaded with Air Force men and cowboys, crowd in stands.
7) 0325 cat. 1008-12-WABI-60 Hurricane Donna
Bangor: Hurricane-related activities including Civil Defense Dept. radioing message, men working on power lines, tree branch, men working by truck.
31) 0325 cat. 1008-13-WABI-60 Maine Exposition at Portland
Portland: Governor John Reed's visit to expo including his arrival, shaking hands, looking at lobster replica, Smokey the Bear mannequin, speaking with young woman wearing crown...
16) 0326 cat. 0016-01-WABI-60 Special Legislative Session
Augusta: Maine state legislature in special session. Shots of entire floor and of leaders exiting. An official makes speech supporting a special proposal.
14) 0326 cat. 0016-02-WABI-60 New Hospital Wing
Ribbon cutting ceremony for new wing of eastern Maine hospital. Shots of new wing exterior, crowd at ribbon cutting, tour of wing's five x-ray rooms, lobby, hallways.
5) 0326 cat. 0016-03-WABI-60 International Harvester
Ribbon cutting for new International Harvester's International Trucks Service building. Ceremony, building exterior and interior.
17) 0326 cat. 1007-03-WABI-60 Paul Bunyan and Boy Scouts
Men are lifted to top of Bunyan statue and place a Boy Scout handkerchief around his neck.
3) 0326 cat. 1007-04-WABI-60 Rice and Miller Show at Auditorium
8th annual show including water skis, shoes, house paint, Tile-Tex floor tile, shot of entire floor.
19) 0326 cat. 1007-05-WABI-60 Snow Scenes
Bangor: Snowstorm with cars buried or trying to move, people walking down sidewalk.
27) 0327 cat. 0015-03-WABI-60 Governor Reed Address
Three political messages. Allen Woodcock discusses hearing schedule of legislature, mostly regarding public school bills. Next, Senator Hillman speech supports new Governor Reed...
24) 0327 cat. 0017-06-WABI-60 B-52 G at Dow
Dow Air Force Base: Christening of plane 'Maine Dow'neaster.' Shots of plane flying, landing, troop formations approaching bomber, pilot greeting welcome committee, woman christ...
14) 0328 cat. 0018-14-WABI-60 Board of Education?
Students and adults listening to speaker.
23) 0328 cat. 0018-15-WABI-60 Episcopal Church Ceremony
Ceremony at St. John's Episcopal Church. Procession led by man with cross, followed by women's choir, robed men, men in suits, Reverend.
9) 0328 cat. 0018-16-WABI Country Kitchen
Country Kitchen Bread ad. Bread slice is torn in half, then loaf is shown. Narrator says, 'Only batter whiping makes bread this tender, and only Country Kitchen is batter whippe...
14) 0328 cat. 0018-17-WABI-61 Beacon Finance
2 spots for Beacon Finance Co. First features John J. Flaherty Jr. Second features William G. Hayes.
25) 0328 cat. 0018-18-WABI-60 Shoe Dept.
Shots of shoe department.
27) 0328 cat. 0018-19-WABI-60 United Fund Kickoff Dinner
Kickoff dinner includes speechmaking, award presentation, crowd at tables.
28) 0328 cat. 0018-20-WABI-61 Beacon Finance Co.
2 spots for Beacon Finance Co. First features John J. Flaherty, Jr. Second features William G. Hayes.
10) 0328 cat. 0018-21-WABI Country Kitchen
Commercial: Country Kitchen bread, 'Have you tried the tenderness test?' A woman compares normal bread to batter-whipped Country Kitchen bread, tearing it.
31) 0328 cat. 0018-22-WABI-61 Jim Adams Volkswagen
Shots of the building, sign, cars, a mechanic.
6) 0328 cat. 0018-23-WABI-61 Dead River
Dead River Co. ad in which a man makes a speech. 4 takes.
27) 0328 cat. 0019-01-WABI-61 Brewer--New Street
Men watch bulldozing for new street.
32) 0328 cat. 0019-02-WABI Numbers
Cards displaying numbers 2 through 10 in a row.
11) 0328 cat. 0019-03-WABI-60 Knight Auto
A woman gives a man a set of keys and shakes his hand. He gets into a car and starts it up.
36) 0328 cat. 0019-04-WABI-60 March of Dimes Telegram
A group of people, including a man in a wheelchair, receive a Western Union telegram. Closeup of the Western Union sign.
1) 0328 cat. 0019-05-WABI-60 The Mart Santa
Santa arrives at the Mart in a convertible, and waves to kids and cameras. He enters the Mart, makes his way through the crowds, seats himself, and takes kids on his lap. Also s...
36) 0328 cat. 0019-06-WABI-60 Pre-legislative Conference
Orono : University of Maine; Conference shots include conference and UM signs, speakers at a podium, crowd, officials.
35) 0328 cat. 0019-07-WABI Dinner Meeting
Six men, pan from person to person. People eat and talk. May be United Fund meeting.
4) 0328 cat. 1008-14-WABI Cushman Bakery Products
Commercial : shows woman seated at a table extolling virtues of Cushman products and pouring syrup over Cushman brownies and ice cream.
16) 0328 cat. 1008-15-WABI United Fund Meeting?
Meeting, cornerstone placing, speech.
27) 0329 cat. 0019-08-WABI-60 Hildreth Regarding Educational Television
Horace Hildreth discussing ETV.
7) 0329 cat. 0019-09-WABI Paul Bunyan Parade
Bangor : parade and unveiling of Paul Bunyan statue. Crowd including WABI reporter Dick Bronson, Norm Martin with a beard, Governor Closson, Norm Martin, celebration director Da...
6) 0329 cat. 1008-16-WABI-60 Hildreth on ETV
Horace A. Hildreth discusses educational television.
30) 0329 cat. 1008-17-WABI-60 Better Homes
Bangor : Shots of Better Homes building including front door, fence, company truck, men looking at mouldings and a closet, a stone wall, shower doors.
35) 0330 cat. 0022-01-WABI-60 A & P Grand Opening
Repeat of 0021-01 store grand opening.
12) 0331 cat. 0021-01-WABI-60 A & P Grand Opening
Brewer: A & P grand opening scenes include interviews with the manager, cashiers, and others. Also ribbon cutting, displays, building exterior.
32) 0332 cat. 0019-10-WABI-61 Freeses
Freeses Gold Bond Stamp commercial. Stamp spins with caption, a stamp book filling up, and a poster for the stamp.
17) 0332 cat. 0019-11-WABI-60 New Central Furniture
First commercial is for refrigerator with double doors. 2 takes. 36 ft. each. Second commercial is for washer-dryer set.
10) 0332 cat. 0019-12-WABI-61 Hunter Rescue
Search party finds hunter, who is taken away on stretcher. Searchers interviewed by WABI.
16) 0332 cat. 0020-01-WABI-61 Freeses
Freeses Gold Bond Stamps spot. Stamp spinning, a stamp book filling up and displaying its total value, and poster advertising stamp.
17) 0332 cat. 0020-02-WABI Deer Killed by Dogs
A deer dying from dog attack.
26) 0332 cat. 0020-06-WABI-61 Bozo in Presque Isle
Presque Isle: Bozo visits children at the Arthur R. Gould Memorial Hospital in Presque Isle. Shots of the hospital sign. Also of Bozo entertaining children at two hospitals and ...
23) 0332 cat. 0020-07-WABI-60 Libby Motors (Renault)
Libby Motors Renault spot. Shots of Renault driving and of two men opening the trunk.
17) 0333 cat. 0020-08-WABI-61 Belfast Fire
Belfast: Shots of nighttime fire including buildings, fire fighters, rubble.
19) 0333 cat. 1009-02-WABI-61 Belfast Fire
Belfast: Nighttime fire including flames crossing street, buildings, rubble, fire fighters.
31) 0334 cat. 0024-05-WABI-61 Community Oil
Commercial featuring Chevron Oil Company. Shots of a receptionist answering the phone, a Chevron truck delivering oil to a house, and other oil and gas companies in Bangor area ...
27) 0334 cat. 0024-06-WABI-60 Community Oil
Chevron commercial featuring their products such as Comoco Antifreeze and RPM Motor Oil. Shots of attendant pumping gas for customer at Chevron station and station sign.
26) 0334 cat. 0024-07-WABI-61 Bowl MOR Lanes
Certified bowling instructor named Bob demonstrates proper technique.
29) 0334 cat. 0024-08-WABI-61 Segals Fire
Fire at Segals. Fire fighters and burning building.
30) 0334 cat. 0024-09-WABI-61 Safety Hearing
Safety hearing.
33) 0334 cat. 0024-10-WABI-61 Hugh Davis Barn Fire
Fire burning at Hugh Davis barn.
21) 0334 cat. 0024-11-WABI-62 Waterville Fire
Waterville: Building on fire, fire fighters, confused dog, spectators.
15) 0334 cat. 0024-12-WABI-62 Tanker
Tugboat pulls tanker into harbor.
24) 0334 cat. 0024-13-WABI-62 Gas Main
Damaged gas main. Police directing traffic around it, men working on it, spectators.
35) 0334 cat. 0024-14-WABI-62 Sliding
Children sledding and sliding down hill.
36) 0334 cat. 0024-15-WABI-62 Deer
Several dead deer lying on ground as men inspect them and crowd watches.
1) 0334 cat. 0025-01-WABI-61 Football: Connecticut vs. University of Maine
Orono: The Pit at University of Maine. Reunion of 1951 UM football team. Shots of ex-players, head table, speeches, awards. Football game on the field.
19) 0334 cat. 1009-09-WABI-60 Community Oil
Chevron ad including products such as Comoco Anti-Freeze and RPM Motor Oil. Man pulling his vehicle into Chevron station, being helped by attendant and serviced with products, C...
7) 0335 cat. 0025-02-WABI-61 Old Town Bank Fire
Old Town : Bank fire, fire fighters try to put out fire on top floor. Shots of extension ladder, water pouring from front door, spectators, LS of building and street, smoke. Fir...
23) 0335 cat. 0025-03-WABI-62 All
A fire at All Soul's Church at night. Shots inside the church steeple and front door. Fire fighters inside and out fighting the fire. LS of church.
15) 0335 cat. 0025-05-WABI-61 Racing at Bangor Fair
Horse and buggy race including an accident.
6) 0335 cat. 0025-06-WABI-61 YMCA Swim Meet
YMCA men's freestyle and backstroke races and a women's freestyle race.
379) 0335 cat. 0025-07-WABI Kennebago Lake Club
Interview with club member as he bastes meat on a rotisserie.
8) 0335 cat. 0025-08-WABI-60 E. H. Shoe Corporation
Evans-Hampden Shoe Corp. includes shots of sign and ribbon cutting.
10) 0335 cat. 0025-10-WABI-60 Bowl MOR Snack Bar
Snack bar including bowler eating, variety of hamburgers offered, fireplace, counter, pizzas.
3) 0335 cat. 1009-01-WABI-61 Segal Fire
Fire at Segal's including smoke, building facade, fire fighters, spectators.
1) 0335 cat. 1009-11-WABI-63 Freeses Gold Bond Stamps
Commercial : including stamp spinning and stopping with the caption 'Freeses Gold Bond Trading Stamps.' Cut to a drawing saying, 'Where a Wonderful World of Gifts is Waiting for...
5) 0335 cat. 1009-12-WABI-60 Bellamy Flag Award
Speeches followed by an American flag being lowered and an awards presentation.
15) 0336 cat. 0023-06-WABI-61 Bozo Parade
Scenes of Bozo the clown dancing and waving to spectators as part of a parade.
15) 0336 cat. 0023-07-WABI-61 Saab
Hammond Motors Saab commercial. Optical audio track followed by shots of Saab on various types of roads, its features, Hammond Motors.
14) 0336 cat. 0024-03-WABI-61 Bangor Hospital
Bangor: Bozo visits Bangor Hospital, entertains children.
20) 0336 cat. 0024-04-WABI State House--Augusta
Augusta: Stock footage of State House interior, including a meeting, a speech, hallways. Title reads, 'Senate Pres. Earle M. Hillman -- Majority Floor Leader -- Shelton C. Noyes.
20) 0336 cat. 0025-04-WABI-61 Animated Snow Scene
Animated scene of snow falling in valley.
26) 0336 cat. 1009-03-WABI-61 Bangor & Aroostook Pickup and Delivery
Ad including train pulling past camera, man backing up a truck and dropping off a crate, more footage of train rolling by.
1) 0336 cat. 1009-04-WABI-61 Mr. Gordon Robertson
Robertson speaks on railroads, including Bangor & Aroostook Railroad.
25) 0336 cat. 1009-05-WABI-61 Bangor & Aroostook Pickup and Delivery
Commercial: composite master copy of commercial about Bangor & Aroostook Railroad's free pickup and delivery service. Same as 1009-03.
27) 0336 cat. 1009-06-WABI Bangor & Aroostook Pre-Iced Cars
Ad including a hydraulic lift raising large ice blocks to top of a railroad car, men sliding blocks down into car. Dick Curless sings jingle.
11) 0336 cat. 1009-07-WABI-61 Bangor & Aroostook Round-trip Ticket
Commercial: Bangor & Aroostook Railroad's round trip ticket on their bus service. Shots include bus stopping to pick up passengers, onboard the bus, washroom, shot of the road a...
25) 0336 cat. 1009-08-WABI-61 Bangor & Aroostook Pickup and Delivery
Four copies of ad. Same as Cat. No. 1009-03. Third or fourth copy is listed as the first proof.
29) 0337 cat. 0020-09-WABI-61 Contest Winner
Mrs. Ray Crosby, contest winner, is interviewed.
15) 0337 cat. 0020-10-WABI-61 Basketball Players
Shots of Presque Isle, Rockland, Orono, Bucksport, Winslow basketball players.
380) 0337 cat. 0023-01-WABI-61 King Cole Potato Chips
King Cole Potato Chip Factory tour. Shots of potato chip making process from original potatoes to the final packaging.
32) 0337 cat. 0023-02-WABI-60 Dead River
Dead River spot.
33) 0337 cat. 0023-03-WABI-61 Dead River Salutes Houlton
Dead River spokesman talks about their representatives in Houlton, Presque Isle and Van Buren. He holds up cards with pictures of those stations and their managers.
27) 0337 cat. 0023-04-WABI-61 101 B Crash
Recovery of crashed 101 Bomber. Shots of search party, crash site, forest, wreckage.
9) 0337 cat. 0023-05-WABI Dead River
Dead River ad.
24) 0338 cat. 0025-11-WABI-61 City Council at Shopping Center
Three city council members at Broadway Shopping Center groundbreaking. Shots of shoveling, entire site and scale model.
1) 0338 cat. 0025-12-WABI-61 Swim Meet at YMCA
Bangor: Maine A.A.U. swimming championships at YMCA including girls race, judges, spectators.
2) 0338 cat. 0025-13-WABI-61 Radio Free Europe
Organization luncheon conference, including Radio Free Europe maps.
3) 0338 cat. 0025-14-WABI-61 B & A Railroad
4) 0338 cat. 0026-01-WABI-61 City Manager's Office
City Manager's Office meeting.
2) 0338 cat. 0026-02-WABI-61 Christmas Decoration
Bangor: People hanging wreaths and decorations on street. [? Phil Yates, 1/94. Not on reel during transfer?]
13) 0338 cat. 0026-03-WABI-61 Civil Defense Alert
Police directing traffic and pedestrians walking on Main Street during civil defense alert. Men listening to radio and map marked with specific city locations.
7) 0338 cat. 1009-13-WABI-61 Plane Crash at Dedham
Dedham: 101 bomber crash including sections of airplane and trees scattered on ground, path gouged into woods, people standing around, an official speaking.
1) 0338 cat. 1009-14-WABI-61 Brewer High Takes Over City Hall
Brewer: High School English club visit including students in offices of city manager, welfare dept., cemetery board, board of assessors, tax collectors, city clerk, tax collecto...
33) 0338 cat. 1010-01-WABI-61 Board Meeting of University of Maine
Orono: Meeting including MS and LS.
10) 0338 cat. 1010-02-WABI-61 New Fire Truck in Brewer
Brewer: Delivery of new truck including fire chief accepting keys, demonstration of extension ladder.
13) 0339 cat. 0026-04-WABI-61 Brewer High School Graduation
Brewer: High school graduation ceremony with students marching in gowns to stage, being seated, and 'Excelsior 61' banner.
29) 0339 cat. 0026-05-WABI-61 New Coast Guard
Coast Guard recruits swearing-in ceremony.
17) 0339 cat. 0026-06-WABI-61 Plane Crash at Dow
Crash at Air Force Base with plane stranded on train tracks.
8) 0339 cat. 0026-07-WABI-61 Machias Flood
Machias: Flooded ditches and roads, picnic area underwater, logjam, houses and stores, Narraguagas and Machias rivers.
23) 0339 cat. 1010-03-WABI-61 Armed Forces Day
Event at Dow Air Force Base including base sign, people stopping at checkpoint, exhibits and spectators, missiles and airplanes including a 'Quail GAM72 Decoy' missile.
16) 0339 cat. 1010-04-WABI-61 Mrs. John Reed at Old Town
Old Town: Mrs. Reed's visit including Dunegan Woolen Mills, Inc., standing by a Freight Ways truck, signing Blaine House address on package, package being loaded on truck which ...
22) 0340 cat. 1010-06-WABI-61 Bozo in Presque Isle
Presque Isle: Bozo's visit to Presque Isle Community Center including interior and exterior of building, crowd waiting, stage, introduction of Bozo, his talking to children and ...
18) 0340 cat. 1010-07-WABI-61 Public Safety Hearing
Hearing with speeches.
8) 0341 cat. 0026-08-WABI-61 'State of Maine' Docked in Castine
Castine: 'State of Maine' ship docks in Castine to pick up people from Maine Maritime Academy. Shots of people boarding, ship leaving harbor, engine room and engineer, other boa...
20) 0341 cat. 0026-09-WABI Suburban Farm?
Salesman helps couple looking at stuffed toy dog in store.
14) 0341 cat. 0026-10-WABI-60 UM Dorm Cornerstone
Three men place cornerstone of UM women's dormitory as part of ceremony.
11) 0341 cat. 0026-11-WABI-61 Girl's Nation Representative
Young woman named M. Williams receives award of suitcase from three men.
23) 0341 cat. 0026-12-WABI-61 Fair Cattle Judging
Cattle contest including parade of owners and cattle, interviews with winners, WABI personnel.
36) 0341 cat. 0026-13-WABI Studio City Designs
Studio City Design proposal for broadcast building shown along with graphic of Hildreth Network television and radio stations.
25) 0341 cat. 0026-14-WABI Bangor State Hospital
Bangor: State hospital tour including patients, crowds, rooms, hallways, activity areas, cafeteria.
30) 0341 cat. 0026-15-WABI-61 Bangor Bank Ads
Commercial stating that live 116th UM commencement ceremonies were public service sponsored by Eastern Trust and Banking Company. Includes information on branches and services, ...
9) 0341 cat. 0026-16-WABI-61 Dow Air Force Base Open House
Open house including adults and children looking at planes and sign reading, 'Quail GAM 72 Decoy Missile.'
28) 0341 cat. 0026-17-WABI-61 Missile Men
Missile Men pose with their bomber planes.
31) 0341 cat. 0027-01-WABI-61 Mrs. Reed at Old Town
Old Town: Governor John Reed's wife visits Dunegan Woolen Mills, Inc. She stands by a truck and writes the address of the Blaine House on a package, which is loaded onto the truck.
27) 0341 cat. 0027-02-WABI-61 Industrial Show in Augusta
Show including Raytheon, Portland Cement, Maine Department of Agriculture, Pepperell Fabrics and Maine Diesel.
30) 0341 cat. 0027-03-WABI-61 30th Missile Trapping
A gathering at BOMARC 30TH Air Defense Missile SQ. Shots include troops in formation, a crowd, speeches, missile.
32) 0341 cat. 0027-04-WABI-61 Navy Recruits Women
Male officials present papers to female Navy recruits.
33) 0341 cat. 0027-05-WABI-61 UM Football Squad
UM football team poses and executes some practice plays.
33) 0341 cat. 0027-06-WABI-61 Grant Motel
Couple examines arts and crafts at table.
35) 0341 cat. 0027-07-WABI Brewer Swim Prizes
Brewer: Groundbreaking for public pool.
36) 0341 cat. 0027-08-WABI-61 Jim Adams Ribbon Cutting
Jim Adams Volkswagen ribbon cutting.
6) 0341 cat. 0027-09-WABI-61 Babe Ruth
Youth baseball game. Babe Ruth League. Hayford Field, Westside in Bangor, Maine. Possibly City Championship. Merrill Trust vs. Rusco.
61) 0341 cat. 0027-10-WABI-61 Pleasant River
Fishermen at Pleasant River talk to game warden and display their catches. Also shots of river.
3) 0341 cat. 0027-11-WABI-61 Board Meeting at UM
Board meeting at UM.
3) 0341 cat. 0027-12-WABI-61 New Fire Truck in Brewer
Brewer: Fire chief accepts keys to new fire truck, and extension ladder is demonstrated.
29) 0342 cat. 0030-21-WABI-61 Pulse of the World
Reverend Robert G. Graves with guest, Assistant Secretary of State for Congressional Affairs, Brooks Hayes, was congressman from Arkansas for 17 years. Graves asks how he feels ...
27) 0342 cat. 0031-01-WABI-62 Northern Hotel Fire
Top two stories of hotel are burning. Fire fighters working as spectators watch.
7) 0342 cat. 0031-02-WABI-61 Union Station Tower Demolition
Bangor: Union Station [railroad station] tower being demolished by wrecking ball.
8) 0342 cat. 0031-03-WABI-61 Teacher's Convention
Bangor: Convention includes people's arrival, registration, interviews with WABI, seating, speech.
27) 0342 cat. 0031-04-WABI-61 B & A Train
Shots of man standing by railroad tracks, train rolling by, men at the Paul Bunyan statue, food.
10) 0342 cat. 0031-05-WABI-61 Men making large pancake in Bass Park
Several men in chef outfits in front of Paul Bunyan statue (Bass Park) in Bangor making batter and pouring batter to make very large pancake.
9) 0342 cat. 0031-06-WABI-61 Truck Rodeo Awards
Two trophy presentations.
20) 0342 cat. 0031-07-WABI-61 Coast Guard Cutter
A man unties a cutter from a post and sailors prepare ship to leave. CUs of ship.
26) 0342 cat. 0031-08-WABI-61 Riverview Fire
Fire fighters clean up rubble from motel fire.
19) 0342 cat. 0031-09-WABI-61 Three Truck Accident
Accident includes 18-wheel semi, gas or oil truck and third truck. CUs of damage.
23) 0342 cat. 0031-10-WABI-62 YMCA Bangor High School Swim Team
Bangor: Shots of boys freestyle, breast stroke and butterfly races; diving competitions, scuba diving in the pool.
23) 0343 cat. 0029-01-WABI-61 Harness Racing
Bangor: Horse race at Bangor Harness Raceway.
19) 0343 cat. 0029-02-WABI-61 Drowning at Brewer Lake
Penobscot Sheriffs Department searches for drowning victim. Sheriffs in boat and planes.
18) 0343 cat. 0029-03-WABI-60 Pop Warner Football
Football game between B.R.O. and Hinckley's. Shots of play, coaches, majorettes, cheerleaders, WABI camera.
19) 0343 cat. 0029-04-WABI Political Candidate?
Unidentified man waves from convertible.
20) 0343 cat. 0029-05-WABI-61 Belfast Car Accident
Belfast: Car damaged in accident.
21) 0343 cat. 0029-06-WABI-61 152nd Fairground
Troops at 152nd Fairgrounds Bivouac Headquarters prepare food for fair.
30) 0343 cat. 0029-07-WABI-61 Rice Paddies
People working in rice paddies.
4) 0343 cat. 0029-08-WABI-61 English Club Visits City Hall
Brewer: Brewer High School English Club at City Hall. Students visit offices of City Manager, Welfare Department, Cemetery Board, Board of Assessors, City Clerk, Tax Collector, ...
21) 0343 cat. 0029-09-WABI-61 Train Hits Car
Driver hit by train is fatally injured. Shots of car, train.
25) 0343 cat. 0029-10-WABI-61 Police Chiefs Association
Brewer: Association meeting. Also shots of police cars from Bath, Wells, Bucksport, Rumford and Brewer.
22) 0343 cat. 0029-11-WABI Paul Bunyan Days
Paul Bunyan Days include signing of proclamation by Carl E. Delano.
22) 0343 cat. 0029-12-WABI-61 Lucerne Accident
Crowd looks at car's front end damage.
16) 0343 cat. 0029-13-WABI-61 Veazie Fire Truck
Veazie: fire truck shot from several angles.
17) 0343 cat. 0029-14-WABI Chief of Police Resigns
Police Chief Toole's resignation is read.
30) 0343 cat. 0029-15-WABI-61 Orono Class D Champs
Orono Class D Championship celebration includes bonfire and crowd.
31) 0343 cat. 0029-16-WABI-61 UM Electonic Brain
Crowd watches demonstration of computer in which it reads cards and IBM typewriter prints out.
22) 0343 cat. 0029-17-WABI-61 Bangor Football Squad
Bangor: Local high school football squad demonstrates plays.
15) 0343 cat. 0029-18-WABI-61 Colonel Burrell
Colonel Burrell arrives in Air Force helicopter to meet with other officers.
34) 0343 cat. 0029-19-WABI-61 Paul Bunyan Statue
Shots of Paul Bunyan statue.
23) 0343 cat. 0029-20-WABI-61 UM Class Day
UM graduation ceremony.
2) 0343 cat. 0029-21-WABI Cerebral Palsy Children at YMCA
People helping children swim.
33) 0343 cat. 0029-22-WABI J. Hersey at Brewer City Hall
Brewer: Meeting with Hersey at City Hall.
15) 0343 cat. 0029-23-WABI-60 Republican Women at Auditorium
Governor Reed attends women's meeting, poses, shakes hands. A poodle on a chair with a banner reading, 'Re-Elect McIntire to Congress.'
4) 0343 cat. 0029-24-WABI Columbia Street Baptist Church
Columbia Street Baptist Church sign.
10) 0343 cat. 0030-01-WABI-61 Bass Fishing on Kenduskeag
Spectators watch man fish for bass.
31) 0343 cat. 0030-02-WABI-61 Maine Potato Queen
Queen arrives on train, door opens to reveal her seated on throne. She meets reporters, receives flowers.
30) 0343 cat. 0030-03-WABI-61 York Street Fire
Second floor house fire on York Street. Fire fighters work and someone throws belongings out the window.
25) 0343 cat. 0030-04-WABI-61 Dow Air Force Base 75th Anniversary
Anniversary includes troop inspection, award presentation.
27) 0343 cat. 0030-05-WABI UM Farm and Home Week
Orono : Meetings, livestock, displays, WABI News interviews.
9) 0343 cat. 0030-06-WABI-61 Construction
Construction work on building.
79) 0343 cat. 0030-07-WABI-61 City Trash Receptacles
Two boys try out new metal city trash receptacles.
26) 0344 cat. 0027-13-WABI North East Airlines
North East Airlines meeting including a large model plane and crowd seated for a presentation.
21) 0344 cat. 0027-14-WABI-61 Business District Snowstorm
Bangor: Snowstorm scenes including pedestrians, stuck cars, Ice Capades sign.
36) 0344 cat. 0027-15-WABI-61 Holden Fire
Holden: People remove belongings from a burning house until Fire Department comes.
29) 0344 cat. 0027-16-WABI-61 Holden Accident
Interviews with spectators gathered around overturned car. Ambulance arrives and police direct traffic.
3) 0344 cat. 0027-17-WABI-61 Dorm fire
Interior shots of dorm fire and shots of spectators outside.
16) 0344 cat. 0027-18-WABI-61 Brewer Post Office
Brewer: Groundbreaking for post office.
9) 0344 cat. 0027-19-WABI-61 Aerial Traffic Spotters
Police use small plane to spot traffic violators. Shots of plane taking off, flying by, aerial view of road, pilots in cockpit, police officer in patrol car, UM football field.
18) 0344 cat. 0027-20-WABI Rockport Fire
Rockport: Fire fighters working on blaze, rubble, spectators.
31) 0344 cat. 0028-01-WABI-60 Sleeper's Jackets
Sleepers jackets on clothes racks.
12) 0344 cat. 0028-03-WABI-61 Webber Oil
Webber Oil truck makes delivery. Shots of the truck's Esso Oil logo, dog on top of cab, truck driving.
21) 0344 cat. 0028-04-WABI-61 Pulse of the World, program 1
Reverend Robert G. Graves is host. Guest, Dr. Bob Pierce, president of World Vision, Inc., who has travelled the world. Graves asks Pierce about how other countries view the Uni...
22) 0344 cat. 1010-10-WABI-61 Pulse of the World
Show with Reverend Robert G. Graves as host including guest Dr. Bob Pierce, president of World Vision, Inc. Discussion of other countries' attitudes toward United States, our im...
24) 0345 cat. 0031-11-WABI-61 Auto Accident
Car and truck collision including CUs of damage.
10) 0345 cat. 0031-12-WABI-60 Hill on Educational Television
MS of Senator Hill speaking in support of ETV.
25) 0345 cat. 0031-13-WABI-62 Auto Accident on Main Street
LSs and MSs of one damaged car and a police officer at accident scene.
34) 0345 cat. 0031-14-WABI-62 Train and Car Collision at Veazie
Collision scene shots include damaged car, railroad tracks, police officer.
28) 0345 cat. 0031-15-WABI-62 Belfast Fire
Belfast: Fire fighters working as house is consumed.
36) 0345 cat. 0031-16-WABI-61 Glidden Paint
Animated ad for Spread Satin paint has house asking paint doctor about blistering problem, for which he prescribes Glidden Paint.
31) 0345 cat. 0031-17-WABI-62 New Road Grader for Bangor
Bangor: LS and MS of road grader at work.
32) 0345 cat. 0031-18-WABI-62 Shop 'n Save Car Winner
Drawing for 1962 Ford Falcon Futura includes car, crowd, little girl pulling winning ticket from box, smiling woman stepping out of car.
22) 0345 cat. 0032-01-WABI-61 Santa Parade
Bangor: Parade featuring school marching bands from Bangor, Brewer, Bucksport, Hermon, Ellsworth and Orono. Also Santa and reindeer float, Bangor fire truck, and crowds.
3) 0345 cat. 0032-02-WABI Football Team
Unidentified football team practicing and posing for the camera. George Hale interviewing coach John B.
35) 0345 cat. 0032-03-WABI-61 UM Basketball
UM basketball team shooting drills.
13) 0345 cat. 0032-04-WABI-61 Maine Association of Broadcasters convention
Association members giving speeches at meeting.
12) 0345 cat. 0032-05-WABI-61 Opening of New Grants Shopping Center
Ribbon cutting using giant scissors.
28) 0345 cat. 0032-06-WABI Auto Accident
Accident scene includes car in embankment.
3) 0345 cat. 0032-07-WABI-61 Fire Prevention Award
Fire fighter equips Fruit Street school children with plastic fire hats and displays 'Junior Fire Marshall -- Fire Prevention Achievement Award.'
26) 0345 cat. 0032-08-WABI-61 Sergeant Hall Retirement at Dow Air Force Base
Sergeant receives awards and cuts cake at banquet.
11) 0345 cat. 0032-09-WABI-60 Shulton for Educational Television
MCU of Tarpy Shulton speaking in support of ETV.
6) 0345 cat. 0032-10-WABI-61 UM Education Building
Opening ceremony for building including WABI interview with young woman.
7) 0346 cat. 0028-05-WABI-61 Studio City Construction
Complete construction of Hildreth Network's Studio City from groundbreaking through wiring.
11) 0347 cat. 0030-08-WABI-60 John Paul Animation
Quick animation spot for John Paul clothing store in which tall, fat and short men model as sign reads, 'John Paul Fits Em All.'
15) 0347 cat. 0030-09-WABI-61 New Central Furniture
Early American Room at New Central Furniture.
7) 0347 cat. 0030-10-WABI-61 North East Airlines
Shots of a North East Airlines plane and people talking.
18) 0347 cat. 0030-11-WABI-61 Bill Gagnon in Ashland, Quebec
Gagnon and friends in Ashland taking photos, dusting his Florida license plate. Street scenes.
13) 0347 cat. 0030-13-WABI Freese's Gold Bond Stamps
Gold Bond Stamp ad.
12) 0347 cat. 0030-14-WABI-61 New Central Fire
Fire fighters working within the burning New Central building.
15) 0347 cat. 0030-17-WABI-61 Bangor Auditorium
Bangor: Shots of Bangor Auditorium exterior.
15) 0347 cat. 0030-18-WABI-60 Interstate 95
Shots of I-95 and Airport-Union Street exit.
11) 0347 cat. 1010-08-WABI-61 Univ. of Maine and Connecticut Football
Orono: Team reunion in 'The Pit' at UM including players standing and seated, speeches, award presentation, and game played on the field.
21) 0347 cat. 1011-01-WABI Animated Baseball
WABI promo with animated spinning baseball that says, 'WABI-TV, Bangor, Maine' and '5'.
4) 0349 cat. 0049-21-WABI-62 National Comm. American Legion
Legion members arrive at airport and Commander Powers is interviewed about the organization's purpose and programs.
20) 0349 cat. 0049-25-WABI-62 Dow Air Force Base Press Conference
Airmen speaking at Press Conference.
24) 0349 cat. 1011-02-WABI-61 Dead River
Commercials including 'Dead River Salutes Presque Isle's Bion Hartford and Sons,' 'Dead River salutes Vaillencourt Oil Co. in Van Buren,' 'Dead River's History -- Parts 1 and 2,...
29) 0350 cat. 0032-11-WABI-61 Car in Kenduskeag Stream
Accident scene including pulling car out of water, men in boat by car, bridge, spectators.
26) 0350 cat. 0032-12-WABI Christmas Lights
Bangor: Christmas lights on homes and businesses, Santa and reindeer displays, a Christmas tree.
17) 0350 cat. 0032-13-WABI-60 New Central Furniture
Store's January Sell-Out Sale.
22) 0350 cat. 0032-14-WABI-62 Storm
People digging out with shovels and snowblowers, vehicles skidding, pedestrians.
29) 0350 cat. 0032-15-WABI-62 Covered Bridge
Workmen repairing covered bridge.
31) 0350 cat. 0032-16-WABI-62 Bangor High School Fire
Bangor: Fire fighters searching for possible fire at Bangor High School.
29) 0350 cat. 0032-17-WABI-61 Truck Accident in Belfast
Belfast: Wrecker attempting to restore overturned Avis Truck to upright position.
18) 0350 cat. 0032-18-WABI-61 United Fund Parade
Bangor: Parade shots include cars, floats, marching bands, poster girl float, majorettes, spectators.
33) 0350 cat. 0032-19-WABI-62 City Awards
Awards ceremony to include public service award among others.
16) 0350 cat. 0032-20-WABI-62 Masque(?) Players -- India
People say goodbyes to others who leave on a bus.
10) 0350 cat. 0032-21-WABI-61 Fire Check at St. Joseph's
Fire control demonstration at St. Joseph's School. Children evacuating school, listening to fire chief outside, fire fighters extinguishing pond and garbage fires.
14) 0350 cat. 0032-22-WABI-61 Fighting Democrat Capehart
Men present nun in habit with check.
19) 0350 cat. 0032-23-WABI-61 Plane Crash in Albion
Small single engine plane crash in Albion including damaged plane, helicopter standing by, Federal Aeronautics Commission inspection, warning to people not to touch wreckage.
2) 0350 cat. 0033-01-WABI-60 Santa Claus Parade
Parade including Nativity and Christmas Countdown floats, Jaycees, Santa and reindeer, Newport and Bangor marching bands and majorettes.
3) 0350 cat. 0033-02-WABI-60 Local Auto Show
Bangor: Auto show at Bangor Auditorium including a 1920s car and the 'Progress on Wheels' band.
4) 0350 cat. 0033-03-WABI-60 Tree Planting at Brewer
Brewer: Four men, three of whom are military, plant a tree and decorate it with Christmas lights.
5) 0350 cat. 0033-04-WABI-60 341st Bomb Squad
Bomb squad at Dow Air Force Base including leader, members looking at maps or diagrams, bomber, their insignia.
21) 0350 cat. 0033-05-WABI-60 Groundbreaking at Brewer
Brewer: Groundbreaking by bulldozer
27) 0350 cat. 0033-06-WABI-60 Christmas Toys at Fire Station
Fire station collection drive for toys for needy children.
29) 0350 cat. 0033-07-WABI-60 Christmas Shoppers
Last minute Christmas shopping on Main Street including Grant's Department Store, a Christmas tree, traffic and street scene.
9) 0350 cat. 0033-08-WABI-60 National Guard Christmas
Guardsmen load large boxes onto a truck marked, 'Season's Greetings -- Helping Santa -- Your National Guard.'
10) 0350 cat. 0033-09-WABI-60 Down East Classics
Down East Classics players (basketball) arrive and get off of a plane.
11) 0350 cat. 0033-10-WABI-60 Senator Smith at Dow Air Force Base
Senator Margaret Chase Smith arrival via a wheeled helicopter includes helicopter wheeling to a car, which Senator Smith gets into.
14) 0350 cat. 0033-11-WABI-60 Senator Smith at Airport
Senator Margaret Chase Smith waiting for a flight.
13) 0350 cat. 0033-12-WABI-60 Governor Day at Fair
Fair including 'Welcome Governor' sign, Governors Reed and Day, rides, performers.
27) 0350 cat. 1011-03-WABI-60 Convention at Univ. of Maine
Orono: Meeting with speeches.
32) 0350 cat. 1011-04-WABI-60 Univ. of Maine Dormitory Cornerstone
Men mortar cornerstone into building.
17) 0350 cat. 1011-05-WABI-60 Pre-legislative Conference at UM
Orono: Conference run by Governor John Reed including speeches.
23) 0350 cat. 1012-01-WABI-60 First Snowstorm
Bangor: Snowstorm's effects including car run off road, spinning tires, cars skidding, pedestrians on sidewalks.
31) 0350 cat. 1012-02-WABI-60 Knights Auto Sales
Man presents woman with keys to car.
20) 0351 cat. 0045-21-WABI-62 United Fund at Dow
United Fund banquet at Air Force Base. Sign says, 'Bangor-Brewer United Fund, Inc. 25 Years of Service.'
22) 0351 cat. 0045-22-WABI-62 New Patrol Cars for Brewer
Brewer: New police cars.
13) 0351 cat. 0045-23-WABI-62 Fire at D.I. Goulds
Fire at night.
23) 0351 cat. 0045-24-WABI-62 Republican Lincoln Day Dinner
Maine political figures at dinner.
5) 0351 cat. 0045-25-WABI-62 [Muskie at Dow Air Force Base]
Senator Edmund S. Muskie at Dow Air Force Base. // Includes closeup, medium shot, long shot of Muskie. // News story dated 02/09/1962.
25) 0351 cat. 0045-26-WABI-62 Northern Hotel Fire
Fire fighters work on hotel fire.
19) 0351 cat. 1018-20-WABI-62 New Road Grader for Bangor
Men presenting key to man who will drive new grader, man driving grader, men shaking hands.
22) 0351 cat. 1018-21-WABI-62 Bridges Funeral
Men wait as pallbearers bring casket from house, then place it in hearse.
24) 0351 cat. 1018-22-WABI-62 Kids Sliding
Kids ski or toboggan down snowy hill.
25) 0351 cat. 1019-11-WABI-62 Winner Snow Sculpture
Orono: University of Maine annual snow sculpture contest including sculptures of a beaver, a squirrel, a puppy, a Maine map, a teacup, and a tower.
26) 0351 cat. 1019-12-WABI-62 UM Snow Sculpture
Orono: University of Maine fraternity brothers work on snow sculptures.
36) 0351 cat. 1019-13-WABI-62 Maine State Police
Police work at offices including desk cops taking phone calls, Lieutenant Edward J. Doyle speaking with others, target practice, garage, and electronic shop.
32) 0351 cat. 1019-14-WABI-62 Bangor Police Department
Bangor: Department activities including fingerprinting, reading microfilm, receiving assignments, detective work.
12) 0351 cat. 1019-15-WABI-62 Brewer Police Department
Brewer: Department activities including crossing guard helping kids, officer making announcement over public address system, dispatching a patrol car.
14) 0351 cat. 1019-16-WABI-62 Sheriff's Dept.
Penobscot Valley Sheriff's Department officer displays a closet filled with weapons and ammunition, jail cells, the kitchen, and other areas. Also an officer typing and a patrol...
16) 0351 cat. 1019-17-WABI-62 DED Meeting -- Augusta
Augusta: Meeting.
24) 0351 cat. 1019-18-WABI-62 Paul Bunyan Days Winner
Men present contest winner with check as children watch.
16) 0351 cat. 1019-19-WABI-62 Lions Club
Meeting at which a member presents two women with a check.
19) 0352 cat. 0047-01-WABI-62 Governor Reed at Lion's Club
Governor Reed appearance at Bangor Brewer Lion's Club including Reed speech, another speech, club members, club sign.
3) 0352 cat. 0047-02-WABI-62 Sentry Dogs at Dow
Dogs demonstrate their attack skills.
25) 0352 cat. 0047-03-WABI-62 Maine's Junior Miss
Shots of Junior Miss with family and friends and boarding plane.
36) 0352 cat. 0047-04-WABI-62 FM Tower at UM
Workers use crane to place FM antenna atop Stevens Hall at UM.
12) 0352 cat. 0047-05-WABI-62 Coopals on Tax
Coopals makes speech from his office.
7) 0352 cat. 1019-20-WABI-62 St. Joseph's Hospital Groundbreaking
Event including nuns and priests offering blessings. Using incense.
34) 0352 cat. 1019-21-WABI-62 Fire in Hermon
Hermon: House or barn fire including fire fighters working, interview with owner.
9) 0352 cat. 1019-22-WABI-62 Bangor Basketball
Tournament including game highlights, interview with Rams coach.
5) 0353 cat. 0047-06-WABI-62 Fire on Court Street
Bangor: Fire fighters work as crowd watches.
28) 0353 cat. 1020-01-WABI-62 DED Meeting
Meeting including a man holding a sign that says, 'Maine Products Show -- Showcase for Industry - Bangor - Aug. 15, 16 and 17.'
12) 0353 cat. 1020-02-WABI-62 Winner of Renault
CU of young woman who is given the keys to the Renault she has won from Libby Motors.
13) 0353 cat. 1020-03-WABI-62 Brewer Key Club
Brewer: Club members fill rooms and offices of city hall, such as the city manager's and police chief's offices.
16) 0353 cat. 1020-04-WABI-62 Court St. Apartment Fire
Aftermath of a fire including building remains and smoky rubble.
15) 0353 cat. 1020-05-WABI-62 Standard Shoe Opening
Bangor: Event at Bangor Shopping Center including sign, ribbon cutting, store interior with customers.
28) 0353 cat. 1020-06-WABI-62 Farm and Home Week
Orono: Event at University of Maine including WABI interview.
2) 0353 cat. 1020-07-WABI-62 Helicopter at Dow Air Force Base
Bangor: Base fire fighting crew flies in two-propeller helicopter to pick up a water tank and fly to a fire, where they use hoses to put it out, and the helicopter picks up a man.
5) 0353 cat. 1020-08-WABI-62 Robinson-Kenney
Groundbreaking includes men and a bucketloader digging.
19) 0353 cat. 1020-09-WABI-62 Fire in Eddington
Eddington: Fire has burned down building, and fire fighters handle smoking debris.
2) 0353 cat. 1020-10-WABI-62 City Club
Meeting including a film presentation.
21) 0353 cat. 1020-11-WABI-62 Kenduskeag Stream Crane
Crane is used in construction or repair in stream as crowd watches.
22) 0353 cat. 1020-12 Great Northern
Great Northern Paper's new building including a presentation, a man speaking, people waiting to get in, interior, exterior.
15) 0353 cat. 1020-13-WABI-62 Auditorium
Bangor: (Republican) meeting including speeches made by Margaret Chase Smith and others, and a banner that says, 'Sixty-Two Can Do.'
24) 0353 cat. 1020-14-WABI-62 GOP News Conference
News conference.
16) 0353 cat. 1020-15-WABI-62 Republican Convention
Bangor: Convention scenes including license plate that says, 'GOP 1,' Governor John Reed, speeches in Bangor Auditorium, campaign signs, Reed and McIntire at Bangor House.
6) 0353 cat. 1020-16-WABI-62 Preparation for Memorial Day Race
Meeting to prepare for 5-mile race.
11) 0353 cat. 1020-17-WABI-62 Fire at Brewer Garage
Brewer: Fire fighters work on small house garage fire as people watch.
31) 0353 cat. 1020-18-WABI-62 Accident in Veazie
Veazie: Accident scene including car upside down in embankment, car being restored to upright position, police, spectators.
29) 0353 cat. 1020-19-WABI-62 King for a Day
Drivers are stopped and presented with small boxes. Some are interviewed (by Jim Winters?)
30) 0353 cat. 1020-20-WABI-62 Fire Tower on Bald Mountain
Shots of fire tower including man climbing up it and looking at view through binoculars, pans of the countryside, Maine Forest Service Fire Control man talking on his car radio,...
31) 0353 cat. 1021-09-WABI-62 Andover Earth Station
Telstar station including facility, diagrams of building, road and sign, models and animations explaining station's workings, satellite pickup receiver, bubble dome, computers, ...
19) 0354 cat. 0047-07-WABI-62 Fire at Pushaw Pond
Aftermath of fire including building remains, police officer talking to people.
5) 0354 cat. 0047-08-WABI-62 Crossman Hardware Fire
Bangor: Store fire including fire fighters working, building, crowd.
22) 0354 cat. 0047-09-WABI-62 School Bands
Bands from Searsport, Bucksport, Winterport, and possibly others get together. Shots include individuals playing instruments and band instructors.
35) 0354 cat. 0047-10-WABI-62 Democratic Convention
Convention including Muskie, speeches, county signs, conventioners registering.
36) 0354 cat. 0047-11-WABI-62 University of Maine ROTC
Recruits ceremony on football field including bleachers, band, marching, flag bearers, award presentation.
60) 0354 cat. 0047-12-WABI-62 Armed Forces Day
Ceremonies at Dow Air Force Base including tours of aircraft, shuttle, jets flying in formation, remote controlled toy planes.
25) 0354 cat. 0047-13-WABI-62 Jordan's Meat Bangor House
Men standing in row, talking and haking hands for camera.
32) 0354 cat. 0047-14-WABI-62 Plane Search
Helicopter, boat and ground crews search for plane downed in water.
34) 0354 cat. 0047-15-WABI-62 Chevron Lucerne
Men talk about Chevron Seat Belt offer. Sign says, 'Seat Belts Save Lives -- $5.95 each installed free.'
16) 0354 cat. 0047-16-WABI-62 Democratic Convention in Waterville
Waterville: Convention at Elk's Club includes Central Fire Station exterior, YMCA, First Congregational Church, Muskie, candidates, crowds.
28) 0354 cat. 1020-21-WABI-62 Accident in Brewer
Accident scene including two damaged cars, and sign saying, 'Seat Belts installed $5.95.'
22) 0354 cat. 1020-22-WABI-62 Bijou Theater
Bangor: Bijou Theater, crowd, sign for 'Cape Fear' with Gregory Peck and Robert Mitchum.
27) 0354 cat. 1020-23-WABI-62 Townson-Dabney Tyson
Office in which people read tickertape and teletype, talk on phone, and watch stock exchange board.
9) 0354 cat. 1020-24-WABI-62 Junior C of C. W. Dickson
Dickson receives or presents a plaque.
10) 0354 cat. 1020-25-WABI-62 Haynes and Chalmers
Men's tour of a warehouse.
11) 0354 cat. 1020-26-WABI-62 Bulldozer in the Kenduskeag
Shots of stream's lower banks including bulldozers and workmen.
12) 0354 cat. 1020-27-WABI-62 Bangor State Hospital
Bangor: Open house including visitors, medication price chart, patient's room.
1) 0354 cat. 1020-28-WABI-62 Bangor High School ROTC
Corps exercise including students standing at attention, shaking hands, marching.
10) 0354 cat. 1020-29-WABI-62 Slim Clark's Pictures
Raymond Clark's art exhibit including CU of his work, spectators.
31) 0354 cat. 1020-30-WABI-62 French Stewardesses
Bangor: Presentation of key to the city to French flight attendants by a man, who also presents a 'birth certificate' for Paul Bunyan.
16) 0354 cat. 1020-31-WABI-62 Police School Graduation
Bangor Police School graduation ceremony including graduates receiving diplomas or badges, and officers.
17) 0354 cat. 1020-32-WABI-62 Plaid Stamp Opening
Ribbon cutting for Plaidland including store, sign handshaking, displays, shoppers, an interview.
35) 0354 cat. 1021-01-WABI-62 Liquid Fire Fighting
Bangor: Fire fighters practice in extinguishing chemical or liquid fires at Dow Air Force Base.
10) 0354 cat. 1021-02-WABI-62 Fire at Brewer
Brewer: Fire scene including fire fighters and CU of roof.
32) 0355 cat. 0047-20-WABI-62 French Students at WABI
French students visit WABI studio including various rooms, George Hale at microphone.
14) 0355 cat. 0047-21-WABI-62 Ambassador from Dahomey, Africa
Ambassador gets off of North East Airlines plane at airport, then meets welcoming committee and leaves with police escort.
9) 0355 cat. 0047-22-WABI-62 Fire at Brewer
Brewer: Fire fighters work on house fire as spectators watch.
23) 0355 cat. 0048-01-WABI-62 Bozo at North East Airlines
Bozo greets people about to depart on a North East Airlines flight.
5) 0355 cat. 0048-02-WABI-62 Brewer Shopping Center
Shots of Brewer Shopping Center including A & P Grocery Store, parking lot, construction workers.
25) 0355 cat. 0048-03-WABI-62 150th Anniversary Brewer Police
Brewer: Celebration includes mock arrests of police officers and mock apprehension of man in his car.
6) 0355 cat. 0048-04-WABI-62 Peace Corps Trainees
Peace Corps trainee banquet at University of Maine including people talking and speeches
5) 0355 cat. 0048-05-WABI-62 Telstar
Andover Earth Station base for Telstar including bubble dome, people typing and using phones, wall diagrams, animated film about satellite.
66) 0355 cat. 0048-06-WABI-62 Auto Accident
Scenes from multi-car accident including officer opening car door to show damage, wrecker about to pull car away.
16) 0355 cat. 0048-07-WABI-62 Colonel Jones Retirement
Retirement dinner including table, man holding large photo of colonel.
26) 0355 cat. 0048-08-WABI-62 Camp Drum
Military camp scenes include men getting off of a plane, troops marching, helicopter taking off, award presentation, troops with a flag.
2) 0355 cat. 0048-09-WABI-62 Archery Club
Archery demonstration.
18) 0355 cat. 1021-19-WABI-62 World's Largest Lobster Trap
Shots of the record-setting trap containing a girl petting a giant lobster and smiling, as it is lifted by a crane.
33) 0355 cat. 1021-20-WABI-62 Four Cars in Accident
Accident scene including victim carried away on a stretcher, damaged cars.
16) 0356 cat. 0048-10-WABI-62 John Bapst Football Team
Team demonstrating plays, drilling, calisthenics. Also coaches.
35) 0356 cat. 0048-11-WABI-62 Putting Up WABI Sign
Workers use crane to put up new WABI sign.
36) 0356 cat. 0048-12-WABI-62 French Actress at WABI
Unidentified French actress talking to two men.
1) 0356 cat. 0048-13-WABI-62 New England Town Managers
Man speaks to crowd at meeting.
2) 0356 cat. 0048-14-WABI-62 Dick at Lion's Club
Dick (Bronson?) speaking at meeting.
20) 0356 cat. 0048-15-WABI-62 New England Town Manager's Conference
Speakers and club members at meeting.
4) 0356 cat. 0048-16-WABI-62 State Police Awards
Police sergeant receives an award or citation.
5) 0356 cat. 0048-17-WABI-62 Plane Crash in Mt. Waldo
Mt. Waldo: Plane crash scenes include mountain, police car, wreckage, damaged foliage, helicopter picking up a man and lowering something to police officer.
21) 0356 cat. 0048-18-WABI-62 Maine Products Show
Show with participants including Stratton Co., Walpole Woodworkers, Singing Cave Products, Ward Cabin Co., and spectators.
7) 0356 cat. 0048-19-WABI-62 Governor Reed at WABI
Governor Reed interview at WABI studio, followed by mingling and drinking coffee.
28) 0356 cat. 0048-20-WABI-62 Common Markets
Shots of preparing site for Maine Products Show.
1) 0356 cat. 0048-21-WABI-62 Blueberry Pickers
Blueberry picking process shows plants, weighing berries, berry boxes.
29) 0356 cat. 0048-22-WABI-62 Court 150th Anniversary
Celebration includes judge talking, police officer or bailiff, display of a document.
28) 0356 cat. 1021-21-WABI-62 Governor John Reed on Highway Safety
Reed speaks on 'Lights On' program, regarding driving with low beams to over Labor Day weekend to prevent accidents.
12) 0356 cat. 1021-22-WABI-62 Stable Fire -- Bass Park
Nighttime fire including fire fighters with hoses, cows and horses the next morning, ruined building, cow being milked.
30) 0357 cat. 0048-23-WABI-62 Veazie Kids at WABI
Bangor: Dick Bronson gives Veazie kids a tour of WABI.
14) 0357 cat. 0048-24-WABI-62 Tours
Bangor: Families tour WABI.
35) 0357 cat. 0048-25-WABI-62 Studio City Contest Winner
Bangor: Mrs. George Thibodeau is interviewed by Dick Bronson after she wins the WABI Seattle World's Fair Trip Contest.
59) 0357 cat. 0049-01-WABI-62 Arc Welder Interview
Dick Bronson interviews a welder.
17) 0357 cat. 0049-02-WABI-62 WABI Open House
Bangor: Crowd tours WABI Studio.
18) 0357 cat. 0049-02-WABI-62 [Governor Reed at Eastern States]
Governor Reed and his wife tour Eastern States Exposition, speak with the Festival Queen and the Maine Sea Queen, and look at an Indian's moccasins.
30) 0357 cat. 0049-03-WABI-62 WABI Tour
Bangor: Group tour of WABI Studios including Hildreth Special Report Van, tourists receiving pamphlets.
26) 0357 cat. 0049-04-WABI-62 School Tour of WABI
Bangor: School children tour WABI Studio.
21) 0357 cat. 0049-05-WABI-62 Dick Bronson Award
American Legion members present Dick Bronson with plaque.
22) 0357 cat. 0049-06-WABI-62 Children at Open House
Bangor: Children tour WABI Studio.
18) 0357 cat. 0049-08-WABI Men at Airport
Men are met at North East Airlines.
24) 0357 cat. 0049-09-WABI-62 Candidate Dolloff at WABI
Bangor: Democratic gubernatorial candidate Dolloff tours WABI.
29) 0357 cat. 0049-10-WABI-62 Brewer Parade
Brewer: Parade shots including Bernice Winslow School of Baton twirlers, Maine Jr. Miss, Bette Gregoire Twirlerettes, Boy Scouts, fire trucks, American flag, bands, floats and c...
27) 0357 cat. 0049-11-WABI-62 First Snowstorm
Bangor: Snow covering Kenduskeag Stream, construction equipment, roads, shrubs, neighborhoods.
36) 0357 cat. 1022-01-WABI-62 Mr. and Mrs. George Thibodeau
Milo: Winners of trip to Seattle for World's Fair, including couple and others in front of town hall, receiving a prize, shaking hands, and posing.
28) 0357 cat. 1022-02-WABI-62 Municipal Court
Court scenes including judge leaving bench with police escort.
29) 0357 cat. 1022-03-WABI-62 Polio--EMG Hospital
Press conference in which man speaks to reporters.
13) 0357 cat. 1022-04-WABI-62 Mrs. Thibodeau Interview
Interview of winner of trip to World's Fair in Seattle by Dick Bronson including Bronson presenting her with two airline tickets, a check for $250, tickets to events in Seattle ...
31) 0357 cat. 1022-05-WABI-62 Kenduskeag Stream Progress
Bangor: Construction activities at stream including crane depositing dirt, crew working, future parking facility site, short bridge behind Maine St.
25) 0358 cat. 0049-12-WABI-62 United Fund Parade
Parade including Jewish Council, YMCA, CYO, Eastern Maine Guidance Center, bands, Telstar replica displaying fund goal of $231,475.
33) 0358 cat. 0049-13-WABI-62 Sight Mobile
Maine Sight Mobile Eye Clinic sponsored by the Lion's Club.
3) 0358 cat. 0049-14-WABI-62 Polio Vaccine
Vaccine distribution to school children including women pouring it into cups for waiting children, children and adults drinking it.
34) 0358 cat. 0049-15-WABI-62 Fire Truck for Belfast
Belfast: New fire truck pulls out of station and hose is demonstrated.
17) 0358 cat. 0049-16-WABI-62 Hurricane Daisy
Large tree broken by hurricane scrapes a building. Shots of men cutting off branches, coastal waves, high winds.
18) 0358 cat. 1022-06-WABI-62 Fire Drill
School fire drill including principal pulling alarm, students evacuating, a firefighter distributing safety literature, CU of a pamphlet.
31) 0358 cat. 1022-07-WABI-62 Mr. and Mrs. Thibodeau Return
Brownville couple's return from Seattle World's Fair including deboarding plane, shaking hands, going over literature.
4) 0358 cat. 1022-08-WABI-62 McInnes
Swearing-in ceremony for new judge McInnes including oath, judges speaking.
21) 0358 cat. 1022-09-WABI-62 Shop 'n Save -- Bangor
Bangor: Men shake hands next to car in front of store.
22) 0359 cat. 0049-17-WABI-62 Kenduskeag Stream Project
Construction of project including crane and bucket loaders, traffic, new parking lot.
33) 0359 cat. 0049-18-WABI-62 Recount for Governor
Men pull out boxes of ballots for recount, women recount them.
7) 0359 cat. 0049-19-WABI-62 Signing of Bangor High School Construction Contract
Men sign contract, display construction plans by Tarbell and Associates.
8) 0359 cat. 0049-20-WABI-62 Robinson-Kenney Open House
Ribbon cutting including a shot of a RB Oil truck.
34) 0359 cat. 0049-22-WABI-62 Santa Parade
Parade including Orono, Bucksport, and Newport school bands along with floats and Santa with reindeer.
10) 0359 cat. 0049-23-WABI-62 Thanksgiving Day Shoppers
Scenes of holiday shoppers at grocery store including CUs of turkey, potatoes, and other produce. Also checkout counter, cash register.
18) 0359 cat. 0049-24-WABI-62 Search for Dow Air Force Base Men
Search for two airmen including helicopter, road vehicles, ground crew, woods, medical vehicle.
29) 0359 cat. 0049-26-WABI-62 1962 Election
Hildreth Network Education Center broadcasting gubernatorial election results. LS and MS of studio, voting board, commentators, and a record keeper. CUs of candidates Reed and D...
25) 0359 cat. 0049-27-WABI-62 Voting in Bangor
Bangor: Election scenes including voters booths with people's legs visible underneath, ballot table, voters handing in ballots.
31) 0359 cat. 0049-27-WABI-62 Brewer Basketball
Brewer: High School basketball game including warmup drills, highlights, coaches, commentators, crowds.
34) 0359 cat. 0049-28-WABI-62 UM President
President Elliot speaks on previous year's accomplishments and on proposal to Maine legislature for $3.5 million for coming year.
35) 0360 cat. 0050-01-WABI-62 Press Conference at Dow Air Force Base
Colonel J. R. Wiley, the Base Commander, holds a Press Conference. MS and MCU of Colonel.
17) 0360 cat. 0050-02-WABI-62 Fire on Union St.
Fire fighters use extension ladder, axes and hoses to fight large house fire. MS and LS.
18) 0360 cat. 0050-03-WABI-62 Foreign Correspondents Press Conference
Aerial shot of Press Conference. MS of individuals.
19) 0360 cat. 0050-04-WABI-62 Christmas Greetings on Main St.
Bangor: Man puts up 'Merry Christmas' banner across lightposts. CU, MS, and LS.
72) 0360 cat. 0050-05-WABI-62 Bangor High School Groundbreaking
Men dig first shovelfuls as a document is read. MS and LS.
2) 0360 cat. 0050-06-WABI-62 Power Shovel Accident
Power shovel riding on truck bed has struck underside of bridge on I-95. Shots include cleaning up the damage, the bridge, the shovel arm, and a man measuring the height of the ...
22) 0360 cat. 0050-07-WABI-62 Train-Car Accident in Bucksport
Collision damage including car's severed front end, car interior, and point of view shot from a car driving through accident site over train tracks.
23) 0360 cat. 0050-08-WABI-62 Pre-legislative Meeting
Meeting regarding the DED and its role in the economy.
27) 0360 cat. 0050-09-WABI-62 Veazie--New School Room
Veazie: New school room now occupied by students and a teacher.
4) 0360 cat. 0050-10-WABI-62 Polio Vaccine at Bangor High School
Bangor: Women distribute cups of vaccine to line of waiting students.
8) 0360 cat. 0050-11-WABI-62 Heavy Fog in Bangor
Bangor: Heavy fog's effect on traffic including the point of view of a driver and shots of the highway from a bridge.
7) 0360 cat. 0050-12-WABI-62 Broken Water Main in Bangor
Bangor: Efforts to repair a broken water main including a fire truck pumping out water and a crew working.
97) 0360 cat. 0088-01-WABI-62 Boy Scouts
Scout banquet including scouts posing, and men at table being introduced.
36) 0360 cat. 0088-02-WABI-62 Xmas Party at WABI
WABI Christmas party including Bozo and singer onstage, Santa coming out of chimney and holding a little girl on his lap, Dick Bronson handing out small gifts.
33) 0360 cat. 0088-04-WABI-62 Christmas Lights
Night shots of Christmas lights, a nativity scene at a church, and a Santa Claus with reindeer.
31) 0360 cat. 0088-05-WABI-62 DED
Meeting including presentation of Dirigo plaques. Awards ceremony with Governor Reed.
36) 0360 cat. 0088-08-WABI-62 Christmas Party at Dow Air Force Base
Party including people working, children being entertained, and gifts rolling on a platform.
33) 0360 cat. 1022-10-WABI-62 Fire on Hammond St.
Bangor: Nighttime fire burning around Bogan's Luncheonette including fire fighters, extension ladders, damage in morning light.
24) 0361 cat. 0047-17-WABI-62 Fawn Deer at Humane Society
Fawn runs around society building, is caught by man who points to deer's neck and belly and pets it, then carries it away. Also CU of deer's face.
35) 0361 cat. 0047-18-WABI-62 Fire in Brewer
Brewer: Fire fighters work on a car and some trees that are on fire. Then fire spreads to house.
30) 0361 cat. 0047-19-WABI-62 McKinley at Zayre
Ray McKinley, leader of Glenn Miller Orchestra, talks to other man in Zayre's record department.
13) 0361 cat. 1021-03-WABI-62 Governor John Reed
Reed speaks on the importance of voting June 18, and on the bond issue referendum regarding educational television.
31) 0361 cat. 1021-04-WABI-62 Fire on Odlin Road
Bangor: Building fire from various angles.
3) 0361 cat. 1021-05-WABI-62 Bear in Bangor
Bangor: Police arrive to shoot a black bear out of a tree, causing him to fall. They strap hin to a car as spectators watch.
106) 0361 cat. 1021-06-WABI-62 Bowling Alley in Bangor
Brewer: Bowling alley groundbreaking including sign, woman digging first shovelful.
5) 0361 cat. 1021-07-WABI-62 Car Fire
Fire fighters attempt to extinguish fire in car in middle of traffic, which is backed up to highway.
6) 0361 cat. 1021-08-WABI-62 Commencement at UM
Orono: Ceremony including elderly professor presenting something to student, then making a speech.
7) 0361 cat. 1021-10-WABI-62 Old Town Masonic Building Fire
Old Town: Fire fighters sitting down while using hoses on building (Masonic Temple?) fire, on extension ladders, spectators.
8) 0361 cat. 1021-11-WABI-62 Soap Box Derby
A man paints 'WABI' on a soap box car as man and boy watch.
17) 0361 cat. 1021-12-WABI-62 Greyhound Terminal Opening
Ribbon cutting for Brountas Travel Bureau including Governor John Reed officiating and shaking hands, the building exterior and a bus.
10) 0361 cat. 1021-13-WABI-62 Accident on Broadway
Bangor: Accident scene including a damaged car and telephone.
11) 0361 cat. 1021-14-WABI-62 Bull Auction at Univ. of Maine
Orono: Bull auction including parade of animal, bidders watching.
12) 0361 cat. 1021-15-WABI-162 Junior Leader Conference at Univ. of Maine
4H conference including people talking, sign, mock horseback races.
13) 0361 cat. 1021-16-WABI-62 WABI Sign Taken Down
Bangor: Workers remove call letters from old building.
35) 0361 cat. 1021-18-WABI-62 Newport High School
Newport High School class activities including shop students working with welding equipment, an experiment in the chemistry lab, cooking in home economics class, microscopy in b...
13) 0362 cat. 0051-12-WABI-62 Newport High School
Tour of Newport High School including metal and woodshop class as students practice welding, chemistry lab, cooking in home economics, microscope in biology lab, typing room, gu...
16) 0362 cat. 0051-13-WABI-62 Dow Air Force Base Model Planes
Model plane demonstration at base including MS and CU of a plane taxiing around pavement, CU of its flaps moving, MS of the control boss, MS and LS of people working on other pl...
17) 0362 cat. 0051-14-WABI-62 UM Commencement Promos
Commercial UM Commencement sponsor Merrill Trust Co., including its services and locations. Also an Eastern Trust and Banking Co. commercial, bank's 75th anniversary. 2 takes.
18) 0362 cat. 0051-15-WABI-62 UM Commencement
Ceremony on lawn of mall including seated graduates, young woman receiving something from elderly professor, same professor making a speech, pan shot of entire ceremony.
19) 0362 cat. 0051-16-WABI-62 Merchants National Bank Promo
Promo for Merchants National Bank of Bangor.
20) 0362 cat. 0051-17-WABI-62 Greyhound Terminal Opening
Ribbon cutting for new Brountas Travel Bureau including Governor Reed, building and crowd.
21) 0362 cat. 0051-18-WABI-62 WABI [Soap Box] Derby Entrant
Man is carefully painting WABI call letters on a soapbox car as driver and a boy look on. CS, MS, LS.
22) 0362 cat. 0052-01-WABI-62 Old Town Masonic Building Fire
Old Town: Fire fighters work on fire as spectators watch.
11) 0362 cat. 0052-02-WABI-62 Bear in Tree
Bangor: Police officers shoot black bear out of tree and strap it to a car.
8) 0362 cat. 0052-03-WABI-62 Brewer Bowling Building Groundbreaking
Brewer: Groundbreaking including building sign, woman surrounded by men as she digs first shovelful.
25) 0362 cat. 0052-04-WABI-62 Fire at Rolneck
Nighttime fire has burned house and spread to trees.
26) 0362 cat. 0052-06-WABI-62 WABI Sign Taken Down
Workers remove WABI sign from building. LS, MS, and CU of process.
27) 0362 cat. 0052-07-WABI-62 Accident on Broadway
Bangor: Car has gone off road and snapped telephone pole. LS, MS of damage.
30) 0362 cat. 0052-08-WABI-62 Bull Auction at UM
Cow and bull auction including parade for bidders. CU, MS, and LS of bull.
34) 0362 cat. 0052-09-WABI-62 Junior Leader Conference at UM
4H event including sign, people talking, mock horse races in classrooms with contestants riding young men's backs.
30) 0362 cat. 0052-10-WABI-62 Boys State at University of Maine
Event including registration, eating in Wells Complex cafeteria, gathering in 'The Pit' as a band plays, a speech, basketball and baseball games, meeting.
9) 0362 cat. 1021-17-WABI-62 Soap Box Derby
Two races including LS of cars going down a platform, MS of an announcer, people leaning on cars, soap box cars crossing finish line, LS of spectators.
32) 0363 cat. 0044-11-WABI-61 Dixon Ray Mayo
Two men talking at a desk.
33) 0363 cat. 0044-12-WABI-62 Osteopathic Hospital
Tour of the new wing of the James A. Taylor Osteopathic Hospital. Sign, patient rooms, lobby, cafeteria, scale model.
34) 0363 cat. 0044-13-WABI-61 Demolition of Union Station
Bangor: Demolition scenes include men working on building and tower, river's edge.
35) 0363 cat. 0044-14-WABI-62 Miller Restaurant fire
Fire fighters battling blaze, smoke and flames, spectators.
36) 0363 cat. 0044-15-WABI-62 UM Snow Sculpting
Fraternities sculpt a beaver, squirrel, a giant teacup, a giant lobster, a map of Maine, and a tower.
1) 0363 cat. 0044-16-WABI Union Station Tower
Bangor: Downtown shots include Union Station Tower, 'Spalding Headquarters -- Official Outfitters of Schools and Teams,' a panorama of one part of city.
19) 0363 cat. 0044-17-WABI Joe Coopal
Coopal speaking in his office.
8) 0363 cat. 0044-18-WABI-61 Harley Deer
Men displaying a fresh deer kill.
4) 0363 cat. 0044-19-WABI-62 Governor John Reed, Senator Margaret Chase Smith
People at a meeting.
5) 0363 cat. 0045-01-WABI-62 Satellite Circling Globe
Animated cartoon of a satellite circling the globe while North America is visible below.
9) 0363 cat. 0045-02-WABI-62 Ice Fishing Hopkins
Fishermen on frozen lake set traps for ice fishing. An airplane sits near them.
7) 0363 cat. 0045-03-WABI-62 Lion's Club
Women are presented a check at a Lion's Club meeting.
8) 0363 cat. 0045-04-WABI-62 Paul Bunyan Days Winner
A man checks a list, then hands a piece of paper to a woman as two children look on.
9) 0363 cat. 0045-05-WABI-61 Zayre Grand Opening
Bangor: Ribbon cutting including shots of store, shoppers, and parking lot.
26) 0363 cat. 0045-06-WABI-61 Veazie Fire
Veazie: Small group of people tries to extinguish truck fire.
3) 0363 cat. 0045-07-WABI-61 Rt. 95 -- Hogan Rd. to Old Town
Men pose and remove a closed road sign from the I-95 Hogan Road exit. Traffic goes through, the men replace the sign, and an Orono Police car is seen.
2) 0363 cat. 0045-08-WABI-61 Sales Executive Club
Club dinner meeting including a speech.
13) 0363 cat. 0045-09-WABI-61 Brewer City Hall Fire
Brewer: Aftermath of fire includes city hall sign and building, mopping crews, damaged ceiling.
14) 0363 cat. 0045-10-WABI-61 Traffic Lights
Meeting regarding a new traffic signal.
5) 0363 cat. 0045-11-WABI-61 Belfast Eagle Scouts
Scout campout including officers shaking hands with scoutmaster and a CU of a badge.
16) 0363 cat. 0045-13-WABI-61 URA City Hall
City Hall Meeting
7) 0363 cat. 0045-14-WABI-62 Van Heflin
Actor Heflin speaking to two men before boarding North East Airlines plane.
29) 0363 cat. 0045-15-WABI-62 Meeting at DED
Meeting at which men look at a map of Maine.
19) 0363 cat. 0045-16-WABI-62 Voting in Bangor
Bangor: People picking up ballots, going into voting booth, dropping ballots in box.
35) 0363 cat. 0045-17-WABI-61 U.S Secretary of Labor
Labor Secretary Charles Donahue Press Conference.
32) 0363 cat. 0045-18-WABI-61 Fire on Ohio Street
Fire at 1274 Ohio St. including smoke, fire, fire fighter climbing up ladder to window, bunny saved from fire.
95) 0364 cat. 0050-13-WABI-62 Bozo at Lincoln
Lincoln: Bozo's entertaining of children including his running entrance, CU speaking at microphone, at Lincoln Hospital with child patients, in front of Workman Hospital, and wi...
23) 0364 cat. 0050-14-WABI-62 St. Joseph's Hospital Groundbreaking
Groundbreaking including nuns and priests at blessing of site, speeches by priests and others, incense ceremony.
28) 0364 cat. 0050-15-WABI-62 Fire in Hermon
Hermon: House or barn fire including fire fighters battling blaze, interview with building owner, fire trucks.
20) 0364 cat. 0050-16-WABI-62 Dow Air Force Base Helicopter Fire fighting Demonstration
Fire fighting demonstration including crew running to two-propeller helicopter, the helicopter lifting off and picking up a water tank, flying to a small fire, crew using tank w...
14) 0364 cat. 0050-17-WABI-62 High Water in Kenduskeag
Efforts to complete parking project despite high water, including salvage of sinking crane, other damage scenes.
29) 0364 cat. 0050-18-WABI-62 Eddington Fire
Eddington: Brewer Fire Dept. works on fire that has already leveled building.
4) 0364 cat. 0050-19-WABI-62 City Club
Club meeting including men sitting around table and man speaking while standing next to film projector.
29) 0364 cat. 0050-20-WABI-62 Robinson and Kenney
Robinson-Kenney groundbreaking including men talking, bucketloader digging.
31) 0364 cat. 0050-21-WABI-62 Farm and Home Week at UM
WABI interviews people at Farm and Home Week.
36) 0364 cat. 0050-22-WABI-62 Andover, Maine
Tour of Andover Earth Station base for Telstar including bubble dome interior and exterior, workers, wall diagrams, animation program regarding satellite.
32) 0364 cat. 0051-01-WABI-62 Standard Shoe Opening
Grand opening of Standard Shoe at Bangor Shopping Center including pan shot of sign, ribbon cutting, customers inside store.
33) 0364 cat. 0051-02-WABI-62 Brewer Key Club
Brewer: Club members in city hall including City Manager's Office and Police Chief's Office.
34) 0364 cat. 0051-03-WABI-62 Court St. Apartment Fire
Remains of burned apartment building including smoking rubble and debris.
32) 0364 cat. 0051-04-WABI Nuclear Survival Products
Superior Sales Corporation presentation of their nuclear war survival package. Man describes this 8- to 16-day ration package, saying that rations are most important aspect of n...
101) 0364 cat. 0051-05-WABI Bozo's Cartoon Machine
Bozo's entertainment of children including tricks, mock fight, man in dog costume.
1) 0364 cat. 0051-06-WABI-62 Winner of Renault
CU of young woman's expression as she is given a new Renault from Libby Motors. LS of her standing with car.
19) 0364 cat. 0051-07-WABI-62 DED Meeting
Meeting at which man holds up sign saying, 'Maine Products Show -- Showcase for Industry -- Bangor, Aug. 15, 16 and 17.'
3) 0364 cat. 0051-08-WABI-62 Fire Tower on Bald Mountain
Man climbs steps of Fire Tower on Bald Mountain and looks at view. Shots include MS profile of him looking through binoculars, pans of landscape, MS and CU of Maine Forest Servi...
4) 0364 cat. 0051-09-WABI-62 King for a Day
Drivers are stopped and presented with small boxes. Some are interviewed by Jim Winters(?).
29) 0364 cat. 0051-10-WABI-62 Accident in Veazie
Veazie: Efforts to remove overturned car from embankment including returning car to upright position, police inspecting car, crowd watching.
119) 0364 cat. 0051-11-WABI-62 Garage Fire in Brewer
Brewer: Fire fighters hose down garage fire as people watch.
7) 0366 cat. 0052-11-WABI-62 UM Coach Westivan
George Hale interview with football coach Harold Westivan regarding the coming season.
8) 0366 cat. 0052-12-WABI-62 UM Football Team
Introduction of 1962 team including LS and MS of players posing, MS of players demonstrating positions, MS of coaches.
17) 0367 cat. 0053-01-WABI-62 Bingham Sesquicentennial
150th anniversary celebration for Bingham, including interviews with pastor, oldest citizen, Brothers of the Brush chairman, Chamber of Commerce chairman, parade, Governor Reed,...
29) 0368.0001 [Smith Street Project]
Smith Street relandscaping project including point of view from passing car, bucketloaders digging up street and sewer, cleaning up trees and branches, putting new siding on hom...
11) 0368.0002 [Smith Street Project]
Relandscaping project including people discussing plans, tractors, road graters, bucket loaders, residing houses, clearing tree branches, installation of new street lights, fire...
12) 0369 cat. 0058-01-WABI-62 Campobello Island Film
Ceremony including Governor John Reed, Congressmen McIntire and Roosevelt, and the Canadian premier. Also ribbon cutting and interview with police officer.
3) 0370 cat. 0057-04-WABI-62 St. John River Development
Meeting in which men including Great Northern vice-president discuss water project.
33) 0371 cat. 0057-05-WABI-62 Fire on Stillwater Avenue
Fire fighters attempt to battle house fire.
29) 0371 cat. 0057-06-WABI-62 Aerial View of Northern Hotel Fire
Bangor: Aerial view of Bangor and hotel fire.
27) 0371 cat. 0057-07-WABI-62 Price and Miller Show
Trade show including Glidden Company, Barclay Wall Panels, Mirro Craft, Griffeth, New Bedford Rope, Stanley Tools, and others.
8) 0371 cat. 0059-01-WABI-62 State Police Barracks
The Maine State [Police] barracks. Scenes include various officers working at their desks, taking phone calls, the desk of Lieutenant Edward J. Doyle as he speaks with other off...
18) 0371 cat. 0059-02-WABI-62 Sheriffs and Police Departments
Bangor: The Penobscot County Sheriff's Dept., Bangor Police and Brewer Police Depts. Shots include the Penobscot County Sheriff's Dept. weapons cabinet, mess room, jail cells, v...
19) 0371 cat. 0059-03-WABI-62 Children Sliding
Various shots of children sliding down a snow covered hill on skis and toboggans. Shots include MS and CU as the sleds come straight at the camera.
20) 0371 cat. 0059-04-WABI-62 Accident Trooper Sullivan
Automobile accident in which Trooper Jerry Sullivan may have been in the damaged car. Many views of the damaged car which has hit a guardrail, a door is missing, back of the car...
32) 0371 cat. 0059-05-WABI-62 Basketball: Bangor vs. Caribou
Highlights from a basketball game between the Bangor Rams and Caribou. Shots include the typical back and forth highlights by each team; MS of cheerleaders, a jump ball, and awa...
22) 0371 cat. 0059-06-WABI-62 Basketball: George Hale and Red Berry
Red Berry, basketball coach of Bangor High School, and George Hale in this sit-down interview. Topics include how the tournament went for them, the fourth quarter the other nigh...
96) 0371 cat. 0059-07-WABI-62 Bowling in Ellsworth
Ellsworth: a bowler being interviewed. Bowler bowls a few balls, MS of the pins as they are knocked down, MS of bowler finishing and being handed something.
20) 0371 cat. 0059-08-WABI-62 Tractor in Water
Tractor has slid down an embankment near a small reservoir or pond, various shots. Crowds line a bridge looking down.
30) 0371 cat. 0059-09-WABI-62 Snow Storm
Trees weighted down with sticky snow, various shots. Man moves logs in wheelbarrow. LS of roads.
31) 0371 cat. 0059-10-WABI-62 Snow Storm
Bangor: downtown in a snowstorm. LS of streets with traffic attempting to move, CUs of car wheels spinning, pedestrians, people shoveling, children throwing snowballs, Maine Pub...
7) 0371 cat. 0059-11-WABI-62 Hildreth, Radio Free Europe
Fred Neuman, Treasurer of Maine's Radio Free Europe, and Horace Hildreth, Maine State Chairman for Radio Free Europe, speak to audience to encourage them to make donations. Says...
34) 0372 cat. 0056-02-WABI-62 Track Events at UM
Track practice in field house including hammer throw, sprinting, the shotput, measuring time with a stopwatch, coaches talking to athletes.
29) 0372 cat. 1023-07-WABI-62 UM Coach Westivan
Interview of UM football coach Harold 'Westy' Westivan by George Hale regarding upcoming season.
3) 0372 cat. 1023-08-WABI-62 Univ. of Maine Track Meet
Orono: Track event against Boston College including sprint and hurdle races, MS and CU of runners, MS of reporters and fans.
17) 0372 cat. 1026-01-WABI-62 [Maine Maritime Academy Coach Interview]
Interview of Dave Wiggins by WABI reporter George Hale regarding rest of football season, Canadian vs. American rules, etc.
32) 0373 cat. 0056-03-WABI- Memorial Day Parade(?)
Bangor: Parade including Woodland High School Band, 195th Army Band, Bette Gregoire's Twirlerettes, majorettes, servicemen marching in formation, dignitaries on platform.
14) 0373 cat. 0056-04-WABI- Car Accident on Main Street
Car accident at corner of N. Main St. and Parkway N. including shots of damaged cars, street signs and spectators.
33) 0373 cat. 0056-05-WABI- Trading Area Growth Rate
Presentation in which men stand in front of chart displaying trade area growth rate from 1950 to 1960.
19) 0373 cat. 0056-06-WABI- Women's Bowling Team
Women bowling for United Van Lines includes shots of individual players going for strikes.
4) 0373 cat. 0056-07-WABI- Meeting
Men at meeting.
29) 0373 cat. 0057-01-WABI- Boys State at UM
Members in 'The Pit' at UM listening to speech.
17) 0373 cat. 0057-02-WABI-87 Door Prizes
Trade show including Heil-Quaker and General Automatic booths and people registering.
7) 0373 cat. 0057-03-WABI- Chamber of Commerce
Bangor Chamber of Commerce meeting at which a man displays fish to the others.
26) 0373 cat. 1023-02-WABI-62 [Fishing on Kenduskeag Stream]
Bangor: Man wearing Beacon Motors jacket fishing with rod from bridge over Kenduskeag Stream as people watch. LS of him casting, MS of line going into water, MS of him holding u...
5) 0373 cat. 1023-03-WABI-62 Univ. of Maine Commencement
Orono: UM event on mall in front of library including university sign and graduates.
6) 0373 cat. 1023-04-WABI-61? [Foreign Military Officer]
Visit to base by officer including a statue, the man shaking hands with others, MS and MCU of him.
24) 0373 cat. 1023-05-WABI-62 [Construction]
Construction site at which crew works on wooden framework of building.
8) 0373 cat. 1023-06-WABI-62 [Bangor's New Trash Containers]
Apparently a public service announcement for new trash containers including boys walking down sidewalk, one dropping a wrapper, other boy instructing him to pick it up and depos...
9) 0374 cat. 1026-02-WABI-62 Maine Masque Theater
Company players board a bus, wave, and leave.
32) 0374 cat. 1026-03-WABI-62 Covered Bridge
Scene from covered bridge roof collapse including entrance, crew working, snow flying out a window, LS of bridge from upriver.
8) 0374 cat. 1026-04-WABI-62 Fire at Bangor High School
Bangor: School fire scare including firefighters entering, fire trucks parked in front, spectators and vehicles passing.
12) 0374 cat. 1026-05-WABI-62 Snowstorm
LS, MS, and CU of people digging out of snow with shovels and snowblowers, cars skidding, pedestrians.
13) 0374 cat. 1026-06-WABI-62 Accident on Main St.
Scene from two-car accident including a damaged car, cars driving by, and a police officer.
14) 0374 cat. 1026-07-WABI-62 Osteopathic Hospital
Tour of James A. Taylor Hospital's new wing including patient rooms, lobby, cafeteria, scale model, sign.
68) 0374 cat. 1026-08-WABI-62 Award at Pilot's Grill Restaurant
Bangor: Jaycees Distinguished Service Award Presentation including banquet room with people eating, presentation.
10) 0374 cat. 1026-09-WABI-62 City Employees Award
Meeting including display of plaques for most valuable employee, and service award plaques.
34) 0374 cat. 1026-10-WABI-62 Sliding
Sliding hill scenes including kids standing at top then going down, point-of-view shot from photographer sliding down.
18) 0374 cat. 1026-11-WABI-62 Voting in Bangor
Bangor: Election scenes of people handing in ballots and women counting votes.
23) 0374 cat. 1026-12-WABI-62 DED Meeting
Meeting including speaker, men looking a Maine pamphlet.
25) 0374 cat. 1026-13-WABI-62 Gas Main Break on Main st.
Bangor: Gas main site including crew working and police directing traffic.
36) 0374 cat. 1026-15-WABI-62 Train Accident in Veazie
Veazie: Accident scene including car damaged by train, tracks, police officer.
8) 0375 cat. 0073-01-WABI-63 John F. Kennedy at UMaine
Empty football stadium at University of Maine, Orono fills with people. President John F. Kennedy arrives by helicopter and is escorted to the platform on the football field. LS...
9) 0375 cat. 0073-01-WABI-63 John F. Kennedy at UMaine
Empty football stadium at University of Maine, Orono fills with people. President John F. Kennedy arrives by helicopter and is escorted to the platform on the football field. LS...
17) 0375 cat.0073-02-WABI-63 John F. Kennedy at UMaine
President John F. Kennedy visits University of Maine, Orono campus. Shots of football stands full of people. JFK with Muskie and others, including Margaret Chase Smith. JFK arri...
11) 0375 cat. 0073-02-WABI-63 John F. Kennedy at UMaine
President John F. Kennedy visits the University of Maine campus in Orono. Shots of football stands full of people. Kennedy with Edmund Muskie and others, including Margaret Chas...
12) 0375 cat. 0074-01-WABI-63 John F. Kennedy at UMaine
President John F. Kennedy is given an honorary degree at University of Maine, Orono homecoming weekend. Arrives at UM by helicopter as crowds cheer from football field. JFK wear...
13) 0375 cat. 0074-01-WABI-63 John F. Kennedy at UMaine
President John F. Kennedy is given an honorary degree at University of Maine, Orono homecoming weekend. Arrives at UM by helicopter as crowds cheer from football field. JFK wear...
14) 0375 cat. 0075-01-WABI-63 [JFK at UMaine]
President John F. Kennedy boards Air Force One to depart from University of Maine, Orono campus. Shots include JFK in a LS, plane taxi onto runway and takeoff. A short speech by...
29) 0375 cat. 0075-01-WABI-63 John F. Kennedy at UMaine
President John F. Kennedy boards Air Force 1 to depart fromUniversity of Maine, Orono campus. Shots include JFK in a LS, plane taxi onto runway and takeoff. A short speech by Se...
16) 0376 cat. 0072-18-WABI-63 John F. Kennedy Assassinated, Interviews
Bangor: People on the street are interviewed after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Students, including a 16 year old, Roger Clifford, who is thankful to live in ...
1) 0376 cat. 0072-19-WABI-64 Cerebral Palsy
Activities at the United Cerebral Palsy Center including children working at desks and attending physical therapy. Also building and sign.
17) 0378 cat. 0061-09-WABI-63 Chiefs of Police at Brewer
Brewer: Meeting of police chiefs from state of Maine.
34) 0378 cat. 0061-10-WABI-63 Legislation--State House
Representatives enter State House and are seated.
35) 0378 cat. 0061-11-WABI-63 Bangor's Fire Truck
Bangor: Bangor's new fire truck including demonstration of extension ladder and backing up into the fire house.
20) 0378 cat. 0061-12-WABI-63 Mitch Sleeper Building
Shots of Sleeper Building on Main Street and interview with Mitch Sleeper.
34) 0378 cat. 0061-13-WABI-63 Governor Reed
Governor Reed speech at state legislature including room filled with representatives, Reed's entrance.
16) 0378 cat. 0061-14-WABI-63 St. Joseph's Hospital Construction
Construction including highway, men with equipment, construction sign, men working.
3) 0378 cat. 0062-01-WABI-63 Snow Footage
Bangor: Efforts to cope with heavy snowstorm including rescue helicopter dropping people off, people digging out of snow banks, street plowing, traffic.
24) 0378 cat. 1027-02-WABI-63 Interview with IRS Representative Goode
Interview with IRS representative Goode regarding new tax law on travel and gifts, taxpayer identification numbers, getting tax information.
25) 0378 cat. 1027-03-WABI-63 High School Bands at WABI
Bangor: High school band tour of WABI including film camera, lighting system, film vaults, students seated in room, students listening to onstage speaker.
22) 0378 cat. 1027-04-WABI-63 B-52 Crash
Airplane crash scene including men going over maps in room, trucks and equipment being prepared, aerial shots of site in woods, airplane parts strewn through woods.
7) 0378 cat. 1027-05-WABI-63 Snowstorm Accident on Route 95
Accident scene including backed up traffic and police officer, snow building up on a car, damaged car, a wrecker hooking up the car and pulling it away.
28) 0378 cat. 1027-06-WABI-63 Veazie School Visits WABI
Students enter and tour studio.
9) 0378 cat. 1027-07-WABI-63 Snow Footage
Bangor: Snowstorm including WABI building surrounded by several feet of snow, shots of snow from inside building, blocked traffic downtown, snow tractors at work, continuing sno...
3) 0379 cat. 0062-02-WABI-63 Pushaw Pond Camps and Snow
Cameraman on snowmobile shoots camps around pond.
11) 0379 cat. 0062-03-WABI-63 New Base Commander at Dow Air Force Base
Bangor : New base commander sits behind desk. LS and MS.
28) 0379 cat. 0062-04-WABI-63 S.A. Fish Inc. Fire
Building fire including Esso dealer pointing out damage to gas station. Fire fighters work with ladders and hoses.
22) 0379 cat. 0062-05-WABI-63 Captain Crowley Retirement
Crowley in uniform as he receives pieces of paper from group of men who pose with him.
34) 0379 cat. 0062-06-WABI-63 George Hale -- Snow Traveler
George Hale riding ski plane includes flight preparation, aerial shots, woods and houses.
15) 0379 cat. 0062-07-WABI-63 City Council
Bangor : City Council meeting. Views of room with three tables forming U.
36) 0379 cat. 0062-08-WABI-63 Industrial Managers Meeting
Men at table, and man speaking at podium.
17) 0379 cat. 0062-09-WABI-63 Rice and Miller Dealer Show
A few shots of show and booths.
18) 0379 cat. 0062-10-WABI-63 Snow Travelers at WABI
Skiers and snow travelers prepare for trip on lawn of WABI.
19) 0379 cat. 1027-08-WABI-63 Hopkins Pond Ice Fishing
George Hale on an ice fishing expedition with a group of men. Shots include snowmobile, cutting ice with manual auger, a fish on the snow, setting the traps, MS of men talking, ...
20) 0379 cat. 1027-09-WABI-63 President of CBS, WABI Tenth Anniversary
Static MS of James Aubrey, president of CBS, speaking to camera about WABI's tenth anniversary on the air and fourth anniversary as a CBS affiliate. Aubrey says how well WABI ha...
13) 0380 cat. 0062-11-WABI-63 AAU Swim Meet
Boys and girls relay and freestyle races.
25) 0380 cat. 0062-12-WABI-63 Accident at Railroad (Connors)
Men talk by railroad cars at accident site.
23) 0380 cat. 0062-13-WABI-63 Queen City Grange
Preliminary competition for Miss Bangor-Brewer in which man looks at card while contestants wait.
16) 0380 cat. 0062-14-WABI-63 High Water in Kenduskeag Stream
High water including ice chunks.
36) 0380 cat. 0062-15-WABI-63 First Day of Spring
First day of spring including potholes in road, puddles from melted snow.
26) 0380 cat. 0062-16-WABI-63 Berger--Sales Executive Club
Meeting in which a Mr. Berger unveils a sign reading, 'How to Get Better.'
29) 0380 cat. 0062-17-WABI-63 Cerebral Palsy Scouts Charter
Boy Scouts and Brownies induction ceremony for Cerebral Palsy kids, including oath taking and presentation of charter.
36) 0380 cat. 0062-18-WABI-63 Sebasticook Valley Hospital
Dedication ceremony including Reed speaking and cutting ribbon, and a tour of the rooms and facilities.
29) 0380 cat. 1027-10-WABI-63 Accident on Route 95
Scenes from Route 95 where an 18-wheel truck has smashed into something resulting in a crushed front cab. Shots include LS, MS and CU of smashed front end, rear shots of truck, ...
30) 0381 cat. 0003-22-WABI-63 Farm and Home Week at UM
Event including interviews with participants, farm animal.
31) 0381 cat. 0062-19-WABI-63 Search for Two UM Students
Search including rescue helicopter, searchers in boat, crowd, and Bangor police.
12) 0381 cat. 0062-21-WABI-63 Ind. Spur Con.
Tractors clearing land for plant construction.
13) 0381 cat. 0062-22-WABI-63 [Charterhouse Raising Flag]
Man raises Ontario provincial flag next to a U.S. flag at Queens Charterhouse Motel.
35) 0381 cat. 0063-01-WABI-63 Connecticut Band at Bozo Show
Band is guest at Bozo show.
9) 0381 cat. 0063-02-WABI-63 Baseball at UM
Game including LS of players at bat and running bases.
1) 0381 cat. 0063-03-WABI-63 Driver Education at UM Award
Young man receives award from other men.
2) 0381 cat. 0063-04-WABI-63 YWCA Craft-orama
Crafts by women including quilts, paintings, pottery, macrame, needlepoint, and others.
22) 0381 cat. 0063-05-WABI-63 CBS Executive at WABI
WABI staff meet executive at airport, then take him to dinner where he sits with Dick Bronson.
19) 0381 cat. 0063-06-WABI-63 Winner Lucky Shopper Contest
Choosing of contest winner includes a man shuffling cards, then an elderly woman sitting with man.
36) 0381 cat. 0063-08-WABI-63 Circle K at Husson College
Banquet at college.
7) 0381 cat. 0063-09-WABI-63 Boat Show at Auditorium
Bangor: Show at Bangor Auditorium including boat displays and a boy in a power boat.
8) 0381 cat. 0063-10-WABI-63 Lions Club Light Bulbs
Man receives light bulbs from two others.
9) 0381 cat. 0063-11-WABI-63 Bangor-Brewer Pageant
Young women walk in single file past a table to pick up something.
33) 0381 cat. 0063-13-WABI-63 Hikers in Herman
Five women are hiking on the road. MS, MCU, LS.
25) 0381 cat. 0063-14-WABI-63 Bob Woodbury Playing Golf
Woodbury executing drives, putts and chips.
12) 0381 cat. 0063-15-WABI-63 Sportsman's Lunch
Lunch at UM including seated participants and speakers.
13) 0381 cat. 0063-16-WABI-63 Tour of WABI
Studio tour for children including lights, cameras, a film library, radio station.
14) 0381 cat. 0063-17-WABI-63 Sportsman's Show
Show including trailers, hunting jackets, a dog, vehicles, skis, and other sports items.
1) 0381 cat. 0063-17-WABI-63 Congressman McIntire
Congressman McIntire criticizes the President's tax proposal and comments on the Democrats and Republicans proposals.
31) 0381 cat. 0063-18-WABI-63 Construction in Bangor
Bangor: Early construction of St. Joseph's Hospital including the steel framework, a bucket loader digging, dump trucks, the construction sign, the river.
17) 0381 cat. 0063-19-WABI-63 YMCA
YMCA World Services meeting.
18) 0381 cat. 0063-20-WABI-63 Great Antonio
Man named Great Antonio pulls four buses by a rope.
24) 0381 cat. 0063-21-WABI-63 Veazie Children at WABI
Men entertain children at WABI with singing and playing of piano, guitar, and other instruments.
20) 0381 cat. 0063-22-WABI-63 Sheep at WABI
Sheep being interviewed at WABI studio.
21) 0381 cat. 0063-23-WABI-63 Awards at Dow Air Force Base
Award presentation.
96) 0381 cat. 0063-24-WABI-63 Brewer Community Park
Men put up sign at site of future Brewer Community Park.
23) 0381 cat. 0063-25-WABI-63 Junior Chamber of Commerce
Event including speech, people talking.
12) 0381 cat. 0063-26-WABI-63 Hikers
Adults and children hiking including their campsite and tents.
6) 0381 cat. 0063-27-WABI-63 Tour of Studio City
Bangor: Adults tour Studio City, the WABI studios. Includes views of cameras, lights.
26) 0381 cat. 0063-28-WABI-63 Brewer High School
Brewer : LS and MS of exterior of Brewer High School. Pans of building, long shot of flag being lowered.
27) 0381 cat. 1027-11-WABI-63 Satellites and Rockets
Footage of spacecraft. A space capsule is dropped in a large reservoir of water, simulating splashdown. A man is inside the capsule. Views inside a rocket and how it is powered,...
28) 0382 cat. 0071-01-WABI-63 Memorial Day Parade
Bangor: Parade including band, Legionnaires, twirlers, officials, and children.
29) 0382 cat. 0071-03-WABI-63 RPM Oil Banquet
Banquet held to promote seat belt project. Shots of dinner table, posters, people.
30) 0382 cat. 0071-04-WABI-63 WABI Tour
Student tour including cameraman photographing them, their faces on monitor.
16) 0382 cat. 0071-05-WABI-63 Helicopter Sales and Services
'Helicopter Sales and Service Corp.' helicopter takes off, tours countryside, lands. Shots include aerial view of countryside.
32) 0382 cat. 0071-06-WABI-63 Fire
Fire fighters work with hoses to put out house fire.
16) 0382 cat. 0071-07-WABI-63 Tanker
Various XLSs of tanker slowly moving through water.
33) 0382 cat. 0071-07-WABI-63 Track and Field
Springfield, Massachussetts: Marathon event including runners from UM, Brown, M.I.T., Holy Cross, Boston College, and Central schools. Other events including high jump, pole vault.
35) 0382 cat. 0071-08-WABI-63 Meeting
12) 0382 cat. 0071-09-WABI-63 High Water
High water including flooded river banks and swollen river.
24) 0382 cat. 0071-10-WABI-63 Jaycees Parade
Bangor: Parade including 'Welcome to Bangor Jaycees' sign, Miss Maine, Miss Bangor-Brewer, Old Orchard Jaycee float, high school bands.
20) 0382 cat. 0071-11-WABI-63 Basketball Banquet
Award presentation.
7) 0382 cat. 0071-12-WABI-63 WABI Tour
Women's tour including film library.
24) 0382 cat. 0071-13-WABI-63 Dow Air Force Base Open House
Event including visitors pulling into front gate, shuttle train carrying people, visitors touring planes.
13) 0382 cat. 0071-14-WABI-63 Friendly Bear
Small bear begs group of people for food, and is escorted away by park rangers.
12) 0382 cat. 0071-15-WABI-63 Man at Airport
Unidentified person is met at airport.
7) 0382 cat. 0071-16-WABI-63 Bangor House Meeting
Meeting including a speech.
14) 0382 cat. 0071-17-WABI-63 Lion's Club
Meeting including banner, audience.
27) 0382 cat. 0071-18-WABI-63 Departing Woman
Woman is seen off by small boy at airport.
10) 0382 cat. 0071-19-WABI-63 UM Graduation
Ceremony including student and faculty procession.
12) 0382 cat. 0071-20-WABI-63 Bear Capture
Men use food to lure bear into box.
23) 0382 cat. 0071-21-WABI-63 Fraternity Money Raising
Fraternity members go door-to-door with promotional materials to collect money. Also maps of area to be covered.
27) 0382 cat. 0071-22-WABI-63 Late Snow
Late snow including covered roads, houses, shrubs and cars, a man clearing a path, a cold dog.
8) 0382 cat. 0071-24-WABI-63 Telstar Bubble Dome
Andover: People watching foreign broadcast on monitor at Telstar Bubble Dome.
15) 0382 cat. 0071-25-WABI-63 Colby College Banquet
People seated at banquet.
16) 0382 cat. 0071-26-WABI-63 Banquet
Banquet. Possibly held at WABI.
8) 0382 cat. 0071-27-WABI-63 Fishing
People fishing from sailboat display their fish, and men walk around the pier.
32) 0382 cat. 0072-01-WABI-63 Bangor Grange
Bangor: Setup of grange at Bangor Shopping Center including crowds, children and cattle.
9) 0382 cat. 0072-02-WABI-63 Bass Fair Ground
Bangor: Horses are hooked to buggies and sent running around a track.
28) 0382 cat. 0072-03-WABI-63 Boat Launching
Launch including boat being transported to lake, actual launching, other Boat, men dragging water, police walking in woods.
30) 0382 cat. 0072-04-WABI-63 Truck Accident
Overturned truck.
22) 0383 cat. 0063-31-WABI-63 Spring Byington
Governor Reed and others at a microphone and posing.
23) 0383 cat. 0063-32-WABI-63 1963 Soap Box Derby
Brewer: Derby including kids in soap boxes, WABI entry, parade with bands and twirlers.
9) 0383 cat. 0064-01-WABI-63 Spring Byington Interview
Interview by Dick Bronson.
25) 0383 cat. 0064-02-WABI-63 Bangor High School Graduation
Graduation ceremonies including students seated, audience, and speeches.
4) 0383 cat. 0064-03-WABI-63 School Play at Veazie
Veazie: School puts on play.
5) 0383 cat. 0064-04 [Disabled Canadian Plane]
Disabled plane completes forced landing at air strip in Millinocket
6) 0383 cat. 0064-05-WABI-63 Civil War Van
Exhibit, tour of long Civil War van including war posters.
27) 0383 cat. 0064-06-WABI-63 Hannaford Brothers at Pilot's Grill
Men listen to speech.
35) 0383 cat. 0064-07-WABI-63 Tim McCoy at WABI
Tim McCoy greeted by Dick Bronson at WABI.
10) 0383 cat. 0064-08-WABI-63 Girls Gym at UM
Men move equipment into women's gym.
28) 0383 cat. 0064-09-WABI-63 Plane at Old Town
Old Town: Men restore overturned single engine plane to upright position and tow it back to hangar.
8) 0383 cat. 0064-10-WABI-63 Fireworks Picked Up in Brewer
Brewer: Police confiscate, inspect and display several cases of fireworks.
7) 0383 cat. 0064-11-WABI-63 McIntire
Congressman McIntire and his wife are greeted by military personnel as they get off plane. MS and MLS.
8) 0383 cat.0064-12-WABI-63 Physics Convention at UM
Convention in Bennett Hall including conventioneers, slide shows, posters, diagrams of rockets.
28) 0383 cat. 0067-01-WABI-63 Dow Airman in Fatal Accident
Airman's damaged car after fatal accident, including car interior and exterior.
1) 0383 cat. 1027-12-WABI-63 Drum and Bugle Corps Contest
Various schools and organizations at Drum and Bugle Corps contest. Shots include LS of corps going through routines, MS of young people accepting trophies.
2) 0383 cat. 1027-13-WABI-63 Bangor Playgrounds
Bangor: Scenes from playgrounds. Shots include LS and MS of children in water, various CU and MS children smiling for camera and blowing bubble gum. Ref. 355.
17) 0383 cat. 1027-14-WABI-63 New
Old Town : Shots from the swearing-in ceremony for Old Town's new police chief. Shots include MS and LS of 3 men and an elderly woman as she swears in one man with police office...
16) 0384 cat. 0072-05-WABI-63 Two Rescued at Mt. Katahdin
Rescued pair are brought in by helicopter, carried on stretchers to ambulance, and taken away.
8) 0384 cat. 0072-06-WABI-63 UM
Meeting at UM with speeches.
35) 0384 cat. 0072-07-WABI-63 Fox and Ginn
Shipping company strikers wear signs reading, 'On Strike -- Hire Scabs and Strike Breakers' as trucks sit idle.
8) 0384 cat. 0072-08-WABI-63 North East Airlines
North East Airlines pilot is interviewed regarding subsidized Maine flights.
21) 0384 cat. 0072-09-WABI-63 Libby Motors
Two men get out of a large Winnebago and other men talk inside company building.
28) 0384 cat. 0072-10-WABI-63 Strike at Fox and Ginn
Shipping company strikers picket with signs reading, 'unfair.'
10) 0384 cat. 0072-11-WABI-63 Mr. Hildreth
Hildreth working with production boards and equipment at WABI and receiving a plaque.
102) 0384 cat. 0072-12-WABI-63 Burning House
Fire destroys house. No firefighters.
12) 0384 cat. 0072-13-WABI-63 Alert at Dow Air Force Base
Alert drills at base including performing an arrest, setting off smoke bombs to test base fire department, ambulance and medics test.
26) 0384 cat. 0072-14-WABI-63 Air Show
Air show including small plane flying stunts, crowd shots, plane interior.
14) 0384 cat. 0072-15-WABI-63 Stewart Udall
Stewart Udall speaks to Senator McIntire and other Maine political officials on a project that President Kennedy has initiated.
15) 0384 cat. 0072-16-WABI-63 Worth
Presentation including military personnel at which Governor Reed is recipient.
3) 0384 cat. 0072-17-WABI-63 Bangor Fair
Bangor: Fair including a ceremony on board a ship, and a livestock contest.
12) 0384 cat. 1029-07-WABI-63 Art Society Show
Art show including MS of paintings, man taking notes, CU of his pad of paper.
24) 0385 cat. 0067-12-WABI-63 Grange at Brewer
Brewer : Grange Hall filled with people ready for meeting. Various shots of large room and crowd with a basketball court below.
19) 0385 cat.0067-13-WABI-63 Halloween Parade
Preparation for a Halloween parade including putting posters in store windows, a child in a bull costume, and a child at a door.
146) 0385 cat. 0067-14-WABI-63 FAA Work Day
Old Town : Federal Aviation Agency, a typical day in the office. MS of the staff at work on control boards, typewriters, at desks, talking and at other jobs. LS and MS of the bu...
14) 0385 cat. 0067-15-WABI-63 Search for Missing Hunter
Search for a missing hunter named Jellison including shots of the road, people preparing for search, a food mobile, the Penobscot County Sheriff's Department.
22) 0385 cat. 0067-16-WABI-63 Muskie Dinner
Senator Muskie at dinner with three other men.
23) 0385 cat. 0068-01-WABI-63 William Paley at Bates College
Paley poses and talks to people at college.
24) 0385 cat. 0068-03-WABI-63 Preparations for John F. Kennedy at Univ. of Maine and Dow Air Force Base
Preparation for arrival of JFK at base and at UM. Shots of WABI setting up equipment, football field, helicopters coming.
25) 0385 cat. 0068-04-WABI-63 Carl Lobley Retiring
Retiree accepts a check or certificate.
152) 0385 cat. 0068-05-WABI-63 Haskell Speaking on Quoddy
Interview with Haskell discussing merits of Quoddy Power Plant.
153) 0385 cat.0068-06-WABI-63 United Fund
Small fundraising meeting including a speech and a person holding literature.
18) 0385 cat. 0068-07-WABI-63 City Police Shooting
Target practice including police with machine guns and pistols.
6) 0385 cat. 0068-08-WABI-63 Bozo and Fire Truck
Bozo and a firefighter fool around on a fire truck.
27) 0385 cat. 0068-09-WABI-63 Land for Covered Bridge
Site chosen for bridge including building materials, supporting structure, and a man working with the bridge plans in his office.
25) 0385 cat. 0068-10-WABI-63 Meeting
People talk at meeting.
32) 0385 cat. 0068-11-WABI-63 Students at UM Cleanup
Students raking as part of campus cleanup.
33) 0385 cat. 0068-12-WABI-63 Sullivan Ford Award
Award presentation.
160) 0385 cat. 0068-13-WABI-63 Lutheran Church
Three Lutheran ministers talk and look over some plans.
35) 0385 cat. 0068-14-WABI-63 Valachi
Valachi speaks to Senator Muskie at this hearing on Kinescope.
162) 0385 cat. 0068-15-WABI-63 USAF Dow Air Force Base
Men leave a building which bears a sign reading, 'Welcome Bangor Rotary.'
163) 0385 cat. 0068-16-WABI-63 Soil Conference
16) 0385 cat.1028-10-WABI-63 Muskie
Senator Edmund S. Muskie speaks to the camera from behind a desk on selling Maine potatoes to the Soviet Union. Economic and political aspects. Says, 'we can bury them agricultu...
165) 0386 cat. 0069-04-WABI-63 Finding of Jellison
Missing hunter Jellison is found. Shots of search vehicles, roads, and woods.
18) 0386 cat. 0069-05-WABI-63 Bangor High School Queens
Bangor : Four Bangor High School students who have been named 'queens.' Pan. The girls smile. Ref. 385.
167) 0386 cat. 0069-06-WABI-63 Dow Air Force Base
Bangor : Plaque presentation ceremony in hangar.
168) 0386 cat. 0069-07-WABI-63 Civic Theater Group
Bangor ? : A supper for a civic theater group. Shots of large room filled with people eating. Theater stage with actors acting various scenes. Ref. 385.
7) 0386 cat.0069-08-WABI-63 Bear
Small bear in a tree. LS, MS, CU bear watching crowd of people from tree. Views of crowd. Man climbs a ladder up tree to lasso it down.
12) 0386 cat. 0069-09-WABI-63 Voting at Ward 9
Women registering voters, people picking up ballots and returning them after voting in booths.
9) 0386 cat. 0069-10-WABI-63 Mt. Katahdin Search
Men in a search party packing equipment for search, inside a building warming themselves with coffee, more men outside march into falling snow to look for missing person.
10) 0386 cat. 0069-11-WABI-63 Governor Reed Dedication of Route 95
Ribbon cutting for new stretch of I-95 from Newport to Bangor, including Governor Reed and Congressman McIntire testimonials, the highway, a crowd.
31) 0386 cat. 0069-12-WABI-63 Mt. Katahdin Search
Aerial view of Mt. Katahdin including 'Knife's Edge' hiking trail and some small lakes.
34) 0386 cat.0069-13-WABI-63 [Santa's Parade]
Santa parade. Santa climbs down a fire ladder and into a crowd as he heads for his cabin at the Broadway Shopping Center. Shots include parade with floats and marching bands, Sa...
175) 0386 cat. 0069-14-WABI Awards Presentation
Group awards presentation.
14) 0386 cat. 1028-11-WABI-63 Katahdin Review Board
Meeting including three-member board, small audience, man signing document, woman talking to two men.
15) 0386 cat. 1028-12-WABI-63 Smokey Bear
Smokey and a man present a pair of plaques to two military officers.
178) 0386 cat. 1028-13-WABI-63 Wind Storm
Aftermath of a wind storm. Shots include a house with branches fallen on it, a car damaged by branches and a car completely crushed by an uprooted tree about 3 ft across.
22) 0386 cat. 1028-14-WABI-63 Winner of Auto and Cash -- Shop 'n Save
Presentation of new car and cash to contest winner in front of Shop 'n Save including man getting into new car.
21) 0386 cat. 1028-15-WABI-63 High Water
Scenes from results of high water. Large amounts of water pour over a dam, water around trees on river banks and calm water with a fish jumping.
2) 0386 cat. 1028-16-WABI-63 Polio Pow Wow
Man interviewed about polio and vaccine. Various shots of group drinking vaccine from small cups distributed at a table. Ref. 385.
36) 0387 cat. 0070-11-WABI-63 WABI Christmas Party
WABI party including Bozo and Santa Claus, a band playing, children.
106) 0387 cat. 0070-17-WABI-63 Caribou
Men tranquilize caribou, then pack them in bags to transport by truck to another site. Also shots of caribou herd and caribou running out of truck.
22) 0387 cat. 0071-23-WABI-63 Stetson Rifles
Group of girls pose and board buses marked 'Stetson Rifles.'
22) 0387 cat. 1028-18-WABI-63 Lighting Contest
Various houses seen by night, entries in a Christmas lighting contest.
16) 0387 cat. 1028-19-WABI-63 Governor Reed -- Safety
Governor Reed extending season's greetings and good wishes for coming year. MS and CU.
12) 0387 cat. 1028-20-WABI-63 Governor Reed on Highway Safety
Reed speaks on highway safety and its importance during the Christmas season.
14) 0387 cat. 1029-01-WABI-63 Coopal Interview
Bangor: Interview with City Manager Coopal in his office regarding urban renewal, parking construction, swimming pool, golf course, and other projects of the coming year.
16) 0387 cat. 1029-02-WABI-63 Local Police Promotions
Ceremony including an officer presenting two others with promotion pins. MS and MLS.
5) 0387 cat. 1029-03-WABI-63 Fire Prevention in Schools
Fire fighter's presentation to school children including showing them literature, children's reaction shots.
34) 0387 cat. 1029-04-WABI-63 Christmas Daddies Gifts
Men wait at WABI receptionist's desk with gifts, then carry them out. Also shot of sleds in lobby.
31) 0387 cat. 1029-05-WABI-63 Miss USA
Miss USA visits Maine and is greeted at the airport by reporters from WABI. Shots include her exiting plane, CU and MS her speaking to reporters. WABI studios where she is inter...
34) 0387 cat. 1029-06-WABI-63 Railroad Strike
Interview with railroad official Durant by George Redpath regarding strike set for the evening and union-management relations in local area.
32) 0388 cat. 0064-13-WABI-63 Railroad Yards
Train yard including trains, tracks, train car flatbed, the station.
33) 0388 cat. 0064-14-WABI-63 Kenduskeag Parking Dedication
Bangor: Dedication ceremony at finished parking lot including a band playing, crowds, military men raising a flag, a speech, and a plaque placed in stone.
16) 0388 cat. 0064-15-WABI-63 Dow Air Force Base
Officers stand at attention as troops march by.
35) 0388 cat. 0064-16-WABI-63 Bangor High School Construction
Bangor: Construction of school including tractors and other equipment.
36) 0388 cat. 0064-17-WABI-63 Horse Racing
Bangor: Horse racing at Fair Grounds including a man filing down a horse's shoes, stables, carriages, horses trotting around raceway.
15) 0388 cat. 0064-18-WABI-63 Bangor Band
Outdoor concert: band made up of older men playing horns, drums, and other instruments before an audience. Also MS and LS of conductor.
78) 0388 cat. 0064-19-WABI-63 Berry at Dow Air Force Base
A women named Berry is given a tour of the base. Shots include LS and MS of her standing by a helicopter MS of her at controls, CU of her looking through a window.
17) 0388 cat. 0064-20-WABI-63 Navy Ship
Scenes from aboard a navy ship including a tilt down from the top to the lower deck, MSs of parts of the ship, and a crewman walking on lower deck.
4) 0388 cat. 0064-21-WABI-63 Bangor Fair
Bangor: Fair including a woman playing with a dog, a man on the highwire, and two men pulled by horses.
26) 0388 cat. 0064-22-WABI-63 Preparation for Bangor Fair
Preparation including trailers, people standing around with sheep, workers putting up booths and tents, rides.
17) 0388 cat. 0064-23-WABI-63 Fire at Old Town
Old Town: House fire including fire fighters working with hoses, fire truck with extension ladder, house burning.
11) 0388 cat. 0064-24-WABI-63 Eclipse Preparation at UM
Preparation for eclipse including people hooking up recording and monitoring equipment, a camera with a large sun lens, and various license plates in area including Illinois, Wi...
13) 0388 cat. 0064-25-WABI-63 DED Plaque to Bangor
DED representative presents a plaque to city of Bangor.
14) 0388 cat. 0064-26-WABI-63 IGA Expansion in Brewer
Brewer: Ceremony for IGA expansion including a meeting and a woman driving a bulldozer. The woman is dressed up. Not typical heavy machine operator attire.
10) 0388 cat. 0064-27-WABI-63 [Paul Bunyan]
Bangor: Man dressed as Paul Bunyan in front of Bangor's statue of Paul Bunyan.
25) 0388 cat. 1028-01-WABI-63 Highway Safety, Fourth of July
Governor Reed speaks on the safety of Maine people during the Fourth of July weekend. Shots include Reed in MCU, LS and MS of posters as he tells of ordinary people in Maine. Re...
31) 0388 cat. 1028-02-WABI-63 Hampden Fourth of July Celebration
Hampden: Scenes from Hampden's Fourth of July celebration. Shots include a sign that invites you to spend the day with cooking contests, a chicken Bar b Cue, an auction, etc. Va...
13) 0388 cat. 1028-03-WABI-63 Bernstein on Nixon
Mr. Bernstein interview. He is asked how and why he wants to draft Richard Nixon for Maine senator. Bernstein blames a weak president. Shots include Bernstein and interviewer in...
14) 0389.0009 [Last Mail Train to Bangor]
Footage shot by WABI for news report on the mail train's last trip to Bangor. Features scenes of workers in mailroom sorting and filing envelopes, the Maine Central freight trai...
15) 0389 0065-16-WABI-63 Meeting
Meeting with people at tables and man speaking at podium.
9) 0389 cat. 0065-10-WABI-63 Cop Killer
Police arrive with suspected murderer in custody, take him into a post office, then take him to Penobscot County Courthouse where he is searched and taken away. LS, MS and CU of...
31) 0389 cat. 0065-11-WABI-63 Jordan's Meat
Ribbon cutting at Rice meat packing building including truck with Jordan's label on it, butcher cutting ribbon and shaking hands with other men on platform.
18) 0389 cat. 0065-12-WABI-63 Reed at New Highway Building
Bangor : Governor Reed visit to the new Maine State Highway Commission Building including greetings, building tour.
27) 0389 cat. 0065-13-WABI-63 Interview on Civil Rights
Interview with unidentified man about civil rights in Maine includes discussion of possible NAACP chapter for Maine, state's housing situation, legal status of organization, pos...
34) 0389 cat. 0065-14-WABI-63 Maine Exposition in Massachusetts
Eastern States Exposition including building exterior, rides, exhibits, Maine Vacationland booth, Maine Poultry Queen, and the Maine Sea Goddess.
83) 0389 cat. 0065-15-WABI-63 Red and White
Lottery drawing in front of Red and White Store during Rodeo Days including group of people with horse and carriage, woman drawing card from box.
13) 0389 cat. 0065-17-WABI-63 Webber Oil Meeting
Meeting including audience listening to speaker and sign reading, 'M.D.T.A. Project.'
1) 0389 cat. 0065-18-WABI-63 Educational Television Antenna at UM
Technicians work on top and base of ETV antenna.
19) 0389 cat. 0065-19-WABI-63 Labor Pictures
Crowd watches man sketch a posing woman's portrait. Also shots of walls covered with art works.
25) 0389 cat. 0065-20-WABI-63 Educational Television Antenna
Workers apply their skills to constructing and painting the ETV antenna at UM. Also shots of receiver building interior and exterior, and man at control board.
26) 0389 cat. 0066-02-WABI-63 Red and White Sales Meeting
Red & White sales meeting. Group of people listens to man at podium. Man points to ad boards. People hold books, papers, listen.
8) 0389 cat. 0066-03-WABI-63 McIntire
Congressman McIntire speaks to public on Dickey Dam proposal and Quoddy Dam proposal. Talks about activities in Senate and waiting for response from Sec. Hugo.
28) 0389 cat. 0066-04-WABI-63 United Fund
Men tour a building with an indoor basketball court and pool. Probably a result of the United Fund sponsorship of a Brewer Recreation facility.
18) 0389 cat.0066-06-WABI-63 School Opening
Mother (Elizabeth Gopan), triplet girls (Samara, Cheryl and Susan), and a boy (Jeffrey Gopan) going on foot to school. Walk up and down streets to school yard. Large group of ch...
8) 0389 cat. 0067-02-WABI-63 Belfast Bridge
Belfast: Shots of bridge from land, river, and car points of view.
32) 0389 cat. 0067-03-WABI-63 Maine Maritime Academy ['State of Maine']
Castine: 'State of Maine' ship including smokestack, other parts, life rafts, Maine Maritime Academy building facade.
36) 0389 cat. 1028-09-WABI-63 McIntire
Congressman McIntire speaks to the camera in a message on civil rights legislation and his support of it. Also why farmers should sign up for acreage in support of a new quota o...
11) 0390 cat. 0067-04-WABI-63 Maine vs. Rhode Island Football Game
Game highlights, cheerleaders, mascot.
19) 0390 cat. 0067-05-WABI-63 Maine [Department of] Wildlife
Maine Dept. of Wildlife efforts to save fish including men spraying foam on pond and swamp, dead fish.
32) 0390 cat. 0067-06-WABI-63 Maine Maritime Academy Football Team
Players and coaches, players practicing and demonstrating positions, fieldhouse.
1) 0390 cat. 0067-07-WABI-63 UM Football Players
Team shots include posing, the photographers, players demonstrating their positions, practice, UM Black Bear Statue.
1) 0390 cat. 0067-08-WABI-63 Electro Fishing
Fishing with a generator powered rod. Shots include a man using the rod in shallow water, other fishermen scooping fish with nets, fish following the rod, generator.
3) 0390 cat. 0067-09-WABI-63 Bangor Golf Course [Under Construction]
Bangor: Preparation of land for building golf course, including rubble removal.
30) 0390 cat. 0067-10-WABI-63 Bangor High School Football
Bangor: Team poses, then individual players pose and demonstrate their positions. Also shots of practice and coaches.
11) 0390 cat. 0067-11-WABI-63 Brewer High School Football Team
Team poses, demonstrates plays, and practices on a blocking dummy. Also shots of coaches.
6) 0391 cat. 0070-01-WABI- Paul Bunyan Basketball
Bunyan with Husson College cheerleaders and highlights of game against Ricker including half-time award presentation.
26) 0391 cat. 0070-02-WABI-63 Orono Basketball
Orono vs. Eagles game.
8) 0391 cat. 0070-03-WABI-63 UM Basketball Players
MS and LS of players lined up and executing free throws. Also George Hale interviewing head coach.
23) 0391 cat. 0070-04-WABI-63 UM Football
Highlights of game against unidentified opponent including plays, crowd, coaches, field house, umbrellas.
26) 0391 cat. 1028-17-WABI-63 Bangor-Brewer Game
Football game highlights including Rams live mascot, cheerleaders, scoreboard with 'Home 12 -- Visitors 2' in third quarter.
11) 0392.0001 Sports
Stearns Minutemen vs. John Bapst basketball game highlights.
9) 0392 cat. 0070-05-WABI-63 Down East Classic
Highlights of UM vs. Bates College and Bowdoin vs. Colby basketball games including award ceremony.
13) 0392 cat. 0070-06-WABI-63 UM vs. Colby Basketball
Game highlights, coaches, crowd.
16) 0392 cat. 0070-07-WABI-63 Basketball Clinic
Man instructs high school players in passing and lay-ups.
15) 0392 cat. 0070-09-WABI-63 Sports
Possibly UM basketball against unidentified opponent.
16) 0392 cat. 0070-10-WABI-63 Brewer vs. Bapst Basketball
Highlights of Brewer Witches vs. John Bapst High School basketball game.
11) 0393 cat. 0068-17-WABI-63 Track Meet at UM
Sports event including runners and crowds.
18) 0393 cat. 0068-18-WABI-63 Model Planes at Bass Park
Bangor: Planes perform loops, curves and other movements. Also shots of model plane owners.
13) 0393 cat. 0068-19-WABI-63 John Bapst Football
Team and players pose, then demonstrate their positions. Also shots of coaches.
20) 0393 cat. 0068-20-WABI-63 UM at New Hampshire
Parade: floats go by as crowd watches.
21) 0393 cat. 0068-21-WABI-63 UM Football
Highlights of game against unidentified opponent.
29) 0393 cat. 0068-22-WABI-63 Little League [Football]
Little League football game.
30) 0393 cat. 0068-23-WABI-63 UM Football
Band and twirlers perform at football game.
31) 0393 cat. 0069-01-WABI-63 University of Maine Football
UM moving ball down field.
21) 0393 cat. 0069-02-WABI-63 University of Maine Football
UM band spells out 'U.S.' during half-time.
26) 0393 cat. 0069-03-WABI-63 [Sportsman's Show in Brewer]
Booth displays including snowshoes, snowmobiles, and a snow traveler.
30) 0394 cat. 1028-08-WABI Shell Sign
A static MS looking up at a rotating Shell sign.
31) 0395 cat.0065-01 Unity Raceway
Race scenes including cars rolling over and skidding.
32) 0395 cat. 0065-02-WABI Rice's Frankfurts
Commercial including arrival of a Rice truck, a frankfurts display in a store, a man weighing a bunch of frankfurts.
36) 0395 cat. 0065-04-WABI-63 Freeses Gold Bond Stamps
Same as positive copy found on Catalogue No. 1009-11.
4) 0395 cat. 0065-05-WABI-63 Freeses Shoe Dept.
Shoe department including many racks of shoes and a sign reading, 'Bob's Smart Shoes.'
11) 0395 cat. 0065-06-WABI-63 Merchant's Bank
Commercial for bank including person signing form, dropping a key onto the form, two women entering the vault and opening a safety deposit box.
17) 0395 cat. 0065-07-WABI Webber Supply, Heil Furnaces
Commercial including a woman and small boy inspecting a furnace sold by Webber Supply.
19) 0395 cat. 0065-08-WABI Fairview Wine
Commercial with man showing and describing varieties of Fairview wine.
10) 0395 cat. 1028-04-WABI-63 Bangor-Brewer Bowling Lanes
Bangor-Brewer Bowling Lanes interiors. Large number of people bowling. Shots include LS and MS of men, women and children from various angles, a man having bowling lessons. Ref....
23) 0395 cat. 1028-05-WABI Christmas at WABI
WABI: Christmas film, probably not intended for broadcast. Shots include a man hiding behind a magazine at his desk, the magazine cover shows a Playboy Bunny saying 'Merry Chris...
4) 0395 cat. 1028-06-WABI-63 Bangor-Brewer Bowling Lanes
Footage from the Bangor-Brewer Bowling Lanes for an ad or promo. Shots include exteriors, an arc shot of a setup of bowling pins, also various LS and MS of attempted strikes. Re...
29) 0396 cat. 0072-20-WABI-64 McIntire
Interview with Congressman McIntire in which he states that he will support Barry Goldwater for president if Senator Margaret Chase Smith is not nominated by the Republicans.
3) 0396 cat. 1029-09-WABI-64 Dr. Elliot -- Trip
Interview with Dr. Elliot regarding his upcoming trip to Venezuela sponsored by the Ford Foundation, that country's higher educational system versus ours.
18) 0396 cat. 1030-02-WABI-64 Dr. Elliot -- University of Maine Enrollment
Interview with Dr. Elliot regarding coming school year, fundraising project, tuition and room and board increases.
5) 0396 cat. 1030-03-WABI-64 Dr. Jeffrey Interview -- Panama Canal
Interview regarding Panama, why Canal shouldn't be given to Panama, White Americans' prejudice against Panamanians, Castro and Communism.
6) 0396 cat. 1031-01-WABI-64 James Meredith at University of Maine
Interview with James Meredith regarding Civil Rights movement, including his role, and President Lyndon Johnson's policy.
10) 0396 cat. 1031-02-WABI-64 McIntire
Congressman McIntire speaks regarding his candidacy for Maine senate, his experiences and accomplishments as Maine representative.
14) 0396 cat. 1031-03-WABI-64 Coopal
Interview with Coopal regarding new International Relations Committee, his role in it, powers and functions, future.
12) 0396 cat. 1031-04-WABI-64 Senator Smith
Interview with Senator Margaret Chase Smith in conference room with two reporters beside her. LS and MS.
13) 0396 cat. 1031-05-WABI-64 Police Officer Watson Retiring
Retirement party including officials, Watson and group at doughnut-covered table, she poses with a teacup.
12) 0396 cat. 1031-06-WABI-64 Margaret Chase Smith Day at Skowhegan
Same as Cat no. 0075-07-WABI-64
25) 0396 cat. 1031-07-WABI-64 D'Errico on Employment
Interview with D'Errico regarding Bangor survey to determine employability of citizens in order to attract bigger business, when it will be conducted, its effects.
16) 0396 cat. 1031-08-WABI-64 Ed Connor -- YMCA
Interview with YMCA Director Connor regarding YMCA Week, its programs, and YMCA in general.
13) 0396 cat. 1031-09-WABI-64 Barnes at BOMARC
Colonel Barnes of BOMARC speaks on NORAD's decision to deactivate 30th Air Defense Missile Command, when it will begin, future plans, tribute to 30th's men.
18) 0396 cat. 1031-10-WABI-64 Edmund Muskie on Sugar Beet
Muskie speaking to camera on fundraising for sugar beet project, for Maine to have one of only three refineries in country, economic impact on state, his support of it.
19) 0396 cat. 1031-11-WABI-64 [Edmund Muskie]
Muskie speaks to camera on number of years he was governor, then senator, service political office provides to Maine citizens, his wish to continue representing and bettering Ma...
20) 0397 cat. 0071-01-WABI-64 Rice and Miller Show
Annual sporting goods show including booths with rifles, boat, skis, visitors.
21) 0397 cat. 0077-02-WABI-64 UM
UM meeting.
32) 0397 cat. 0077-03-WABI-64 Rice and Miller Show
Annual trade show including washing machines, lawnmowers, paint and other products.
23) 0397 cat. 0077-04-WABI-64 Community Oil Meeting
Bangor: Meeting at Pilot's Grill.
24) 0397 cat. 0077-05-WABI-64 Drawing
Men draw card from mixer.
25) 0397 cat. 1034-02-WABI-64 Dr. Whittaker
Interview with Dr. Whittaker of Bangor Theological Seminary on a convocation for the 150th Anniversary of the Seminary's charter. Talks about events, expected crowd, significanc...
36) 0397 cat. 1034-03-WABI-64 Bid-A-Buck Prize Car
Men hold up contest sign and stand by prize car.
27) 0397 cat. 1034-04-WABI-64 [Muskie on Passamaquoddy-St. John Project]
Interview with Muskie regarding Passamaquoddy-St. John project. // Same as catalogue number 0076-11-WABI-64.
2) 0397 cat. 1034-05-WABI-64 Internal Revenue Service--Goode
Interview with IRS representative Donald Goode regarding filing tax returns.
7) 0397 cat. 1034-06-WABI-64 Murder Scene at Newport
Newport: Police knocking at house door, getting back into car, leaving, various shots of house.
36) 0397 cat. 1034-07-WABI-64 Rice and Miller Show
Annual show including booths of area merchants including Trustworthy, crowd.
31) 0397 cat. 1034-08-WABI-64 Internal Revenue Service--Mr. Goode
Interview with IRS representative Donald Goode regarding new tax proposal he supports, and how to handle interest and dividends.
6) 0397 cat. 1034-09-WABI-64 Chamber of Commerce Vote on Urban Renewal
Men count vote ballots.
7) 0397 cat. 1034-10-WABI-64 Fluoridation
George Redpath interview of unidentified man regarding fluoridation process including cost, benefits, methods (dental health).
31) 0397 cat. 1034-11-WABI-64 Mr. Goode -- Internal Revenue Service
Interview with IRS representative Donald Goode regarding automobile expense tax deductions, mileage deductions.
35) 0397 cat. 1034-12-WABI-64 Herbert Silsby
Silsby announcement of his candidacy for Republican nomination to 2nd congressional district including campaign promises.
14) 0397 cat. 1034-13-WABI-64 Dr. Cross -- Heart
Interview of Dr. Cross on heart treatment and research in Maine including immediate future of heart transplants, heart readings, use of research funds.
11) 0398 cat. 0077-11-WABI-64 National Ed Boyers
2) 0398 cat. 0077-12-WABI-64 Science Fair-Millinocket
High school fair with students standing in front of projects.
2) 0398 cat. 0077-13-WABI-64 Steering Committee for Urban Renewal
Committee members talk and sign documents.
9) 0398 cat. 0077-14-WABI-64 Fred Reeves Sno Travelers Film
Reeves' hunting trip featuring Sno Travelers, campsite.
36) 0398 cat. 1034-14-WABI-64 Farm and Home Week
Farm and Home Week event including farm product booths and experiments, home products, lawn mowers, fertilizers, an audience listening to a speech, a man receiving a blood test.
6) 0398 cat. 1034-15-WABI-64 Sportsman's Show
Bangor Auditorium show setup including men testing a pool with a canoe, Boat being brought in, men cleaning.
21) 0398 cat. 1034-16-WABI-64 Urban Renewal
WABI reporters interview people regarding urban renewal. Most are in favor of it.
8) 0398 cat. 1034-17-WABI-64 Professor Bricker at UM
Interview of Hershel Bricker regarding opening of Maine Masque Theater in Hauck Auditorium and its first show.
9) 0398 cat. 1035-01-WABI-64 UM Educational Television
Quick spots describing new Educational Television project at WMEB-TV Channel 12. Shots of engineers, studio cameras, monitors, switchers, Commissioner Lee's speech on ETV, peopl...
10) 0398 cat. 1035-02-WABI-64 Potatoes Week
Dunn speaking on Maine potato industry including workers, potato's image. Also shots of a train pulling into junction with a woman engineer who gets out and presents suited men ...
11) 0398 cat. 1035-03-WABI-64 Salvation Army in Africa
Interview with Josbus Monji regarding Salvation Army in Africa including size and purpose, Africa and his hopes for its future.
12) 0398 cat. 1035-04-WABI-64 Income Tax Questions
Interviews asking people their opinion of the new tax cut and their plans for the money.
19) 0398 cat. 1035-05-WABI-64 Coopal on New Bangor High School
Interview of Bangor official Coopal by Dick Bronson regarding commercial saying new Bangor High School will be auctioned off. Same as Cat. no. 0081-05-WABI-64.
25) 0398 cat. 1035-06-WABI-64 Easter Sunday
Young and old adults and children leaving church after Easter Mass.
17) 0398 cat.1035-07-WABI-64 Fish Hatchery, Orland
Orland: Scenes from Great Brook National Hatchery including Dick Bronson interview of managers, a tour of complex, tanks of salmon, man feeding salmon man holding a 15-month-old...
33) 0398 cat. 1035-08-WABI-64 Legislative Hearing
Hearing including audience, legislative group. MS of man speaking, MS and LS of audience.
17) 0398 cat. 1035-09-WABI-64 Birch Interview
Interview of Birch by George Redpath regarding Birch's organizations' plans to visit Aroostook family farms. Similar to or same as Cat. no. 0078-04-WABI-64.
18) 0398 cat. 1035-10-WABI-64 Civil Defense Hospital
Reporter and hospital administrator's tour of civil defense hospital including operating room and x-ray machine.
19) 0399 cat. 0079-01-WABI- New England Basketball Tourney
Boston: Highlights of game between Bangor Rams and a Connecticut team.
20) 0399 cat. 1010-05-WABI-61 Jim Adams Volkswagen Ribbon Cutting
Ceremony including shots of VW Microbus, interiors of other models.
21) 0400 cat. 0082-06-WABI-64 Memorial Day Parade
Bangor: Parade including Army, Navy, National Guard, bands, twirlers, onlookers.
19) 0400 cat. 0082-07-WABI-64 Bangor High School World's Fair Trip
Students boarding bus and waving goodbye on way to New York World's Fair.
10) 0400 cat. 0082-08-WABI-64 Pilot's Grill
Bangor: speeches at Pilot's Grill.
11) 0400 cat. 0082-08-WABI-64 Chamber of Commerce
Chamber meeting with people sitting at conference table talking.
25) 0400 cat. 0082-09-WABI-64 Awards
Men pose at an awards presentation.
34) 0400 cat. 0082-10-WABI-64 Mt. Katahdin
Helicopter lands at base of mountain, and a body is transferred from a helicopter to an ambulance.
27) 0400 cat. 0082-11-WABI-64 Democratic Convention
Convention scenes including registration, county signs, people eating.
28) 0400 cat. 0082-12-WABI-64 Univ. of Maine Awards Day
UM: Awards presentation in The Pit including students and professors recieving awards and making speeches.
29) 0400 cat. 0082-13-WABI-64 Bangor Oldsters Banquet
Banquet including tables of elderly people playing games. Also shots of people posing and political buttons.
32) 0400 cat. 0082-14-WABI-64 Katahdin Victim Brought Out
Body is transferred from helicopter to ambulance. Helicopter takes off. Shots of mountain.
35) 0400 cat. 0082-15-WABI-64 Mt. Katahdin
Search for Hildreth including men looking at map, plane flying overhead, vehicles at search site, search dog.
32) 0400 cat. 0082-16-WABI-64 Bangor ROTC
Banquet including largely adult audience listening to speaker, students on lawn outside high school.
23) 0400 cat. 0082-17-WABI-64 Republican Convention
Convention including McIntire, Reed, audience, other leaders.
18) 0400 cat. 0082-18-WABI-64 Dow Air Force Base
Base scenes including troops marching before officers reviewing from platform.
25) 0400 cat. 1036-02-WABI-64 Mock Voting at University of Maine
Orono:Same as Cat. no. 0080-16-WABI-64
22) 0400 cat. 1036-17-WABI-64 Fire at Victoria Hotel
Fire including firefighters on first floor, building exterior, extension ladder and hose, fire fighters rushing rescued victims onto stretchers.
1) 0400 cat. 1036-18-WABI-64 Mt. Hope Traffic Signal
Bangor: Traffic stopping at new light including LS and MS of flashing yellow.
12) 0400 cat. 1037-01-WABI-64 Opinion
Bangor: Random people-on-the-street interviews regarding opinions on urban renewal, young people's facilities, improving industrial prospects for Bangor, Civil Rights Movement. ...
13) 0400 cat. 1037-02-WABI-64 Lone Pine and Governor
Governor John Reed and Hal Lone Pine pose in MS as Pine presents Reed with his new album, 'Coast of Maine and Other Favorites.'
10) 0400 cat. 1037-03-WABI-64 Maine Day at University of Maine
Orono: Maine Day event including man receiving university key from student, crowd, chicken bake, food line, cooks working with food.
5) 0400 cat. 1037-04-WABI-64 Radio Week
Nicholas Brountas' on-camera tribute to radio including proclamation of 'Radio Month' and slogan 'Radio -- Your Constant Companion.' Same as or similar to Cat. no. 0082-02-WABI-64.
16) 0401 cat. 0080-01-WABI-64 Fire on Essex Street
Bangor: House fire appears under control as firefighters clean up debris.
19) 0401 cat. 0080-02-WABI-64 League of Women Voters
Meeting in which women talk and deal with paperwork.
8) 0401 cat. 0080-03-WABI-64 Bid-A-Buck
Bangor Auditorium: Contest event including crowd seated in bleachers, woman winning car, prizes.
9) 0401 cat. 0080-04-WABI-64 Bozo at Bucksport
Bozo entertains children and a man.
32) 0401 cat. 0080-05-WABI-64 Spring Football
Spring football training including coach directing players in passing and blocking drills on field. MS and LS of action, field house, stands.
5) 0401 cat. 0080-06-WABI-64 Baseball at UM
Highlights of game vs. Bates College.
12) 0401 cat. 0080-08-WABI-64 Circus at Brewer
Brewer: Shots through cage bars of leopards performing with a trainer including a balancing act, jumping through fire hoops and playing.
34) 0401 cat. 0080-09-WABI-64 Sportsman's Show
Bangor: Bangor Auditorium show including boat, cars, rifles, fishing gear, duck decoys, and a pool with a canoe.
14) 0401 cat. 0080-10-WABI-64 Mt. Katahdin
Shots of Mt. Katahdin including the Knife's Edge and three men carrying an empty stretcher.
15) 0401 cat. 0080-11-WABI-64 Univ. of Maine
Awards presentation including a man speaking and a crowd watch people receiving awards.
16) 0401 cat. 0080-12-WABI-64 Maine Oil Heating Meeting
Meeting with people seated at tables.
17) 0401 cat. 0080-13-WABI-64 Univ. of Maine
Orono: Speech including speaker's introduction and audience.
18) 0401 cat. 0080-14-WABI-64 Accident
Scenes from accident including towtruck pulling away multiple cars, and shots of their damage.
19) 0401 cat. 0080-15-WABI-64 Farm and Home Week at Univ. of Maine
Orono: Scenes from event including a meat cutting demonstration using a side of beef, and cattle in their pens.
20) 0401 cat. 1035-11-WABI-64 Cliff McIntire on Beets
Congressman McIntire speech on sugar beet refinery proposal, which would give Maine one of only three such facilities in nation.
31) 0401 cat. 1035-13-WABI-64 Muskie -- Sugar Beet
Senator Muskie speaking on new sugar refinery that Great Western Sugar Company will build for $17 million. He thanks project planners and says it will provide thousands of new j...
15) 0401 cat. 1036-01-WABI-64 UM Trustees
Meeting. Same as Cat. no. 0080-18-WABI-64.
15) 0401 cat. 1036-04-WABI-64 Maine Association of Fire Chiefs -- Hampden
Hampden: Same as or similar to Cat. no. 0080-19-WABI-64.
25) 0401 cat. 1036-05-WABI-64 Dr. Fox
Same as Cat. no. 0081-09-WABI-64.
12) 0401 cat. 1036-06-WABI-64 [Mr. Walker Interview]
Interview with Mr. Walker regarding decisions on appointees to board of trustees.
36) 0401 cat. 1036-07-WABI-64 Castine
Same as Cat. no. 0081-07-WABI-64.
17) 0401 cat. 1036-08-WABI-64 Dr. Fox
Interview with psychoanalyst Dr. Fox. Same as Cat. no. 0081-08-WABI-64.
1) 0401 cat. 1036-09-WABI-64 Opinion -- Voting Age
Random people-on-the-street interviews regarding lowering voting age to 18. Same as Cat. no. 0081-12-WABI-64.
30) 0401 cat. 1036-10-WABI-64 Butterfield Interview -- Hale
Interview with University of Maine baseball coach Jack Butterfield by George Hale including recent game, rest of season, vacation. Same as or similar to Cat. no. 0081-03-WABI-64.
31) 0401 cat. 1036-11-WABI-64 Castine
Castine: Interview of Edgar Nuvigan of Castine regarding Maine Maritime Academy situation. As father of student, is worried about possible school closing and 'raw deal' students...
22) 0401 cat. 1036-12-WABI-64 Castine
Castine:Interview with senior midshipmen at Maine Maritime Academy regarding suspended classes, letter sent to governor, attorney general and Mr. Leavitt. Same as Cat. no. 0081-...
6) 0401 cat. 1036-13-WABI-64 Opinion -- Parking Meters
Bangor: People-on-the-street interviews regarding new parking meters. Most are against. Same as Cat. no. 0081-02-WABI-64
34) 0401 cat. 1036-14-WABI-64 University of Maine
Interview with secretary O. Freeman regarding sugar beet refinery proposed for Maine, and the fact that competition with other states is making process take longer. Same as Cat....
35) 0402 cat. 0084-05-WABI-64 [Group Posing]
Scenes from airport including people talking, smiling and posing.
36) 0402 cat. 0084-06-WABI-64 Accident
Car accident scene including towing of cars, totaled cars, damage.
1) 0402 cat. 0084-07-WABI-64 Boys State -- Reed
Orono: Boys State event in The Pit at the University of Maine including Governor John Reed and a swearing-in ceremony.
11) 0402 cat. 0084-08-WABI-64 [Indian Dance]
Dance performance including Native Americans arriving by canoe, an artifacts display, dancing for children.
10) 0402 cat. 0084-09-WABI-64 Soap Box Derby
Derby including racers, cars being placed on platform, onlookers, checkered flag waving as cars cross finish line.
13) 0402 cat. 0084-10-WABI-64 [WABI]
Interview of a woman in the WABI studios as musicians sing and play guitars to entertain the audience.
5) 0402 cat. 0084-11-WABI-64 O.A. Harkness
O.A. Harkness boat christening including crowd, woman smashing bottle on bow, applause, boat backing away from dock.
6) 0402 cat. 0084-12-WABI-64 [Men Boarding Airplane]
Airport scene including men walking to and boarding an airplane, and looking down from the top of the steps.
16) 0402 cat. 0084-13-WABI-64 Accident
Car accident scene including a vehicle that has turned over and hit a route sign, and men looking on.
8) 0402 cat. 0084-14-WABI-64 [Safety Patrol Banquet]
Banquet including people seated at tables and a trio of bicycles onstage behind them.
28) 0402 cat. 0084-15-WABI-64 [Univ. of Maine Commencement]
Event in which crowd watches women walk single file past a man who presents them with something.
5) 0402 cat. 0084-16-WABI-64 [Hearings]
People watch a speaker at a podium.
11) 0402 cat. 1037-06-WABI-64 Student Council -- University of Maine
Man explains purpose of National Conference of the National Association of Student Councils, to demonstrate to students the skills and techniques needed in a democratic society.
12) 0402 cat. 1037-07-WABI-64 American Society for Engineering Education Convention at University of Maine
Conference footage including demonstration of new design for old electrostatic generator by Professor A.D. Moore, and interview with young female engineer about her work.
24) 0402 cat. 1037-08-WABI-64 Professor McNeary -- American Society for Engineering Education
Interview with professor regarding organization, national convention in Maine, events, speakers.
29) 0402 cat. 1037-09-WABI-64 Macrae and Honan
Father Honan talks about Pierre Monteux's transfer of his immense musical and conducting knowledge to his students.
24) 0402 cat. 1037-10-WABI-64 Nomination for Governor of Boys State
Interview of two students regarding their political party platform. One describes nationalism and the other federalism.
26) 0402 cat. 1037-11-WABI-64 [University of Maine -- Medical Advancement]
Man speaks on University's medical education program including its goals and responsibilities.
25) 0402 cat. 1037-12-WABI-64 McNeary on American Society for Engineering Education
Interview with professor regarding association and its national convention at the University of Maine.
29) 0402 cat. 1037-13-WABI-64 Pepsi Winner at Shop 'n Save
Young woman goes on food shopping spree she has won in contest. LS, MS, and CU of her carrying armloads of food.
19) 0402 cat. 1037-14-WABI-64 Francis Finnegan on Urban Renewal
Interview with Urban Renewal chairman Finnegan by Dick Bronson on voting just completed in favor of urban renewal and what will happen next.
32) 0402 cat. 1037-15-WABI-64 Ward 3 on Vote in Precinct 2
Jim Goff of Telejournal speaks on urban renewal vote, light turnout. MS of Goff and Auditorium.
20) 0402 cat. 1037-16-WABI-64 Jay Alley at City Hall
Bangor: Interview with Jay Alley regarding upcoming election, urban renewal referendum.
17) 0402 cat. 1037-17-WABI-64 Jim Goff with O'Leary
Interview of O'Leary by Jim Goff regarding United Community Services, which has resulted from merging of United Fund and Community Council.
10) 0403 cat. 0086-03-WABI-64 [Suitcase Winner]
A young man and woman talk, then he presents her with a suitcase.
26) 0403 cat. 0086-04-WABI-64 Leach Robbery
Leach's Market after a robbery including LS and MS of store and MS of Leach standing inside and outside.
6) 0403 cat. 0086-05-WABI-64 P. Fredericks at UM
Orono: Woman's speech at UM Memorial Gym including LS of gym exterior, upper balcony view, MS of speaker.
26) 0403 cat. 0086-06-WABI-64 Speech Clinic at Maine
UM?: Speech clinic scenes including men signing document, a man working with a boy, a man pointing to this throat as he speaks.
7) 0403 cat. 0086-07-WABI-64 [Meeting]
1) 0403 cat. 0086-08-WABI-64 Senior Citizen's Club
Club members bridge games including people at card tables and women standing.
2) 0403 cat. 0086-09-WABI-64 [Police]
Police station's traffic division including police officers receiving something from a man.
30) 0403 cat. 0086-10-WABI-64 Jehovah's Witnesses
Jehovah's Witnesses household visit including the couple approaching the door, knocking, being admitted, and speaking to a woman.
4) 0403 cat. 0086-11-WABI-64 Change of Command
Military officers salute each other, shake hands, and pose.
5) 0403 cat. 0086-12-WABI-64 Parade Plans
Bangor: Men go through documents, hold up a trophy and calendar, circle September 12 as date of Firefighter's Parade in Bangor.
33) 0403 cat. 0087-02-WABI-64 Fire at Cobb's Auto Body Shop
Fire at auto body shop including burning building, fire fighters in front and on roof breaking hole in shingles, crowd.
35) 0403 cat. 0087-03-WABI-64 Bangor Fair
Bangor: Fair preparation including crews assembling rollercoaster and other rides, a woman with a snake, a box of snakes, and the fairgrounds.
4) 0403 cat. 0087-04-WABI-64 Operation Swift Strike
Disaster and emergency drills at a military base including lifesaving drills, jet refueling, fire drills, a meeting in conference room. Dow Air Force Base?
24) 0403 cat. 0087-05-WABI-64 Cliff McIntire Chow
Luncheon honoring McIntire including guests at tables, Governor Reed, a banner welcoming McIntire, and an opening speech. Welcome Home reception.
1) 0403 cat. 0087-06-WABI-64 Old Town Show
Old Town: Sportsman's show including sign, small boat, sign for Piper Aircraft.
2) 0403 cat. 0087-07-WABI-64 Muskie at Carmel
Carmel: Muskie luncheon including the senator in conversation, people eating.
21) 0403 cat. 0087-08-WABI-64 Bangor Fair
Fair scenes including XLS of parking lot and rides, people talking, a man painting a sign that says 'Ride for life around the wall of Death.'
4) 0403 cat. 1037-18-WABI-64 Macrae and Honan
Father Honan gives tribute to Conductor Pierre Monteux. MCU of Honan.
8) 0403 cat. 1037-19-WABI-64 [Keep Maine Scenic Awards]
Award presentation in which Mrs. Daisy Smith and WABI Radio and Television win. Dick Bronson and Willard Scott are included.
9) 0403 cat. 1038-01-WABI-64 Bozo at Newport
Newport: Bozo's visit to Sesquicentennial including his clowning to entertain children. See cat. no. 0085-06-WABI-64.
7) 0403 cat. 1038-02-WABI-64 [Maine Sea Goddess]
Rockland: Maine Sea Goddess arriving and shaking hands at annual Maine Seafoods Festival.
8) 0403 cat. 1038-03-WABI-64 National Student Council Conference
Orono: Interview of Miss Delaney and a man named Bob at the University of Maine where they are attending conference. See also 1038-08-WABI-64.
9) 0403 cat. 1038-04-WABI-64 Cousy and George Gonyer
Newport: Interview with basketball star Bob Cousy at town's 100th Anniversary celebration regarding his being a coach now instead of a player, his trip behind the Iron Curtain, ...
27) 0403 cat. 1038-05-WABI-64 Mining comes to Maine
Governor Reed discusses mining in Hancock County
2) 0403 cat. 1038-06-WABI-64 Muskie at airport
Edmund Muskie arriving at Portland airport.
22) 0404 cat. 0087-14-WABI-64 Bangor Fair
Bangor: Fair scenes including men painting, wiping, and working on Chevy Show-sponsored 'Wall of Death.' Also car with tow behind it.
13) 0404 cat. 0087-15-WABI-64 Election Chamber of Commerce
Award presentation in which Rudolf O. Marcoux is honored as past Bangor chamber president from 1963-64.
14) 0404 cat. 0087-16-WABI-64 Bangor Art Show
Display of P. J. Brockway's paintings in front of Zayre at Broadway Shopping Center, including onlookers.
15) 0404 cat. 0087-17-WABI-64 Accident on 395
Accident scene including Ontario car that hit the guardrail, its bad tire, a police officer examining the guardrail's dent, hooking the car to a wrecker, police talking to car o...
16) 0404 cat. 0087-18-WABI-64 New England Town Managers at Maine
Meeting including managers posing, listening to a speaker.
17) 0404 cat. 0087-19-WABI-64 Miss Wool
Outdoor Miss Wool beauty contest.
12) 0404 cat. 0087-20-WABI-64 Hal Lone Pine
Performance of Lone Pine and band in a studio including musicians singing and playing, a woman in country dress, and Pine talking.
35) 0404 cat. 0087-21-WABI-64 Mrs. Lyndon Johnson at Campobello(?)
Lady Bird Johnson cuts ribbon at ceremony, speaks, and poses as a crowd looks on.
8) 0404 cat. 0087-22-WABI-64 Don McNeil
Waterville: McNeil speech at Waterville State Armory. Highlights of 0089-01.
26) 0404 cat. 0087-23-WABI-64 Sikkim Queen
Interview with queen who arrives at Northeast Airlines.
22) 0404 cat. 0087-24-WABI-64 Church First Shovel
Beginning of groundbreaking ceremony at Redeemer Lutheran Church site including crowd, sign, site.
24) 0404 cat. 0087-26-WABI-64 Water Battles
Fire fighters' water fight with fire hoses including a fire fighter emptying his boot of water.
25) 0404 cat. 0087-27-WABI-64 Orono Town Meeting
Orono: Small meeting including discussion of proposal for a sign to be placed on a fire department float.
6) 0404 cat. 0088-06-WABI-64 [Jessel in Town?]
A man arrives on a plane and is greeted at the airport, and two military officers speak to each other.
22) 0404 cat. 0088-07-WABI-64 Oxford Paper Co.
Rumford: Company strike including picket signs saying, 'Seniority, No point system, job security.' Also shots of smoke stacks, logs, downtown Rumford and its stores.
28) 0405 cat. 0089-02-WABI-64 Accident on State St.
Bangor: Accident scene including two damaged cars, police directing traffic.
1) 0405 cat. 0089-03-WABI-64 Hampden Fire Dept.
Hampden: Shots of a paddlewheeler-type boat that may be a parade float.
14) 0405 cat. 0089-04-WABI-64 Fatality at Bradford
Bradford: Accident scene including a car run off the road, with parts scattered.
22) 0405 cat. 0089-05-WABI-64 Maine Distributors New Plant
New plant site including groundbreaking, people, building foundation.
8) 0405 cat. 0089-06-WABI-64 Opening Day -- Bangor High School
Scenes from new high school including LS and MS of school from several angles, students arriving, a dog being taken outside.
12) 0405 cat. 0089-07-WABI-64 Plans at Bass Park for Parade
Parade preparation including bulldozer clearing a patch of ground, people talking, stands.
36) 0405 cat. 0089-08-WABI-64 Freshmen Arrive at UM
Orono: UM freshmen line up to register at library and to pick up beanies. One tries some on.
31) 0405 cat. 0089-09-WABI-64 [Investigation]
Investigation of a sand pit including a police officer holding an object and pointing to something, the pit wall, and another man.
34) 0405 cat. 0089-10-WABI-64 Fire fighters Parade -- Bangor
Bangor: Parade including Lewiston, Hampden, Bangor and Machias fire departments' floats; Howland, Woodland, and Brewer high school bands; appearances by Bozo and Smokey the Bear...
1) 0405 cat. 0089-11-WABI-64 League of Women Voters -- Orono
Orono: Sidewalk graffiti urging people to vote, and a woman caught writing a message asking if you are registered.
10) 0405 cat. 0089-12-WABI-64 Fatality in Brewer
Brewer: Fatal accident scene including victim being taken away on stretcher and put in ambulance, a mangled car, and onlookers.
3) 0405 cat. 0089-13-WABI-64 Lion's Light Bulb Sale
Club preparations for annual fundraising light bulb sale including a man arriving in an office and presenting a box of bulbs to a man at a desk.
20) 0405 cat. 0089-14-WABI-64 League of Women Voters
Women are registering at a table, and people stand around talking.
13) 0405 cat. 0089-15-WABI-64 Governor Reed at Exposition in Massachusetts
Time capsule ceremony at the Eastern States Exposition, Springfield, Mass. including Expo building exterior, crowd, Reed receiving a plaque, burying the time capsule.
25) 0405 cat. 0089-16-WABI-64 Hannaford Bros. Sales Meeting
Meeting including speeches.
22) 0405 cat. 0089-17-WABI-64 Little Deer Isle Bottle Drive
Kids playing near large amount of bottles, and people putting bottles into a car.
11) 0405 cat. 0089-18-WABI-64 Surf at Schoodic Point
Schoodic Point: LS as surf crashes onto rocks.
12) 0405 cat. 0089-19-WABI-64 Robbery at Hampden
Hampden: Police take fingerpints at the IGA after a robbery.
10) 0405 cat. 0089-20-WABI-64 Boy Scouts Camporee
Old Town: Camping event including tents lined up, scouts working, poles being lashed together, troop sign, boy starting fire.
14) 0405 cat. 0089-21-WABI-64 [Map Reader]
A man shows topographical maps to a camera as they come off a printer.
21) 0405 cat. 1039-04-WABI-64 Torben Anderson -- Highway safety
Anderson urging public to drive safely over Labor Day Weekend, and warning against drinking, failure to yield, and to keep low beams on during daylight savings time.
26) 0405 cat. 1039-05-WABI-64 Hampden Fire Dept.
Hampden: Preparations for Fire fighters Parade including a riverboat float with signs reading 'Fire Dept. Hampden' and 'Hampden Queen.'
32) 0406 cat. 0075-02-WABI-63 Ed Connor and George Redpath
Interview with YMCA Director Connor by George Redpath regarding special programs and YMCA week.
14) 0406 cat. 0075-03-WABI-64 Colonel Barnes
Colonel Barnes at BOMARC speaks on NORAD's decision to deactivate the 30th Air Defense Missile Command.
10) 0406 cat. 0075-04-WABI-64 D'Errico on Employment
Interview with city manager Peter D'Errico on Bangor survey to determine employment qualifications of local people for purpose of attracting businesses to area.
12) 0406 cat. 0075-05-WABI-64 Bangor High School
Bangor: Tour of newly constructed Bangor High School.
18) 0406 cat. 0075-06-WABI-64 K.C. McLeod for Second Congressional District
McLeod announces candidacy and plans for the future now that McIntire is out of the picture.
26) 0406 cat. 0075-07-WABI-64 Margaret Chase Smith Day at Skowhegan
Smith is present at unveiling of sign that reads, 'Welcome to Skowhegan -- Residential Home of U.S. Senator Margaret Chase Smith.'
33) 0406 cat. 1034-01-WABI-64 Reverend Stevens for United Fund
Reverend of All Souls Congregational Church asks for gifts to Bangor-Brewer United Fund, talks of loving thy neighbor, quotes from Gospel According to Luke.
36) 0407 cat. 0076-08-WABI-64 Nelle Penley Retirement
Penley interview regarding her career, presidents she met, retirement.
34) 0407 cat. 0076-09-WABI-64 Dr. Whittaker
Interview with Dr. Whittaker of Bangor Theological Society regarding celebration to honor 150th anniversary of society's charter.
23) 0407 cat. 0076-10-WABI-64 Bid-A-Buck Prize Car
People at car giveaway event.
13) 0407 cat. 0076-11-WABI-64 [Muskie on Passamaquoddy-St. John Project]
Interview with Muskie regarding status of Passamaquoddy-St. John's Project. // Same as catalogue number 1034-04-WABI-64.
26) 0407 cat. 0076-12-WABI-64 Internal Revenue Service
Interview with IRS representative regarding filing tax returns.
26) 0407 cat. 0076-13-WABI-64 Fluoridation
Interview of man by George Redpath regarding cost and effects of water fluoridation program (dental health).
12) 0407 cat. 0076-14-WABI-64 Bangor Chamber of Commerce Ballots
People counting ballots.
36) 0407 cat. 0076-15-WABI-64 Internal Revenue Service
Interview with Don Goode regarding new tax proposal he supports, and how consumers should handle interest and dividends.
18) 0407 cat. 0076-16-WABI-64 Dr. Cross on Heart Research
Interview regarding heart research in Maine including prospects for heart transplants, heart readings, use of research funds.
34) 0408 cat. 0077-15-WABI-64 Farm And Home Week
Event including booths with lawnmowers, fertilizer, a chemist, visitors, WABI cameras.
31) 0408 cat. 0077-16-WABI-64 Sportsman's Show
Bangor Auditorium: Sporting goods show including a canoe, boat, cars.
35) 0408 cat. 0077-17-WABI-64 Easter Sunday
People leaving Sunday Mass in Easter outfits.
5) 0408 cat. 0078-01-WABI-64 Opinion on Urban Renewal
WABI interviews people on street regarding opinions.
14) 0408 cat. 0078-02-WABI-64 Council
Legislative meeting.
35) 0408 cat. 0078-03-WABI-64 CD Field Hospital
Reporter and hospital adminstrator tour Civil Defense Field Hospital.
16) 0408 cat. 0078-04-WABI-64 Howard Birch
Interview with Birch by George Redpath regarding Birch's organization and their plans to visit Aroostook County family farms.
18) 0408 cat. 0078-05-WABI-64 RBB Fish Hatcheries
Interview with managers of Great Brook National Hatchery by Dick Bronson. Tour including feeding of small fish in tank, man holding young salmon.
14) 0408 cat. 0078-06-WABI-64 Professor Bricker at UM
Interview with Hershel Bricker regarding opening of Maine Masque Theater in Hauck Auditorium. Shot of stage.
29) 0408 cat. 0078-07-WABI-64 UM Educational Television
Speech by FCC Commissioner Lee regarding plans for ETV in Maine. Shots of TV station, cameras, monitors, switcher, engineers.
4) 0408 cat. 0078-08-WABI-64 Potatoes Week
Mr. Dunn discussion of Maine potato industry including potato farmers, potato's image, a woman engineer pulling a train into junction and presenting men with bags of potatoes.
5) 0408 cat. 0078-09-WABI-64 Governor Reed on Potatoes
Interview with Governor Reed regarding potato industry including its future, merchandising, economics.
31) 0408 cat. 0078-10-WABI-64 Salvation Army in Africa
Interview with Josbus Manji of Africa regarding Salvation Army size and purpose in Africa.
31) 0408 cat. 0078-11-WABI-64 FCC Lee at Farm and Home Week
Interview with Commissioner Lee regarding aspects of broadcasting such as scheduling of commercials, UHF.
32) 0408 cat. 0086-13-WABI-64 Broiler Festival
Belfast or Skowhegan: Festival including 16 county misses, Miss Poultry Queen, Maine Sea Goddess, advertising billboards for event, a lot filled with trailers, woodcutting conte...
35) 0409 cat. 0080-16-WABI-64 Univ. of Maine Mock Election
UM: Scenes from the Union including students lined up, voting table, political party signs.
26) 0409 cat. 0080-17-WABI-64 Shop 'n Save Opening at Old Town
Old Town: Scenes from Shop 'n Save opening including ribbon cutting, crowd in store. Same as or similar to Cat. no. 1026-03-WABI-64.
11) 0409 cat. 0080-18-WABI-64 UM Trustees
Meeting with people seated at conference table.
12) 0409 cat. 0080-19-WABI-64 Maine Association of Fire Chiefs at Hampden
Hampden: Meeting in which chiefs watch demonstration of a water gun on top of a fire truck.
13) 0409 cat. 0080-20-WABI-64 Opinion of Castine Restaurant Owner
Castine: Edgar Nuvigan is interviewed about possible closing of Maine Maritime Academy where his son goes. Says he resents 'raw deal' students are getting, and that they are tak...
30) 0409 cat. 0081-01-WABI-64 Maine Maritime Academy
Castine: Interview with senior midshipmen regarding suspended classes at academy. Are asked how they are handling problem, how it affects them, hopes for solution. Also about a ...
29) 0409 cat. 0081-02-WABI-64 Opinion -- Parking Meters
Bangor: Random interviews of citizens regarding need for meters.
10) 0409 cat. 0081-03-WABI-64 J. Butterfield
Interview with UM Baseball Coach Jack Butterfield by George Hale regarding team's recent wins and prospects.
25) 0409 cat. 0081-04-WABI-64 O. Freeman
Interview with Secretary O. Freeman regarding sugar beet refinery petitioned for by Maine. Says why he thinks process is taking longer than expected, and that many other states ...
5) 0409 cat. 0081-05-WABI-64 Coopal on High School Sale
Interview with Bangor city official Coopal by Dick Bronson regarding ad saying that new Bangor High School will be auctioned off. Coopal says this is way for contractor to get c...
27) 0409 cat. 0081-06-WABI-64 Hale at Univ. of Maine
Interview with Mr. Walker of UM by George Hale regarding who will be appointed to UM Board of Trustees. Same as 1036-06-WABI-64.
20) 0409 cat. 0081-07-WABI-64 Castine
Castine: Interview with Midshipman Hale from Maine Maritime Academy regarding recent dismissal of Mr. Philbrick, students returning to classes, and graduation requirements. Same...
21) 0409 cat. 0081-08-WABI-64 Dolley and Dr. Fox -- Alcoholics Anonymous
Interview with Dr. Fox regarding her work in psychoanalysis, her visit to Bangor, and an AA meeting.
17) 0409 cat. 0081-09-WABI-64 Dolley and Dr. Fox
Interview with New York psychoanalyst Dr. Fox regarding alcoholism, its causes, and its global significance. Same as Cat. no. 0081-09-WABI-64.
89) 0410 cat. 0081-10-WABI-64 Circus at Brewer
Brewer: Shots of International Hippodrome Circus including performers' trailer, a boy with a dog, people on a trampoline, people talking, and a man looking at a drum set.
21) 0410 cat. 0081-11-WABI-64 Rapaport Insurance Agency
Maxwell Rapaport receives the Equitable Hall of Fame Award. A man from New York speaks of recipient's years of service and how he deserves it. Shot of Rapaport having medal put ...
32) 0410 cat. 0081-12-WABI-64 Opinion -- Voting Age
Interview with people on the street regarding lowering the voting age to 18. All but one agree with the change.
35) 0410 cat. 0081-13-WABI-64 Opinion -- Transportation
Interview with two high school girls regarding whether Bangor should provide bus service to the new school. They believe it should.
27) 0410 cat. 0081-14-WABI-64 Opinion -- Tax Debate
Interviews with people regarding new tax cut and their plans for using their extra money. All are in favor of it.
2) 0410 cat. 0082-01-WABI-64 Opinion -- Women Presidents
Interviews with people regarding New Hampshire primary and whether Margaret Chase Smith should or could win presidency.
29) 0410 cat. 0082-03-WABI-64 Brooks Convicted
A man named Brooks is convicted of manslaughter and arrested before being taken to Penobscot County Courthouse. MS of Brooks. LS, MS, and CU of courthouse exterior.
25) 0410 cat. 0082-04-WABI-64 Cliff McIntire on Beets
McIntire discusses selection of Maine for one of three beet refineries to be built in U.S. He displays enthusiasm and gives credit to the University of Maine for initiating the ...
15) 0410 cat. 0082-05-WABI-64 Dow Air Force Base
Colonel Kline makes farewell speech due to his promotion to a position at another location. Another officer speaks to the press on Kline's good work and on his replacement. Klin...
32) 0411 cat.0082-19-WABI-64 Armed Forces Day
Miss Bangor 1964 was Sherry Lowe, ne Sherylee Kay Jones. The airplane is now housed at the Tillamook Air Museum.
19) 0411 cat. 0082-20-WABI-64 Opinion -- Everything
Interviews with people on the street in which they talk about whatever they want: urban renewal, facilities for young children, increasing industrial prospects for Bangor, civil...
23) 0411 cat. 0083-01-WABI-64 Fire at Victoria Hotel
Bangor: fire fighters using extension ladders, axes and hoses; victims being pulled from hotel.
15) 0411 cat. 0083-02-WABI-64 Fishing Trip
Fishing trip including cooking fish, storing fish, and the campground.
2) 0411 cat. 0083-03-WABI-64 Governor Reed and Lone Pine
Hal Lone Pine presents Reed with his new album called, 'Coast of Maine and Other Favorites.'
12) 0411 cat. 0083-04-WABI-64 ROTC
ROTC Ceremony including group standing at attention, officers receiving awards.
2) 0412 cat. 0083-09-WABI-64 Jay Alley at City Hall
Interview with Alley regarding election and urban renewal.
21) 0412 cat. 0083-10-WABI-64 Ward 3 on Vote in Precinct 1
Bangor: Jim Goff of Telejournal speaks from the Auditorium on primary and urban renewal referendum.
12) 0412 cat. 0083-11-WABI-64 Francis Finnegan on Urban Renewal
Interview with Urban Renewal chairman Finnegan by Dick Bronson regarding passage of urban renewal proposal and its implementation.
9) 0412 cat. 0083-12-WABI-64 George Murphy
Scenes of Murphy, an active paraplegic, including his boarding a plane, hitting a punching bag, shooting a basketball, practicing archery, using muscle and chest expanders.
6) 0412 cat. 0083-13-WABI-64 Dedication of KC 135 Bomber
Ceremony including christening by Cathy McCloud, speech by Dow Air Force Base officer, shots of the plane called 'The City of Brewer.'
3) 0412 cat. 0083-14-WABI-64 Rexall Store Award
A pharmacist receiving the Rexall Honor Store Award.
32) 0412 cat. 0083-15-WABI-64 Professor McNeary
Interview with the professor from the American Society for Engineering Education regarding the society and their convention.
17) 0412 cat. 0083-16-WABI-64 Nomination for Boys State Governor
Interview with two student nominees regarding their party platforms. Firt describes his Nationalist platform. Second has been elected and describes his Federalist platform.
31) 0412 cat. 0084-01-WABI-64 Engineering Society Convention at Univ. of Maine
UM: American Society for Engineering Education convention including demonstration of Electrostatic Generator by Univ. of Michigan professor, and an interview with a young female...
6) 0412 cat. 0084-02-WABI-64 Pepsi Winner at Shop 'n Save
Contest winner's prize of shopping spree including her running down aisles, holding armloads of items, her family, her food being rung up, the final total of $324.49.
21) 0412 cat. 0084-03-WABI-64 Student Council -- Univ. of Maine
UM: Speeches about student council by a young woman and a man.
33) 0412 cat. 0084-04-WABI-64 Opinion of Two Student Council Representatives
Two young men from Virginia and Massachusetts discuss academic success strategies and their national convention.
21) 0413 cat. 0084-17-WABI-64 Macrae and Honan
Interview with Father Honan by Johnnie Macrae regarding late conductor Pierre Monteux's career including: Monteux's age at death, talent. greatness as conductor, stories about M...
15) 0413 cat. 0085-01-WABI-64 Opinion Student Council -- UM
Orono: A female delegate to UM's National Convention of Student Councils speaks on how a student exchange program can improve foreign relations.
24) 0413 cat. 0085-02-WABI-64 Opinion 'A Student of Council' -- UM
Orono: Delegates to UM's National Convention of Student Councils from Tennessee and Colorado speak on various topics.
20) 0413 cat. 0085-03-WABI-64 Cousy and George Gonyar
Newport: Basketball star Bob Cousy's visit to city Sesquicentennial including discussion of his switch to coaching, his trip behind the Iron Curtain, Russian vs. American athlet...
23) 0413 cat. 0085-04-WABI-64 Cousy at Newport
Newport: Basketball star Bob Cousy's trip to city including welcome by Governor Barrows and a committee, Cousy speaking at Armory before a game begins, Cousy shooting ball, game...
29) 0413 cat. 0085-05-WABI-64 National Conference of Student Councils
Orono: Ms. Delaney, conference chairman, and a man named Bob speak to a reporter regarding the conference.
20) 0413 cat. 0085-06-WABI-64 Cousy Arrives at Dow Air Force Base
Former Boston Celtics basketball star Bob Cousy arrives at base and is greeted by reporters and former governor Barrows.
17) 0413 cat. 0085-06-WABI-64 Bozo at Newport
Newport: Bozo's visit to Sesquicentennial including his clowning to entertain children. See cat. no. 1038-01-WABI-64.
22) 0413 cat. 0085-07-WABI-64 Opinions
Interview with three people regarding their predictions on the outcome of the presidential election. Two think Lyndon Johnson will win, and one thinks Barry Goldwater will win. ...
23) 0413 cat. 0086-01-WABI-64 Governor Reed at Newport
Newport: Sesquicentennial including Reed and former governor Barrows arriving by horse-drawn carriage, speeches by Reed and Reverend Homer Dewey, celebration chairman.
32) 0413 cat. 0086-02-WABI-64 Lee and Dick Wedding
Wedding including Dick Bronson and George Hale as guests, bride and groom, reception, couple kissing, and a 3-tiered wedding cake.
1) 0414 cat. 0088-08-WABI-64 Dedication of Black Hawk Mines
Blue Hill: Ceremony including Governor Reed and Congressman McIntire making speeches, Reed hitting a plunger, and an explosion seen in the distance.
22) 0414 cat. 0088-09-WABI-64 Professor Toth
Interview by Mike Dolley with William J. Toth, Director of Driver Information for Chevron regarding women's bad reputation as drivers, attitudes of male vs. female drivers, seat...
36) 0414 cat. 0088-10-WABI-64 Mrs. Lyndon Johnson Visits Dow Air Force Base
Lady Bird Johnson visits base including her plane landing, her greeting people, her meeting Governor Reed, crowd, her leaving on plane. Also Edmund Muskie.
30) 0414 cat. 0088-11-WABI-64 Opinion -- Political Policy
WABI News Director James Goff speaks to camera regarding how Channel 5 handles equal time and fairness issues in political advertising. He discusses opportunity for opposing vie...
24) 0414 cat.0089-01-WABI-64 Don MacNeil
Waterville: Don MacNeil's visit to Armory including him sitting behind a desk onstage, leading a parade through the audience, an Ellie Mae singing to Waterville's mayor, MacNeil...
12) 0415 cat. 0083-05-WABI-64 Baseball Game at Univ. of Maine
UM game against unidentified opponent including players batting, running bases, pitching, catching, the bench, and the coach.
34) 0415 cat. 0083-06-WABI-64 Fishing Derby
Fishing derby including people in boat and onshore, holding up catches.
29) 0415 cat. 0083-07-WABI-64 Maine vs. New Hampshire Tennis and Track
Events including long jump, javelin throw, running dashes. Shots of crowd and athletes.
5) 0415 cat. 0083-08-WABI-64 UM Field Meet
Football scrimmage including plays, coaches on sidelines.
4) 0415 cat. 1037-05-WABI-64 University of Maine Track Meet
XLS of runners circling track and crossing finish line, also press and coaches.
31) 0416 cat. 0087-09-WABI-64? [Meeting in Room A]
Meeting with men talking around conference table.
1) 0416 cat. 0087-10-WABI-63 [Four-Engine Plane]
Dow Air Force Base including two officers standing watching a large four-propeller plane start and take off.
9) 0416 cat. 0087-12-WABI [Husson Dance]
Husson College students dancing on a rooftop and in a clearing, a band, a 'Vote Rigley' sign.
19) 0416 cat. 0087-13-WABI-63? [Ground Breaking]
Men and bulldozers clear a site as military officer supervises and surveyors work.
19) 0416 cat. 1036-15-WABI-64 Circus at Brewer
Brewer: Shots of International Hippodrome Circus including performers' trailer, a boy with a dog, people on a trampoline, people talking, and a man looking at a drum set, woman ...
12) 0416 cat. 1036-16-WABI-64 Brooks Convicted
Mr. Brooks is convicted of manslaughter, arrested, and brought to Penobscot County Courthouse. MS of Brooks. CU, MS, and LS of courthouse exterior. Same as Cat. no.
28) 0417 cat. 0090-02-WABI-64 UM Baseball Champs
Outtakes of UM Baseball Team as they return champions of College World Series. Shots include LS of plane landing, MS of players getting off plane, being greeted by crowd, MLS of...
7) 0417 cat. 0091-01-WABI-64 UM Baseball Champs
UM Baseball Team, the new College World Series Champions, is greeted by crowd at Northeast Airlines. Shots include plane arrival and team deboarding, ride to an honors banquet, ...
23) 0418 cat. 0075-08-WABI-64 Panthers vs. Eagles High School Basketball
Basketball game highlights.
21) 0418 cat. 0075-09-WABI-64 Hermon Basketball
Highlights of game against unidentified opponent.
10) 0418 cat. 0075-10-WABI-64 Railroaders B-ball
Bangor: Highlights of Railroaders basketball game against unidentified opponent.
25) 0418 cat. 0075-11-WABI-64 Cony vs. Bapst High School Basketball
State tournament game highlights.
36) 0418 cat. 0075-12-WABI-64 Sumner Game
Highlights of State Tournament basketball game against unidentified opponent.
13) 0418 cat. 0075-13-WABI-64 Maine Basketball
Highlights of UM vs. Redmen game.
20) 0418 cat. 0076-01-WABI-64 Island Falls vs. Stone High School Basketball
Game highlights.
23) 0418 cat. 0076-02-WABI-64 Keag vs. Braves Basketball
Game highlights.
5) 0418 cat. 0076-03-WABI-64 UM Skiing
University of Maine ski jumping event including skiers jumping and landing, snow sculptures on campus.
12) 0418 cat. 0076-04-WABI-64 Bangor Bowling Tournament
Bangor: 6th Annual Bangor Bowling Association Tournament including teams from Ligget's Rexall Drug, Peter's Restaurant, Lee's TV Service, and Husson College.
13) 0418 cat. 0076-05-WABI-64 UM Track
UM vs. Boston University track meet including races, long jump, pole vault, athlete cooling down.
19) 0418 cat. 0076-06-WABI-64 Braves vs. Easton High School Basketball
Game highlights.
23) 0418 cat. 0076-07-WABI-64 Locker Rooms
UM locker rooms including athlete dressing, whirlpool bath, football helmets, coaches, scenes from basketball and hockey games.
14) 0420 cat. 0077-06-WABI-64 Hildreth Trophy
Award presentation.
18) 0420 cat. 0077-07-WABI-64 New England High School Basketball Tournament
Boston: Highlights of games involving Stearns of Millinocket, Malden, and St. Mary's.
14) 0420 cat. 0077-08-WABI-64 UM Track Meet
Orono: Meet with Rhode Island and others including pole vault, shot put, hurdles, and races.
26) 0420 cat. 0077-09-WABI-64 Swim Meet at YMCA
Boys competing in freestyle races and diving.
31) 0420 cat. 0077-10-WABI-64 UM Indoor Baseball
Practice in field house.
28) 0421.0001 Stearns Minutemen -- New England Champions
More of the cermeony for the champions. See Catalog No. 0092-01 or 0055-01 for more.
29) 0421 cat.0091-01 Stearns Minutemen -- New England Champs
4th of 4 parts showing ceremonies for basketball champions. See Cat. No. 0055-01 for more.
30) 0422 cat. 1039-08-WABI-64 Don McNeil
Waterville: Don McNeil's Breakfast Club visits armory to entertain a packed house with comedy and music. McNeil onstage, Ellie Mae singing to mayor, Don leading small parade thr...
8) 0422 cat. 1039-09-WABI-64 Atlantic City Miss America pageant
Atlantic City, New Jersey: WABI interviewer talks to three New England contestants in Miss America pageant.
32) 0423 cat. 0090-01-WABI-64 Freeman at UM
Orono: Visit of U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Freeman during Farm and Home Week including speaking with Senator Edmund Muskie, discussing agricultural legislation, and sale of w...
33) 0424 cat. 1040-01-WABI-64 The Hard Sell
Interview with Steve (Jeraco?) regarding economic impact of closing Dow Air Force Base including benefits of labor market analysis for Bangor, how buildings and property of base...
34) 0425 cat. 1038-09-WABI-64 Opinion
Interview with man on the street William Marley in which he predicts Lyndon B. Johnson will win upcoming presidential election.
19) 0425 cat. 1038-10-WABI-64 Opinion
Interview with man on the street Harry Robinson regarding his predictions for upcoming presidential race, his hopes for Goldwater, which parts of country will vote for which can...
36) 0425 cat. 1039-01-WABI-64 Opinion
Interview with man on the street regarding his belief in the need for socialized medicine and dental programs.
1) 0425 cat. 1039-02-WABI-64 Opinion
Interview with man on the street Charles Groddin; he predicts that Lyndon B. Johnson will be re-elected because of split and deadwood in the Republican party.
2) 0425 cat. 1039-03-WABI-64 Goff on Political Fairness
WABI-TV news director James Goff speaks to the camera in MS on how Channel 5 handles political commercials fairly, giving each side equal representation on the air. Gives exampl...
3) 0426 cat.1038-07-WABI-64 Opinion
Bangor: Two young women express opinions regarding need to provide busing for students to new high school.
4) 0426 cat. 1038-08-WABI-64 Opinions
Orono: Seven students from across the nation at University of Maine discussing topics relating to high school and student councils' role.
5) 0427 cat. 1040-02-WABI-64 Dolley Interview of Nassar
Interview of Nassar by Jim Dolley regarding Egypt, its landscape, new Aswan dam, the Pyramids, agricultural outlook, culture and fashion.
6) 0428 cat. 0090-03-WABI-64 Dolley-Nassar Interview
Interview of Nassar of Egypt by Mike Dolley including discussion of Egypt and its landscape, the new Aswan Dam, the Pyramids, agriculture, fashion, and culture. Program: 'Live M...
5) 0429 cat. 0093-01-WABI-64 Shoenberger Interviews Adermaan
Interview of Count Adermaan, Director of Information for NATO, by University of Maine political science professor Howard Shoenberger. Topics include origin of NATO, its original...
129) 0430 cat. 1039-06-WABI-64 Bangor High School
Bangor: Shots of new Bangor High School before its opening including exterior, entranceway.
10) 0430 cat. 1039-07-WABI-64 Bangor City Hospital
Bangor City Hospital tour including exterior, patients watching television, nurses with a woman in therapy, the cafeteria, a patient in the corridor, another being helped, and a...
13) 0431 cat. 0039-06-WABI-60 High Water in Kenduskeag
Swelling of Kenduskeag River including cars trying to move on flooded roads, trees surrounded by flowing water, houses surrounded by rising water.
15) 0431 cat. 0039-08-WABI-60 Multiple Strike at Bowl MOR
People bowling and CUs of pins being knocked down.
16) 0431 cat. 0039-09-WABI-60 Bath vs. Crosby Football Game
Highlights of game including touchdowns.
13) 0431 cat. 0039-10-WABI-61 High Water in Pleasant River
Flooded river including the Pleasant River sign.
24) 0431 cat. 0039-11-WABI-61 Bangor Fair Fat Lambs
Bangor: People posing with their favorite fat lambs for a Bangor Fair event.
19) 0431 cat. 0039-12-WABI-60 First Snowstorm
Bangor: First snowstorm of season including a parking meter that has been hit by a car, cars trying to move, pedestrians.
24) 0431 cat. 0039-14-WABI-62 Leavitt Open Ski Tow
People being towed up a mountainside at the Bud Leavitt Open. Shots of couples.
22) 0431 cat. 0039-15-WABI-61 Fairgrounds
Bangor: Harness races at Bangor Fairgrounds include footage of the Veedol 'A' Motor Oil tanker.
8) 0431 cat. 1012-05-WABI-61 Circus
Circus including clown with audience, tiger in a cage, circus entrance, crowd entering, Clyde Beatty-Cole Bros. Circus sign, elephants, giraffes, camels, woman with monkey.
25) 0431 cat. 1012-06-WABI-61 Univ. of Maine Track and Field Aerial
Aerial shots of track and field.
26) 0431 cat. 1012-07-WABI-61 Sugarloaf
Sugarloaf Mountain, small cabins, direction sign.
27) 0431 cat. 1014-01-WABI-61 Kennabago Lake Club
Interview of champion outdoor cook Bud Russell by Dick Bronson as Russell prepares meal including ribs for New England Governor's Conference.
28) 0431 cat. 1014-02-WABI-61 UM Football Team
Shots of individual players posing and running for passes, and MCU of coaches.
34) 0431 cat. 1014-03-WABI Chevron Commercial
Commercial : including a receptionist answering the phone, an oil truck leaving from Chevron and delivering oil at a house, company logo on truck, truck driving past other fuel ...
7) 0432 Tall Timber Days
Event including logs ready for cutting and crowd.
30) 0432.0003 [Bangor Fair Opens]
Scenes from the 1965 Bangor State Fair held at Bass Park. Features numerous shots of livestock including cows, sheep, and goats and young children standing beside the animals. A...
31) 0432 cat. 0091-03-WABI-65 Potato Blossom Festival
Parade including Miss Maine, the Potato Queen, the Maple Queen, Miss Junior Maine, and others.
22) 0432 cat. 0091-04-WABI-65 Search for Mott Brothers
Search including search crew and police looking in Baxter State Park, talking, a brook, and a man seated in a vehicle.
17) 0432 cat. 1040-03-WABI-65 Forest Fire in East Holden
East Holden: Fire fighters battle of blaze including smoke, trees and ground on fire, fire fighters and trucks arriving, firefighters in breathing gear.
24) 0432 cat. 1040-04-WABI-64 Graduation at Dirigo Boys State
Orono: Ceremonies at University of Maine including boys seated listening to their governor speak and their banner.
2) 0432 cat. 1040-05-WABI-65 Fourth of July Celebration
Bangor: foot race, barbecue, music, games, a parade with clowns and marching bands, people in cars, pageant winners, old bicycles and cars, floats.
36) 0432 cat. 1041-03-WABI-65 Wally Byam Caravaneers
Entertainers caravan including trailers with license plates from Connecticut, Massachussetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Florida. MS of Wally Byam talking.
2) 0432 cat. 1041-05-WABI-65 Bangor Band Concert
Bangor Band outdoor concert including band and crowd.
3) 0432 cat. 1041-05-WABI-65 Bangor Lion's Club Meet
Club members pose.
34) 0432 cat. 1041-06-WABI-65 Husson Typing Course
Typing students sit at typewriters as teacher speaks.
20) 0432 cat. 1041-07-WABI-65 Belfast Broiler Festival
Belfast: Event including parade, beauty pageant, hatching chicks, Governor John Reed.
6) 0432 cat. 1041-08-WABI-65 Fire at Guilford
Guilford: Fire including burned farmhouse, fire fighters on ladders, spectators.
22) 0432 cat. 1041-09-WABI-65 Travel Agents Arrive in Bangor
Bangor: Travel agents arrive via Northeast Airlines and are greeted by people from Chamber of Commerce.
8) 0432 cat. 1041-10-WABI-65 Freshmen Arrive for Orientation
Freshmen registering, listening to speaker.
31) 0432 cat. 1041-11-WABI-65 Strikers at Bean and Conquest
Bangor: Scenes from strike action including workers in front of building.
9) 0432 cat. 1041-12-WABI-65 New Antenna at Hospital
Erection of hospital antenna including men hanging from it, men working at its base.
36) 0432 cat. 1041-13-WABI-65 10th Anniversary of Auditorium
Bangor: Planning meeting for celebration of Bangor Auditorium 10th anniversary.
3) 0432 cat. 1041-14-WABI-65 Pickets at Columbia Markets
Strikers picketing outside building while other employees work inside. LS and MS of packers at work.
29) 0432 cat. 1041-15-WABI-65 Urban Renewal Commission
Interview of Commissioner Slater by Dick Bronson regarding his tour of urban renewal project and its progress. Says there areas where once fearful residents are now very happy.
31) 0432 cat. 1041-16-WABI-65 National Education Association President Edinger
President Edinger speech on education including instructional technology.
3) 0432 cat. 1041-17-WABI-65 Fatal Accident on Interstate in Newport
Newport: Shots of wrecked Volkswagen Beetle and police inspecting scene.
36) 0432 cat. 1044-02-WABI-65 National Education Association President Edinger
Edinger speech regarding higher educational standards and need for more time with students.
16) 0432 cat. 1044-03-WABI-65 [Military Meeting]
Meeting of military personnel.
33) 0432 cat. 1044-04-WABI-65 [Volkswagen Beetle Accident]
Car appears to have been hit by a train. MS and LS of car and LS of train tracks and parked vehicles.
13) 0432 cat. 1044-05-WABI-65 Vocational Education at the University of Maine
Orono: Teacher instructing class, and posters describing fields of vocational education.
20) 0432 cat. 1044-07-WABI-65 Brook Trout Farm
Men fishing.
21) 0432 cat. 1045-02-WABI-65 Pierre Monteux Premiere
Tribute to conductor Pierre Monteux including a building, guests arriving, friends and fellow musicians.
35) 0432 cat. 1045-03-WABI-65 Freshman Orientation
Orono: Freshmen and parents arrive at University of Maine, registration tables, library, gym.
1) 0432 cat. 1045-04-WABI-65 Pittsfield Kiwanis Fair
Pittsfield: Fair and parade including marchers, horseback riders, children, parents.
24) 0432 cat. 1045-05-WABI-65 Pulp and Paper Foundation
Orono: Meeting at University of Maine including crowd, speaker.
25) 0432 cat. 1045-06-WABI-65 Fire at King's Mountain
Orrington: Fire fighters battle of blaze including smoke in woods, firefighters with hoses, a tractor and bulldozer.
26) 0432 cat. 1046-02-WABI-65 Paul Niven at University of Maine
Orono: CBS newscaster Paul Niven at University of Maine: why he left the Soviet Union after 15 years, opinion of media on the convention floor. Ref. NDFR.
30) 0432 cat. 1046-03-WABI-65 Kiwanis Orono Auction
Orono: The Kiwanis Club prepares a group of objects for auction in Orono. Shots of a room filled with objects, men with a moving van. Ref. NDFR.
28) 0432 cat. 1046-04-WABI-65 Operation Great Effort, Dow Air Force Base
Bangor: Dow Air Force Base, Operation Great Effort. Drill: fire fighters work on simulated plane crash, an office with men at work, police pulling over a vehicle, a man being ar...
11) 0432 cat. 1046-06-WABI-65 [428th Reserves at Camp]
Scenes from the 428th Reservees packing and unpacking supplies. MS of a young man taking an oath from a senior officer, man being congratulated by two officers. Ref. NDFR. // Ne...
16) 0432 cat. 1046-07-WABI-65 Search for Myles Connor
Police check cars. MS of vehicles. A man fires a flare gun or smoke bomb into the woods. Police enter the woods with machine guns. Two police enter a house, questioning two wome...
28) 0432 cat. 1046-08-WABI-65 Preparations for Bangor Fair
Bangor: Bass Park. LS and MS of carnival rides being assembled for fair, pans of the fairgrounds. Ref. NDFR.
32) 0433 cat. 1045-01-WABI-65 Tall Timber Days
Stratton: WABI reporter Mike Dolley covers logging competition including chain saw cutting races, tree chopping races, crosscut saw races, Dolley introducing commercial breaks, ...
33) 0434 cat. 1046-01-WABI-65 Pre-Legislative Conference
Orono : Jim Goff interviews representatives and political figures at Pre-Legislative Conference at the University of Maine. Topics: education, mental health and welfare, retarda...
34) 0435 cat. 1042-01-WABI-65 Monteux Remembered
Winterhaven: Tribute to musician and conductor Monteux narrated by his wife Doris from their home in Hancock County. Dick Bronson interviews Doris in flower garden, then living ...
35) 0435 cat. 1043-01-WABI-65 Monteux Remembered
Tribute to musician and conductor Pierre Monteux. Interview of his wife Doris by Dick Bronson regarding Memorial Library and Foundation, Monteux's feelings for Hancock and Maine...
36) 0436 cat. 1064-01-WABI-65 WABI's Bangor at the Crossroads
Members of the Bangor Planning Commission talk with local businessmen on the effects of Dow Air Force Base closing down. Whitney Austin, Bangor Hydro Production Manager; Peter D...
1) 0437 cat. 0091-05-WABI-62 [UM Basketball Team]
Team members and coach pose and players demonstrate free throws.
4) 0437 cat. 0095-01-WABI-62 [UM Basketball]
Orono: Preseason varsity vs. freshmen game including George Hale's play-by-play.
14) 0438 cat. 1047-02-WABI-65 Dow Air Force Base
Dow Air Force Base scenes including aerial view of runway, men greeted by base commander, base living quarters, bowling alley, theater, machine shop and workers, secretary worki...
17) 0439 cat. 0095-02-WABI-66 Indictment of Mrs. Fisher
Skowhegan: Mrs. Fisher is brought by car, and escorted by another woman.
4) 0439 cat. 0095-03-WABI-66 Submarine at Bar Harbor
Bar Harbor: Submarine pulling into Frenchman's Bay including crew and passengers standing on deck.
10) 0439 cat. 0095-04-WABI-66 Orono Parade on 4th
Orono: A 4th of July parade including crowd lining Main St., a fire truck carrying boys, a pageant winner, majorettes, a float called 'The Women's Club of Orono's Own Batman' ca...
12) 0439 cat. 0095-05-WABI-66 Burnham, Sub-Station Fire
Burnham: Fire at Sub-Station including crowd, firefighters, a water tanker.
7) 0439 cat. 0095-06-WABI-66 Interstate Highway Accident
Accident scene at which a tractor has rolled down an embankment, and a crowd has gathered.
13) 0439 cat. 0095-07-WABI-66 Fireworks at Dow Air Force Base
Bangor: Fireworks lighting up the sky.
9) 0439 cat. 0095-08-WABI-66 Pulp and Paper Convention at UM
Convention including speaker at podium and crowd.
22) 0439 cat. 1018-08-WABI-66 Bangor Visited by Virginia Graham
Bangor: Television personality's visit including greeting at Rotary Club, WABI interview, signing of something, talking with fans.
6) 0439 cat. 1048-01-WABI-66 Art Show, Navy League
Greater Bangor Council's Navy League of the United States Art Exhibition including paintings and Navy personnel.
17) 0439 cat. 1048-02-WABI-66 Band Concert and Brewer
Brewer: Outdooor band concert in LS.
19) 0439 cat. 1048-03-WABI-66 Dixmont Accident
Dixmont: Accident scene including ambulance crew placing driver on stretcher, smashed vehicle, ambulance removing victim.
5) 0439 cat. 1048-04-WABI-66 Dennis Weaver at Lakewood
Interview of Dennis Weaver by Channel 5 at Lakewood where he is starring in 'Catch Me if You Can.' MS and Ls of Weaver and the marquis.
22) 0439 cat. 1048-05-WABI-66 Bangor State Fair Officially Opens
Bangor: State Fair at Auditorium including ribbon cutting, Anah Temple Shriners, fair flag blowing in wind, fair rides in background.
20) 0439 cat. 1048-06-WABI-66 Hartgen Art Show, Orono
Orono: Outdoor art show including crowd, paintings, Hartgen talking to people.
5) 0439 cat. 1048-07-WABI-66 Husson College Construction
Truck dumps dirt and bulldozer spreads it at Husson College site.
8) 0439 cat. 1048-09-WABI-66 Navy League Exhibit Opens
Bangor: Art exhibit at public library including ribbon cutting, group holding up a print for the camera.
23) 0439 cat. 1048-10-WABI-66 Narragansett Spinoff Winner
Presentation of award to contest winner.
32) 0439 cat. 1048-11-WABI-66 Mt. Katahdin Rescue
Mt. Katahdin: Rescue operation including men looking at maps, pilot walking to helicopter, LS and MS of group on rocky side of 'Knife's Edge' at Katahdin.
22) 0439 cat. 1048-12-WABI-66 Hogan Road Ramp Accident
Bangor: Station wagon going off exit ramp at Hogan Road.
35) 0439 cat. 1048-13-WABI-66 American Field Service Students in Bangor
Bangor: AFS students performing play.
25) 0439 cat. 1048-14-WABI-66 River Rides on Penobscot
People's flatboat tour of Penobscot River including passengers, houses on shore, views in front of and behind the boat, the captain.
21) 0439 cat. 1048-15-WABI-66 Kiwanis Auction at Orono
Orono: Orono Fire Dept. and the banner it is putting up across Main St. advertising the upcoming Kiwanis 20th Annual Auction.
13) 0439 cat. 1048-16-WABI-66 Hay Fever Preview
Orono: Man lectures University of Maine class on causes of hay fever.
27) 0439 cat. 1048-17-WABI-66 Moscow Sesquicentennial
Moscow: Parade including floats, cheerleaders, marching bands, fire trucks, television personality Virginia Graham, man dressed as hillbilly being thrown into truck.
31) 0439 cat. 1048-18-WABI-66 [Narragansett Spinoff Contest?]
Women sit at bottom of airplane stairway, then board and wave goodbye.
28) 0439 cat. 1048-19-WABI-66 Dr. Stephen Wright at University of Maine
Orono: Wright speech at 'The Pit.'
32) 0439 cat. 1048-20-WABI-66 Geodetic Survey
USC&G surveying of land including three men working beside train track.
34) 0439 cat. 1048-21-WABI-66 Jack Hambleton Award
Presentation of three awards to Hambleton from American Meteorological Society.
36) 0439 cat. 1048-22-WABI-66 Rockland Festival
Rockland: Festival scenes including man dressed as pirate standing in a toy submarine and waving his sword, then young woman standing in submarine as pirate rows up to her in sm...
5) 0439 cat. 1048-23-WABI-66 Music in Maine Director
Man with young woman beside him speaks to people at conference table.
16) 0439 cat. 1048-24-WABI-66 Republican Campaign Tactics Meeting
Bangor: Republicans go over tactics at Bangor House.
22) 0440 cat. 1048-22-WABI-66 Coopal Testimonial Dinner
Scenes from dinner for former City Manager Coopal including people eating and speakers.
18) 0440 cat. 1048-25-WABI-66 Bangor-Brewer Lions Club Light Bulb Sale
Sale event including stacking bulb boxes, men holding giant bulbs, CU of bulbs.
1) 0440 cat. 1048-26-WABI-66 Sports-O-Rama Sets Up in Brewer
Brewer: Men set up trees in building, set up and move other items.
2) 0440 cat. 1048-27-WABI-66 Brewer Chamber of Commerce Makes Plans
Men speak at Chamber meeting.
30) 0440 cat. 1048-28-WABI-66 Skidding Accident
Police inspection of accident scene including overturned cars and trucks.
4) 0440 cat. 1048-29-WABI-66 Orono Activities
Orono: Scenes from the University of Maine including pan of the library and union buildings, also people at a meeting.
5) 0440 cat. 1048-30-WABI-66 University of Maine Orchestra at Hauck Auditorium
Orono: Shots of orchestra and conductor.
6) 0440 cat.1048-31-WABI-66 Farmington State College Inaugurates Dr. Scarlett
Farmington: Scenes of ceremony including professors, audience, and Scarlett speaking to crowd.
3) 0440 cat. 1048-33-WABI-66 [Farmington Student on Vietnam]
Opinion: Interview with a Farmington student Carol Clement regarding his opinion about the United States position in Vietnam.
16) 0440 cat. 1049-06-WABI-66 Maine Youth Conference
Orono: Conference at University of Maine including science exhibits, lobby of Hauck Auditorium, speakers, students.
9) 0440 cat. 1049-07-WABI-66 Annual Hampden Kiwanis Sale
Hampden: Indoor sale including tables and crowd.
10) 0440 cat. 1049-08-WABI-66 Proposed Senior High School at Skowhegan
Meeting at office to discuss new high school.
11) 0440 cat. 1049-09-WABI-66 Maine Sight Meeting
11) 0440 cat.1049-10-WABI-66 United Cerebral Palsy Award to Dr. Robert Carnell
Banquet including people seated, Dick Bronson.
20) 0440 cat. 1049-11-WABI-66 [Opinion - Farmington Student on Vietnam]
Opinion: Interview with Farmington student Blaine Newnan regarding his opinions of the War in Vietnam.
14) 0441.0001 [Day with State Police Trooper in Orono]
Typical day in the life of a Maine State Police officer in Orono that follows a trooper as he makes his routine rounds on the interstate, city streets, and rural dirt roads. Alo...
34) 0442 cat. 1050-01-WABI-66 Profile of the Students for a Democratic Society of Maine
Students and their University of Maine advisor Professor Jerome Nadelhaft discussing the SDS, why they think electoral college is a fraud, desire for radical change, important i...
15) 0443 cat.1049-02-WABI-66 Opinion of Mr. Kirstead on Consolidation of Schools
Farmington State College professor Charles Kirstead discusses administration plans to bring other towns into school district, and plan to build a larger school to accommodate mo...
17) 0443 cat. 1049-03-WABI-66 Opinion of Gary Sweat
Farmington teenager discusses society's view of teenagers and their dress.
22) 0443 cat. 1049-04-WABI-66 Opinion of Clair Cross
Mr. Cross of Farmington discusses his view of teenagers, which turns out to be rather negative, though he says it is positive.
19) 0443 cat. 1049-05-WABI-66 Opinion of George Pillsbury
Pillsbury of Farmington discusses teenage drivers, saying that they are good because of driver's education and the fact that they have little to worry about.
20) 0444 cat. 1051-01-WABI-61 Trooper Macrae Award
Trooper Thomas Macrae and other Brewer police officers receive awards. Speeches by Master of Ceremonies and Executive Director of Brewer Chamber of Commerce Dan Lambert, Chief o...
5) 0445 cat. 1052-01-WABI-66 'Meet the Bears'
George Hale hosts broadcast regarding University of Maine football team including players, Coach Harold Westerman, team captains talking about season, Backfield Coach Jack Butte...
12) 0446 cat. 1049-01-WABI-66 Virginia Graham Interview
Interview with Woman of the Year Virginia Graham regarding her experiences as an author, actress, mother, grandmother, her education, youth, morals, and talk show called 'Girl T...
31) 0447.0001 Christmas Daddies
Show in which Dick Bronson and man named John request contributions for needy children's Christmas presents. Shots of them reading children's names, Ralph Lowe singing, Slim sin...
8) 0449 cat. 1050-02-WABI-67 Class Day Exercises at the University of Maine
Orono: Graduation ceremony on the mall including procession, graduates, crowd, speakers.
25) 0449 cat. 1050-03-WABI-67 Symphony Women Board Year End Meeting
10) 0449 cat. 1050-04-WABI-67 Championship Wrestling at Bangor Auditorium
Bangor: Wrestling match and highlight, and wrestler flexing for camera.
8) 0449 cat. 1050-05-WABI-67 Memorial Day Parades and Ceremonies
Scenes from celebrations throughout area including parades, military, floats, marching bands, memorial ceremony.
28) 0449 cat. 1051-02-WABI-67 Brewer Auction
Brewer: Outdoor auction including man taking bids.
29) 0449 cat. 1051-03-WABI-67 BOMARC Missile Base Serves as Example for Dow Air Force Base
Man explains reuse of BOMARC facility after it closes, and uses illustration of base to describe which buildings companies intend to adopt.
26) 0449 cat. 1051-04-WABI-67 Hathaway on Vietnam and Public Power
Interview with Congressman William Hathaway in his office.
31) 0449 cat. 1051-05-WABI-67 'Campeche' Docks at Searsport
Searsport:Docking of French ship Campeche including ship exterior, crew greeting crowd, spectators going aboard.
32) 0449 cat. 1051-06-WABI-67 Lions Club Milk Fund Drive
Members wearing Milk Fund hats and talking.
33) 0449 cat. 1051-07-WABI-67 Line Construction at Bucksport
Bucksport: Construction work to erect structures for power lines including aerial shots of workers.
35) 0449 cat. 1051-08-WABI-67 Two-Car Crash on Route 3
Bangor: Accident scene including two damaged cars and police.
35) 0449 cat. 1051-09-WABI-67 Jewish Community Center Year End Art Show
Show including paintings, drawings, crowd.
36) 0449 cat. 1051-10-WABI-67 'State of Maine Day' Plans Formulated
Group making plans.
21) 0449 cat. 1051-11-WABI-67 D'Errico Describes Prizewinning Dow Air Force Base Re-use Booklet
D'Errico describing booklet.
15) 0449 cat. 1051-12-WABI-67 Conference
8) 0449 cat. 1051-13-WABI-67 Vietnam Medal Posthumously Awarded to Marine
Award and medal given to woman for man's honor as hero and Bangor native.
27) 0449 cat. 1051-14-WABI-67 Bangor Public Schools Art Show
Show including paintings, drawings and sculpture.
19) 0449 cat. 1051-15-WABI-67 It's For The Birds at the Blaine House
Scenes of birds on Blaine House shutters.
27) 0449 cat. 1051-16-WABI-67 Curtis Comments on Rural Youth Corps Problems
Governor Ken Curtis speaks to camera regarding corps problems and possible solutions.
7) 0449 cat. 1051-17-WABI-67 East Maine General Hospital Auxiliary Meets at Pilot's Grill
Dinner meeting.
7) 0449 cat. 1051-18-WABI-67 Timberland Machines Groundbreaking
Company officials shovel dirt, and equipment is on display at groundbreaking.
29) 0449 cat. 1051-19-WABI-67 Dow Air Force Base Re-use Book Wins Award
Interview with author of award winning book they put together.
30) 0449 cat. 1052-02-WABI-67 Amateur Boxing at Bangor Auditorium
Boxing match scenes including boxers and crowd.
11) 0449 cat. 1052-03-WABI-67 Curtis Vows to Oppose Republican Sales Tax
Press conference with governor Ken Curtis regarding proposed sales tax which would be highest in nation.
12) 0449 cat. 1052-04-WABI-67 Richardson Answers Governor's Tax Charges
Republican meeting including Richardson and crowd.
13) 0449 cat. 1052-05-WABI-67 Maine and World Trade
Man standing in front of Maine Import-Export display discusses import-export's effect on the economy. MS of him and display.
13) 0449 cat. 1053-01-WABI-67 Bangor City Council Meeting
Bangor: Attendees vote on issues and man presides with a gavel.
18) 0449 cat. 1053-02-WABI-67 Deserving Maine Juniors Ready for Summer Sessions at the University of Maine
Meeting with students listening to speaker.
36) 0449 cat. 1053-03-WABI-67 Alpha Delta Kappa Teachers at Bangor House
Bangor: Banquet scenes including women at tables, banner.
16) 0449 cat. 1053-04-WABI-67 Castine and the Symphony Ball
Castine: Ball scenes from 'State of Maine' ship including ship's arrival, Castine landmarks, couples arriving, dancing, MS of socializing.
18) 0449 cat. 1053-05-WABI-67 Jaycees Parade in Bangor
Bangor: Parade including floats, state beauty queen, marching bands.
14) 0449 cat. 1053-06-WABI-67 Iowa Caravan Banquet
Bangor: Caravan of Iowans arrival at Chamber of Commerce including men in suits posing with cow, banquet with speaker, MS and LS of room.
32) 0449 cat. 1053-07-WABI-67 The Calais Story
Dick Bronson interviews Calais officials including Gary Beckett, Chairman of Calais Civic Improvement Committee regarding cleanup project and companies helping town economy; Don...
12) 0449 cat. 1053-08-WABI-67 Hampden Kiwanis Annual Charity Horse Show
Hampden: Show scenes including parade of riders for camera, spectators, a few jumps, posing, two men in a buggy.
22) 0449 cat. 1053-09-WABI-67 [Presentation?]
Camera pans across man standing between two women. MS.
23) 0449 cat. 1053-10-WABI-67 Maine Jaycees 21st Convention Convenes
Meeting scenes including registration, posing.
23) 0449 cat. 1053-11-WABI-67 Eagles Give Law Award to Chief Willoughby
Award presentation.
25) 0449 cat. 1053-12-WABI-67 Jaycees Lobster and Clam Bake
Convention scenes including Jaycees in line at clambake.
7) 0449 cat. 1053-13-WABI-67 Farm and Home Safety
Man uses flaming props to show how fire gets out of control in homes. Audience.
27) 0449 cat. 1053-14-WABI-67 Fallout Shelter Exercises
A group of people follow a man with a megaphone as he leads them through a fallout shelter drill. Shots include a man being measured, people standing in the shelter.
26) 0449 cat. 1053-15-WABI-67 House Beautiful Tour
Bangor: Shots of about eight Bangor homes.
29) 0449 cat. 1053-16-WABI-67 Family and Child Services Meeting
Meeting with people eating.
40) 0449 cat. 1053-17-WABI-67 [New Scholastic Society -- University of Maine]
Meeting including priest.
31) 0449 cat. 1053-18-WABI-67 New England Urban Policy Seminar in Orono
Orono: Meeting with speaker.
31) 0449 cat. 1053-19-WABI-67 Sylvania Exterior Progress Report
Bangor: Construction of Sylvania Plant at corner of Hogan and Sylvan next to I-95 including heavy equipment, walls going up, various angles of exterior in MS.
33) 0449 cat. 1053-20-WABI-67 First Integrated Circuits Roll Off Line at Sylvania
Man narrates action as woman works on circuits. He describes limited floor space and production process.
34) 0449 cat. 1053-21-WABI-67 Bangor Jaycees Award to WABI
Award presentation.
34) 0449 cat. 1053-22-WABI-67 Jesse Owens at Union Street High School
Bangor: Owens talks with people sitting at tables.
1403) 0449 cat. 1053-23-WABI-67 Curtis on Sales Tax and School and State Financing
Governor Ken Curtis speaks at Lion's Club regarding prediction that Republican sales tax will not cover the 46-million dollar deficit, inadequate school funding. MS and LS of Cu...
32) 0449 cat. 1053-24-WABI-67 Cuban Exile Novas-Calvo in Orono
Orono: Exile's speech.
2) 0449 cat. 1053-25-WABI-67 Public Warned on Dangerous Drugs
Bangor: Anti-drug speech.
28) 0449 cat. 1053-26-WABI-67 Maine Educators Meet in Bangor
Bangor: Meeting.
41) 0449 cat. 1053-27-WABI-67 Annual Election Dinner at Jewish Community Center
Man receives plaque in awards presentation.
5) 0449 cat. 1053-28-WABI-67 Brewer Chamber of Commerce Membership Banquet
Brewer: Banquet including speaker.
24) 0449 cat. 1053-29-WABI-67 Augusta's Mid-State Cerebral Palsy Center
Augusta: Tour of center including children, talking book, film projector.
17) 0449 cat. 1054-01-WABI-67 University of Maine vs. Bates Baseball Game
Orono: Highlights of game at Mahaney diamond at University including batting, pitching, outs, crowd.
36) 0449 cat. 1054-02-WABI-67 Maine Extension Agents Meet Head Start
Meeting regarding Head Start program including speakers, audience, man standing in front of Bangor Daily News booth.
9) 0449 cat. 1054-03-WABI-67 Brewer Art Show
Brewer: Show including painting, sculpture, metal crafts, people setting up, a small merry-go-round art object.
10) 0449 cat. 1054-04-WABI-67 K.C. Jones vs. Jack's Five
Bangor: Basketball game at Auditorium including highlights and introductions.
11) 0449 cat. 1054-04-WABI-67 Orono Cleanup Drive
Orono: Men clean up dead branches and garbage, which bucket loader hauls away.
12) 0449 cat. 1054-05-WABI-67 Rotary Club Hears Day on Taxes and Tourism
Dinner and speech.
12) 0449 cat. 1054-06-WABI-67 Curtis Defines His Leadership
Governor Ken Curtis speaks regarding what makes a good leader, and the irrelevance of party affiliation to good leadership.
13) 0449 cat. 1054-07-WABI-67 Sports Interviews with the Red Sox in Boston
Interviews with individual players including players, reporters, photographers.
4) 0449 cat. 1054-08-WABI-67 Geophysicist Speaks on Terrestrial Gravity Problems in Maine
Speech including illustrations on blackboard.
18) 0449 cat. 1054-10-WABI-67 The Great Paint-Out in Bangor
Bangor: People painting fence and picking up trash, men arriving on bus from Air Force Base, a painting race.
16) 0449 cat. 1054-11-WABI-67 Alumni Association Saber Ceremonies
Ceremonies at the University of Maine including officers on stage, military band, sargeant with medals and saber, graduated Senior Cadets receiving awards.
18) 0449 cat. 1054-12-WABi-67 Student Concert at Peakes Auditorium
Bangor: High School concert including audience, children, instruments.
19) 0449 cat. 1054-13-WABI-67 International Night
Dinner event including Asians and others eating.
20) 0449 cat. 1054-14-WABI-67 Colby College vs. University of Maine Baseball
Game highlights including bench, play.
20) 0449 cat. 1054-15-WABI-67 Bangor Sylvania Recruiting Report
Interview with Mr. Dulyle and Mr. John West regarding new plant and hiring.
6) 0449 cat. 1054-17-WABI-67 Maine Day Festivities
Orono: Activities in the University of Maine field house including a mock jail, pie throwing, music, food, and wine.
10) 0449 cat. 1054-18-WABI-67 NAACP Nigerian Speaker
Black Nigerian speaks to mostly white crowd.
9) 0449 cat. 1054-19-WABI-67 Maine Day Football
University of Maine plays unknown opponent in football.
24) 0449 cat. 1054-20-WABI-67 Annual Deputies Banquet
Banquet scenes of men standing, sitting and talking.
7) 0449 cat. 1054-21-WABI-67 Old Town Okays Shopping Center Zone Change
Old Town: Council meeting.
26) 0449 cat. 1054-22-WABI-67 [Theatre-Play?]
Play scenes with actors dressed in medieval era royalty costumes.
28) 0449 cat. 1054-23-WABI-67 Admiral Sam Elliot Morrison
Bar Harbor: MS, MCU and CU of admiral's visit; Samuel Elliott Morrison talking to someone offscreen.
20) 0449 cat. 1054-24-WABI-67 Curtis Renews Views on Higher Education
MS of Governor Curtis speaking regarding need for coordinated long-term fundraising effort for higher education in Maine.
30) 0449 cat. 1054-25-WABI-67 [Republican Banquet]
Banquet including speaker.
31) 0450 cat. 0156-10-WABI-67 Hathaway's Stand on Nuclear-Powered 'Savannah'
Congressman William Hathaway speaks regarding his support of the ship, its benefit of training future generations, and its economic viability for the future.
32) 0450 cat. 1054-27-WABI-67 Maine Purchasing Agents Association Completes 7th Seminar
Seminar with people at long tables passing around documents.
33) 0450 cat. 1054-28-WABI-67 Southwick Speaks on Teacher Negotiations
Ms. Southwick speaks on need for teachers and administrators to work with Board to ensure students get education they deserve as citizens.
3) 0450 cat. 1055-01-WABI-67 Curtis Explains Rockland's Airport Problem
Governor Ken Curtis speaks regarding needed repairs for Rockland's airport, his opposition to Republican sales tax increase proposals.
34) 0450 cat. 1055-02-WABI-67 Richardson Explains Republican Revenue Program
Richardson explaining program to house members, then explaining again in interview.
28) 0450 cat. 1055-03-WABI-67 Maine Broadcasters Scholarship Award
Award presentation.
7) 0450 cat. 1055-04-WABI-67 Reed Dedicates Recreation Center in Hallowell
Hallowell: Ceremony in which former governor John Reed officiates, speaks on joy of public service, and his pleasure that center dedicated to him will serve youth.
2270) 0450 cat. 1055-05-WABI-67 Senator Mark Hatfield Visits Bangor
Bangor: MS and CU of Hatfield getting off plane, shaking hands, talking.
23) 0450 cat. 1055-06-WABI-07 Commencement Reunion Alumni Luncheon
Orono: LS of University of Maine campus scenes, luncheon, black bear statue, Mall.
15) 0450 cat. 1055-07-WABI-67 Old Town Derby Parade
Old Town: Parade including 1920s cars, marching bands, beauty pageant winners, balloons, clowns, a baseball team, Anah Temple Shriners on mini-bikes, majorettes.
5) 0450 cat. 1055-08-WABI-67 Soap Box Derby
Derby including crowd, race, children eating cotton candy.
27) 0450 cat. 1055-09-WABI-67 May Weather Summary on Pickard Mountain
Pickard Mountain: Two men stand holding weather information chart, as one of them reads statistics comparing May weather of June weather, and this year's weather compared to oth...
30) 0450 cat. 1055-10-WABI-67 [Bartlett and Curtis on East-West Highway)
Conference regarding highway from Calais to Amsterdam, N.Y. Speakers include Bartlett on highway's purpose, and Governor Ken Curtis on his support of it.
25) 0450 cat. 1055-11-WABI-67 Coldbrooke -- Route 202 Fatalities
Accident scene including police, damaged car and tractor-trailer truck.
8) 0450 cat. 1055-12-WABI-67 University of Maine Commencement at Orono
Orono: Scenes include commentator speaking, view of field from press box, camera operators, crowd, professors, speaker.
4) 0450 cat. 1055-13-WABI-67 ROTC Commissions
Orono: Commissioning ceremony in which students receive pins, salute, take oaths of service. CU of various hats of each armed service.
22) 0450 cat. 1055-14-WABI-67 University of Maine Commencement Art Show
Show of 13 painters.
12) 0450 cat.1055-15-WABI-67 Telejournal Looks at Expo '67 -- Part 1
Montreal: World's Fair scenes including reporters arriving in Montreal, 'Man and His World' exhibit as seen from moving vehicle, a ship, various international exhibits, a monora...
13) 0450 cat. 1055-16-WABI-67 Paul Bunyan Golf Tourney
Tournament scenes (from Lucerne Inn?) including putts, chips, drives, scorekeepers and officials, inn.
35) 0450 cat. 1055-17-WABI-67 Hambleton-Hale Golf Match
Match scenes including George Hale and Hambleton horsing around, putting, chipping, and driving.
15) 0450 cat. 1055-18-WABI-67 Minesweepers at Bar Harbor
Bar Harbor: Minesweepers docked, people looking around on board, crew standing on deck, various shots of ship.
20) 0450 cat. 1055-19-WABI-67 Maine Municipal Association Meeting in Rockland
Rockland: Meeting in Samoset Resort including LS of inn, welcome sign, speaker.
13) 0450 cat. 1055-20-WABI-67 Flag Day
Flags planted in ground and blowing in the wind. Also flag on Winterport Post Office.
1) 0450 cat. 1055-21-WABI-67 Brewer Garden Club Wins Beautification Award
Toll bridge scenes in which flags are planted in potted flowers by the edge of each tollbooth.
6) 0450 cat. 1055-22-WABI-67 Maine's Miss Marlo
Interview of Marlo including why she entered contest, what she's learned, whether she's changed, her future plans. Also shots of brook and couple sitting on large rock.
35) 0450 cat. 1055-23-WABI-67 Correspondent St. John Arrives in Bangor
Bangor: Bearded man arrives on plane and is greeted by another man, then they walk to car.
12) 0450 cat. 1055-24-WABI-67 Fire at Sylvania Plant in Bangor
Bangor: Fire fighters have extinguished plant fire and are chopping up the roof with axes.
22) 0450 cat. 1056-01-WABI-67 Lady Bird Johnson at Cape Elizabeth
Cape Elizabeth: First Lady and Governor Ken Curtis walk, shake people's hands. Lady Bird eats lobster and discusses her enjoyment of her visit and the clambake.
35) 0450 cat. 1056-02-WABI-67 Dr. Kellogg Talks About Service on Project Hope Ship
Interview with Dr. Kellogg regarding his role on the medical care and aid ship, its purpose, its schedule, its role in training people of other countries in their own environmen...
12) 0450 cat. 1056-03-WABI-67 Education Commissioner Speaks -- Orono
Orono: Speech in Little Hall at University of Maine.
25) 0450 cat. 1056-04-WABI-67 Husson College Commencement
Bangor: Ceremony at Auditorium including Governor Ken Curtis speech on the graduates' futures and their impact on the state, graduates, crowd.
26) 0450 cat. 1056-05-WABI-67 [Civil Disturbance Exercises in Augusta?]
Panel discussion including Governor Ken Curtis and Senator Edmund Muskie.
27) 0450 cat. 1056-06-WABI-67 Graduation
Ceremony including speeches and graduates going onstage to be seated.
23) 0450 cat. 1056-07-WABI-67 [Colby Graduation?]
Waterville?: Graduates procession.
29) 0450 cat. 1056-08-WABI-67 Medical Center Dedicated at Thayer Hospital in Waterville
Waterville: People sitting listening to speaker.
3) 0450 cat. 1056-09-WABI-67 Maine Police Chiefs Seminar in Orono
Orono: Man speaks to a small audience in University of Maine Bennett Hall on police management.
2299) 0450 cat. 1056-11-WABI-67 Band Awards at Bangor High School
Bangor: Scenes from high school cafeteria including band members getting letters and plaques.
32) 0450 cat. 1056-12-WABI-67 Bangor School Department Special Music Courses
Bangor: Scenes from music class including students playing horns, piano, violin, bass, drums. Audience of kids.
33) 0450 cat. 1056-13-WABI-67 New Water Sprinkler System for Bangor Municipal Golf
Bangor: Rotating sprinklers watering fairways and greens.
35) 0450 cat. 1056-14-WABI-67 Newspaper Seminar
Scenes include students looking through newspapers, girls looking at test black and white photo contact sheets, and a man helping students.
34) 0450 cat. 1056-15-WABI-67 Mentally Retarded Seminar
Scenes including man speaking to group with various drawings of a cat on a chalkboard, and people taking notes.
28) 0450 cat. 1056-16-WABI-67 Head Start Training Seminar
Seminar with mostly women, and a group leader making clapping motions.
36) 0450 cat. 1056-17-WABI-67 Maine Association of Medical Assistants Feature
Interview of association members regarding their activities, including clerical work, assisting doctors. Also discuss upcoming national convention in Los Angeles.
10) 0450 cat. 1056-18-WABI-67 First Day of Summer
Families in swimming pool, and a fire leveling a small building.
3) 0450 cat. 1056-19-WABI-67 Silverman-Riccitelli Interview
Interview with Silverman, who works with world class boxer Joe Riccitelli, regarding fight and tour. Other fighter talks about his confident strategy.
4) 0450 cat. 1056-21-WABI-67 Maine House Defeats Republican Sales Tax
Defeat of Republican sales tax including roll call vote and announcement of defeat in Maine House.
7) 0450 cat. 1056-21-WABI-67 [Curtis on Defeat of Tax]
Governor Ken Curtis speaks from a podium regarding defeat of Republican sales tax, that is should be left alone, and that this is the longest day in history.
27) 0450 cat. 1056-22-WABI-67 Curtis at Boys State
Orono: Scenes from 'The Pit' of the University of Maine including boys at attention, a boy dressed in a flight suit escorted to the front to speak, Governor Ken Curtis going to ...
2) 0450 cat. 1056-23-WABI-67 Girls State at Waterville
Waterville: Club meeting at Colby College including girls yelling for their candidate for president, a march to the gym, girls listening to elected leader speak, reactions, circ...
25) 0450 cat. 1056-24-WABI-67 Guy Lombardo at Bangor Auditorium
Bangor: Lombardo speaking from podium.
27) 0450 cat. 1057-01-WABI-67 Guy Lombardo at Bangor Auditorium
Bangor: Performance including MS of Lombardo and individual band members.
18) 0450 cat. 1057-02-WABI-67 Wrestling at Bangor Auditorium
Bangor: Tag-team wrestling including Baron Mikel Scicluna, Spyros Arion, Gorilla Monsoon and Antonio Pugliese, and the referee looking on.
32) 0450 cat. 1057-03-WABI-67 Attorney General Discusses Law Enforcement in Maine
Bangor Rotary Club scenes including speech regarding need for education on drunk driving problems and crime for law enforcement officers.
21) 0450 cat. 1057-04-WABI-67 Hampden-Newburgh Vote on School Board Issues
Voting scenes including people leaving booths and returning ballots to registrar.
13) 0450 cat. 1057-05-WABI-67 Summer Registration at Orono Campus
Orono: Registration scenes from the University of Maine.
14) 0450 cat. 1057-06-WABI-67 Student Actor's Breakfast Kick-off
Student actors talking and drinking.
30) 0450 cat. 1057-07-WABI-67 Band Institute for Maine High School Students
Students playing instruments as a conductor leads them.
16) 0450 cat. 1057-08-WABI-67 Bangor Municipal Pool Opens
Bangor: Pool on Union Street opening for summer with kids swimming and diving in MS and LS.
33) 0450 cat. 1057-09-WABI-67 Central Maine Gets First Jet Service
Bangor: First jet of Northeast Airlines with stewardesses and pilots being greeted as they get off the plane, and shots of the plane and airport.
18) 0450 cat. 1057-10-WABI-67 Old Town Graduation and Bangor High School Prom
Students graduating and dancing at prom.
18) 0450 cat. 1057-10-WABI--68 Old Town Graduation and Bangor High School Prom [Duplicate]
Students graduating and dancing at prom.
7) 0450 cat.1057-11-WABI-67 Telejournal Looks at Expo '67 -- Part 2
Montreal: World's Fair scenes including dome, monorail, long escalator, reporters on hovercraft ride, a bicycle rickshaw, and international attractions.
27) 0450 cat. 1057-12-WABI-67 Paul Bunyan Golf Tournament, 2nd Day
Lucerne Inn, players executing chips, putts, and drives, crowd.
21) 0450 cat. 1057-13-WABI-67 Jewish Community Council Dedicates Day Camp
Ceremony including crowd listening to speaker.
23) 0450 cat. 1057-14-WABI-67 Upward Bound Program Begins at Orono
Orono: University of Maine students arriving for summer program carrying luggage in front of Hancock Hall.
5) 0450 cat. 1057-15-WABI-67 Paul Bunyan Golf Tournament -- Final Day
Golf scenes.
25) 0450 cat. 1057-16-WABI-67 Maine Veteran of Foreign Wars Parade at Rockland
Rockland: Parade including cars, marching troops, marching bands, and floats.
214) 0450 cat. 1057-17-WABI-67 Colby College Alumni Weekend
Waterville: Scenes including a picnic, games, and speech.
27) 0450 cat. 1057-18-WABI-67 [Canadian-American Goodwill Relations Day]
Parade in Bangor including representatives from New Brunswick Kiwanis Jr. Pipe Band, the Bangor Police, and other vehicles
62) 0450 cat. 1057-19-WABI-67 Bangor High School Graduation Party at Branch Lake
Lake scenes including hot dog roast, marshmallow roast, girls in bathing suits, kids dancing.
24) 0450 cat. 1057-20-WABI-67 Fowle Makes Dow Air Force Base Re-use Progress Report
Orono-Old Town Kiwanis Club is site of luncheon meeting with report.
30) 0450 cat. 1057-21-WABI-67 U.S.S. Hoist Docks at Bar Harbor
Bar Harbor: Scenes including people boarding ship, crew on board, welcoming committee, ship tour, diving suit.
30) 0450 cat. 1057-22-WABI-67 Maine Central Railroad Hauls Off Junk Cars
Train leaves Maine to take junked cars to Massachussetts.
32) 0450 cat. 1057-23-WABI-67 Northeast Shoe Workers Circulate Petition of Grievance
Pittsfield: Interview of workers' representative by Telejournal regarding workers' desire for constitutional rights fairness, petition.
35) 0450 cat. 1057-24-WABI-67 Future Farmers of America -- Orono
Orono: Meeting including high school students listening to speakers.
28) 0450 cat. 1058-01-WABI-67 Reccitelli-Halliday Fight -- Bangor
Bangor: Fight scenes at Auditorium.
34) 0450 cat. 1058-02-WABI-67 Referendum May Decide Republican Sales Tax
Augusta: Maine Senate session in which House discusses possible sales tax referendum.
33) 0450 cat. 1058-03-WABI-67 Vahlsing Discusses Sugar Beets and Potato Processing
Speaker talking to group of men.
1) 0450 cat. 1058-04-WABI-67 Six Area Girls Join Women's Army
Girls taking oath in MS and LS.
31) 0450 cat. 1058-05-WABI-67 Vandalism at Municipal Golf Course in Bangor
Bangor: Damaged grass on fourth green.
10) 0450 cat. 1058-06-WABI-67 [Governor Ken Curtis Speaks on Sales Tax]
Curtis speaks on alternatives to tax.
4) 0450 cat. 1058-07-WABI-67 Richardson Replies to Curtis Statement
Richardson discusses possibility of compromise on sales tax proposal, which he says must support because it is wanted by Republicans.
28) 0450 cat. 1058-08-WABI-67 Older Youth Conference -- Orono
Youth rally in which kids perform a wave.
6) 0450 cat. 1058-09-WABI-67 Maine Travel Council School
Meeting including men and military officers.
18) 0450 cat. 1058-10-WABI-67 [American Legion Convention Parade at Calais]
Parade in Calais including Canadian group and flag, cars, Legionnaires from Maine, and marching bands going over bridge into New Brunswick
29) 0450 cat. 1058-11-WABI-67 Somerset Pomona Centennial Field Days in Skowhegan
Skowhegan: Parade including floats, birthday cakes, kids on bikes and with baby carriages, horse pulling contest.
8) 0450 cat. 1058-12-WABI-67 Truck Carrier Mishap Causes Traffic Jam in Ellsworth
Telejournal camera shoots from car driving toward Ellsworth. Shots include car carrier skidded off road, blocked traffic.
10) 0450 cat. 1058-13-WABI-67 Sheriff Chandler Lists Safety Musts for Vacationers
Chandler speaks to Telejournal regarding locking their houses, using timers for lights, driving cautiously, keeping valuables in safe while traveling, not carrying cash.
30) 0450 cat. 1058-14-WABI-67 Two-Car Crash at Boyd and York in Bangor
Bangor: Accident scene including cars with smashed front ends.
12) 0450 cat. 1058-15-WABI-67 Katahdin Area Council Boy Scout Annual Barbecue
Scenes of indoor barbecue including cooks preparing roast, people eating, man speaking, people receving medals.
13) 0450 cat. 1058-15-WABI-67 Bangor Chamber of Commerce Elects Officers
Bangor: Banquet honoring new Chamber officers.
14) 0451.0014 Bucksport Museum Opens
Bucksport: Museum opening including Bucksport Historical Society sign, museum building, shore, building from various angles, two men, boats in harbor, CU of displays, map, peopl...
18) 0451.0015 Belfast Broiler Festival Parade
Belfast: Parade including MS of building, limousine, truck, broiler float, Broiler Festival Queen, marching band, twirlers, 'Support our Men in Vietnam' sign on float, 'Wide Awa...
24) 0451.0016 Broiler Queen of 1967 in Belfast
Belfast: Contest activities including young woman with birthday cake, contestants smiling.
17) 0451 cat. 1058-16-WABI-67 Warren State Park Opens in Islesboro
Islesboro: Group of men board boat. Island in LS. Men in CU. View from boat approaching island. Group of people sitting in wooded area in MS. Different group, including park ran...
15) 0451 cat. 1058-17-WABI-66 [Choral Concert]
Young people mill around as camera pans across room set up with music stands, seats and drums. Chorus in formal dress takes places. Pan of audience, chorus, conductor, audience.
19) 0451 cat. 1058-18-WABI-67 [Recovery of Airplane]
Recovery of airplane from water including LS of ship approaching shore, floating debris, helicopter approaching, crowd on shore.
20) 0451 cat. 1058-19-WABI-67 [Recovery of Airplane -- part 2]
Small group of people waits as ship docks carrying airplane debris.
21) 0451 cat. 1058-20-WABI-67 Holiday Highway Death Report
CUs of traffic signs: Stop, railroad crossing, Keep Right, Stop on red signal, railroad crossing, no U-turn, merging traffic, yield right of way, road curves, Exit speed 30, cat...
11) 0451 cat. 1058-21-WABI-67 Lobster Boat Race in Jonesport
Jonesport: Lobster boat race including LS of speeding boats, aerial MCU of one boat's crew, more racing, presentation of trophy, MCU of two winners.
15) 0451 cat. 1059-01-WABI-69 Fourth of July Feature
Ralph Lowe rocking on a front porch narrating story with drink in hand, Paul Bunyan statue, golf course, flag, kids on playground, waterfall, 'Buy U.S. Savings Bonds and New Fre...
19) 0451 cat. 1059-02-WABI-67 Sylvania Plant Progress Report
Construction site including pan of road, bulldozer, new glass building, parking lot, tractors, stacked hay, MS of new building, point of view shot from camera approaching building.
8) 0451 cat. 1059-03-WABI-67 Rhythm of the Rain
Rainfall scenes including house in rain, plants, windshield with wipers going, man pumping gas into his car, 'Sunshine State, Florida,' 'New Brunswick, Picture Province' license...
26) 0451 cat.1059-04-WABI-67 [Boxing Interview]
News story dated 07/05/1967. // Interview with boxer Gene Herrick and promoter Sam Silverman regarding move of New England Championship bout from Portland to Bangor. Herrick dis...
6) 0451 cat. 1059-05-WABI-67 Dow Fireworks Display
Bangor: LS of Dow Air Force Base buildings. People sitting in grassy area. Fireworks.
28) 0451 cat. 1059-06-WABI-67 Bangor Area Power Failure
Man shining flashlight over woman typing, young man typing, pile of books, man talking on telephone, man checking tickertape, man looking at film he unwinds from a reel.
33) 0451 cat. 1059-07-WABI- Cole's Express Offers Carrier Rides
Interview of Cole includes painting of Cole's trucks lined up, discussion of new program allowing people to ride carriers between truck terminals. Rides will be round trip betwe...
35) 0451 cat. 1059-08-WABI-67 Sullivan Ford Sales Mustang Winner
Presentation of car to woman including contest sign, man posing with woman, woman sitting behind wheel.
2) 0451 cat. 1059-09-WABI-67 [Herrick-Silverman Interview]
Interview with boxer regarding bouts with Riccitelli, Sprague, Rocky Loos, Holliday.
32) 0451 cat. 1059-10-WABI-67 Naval Reserve Change of Command
Naval officer salutes, inspects sailors. Large object, possibly a naval symbol. Ceremony. Cannon shot.
32) 0451 cat. 1059-11-WABI-67 Maine Poultry Meeting at Belfast
Belfast: Meeting including Belfast sign, man talking to camera, other men at meeting.
35) 0451 cat. 1059-12-WABI-67 [Banquet]
Banquet in large room with hundreds of people at long tables and waitresses serving.
15) 0451 cat. 1059-17-WABI-67 Rockland Runway Report #1
Rockland: Rockland Airport and Northeast Airlines signs, men shoveling dirt from dumptruck to runway, view of runway from moving vehicle, men looking at plans, airplanes taxiing.
36) 0451 cat. 1059-18-WABI-67 Bangor Dollar Days Winner
Young woman talking in yard.
1) 0451 cat.1059-19-WABI-67 [Boxing match]
Boxing match.
20) 0451 cat. 1059-20-WABI-67 Belfast & Moosehead Railroad Tour
Belfast & Moosehead sign. Pan of wooded area. Train full of passengers. Spectator. Man walking along tracks.
30) 0451 cat. 1059-21-WABI-67 [Hubert Humphrey Visits Brunswick]
Hubert Humphrey and others talking in parking area. On lawn with crowd including 'Peace Now' signs, Also 'Stop the War' and others. Getting out of car and shaking hands in crowd...
4) 0451 cat. 1072-24-WABI-67 Curtis Cites Problems in Highway Fund Cutback
Governor Curtis speaks about proposals for highway spending cuts. Says would cause problems in Portland and Kittery.
28) 0452 cat. 1060-01-WABI-67 Rt. 15 Road Improvement
State highway construction. Digging, plowing dirt, clearing sides of highway, grading surface for paving.
8) 0452 cat. 1060-02-WABI-67 Forestry Building Construction Report #1
Construction of foundation. Shots of parts of work site, workers. Overhead shots from near-by building.
26) 0452 cat. 1060-03-WABI-67 Thurber Carnival Backstage Activity
'Thurber Carnival' play sign opening shot. Arthur A. Hauck Auditorium sign. shot of swan prop. People in flat production area, moving flats and furniture. University of Maine su...
8) 0452 cat. 1060-04-WABI-67 Waldo County Arts & Crafts Festival
Arts and Crafts show. Pictures on walls with small cards explaining each picture, pottery hanging on adjacent wall and table in front. Shot of jewelry case, photo exhibit. Shot ...
9) 0452 cat. 1060-05-WABI-67 Student Driving Instruction in Ellsworth
Ralph Lowe, WABI, at Ellsworth High School with director of the driving program and principal of Ellsworth High School. Director gets into car and he and three students already ...
10) 0452 cat. 1060-06-WABI-67 New Mack Diesel for Bangor Fire Department
Bangor: New Bangor Fire truck pumping water into Bangor River. Men watching the truck pump water into the river.
11) 0452 cat. 1060-07-WABI-67 Yarmouth Clam Festival
Carnival and clambake sign on highway. Cars driving down road. North Yarmouth Academy sign with carnival in background. Shots of carnival; Celeste T Ernst: Woodcarver from Yarmo...
15) 0452 cat. 1060-08-WABI-67 Skowhegan State Fair Racing Preview
Ralph Lowe at Skowhegan Racetrack which was founded in 1819, talking with Roy Simons: manager for the Skowhegan State Fair. Discuss changes to fairgrounds in past year, and upco...
13) 0452 cat. 1060-09-WABI-67 Orono-Old Town Kiwanis Auction Preview
Men from story #1060-23-WABI-67 loading, piling and sorting huge pile of donated goods for auction. Shots of goods and men holding up deer head, stuffed fish, books, appliances ...
9) 0452 cat. 1060-10-WABI-67 The Fog Days of July
Mr. Johnson and Ralph Lowe talk about tourism and weather. Mr. Heatherington at the Wonderview Motel with his opinion of the tourists. Steve Christian and family from Rochester ...
15) 0452 cat. 1060-11-WABI-67 Curtis Comments on Humphrey Visit
Governor Ken Curtis talks about Hubert Humphrey's visit and his own trip to Woods Hole to travel with Humphrey on the Woods Hole ship 'Atlantis' for a few days.
16) 0452 cat. 1060-12-WABI-67 Interim Capital Building Committee
Governor Curtis appoints a task force to look at the lack of space in the capital.
17) 0452 cat. 1060-13-WABI-67 [Curtis Reviews the Indian Situation]
Governor Ken Curtis talks about funding for aiding Maine Indian tribes and reservations and how the aid program will work.
6) 0452 cat. 1060-14-WABI-67 Interstate Overlay Construction
New highway ramp being built. Traffic on the existing highway. Shots of construction equipment and crew. Crew looking at WABI reporter. WABI reporter talking.
18) 0452 cat. 1060-15-WABI-67 UMO 'Many Moons' Dress Rehersal
Play rehearsal. Characters rehearsing lines and blocking in costume. Leading lady, court wizard and fool.
20) 0452 cat. 1060-16-WABI-67 Northeast's New Supervisor of Grooming & Appearance
Poised woman and two officials at Bangor Airport, Northeastern Airline Terminal. Walking down stairs, walking across tarmack, politely listening to one man. Displaying poise and...
23) 0452 cat. 1060-17-WABI-67 Governor Curtis and 'Storm Cloud' Painting
Governor Curtis praises painting briefly.
11) 0452 cat. 1060-18-WABI-67 Curtis Comments on Being the Youngest Governor in the Nation
Governor Curtis speaks briefly.
23) 0452 cat. 1060-19-WABI-67 Curtis Visits Upward Bound Students at UMO
Governor Curtis and wife with Mr. Cardi shaking hands with Upward Bound students and talking with some of them at the Upward Bound House at UMO.
2) 0452 cat. 1060-20-WABI-67 Milford Fishway Site
Water shots. Bull-dozer moving dirt around. Men in front of water looking at plans and talking. Further shots of site.
31) 0452 cat. 1060-21-WABI-67 Parkman-White Farm in Skowhegan
Interview about 4H fund-raising cattle auction and the livestock to be sold at the auction. Shots of cows and farmer behind fence. 4H representative talks about foreign exchange...
7) 0452 cat. 1060-22-WABI-67 [Curtis at Indian Festival]
Shots of Governor Ken Curtis and wife at Knights of Columbus Hall in Bangor. Arriving at hall, talking with people, waiting in reception line.
27) 0452 cat. 1060-23-WABI-67 Telejournal News Presentation for Brewer Kiwanis
Men talking around luncheon tables, some wearing Kiwanis buttons.
27) 0452 cat. 1060-24-WABI-67 Portuguese-Speaking Maine-ites Needed
Portuguese speaking Mainers are needed for some type of exchange program working with the Maine/Brazil partners Alliance project from Portland. Leaving Aug. 4 for Brazil.
18) 0452 cat. 1060-25-WABI-67 Gary Moore at Upward Bound
Ralph Lowe interviews Gary Moore and Mr. Cardi?, director of Upward Bound on the steps of the Upward Bound house at UM. Mr. Cardi talks about the 6 week Upward Bound program and...
30) 0452 cat. 1060-26-WABI-67 University of Maine Trustee Meeting
Committee meeting. People sitting at tables talking.
26) 0452 cat. 1060-27-WABI-67 IMC-Chlor-Alkali Plant Report #2
Workers working on large building with large tanks and huge open areas with large girder spans.
32) 0452 cat. 1061-01-WABI-67 8th Annual University of Maine at Orono Pulp Meeting
Orono: Men sitting at table in large room eating lunch. Several individual shots and waitress in background near end.
32) 0452 cat. 1061-02-WABI-67 Post Office/Pharmacy Fire
Bangor: Fire at the post office and pharmacy on Harlow & Franklin Streets.
35) 0452 cat. 1061-03-WABI-67 Federal Building Follow-Up
Highlights of construction of Federal building. Placement of Federal seals on sides of front door, lettering on eaves of roof. Shots of bulldozer pushing dirt.
35) 0452 cat. 1061-04-WABI-67 WABI Fair Exhibit
WABI Information booth at fair with scenes of set-up process going on.
13) 0452 cat. 1061-06-WABI-67 Retirement Party for Phone Company Official
Shot of man smiling at table. Shot of woman frowning. Shot of elderly woman smiling at camera. People at table in fancy dining room.
14) 0452 cat. 1061-07-WABI-67 Orono-Old Town Kiwanis Auction
Young boy and woman sitting on stage at Kiwanis auction. Shot of man auctioning chair. Crowd shot with people carrying objects in background. Lawn chair being sold. 'Trash & Tre...
3) 0452 cat. 1061-08-WABI-67 Bangor Fair
Vintage cars driving up and down country road. Horse-drawn hay ride on wagon with kids. Truck with side sign reading 'Enfield, ME'. Two young men playing guitars in front of bus...
4) 0452 cat. 1061-09-WABI-67 Bangor Fair
Miss Bangor State Fair with Shriner and other men standing and talking. She cuts ribbon to open Fair.
29) 0452 cat. 1061-10-WABI-67 Humphrey Visit to Brunswick
Hubert Humphrey greets and talks with crowd. Shakes hands with girl and man. Shots of his wife talking with people in crowd. Humphrey with crowd.
6) 0452 cat. 1061-11-WABI-67 Appleton Oakes Mansion Story
House on the shore. Detailed look at a mansion from several angles with concentration on the roof.
21) 0452 cat. 1061-12-WABI-67 Bangor Fair
Shot of Bangor State Fair banner at Bangor State Fair grounds. Miss Bangor State Fair and Anah Temple Shriner and five other men in suits standing and talking in front of large ...
10) 0453.0001 [WABI Exhibit at Skowhegan State Fair]
Footage of WABI promotional materials, signs and equipment on display at Skowhegan State Fair. Exhibit includes photos of reporters Ralph Lowe, Jim Graham, and Gordon Sinclair.
24) 0453.0002 [Livestock Arrives for 4H Auction in Corinna]
Sign: ''Razor' Crosman 4-H Auction.' Men unloading truck of livestock including goats, donkeys, horses, cows, and bulls. Animals led into barn.
23) 0453.0003 [UMaine Campus]
N.E. Managers Institute Preview. Footage of buildings on campus of the University of Maine in Orono shot from moving vehicle. Closeup of East Commons and Barrows Hall. Shot of u...
22) 0453.0004 [Mary Knodl Award]
Mary Knodl Father's Award to WABI-TV. Minister/priest handing award to WABI official outside building.
21) 0453.0005 [Summer Park Scenes]
Children playing in park in summer. Children in small wading pool and on swings and slide. Also play badminton, tetherball.
35) 0453.0006 [Union Fair Opening Day]
Opening day of the Union Fair. Footage of harness racing. Man painting 'Channel 5' on wall. Girl eating cotton candy. Snack station. People sitting on benches. Midway. Men clean...
14) 0453.0007 [VISTA Recruiting in Bangor]
Two men talking in VISTA (Volunteers in Service to Teach America) office. Man sitting behind desk with VISTA signs posted on the walls and brochures on desk. Two women read broc...
15) 0453.0008 [Simmons-Riccitelli Weigh-In]
Weigh-in for upcoming boxing match between Bob Simmons of Bangor and Pete Riccitelli of Portland. // Match fought on 08/22/1967 in Bangor.
17) 0453.0009 [N.E. City and Town Managers Conference]
Men sitting in conference room. Man talking at a podium. Men listening to speaker. Career Development Program display. Map of Maine. Man stands in front of display.
17) 0453.0010 [School Administration Seminar]
School administration seminar. Men and women take notes while listiening to presentation. Men sitting at table talking.
18) 0453.0011 [Music in Maine Rehearsal]
Music in Maine rehearses for second season. Man conducting small orchestra during practice session. Musicians watching conductor. Numberous shots of orchestra members including ...
19) 0453.0012 [Kiddie Karnival in Brewer]
Kiddie Karnival in Brewer. Children indoors sitting on floor and walking around wearing cardboard crowns. Child blowing bubble. 16mm films are projected for children.
20) 0453.0013 [Manhattan Jewelry Robbery]
Open boxes on table. Smashed door on floor. Rubble and debris from smashed vault. Footage of interior of jewelry store open for business. // Manhattan possibly name of store?
21) 0453.0014 [Annual Field Day in Bangor]
Bangor Recreation Department's annual Field Day. Two men standing in park. Children playing and running outdoors. Crowd. Playing basketball. Bubblegum blowing contest. Checkers....
22) 0453.0015 [Teenage Band at Abbott Square]
Teenage band playing at Abbot Square in Bangor at night. Band includes keyboard, drums, electric guitars. Lead singer at microphone with keyboardist behind him. Shots of each ba...
9) 0453.0016 [U.S.S. Wright at Bar Harbor]
Footage of large naval ship at sea taken from boat. Shots of ship with men on deck in aft section. Closeup of radar tower. Ship moored near what is now Blue Nose Ferry Terminal ...
23) 0453.0017 [U.S.S. Wright Crew Paints Winter Harbor Youth Center]
U.S.S. Wright crew painting Winter Harbor Youth Center. Large barn-like building being painted by several men on ladder. Naval men in casual dress with two fancy dress-white off...
8) 0453.0018 [F. Eugene Dixon's Yacht in Bar Harbor]
Label: 'Dixon's Yacht 'Intent' at Bar Harbor.' Large pleasure yacht with 'Intent' sign on side at berth. Footage of boat and crew members. Shot of ship leaving berth.
26) 0453.0019 [Winter Harbor Naval Station 50th Anniversary]
Naval station at Winter Harbor celebrates 50th anniversary. Large house with crowd on back balcony. Some are dressed in naval whites. Rifle-drill squad. Navy band marching. Flag...
25) 0453.0020 [Winter Harbor Lobster Festival]
Winter Harbor Lobster Festival. Jets flying in sky. Crowd gathered at outdoor lobster bake with large truck and food line. WABI Telejournal van. Cooking lobster. Lobsters put in...
5) 0453.0021 [East Division of Standard Packaging to Slow Down Production]
Label: 'East Division of Standard Packaging to Slow Down Production.' // Truck arriving at gate of Eastern Fine Paper mill in Brewer. Sign: 'Eastern Fine Paper and Pulp Division...
29) 0453.0022 [Women's Amateur Golf at Penobscot Valley Country Club]
Label: 'Maine State Women's Amateur Golf at Penobscot Valley Country Club.' // Penobscot Valley Country Club sign. Women golfing on golf course in Orono.
30) 0453.0023 [Award Presentation]
Man talking. Men sitting at table. Men and women at lunch listening to man talking. Man receiving Cole's Express award.
31) 0453.0024 [Windsor Fair Opening Day]
Opening day of Windsor Fair. People watching horse racing. WABI employees setting up display. Homemade goods. Midway. Livestock stalls.
21) 0453.0025 [New Bangor Airport Terminal Rallying Sign]
Women outside Bangor Airport. Navy person at gate near road. Sign 'Coming in Fall 1968 New Bangor Terminal.' NE Sunliner airplane. Shell Fuel Truck and airport. Northeastern Air...
16) 0453.0026 [Marshall-Silas Weigh-In]
Weigh-in for upcoming lightweight boxing match between Lloyd Marshall of Newark, New Jersey and Brad (Bradford Silas) of Washington, D.C. // Match took place on 08/29/1967 at th...
34) 0453.0027 [Penobscot Valley Country Club Golf]
Golfers at Penobscot Valley Country Club in Orono. Man teeing off. Woman putting to green. Golf cart drives by. Spectators.
14) 0453.0028 [Meeting]
Label: 'Silent Segment Meeting.' // Unidentified meeting. Men at table with one speaking to crowd.
36) 0453.0029 [Special Bond Issue Meeting]
Educational conference and public hearing. Ralph Lowe interviews man on upcoming bond issue vote.
1) 0453.0030 [Chief of Police Meets the Press]
Label: 'Chief of Police Meets the Press.' // Sound begins 18 ft. in. // Men at table talking with Maine State Police banner behind them. Closeups of men. Interview with man rega...
31) 0453.0031 [Penobscot Valley Country Club Women's Golf]
Women's amateur golf semi-finals at Penobscot Valley Country Club in Orono. Golf course. Women teeing off, putting.
3) 0453 cat. 0062-11-WABI-67 NEA Help-mobile Story
Woman talking about NEA (National Education Association) Help-mobile information exchange program and fair.
29) 0453 cat. 1061-13-WABI-67- Dr. Collins: President of NYU at UMO
Man (Dr. Collins) on stage speaking to assembled crowd at UMO Auditorium. Several crowd shots with people in chairs and balconies. *Note* Negative found on Negative Reel for Aug...
5) 0453 cat. 1061-14-WABI-67 Frankie Fontaine
Reporter at Bangor Auditorium lawn with Mallet Brothers playing in the background (see 1060-08-WABI-67). Frankie Fontaine takes the stage and performs a version of a story about...
4) 0453 cat. 1061-15-WABI-67 Car Accident on Exchange Street (3 car)
Car accident scene. Shots of cars with dents and bashes. People standing around looking at cars. Shot of broken lamp-post on ground near cars.
20) 0453 cat. 1061-16-WABI-67 Maine Vo-Tech Inst. Progress Report
Construction of large Vo-Tech building. Quick pan across the side of the building and then cut to sides. Man walking along side to show scale of building. Men working on windows...
8) 0453 cat. 1061-17-WABI-67 General Footage of Bangor Fair
Night shots at Bangor Fairgrounds with lighted ferris wheel and the famous water tower in background. Daytime footage with crowd at the 'Whip' ride. Midway booths and milling cr...
24) 0453 cat. 1061-18-WABI-67 Swimming Competition at Bangor Pool
Reporter talking with young man. Announcer talking into microphone. Boys diving into pool and treading water from one side of the pool to the other on their backs. Crowd shots. ...
10) 0453 cat. 1061-19-WABI-67 School Superintendents Secretaries at UMO meeting
Man talking. Women listening. 2nd man talking. Women laughing. Shot of assembled people in room. Woman handing out folders. Room shots.
22) 0453 cat. 1061-20-WABI-67 Soule Glass Construction at Federal Building
Men moving large suction clamp onto plate of glass. Picking up glass with suction clamp and raising it up towards window in building.
36) 0453 cat. 1061-21-WABI-67 End Rack Pulp Wood Cars at Bangor & Aroostook Railroad
WABI Reporter (Gordon?) with Mr. Swill of the B & A talking about the new pulp wood cars: their loading, cost ($17,000/each), uses, and railroad's future. Discuss route of the B...
11) 0453 cat. 1061-22-WABI-67 Fairmont Market Robbery in Bangor
Grocer sitting in open office area sorting slips. Shot of aisle. Clerk holding Jello Brand box with bullet hole in it. Front window with bullet hole in it. Store front of Fairmo...
1) 0453 cat. 1061-23-WABI-67 George Brountas (Shooting Victim)
Identified as Mr. Wallace in film, shooting victim in Fairmont market robbery (1061-22-WABI-67). Victim describes the events of his arrival at the robbery scene and being shot.
15) 0453 cat. 1061-24-WABI-67 Summer Reading in Hampden
Woman (teacher) reading book with children listening. Shots of children with toys listening to story and watching camera. Close-up of book. Shots of children. Snack time.
41) 0453 cat. 1062-01-WABI-67 Curtis at Rockland Festival
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis in food line in a tent at festival. Mrs. Curtis and friends walking out of tent and talking. Governor Curtis at food stand talking with owner. Shot of mother a...
17) 0453 cat. 1062-02-WABI-67 Rockland Seafood Festival
Children riding on a Merry-Go-Round. Crowd on midway. Small girl watching vendor. Scenes from Bingo tent. Midway shots. Attraction tents.
18) 0453 cat. 1062-03-WABI-67 Veazie Accident
Cars driving by with tow truck in background. Skid marks in grass. Dented tree shot. Tow truck hauls off very dented car. Close-up of mashed car. Detailed examination of dented ...
17) 0453 cat. 1062-04-WABI-67 Rockland Sea Goddess
Sea Goddess at food wagon getting tray of food. Sea Goddess with Poseidon walking. Sea Goddess and Poseidon with two women standing and talking. Sea Goddess with Poseidon walkin...
23) 0453 cat. 1062-05-WABI-67 Hathaway on Dickey-Lincoln
Congressman William D. Hathaway and reporter from WABI talking about Republican domination of the Senate and a bill under debate identified as the 'Dickey Project'.
12) 0453 cat. 1062-06-WABI-67 Rockefeller Art Festival
Shots of art and sculpture. Children and adults looking at art and sculpture. Bust of woman. Ceramic display. Large Picasso painting. Huge metal or wood sculpture. Men looking a...
27) 0453 cat. 1062-07-WABI-67 Maine Good Roads Report
Car driving up hill. Car on highway. Newport/Plymouth Ridge Road Exit sign. Newport Detroit Rt. 2, 11, 100 sign. Following car from Vermont off highway. Country road with bridge...
2) 0453 cat. 1062-08-WABI-67 Public Works Department Tree Care
Man in tree cutting limbs. Man cutting limb on ground. Bangor City truck. Man cutting limb. Man untying rope. Dutch Elm disease sign on tree. Man cutting limb. Sign on tree agai...
9) 0453 cat. 1062-09-WABI-67 Linda Bond, Capital Guide
Ralph Lowe and Linda Bond in lobby of Augusta Capital Building. Linda talks about future education plans and her duties as a guide at the capital. She describes the route of the...
35) 0453 cat. 1062-12-WABI-67 [Bald Peak Gravel]
Men with gravel cement truck in woods. Cement form layout. Cement truck moves into position. Men shovel cement into form. Men move cement chute. Men move more cement into form.
14) 0453 cat. 1062-13-WABI-67 Penobscot Marine Museum
Searsport: Pictures of sea captains and historic ships. Huge ship model. Carved wooden eagle. More pictures of men. Chinese curios, kimono. Curved sideboard with tea service and...
24) 0453 cat. 1062-14-WABI-67 Annual Maine Media Tournament
Man setting tee then teeing off. Another man teeing off. Two spectators. Another man teeing off. Crowd shot. Men driving onto green, putting for hole. Tallying score. Awarding t...
4) 0453 cat. 1062-15-WABI-67 Teen Scene Group Ready Concession Stand
Teenagers painting stand, clowning around. Cleaning paint off trim. Fixing lights and roof.
36) 0453 cat. 1062-16-WABI-67 Bonanza Days at Family Fun Lanes
'Bonanza Day' sign. Bowling alley. Prizes. Woman bowling. Two men grilling chicken. Women eating.
31) 0453 cat. 1062-17-WABI-67 Mile Eight or Bangor Fight
Two men boxing with referee calling a penalty. Black fighter holds white fighter. Referee breaks it up. White fighter punches black fighter. White fighter wins and they shake ha...
21) 0453 cat. 1062-18-WABI-67 Newport Plane Accident
Two large objects with steering mechanisms in water. Truck with 'Haley Construction' sign from Guilford, Maine. Crane pulling upside-down seaplane. Plane lowered onto boat ramp....
33) 0453 cat. 1062-19-WABI-69 Show Preview Skowhegan State
Two men on grandstand. Ralph Lowe and Roy Simons on Skowhegan show stage. Skowhegan Fairgrounds. Entertainment including pony show, circus (listed), horse show. Manhattan Rocket...
34) 0453 cat. 1062-20-WABI-69 Bangor Teachers Report on First Week Impressions
Ralph Lowe and a woman teacher from Down-East School talking about new year, summer. Male teacher talking.
35) 0453 cat. 1063-01-WABI-67 Colby Freshman Class Largest in History
Teenagers holding paper and looking at bulletin board. Three girls. One wears sign on her back saying, 'Anna Graves Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Sevill Hall.' Another's says 'Sandy ...
26) 0453 cat. 1063-02-WABI-67 Husson Greets New Students
Students standing outside house. Building. Students registering. Photo ID shot. Book pickup. Students in beanies with 'H' on them.
3) 0453 cat. 1063-04-WABI-67 Hale Talks to Colby Coach, Richard McGee
Two men in large room with people working on wooden floor behind them. Coach Richard McGee talks to WABI reporter George Hale regarding this year's football team and its shortag...
14) 0453 cat. 1063-05-WABI-67 Brewer Swim Activities
Women with pool behind her. Swimmers waiting in line in front of table. Pool. Girl jumping in. Paddleboard race. Young boys waving at camera. Crowd shot. Pool shot. Woman at tab...
3) 0453 cat. 1063-06-WABI-67 Penobscot Bay Boats
Shot of bay with sailboats at anchor.
29) 0453 cat. 1063-08-WABI-67 Car-Truck Accident in Winterport
Pilings, dirt and cables down on side of road. Shot of rear axle of truck in yard next to house. Rest of truck near road. Full shot of rear axle behind bush.
18) 0453 cat. 1063-09-WABI-67 Page Farm Contributes to Crossman 4H Auction
Barn with sign reading 'Page Farms.' House and barn. Calf with white forehead. Farmer with grandson. Daughter with calf. Father, daughter, grandson, calf and dog. Calf. Calf wit...
6) 0453 cat. 1063-10-WABI-67 Maine Auto League Statewide
Vintage cars in downtown area.
4) 0453 cat. 1063-11-WABI-64 McCrum Dies in Old Town Fire
Old Town: Two police officers and man in open doorway of house. Fire truck. Police officer. House damage including burn marks. Fire engine with 'Old Town Engine #3 Fire Departme...
9) 0453 cat. 1063-12-WABI-67 Curtis News Conference
Governor Ken Curtis talking at podium during news conference.
14) 0453 cat. 1063-13-WABI-67 Rotary Luncheon
Bangor Rotary International sign. Men eating.
10) 0453 cat. 1063-14-WABI-67 [Speech]
Man talking at podium with Governor Ken Curtis standing behind him.
17) 0453 cat. 1063-15-WABI-67 Mary Woodman and Education Hearing Conference
Woman walking into office. Answering phone. Woman corrects letter. Speech. Shot of woman standing.
20) 0453 cat. 1063-16-WABI-67 Civilian of the Year Award at Dow
Two women smiling. Guard and man presenting award to another man. Officer with tube presenting cup to same man. Officer gives man inscribed box and shakes hand. Closeup of 'Civi...
13) 0453 cat. 1063-17-WABI-67 Driver Education Program at Brewer
Students standing in front of school watching police officer and men for driver education lesson in stopping suddenly and skidding.
14) 0453 cat. 1063-18-WABI-67 Colby College's New Music Shell
Waterville: Band shell from side and front. Shot of plaque reading 'Gift of Ralph T. Gould of Cape Elizabeth, ME Erected 1967.' Seats and roof. View from shell.
15) 0453 cat. 1063-19-WABI-67 Graci - Cruz Weigh-in
Two men getting weighed on scales. Two more men weighing in.
16) 0453 cat. 1063-20-WABI-67 Fight Scenes, Bangor Auditorium
Two men fighting. Announcer talking. Man in white robe talking and shaking hands with opponent. Fighting.
16) 0453 cat. 1063-21-WABI-67 Three Quarter Century Club
Woman and man dancing. Large crowd of elderly sitting at folding tables. Man directing singing. WWI veterans band playing. Several older men. Shaking hands. Crowd singing and da...
15) 0453 cat. 1063-22-WABI-67 Downtown Demolition Ahead of Schedule
Kohler sign in rubble. Crane moving rubble. Old side of building with wrecking crane. Picking through rubble. More crane shots.
19) 0453 cat. 1063-23-WABI-67 Groundbreaking for Mack Truck
Six men in suits digging and looking at plans. Construction equipment at work behind them. Men working, digging trenches, operation backhoe.
33) 0453 cat. 1063-24-WABI-67 Corvair Flips Guard Rail at Hermon Exit
Car over guardrail with towtruck. Towtruck driver attaches car to truck.
20) 0453 cat. 1063-25-WABI-67 Zayre Grand Opening in Waterville
New Zayre store facade and crowd. Interior with staff, speech, woman cutting ribbon. Managers smoking. Crowds.
22) 0453 cat. 1063-26-WABI-67 Colby College Construction Report
Man from WABI in front of WABI Newsmobile, talking and pointing to buildings behind him. Reporter posing on mound of dirt. Building. Building under construction. Man riding conv...
23) 0453 cat. 1063-27-WABI-67 131st Commencement Exercises at University of Maine
Faculty and graduates in auditorium. Man giving speech. Crowd. Graduates. Podium. Slow pan from stage out across graduates.
24) 0453 cat. 1063-28-WABI-67 Penobscot Republicans Elect New Chairman
Man reading paper. Crowd listening. Two men talking. Men raising hands. Crowd. Man reading paper again. People waiting to place their votes.
25) 0453 cat. 1063-29-WABI-67 Congressman Gerald Ford on Mt. Desert
Gerald Ford with Secret Service and other man. Ford talking to people with Jordan Pond in background. Ford smoking a pipe. Men sitting under a tree. Ford talking to people who a...
18) 0453 cat. 1063-30-WABI-67 Maine Jr. Sportsman's Training Camp
Sign of YMCA Camp Jordan. Beach area and boaters. People walking in front of cabins. Men with boats on racks walking to lake. Camp totem pole and tetherball court. Tree core sam...
24) 0453 cat. 1068-02-WABI-69 New Teacher Orientation Program in Bangor
Bangor: Mr. Eaton talks. Crowd. Two men talking.
5) 0453 cat. 1068-03-WABI-67 Knox City Hospital Day at the Samoset
Large house or hotel. Group of women with Christmas decorations for Knox Hospital Benefit sale. Christmas articles and clothes. Women talking.
30) 0453 cat. 1068-04-WABI-67 Conway Day in Camden
Camden: 'The Old Conway House' sign. House water pump. House. Old gun. Fireplace. Spinning wheel. Portrait. Writing chair. Sideboard. Piano.
30) 0453 cat. 1069-13-WABI-67 Car in Ditch on I-95
Car in large hole across road with men looking at it. More men arrive to look at car in large hole.
23) 0454 cat.1065-01-WABI-67 50th Anniversary Navy Radio Winter Harbor
Commander of Winter Harbor Naval Base. Interview with two members of the old Navy Radio Station at Otter Cliffs. Discussion of planned festivities for 50th anniversary. Town Man...
34) 0455 cat. 1068-05-WABI-67 First Day of University of Maine Football Practice
Orono: Football huddle. Scrimmage. Drills. Coaches standing. More drills. Team heading to showers.
16) 0455 cat. 1068-06-WABI-67 Baby World Fire in Bangor
Bangor: Fire truck and police vehicles at downtown area fire. Fire fighter fixing hoses with 'Baby World' sign behind him. Ladder. Truck. Crowd. Fire fighters working. Crowd. Re...
21) 0455 cat. 1068-07-WABI-67 Bangor Symphony Needs More Instrumentalists
Ralph Lowe and Mr. Miller of Bangor Symphony. 55 members presently. Would like 60-70. Need more string players for new season.
35) 0455 cat. 1068-08-WABI-67 [1913 Lozier in Bangor]
Classic car from Alberta, Canada in Bangor parking lot; shots of occupants and details of car
36) 0455 cat. 1068-09-WABI-67 Smallpox Vaccination Clinic
Man and woman read notes at table. Shot of man. Another woman with children filling out form. Woman wearing curlers. Doctor giving small child a shot. Nurse at table. Children w...
32) 0455 cat. 1068-10-WABI-67 Jordan Open Tourney Review
'Municipal Golf Course' sign. 'Open Golf Tournament' sign with 'Jordan's Ready-to-Eat-Meats' logo. Golf shop sign with Austin Kelly PGA Pro and Keith Kilborn Assistant Pro shing...
2) 0455 cat. 1068-11-WABI-67 Maine Maritime Academy Freshmen Reception
Castine: Soldiers at attention in hallway with one on phone in background. Man in Navy dress whites. Woman in evening dress. Two sets of Navy men with women meeting soliders, on...
31) 0455 cat. 1068-12-WABI-67 Norridgewok Fly-In
Man with plane in air show. Shots of other planes at landing field. Closeup of N44444 plane on runway. Airport. Plane landing. Man marking line with white powder. Plane taking o...
16) 0455 cat. 1068-13-WABI-67 Paul Bunyan 5-Mile Road Race
Footrace down street to finish line at track. Winner and 2nd place with other racers behind. Awarding trophies. Runners lineup.
26) 0455 cat. 1068-14-WABI-67 Hale Talks to Jordan Tourney Open First Day Leader
Bob Lund from Sacramento, California talking with George Hale about tournament and his tour history. Joke about selling prize from driving contest (canoe).
36) 0455 cat. 1068-15-WABI-67 Jordan Open Tourney Opener
Men teeing off. Men driving onto green. Spectators. Men putting for hole.
22) 0455 cat. 1068-16-WABI-67 Meister on Penobscot Salmon Restoration
Ralph Lowe and man talking about Maine Fishway Project and public support for funding.
25) 0455 cat. 1069-01-WABI-67 Eastern Maine Vocational Tech Institute Opening Day Preview
Bangor Eastern Maine Vo-Tech sign with related construction companies. Shots of new building. Man mixing cement. Interior shot of new machinery. Man inspecting machines. Man usi...
11) 0455 cat. 1069-02-WABI-67 Eaton and Teacher Orientation
Women talking. Woman against wall talking. Man talking. Two women talking. Elderly couple talking. Crowd in doorway. Man in front of curtain. Several people including Mr. Eaton ...
1) 0455 cat. 1069-03-WABI-67 First Day of School, 1967
Man talking into microphone. School kids in auditorium. Teachers watching kids. Faculty. Speaker. Boy walking home. Kids in playground. Kids in park on jungle gym. Kids waving t...
11) 0455 cat. 1069-04-WABI-67 [Husson College Faculty Meeting]
People talking and sitting in room. Speakers. Husson College sign. Front of building. Husson College bookstore.
12) 0455 cat. 1069-05-WABI-67 Meucci Takes Over Family Fun Lanes
Man signing papers. Shots of several men in suits sitting around table. Man signing papers and shaking hands. Shots of bowling lanes, adjacent buildings and area.
13) 0455 cat. 1069-06-WABI-67 Ellena Spells Out Education Changes Coming
Man speaking at podium. Crowd. Speaker winding watch.
14) 0455 cat. 1069-07-WABI-67 Shell's Two-Part Car in Bangor
Bangor: Three men filling balloons in parking lot from tank in trunk of car. Trailer with Shell Oil Company logo and sign 'Shell's Mileage Money Game.' Half of Volkswagen Bug se...
340) 0455 cat. 1069-08-WABI-67 Hale Talks to Bob Crowley at Jordan Open
Bob Crowley and WABI reporter George Hale talking about tournament and playing conditions.
16) 0455 cat. 1069-09-WABI-67 Maine Conference on Social Welfare
People sitting. Man standing up and speaking next to man on podium which reads 'Samoset.' Crowd. Man speaking at podium. Woman talking in building lobby.
14) 0455 cat. 1069-10-WABI-67 Husson Progress Report, Sept. Part 1
Husson College Federal money for building sign. Construction site with new dorm facility. Fork lift driver clowning around. More construction. Man walking towards camera.
18) 0455 cat. 1069-11-WABI-69 Jordan Open
Penobscot Valley golf course with crowds watching golf tour. Crowd following players. Man and caddy walking by camera. Man putting across green. Crowd clapping. Crowd following ...
25) 0455 cat. 1069-13-WABI-67 Costa Summarizes Social Welfare Legislation
Ralph Lowe and Costa discuss welfare program bill just passed and its benefits.
12) 0455 cat. 1069-14-WABI-67 Teachers Tell of First Week School Experiences
Reporter and chemistry teacher talking about preparations for first year chemistry class. Woman teacher of 1st grade at Dow-Lane with her impressions of her new class and her pe...
11) 0455 cat. 1069-15-WABI-67 Husson Progress Report, Sept. Pt. 2
Bangor: Buildings under construction. Two men walking up board to interior of Communications Building. Construction site shots. Shots of new dorms and dining hall. Construction ...
23) 0455 cat. 1069-16-WABI-67 Bangor Symphony Board Plans New Season
Man looking at camera and searching for pen. Elderly woman fixing hair. Man smoking. Man talking. Two men listening. Woman talking. Man nodding. Others. 'Ruggiero Ricci' poster ...
9) 0455 cat. 1069-17-WABI-67 1930 Bangor Fire Engine
Fire truck with 'Made in Portland Maine 1930' sign. Loading truck onto flatbed.
1) 0455 cat. 1069-19-WABI-67 6th Annual Callers Jamboree in Bangor
Bangor: Many square dancers dancing in large auditorium. Gym. Shot of caller and band on raised platform. Dancing.
26) 0455 cat. 1069-20-WABI-67 Nolde Begins China Lecture Series in Orono
Orono: Very underexposed. Man reading from folder and speaking to crowd. Crowd. Man reading.
27) 0455 cat. 1069-21-WABI-67 American Legion Meeting in Brewer
Brewer: Men in Legion hats and woman looking at car. Presentation of medal.
28) 0455 cat. 1069-22-WABI-67 Bangor Rotary Honors David. M. Molthrop
Man reading to other people . Two men listening. Crowd at lunch tables including Mr. Eaton, school superintendent. Rotary Club banner. Crowd. Man speaking. Crowd.
29) 0455 cat. 1069-23-WABI-67 Rescue Markers Distributed by Fire Dept.
Two men in fire department uniforms holding a box of 'I' rescue markers on front porch with another department officer and a small girl in a wheelchair. Playing with girl. 'I' m...
16) 0455 cat. 1069-24-WABI-67 Kings Dept. Store Progress Report
Sign 'King's Self-Service Department Store.' Construction site. Two men looking at blueprints. Walking toward building under construction. Building shots. Men talking. Workmen b...
31) 0455 cat. 1070-01-WABI-67 Banks Auto Supply to Develop Downtown Block
Old house with no windows on first floor. Shot of street and house. Rear of house with only one window on second floor. Back porch of house. Piles of lumber in back yard. Front ...
2) 0455 cat. 1070-01-WABI-67 Brewer-Holden Route 1A Meeting
Man talking in front of mapped plan of Route 1A. Shot of man listening. Crowd shots. Man pointing out aspect of map. Crowd shots. Slow pan to man with map.
19) 0455 cat. 1070-02-WABI-67 Referendum Issues Decided at Polls
Man's legs under voting booth, another man's legs, and a woman's legs. Woman with child. Two women at table with voter registrations lists. Ballot box monitors and voters. 'Voti...
35) 0455 cat. 1070-03-WABI-67 Classes Commence at University of Maine
Two women with suitcases and pillows entering building. Young woman hanging clothes in closet. Putting books on shelf. Woman registering. Moving in with family help.
31) 0455 cat. 1070-04-WABI-67 Bucksport Motorcycle Scramble
Men on motorcycles riding around cross-country track in wooded area. Spectators in dust cloud. Wipeout in small pond. Race continues. Removing bike from pond. Race.
33) 0455 cat. 1070-05-WABI-67 NAACP Meeting in Bangor
Man talking to room of black people in NAACP. Shot of man and woman. Man speaking. Group shot. Speaker. Room. Switch to auditorium with man speaking. White man speaking. Crowd. ...
23) 0455 cat. 1070-06-WABI-67 Last Building Demolished Along Kenduskeag
'Kenduskeag Stream Project ME R-7' sign with building in background. Trucks in empty lot with debris in back ends. Crane loading debris into another truck. Crane in rubble. Corn...
31) 0455 cat. 1070-07-WABI-67 University of Maine Faculty Breakfast
Man at podium speaking. Men sitting at raised table listening. Speaker. Men at table. Shot of speaker with crowd in room behind him. Crowd.
3) 0455 cat. 1070-08-WABI-67 Fire Chief Jellison Warns of Furnace Hazards
WABI reporter Ralph Lowe and fire chief talking about hazards of oil burning equipment.
21) 0455 cat. 1070-09-WABI-67 PTA Meeting in Carmel
Woman in formal dress on stage addressing audience. Man with programs speaking. Crowd. Man talking. Crowd. Man talking.
28) 0455 cat. 1070-10-WABI-67 Penobscot Bay Power Squadron Piloting Cruises
Man in suit with name badge talking. Shot of man with military decorations on pocket. Crowd. Wall map. Man talking. Naval officer talking. Crowd.
27) 0455 cat. 1070-11-WABI-67 Knights of Columbus Meeting in Old Town
Old Town: Three men talking in huddle. Shuffling papers. Men walking by.
3) 0455 cat. 1070-12-WABI-67 Husson Beanie Hop
Teenagers dancing with beanies on.
33) 0455 cat. 1070-13-WABI-67 Junior League Fashion Show
Woman in Robin Hood hat and long silver earring walks by. Women in seats. Woman from 1069-16-WABI-67 speaking into microphone. Woman in coat and tennis dress. 'Freeses's 75th An...
9) 0455 cat. 1070-14-WABI-67 Briggs New Plant on Hildreth St. Nears Completion
Large building under construction. Men working in trench inside building. WABI car and crew. Sound 17 ft. in. Beer wholesale building. 200 ft. long and 90 ft. wide.
22) 0455 cat. 1070-15-WABI-67 Bangor Schools Instrumental Demonstrations
Bangor: School kids with teacher sitting in chairs as principal looks on. Musical instruments on wall? Man playing trumpet. Kids. Man with French horn. Kids. Woman playing clari...
14) 0455 cat. 1070-15-WABI-67 Hancock County Councils at Verona Legion Hall
Verona Island: Two men talking. Woman. Men talking. Shot of men, then, woman, then men in pajama-type clothes looking on. Crowd shots. Back to two men and assembled people aroun...
12) 0455 cat. 1070-16-WABI-67 Old Town vs. John Bapst Football
Night football game with scoreboard and referee. White-uniformed player running down field. Cheerleaders and crowd barely visible. Game in progress. Scoreboard 13-13. Game conti...
13) 0455 cat. 1070-17-WABI-67 [Vietnam Protestors Organize]
Blackboard with title 'Negotiation Now' on top. Man writing on blackboard. Crowd. Man with cross behind him talking to group. // Footage from news story dated 09/13/1967.
14) 0455 cat. 1070-19-WABI-67 Senator Bennett D. Katz Addresses Bangor Kiwanis
Man standing speaking with Kiwanis Club banner in background. Crowd shots. Speaker. Crowd listening.
18) 0455 cat. 1070-20-WABI-67 Four Vehicles Pile Up in I-95
State trooper with two men at police car. Side of highway with truck in ditch and car on side of road. Officer directing traffic. Chair and hubcap. Trailers with cars driving by...
14) 0455 cat. 1070-21-WABI-67 Head Start Program at Grace Methodist Church
Large stone church. Small boy drinking from cup. Two boys milling around. Boy playing with truck. Boys and girls in group shot. Girl at table. Teachers. Teachers helping child. ...
17) 0455 cat. 1070-22-WABI-67 Music in Maine Begins School Concerts
Children in chairs in auditorium with people on chairs on stage. Woman bowing. Man clapping. Small orchestra with conductor. Students listening. Cut to different auditorium with...
18) 0455 cat. 1070-23-WABI-67 Orono Campus Construction Report on University of Maine
Orono: Shots of large brick building in remote area. 'Public Information and Press Building' sign. Another brick building exterior. Large building with white pleats in sides. 'U...
35) 0455 cat. 1070-24-WABI-67 Sports Press Day at University of Maine
Group of men talking. Men sitting at meal in lunchroom. Woman and men sitting and talking. Man reading from magazine to group. Several men standing one at a time and speaking.
20) 0455 cat. 1070-25-WABI-67 Hale Talks to University of Maine Coach Walter Abbott
WABI reporter George Hale and Walter Abbott on football field with team behind them talking about upcoming season.
21) 0455 cat. 1070-26-WABI-67 Sylvania's West Addresses Bangor Rotary
Man giving small notebook to another man. Mr. Eaton sitting and talking with other man. Men sitting at tables and listening. Man talking at podium. Crowd shots. Rotary Internati...
33) 0455 cat. 1070-27-WABI Farmington State Fair Report
Bumper car sign. Skooter sign. Oxen in yokes lined up with owners. Young boy with two Hereford bulls. New Sharon Snack Station.
19) 0455 cat. 1070-28-WABI-67 Skowhegan Village Progress Report
'Skowhegan Village' shopping center sign. Shots of new mall. Paving parking lot. Digging trench. Interior shots. Duct metal. Workers framing windows. Completing store interior. ...
20) 0455 cat. 1070-29-WABI-67 Brewer Chamber of Commerce Meeting
Men sitting and talking then standing and talking.
21) 0455 cat. 1071-02-WABI-67 Graci - Victoria Weigh-In
Black man being weighed by two men at scale. Another man being weighed laughing. Third man being weighed.
26) 0456 cat. 1071-03-WABI-67 American Legion Award in Lincoln
Lincoln: Men with folded hats presenting award to man wearing suit. Man makes acceptance speech. 'The Sons of the American Legion' sign in background.
27) 0456 cat. 1071-04-WABI-67 University of Maine Trustee Meeting at Orono
Orono: Man walking into room. 'Bangor Room' sign. Man witting in a chair reading papers. Crowd. Several shots of different men sitting reading papers. Man and woman sitting at t...
7) 0456 cat. 1071-05-WABI-67 Keep Maine Scenic Awards
Two men and a woman standing with 'Keep Maine Scenic' Awards, which say to 'Mrs. Henry S. Herber' (?) and 'Carl Ermons' (?)
29) 0456 cat. 1071-06-WABI-67 Clapp Addresses Bangor Lions Club
Man with Lions button. Morby Dowd standing and talking. Men sitting and talking, smoking and eating. Man at podium speaking. Crowd shots of men talking, eating and laughing. Man...
30) 0456 cat. 1071-07-WABI-67 Wrestling Scenes at Bangor Auditorium
Bangor Audiorium poster with Wed. Sept. 20 date: Gorilla Monsoon vs. Bruno Sammartino as title fight, with Hans Mortier vs. Arnold Skoaland and Baron Scicluna vs. Eduardo Carpen...
2) 0456 cat. 1071-08-WABI-67 Graci-Victoria Fight Scenes
Two men boxing in ring with white trunks taking the aggressive. Other fighter wins the bout.
1) 0456 cat. 1071-09-WABI-67 Waring Addresses Brewer Kiwanis
Men sitting at table. Men with Kiwanis International buttons clapping. Man speaking. Crowd listening. Speaker. Crowd. Speaker.
36) 0456 cat. 1071-10-WABI-67 American Legion Organizational Meeting in Bangor
Bangor: American Legion memebers shaking hands at meeting. Woman talking with other members. Commander banging gavel. Members standing in a line and talking with commander.
34) 0456 cat. 1071-11-WABI-67 Westinghouse Groundbreaking at Bangor Industrial Park
Bangor: Man standing in foundation. Slow pan across assembled party. Construction crew working. Men shaking hands. Shot of foreman. Men talking.
31) 0456 cat. 1071-12-WABI-67 Farmington State Fair, Report #2
Farmington: Fairground rides. Bunny Club. Midway with farm equipment by Pratt's Inc. Agriculture booths. Quilts hanging on wall.
9) 0456 cat. 1071-13-WABI-67 Flagpole Raising at Federal Building
Bangor: Construction crew with flagpole in front of courthouse. Federal building in Bangor. Maneuvering pole into place. Shot up pole. Shot of pole and building. Shot of building.
36) 0456 cat. 1071-14-WABI-67 Scott Logging Operations at Greenville, Pt. 1
Greenville: Tree de-limber working on trees. Crew watching. Logging crane picking trees. Men looking at branches. Cleared site.
2) 0456 cat. 1071-15-WABI-67 Penobscot Bay Power Squadron at DOW
Two men talking near plaque on wall which reads 'James Frederick Dow 1913-1966 2nd Lieutenant U.S. Army Air Corp.' Men talking in front of plaque and picture.
3) 0456 cat. 1071-16-WABI-67 Farmington State Fair, Report #2
Farmington: Woman and man looking at quilts and crafts display.
18) 0456 cat. 1071-17-WABI-67 Scott Logging Operations at Greenville, Pt. 2
Greenville: Man in cleared field. Tractor dragging logs. Men stacking and cleaning logs. Foreman with megaphone giving instructions to assembled workers. Tractor pushing logs. M...
5) 0456 cat. 1071-18-WABI-67 Symphony Women Begin 2nd Season
Man smiling. Individual shots of several women. Woman talking money for tickets. Woman with ID tag saying 'Marie LaPonte' talking with man. Three women standing in doorway. Two ...
6) 0456 cat. 1071-19-WABI-67 Bangor Symphony Board Kicks Off Financial Campaign
Men signing papers. Woman watching from corner. Men talking. woman reading paper. Man smiling. Younger woman watching someone. Men talking. Man picking up cards. Man and woman i...
26) 0456 cat. 1071-20-WABI-67 Orono Civil Defense Meeting
Orono: Men sitting around table. Shot of large equipment set-up. Man talking. People at table talking and reading handout. Man walking towards equipment.
24) 0456 cat. 1071-21-WABI-67 Orono Kiwanis 'Keep Maine Scenic' Award
Men sitting at table with Kiwanis International banner behind them. Man with 'Keep Maine Scenic' award which reads 'Orono-Old Town Kiwanis Club.' Man speaking in front of banner...
9) 0456 cat. 1071-22-WABI-67 Bangor City Council Meets Federal Representative on Dow Re-use
Men sitting at table with papers and talking. Man sitting down. Several shots of men sitting down at table. Shot of assembled crowd. Men at table with map of Bangor behind them.
10) 0456 cat. 1071-23-WABI-67 Massachusetts-Maine Football
Dark uniformed player carrying ball tackled by white uniformed player. Game continues. Two large pileups. Cheerleaders in light-colored skirts with gloves and sweaters. Men in p...
11) 0456 cat. 1071-24-WABI-67 Bucksport Orono Football
Football game with white-uniformed team in possession of ball. White team side line. White player running with ball followed by dark uniformed player and two coaches with refere...
21) 0456 cat. 1071-25-WABI-67 Waterville Urban Renewal Wrap-up Part 1
Waterville:Downtown intersection with cars, trucks, pedestrians, buildings: Joseph A. Roy Real Estate, Canaan House, Alvina and Delia. (Sound 9 ft.in) Charles Street Project. Ra...
13) 0456 cat. 1071-26-WABI-67 Maine's New Marching 100
Marching band members climbing into bleachers. Horns. People playing flute, piccolo, bells, drums. Conductor. Band practicing marching on football field.
23) 0456 cat. 1071-27-WABI-67 De Nucci - Simmons Weigh-In
Black man being weighed by elderly man. Another man being weighed. Elderly man writing. Third man being weighed.
34) 0456 cat. 1071-28-WABI-67 Award to Major R. Small of Pittsfield?
Man smiling into camera. Two men talking with first man.
16) 0456 cat. 1071-29-WABI-67 National Head of Christian Women's Club
Woman in floral print hat surrounded by four women talking and laughing.
9) 0456 cat. 1071-30-WABI-67 4H Club Investment Committee Meets in Orono
Orono: Men sitting at table talking in front of 4H banner. CU of banner.
21) 0456 cat. 1072-01-WABI-67 Dow Re-Use Committee Briefing
Man holding floor plan of building and pointing to certain parts. Men sitting and listening. Man pointing to plans again. Men sitting in low chiars listening. Man speaking at po...
9) 0456 cat. 1072-02-WABI-67 Aerial View of Final Interstate Gap
Ralph Lowe and two men standing beside airplane. Men climbing into airplane. Lowe waving to camera and getting into plane. Airplane taxiing down runway and taking off. Aerial vi...
20) 0456 cat. 1072-03-WABI-67 [Luncheon Meeting]
Man standing next to luncheon table with men sitting at table and two waiters in background. CU of man talking to assembled men. Shot of table from behind speaker. Return to spe...
7) 0456 cat. 1072-04-WABI-67 Beal College New IBM Computer
Sign reading, 'THINK!' on top of machine with knobs and buttons. Sign reading 'IBM System 360.' Shot of printer and two men talking. Shot over printer towards men with storefron...
22) 0456 cat. 1072-05-WABI-67 Maine Women's Defense Council
Man with woman wearing knit hat sitting at a table talking. Shot of women sitting at tables and talking. Men and women sitting and talking. Slow pan across tables. Woman and man...
23) 0456 cat. 1072-06-WABI-67 Fire Chief Offers Seminar
Men sitting in tiered seats. Man standing in front of large chairs speaking with chalkboard with markings. Shots of assembled group. Quick shot of speaker reading from notebook....
24) 0456 cat. 1072-07-WABI-67 United Fund Media Luncheon
Man sitting in chair. Bald man sitting in chair. Frontal view of the two men. Other men sitting. Bald man talking. 'Show You Care, Check Fair Share One United gift works many wo...
25) 0456 cat. 1072-08-WABI-67 Waterville Urban Renewal Wrap-Up, Pt. 3
Waterville: Reporter Ralph Lowe, Waterville citizen Paul Mitchell ( George's brother) and Bradford Wall of the Waterville Urban Renewal project, talk about final phases of proje...
26) 0456 cat. 1072-09-WABI-67 EMGH Auxiliary Fashion Show
Women sitting at long table. Woman and fur coat and hat walking away from camera. Women sitting at tables. Woman in dark coat and hat walks, stops, walks away. Women at tables. ...
27) 0456 cat. 1072-10-WABI-67 Boy Scout Troop Two Court of Honor
Boy Scouts saying their pledge on a stage. Shots of boys sitting in wooden folding chairs in audience. Scout master with patch 'Committee Lodge' talking. Audience. Table with Bo...
5) 0456 cat. 1072-11-WABI-67 Interstate Re-Surfacing Reaches Halfway Mark
Reporter Ralph Lowe talking with elderly man. Another angle with man in background. Head shot of man being interviewed. Road with highway construction trucks along one side. Unf...
29) 0456 cat. 1072-12-WABI-67 Colby Dormitory Dedication
Waterville: Reporter Ralph Lowe and man standing in front of new dorm building. Man and Lowe on different side of dorm. Overhead shot. Young woman sitting at desk with CU of leg...
3) 0456 cat. 1072-13-WABI-67 Reglin Talks of Fall Foliage
Reporter Ralph Lowe and Mr. Reglin in front of large fence and gate talking about fall foliage in the Jackman - Moosehead area, Rangeley Lake and Sebago Lakes areas. Also percen...
1) 0456 cat. 1072-14-WABI-67 National Dog Week Story
Reporter Ralph Lowe and man with two dogs talking about animal shelter which moved from Howard St. three years ago. Shelter can hold 40 dogs and 25 cats. Adoption criteria inclu...
32) 0456 cat. 1072-15-WABI-67 New Police Accident Forms
Man in police uniform with pile of folders on table near him. Passing out folders to two police officers and two men in street clothes. Several men filling out forms. State poli...
35) 0456 cat. 1072-16-WABI-67 Bangor City Educational and Legislative Leaders Talk at Special Session
Several men and one woman sitting around U-shaped table talking and drinking coffee. Mr. Eaton, Bangor School Superintendent. Shots of two men and woman. Man smoking. Two men li...
34) 0456 cat. 1072-16-WABI-67 Penobscot County Committee for Community Action
Man sitting and listening to man next to him. Man talking back. Priest talking to woman. Black man talking to woman wearing 'Lou Ann Renes' name tag and man. Man and woman talki...
35) 0456 cat. 1072-17-WABI-67 Border Patrol Feature, Part 1
Two men in uniform and reporter Ralph Lowe talking about requirements for gaining entry to Border Patrol. Civil Service application at Post Office required for entry. Must be 21...
36) 0456 cat. 1072-19-WABI-67 University of Maine Homecoming Day
Orono: Broken 'October 14' banner with someone in UM bear costume next to it. Two young women walk down sidewalk. Sculpture with sign 'The Pink Wildcat Takes a Walk on the Wild ...
33) 0457 cat. 1072-20-WABI-67 Penobscot Bay Power Squadron Awarded Charter
Man holds gavel at podium. Crowd. Presentation of United States Power Squadron plaque to man. Penobscot Bay Power Squadron.
33) 0457 cat. 1072-21-WABI-67 Brewer Reacts to Eastern Mill Layoff
Brewer: Parking lot of Eastern Fine Paper and Pulp Division Standard Packaging Corporation. Brewer City Hall. A Mr. Stevens talks on phone. City offices building. Bridge. Compan...
3) 0457 cat. 1072-22-WABI-67 Maine - New Hampshire Football
Orono: University of Maine football game. Crowd in stands. Cheerleaders. Scoreboard says 'Maine 0 Visitor 3 Homecoming 1967 Oct. 13, 14.' Later says 'Maine 0 Visitor 9.'
36) 0457 cat. 1072-23-WABI-67 [IBM Machine]
People wearing name tags observe large IBM machine.
5) 0457 cat. 1072-25-WABI-67 West Broadway Blaze Kills Woman
Fire fighters use hoses and pan of spectators and fire truck. Fire fighters shovel debris from upstairs. Views of building and debris. Damaged interior including cracked glass, ...
26) 0457 cat. 1072-27-WABI-67 Jr. League Antique Show in Brewer
Room interior filled with antique furniture. Flower and fruit display. Antique implements and knicknacks on long tables. Sign 'Merrill's Antiques, Trenton, Maine.' Woman approac...
8) 0457 cat. 1073-01-WABI-67 Bangor Sylvania Plant Interior
Bangor: Woman (Karen Gordon) demonstrates wire bonding as man describes her activities to WABI reporter Ralph Lowe. Three women work with 'dry box.' Plant interior with centrifu...
9) 0457 cat. 1073-02-WABI-67 [Asia Talk]
Man and woman talk. Map of Asia. Woman speaks to crowd. Could be Dr. Nolde's Second Chinese Lecture.
10) 0457 cat. 1073-03-WABI-67 Two-Car Crash Hospitalizes Three
Bent stop sign. Accident wreckage. Police officer. Smashed windshield. Car interior.
85) 0457 cat. 1073-04-WABI-67 Curtis Comments on Driver Point System
Governor Ken Curtis discusses difficulties of point system and hopes for its success.
11) 0457 cat. 1073-05-WABI-67 [Factory]
Plant or factory. Possibly a model.
13) 0457 cat. 1073-06-WABI-67 Fire Prevention Essay Winners in Bangor
Bangor: Man passes out certificates to children in front of fire truck. Officials shake children's hands.
14) 0457 cat. 1073-07-WABI-67 [Speech]
Suited men listen to speaker. Could be IMC Chlor Alkali Report, Part Two.
15) 0457 cat. 1073-08-WABI-67 [Bangor Kiwanis]
Kiwanis meeting with male and female speakers.
21) 0457 cat. 1073-09-WABI-67 Boy Scouts Help with Fire Prevention Week
Fire fighter next to Boy Scouts. One boy is sitting in fire truck, and another is sitting on it. Men hand scouts brochures. All pose for group shot.
17) 0457 cat. 1073-10-WABI-67 [Carnegie Hall Re-Opening with Open House]
Carnegie Hall at University of Maine. Sign above door. Tilt up building. People entering. Statue of nude woman. Woodcut of nude woman. Paintings of steamboat, haying. Pop art pa...
28) 0548.0002 [UMaine Football Players]
Footage of University of Maine football players and coaches. Features shots of individual players posing in front of camera in fieldhouse.
34) 0548.0003 [UMaine Football Coach]
University of Maine football coach Walter Abbott dicusses upcoming season and past experiences at Boston College during press conference. Says offense will be quarterback-orient...
4) 0548.0007 [Girls High School Basketball]
Footage of girls high school basketball game at Bangor Auditorium. Unidentified teams.
1) 0548.0011 [1965 UMaine Football Preview, Part 1]
Introduction to special preview story on the 1965 University of Maine football team. Footage of team practicing, campus, and 'A Symbol of Maine Spirit Class of 1962' sign on bas...
2) 0548.0012 [1965 UMaine Football Preview, Part 2]
University of Maine football team running through drills and exercises.
3) 0548.0013 [1965 UMaine Football Preview, Part 3]
University of Maine football preview. George Hale interviews football trainer Wes Jordan, UM trainer and coach and prospects manager Jack Butterfield, line coach Walter Abbott, ...
4) 0548.0014 [1965 UMaine Football Preview End]
End piece for University of Maine football team preview. Footage of campus buildings. Scoreboard with clock.
5) 0550 cat. 0043-05-WABI Black Beauty Potatoes
Tour of potato factory showing process of potato production from harvesting to packaging. Shots of plants, automatic potato digger, people picking potatoes, packing potatoes in ...
6) 0551 cat. 1029-08-WABI-63 McIntire
Congressman McIntire speaks to camera on new tax proposal, history of tax legislation, and his position.
26) 0552 cat. 0063-29-WABI-63 Bangor High School Band -- Studio City
Band tours Studio City.
8) 0552 cat. 0063-30-WABI-62 Sun Night Tour
Large group of people waits to tour Studio City.
9) 0552 cat. 1012-03-WABI-61 Studio City Collection
Bangor: WABI; Construction of Hildreth Network's Studio City including bulldozing, laying foundation, erection of steel frame, wall panels, floor cement, sign, studding, windows...
10) 0553 cat. 0060-13-WABI-63 Hannaford Brothers
Hannaford Brothers new Snow Traveller, small group of men looks at it. Two men get on Snow Traveller.
11) 0553 cat. 0060-14-WABI-63 Jaycee Christmas Light Contest
Hampden: Christmas light contest sponsored by Jaycees. Various houses at night from various distances and angles. Ref. 385.
27) 0553 cat. 0060-15-WABI-62 Minister Stevens, United Way
Minister Jay Stanley Stevens of All Souls Congregational Church speaks on helping your neighbor by giving to the United Fund. (two takes)
20) 0553 cat. 0060-16-WABI-63 Redpath Interview, Railroad official
Interview with railroad official named Durant who knows about a strike about to take place that night. Asked how long the strike will be, how it will take place, how union-manag...
14) 0553 cat. 0060-17-WABI-62 Cole's Express
Message from Cole's Express by Ali Cole's son. Gives a brief history of his company and how they employ 200 Maine people. Commercial to sponsor an upcoming show from Bass Park's...
7) 0553 cat. 0060-18-WABI-63 Strike at New Bangor High School
Bangor Sand & Gravel Co., Inc. workers on strike over wages. Shots include LS of gravel pits with heavy equipment, men on strike by cars, sign explaining problem. Site is constr...
17) 0553 cat. 0060-19-WABI-62 W.C. 'Don' Riddell
Banquet at which W.C. 'Don' Riddell, speaks to a large group seated at long dining tables.
16) 0553 cat. 0061-01-WABI-63 Fred Rice Interview
Bangor: Interview with Fred Rice in front of the new C. H. Rice Meat Packing Plant in the Industrial Park. Also interviews with Murphy Dowd, Chamber of Commerce secretary. Discu...
18) 0553 cat. 0061-02-WABI- Walking Legs
Pair of man's legs walk over to join a pair of woman's legs. Then they walk back to his starting point and stop.
3) 0553 cat. 0061-03-WABI-63 Hale Ice Fishing
Hale and friends ice fishing expedition including snowmobile riding, cutting ice with a manual auger, a fish on the snow, setting traps, camp.
15) 0553 cat. 0061-04-WABI-63 Interview with IRS Representative Goode
Goode discusses effects of new tax law on travel, getting tax information, taxpayer's identification numbers.
21) 0553 cat. 0061-05-WABI-63 Snowstorm
Bangor: Effects of heavy snowstorm including snow up to store windows, tractors, covered streets, shoveling.
28) 0553 cat. 0061-06-WABI-63 Deer at Kenduskeag
Deer running in the distance.
10) 0553 cat. 0061-07-WABI-63 George Hale in Rhode Island
George Hale gives his predictions on state college and high school football teams for the coming year. He reports from the University of Rhode Island before its game vs. UM.
9) 0553 cat. 1026-17-WABI-63 Coopal on Urban Development
Interview of Joe Coopal by George Redpath regarding financing of urban renewal.
25) 0553 cat. 1027-01-WABI-62 Deer at Kenduskeag
Herd of deer running in the distance.
27) 0555 cat. 0043-01-WABI Maine Association of Broadcasters
A Mr. Collins and other unidentified association member make speeches at meeting at Augusta House. First concerns public service role of broadcasters. Second concerns moral issu...
5) 0558 cat. 0059-12-WABI-62 Renault Automatic
Commercial for Renault's new push button automatic automobile. CU finger pushing the drive button, LS of car cruising along various roads, stopping for a boy and dog to cross ro...
29) 0558 cat. 0059-13-WABI-62 Penobscot Dental Society
Dr. Frank P. Gilley, chairman of Dental Health Week for the Penobscot Valley Dental Society speaks on the importance of brushing for a good smile.
30) 0558 cat. 0059-14-WABI-62 Nissen Buttermilk Biscuits
Commercial for Nissen's new buttermilk biscuits. Narrator describes how people used to make buttermilk biscuits over process. Shots of a woman putting biscuits in oven. CU biscu...
26) 0558 cat. 0059-15-WABI-62 Holsum Gold 'N' Round
Commercial: Two ads for Holsum's Gold 'N' Round bread. Both show a loaf of bread spinning in LS, various arrangements of hors d'oeuvres on slowly spinning plates. Jingle and nar...
32) 0558 cat. 0060-01-WABI-62 Dane-T-Bits
A woman talks about and shows Dane-T-Bits Old Fashioned Sugar Cookies. Shots include MS woman with cookies, LS of cookies, MS pan of some women seated.
33) 0558 cat. 0060-02-WABI-63 Rapaport Auto
Commercial: Rapaport Auto Co., Inc., Sales and Service. Raw footage for commercial is on 1026-16. Shots include MS of car driving on a road, zoom to a LS, man gets out of car to...
34) 0558 cat. 0060-03-WABI Rapaport Auto
Footage for a Rapaport Auto Ad. Footage includes a look at the outside of the building and car lot, one of their cars on the road, Rapaport logo.
35) 0558 cat. 0060-04-WABI-62 W.C. Grants Toyland
Commercial: W.C. Grants Toyland. Man promotes a doll and carriage. MS of doll, carriage and man, Grants sign in background.
1) 0558 cat. 0060-06-WABI-63 Jordan's Franks
Commercial: Jordan's new extra mild skinless franks. Sound is barely audible. Shots include MS and CU of package, table set up with franks and rolls, barbecue things. Jordan's l...
31) 0558 cat. 0060-07-WABI-63 Homemaker Beans
Commercial: Homemaker Beans, CU of man at podium, saying he won't put up with watery beans, zooms out to show a crowd with picket signs protesting. Ends telling you how to get a...
3) 0558 cat. 0060-08-WABI Bread Commercial
Commercial: Italian bread. Shows a few loaves of bread on table. Woman takes an Italian roll and fills it with salami, onions, lettuce.
4) 0558 cat. 0060-09-WABI-62 Hanson's
Shots of a sign saying 'Hanson's, Brewer, Maine.'
5) 0558 cat. 0060-10-WABI-64 Grey Brothers Equipment Co.
Commercial: Hus-ski snow sled in commercial for Grey Brothers Equipment Co. Shots include a man taking a Hus-ski out of the back of his truck, CUs of Hus-ski, CU of Grey Brother...
6) 0558 cat. 0060-11-WABI-62 Nissen's English Muffins
Commercial: An animated boy tells how to use Nissen's English Muffins in recipes: shots include a woman looking through her recipes, creamed leftovers being poured over english ...
7) 0558 cat. 0060-12-WABI-63 NORAD Anthem
Promo for the North American Air Defense Command which tells how the military defenses of the U.S. and Canada protect North America from aerospace attack. Shots of flags, jets, ...
13) 0558 cat. 1026-16-WABI-62 Rapaport Auto Co.
Commercial : for car, including various takes of car driving around a bush, CU of front grille, man getting out of car to let woman out.
34) 0559 cat. 1015-01-WABI-61 Horse Races
Horse race including various angles and distances of racers.
11) 0559 cat. 1015-03-WABI-61 Foot Races
Races at large track.
12) 0559 cat. 1015-04-WABI-61 Venus Test
Excerpts from newsreel story about planet Venus. Simulation of test including radar beamed from antenna at Gold Stone, California to Venus and then recaptured to identify planet...
13) 0559 cat. 1015-05-WABI-61 South Korea
South Korean oath-taking ceremony including young men and elderly gentleman, flag, crowd, meeting.
19) 0559 cat. 1015-06-WABI-61 'Queen Elizabeth' Ship
Ocean liners 'The America' and 'Queen Elizabeth' docked together, as crowds wait to board. Shots of stacked luggage, liner pulling out.
15) 0559 cat. 1015-07-WABI-61 Military Man
Military personnel arrive on an airplane and are greeted by cheering crowds.
16) 0559 cat. 1015-09-WABI-61 [Riot Control]
Crowds gathered as police beat and arrest man. Also shots of cameras, bus terminal, and streets.
18) 0559 cat. 1015-10-WABI-61 East Meets West
A meeting between a white man and an oriental man, including press taking pictures.
14) 0559 cat. 1015-11-WABI-61 Man in Parade
A man rides standing up in a convertible and waves to crowd.
23) 0559 cat. 1015-12-WABI-61 British Parliament
Parliament session including presentation of a document, flags, blacks dancing, fireworks.
21) 0559 cat. 1015-13-WABI-61 Royal Air Force
Dedication ceremonies for books in church including British officials (and Queen Elizabeth?) arriving by car, church interior, placing of books in alcoves.
7) 0559 cat. 1015-14-WABI-61 U.S. Army Maneuvers
Maneuvers in a valley including a fleet of helicopters arriving and letting out soldiers, artillery in the hills, CU of soldiers firing machine guns, jeeps, helicopters lifting ...
27) 0559 cat. 1015-15-WABI-61 Disaster
Disaster site including destroyed buildings, military installation, children lying on cots, people picking through debris.
4) 0559 cat. 1015-16-WABI-61 Royal Family
Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip entertain guests. Shots of royal guard in formation, the two couples walking by.
36) 0559 cat. 1015-17-WABI-61 Horse Racing
Race including spectators in royal dress (British?), crowd, winners circle.
7) 0559 cat. 1015-18-WABI-61 Mother of the Year
Interview with title holder in which she is asked her advice for fathers.
28) 0559 cat. 1015-20-WABI-61 Truman's Birthday
President Harry Truman's birthday party including speeches, handshaking, cake, singing, and Jack Benny(?).
29) 0559 cat. 1015-21-WABI-61 Nixon Speech
Speech by Vice-President Richard M. Nixon regarding President John F. Kennedy's policy on Cuba.
1) 0559 cat. 1015-22-WABI-61 Auto Race
LS, MS and CU of cars going around track, and winning car with checkered flag.
31) 0559 cat. 1015-23-WABI-61 Politicians?
Press interviews men, men get into limousine, people greeting an Oriental man at airport.
15) 0559 cat. 1015-24-WABI-61 Destroyed House
Several angles of destroyed house, police looking at smoking remains of car, damage to a nearby structure.
7) 0559 cat. 1015-25-WABI-61 United Nations Building
United States Mission to the United Nations including tour of on-air studio, power systems for radio stations, halls and offices, books.
34) 0559 cat. 1015-26-WABI-61 Colonial National Invitation
Golf tournament including putts, drives, chips, crowd, clubhouse, woman kissing winner.
15) 0559 cat. 1017-10-WABI-61 [Freedom Riders in Montgomery]
CBS interview with Montgomery, Alabama, police commissioner regarding the mob attack of the Freedom Riders. Shots of police, bus terminal.
34) 0559 cat. 1018-01-WABI-61 Dwight D. Eisenhower at West Point
Former president Eisenhower's visit to West Point to honor Sylvanus Thane including Ike with cadets, MCU of him giving a speech.
2) 0559 cat. 1018-03-WABI-61 [Military Parade]
Military parade, apparently in a Spanish-speaking country, including official (Castro?) watching, jet squadron, crowds, soldiers in formation.
3) 0559 cat. 1018-04-WABI-61 [Integration Speeches]
Meeting regarding racial integration including white and black speakers, a heavily bandaged man. One speech regarding 'why we accept Kruschev into the country but not citizens w...
4) 0559 cat. 1018-05-WABI-61 [Rocket Launch]
Rocket launch including preparation for blastoff, MS of blastoff, LS of explosion, MS and LS of capsule and chute descending into hills.
28) 0559 cat. 1018-06-WABI-61 [PEO Supply Office]
Outfitting men for service,including men enter office, being given uniforms and stripes, clothes laid out on table, men dressed and talking.
6) 0559 cat. 1018-07-WABI-61 [Boxing]
Boxing match including one fighter knocking down the other fighter twice, judges, announcers.
7) 0559 cat. 1018-08-WABI-61 [Tanks in Paris]
Paris: Tanks line streets, men looks through piles of clothes after standing in long lines, a man speaks in a room, and famous Paris buildings are shown in CU.
31) 0559 cat. 1018-10-WABI-61 [Soldiers]
Trains loaded with jeeps and hardware, soldiers talking on trucks and walking around.
9) 0559 cat. 1018-11-WABI-61 [New Helmet]
Helmet testing including man wearing one underwater, doctor taking readings from man with electrodes on his chest.
23) 0559 cat. 1018-12-WABI-61 [Gathering in Japan]
Crowd of Japanese approaches building carrying flags, a man and two young women wave from a balcony.
11) 0559 cat. 1018-13-WABI-60 [Chocolate in France]
A group exits a building with two young women carrying a basket of chocolate. Also shots of a flag on flagpole, men in suits and hats.
12) 0559 cat. 1018-14-WABI-61 [Parade in Red Square]
Soviet Union: Military parade including anti-aircraft, tanks, guided-missile launchers, a missile, soldiers marching a missile-shaped balloon being released, a littled girl look...
33) 0559 cat. 1018-15-WABI [WWII Fighter]
Shots of fighter surrounded by spectators, performing a fly-by, men exiting a tent, a man in the cockpit, an interview with a man named Malen.
25) 0559 cat. 1018-16-WABI-61 [Chicago Cubs]
Chicago: Cubs at Wrigley Field practicing for game against San Francisco including field, players warming up, crowd, bench, coach, scoreboard.
28) 0560 cat. 0093-02-WABI-64 Christmas Daddies Film
Live telecast including preparation for the event, sorting of gifts, Dick Bronson and Mike Dolley at the desk, camera crews, dancing and singing acts, crowd shots, various skits...
6) 0564 cat. 1068-01-WABI-67 Gunsmoke Actor Interview
Dennis Weaver, veteran actor of 'Gunsmoke' and 'Kentucky Jones' is interviewed on his future plans.
12) 0568.0001 [Return of Stearns Minutemen]
Evening parade in Millinocket honoring basketball team's return as 1963 New England Champs. Players ride through town in convertibles, marching bands from Stearns and Schenck. G...
31) 0569.0001 Return of Stearns Minutemen
Celebration including speech and key presentation by Town Manager Crandell, introduction of basketball player's parents by Principal Alan Savitch, reading of telegram from Gover...
23) 0571 cat. 0041-02-WABI-60 Democratic Headquarters Opening
Opening ceremonies including ribbon cutting, crowd, candidate David Coffin.
8) 0571 cat. 0041-03-WABI-60 Truck Accident
Effort to return Harris industry Co. truck to upright position includes shots of guard rail, road, embankment, crowd, traffic.
1) 0571 cat. 0041-04-WABI-60 Haggii Ceremony
Bangor: Ceremony with preacher, choir, and crowd at Bangor Auditorium. Banner reads, 'Christ is the answer.'
27) 0571 cat. 0041-05-WABI-60 U.N. Conference at Bangor Auditorium
Bangor: Conference with small group of people on stage and crowd in audience.
7) 0571 cat. 0042-02-WABI-60 Democratic Victory Express
Bus trip of Coffin for governor, Roberts for congress and Cormier for senate. Bus, speeches, crowd.
4) 0571 cat. 0042-03-WABI-60 Covered Bridge
Covered bridge, river and traffic.
34) 0571 cat. 0042-04-WABI-60 Veazie Voting
Veazie: People voting and waiting to vote at Town Office.
2) 0571 cat. 0043-02-WABI-60 Veterans Day Parade
Bangor: Parade including Bangor, Brewer, Milo and other marching bands, majorettes, floats.
32) 0571 cat. 0043-03-WABI-60 Truck Accident
Truck has run into building, destroying its front steps and roof.
33) 0571 cat. 0043-04-WABI-60 UM Basketball
Team posing and demonstrating plays, coaches.
13) 0571 cat. 1017-02-WABI-60 Hughes-Graham Campaign
United Fund kickoff at Dow Air Force Base including Hughes and Grahm speeches, crowd.
35) 0571 cat. 1017-03-WABI-60 Lions Club -- Bangor/Brewer
Calf being led around at meeting, speech.
36) 0571 cat. 1017-04-WABI-60 Cerebral Palsy Children at YMCA
Children at swimming pool with guardians.
1) 0571 cat. 1017-05-WABI-60 Brewer Devo. Comm.
Brewer: Meeting at City Hall including man pointing to diagram and Hersey signing document.
13) 0571 cat. 1017-06-WABI-60 Republican Women at Auditorium
Brewer: Meeting including Governor Reed exiting from a door marked, 'Driver's License Exam,' his shaking hands with woman and posing, crowd applauding as official (McIntire) ent...
29) 0573 cat. 1031-12-WABI-63 Ellsworth 200th Anniversary
Ellsworth: Large parade down Main St. including floats, marching bands, military officers, cars. Narrated by two men. 1st reel of 3. Others are Cat no. 1032-01-WABI-64 and 1033-...
32) 0573 cat. 1032-01-WABI-63 Ellsworth 200th Anniversary
Part 2 of parade. See Cat no. 1031-12-WABI-63 for description.
6) 0574 cat. 1033-01-WABI-63 Ellsworth 200th Anniversary
Part 3 of parade. See Cat no. 1031-12-WABI-64 for description.
30) 0577 cat. 1014-07-WABI [Frontier Week]
Celebration including St. Stephens (Canada), Milltown, and Calais including: parade and fair, official lunch, baseball game, Calais Gun and Rod Club, Ted Williams
35) 0579 cat. 0044-06-WABI-61 UM Baseball
Field house scenes of men practicing golf and baseball skills.
9) 0579 cat. 0044-07-WABI- Meeting
Dinner meeting in which people present slide shows and look at a map with Eastern Europe highlighted.
22) 0579 cat. 0044-09-WABI New Equipment?
Men inspect new equipment and shake hands. LS of tower or crane included.
12) 0579 cat. 0044-10-WABI- Ice Fishing
Ice fishing expedition including men going to a log cabin, cutting a hole in ice, setting lines, talking and shaking hands. Also an airplane landing and taking off.
13) 0579 cat. 1017-07-WABI-61 Milwaukee Braves
Team practice at winter training camp, banner, stadium, bat boy, CU of baseball cards.
20) 0579 cat. 1017-08-WABI-61 Snowstorm
Bangor: Effects of a snowstorm including people digging out their cars, a children's snowball fight, pedestrians of snowy sidewalks, and the Maine Publicity Tourist Information ...
17) 0579 cat. 1017-09-WABI-61 Flood
Effects of flood including damaged waterfront, ice and snow.
34) 0580 cat. 0056-01-WABI-62 Campobello Island Film
Dedication of new FDR Memorial Bridge between Campobello Island and Lubec includes interview with FDR's son Congressman James Roosevelt regarding his mother's health and memorie...
18) 0582 cat. 0044-05-WABI UM Basketball
Team performs passing, jumping, rebounding, dribbling, fast break drills. Interview with Coach Brian McCall by George Hale.
9) 0592 cat. 1022-11-WABI-62 Telstar Background
A history of Telstar including narration (by Bill Kling?), the satellite, rubber dome, receiver, how Telstar works and its contribution to communications, animation of Telstar i...
25) 0593 cat. 1022-12-WABI-62 Telstar Background
Same as cat. No. 1022-11-WABI-62
26) 0594 cat. 1016-01-WABI-60 Nixon Visit
Bangor: Presidential campaign visit of Richard M. Nixon; he and Pat arriving by airplane, riding through town, crowd, banners, speech at Bangor Auditorium, speeches by Senator M...
27) 0594 cat. 1017-01-WABI-60 Nixon Visit
Bangor: Continuation of Richard M. Nixon presidential campaign visit and speech; he and Pat departing from airport, receiving a lobster presented by children, introduction of pe...
27) 0601 cat. 1804-01-WABI-69 Highlights of 1969
NASA highlights.
47) 0604 cat. 1807-01-WABI- Aeronautics and Space Report
Space highlights from 1967 or 1968.
27) 0605 cat. 1808-01-WABI-68 The Flight of Apollo 7
Apollo 7 missions.
14) 0606 cat. 1809-01-WABI-64 The Great Fair, Great Fun
1964 World's Fair.
19) 0608 cat. 1014-04-WABI-65 Winston Churchill Obituary
Tribute including World War II footage: meetings with Eisenhower, Stalin, and Roosevelt; speeches by Churchill; appearance in a parade; day he is knighted.
29) 0615 cat. 1030-01-WABI-63 [Leavitt on Salmon Fishing at East Grand Lake]
Date from edge code on film. // Bud Leavitt speaks to camera from a wharf on East Grand Lake near Canada regarding area salmon fishing. He interviews two fishermen working in ba...
5) 0617 cat. 1025-01-WABI-62 Eye on the World
Behind the scenes with CBS News including Walter Cronkite describing the importance of visuals to news, the Algerian crisis, John F. Kennedy and the United Nations, London and t...
1) 0619.0001 Seven Wonderful Nights
Jack Webb's preview of the CBS fall television lineup including Lassie, Dennis the Menace, Ed Sullivan, The McCoys, True Stories, What's My Line, Candid Camera, Lucille Ball Sho...
32) 0620 cat. 1014-06-WABI-60 President Dwight D. Eisenhower's Farewell
Farewell speech including Ike's view on the state of the world.
9) 0622 cat. 0039-02-WABI-60 Mart Warehouse Fire
Fire including fire fighters putting on breathing tanks, the roof on fire, fire chief shouting instructions, people emptying the warehouse, crowd.
23) 0623 cat. 1018-18-WABI-64 Winston Churchill's 90th B-Day
Scenes from Churchill's life including stills of his youth, public appearances, the Big Three after WWII, inspecting troops, on a ship.
11) 0624 cat. 0045-20-WABI Bangor vs. Burlington
Basketball game highlights.
31) 0625 cat. 1018-19-WABI-63 Carl Sandburg's 85th Birthday
Scenes from poet's birthday party, including MLS of Sandburg speaking, two-tier birthday cake, friends, cake cutting.
13) 0626 B & A pickup and Delivery
Same as 0046-13. Copy.
14) 0627 B & A -- Fox & Ginn
Same as 0046-15 but with SOF First proof with added freight scene for final.
18) 0628 Eleanor Roosevelt Obituary
Edited clips of Eleanor Roosevelt's later years and public appearances including appearance at a rally, meeting with President John F. Kennedy, leaving a plane, meeting with off...
26) 0629 MacArthur Obituary
General Douglas MacArthur reviewing fly-bys of attack planes and bombers, receiving a scroll from and taking an oath before Dwight D. Eisenhower, his wife and son.
17) 0631 and 0630 B & A Christmas Message
Same as 0046-18 but with animated snow scenes at beginning and end. Two takes of 36 ft. each.
10) 0632 B & A Pickup and Delivery
Same as 0046-13 but with SOF
18) 0633 B & A Pickup and Delivery
Same as 0046-11 but with S.O.F.
20) 0634 B & A Audio
Audio track (jingle) for B & A transportation company ad, sung by Dick Curless.
36) 0635 B & A Christmas Message
Only audio that goes with a non-audio copy. Similar to 0046-18.
22) 0636 B & A Pickup and Delivery
Same as 0046-13. Two takes. SOF
23) 0637 B & A Pickup and Delivery
Same as 0046-13.
24) 0638 B & A, Fox and Ginn
Various takes of the two companies logos.
23) 0639 B & A Railroad Round Trip Ticket
Passengers boarding B & A bus, person waving down bus, driver's view.
7) 0640 B & A Free Pick-Up and Delivery
Promo for free service including alternating shots of train and truck.
27) 0641 B & A Iced Cars
Carl Smith, vice-president of B & A Railroad, describes company's new iced cars with a two and a half-ton capacity for use by potato shippers. Shot of one being loaded with ice.
30) 0642 Saab Ad Footage
Hammond Motors Saab footage including Saab's features and Saab driving on various kinds of roads.
29) 0643 B & A Round Trip Ticket
Unused negative portion of ad. Same as Catalogue No. 0046-02.
164) 0644 Animated Snow Scene
Animated snow scene with trees and mountains. Was used on B & A Christmas commercial.
31) 0645 B & A Iced Cars
Same as 0046-07.
20) 0646 B & A Bus Negative Original
Edited sequence from previous footage includes: bus picking up passengers, driver's view of road, mother taking daughter to restroom, passengers watching landscape, pedestrian w...
33) 0647 B & A Round Trip Ticket
Same as Catalogue No. 0046-08.
26) 0647 B & A Round Trip Ticket
Audio only for bus ad.
36) 0648 B & A Iced Cars
Commercial for Bangor and Aroostook Railroad descibing the pre-iced car service they offer to potato farmers. Shows railroad cars including men loading ice onto cars and raising...
35) 0648 B & A Iced Cars
Audio track for Cat. No. 0046-11.
2) 0649 B & A Audio
Same audio track described in Catalogue No. 0046-03.
172) 0649 B & A Pick-Up/Delivery
Unused negative portion of B & A ad. Same as Catalogue No. 0046-04.
3) 0649 B & A Pick-Up and Delivery
Ad shows train coming, man loading boxes onto truck, driving and unloading boxes, train coming and going, B & A logo.
27) 0650 B & A Fox and Ginn
Trucking ad with truck pulling out of a drive, driving onto a B & A car, and driving on the highway.
5) 0650 B & A, Fox and Ginn
Audio for Cat. No. 0046-15.
6) 0650 B & A, Fox and Ginn
Animated Signs for the two companies. First shows a truck and a train with text, 'New, Fast, Easy-to-Use Rail Truck Service.' Also footage of B & A and F & G trucks and trains.
7) 0651 B & A Pick-Up and Delivery
Audio same as Catalogue No. 0046-03.
24) 0652 B & A Christmas Message
Same as Cat. No. 0046-18 but with animated snow scenes at beginning and end.
9) 0652 B & A Christmas Message
Same as Cat. No. 1019-05.
32) 0653 Clean-Up Week
Bangor: Efforts to pick up trash including collection, dumping, bulldozing, sign reading, 'Help Keep Your City Clean.'
21) 0653 Maine Professional Photographers Association Annual Seminar
Seminar shots include sign, meeting.
12) 0653 Clean-Up Week
Trash collection crews going from house to house collecting trash.
180) 0653 Fairmount Furniture Co.
Shot of building exterior as people enter.
20) 0654 B & A Iced Cars
Men loading ice blocks onto railroad cars. Related to 0046-11 and 1009-06.
15) 0654 B & A Iced Cars
Unedited footage showing men loading ice onto train cars.
16) 0655 B & A Christmas Messages
B & A employee Gordon Robertson wishes everyone Merry Christmas and says to be strong through tough financial times and enjoy holiday.
9) 0662.0001 Papermakers
'Presented by AFL-CIO.' Papermaking process from forest to paper emphasizing workers. Scenes of interior paper making mill, also tree farm.
10) 0675 [Maher--home movies]. Reel 11
Single perforation stock, but silent. Late 1950s or early 1960s. First communion. Bird takes food from window sill. Old woman with pie walks to car. Child on pile of snow. Winte...
20) 0697.0001 [Goodman--home movies] Bridgehampton
Shot June 1961. Cars at beach. 'Town recreation center' sign. Sign mentions beach is for Southampton town residents. People on beach. Picnic, woman breaks shell of hard boiled e...
9) 0697.0002 [Goodman--home movies] Crescent Surf, Kennebunk
Shot July 4, 1961. Young and older adults wearing shorts and sports clothes eat and drink in grassy area above beach. House in background. Group at picnic table eat steamer clam...
10) 0697.0003 [Goodman--home movies] Kennebunk River Club Tennis Tournament
Kennebunk River Club sign. Tennis court. Outdoor tennis. Coverage includes children in space between buildings, people arriving down stairs wearing sunglasses. Players shake ha...
22) 0697.0004 [Goodman--home movies] Lili's Visit
Pan of beach. Woman in striped swimsuit or sundress. Kids playing with model sailboats. Couple horsing around, posing. Children paddling canoe with dog between them. Kids on raf...
12) 0697.0005 [Goodman--home movies] Picnic at Little River
Man carries boy piggyback from house. Small girl follows. Kids peek from behind tree. Man (shirtless, wearing sunglasses) gives girl piggyback ride through wooded path. This may...
13) 0697.0006 [Goodman--home movies] Lobstering with Stan Meserve
Man and boys wearing and carrying fishing gear on pier. Stacked lobster traps. Man wears boots turned down. Buddy Goodman? in stern of boat. Shot taken from behind Stan Meserve...
274) 0697.0007 [Goodman--home movies] Kennebunk River Club Swimming Meet
MCU of medals on table. People around outdoor pool. Some on lawn chairs. Many children wear orange life vests. Girl in bathing cap with flowers on it. Woman in shorts gives in...
14) 0697.0008 [Goodman--home movies] River Carnival
Original footage is 8mm film. // Exterior shots Kennebunk River Club. Marina. Kids dressed in Indian costumes and life jackets. Tepees pitched on pier and on boats. Man in short...
16) 0697.0009 [Goodman--home movies] Past Year at Kennebunkport
[Title reference to Last Year at Marienbad, Alain Resnais, 1961] Carved wooden sign, "Kennebunkport: An American Colonial Village." Town line and other sign. LS of house and ...;Prudence Meyer, 2 July 2014, 919 608-0392, prudence.meyer@earthlink.net "The stars are Georgine and Buddy Goodman, Pat and Gus Peterson, Nonnie and Tom Moore and me (girl in ...
6) 0715.0004 [ETV Studio]
Man operating controls in studio; can note: '1960s: early years of ETV'
13) 0715.0011 [Machine Demonstration]
Hands show how a mechanical machine on wheels with gears works; can note: '1960s: early years of ETV'
28) 0715.0016 [University of Maine Campus]
Can label: 'University of Maine Campus Scenes, September and October, 1963'; football game at night; marching band; maypole; university classrooms and campus; 1962 edge code on ...
20) 0715.0017 [Winters-Hamabe Maine Montage]
Can label: 'Original Footage, Winters-Hamabe Maine Montage, 1966'; dock with boats on water; woman interviewed by man outside while drinking in lawn chairs; woman gives tour of ...
66) 0715.0018 [Winters-Hamabe Maine Montage]
Can label: 'Original Footage, Winters-Hamabe Maine Montage, September 1966'; more of item 0715.0017; woman shows driftwood to interviewer
21) 0715.0019 [Personalities in Research]
Can label: 'Personalities in Research, March 1963'; work print; woman feeds lab rats, dissection, laboratory activity
23) 0715.0020A [Centennial Year 1965]
Can label: 'Centennial Year 1965 Optical Track'; optical soundtrack negative with 1965 edge code
2) 0715.0020B [Centennial Year 1965]
Can label: 'Centennial Year 1965 A Roll'; 1965 edge code
25) 0715.0020C [Centennial Year 1965]
Can label: 'Centennial Year 1965 B Roll'; 1965 edge code
26) 0715.0021 [Thuya Gardens Gardener's Notebook]
Can label: 'Thuya Gardens Gardener's Notebook'; small portions have sound - work print?; footage of plants in zen garden at Thuya Gardens in Northeast Harbor
27) 0715.0022 [Rhode Island vs. New Hampshire Football]
University of Rhode Island vs. New Hampshire; college football game; can label: 'Football 1964 RI vs. NH'
28) 0715.0023 [Mars Hill]
TV control station at Mars Hill; can label: 'Mars Hill March 1966'
29) 0715.0024 [Chainsaw Safety]
Dummy/mannequin with chainsaw; can label: 'Chainsaw Safety Bissell'
3) 0715.0025 [Centennial Band]
Band plays at halftime of football game on Alumni Field at University of Maine; crowd cheers; game footage; Maine cheerleaders cheer with person in costume as Black Bear mascot;...
3) 0715.0026 [Bar Harbor Deer Hunting]
Deer hunting footage including man with hacksaw cutting up side of deer, displaying the guts and meat; women hunting with rifles; closeup footage of deer family eating and playi...
28) 0715.0027 [Maine Vocational Technical Institutes]
Can notes: March 1964 Maine Voc-Tech Institute - South Portland 6 min. 55 sec., NE Maine Voc-Tech Institute - Presque Isle 6 min. 24 sec. February 1965'; footage in South Portla...
33) 0715.0028 [Maine Industry 1965]
Information from can: 'Maine history/campus scenes-winter/woostock hs (?) gnp woods operation/trains-transportation/whole series on variety of Maine industry 1965'; footage of l...
35) 0715.0029 [Lobster Boats & Traps]
Lobster boat and lobster traps; logging; contineud from item 0715.0028
34) 0715.0030 [Wildey on UMaine Augusta]
Can label: 'Wildey Pre-Game Football Show Lloyd Jewett Interview'; Wildey discusses courses and adult education enrollment at University of Maine in Augusta
36) 0715.0031 [ETV Titles]
ETV nework spot; WMEB-TV, WMEM-TV, WMED-TV titles appear over closeup of hawk
1) 0715.0032 [Animals]
Boy feeds corn to squirrel; footage of turtle, salamander, dog wearing pants and hat, hawk perched on tree stump; can label: '1965 ETV reports'
2) 0715.0033 [Aerial Mt. Desert Footage]
Aerial footage of Mount Desert Island taken from plane; man mounts 16mm camera in front of plane
30) 0715.0034 [Aerial Acadia Footage]
Aerial footage of Mount Desert Island and Bar Harbor taken from plane; Acadia National Park
3) 0715.0035 [Baby Deer]
Girl feeds baby deer, plays with with, carries one around (borderline cruelty); can label: 'Lamb & Wendy September 4&5 1967; 1965 edge code on film
28) 0715.0036 [Bath Iron Works]
Footage of ships/destroyers at Bath Iron Works; man in office at desk; engineers make plans; men at lecture in classroom; man looks at blueprints
26) 0715.0037 [Dennysville Log Drive]
Log drive in Dennysville; logs on river; man falls off log into river; brief aerial footage of lighthouse; Dennysville location from can label
19) 0715.0038 [State House & Blueberries]
Silent footage of man giving tour of State House in Augusta with footage of chamber, halls, and offices; outtakes from documentary on blueberry industry with information on pick...
14) 0715.0039 [ETV Titles]
ETV titles; WMEB-TV Orono - Channel 12 titles over footage of woman with hawk perched on her hand; can label: 'Bonny & Charlie'
9) 0715.0040 [ETV Titles]
ETV titles; WMEB-TV, WMEM-TV titles over closeup footage of hawk
10) 0715.0041 [ETV Titles]
ETV titles; WMEB-TV Orono, WMEM-TV Presque Isle, WMED-TV Calais titles over aerial coastal footage, then over aerial city/town footage (of Orono?)
11) 0715.0042 [Test Patterns]
Extended footage of test patterns; very nice, expressionist style
16) 0715.0047 [Hawk]
Closeup of hawk used in ETV Titles (no titles here); can label: 'Goshawk August 1965 A Roll #2'
30) 0715.0048 [Hawk]
Closeup of hawk used in ETV Titles (no titles here); can label: 'Goshawk August 1965 A Roll #4'
3) 0715.0049 [Hawk]
Hawk with outstretched wings perched on womans hand; can label: 'Bonny & Charlie August 1965 A Roll #3'
4) 0715.0050 [Aerial Lake Footage]
Very dark aerial footage of lake; can label: 'Aerials: Day For Night Effect - Lakes July 1968'
15) 0715.0051 [Aerial Kennebec River Footage]
Aerial footage of Kennebec River; can label: 'Aerials: Kennebec River September 1966'
16) 0715.0053 [Anti-Litter Parade]
Anti-litter parade in Kennebunkport; clown with balloons; people wear costumes made out of trash/garbage; goat; also see items 0715.0052, 0715.0054
23) 0715.0054 [Trash at Dump]
Lots of trash at garbage dump; also see items 0715.0052, 0715.0053
5) 0715.0059 [Old Town to Bangor Aerial Footage]
Test aerial footage from Old Town to Bangor; snowy land
5) 0715.0061 [Aerial Log Drive Footage]
Footage of helicopter before and during takeoff; aerial footage from helicopter of log drive on river; can label: 'Pulse Motion From Copter Machias Log Drive April 1968'
2) 0715.0062 [Winters-Hanabe Maine Montage]
Can label: 'Winters-Hanabe Maine Montage, September 1966'; pic elements at items 0715.0017, 0715.0018; spelling on this item differs, others labeled as 'Hamabe'
13) 0715.0063 [Aerial Machiasport Footage]
Coastal aerial footage of Machiasport, unedited; can label: 'Aerials of Machiasport - Original 1967'
22) 0715.0064 [Bar Harbor Deer Hunting]
Graphic deer hunting footage with shooting and gutting; continued from item 0715.0026, .0072; see collection folder for shot list/script
23) 0715.0065 [Professor Young Forestry Film]
Trees cut down in forest; men cut roots off and weigh them; lots of bugs around camera and on lens; can label: 'Forestry Film For Professor Young's Program - Time: 5 min 15 sec'
34) 0715.0066A [Jonesport Lobster Boat Race]
Lobster boat race in Jonesport on July 4, 1969; sound elements in item 0715.0066B
36) 0715.0066B [Jonesport Lobster Boat Race]
Soundtrack for lobster boat race in Jonesport on July 4, 1969; pic elements in item 0715.0066B
26) 0715.0068 [Potato Industry]
Film on potato industry; man washes, weighs, cuts potatoes; potatoes in storage house/room; women sort potatoes on potato assembly line; french fries on conveyor belt
30) 0715.0070 [Maine Wildlife Park]
Footage of deer and other animals at Maine Wildlife Park in Gray; color scene at end
6) 0715.0071 [Inauguration of President Young]
Inauguration of University of Maine President Hugh Young
3) 0715.0072 [Bar Harbor Deer Hunting]
Deer hunting footage; can label: 'Shooting Thru Cutting Up & Al Martin; workprint (?) for items 0715.0029, 0064; see collection folder for shot list/script
12) 0715.0073 [Machiasport: Conflict Over Oil]
Can label: 'Machiasport: Conflict Over Oil, Sample Print Machias Log Drive 1969'; footage of Governor Ken Curtis and Senator Margaret Chase Smith
9) 0715.0074 [Aerial Footage]
Can label: 'Original Phili Aerial & Geese'; land looks like New Jersey area - possibly Philadelphia?; aerial footage from helicopter with lots of pollution
11) 0715.0076 [Machias River Log Drive]
Can label: 'Original Log Drive Machias River 1968 Roll #1'
21) 0715.0077 [Machias River Log Drive]
Can label: 'Original Log Drive Machias River 1968 Roll #2'
13) 0715.0078 [Machias River Log Drive]
Can label: 'Original Log Drive Machias River 1968 Roll #1'
6) 0715.0079 [Machias River Log Drive]
Can label: 'Original Log Drive Machias River 1968 Roll #2'
15) 0715.0080 [Aerial Machiasport Footage]
Aerial footage of Machiasport; can label: 'Aerials Machiasport/Phily Ground etc./Machias Scenic Shots/Work Print 1968'
1) 0715.0081 [Aerial Machiasport Footage]
Aerial footage of Machiasport; can label: 'Aerials Machiasport/Phily Ground etc./Machias Scenic Shots/Work Print 1968'
30) 0729.0030 [Nissen Ad]
Date from edge code on film. // Nissen Bread advertisement/commercial. Animated footage of boy eating slice of bread. Soundtrack: 'baked in the New England tradition.' // Labels...
25) 0729.0031 [Nissen Ad]
Date from edge code on film. // Nissen Bread advertisement/commercial. Animated footage of boy eating slice of bread. Soundtrack: 'baked in the New England tradition.' // Labels...
16) 0729.0043 ['Seagull' Arrives in South Portland]
Boat in water, Navy boat arriving at dock, 'Maine Vocational-Technical Institute' banner, footage onboard ship of crew. // Label on film: '7/4/60 'Seagull' arrives in South Port...
15) 0729.0045 [Muskie on Sugar Beet Refinery Opening]
Senator Edmund Muskie at desk discusses opening of sugar beet refinery in Aroostook. Acreage allotment awarded by Department of Agriculture. Mentions Great Western Sugar Beet Co...
13) 0729.0046 [Bowdoin Student Protest]
Interview with student about fraternity council protest at Bowdoin College. School official talks about demonstration, protest against the school's social rules.
7) 0729.0047 [Sebago Salmon Tagging]
Interview with fisherman about marking/tagging salmon in Sebago Lake. Footage of people marking fish, clipping fins off, fish in tank. Short unrelated shot of man holding small ...
22) 0729.0048 [HOPE Bargain Center]
Reporter on street in Bath talks about H.O.P.E. (Help Other People Equally) project at bargain center run by Jean Hudson, benefits low-income people. Footage of store with cloth...
31) 0729.0049 [Speaker]
Auditorium, man speaking at podium, people in audience, man raises hand. // Label on film: '11pm 10-Sept-68.'
10) 0729.0050 [Police Department Interview]
Interview with unidentified man about space needed for police department, will be leaving his post. // Label on film: '11pm 10-Sept-68.'
27) 0729.0051 [Pollution Controls]
// Label on film: 'Sat Sept 21 - 6pm News'. // 1968 date code on film.;Interview with unidentified man attempting to control/limit pollution, mentions Jim Prentice, manager of Oxford Paper Company mill in Rumford, believes industry wants to become ...
4) 0729.0052 [Meeting]
Meeting of men seated around tables. // Label on film: 'Sat Sept 21 - 6pm News.' // 1967 date code on film, but item was on reel with 0729.0051, so is likely 1968 at earliest.
5) 0729.0054 [Baseball Player Interview]
Date from edge code on film. // Interview with unidentified man who has signed contract to play baseball for the Boston Red Sox. Was pitcher in college, discusses his college ca...
6) 0729.0055 [Hildreth on Ocean Industry]
Date from edge code on film. // Interview with Horace Hildreth. Discusses bill relating to oceanography and ocean industry, bi-state program with New Hampshire. 'Mr. Beck' speak...
36) 0729.0061 [Miscellaneous Outtake Footage]
Item consists of miscellaneous assortment of scraps/outtake footage, all are very brief segments. Box of lobsters being loaded onto airplane (1964 date code). People boarding NE...
32) 0729.0063 [Portland Scenes]
Building in Portland; Ballantine Beer sign; early-mid 1960s; tape label: 'Portland Stock Shots'
31) 0729.0064 [Munjoy Hill Slum Clearance]
Corner of Moody Street and Beckett in Munjoy Hill in Portland; building being gutted, street in snow, empty buildings, broken windows; early-mid 1960s; tape label: 'Slum Clearan...
22) 0729.0065 [Portland Scenes]
Footage of houses in Portland; freight train with Maine Medical Center in background; Portland city bus; B&M Bean factory/plant; construction equipment; school (Deering High Sch...
4) 0729.0066 [Car Driving on Runway]
Car interior; car driving down airport runway at Portland Jetport; man talks about concerns of planes taking off and landing for a nearby center; Portland Press Herald writer Do...
5) 0729.0067 [Rescue Interview]
Interview with sailor who dove underwater to rescue someone; (naval?) officer also interviewed
27) 0729.0068 [Depositor's Trust Ads]
Depositor's Trust Company advertisement/commercial; drawings/cartoons of men intercut with text; still drawings, not animated; item consists of two ads: 'It Takes Money To Make ...
22) 0729.0069 [Staff Quality Kitchens]
Raw/outtake (?) footage for Staff Quality Kitchens advertisement/commercial; 'Staff Quality Kitchens Tested Products' truck; repeated shots of truck backing towards camera at ni...
23) 0729.0070 [Maine Milk]
Raw/outtake (?) footage for advertisement/commercial; textbooks, person writing, pitcher of milk poured into glass, plate of cookies; tape label: 'Maine Milk Schoolwork'; same f...
24) 0729.0071 [McDonald's]
Raw/outtakefootage for advertisement/commercial; interior footage of McDonald's Restaurant, footage of workers taken from behind the counter
23) 0729.0072 [McDonald's]
Raw/outtakefootage for advertisement/commercial; interior footage of McDonald's Restaurant, meat cooking, hamburgers prepared, workers behind the counter
11) 0729.0073 [Maine Milk]
Raw/outtake (?) footage for advertisement/commercial; pitcher of milk poured into glass, hand writing; same footage found in items 0729.0069 and 0729.0070
15) 0729.0077 [Pape Chevrolet Ad]
Raw footage for Pape Chevrolet car dealer advertisement/commercial; exterior of building; tape label: 'Unused Pape'
16) 0729.0078 [Marcotte Chevrolet Ad]
Raw footage for Marcotte Chevrolet car dealer advertisement/commercial; footage of Marcotte Chevrolet exterior, trucks in lot, cars being painted in garage, service counter; Mar...
17) 0729.0083 [Staley Chevrolet Ad]
Raw footage for Staley Chevrolet car dealer advertisement/commercial; footage of trucks in lot, exterior of Staley Chevrolet building, inspection equipment in garage; also see i...
5) 0729.0090 [Minuteman Carwash Ad]
Raw/outtake footage for Minuteman Carwash commercial/advertisement; car going through various cleaning stages in carwash, footage from both inside and outside car; tape label: '...
29) 0729.0091 [Minuteman Carwash Ad]
Raw/outtake footage for Minuteman Carwash commercial/advertisement; miscellaneous carwash footage; tape label: 'Unused Minute Man'; also see items 0729.0090 and 0729.0092
32) 0729.0092 [Minuteman Carwash Ad]
Raw/outtake footage for Minuteman Carwash commercial/advertisement; miscellaneous carwash footage; tape label: 'Unused Minute Man Car Wash'; also see items 0729.0090 and 0729.0091
1) 0729.0093 [Hospital]
Hospital exterior, newspaper press; tape label: 'Water #1 Hospital'; possibly in Waterville?
36) 0729.0094 [Waterville Scenes]
'Welcome to Waterville' sign, downtown footage, shopping center, school construction, newspaper press; tape label: 'Waterville #2 Schools'
1) 0729.0095 [Gray Garage Ad]
Raw/outtake footage for Gray Garage advertisement/commercial; men beside car at 'Gray Garage'; 'The Sporty Ones!' sign; tape label: 'Xtra Gray'
34) 0729.0096 [Andover College]
Women typing at trade/secretarial school, woman with headset on, tape players/recorders rolling, students in classroom at lecture, sorting machine/copier; tape label: 'Andover W...
34) 0729.0097 [Story Mobile]
Report on 'Story Mobile', traveling library truck; concept being introduced to new areas of the country in attempt to encourage children to read and use libraries; tape label: '...
30) 0729.0098 [New Hampshire Promotional Ad Outtakes]
Skiers skiing, dog-sledding in woods, horse riding in snow, snowmobiles, chairlifts and kids skiing, ski instructors teaching children, nightclub dancing, promotional advertisem...
1) 0729.0099 [United States Navy Ad]
Advertisement/commercial for the United States Navy; exterior and interior footage of USS Constitution ship, cannons, masts
25) 0780.0029 [Sawyer--home movies] Reel 029
NHF cataloguer's notes as follows (box/reel notes in quotes, reel numbers are NHF-assigned). Reel 29: 'Sugarloaf family skiing ; April 1960'. Length: 1:20. col.;Family skiing and going up t-bar.
5) 0782 Potato Eaters
'The story of the extraordinary journey of the Irish potato from the Peruvian Andes to Ireland and the United States; with scenes of primitive agriculture in Peru, the Irish pot...
19) 0783.0001 [Roy Cannon--home movies] Reel 1
Film box addressed to Roy Cannon. Originally owned by Norma J. Brindel Weiss's mother. Original filmmaker unknown.
5) 0789.0004 [Pre-match training for Liston-Ali fight] Reel 4
Reel 4: Pre-match training at Poland Spring Hotel, Poland Spring, Maine, for Sonny Liston - Muhammad Ali boxing match that was held in Lewiston, Maine (May 1965).;[Silent] Airplane taxis. Sony Liston and his wife Geraldine Liston get off the plane and greet people on the tarmac. They leave the airport through a crowd of fans. [Sound] S...
8) 0789.0005 [Pre-match weigh-in for Liston-Ali fight] Reel 5
Reel 5: Unrelated interview with a doctor about the Olympics in Mexico followed by Weigh-in for Sonny Liston - Muhammad Ali [Cassius Clay] boxing match that was held in Lewiston...;[Sound] Interview with a doctor about a sickness that someone might catch while traveling to Mexico, and about the Olympics. [Silent] Police wait by a door as people arrive and...
9) 0789.0015 [Pre-match weigh-in for Liston-Ali fight] Reel 15
Reel 15: Reporters set up and fighters weigh-in for Sonny Liston - Muhammad Ali boxing match that was held in Lewiston, Maine (May 1965). Reels 4, 5, 15-18, 27, 28 and 31 all re...;[Silent] News cameras set up for the Sonny Liston-Ali fight. Scan of reporters. Cut to men driving in a car. Drive through a crowd of people pushing up on the windows. Insid...
2) 0789.0016 [Pre-match weigh-in for Liston-Ali fight] Reel 16
Reel 15: Colby hockey and swim teams and an interview with a football player. Footage from the weigh-in for Sonny Liston - Muhammad Ali boxing match that was held in Lewiston, ...;[Silent] Camera pans across the Colby Hockey team. Swimmers on the side of the pool and in the water. Swimmer presented with a trophy and the team jumps in the pool. [Sound] ...
1) 0789.0017 [Pre-match interviews for Liston-Ali fight] Reel 17
Reel 17: Pre-match interviews at the Poland Spring Hotel, Central Maine Youth Center, and with Governor Reed about the Sonny Liston - Muhammad Ali boxing match that was held in...;[Sound] Interview with a man about why the Central Maine Youth Center in Lewiston was chosen for the Liston-Ali fight, preparations and ticketing information, and Sonny Liston t...
33) 0789.0018 [Pre-match footage for Liston-Ali fight] Reel 18
Reel 18: Pre-match doctor visits and signing contracts for Sonny Liston - Muhammad Ali boxing match that was held in Lewiston, Maine (May 1965). Reels 4, 5, 15-18, 27, 28 and 31...;[Silent] Sonny Liston and Muhammad Ali sign pre-match contract and shake hands. B-roll of the room (in Logan Airport hotel?) Muhammad Ali shows his belt to the press. Ali and...
34) 0789.0027 [Louis, Walcott, and Braddock visit the Maine State House] Reel 27
Reel 27: Boxers Joe Louis, "Jersey" Joe Walcott, and James Braddock visit the Maine State House and then answer questions from the media about boxing and the upcoming Sonny List...;[Silent] Boxers Joe Louis, "Jersey" Joe Walcott, and James Braddock walk into Maine State House. Greeted by the congress, then go to meet the Governor. [Sound] Interview with ...
14) 0789.0028 [Pre-match interviews with sports writers about Liston-Ali fight] Reel 28
Reel 28: Interviews with sports writers at the Pre-match training at Poland Spring Hotel, Poland Spring, Maine, for Sonny Liston - Muhammad Ali boxing match that was held in Lew...;[Silent] Crowd at the Sonny Liston Muhammad Ali fight. Ali jumping around the ring in his robe before the fight. Liston and Ali weigh in. [Sound, lots of static] Interview wi...
36) 0789.0031 [Pre-match interviews with sports writers about Liston-Ali fight] Reel 31
Reel 31: Interview with sports writers about the upcoming Sonny Liston - Muhammad Ali boxing match that was held in Lewiston, Maine (May 1965). Reels 4, 5, 15-18, 27, 28 and 31 ...;Interview with a man about Maine boxing history, Mysterious Billy Smith, and the Sonny Liston-Mohammad Ali fight. Interview with other men about their predictions for the fight...
9) 0791.0001 Preservation of the Maine Environment
Narrated by Gary Merrill, shows the Environmental Protection Agency cleaning up Maine rivers and streams. Discusses the importance of screening new industries coming into Maine.
19) 0791.0002 Downeast Ringneck
1962 edge code on film. // State film about pheasant conservation and state hunting management areas. Footage of pheasant hatchery, eggs and chicks, and explanation of hatchery ...
11) 0791.0005 Distinguished Visitors: An Interview with William Kienbusch
Artist William Kienbusch talks with Vincent Hartgen, head of Univ. of Maine's art department on problems facing the state in getting more and varied art to the population, also ...
21) 0791.PC1 Distinguished Visitors: An Interview with Jan Peerce
One of the world's great operatic tenors, Jan Peerce, talks with Robert Godwin, head of Univ. of Maine's music dept. on problems of music education nationally and statewide incl...
29) 0791.PC2 Distinguished Visitors: An Interview with R. Buckminster Fuller
World-renowned engineer, architect, designer, inventor. Topics discussed include history of Maine commerce, transportation on a global scale, air travel.
1) 0791.PC3 Distinguished Visitors: An Interview with James Russell Wiggins
Former editor and executive vice president of the Washington Post speaks with Brooks Hamilton, head of Univ. of Maine dept. of journalism. Discuss the role of the small town new...;Brooks Hamilton asks James Russell Wiggins about the comparison of Wiggins 1920s weekly newspaper ownership of the Rock County Star and the Ellsworth American he currently owns....
18) 0791.PC6 Our Magic Land
Relationship between soil and other resources of forests, wildlife and water. Story told to a group of young people.
17) 0791.PC7 Distinguished Visitors: An Interview with Harold Russell
Chairman of the President's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped and Academy Award winner for the film 'The Best Years of Our Lives.' Problems of prejudice, placement and ...
27) 0791.PC8 Distinguished Visitors: An Interview with Barry Goldwater
Barry Goldwater speaks about problems common to Maine and his own Arizona, including abandoned airbase usage, water control and Indian affairs. He also discusses his 1964 bid fo...
26) 0806.0001 [John Murphy--home movies] Tape 1
NHF notes, 1991: Tape 1 contents (no clear divisions between 'reels' on the tape): Reel 1A Maine 1941-1953. Reel 1B: J.H. Murphy & Assoc. spring 1957 to December 1958. Reel 1C: ...
35) 0806.0002 [John Murphy--home movies] Tape 2
NHF notes, 1991: Tape 2 contents (no clear divisions between 'reels' on the tape): Reel 2A: Spring 1960 to Fall 1960. Reel 2B: Nov 1960 to Dec 1961. Reel 2C: Winter 1962 to Fall...
7) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
26) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
7) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
3) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
5) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
12) 0813 Cold Water All, Shopping Cart Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
14) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
31) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
35) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
24) 0813 Toby Anderson on truck tax
No description available
22) 0813 Tapley statement
No description available
34) 0813 Mad money cottage
No description available
3) 0813 Highways
No description available
34) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
25) 0813 Pepsodent, Volleyball Box 1
Advertisement (commercial). box also says CW All Power
33) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
10) 0813 Hillbillies/Green Acres
No description available
17) 0813 Pan Portland Roof
No description available
15) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
1) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
7) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
4) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
5) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
14) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
8) 0813 Metro Mail report
No description available
16) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
30) 0813 [George Hunter Interview]
See Coll. Folder for more information. Short interview by Charles Tarkenson of George Hunter who was a State Legislator from Durham. Mr. Palmquist was the State House reporter f...
30) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
9) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
29) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
28) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
32) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
36) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
24) 0813 Harry Richardson
No description available
33) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
26) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
23) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
1) 0813 Cold Water All Powder, Switch Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
32) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
23) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
36) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
34) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
10) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
28) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
6) 0813 Abortion Hearing, Nun [not used]
No description available
5) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
11) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
8) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
11) 0813 Kellogg, Cornflakes, Champion Box 1
Advertisement (commercial).
13) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
6) 0813 Advanced All, Raspberry Tank Box 1
Advertisement (commercial). box also says 'Dove Liquid'
6) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
19) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
15) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
8) 0813 Nautilus ready again
No description available
33) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
31) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
20) 0813 Drive, Bar-B-Que Box 1
Advertisement (commercial). Lever Bros.
1) 0813 CMP gets chopper
No description available
21) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
15) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
29) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
8) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
8) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
3) 0813 U.S.S. Missouri
No description available
20) 0813 Wrestling
No description available
15) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
17) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
31) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
24) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
15) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
19) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
19) 0813 Mayor Lemieux
No description available
28) 0813 Chicken barbecue scenes and Clough
No description available
3) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
18) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
29) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
33) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
4) 0813 [untitled]
No description available
8) 0813.0004 [Ern Westmore's Tips and Tricks] Reel 1
Contents of NHF Reel 1: 2. How to curl your hair 6. Finding proportions of your face 7. Household chore exercises 9. How to select a proper hat 11. How to attain correct posture...
24) 0813.0005 [Ern Westmore's Tips and Tricks] Reel 2
Contents of NHF Reel 2: 29. Makeup do's and dont's for the round face 30. Choosing eyeglass frames 34. Know your figure type and measurements 37. The right base for your skin ty...
23) 0813.0006 [Ern Westmore's Tips and Tricks] Reel 3
Contents of NHF Reel 3: 62. How to prevent and get rid of wrinkles 63. How to pick the right shoe for your foot 64. The right hairstyle for your head and profile 65. How to stic...
11) 0813.0008 [Ern Westmore's Tips and Tricks] Reel 4
Contents of NHF Reel 4: 77. Handling problem hair 78. How to keep eyes bright and beautiful 79. Temporary face lifts 80. Belt do's and dont's 81. How to make hair shine easy to ...
21) 0813.0009 [Ern Westmore's Tips and Tricks] Reel 5
Contents of NHF Reel 5: 92. Makeup hair fashion for the oblong face 93. Tips for deep set eyes and dark circles 94. Aging gracefully (mature allure) 95. Importance of cleanlines...
13) 0813.0010 [Ern Westmore's Tips and Tricks] Reels 6 and 6A
Contents of NHF Reel 6: 112. Tricks for lovelier lips 113. Setting your hair with rollers 117. How to make your legs look shapelier instantly 120. How to make your hands look lo...
9) 0813.0321 Wadsworth Statement
News story dated 01-04-60.
25) 0813.0322 Dr. Winthrop C. Libby
News story dated 01-11-60.
23) 0813.0323 Anna Owens
News story dated 02-12-60.
13) 0813.0324 Metro Mail Report
News story dated 02-12-60.
8) 0813.0325 Nick Pitarys Rescue
News story dated 02-16-60.
24) 0813.0326 'State of Maine' Returns
News story dated 02-16-60. 'State of Maine' ship.
31) 0813.0328 Garrett Visits Portland
News story dated 05-21-60.
31) 0813.0328 Dr. John Milazzo
News story dated 05-16-60.
22) 0813.0329 Bates Campus
News story dated 05-17-60. Original label says STOCK: Bates Campus
110) 0813.0330 Mariner, Herbert [Cape Elizabeth Fire and Police Departments]
News story dated 05-17-60.
34) 0813.0331 Brown, Linwood: Child Welfare
News story dated 05-25-60.
4) 0813.0332 McMabol, Re-elected
News story dated 05-26-60.
26) 0813.0333 Leavitt, F. Herbert
News story dated 06-10-60.
1) 0813.0334 Allen, Lloyd K.
News story dated 06-14-60.
145) 0813.0335 Greenberg, Maurice
News story dated 06-24-60.
3) 0813.0336 KC27 Air Crash
News story dated 06-28-60. Aerial view.
20) 0813.0337 Cousins Island Dock Squabble
News story dated 06-29-60.
20) 0813.0338 Muskie, [Edmund S.]: Democratic Convention
News story dated 07-13-60.
27) 0813.0339 Anderson, Toby: For Truck Owners
News story dated 07-27-60.
20) 0813.0340 Maine Delegation at Convention
News story dated 07-28-60.
8) 0813.0341 Merrill, Herbert Honored
News story dated 08-03-60.
9) 0813.0342 Nautilus [Submarine] Ready Again
News story dated 08-11-60. Submarine at sea.
123) 0813.0343 Studio 13: Canadian Business
News story dated 08-19-60. [Kindergarten?]
22) 0813.0344 Bernstein Sworn In
News story dated 09-01-60.
12) 0813.0345 Schools Open Tomorrow
News story dated 09-06-60.
19) 0813.0346 Sub 'Jack' Keel Laying
News story dated 09-19-60. Submarine.
14) 0813.0347 Dr. Blewitt Convocation Talk
News story dated 09-28-60.
31) 0813.0348 Sgt. Rouhey Retires
News story dated 09-30-60.
16) 0813.0349 Welsh, William Harper
News story dated 10-04-60.
16) 0813.0350 Bruns on Fire Prevention
News story dated 10-10-60.
18) 0813.0351 Cope: New Lights for Portland
News story dated 10-10-60.
1) 0813.0352 Mayer Lemieux
News story dated 10-11-60.
13) 0813.0353 Cormier at Westbrook Junior College
News story dated 10-12-60.
12) 0813.0354 Brunswick Highway Construction
News story dated 11-21-60. Road construction on Route 1 beside Fort Andross.
11) 0813.0355 C.M.P. Gets Chopper
News story dated 11-21-60. Central Maine Power helicopter; two men taking a test flight.
23) 0813.0356 Waynefleet [School] Kids Sing
News story dated 11-23-60.
24) 0813.0357 Sheldon Warning
News story dated 11-25-60. About consumer fraud at Christmas season.
35) 0813.0358 Hunting Season Ending
News story dated 11-29-60. Six or eight hunters walking through woods.
32) 0813.0359 Sanford High [School] Gets Engine
News story dated 12-08-60. Industrial Arts class.
27) 0813.0360 George Nasson Day Scholars
News story dated 12-09-60. Industrial Arts class.
9) 0813.0361 Bucknam with New Plan for Rearing Pheasants
News story dated 01-06-61. Men and dogs hunting.
29) 0813.0362 Lee Weeks to get Shelter
News story dated 01-13-61.
30) 0813.0363 John A. Smell
News story dated 01-17-61.
11) 0813.0364 Portland Smog
News story dated 01-17-61.
1) 0813.0365 GATCH Presents Film
News story dated 02-01-61.
16) 0813.0366 Toby Anderson on Plan
News story dated 02-02-61. Railroads and truckers should cooperate.
34) 0813.0367 [Battleship Maine Ceremony]
News story dated 02/15/61.
34) 0813.0368 Sam Connor on Traffic
News story dated 02-17-61.
36) 0813.0369 Toby Anderson on Truck Tax
News story dated 03-01-61. About J.F. Kennedy's new road tax bill.
10) 0813.0370 Benjamin Bullman
News story dated 03-01-61. First dollar-a-year man to work at city hall.
2) 0813.0371 Winter Storm Footage
News story dated 03-14-60 and 03-14-61. Cars, children, accidents.
21) 0813.0372 U.S. Trade Com. on the Importance of Passing Bill
News story dated 03-14-61. The Trade Extension Act.
29) 0813.0373 [Vietnam War Footage]
Army advisors and ARVN army capture Viet Cong. // U.S. and South Vietnamese troops standing beside captured Viet Cong. Also footage from and beside large Sikorsky-type helicopte...
5) 0813.0374 [Alpine Skiing Contest]
News story dated 03-14-61.
5) 0813.0375 Tapley Statement
News story dated 05-01-61. What America means to us.
7) 0813.0376 Chester Abbott
News story dated 05-01-61. Interview at Portland Chamber of Commerce.
8) 0813.0377 British Fleet to Kuwait
News story dated 07-03-61. Aircraft carrier and battle ships.
9) 0813.0378 [Winter Storm Footage]
News story dated 03-13-62. Flooded streets, trees down, roofs collapsed.
23) 0813.0379 [Portland City Councilor Complains about Snowplowing Coverage]
News story dated 03-13-62.
28) 0813.0381 Bowdoin Students Feature
News story dated 12-16-64. Christmas Nativity pageant scenes.
20) 0813.0382 [Portland Airport First Jet Runway in Final Stages]
News story dated 03-16-67.
14) 0813.0383 [Boys Lacrosse Game]
News story dated 03-16-67.
36) 0813.0384 [Town Meeting]
News story dated 08-0-67.
16) 0813.0385 [Wallace Campaign Drive in Maine]
News story dated 08-01-67.
17) 0813.0386 Little League Title
News story dated 08-05-67. Baseball game.
34) 0813.0388 [Housing Code for City of Portland]
News story dated 01-15-68.
20) 0813.0389 [Book Signing for Cooking Down East]
News story dated 01-15-68.
21) 0813.0390 [Lack of Support For Senator McCarthy in Maine]
News story dated 05-19-68.
22) 0813.0391 [Edmund S. Muskie]
News story dated 05-19-68.
23) 0813.0392 [Fairchild Semiconductor, Bus Loads of People]
News story dated 05-19-68.
14) 0813.0393 Puppies Rescued from Junk Car
News story dated 05-19-68.
21) 0813.0394 Strike
News story dated 06-03-68.
7) 0813.0396 S.D. Warren [Paper Company] Offers Solution to Foul Odor in Air
News story dated 06-03-68.
30) 0813.0397 [Proposal for the Enactment of Fluoridation]
News story dated 06-03-68.
29) 0813.0398 Track Meet
News story dated 06-03-68. Running, jumping, pole vaulting, discus throwing.
3) 0813.0399 [Interview at Airport]
News story dated 06-07-68. Refers to someone important who has died; not named.
31) 0813.0400 [Interview at Airport]
News story dated 06-07-68.
12) 0813.0401 [Portland-South Portland Bridge Under Repair]
News story dated 06-07-68. View from underneath bridge.
33) 0813.0402 [Maine Beef Farmers]
News story dated 06-07-68. Maine beef farmers are trucking beef out of state to increase prices. Interview at shipping yard.
10) 0813.0403 [Voting Day]
News story dated 06-17-68.
35) 0813.0404 [Foreign Dignitaries Looking at WGAN Weather Map]
News story dated 06-17-68.
33) 0813.0405 [Single Engine Plane Drops Flour Bombs]
News story dated 06-17-68. Small single engine plane takes off and drops flour bombs at target.
1) 0813.0406 Army Exhibit Van in Portland
News story dated 06-17-68.
2) 0813.0407 [Playground from Parking Lot]
News story dated 06-17-68. Small parking lot turned into playground.
10) 0813.0408 Rocky at Airport
News story dated 06-24-68. Rockefeller lands at Portland, campaigning for president.
20) 0813.0409 [Pres. Johnson's New Tax Increase Plan Becomes Law]
News story dated 06-30-68.
5) 0813.0410 [Interview with Miss Vermont]
News story dated 06-30-68.
22) 0813.0411 View of Clock Tower and People Dressed as Quakers
News story dated 06-30-68.
7) 0813.0412 [Boy Rescued from Boat in Lake by Portland Fire Dept.
News story dated 07-05-68.
4) 0813.0413 [USCG Acushnet Docked at Portland
News story dated 07-05-68. United States Coast Guard vessel Acushnet.
9) 0813.0414 [Airlines]
News story dated 07-05-68.
23) 0813.0415 [Men in Room Receive Tactical Training]
News story dated 07-07-68.
22) 0813.0416 [Windjammer Days at Boothbay Harbor]
News story dated 07-07-68.
6) 0813.0417 [Frank Fixarus Interviews Boxing Editor of Police Gazette]
News story dated 07-07-68.
1) 0813.0418 [Police Transport Arsonist from Jail]
News story dated 07-11-68. Police transport arsonist; view of fire damage.
14) 0813.0419 [Pipeline Being Laid Across Countryside]
News story dated 07-11-68.
15) 0813.0420 [Men's Softball Game]
News story dated 07-11-68.
16) 0813.0421 National GOP Convention is Having Phones Installed
News story dated 08-03-68. Republican National Convention, Chicago.
16) 0813.0422 [Falmouth's 250th Birthday Celebration and Firemen's Muster]
News story dated 08-03-68.
30) 0813.0423 [Rockland Fire Department]
News story dated 08-03-68. View inside and Fire Chief riding in ladder truck.
19) 0813.0424 [Weitz on Space Program]
News story dated 08-08-68.
36) 0813.0425 [Fire Fighters at Brunswick Naval Air Station]
News story dated 08-09-68. Fire fighters demonstrate how to put out fires.
21) 0813.0426 [Coast Guard's Role in Stopping Harbor Pollution]
News story dated 08-09-68.
22) 0813.0427 [Reporter at Freeport Harbor Talks About Boat Tax]
News story dated 08-09-68.
5) 0813.0428 [Naval Officers Arrive at Installation]
News story dated 08-09-68.
24) 0813.0429 [South Portland Police Chief Talks About Drug Abuse]
News story dated 08-09-68.
5) 0813.0430 [Peaks Island Residents Host International Families]
News story dated 08-10-68.
7) 0813.0431 [Peaks Island Residents Host International Families]
News story dated 08-10-68.
36) 0813.0432 [Portland International Airport Manager Interview]
News story dated 08-12-68. Interview in control tower about operating problems.
28) 0813.0433 [Skeet Shooting Competition]
News story dated 08-12-68.
4) 0813.0434 [Portland Fire Department Deals with Gas or Chemical Leak]
News story dated 08-14-68.
8) 0813.0436 S.D. Warren Company
News story dated 08-14-68. Paper company's disposal of pulp waste.
14) 0813.0437 [Lion's Club Carnival]
News story dated 08-20-68.
36) 0813.0438 [State Police Receive First Radar Speed Detector]
News story dated 08-22-68. Interview with Mashall, inventor of radar device.
14) 0813.0439 [Road Construction to Crescent Beach State Park, Scarborough]
News story dated 08-22-68.
11) 0813.0440 [Frank Fixaris Hockey Interview]
News story dated 08/22/68. Fixaris interviews team owner or manager.
21) 0813.0441 [Brunswick Naval Air Station Parachuting Interview]
News story dated 08-24-68. Reporter interviews sergeant.
1) 0813.0442 [Sheriffs Department Search for Body in Lake]
News story dated 08-27-68. Troopers search for and find body in lake.
31) 0813.0443 [Portland Fire Chief on Outbreak of False Alarms]
News story dated 08-27-68.
10) 0813.0444 [New England Telephone Company Strike]
News story dated 08-31-68. Mr. Norton and unidentified man discuss settlement of strike.
4) 0813.0445 [Navy Helicopter Takes Off to Search for Missing Person]
News story dated 09-23-68.
28) 0813.0446 [Highway Commissioner On Financial Problems]
News story dated 09-23-68.
36) 0813.0447 [Reporter on First District Congressional Candidates Debate]
News story dated 09-23-68. Reporter talks about first district candidates debate at Thornton Academy.
7) 0813.0448 [Boats Search River]
News story dated 09-24-68.
15) 0813.0449 [Portland Canine Control]
News story dated 09-24-68.
9) 0813.0450 [Saturn Rocket and Bird in Cage]
News story dated 09-24-68. Man with bird in cage holds picture of Saturn rocket from U.S. space program.
10) 0813.0451 [Wrestler Interview]
News story dated 09-24-68. Frank Fixaris Interviews unknown wrestler.
9) 0813.0452 [Youth Boxing Tournament]
News story dated 09-24-68.
15) 0813.0453 [City of Portland Official on Airport]
News story dated 10/01/1968. // Portland city official gives reasons why Portland should continue to operate airport.
13) 0813.0454 [Boxer Interview]
News story dated 10-01-68. Frank Fixaris interviews unidentified boxer.
14) 0813.0455 [Day of Atonement]
News story dated 10-01-68. Person talks about Day of Atonement and goals.
18) 0813.0456 [Traffic Accident at Night]
News story dated 10-01-68. Serious traffic accident.
16) 0813.0457 [Cumberland Police Chief on Patrolling Routes 26 and 100]
News story dated 10-01-68. Police chief talks about not being able to patrol routes 26 and 100.
33) 0813.0458 [Foreign Trade Zone in Portland]
News story dated 10-02-68. Reporter interviews man at location of Portland's new Foreign Trade Zone.
34) 0813.0459 [Portland City Council Race]
News story dated 10-02-68. Reporter talks about Portland City Council race outside Portland City Hall.
14) 0813.0460 [Portland Airport Finances]
News story dated 10-02-68. Man talks about present and future financial status of Portland Airport.
13) 0813.0461 [Children in Court Room]
News story dated 10-06-68.
21) 0813.0462 [Maine Municipal Association, Ken Curtis Keynote Speaker]
News story dated 10-16-68.
11) 0813.0463 [Comment on Nixon's Refusal to Debate Humphrey]
News story dated 10-16-68. Man comments on Richard Nixon's refusal to debate Hubert Humphrey in presidential race.
10) 0813.0464 [Lecture]
News story dated 10-16-68. Man gives lecture to room full of people.
445) 0813.0465 [Communist Party Activist Talks to College Students]
News story dated 10-16-68.
25) 0813.0466 [Grand Prix Road Racing in Maine]
News story dated 10-16-68.
7) 0813.0467 [Men in Meeting Room]
News story dated 10-17-68.
7) 0813.0468 [U.S. Postal Service Official Greets Workers and Gives Awards]
News story dated 10-17-68.
30) 0813.0471 [Discussion of China's Admission to the United Nations]
News story dated 10-20-68. Man speaks to room full of people about admitting China to the United Nations.
2) 0813.0472 [Problems with Shopping Center in South Portland]
News story dated 10-20-68. Man talks about problems shopping center creates in South Portland.
1) 0813.0473 [Large Public Hearing]
News story dated 10-22-68.
36) 0813.0474 [Curtis Supports Muskie]
News story dated 10-22-68. Governor Ken Curtis supports Edmund S. Muskie's candidacy.
33) 0813.0475 [Maine Laws and Marijuana]
News story dated 10-22-68. State official talks about state laws and marijuana.
15) 0813.0476 [High School Track Meet, Cross Country]
News story dated 10-22-68.
96) 0813.0477 [High School Football Game]
News story dated 10-22-68.
1) 0813.0478 [Portland Summer Boat Yard Project]
News story dated 10-25-68. Man talks about summer boat yard project for youths in Portland.
33) 0813.0479 [Portland Summer Boat Yard Project]
News story dated 10-25-68. Man talks about summer boat yard project for youths in Portland, continued.
3) 0813.0480 [Police Chief Murphy on Speeding]
News story dated 10-25-68.
4) 0813.0481 [Trick or Treaters' Safety]
News story dated 10-25-68. Fire department talk about safety for Halloween trick or treaters.
28) 0813.0482 [Professional Boxing Match]
News story dated 10-25-68.
22) 0813.0483 [View of Forest from Plane]
News story dated 10-26-68.
23) 0813.0484 [Muskie Leaves on Eastern Airlines from Portland Airport]
News story dated 10-26-68. Edmund S. Muskie leaves from Portland Airport.
25) 0813.0485 [Ken Curtis Reviews Maine Postage Stamp Entries]
News story dated 10-26-68. Ken Curtis and another man look at final entries for Maine postage stamp.
9) 0813.0486 [Ken Curtis at South Portland Democratic Headquarters]
News story dated 10-26-68.
23) 0813.0487 Danny Kaye Talks about UNICEF
News story dated 10-28-68. National public service announcement for Halloween.
21) 0813.0488 [Cement Boat]
News story dated 10-28-68. Man talks about cement boat and other models available.
32) 0813.0489 [High School Football]
News story dated 10-28-68.
29) 0813.0490 [Ferry Terminal to Yarmouth, Nova Scotia]
News story dated 10-29-68. Men talk about renewed interest in Maine for a Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, ferry terminal.
113) 0813.0491 [Youth Training Program]
News story dated 10-29-68. Man talks about inefficiency of youth training program.
15) 0813.0492 [Public Hearing]
News story dated 10-29-68.
16) 0813.0493 [Children's Subsidy]
News story dated 10-31-68. Reporter talks about subsidy allowance of $25 for children living in Portland West.
16) 0813.0494 [Election Coverage Computers]
News story dated 10-31-68. Reporter describes how Newsbeat 13 will handle election coverage using Casco Bank computers.
32) 0813.0495 [Children Trick or Treating]
News story dated 10-31-68.
5) 0813.0496 [Dutch Elm Disease in Westbrook]
News story dated 11-01-68. Report on Dutch Elm Disease killing trees in Westbrook. Men cutting down trees in background.
20) 0813.0497 [Men Constructing Steel Building]
News story dated 11-01-68.
9) 0813.0498 [School Teacher]
News story dated 11-01-68. Reporter interviews M.M.C. school teacher.
30) 0813.0499 [Professional Boxing Match]
News story dated 11-01-68.
12) 0813.0500 [Muskie Does a TV Spot]
News story dated 11-02-68. Edmund Muskie goes to a waterfront residence to record a TV spot.
26) 0813.0501 [Bath Iron Works Launches C.V. Stag Hound]
News story dated 11-02-68.
30) 0813.0502 [Portland Theater]
News story dated 11-02-68. Reporter interviews man about Portland Theater.
26) 0813.0503 [Milestone at Old Orchard]
News story dated 11-02-68. Man talks about the success of Milestone at Old Orchard.
7) 0813.0504 [Muskie Election Day Speech]
News story dated 11-06-68. Edmund Muskie back in Maine election day speech.
30) 0813.0505 [National Election]
News story dated 11-06-68. Man talks about national election.
9) 0813.0506 [Dickey-Lincoln Dam Project and Kittery Shipyard]
News story dated 11-09-68. Peter Kyros talks about Dickey-Lincoln project and Portsmouth / Kittery shipyard.
13) 0813.0507 [Toy Gun Disarmament]
News story dated 11-09-68. Reporters talks with representative from ad hoc committee for toy gun disarmament.
2) 0813.0508 [Ken Curtis on School Subsidies]
News story dated 11-12-68.
12) 0813.0509 [Winter Storm Footage, Accidents]
News story dated 11-12-68. Accidents, people and roads.
33) 0813.0510 [Nurses on Medical Convention]
News story dated 11-13-68. Reporter talks to two nurses about upcoming medical convention.
34) 0813.0511 [Portland Fire Chief on Winter Heating]
News story dated 11-13-68.
32) 0813.0512 [Concert]
News story dated 11-13-68.
36) 0813.0513 [High School Football Game]
News story dated 11-13-68.
17) 0813.0514 [Frank Fixaris Interviews Boxer]
News story dated 11-13-68.
34) 0813.0515 [Ken Curtis Talks about Bond Issue Passed for Bath Iron Works]
News story dated 11-15-68.
30) 0813.0516 [Reporter Interviews Woman Employee of Maine Central Railroad]
News story dated 11-15-68.
29) 0813.0517 [Men and Women in Meeting Room]
News story dated 11-15-68.
6) 0813.0519 [Professional Boxing Match, Two White Men]
News story dated 11-15-68.
8) 0813.0521 [Adults and Children Moving Used Toys Out of Storage Building]
News story dated 11-23-68.
24) 0813.0523 [Interview with Portland City Manager about Finances]
News story dated 12-04-68.
34) 0813.0524 [Men Talk about Housing Needs in South Portland]
News story dated 12-04-68.
27) 0813.0525 [Navy Ship Anchored]
News story dated 12-04-68.
14) 0813.0527 [George Mitchell Talks about Removing the Electoral Vote]
News story dated 12-05-68.
35) 0813.0530 [Basketball Game, Bowdoin vs. New Hampshire]
News story dated 12-05-68.
32) 0813.0531 [UMaine vs. Boston Hockey]
News story dated 12-05-68.
13) 0813.0533 [Harry Marble Talks with Woman Concert Pianist]
News story dated 12-06-68.
12) 0813.0534 [Gene Herrick Boxing Match]
News story dated 12/06/1968. // Footage of boxing match. // Portland boxer Gene Herrick fights in first bout.
1) 0813.0535 [Use of Marijuana]
News story dated 12-06-68. Same man as 2011-01.
2) 0813.0536 [Ken Curtis Poses by Sign]
News story dated 12-06-68. Sign says 'From Maine to Rio Grande do Norte Thru the Partners of the Alliance.'
9) 0813.0537 [Basketball Game, Portland vs. Unknown]
News story dated 12-06-68.
8) 0813.0538 [Interviews at the Maine Optometrist Convention]
News story dated 12-07-68.
1) 0813.0539 [Man on Use of Marijuana]
News story dated 12-07-68.
6) 0813.0540 [Interview on Fundraising with Symphony Orchestra]
News story dated 12-07-68.
5) 0813.0541 [Pipe Organ]
News story dated 12-10-68. [Kotzschmar Hall organ, Portland?]
29) 0813.0542 [African American Man Talks about Segregation in Schools]
News story dated 12-10-68.
1) 0813.0545 [Military Man Speaks at Banquet]
News story dated 12-10-68.
19) 0813.0546 [Danforth Neighborhood Youth Center Closed Because of Vandalism]
News story dated 12-10-68.
35) 0813.0547 [Maremont Plant Officials Sign Papers]
News story dated 12-10-68.
23) 0813.0548 [Portland vs. Sanford Basketball]
News story dated 12/10/1968. // Portland vs. Sanford high school basketball game.
36) 0813.0549 [Man Talks about Meeting Portland's Housing Needs]
News story dated 12-12-68.
16) 0813.0550 [Man Talks about Free Trade Zone for Maine]
News story dated 12-12-68.
17) 0813.0551 [Frank Fixaris Interviews Boxer]
News story dated 12-12-68.
7) 0813.0552 [Task Force Tours Portland Waterfront to Review Site]
News story dated 12-14-68.
5) 0813.0554 [Postal Workers talk about Christmas Bonus for Work Merit]
News story dated 12-14-68.
33) 0813.0555 [Basketball Game]
News story dated 12-14-68. Very poor focus.
26) 0813.0556 [City Council Voting]
News story dated 12-16-68.
8) 0813.0557 [Snowstorm: Accident, Station Wagon Upside Down in Road]
News story dated 12-16-68.
25) 0813.0559 [Man Talks about Strikes and Riots on Campuses in France]
News story dated 12-17-68.
11) 0813.0560 [Man Discusses Efficiency of Upcoming Legislature]
News story dated 12-17-68.
36) 0813.0561 [Priest talks about Famine in Biafra]
News story dated 12-17-68.
13) 0813.0562 [Flying Santa Talks with Children]
News story dated 12-17-68.
19) 0813.0563 [High School Wrestling Match]
News story dated 12-17-68.
30) 0813.0564 [Man Discusses Campus Strikes and Riots in France]
News story dated 12/17/1968. // Continuation of 2012-11. // Man discusses campus strikes and riots in France.
16) 0813.0565 [Basketball Game, Westbrook vs. Rams]
News story dated 12-17-68.
18) 0813.0567 [Man Talks about Reducing Jet Service at Portland Airport]
News story dated 12-19-68.
13) 0813.0569 [High School Basketball Game, Lawrence vs. ?]
News story dated 12-19-68.
36) 0813.0570 [Elderly Woman and Daughter Fly to West Coast to See Son on Military Ship]
News story dated 12-23-68. Possibly man was on the Pueblo.
22) 0813.0571 [Washington Avenue in Portland is Flooded]
News story dated 12-23-68.
23) 0813.0572 [Council Member Talks about Housing Shortage in South Portland]
News story dated 12-23-68.
24) 0813.0573 [Boatyard Interior, Large Wooden Ship Being Built]
News story dated 12-23-68.
8) 0813.0574 [Men Playing Tennis Indoors]
News story dated 12-23-68.
28) 0813.0577 [Portland vs. South Portland]
News story dated 12/24/1968 // Portland vs. South Portland high school basketball game.
29) 0813.0578 [Frank Fixaris Interviews Boxer Paul Kasper]
News story dated 12-24-68.
31) 0813.0580 [Ice Skating in City of Portland]
News story dated 12-27-68. Interview with parks department official about six skating areas; lots of people on skates, two children on sled being pushed. At Deering Oaks Park.
32) 0813.0581 [Department of Urban Development, Lewiston]
News story dated 12-27-68. Continuation of 2013-13.
33) 0813.0582 [Fifteenth Annual Bird Count]
News story dated 12-27-68.
34) 0813.0583 [High School Basketball Game]
News story dated 12-27-68.
32) 0813.0586 [Portland Hospital Doctor on Flu Vaccine]
News story dated 12-31-68.
31) 0813.0587 [Times Square Readies for New Years Eve]
News story dated 12-31-68.
18) 0813.0588 [Biddeford, Burned Building]
News story dated 12-00-68.
29) 0813.0589 [House Burning at Night and Same House in Daylight After Fire]
News story dated 12-00-68.
32) 0813.0590 [Ken Curtis on Sunday Sales of Alcohol]
News story dated 12-00-68.
6) 0813.0591 [Priest on Relief Deliveries to Biafra]
News story dated 12-00-68.
26) 0813.0592 [Santa Arrives in South Portland by Fire Truck]
News story dated 12-00-68.
8) 0813.0593 [Portland vs. Deering Basketball]
News story dated 12/00/1968. // Portland vs. Deering high school basketball game.
9) 0813.0594 [Men Playing Tennis Indoors]
News story dated 12-00-68.
6) 0813.0598 [Public Hearing with about 75 People]
News story dated 1-07-69.
18) 0813.0600 [High School Basketball, Portland vs. Westbrook]
News story dated 1-10-69.
17) 0813.0602 [Bill Johnson in the Field with Snowmobiles talks about Safety]
News story dated 1-14-69.
11) 0813.0603 [Large Lunch Group with Speakers]
News story dated 1-14-69.
19) 0813.0604 [Hearing]
News story dated 1-14-69.
34) 0813.0605 [Man Talks about Teachers Salary Dispute in Kittery]
News story dated 1-16-69.
11) 0813.0607 [Man Talks on Services for Drug Addicts on Campus]
News story dated 1-16-69.
1) 0813.0608 [Man on Winter Survival Training for Boy Scouts]
News story dated 1-14-69.
16) 0813.0609 [College Basketball, Bowdoin vs. Colby]
News story dated 1-14-69.
11) 0813.0611 [Ex-Governor Reed Discusses Reform for Maine's Harness Racing]
News story dated 1-18-69.
27) 0813.0612 [Charles Tarkinson Interviews Two Officials on Taxes]
News story dated 1-18-69.
28) 0813.0613 [High School Basketball, Rams vs. ?]
News story dated 1-18-69.
30) 0813.0615 [Fuel Tank Truck Upside Down in Ditch]
News story dated 1-20-69.
29) 0813.0617 [Man on Proposed Legislation Regarding Unsolicited Merchandise]
News story dated 1-20-69.
33) 0813.0618 [Bowdoin vs. Norwich Basketball]
Bowdoin vs. Norwich University; college basketball game; news story dated 1-20-69
12) 0813.0619 [Basketball, Bowdoin vs. ?]
News story dated 1-20-69.
19) 0813.0620 [Swim Meet at Indoor Pool]
News story dated 1-20-69.
33) 0813.0621 [Car Accidents: Cement Wall and Tractor Trailer]
News story dated 1-23-69.
24) 0813.0622 [Edmund Muskie on Requests to Speak]
News story dated 1-25-69.
31) 0813.0623 [Curtis on Building an Industrial Plant on Indian Reservation]
News story dated 1-25-69.
4) 0813.0625 [Blood Supply]
Interview with doctor about current blood supply. Says supply is adequate, but can not afford to spare any of the supply.
28) 0813.0626 [Miss Maine Helps Project Thank You]
Interview with Miss Maine, who is helping the Portland Jaycees and WGAN Radio with 'Project Thank You.' On January 11 she will be on the air to help get care packages sent to tr...
5) 0813.0627 [Curtis ETV News Conference Controversy]
Report from State House. Governor Ken Curtis has been requested to cancel his January 21 press conference airing on ETV because of the belief that it is illegal for the Universi...
7) 0813.0628 [UMaine Cooperative Extension Service]
Interview with man about educational needs, curriculum being run by the University of Maine, people's fears about retiring. University of Maine's Cooperative Extension Service.
22) 0813.0629 [Salvation Army Golden Age Club]
Interview at Salvation Army with Captain Beach (sp?) about the fifth anniversary of the Golden Age Club. 3-tier cake on display. Beach explains the history of the Golden Age Clu...
23) 0813.0630 [Portland vs. Westbrook High School Basketball]
Portland vs. Westbrook High School basketball game at Westbrook.
23) 0813.0631 [Curtis Budget Speech]
Report on Governor Ken Curtis budget message. Taxes and bond issues were major parts speech. Footage of Curtis speaking to legislature. Bonds submitted for local water pollution...
22) 0813.0632 [New MMC Wing Opens]
Celebration at Maine Medical Center for opening of new wing.. Man speaks about planning for health care programs, praises Portland's planning efforts.
32) 0813.0633 [Wire Service Guild Strike]
Exterior of State House in Augusta. 3 people picket with ìOn Strikeî signs. Members of the American Newspaper Guild and Wire Service Guild strike against the Associated Press.
13) 0813.0634 [Boxing Match]
Professional boxing match shot from ringside. Unidentified boxers. One fighter dominates the action, wins by knockout.
19) 0813.0635 [Largest Bear Ever Captured]
Interview with man named Jack about the size of the largest bear ever captured, called the ìBlack Fury.î Bear was taken in Alaska region and measured over 13 feet tall based on ...
15) 0813.0636 [State Police Search]
Men in what appears to be a police station. State Trooper/police officer walks with gun in evidence bag. Shot of ìInterrogation Roomî door. Police search snowy, wooded area besi...
1) 0813.0637 [Picketers]
Picketers on street protesting pay cuts. Possibly Portland.
17) 0813.0638 [Curtis on Income Tax Plan]
Governor Ken Curtis press conference about disagreements with the Legislature regarding his proposed income tax plan. Curtis says opposition to the plan is mild.
32) 0813.0639 [Picketers]
Picketers on street in front of State House in Augusta protesting against low wages.
19) 0813.0640 [Awards Banquet]
Awards banquet. Unidentified man is given plaque, speaks at podium.
13) 0813.0641 [Commentary on Babe Ruth]
Elderly man speaks about the Boston Red Sox acquiring Babe Ruth. Refers to Ruth as a ìdamn goodî pitcher.
21) 0813.0642 [Interview with Boxer Leo DiFiore]
Interview with boxer Leo DiFiore about upcoming fight in Portland. Comments on fight with Lloyd Wilson. Says he will make a claim for the featherweight title if he wins.
7) 0813.0643 [Public Hearing on Presidential Primaries]
Meeting. Man speaks to crowd at podium about presidential primaries. Believes in right of each state to develop their own primary programs. Another man says the average citizen ...
23) 0813.0644 [Portland Public School Vandalism]
Interview with man about vandalization in the Portland Public School system. Does not believe children were responsible, discusses case of vandalism at Hall Elementary School in...
2) 0813.0645 [Jalbert on Indian Affairs Commission]
Report on Indian Affairs Commission from the interior of the State House. Interview with Louis Jalbert who believes the committee is pointless.
8) 0813.0646 [Trenton Aluminum Industry Controversy]
Interview with man about aluminum industry plant that was voted down for the Trenton area. Area was chosen because deep ports are necessary for shipping the material.
17) 0813.0647 [Trenton Aluminum Industry Controversy]
Report on Trenton Aluminum Plant issue. Representative Jon Lund of Augusta speaks in State House regarding the state government's secrecy regarding financial issues. Is critical...
5) 0813.0648 [Portland Fire Department Ranks High]
Interview with Portland Fire Department officials about review of Fire Department's fire prevention activities during the past year by the National Fire Protection Association (...
28) 0813.0649 [Gorham vs. Unidentified High School Basketball]
Gorham High School versus unidentified high school basketball game.
4) 0813.0650 [Interview with Boxer George Johnson]
Interview with boxer George Johnson about rematch with David Beckles. Lost first bout, won second. Talks about his training and outlook for the future.
30) 0813.0651 [Muskie on Nixon]
Press conference with Senator Edmund Muskie. Discusses his activities, comments on reporter who had said he was overly busy. Also comments on honeymoon period for new president ...
31) 0813.0652 [Home Expo]
Home construction and painting taking place inside building. Apparently a home expo. Footage of tile cutter, Anderson windows, other products.
32) 0813.0653 [Apartment Building Fire]
Exterior shot of apartment building fire. Firefighter spraying water on fire from ladder.
33) 0813.0654 [Taxation & State Budget]
Man speaks about wildlands tax. Critical of the tax, calls it a joke. Comments on taxes and funding, need for state constitutional amendment to create funds for retroactive taxa...
13) 0813.0655 Tall Shadows
Pine Tree Camp.
34) 0813.0656 [Eclipse]
Label on leader: 'Special Report - Eclipse; 8/14/63, 8:00 pm.'
33) 0813.0657 [Criticism of Governmental Operations Committee]
Interview with man who complains that legislature provides funding for programs but does not take the time to follow up on status of programs. Says Governmental Operations Commi...
1) 0813.0658 [Winter Car Accident]
Car accident in snowstorm, bus off road, cars covered in snow driving on road. Tractor plowing snow on sidewalk. Boy riding bicycle through snow.
16) 0813.0659 [Poor Winter Road Conditions]
Interview with man in Monument Square in Portland about recent snowstorm and current poor road conditions. Comments on ineffectiveness of salt and sand due to dense packing of s...
30) 0813.0660 [Meeting]
18) 0813.0661 [Abandoned Building]
Abandoned diner-type building on stilts in snowy field.
28) 0813.0662 [Civil Defense Meeting]
Civil defense meeting.
34) 0813.0663 [Bahamas Tourism]
Interview with woman named ìJonesî about her job in ministry of tourism for the Bahamas. Provides general tourist information about the islands and tourism levels in the Bahamas.
5) 0813.0664 [Kearns Nomination Approved]
William Kearns of Montpelier, Vermont has been unanimously approved by the Executive Council to take over as Commissioner of the Department of Mental Health and Corrections.
8) 0813.0665 [UMaine Chancellor's Office]
Man speaks at podium to panel in political setting, discusses need for staff in Chancellor's office.
9) 0813.0666 [Fire-Damaged Buildings]
Footage of burnt-out apartment building, other burnt buildings.
16) 0813.0667 [Interview]
Interview with unidentified man about firms.
29) 0813.0668 [Snow Removal]
Interview on Portland street with officials about removing snow from the cities and it transporting to recreational areas. Another man speaks about effects of snow on cars.
14) 0813.0669 [Winter Accident]
Ambulance and tow truck at site of automobile accident on snowy road.
13) 0813.0670 [Oil Spill Cleanup]
Man with oil rig and tanker drawing illustrating possible oil spill remedies.
30) 0813.0671 [DiFiore vs. Burke Boxing]
Boxing match between Leo DiFiore and Jackie Burke at the Portland Expo.
6) 0813.0672 [College Walkathon]
Interview with two men about college fraternity tradition of walkathon from Musser Hall to Farmington.
17) 0813.0673 [Pledge Drive]
Interview with unidentified man about deadline upcoming for pledge drive project.
17) 0813.0674 [Curtis on LD 227]
Governor Ken Curtis at press conference. Discusses signing LD 227, emergency act to allow for overtime payments to hospital employees. Also talks about reappointing Commissioner...
12) 0813.0675 [Defibrillator Demonstration]
Interior of hospital room. Patient lying in bed attended to by nurse. Blood pressure checked. Man illustrates how to use defibrillator.
19) 0813.0676 [Thrift Store]
Exterior of building. Sign on interior wall reads: ìSouth Portland Goodneighbors Inc. Welcomes You.î Appears to be Salvation Army/Goodwill-type store offering used clothing.
13) 0813.0677 [Income Tax Surtax]
Unidentified man speaks about income tax surtax. Closeup shot of tax form.
12) 0813.0678 [Capitol Planning Commission Meeting]
Water damage at head. // Man presents 'Capitol Complex Master Plan' drawings created by Capitol Planning Commission for Augusta at meeting.
11) 0813.0679 [Military Officers Meet]
Military officers enter building in snow, shake hands with other men in room.
12) 0813.0680 [Northern Burner Supply Building Fire]
Fire truck outside Northern Burner Supply building. Firefighter enters smoking building. Burned papers thrown out of building.
24) 0813.0681 [Winter Highway Accident]
Water damage and emulsion scratches. // Footage of snowy highway, car accident, cars driving through snow on messy streets.
18) 0813.0682 [Trends in Higher Education]
Man from Wisconsin speaks at podium about a nation-wide trend of universities being headed by people who do not understand the function of higher education.
4) 0813.0683 [UMaine Budget Costs]
Man speaks at podium about the high budget costs necessary to implement a plan for the University of Maine.
27) 0813.0684 [Curtis on State Budget and Taxes]
Governor Ken Curtis speaks at press conference about the state budget and taxes.
22) 0813.0685 [Portland Snow Removal]
Interview with man on street about Portland snow removal schedule. Shots of numerous snowed-in city streets and cars.
29) 0813.0686 [Tenants' Rights Legislation]
Senator Peter Mills of Farmington favors legislation aimed at protecting tenants' rights and requiring a 30 day eviction notice from property owners. Senator John Quinn of Bango...
30) 0813.0687 [Bankruptcy]
Interview with man about low rate of bankruptcy filings by businesses. Credits prosperous economy. Says majority of bankruptcy procedures involve consumers. Briefly explains the...
31) 0813.0688 [Award Presentation]
Naval officer and two other men stand with plaque.
32) 0813.0689 [Portland City Council Chairman Title]
Interview with man about changing the title of the Chairman of the Portland City Council to 'Mayor.' The mayor would be selected by members of the City Council. Senator Gerard C...
11) 0813.0690 [Portland Snow Removal]
Man speaks about snow removal in Portland and need for people to find parking off the city streets to aid in the process.
12) 0813.0691 [Expo]
Appears to be an expo.
33) 0813.0692 [Airline Safety]
Interview with man about airlines and air travel safety issues.
36) 0813.0693 [Middle East Terrorism]
Interview with man about Israel, terrorism, and Israel's isolation in the Middle East. Discusses the December 1968 attack on an El Al aircraft at Athens International Airport in...
15) 0813.0694 [Boy Scouts in Augusta]
Two Boy Scouts in the State House.
2) 0813.0695 [Biddeford vs. Cheverus Basketball]
Biddeford vs. Cheverus High School basketball game at Biddeford.
3) 0813.0696 [Boxing Practice]
Two boxers train, spar in practice ring.
18) 0813.0697 [Brunswick Fire]
Brunswick Fire Department firefighter sprays water on burned building.
36) 0813.0698 [Kyros on Congressional Pay Increase]
Peter Kyros speaks about congressional pay increase that was voted against by Senators Edmund Muskie and Margaret Chase Smith.
27) 0813.0699 [Volunteer Army]
Interview with man about the United States Army. Says it would likely be cost-prohibitive to switch to a volunteer army, largely due to the need to focus on recruitment. Favors ...
21) 0813.0700 [Income Tax Deductions]
Interview with man about new income tax changes for the year. Discusses medical deductions.
36) 0813.0701 [Children Visit Clown]
Young children wait in line with parents in department store to see clown.
9) 0813.0702 [Hider's Variety Shooting]
Exterior of Hider's Variety store in South Portland in both daylight and at night. Police officers stand outside entrance to store. Officers and man examine interior of store. S...
23) 0813.0703 [Jalbert Supports Loan Shark Legislation]
Johnson reports from State House on proposed legislation to control interest rates on loans. Attorney General James Erwin spoke to the Senate, saying the state has a problem wit...
22) 0813.0704 [Snowy Street]
Snowy street scenes.
21) 0813.0705 [Kyros Interview]
Kyros interview regarding US Navy and Korean incident.
13) 0813.0706 [Bishop]
Bishop at ceremony.
19) 0813.0707 [Bowdoin Basketball]
Bowdoin vs. [Springfield] basketball game.
35) 0813.0708 [Swim Meet]
Swim meet.
16) 0813.0709 [State Crime Lab Needed]
Interviews with police officials regarding recent murder and robbery in South Portland. Johnson reports on testimony from the State House regarding need for a crime laboratory i...
16) 0813.0710 [Post Office]
Snow removal at Portland post office.
18) 0813.0711 [Assessors & Assessing]
Report on assessment districts and assessment process. Qualifications necessary to become assessor.
22) 0813.0712 [Bus in Snow]
Bus station in snow storm.
34) 0813.0713 [Erosion]
Beach houses and erosion. Interview with Kyros.
12) 0813.0714 [Military Ceremony]
Military ceremony.
34) 0813.0715 [Car Accident]
Car accident.
1) 0813.0716 [House Demolition]
House demolition.
24) 0813.0717 [Selective Service]
Interview regarding selective service. New group formed to offer advice on draft law.
36) 0813.0718 [Nixon Visit to Germany]
Interview regarding President Richard Nixon visit to Germany.
15) 0813.0719 [Portland Waterfront Development]
Portland Chamber of Commerce Area Development Council on waterfront development.
27) 0813.0720 [Alcohol Sales]
Report on public testimony before legislature on Sunday alcohol sales.
5) 0813.0721 [Swift Building]
Swift Building.
19) 0813.0722 [Basketball]
Basketball game.
25) 0813.0723 [Baseball Player]
Interview with baseball player.
31) 0813.0724 [Curtis on Oil Refinery]
Interview with Governor Ken Curtis about oil refinery.
7) 0813.0725 [Beach Erosion]
Army Corps of Engineers discusses Saco beach erosion at Camp Ellis.
4) 0813.0726 [State Housing Authority]
Creation of state housing authority to deal with housing problem.
12) 0813.0728 [Curtis on Nixon's Oil Policy]
Governor Ken Curtis comments on President Richard Nixon's oil policy.
11) 0813.0729 [Education Funding]
Interview regarding emergeny appropriation for education funding.
18) 0813.0730 [Stormy Weather]
Stormy street scenes and waves.
2) 0813.0731 [Catholic School Teacher Shortage]
Interview with priest regarding shortage of teachers for Catholic schools and school closings.
16) 0813.0732 [Flooding]
Flooding scenes.
29) 0813.0733 [Tax Rate Hearings]
Hearings on tax rates.
18) 0813.0734 [Conjugal Visit Bill]
Legislative hearings on proposed bill to allow conjugal visits for prisoners.
6) 0813.0735 [Easter Seals]
Governor Ken Curtis at Easter Seals presentation.
17) 0813.0736 [Island]
Aerial views of island and causeway.
8) 0813.0737 [Waterfront]
Waterfront in winter.
22) 0813.0738 [Income Tax Bill]
Interview and commentary on income tax and tax liability bill.
23) 0813.0739 [Meeting]
11) 0813.0740 [Boxing]
Boxing matches at the Portland Exposition Building. Footage from the fight between Leo DiFiore and Johnny Bean followed by footage from Pete Riccitelli versus Eddie Spence
15) 0813.3373 [Margaret Chase Smith speech]
Declaration by Margaret Chase Smith of her intention to run for President. Includes question/answer session.
5) 0818.0005 [Albert Conley--home movies] Reel 5
Ansco film stock. // Notes from film tag: 'University of Maine 1961.' // Sign: 'U. of ME. Alumni Registration.' New education building. Campus footage. Older woman in front of car.
11) 0822.0001 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 1
Amateur footage. Viewing notes as follows (reel numbers are NHF-assigned). 1. (1961) Veazie snow scene. Volkswagen (VW) under snow. Dog named Tick. Christmas. Doing the twist (d...;Houses covered in snow. A person shoveling the driveway. Young women jumping in the snow. The women (Nancy, Linda and Gladys) shoveling. A dog running up the road. A man shoveli...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 1 (1961): - We moved from Pennsylvania to Maine in 1961 in time to see the famous snow storm of 1961/62. - View of house across the street in Veazie; Mr...
28) 0822.0002 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 2
Picnic – CC – Grubb Long Thompson Island picnic Grubbs – Nancy Susan, Linda – Sand Beach, Thunderhole – Cadilac + 4 islands (Porcupines, Bar) Susan doing laundry SCS men at wor...;A man grilling. People at picnic tables by the water (Thompson Island, Maine). Close up of an older couple [Eva and Glenn Grubb] at a table. Various shots of people at picnic ta...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 2 (1963): -The family having picnic lunch with Walter’s co-workers and families at Thompson’s Point in Bar Harbor. -Group included Eva (blue sweater) and...
9) 0822.0003 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 3
Trip To Pa. 1966 Jody 1965 Pat – Perkowski – 2 boys – Susan – Nancy – El;A man [Walter] drilling a hole in the ice for ice fishing. People launching a toy airplane on the ice. People playing pool. [Susan, Nancy and her first husband Elwin Wooster] A ...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 3 (1966): -Walter and buddies ice fishing -Susan, Nancy and her first husband Elwin Wooster playing pool. Maybe on a campus? -Nancy, El, Susan, Gladys ar...
5) 0822.0004 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 4
Camden Boothbay Harbor Boats Sand pits grane moving of garage from 4 Davis to 6 Davis Dr. by Buddy Lane poor quality overexposed;Flagpole with a Canadian flag. Buildings along the coast. Panning shot of boats on the water. Fish in the water. People climbing on sand dunes. A cemetery. A fishing boat. A two...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 4 (1968): -Camden, Maine -Walter’s co-workers with shovels on sand dune searching for unique soil samples -Cemetery in Prosperity, Pennsylvania where Gla...
25) 0822.0005 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 5
Skiing – Nancy + Linda 1966 1966 Skiing El teaching Nancy + Susan to ski. winter – Gladys on Davis Dr. (very dark) rope tow – Hermon Mt.;A woman (Gladys) walking through the snow. A man and a woman standing beside a car. People skiing. (Looks like a class at a ski slope.) An airplane flying overhead. [End of Reel];[From Susan Wells] Reel 5 (1966): -Gladys in red coat going to neighbors, Hermans, across the street -Nancy and Elwin Wooster -Susan learning to ski with Nancy and El at Bald Mo...
3) 0822.0006 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 6
Graduation ’66 1966 1966 – Graduation B.J. Davis UMO Nancy or Linda? Elwyn Susan on Davis Dr. A Robin in yard ; Gladys hanging laundry;Clouds. A line of graduates in caps and gowns. Shot of a man speaking at the podium, with the score board behind him. Graduates crossing the stage and then returning to the stan...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 6 (1966): -Nancy and El’s graduation from University of Maine, Orono -Nancy and El (red face, red hair) -Susan in dining room -Robin in backyard -Gladys...
27) 0822.0007 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 7
Grandma Hunter “Tote Gote Lon” ? w/ of glen + Gladys Snow Looks like nursing home Mother in Bgr. Convalescence (film very short – no leader);A woman lays a crocheted blanket over an old woman (Grandma Hunter). A snowy yard. Grandma Hunter in a wheel chair. A woman helps her take off her sweater. (Looks like a hospita...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 7 (1967): -Grandma Hunter (Gladys’s mother) – moved in with us following the death of Gladys’ father in Claysville, Pennsylvania -The Lane’s red house ne...
28) 0822.0008 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 8
no date 1970-71 Moving garage to Lanis Davis Dr. No. 6 to Lanis 7. G;A truck moving a garage. (Scene started on Reel 4) Shots of the house. Backing the garage into a different driveway. A woman exiting the house and sitting in a lawn chair on the...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 8 (1968): -Gladys on back porch -Next door neighbors, Timmy and Suzie Lane; then Buddy Lane -Back of house and Walter’s canoe after garage moved; garden
29) 0822.0009 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 9
no date Baheue Yadata Man in white Ethiopian type dress -w/ G. -Davis Dr.? when – not sure -maybe 66’ X-mas 67’ Susan + Linda dancing great hat! Really getting down!;A backyard with flowering bushes. A man in a white robes (Baheue Yadata) is joined by a woman (Gladys). They pose for the camera. A man standing next to a car, holding a toddler...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 9 (1967): -Baheru Yadeta and Gladys. Baheru is from Ethiopia and was studying at UMO. Gladys became friends with him through school and invited him to ma...
36) 0822.0010 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 10
Riding The Dodge Motor Home – Bar Harbor “Riding the Dodge Motor Home” [no date] Aug. 1967 “Bar Harbour” Picnic with Joe Eleris. Smiths from Lock Haven, The Beutels, -[illegibl...;Two men driving an RV, filmed from inside the vehicle. A sign outside a restaurant: ‘Lunts Lobster Pound, ALIVE or BOILED in Sea Water, Steamed Clams’. People eating at picnic t...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 10 (1967): -Uncle Joe and Elsie Inglefield (father’s sister from Langhorn, Pennsylvania) visiting Maine -Lobster feed in Trenton (Joe Inglefield in red j...
4) 0822.0011 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 11
Nova Scotia – Tree harvesting 1967 [August] Nova Scotia – Tree Roy Strong – Pipes trip home – camping Gladys, LaFlammes (Corda, Ken, Mauries, [illegible] on beach bag pipe parad...;Panning shot of houses along the shore. Landscape filmed from a roadside overlook. People exiting a house. A woman crossing a bridge. People on the beach. (Antigonish, Nova Scot...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 11 (1967): -Nova Scotia – Gladys and Walter visiting friends or work conference?
12) 0822.0012 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 12
Lane Tote Gate – Xmas 1968 - Church riding 3 wheel cart snow – Jo Lane with Susie church Orono Universal Fellowship good picture of Christmas – 1968 – Grandma Hunter Susan givin...;A boy on a motorized scooter pulls two children on a sled. (Jo Lane and Susie) People in a church. Shot of the altar. A woman and a girl with a kitten next to a Christmas tree. ...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 12 (1968): -Joseph Lane on scooter (homemade by him and his father) with Susan and Suzie Lane -Church of Universal Fellowship in Orono – regular service ...
33) 0822.0013 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 13
Home made mini bike April 1968 Buddy “Tote Gote Lane”? riding Susie – Tim in Yard Strung up deer is our backyard;A man and a toddler riding a motorized scooter. Same scene, different season. A boy and the toddler riding the scooter. The boy riding the scooter. A dead deer hanging from a tr...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 13 (1968): -Buddy Lane and Suzie Lane on scooter – next door, then Joe Lane and Suzie Lane -Deer in tree next door -Joe and Tim Lane, Susan -Neighborhood...
35) 0822.0014 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 14
June 1969 May 1968 – home for Easter vacation Davis Dr- G. + Bill? + Linda getting in car Penob. River? – dam Lou Parlin S.C.S. men. fishing – don’t know where 7 men canoeing u...;A framed painting. A snowy yard. People exiting the house. A man and a woman getting into a car. A river dam. (Penobscot River?) Men in canoes on a river. [End of Reel];[From Susan Wells] Reel 14 (1968): -Linda’s husband, Bill Beutel, Linda and Gladys in Linda’s Pontiac Lemans -Penobscot River dam -Fishing trip; Walter in plaid; do not know fi...
9) 0822.0015 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 15
more canoeing / fishing looks like same place as 15 + same men camping S.C.S. men Lou Parlin, Bob Fish display 1 – teepee Clearing brush for canoes with ropes and letting canoe...;Two men in a canoe. Beached canoes. People in a tent. Tents in a campsite. Two men in a canoe. A man holds up a fish. Three men next to a campfire. Tents. Two men in a canoe. Pa...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 15 (1969): -Walter’s annual fishing trip – possible names of co-workers from Orono/Old Town area were: Lou Parlin, Dennis Erinakes, Larry Long, Ken LaFla...
25) 0822.0016 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 16
Skiing – Nancy – El – BJ., Ice fishing. Skiing Nancy + El at Squaw (filming on skis?- Walter Yes! (not sure who or where) Lot dog guy – El Skiing wearing a tie and crew cut – Na...;Snow covered trees filmed from a moving vehicle. Panning shot of snowy landscape. A woman on skis with a ski lift in the background. A group of women on skis. Ski slope (and tip...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 16 (1965): -Nancy and El (in flapping jacket) skiing on Bald Mtn -Susan walking in front of house in Veazie -Gladys in back of house
6) 0822.0017 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 17
Susan + Lanes Tobogganing – Gladys + the kitten 1969 Susan, - Joe Lane – Tobogganing Gladys – snow – kitten;A parade with floats on a television screen. A woman (Gladys) walking through the snow, followed by a cat. A man shoveling snow. Children playing in the snow. A woman checking t...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 17 (1968): -parade (hard to see-don’t know where) -Gladys & cat walking in snow; Walter shoveling -Susan and next door neighbor Joe Lane sledding beh...
2) 0822.0018 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 18
Skiing in 1969, Susan on skis. Snow 1969 our house – Susan skiing off of banks + on road. ;People playing in the snow. A woman walking in the snow. A woman (Susan) skiing. [End of Reel];[From Susan Wells] Reel 18 (1968): -Susan and Joe Lane in deep snow again; Susan on skis
19) 0822.0019 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 19
July ’69 don’t know where woods harbor – boats dock Shore from boat Round building Playing basketball – Susan + others Joe Sturbridge Village 1969 Picnic – Gladys, Susan Linda ...;Trees and mountains, filmed from a moving vehicle. Panning shot of a harbor, with boats at anchor. A marina. Sailboats. A motorboat. Houses along the shore. The boats motor and ...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 19 (1969): -Dock on ocean; Bill Beutel (Linda’s husband) in white shirt --Boat on Maine coast -Shooting hoops in backyard with Linda, Bill, Joe Lane and ...
3) 0822.0020 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 20
June 1969 – Sturbridge Village – with Janet, Henry – Jim, Susan, Jill, Susan Jerry, Walter, Gladys.;People watching as others pretend to put their heads in the stocks. People walk into a building with the sign ‘Jeʃʃe (long s) Hitchcock, Shoe and Boot Maker’. People in period d...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 20 (1969): -Visit to Old Sturbridge Village in Mass. With Janet & Hank Steputis and family
5) 0822.0021 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 21
Fishing – Bob Shaw, Susan + Gladys out front. Playing in deep snow. Fishing – Bob Shaw Very deep snow in 1969 – Susan + Gladys out front of home on Davis Dr. Susan shoveling sno...;A man carrying a camera and a fishing net. A man fly fishing. A car parked beside a river. Three men by the river. A cabin. A man fly fishing. Two women and a man eating lobster...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 21 (1968?) -Nancy B. and her husband, Peter, Masitis, eating lobster while visiting Maine. Nancy B. was a school friend of Nancy Steputis -Susan shovelin...
2) 0822.0022 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 22
Millimagassett 1970 Millimagssett fishing ; camp ; boating on lake in canoe (don’t know who other men are besides Walter) Lou Parlin. Dinsmore men napping all around camp site;Two men unloading a car near a bridge. A boat on the lake. Tents in a campsite. Two men in a canoe. One man holds up two fish. Three men cooking at the campsite. The men sleepin...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 22 -Walter and buddies fishing on Millimagassett Lake, Maine
13) 0822.0024 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 24
Deep Sea Fishing + Duck Hunting canoeing ; fishing duck hunting – looks like Dennis [illegible] deep sea fishing – Davis Dr. the girls G at some shore camp Nova Scotia S.C.S tri...;A river or lake. A man in a canoe. A man plucking a dead duck. People in a boat. Boxes of fish. Men fishing. Reeling in a shark. People on the boat. A boy holds up a fish. Men a...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 24 -Dennis Erinakis cleaning duck -Ocean fishing with Larry Long (yellow slicker) and his two sons -Pat and Bob Perkowsky (in yellow dress), friends of G...
27) 0822.0027 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 27
Nancy + Susan, Moosehead picnic, Fall scenery Nancy, Susan at Moosehead Bob, Mike, Grubbs. Fall scenery – very nice Picnic – always eating –;A woman exiting a house and waving at the camera. A girl walking towards the camera. The woman and the girl boarding a plane. People eating at a picnic table. A boy sitting on r...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 27 (1971) -Moosehead Lake -Susan and Nancy getting on plane (to where?) -Eva and Glenn Grubb, Gladys, Susan at Bar Harbor -Boat dock on lake (Schoodic?)
12) 0822.0028 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 28
Graduation - Gladys 1968 – graduation at UMO In gown at home – back yard.;A woman (Gladys) in graduation cap and gown. Gladys in a formal dress. Graduates walking across a field to seats near a small stage. Professors around the podium. Graduates. [En...;Reel 28 (1968): -Gladys’ graduation with Bachelor’s in Nutrition from UMO
14) 0822.0030 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 30
Going home on the Blue Nose Trips 1967 – Bluenose – on at Yarmouth – off in Bar Harbor.;A marina. A parking lot. Fishing boats. Houses along the shore. A ferry seen through fog. Cars driving onto the ferry. People on the ferry. Canadian flag. The dock as the ferry ...;Reel 30 (1969): -Bluenose Ferry crossing to Nova Scotia; Gladys on deck
5) 0822.0031 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 31
Fishing – Duck Lake, Linda, Bill+Gary, Lou Parlin + [illegible] scene Oxford no date Bird Feeding out of hand Gray Jays Lou Parlin Duck Lake Fishing – Dennis Erinakas;A bird landing on the roof of a car. A man feeding the bird. Mountains. Lake and islands. Panning shot of landscape from a roadside overlook. Mountains. People getting into a ca...;Reel 31 (1968): -Hunting with buddies; man with hat may be Ken LaFlamme -Home in Veazie: Linda and Bill Beutel, Susan, cousin Gary Hunter (Gladys’ nephew) getting in car -Fishin...
6) 0822.0032 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 32
extremely short Shot of man walking on trail in Baxter State Park.;A man walking up a dirt road, past a sign for ‘ROARING BROOK campground Baxter State Park’. A man with a backpack. Men hiking. [End of Reel];[From Susan Wells] Reel 32 (1965): -Baxter State Park -Walter in tan clothing w/green bedroll
18) 0822.0034 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 34
Joyce Thomas + Nancy, UMO in the snow Veazie – house Snow + dog G + L or N? UMO;A woman playing with a dog in the snow. A girl playing in the snow. A woman waving from inside a house. A large brick building. A football field with stands. The University of M...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 34 (1965): -Home in Veazie: Linda, Nancy, dog, Susan, Gladys in window -UMO fieldhouse and stadium, campus w/oak trees -John R. Graham school in Veazie (...
20) 0822.0036 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 36
1969 Big picnic on Davis Dr. Shots of surf from back of boat? G + woman walking down a lane in the woods Man feeding bird out of his hand.;People eating at an outdoor table. A flooded dam. A dirt road in the wood. People walking up the road, to a car with a canoe on the roof. A red cabin with the sign: ‘RAVENCROAK’...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 36 (1969): -Backyard bar-b-que in Veazie -Grubb and Erinakis families, Gladys in green dress -Veazie dam on Penobscot River? -Car on camp road; Gladys an...
22) 0822.0038 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 38
S. + L. doing archery Building the garage Snow plowing the driveway;A building under construction. A girl with a bow and arrow. Men working on the wooden building. A different girl with the bow and arrow. Retrieving arrows from the target. The b...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 38 (1969): -Susan w/bow & arrow in backyard -New garage being built – Walter on top -Nancy w/bow -Nancy in German dress (Nancy spent 5 years in the A...
20) 0822.0039 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 39
Unidentified men Canoeing and camping;A river. Two people in a canoe, paddling against the current. An animal carcass in the grass. Trucks and an RV parked on the side of the road. Three men around a campfire. Truck...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 39 (1966): -Fishing trip with buddies; Lou Parlin in red jacket (?); also Hunting trip
41) 0822.0041 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 41
Mix of Steputis family walking in snow + driving car.;A person indoors, camera tilted. Three people on a snowy road. A woman walking out of a large brick building and getting into a car. The road filmed from a moving car. The ‘RAYS...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 41 (1967): -Gladys, Walter, Nancy -Pennsylvania highway -LaFlamme’s camp in Maine -Linda at house in Veazie
6) 0822.0043 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 43
N.H. NE.F.S, Start Katahdin Driving in car G. @ campsite Girls in convertible Men @ picnic Man digging hole. ;A man digging a hole. People eating at a picnic table by the water. Houses on the shore. Two women in a convertible. Tree leaves. The convertible, lowering the roof. A campsite...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 43 (1965-1968) -Man digging (soil samples?) -Family picnic -Susan and Linda in Linda’s car, then Gladys and Grandma -Gladys near tent (where?)
25) 0822.0044 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 44
Katahdin 1968;A man on a backhoe. Boys shoveling dirt. An airplane taking off. A helicopter landing. A tree lined road filmed from a moving car. Mount Katahdin. Sign: ‘ENTERING BAXTER STATE P...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 44 (1965): -Joe Lane digging -Camping at Katahdin - Susan and Walter climbing Katahdin in August as a father/daughter adventure. I was 12, had never cl...
28) 0825 cat. 5028-01-BARR-68 Big Muscle
'A' Roll of film Big Muscle. Locomotives.
21) 0825 cat. 5028-02-BAR-68 Big Muscle
'B' Roll of film Big Muscle. Locomotives.
27) 0825 cat. 5028-03-BARR-68 Big Muscle
B-wind negative optical soundtrack for the film Big Muscle. Locomotives.
6) 0825 cat. 5029-01-BARR-68 Big Muscle
Evidently a combination of A roll and B roll with straight cuts. No fades or dissolves. With credits. However, the reel is significantly longer than 5027-01-BARR-68
13) 0825 cat. 5030-01-BARR-62 Giants of the Roundhouse
'A' Roll of the film Giants of the Roundhouse. The workings of a railway roundhouse.
23) 0825 cat. 5031-01-BARR-62 Giants of the Roundhouse
B roll of cat. no. 5030-01-BARR-62
19) 0830.003 Portland Pipe Line 1965 [work print]
NHF Reel 3 Can label: 'Portland Pipe Line 1964-65' [work print] Can notes (viewing note in brackets): 24' construction shots: [Helicopter] Oklahoma construction, swampers, pipe ...
33) 0830.004 Portland Pipe Line 1965 [work print]
NHF Reel 4 Can label: 'Portland Pipe Line 1965' [work print] Can notes: Construction scenes at Lancaster station: chopping and melting coal tar enamel, Gould and Prescott pumps ...
20) 0830.007 'Ditching, Pipe Arrival, Yarding' [1965 work print]
NHF Reel 7 Can label: 'Ditching, Pipe Arrival, Yarding' Portland Pipe Line [work print] Can notes: Pipe arrival: Erie and Lackawanna rail cars, Barton, VT, ?, pipe yard (Ina), d...
32) 0830.008 Portland Pipe Line
NHF Reel 8 Can label: 'Portland Pipe Line' Camera original of Reel 4. Can notes from Reel 4: Construction scenes at Lancaster station: chopping and melting coal tar enamel, Goul...
36) 0830.009A Portland Pipe Line
NHF Reel 9A Can label: 'Portland Pipe Line' [original Ecktachrome First roll aerial views of construction site; second roll on ground, bulldozers (operator wearing white cowboy ...
10) 0830.009B Portland Pipe Line
NHF Reel 9B Can label: 'Portland Pipe Line' Ecktachrome Camera original construction footage.
35) 0830.010A Portland Pipe Line
NHF Reel 10A Can label: 'Portland Pipe Line Corp.' Camera original of Reel 7. Can notes from Reel 7: .
25) 0830.010B Portland Pipe Line
NHF Reel 10B Can label: 'Portland Pipe Line Corp.' Construction.
12) 0836.0008 [unidentified--home movies]
Box captions: 'Exactly 98'36 ft. 16 f.p.s. Mirage in E. Colorado--June 1960. Fircrackers on 4th of July. House at Paul Hill. Downey playing with Ma's foot. The view from Acton H...
5) 0836.0009 [unidentified woods film--outtakes]
Box captions: 'Aug 7th, 1962. 'A.' Copy. Br. Co. hen[?] woods film. Parts taken from film and new material added (not used). This dupe copy is same as in 400' can. List of scene...
33) 0836.0010 [Wildlife Birds]
Donor's titles in quotes: 'Wild Life Birds (surplus film 1963).' // Box captions: 'Wildlife--Birds--surplus film taken on river Sept 1963--original film. B.' // Scenery, marshes...
8) 0836.0011 [Cutter Blade Rotation]
Box captions: 'Dec 15 1965. Cutter Room Burgess--R Marquis, Bob Stracton--showing rotation of cutter blade. 64 t.p.s. Speeds of 350. Speeds of 440. Speeds of 150. See ex notes o...
34) 0836.0057 Wild Life Birds
Donor's notes: 'Wild Life Birds (surplus film 1963).' Wildlife (Birds) surplus film taken on River fall 1963. Original film. Surplus--not used in Wildlife movie. // 1963 edge co...
33) 0836.0064 [Outtakes from unidentified film]
Donor's notes: Jan 9th 1964. Work copy. This film--not used--was taken from Brown Co. new woods movie. Material collected thru years 1960 to 1964. // Consists of outtake footage...
22) 0836.0073 [Music and Masonry--outtakes]
Label on leader: 'Music and Masonry Outtakes' // Ansco film stock, some with a peach-colored tint. // Also includes Kodak b&w negative stock with 1960 edge code.
18) 0836.0078 [Rehabilitation, 1960]
Donor's notes: 'Rehabilitation, 1960 (original print).' // Box notes: 5/26/60. Surplus film--tapes used. Client: Liberty Mutual Ins. Co. Subject: rehabilitation, 16mm color orig...
12) 0836.0108 [unidentified--home movies] Reel 2
Can notes: August 1964 Northern California and Oregon coast. // Amateur footage of family travel in northwest United States. // Formerly: 'Reel B.'
24) 0836.0109 [unidentified--home movies] Reel 3
Can notes: '4th of July 1965 trip in toward Monache Meadows in the High Sierras of Calif. Footage at campsite on Fish Creek. And Death Valley March 1967.' // Amateur footage of ...
23) 0849 [Various titles]
Includes the following titles: - Waterfront, a television series (syndicated 1954) about San Pedro Harbor (CA), starring Preston Foster; 16 episodes, 1,000 ft. each. - 138 assor...
15) 0849/0855.0001 Maine Lumberjack Holiday
NHF cataloguing notes, 11/95: Tall Timber Days Parade 1967-1968. Beauty queens, sled dogs, women in fancy dresses with matching baby buggies. Beauty contest. Boat race, speed bo...
30) 0849/0855.0002 Part-Time Farmer
Views of countryside, farm buildings, birds, nature. 'One-tenth of Maine's farmers are part-time.' Backgrounds of individuals vary: doctor, trapper, TV performer, etc. Scenes of...
4) 0853.0205 [Joe Foy Interview]
Interview with Boston Red Sox baseball player Joe Foy (?) at Fenway Park about the team and upcoming season.
31) 0853.0214 [Curtis at Fenway]
Governor Ken Curtis in stands during Boston Red Sox baseball game at Fenway Park; footage of Ted Williams; Curtis receives ball from Red Sox catcher.
6) 0853.0240 [Portland Hospital]
Administrator outlines policies at Portland City Hospital; from reel labeled 'Old Age - 03/11/1962'.
28) 0853.0241 [Aging Issues]
Elderly woman discusses problems of aging, then exercises with children; from reel labeled 'Old Age - 03/11/1962'.
29) 0853.0242 [Medical Treatment For Elderly]
Doctor at Thayer Hospital in Waterville talks about treating older people; from reel labeled 'Old Age - 03/11/1962'.
30) 0853.0243 [Thayer Hospital Patient Care]
Interviews about patient care at Thayer Hospital in Waterville and nursing homes; Doctor Robertson, social worker Andrew Johnson, nurse coordinator Nancy Chandler; from reel lab...
23) 0853.0245 [Health Care Funding]
Unidentified man discusses funding for health care; from reel labeled 'Old Age - 03/11/1962'.
32) 0853.0246 [Chase Smith on Seniors Bill]
Senator Margaret Chase Smith talks about a bill affecting senior citizens; from reel labeled 'Old Age - 03/11/1962'.
9) 0853.0247 [Old Age]
Interview with congressman on old age; continued from item 0853.0237; from reel labeled 'Old Age - 03/11/1962'.
26) 0853.0248 [Health Care & Senior Housing]
Interview with man about health care; meeting; woman interviewed about apartments with 'lifetime leases' for seniors; from reel labeled 'Old Age - 03/11/1962'.
29) 0853.0249 [Housing Problems For Seniors]
Interview with man about problems for seniors in various living situations; from reel labeled 'Old Age - 03/11/1962'.
33) 0853.0250 [Income For Seniors]
Interview with man about seniors' incomes; from reel labeled 'Old Age - 03/11/1962'.
7) 0853.0251 [Seniors Living on Incomes]
Interviews with seniors living on their incomes; from reel labeled 'Old Age - 03/11/1962'.
2) 0853.0252 [Seniors' Activity Center]
Senior citizens' activity center; card/domino game at table; interviews with seniors; from reel labeled 'Old Age - 03/11/1962'.
30) 0853.0253 [Salvation Army]
Salvation Army members speak; interview with older woman; from reel labeled 'Old Age - 03/11/1962'.
25) 0853.0258 By The People (Picture Negative)
Picture negative for 'By The People,' 'An information project of Channel 6 news produced in cooperation with the Maine State Legislature.' Follows the progress of a bill proposi...
1) 0856 [Bozo Show segment]
A sound segment from the Bozo Show, with Mike Dolley as Bozo and Bob Woodbury as Ringmaster Bob on the occasion of Woodbury's 26th birthday (26 January 1962).
13) 0856 [Fairview Wine advertisement]
Studio commercial for Fairview Wine, a product of Gardiner (Me.) by John Eaton, a newsman and announcer.
18) 0856 [camera test]
A silent camera test taken at the Bangor House with Bob Woodbury, his daughter Linda, and wife Marion.
4) 0856.PC3 [news story]
Bob Woodbury in the WABI studio in front of a fireplace set, interviewing Mel Parnell, pitcher for the Red Sox, Boston baseball team, up to 1956. Parnell is promoting radio broa...
17) 0858.0003 [Caribou Caravan #1]
Title from label on reel - no title on film. // Importation of a small herd of caribou from Newfoundland in December 1963. Animals brought to Maine by truck and ferry and releas...
12) 0858.0031 [Allagash 1]
Box label: 'Allagash 1.' // 1962 date code on film. // Ektachrome. // Notes date item: '07/20/1964.' // One of six 100 ft. reels that are likely related.
13) 0858.0032 [Allagash 2]
Box label: 'Allagash 2.' // 1962 date code on film. // Ektachrome. // Notes date item: '07/20/1964.' // One of six 100 ft. reels that are likely related.
19) 0858.0033 [Allagash 3]
Box label: 'Allagash 3.' // 1962 date code on film. // Ektachrome. // Notes date item: '07/20/1964.' // One of six 100 ft. reels that are likely related.
21) 0858.0034 [Allagash 4]
Box label: 'Allagash 4.' // 1962 date code on film. // Ektachrome. // Notes date item: '07/20/1964.' // One of six 100 ft. reels that are likely related.
35) 0858.0035 [Allagash 5]
Box label: 'Allagash 5.' // 1962 date code on film. // Ektachrome. // Notes date item: '07/20/1964.' // One of six 100 ft. reels that are likely related.
36) 0858.0036 [Allagash 6]
Box label: 'Allagash 6.' // 1962 date code on film. // Ektachrome. // Notes date item: '07/20/1964.' // One of six 100 ft. reels that are likely related.
6) 0902.0001 [Student Uprising at Harvard University]
EIAJ 1/2 inch open reel videotape. // NHF cataloguer's notes, 11/94: (poor sound, poor tracking) Beatles background music. Harvard University campus. Young men 'mouthing off' an...
15) 0943.0001 [Disney Encyclopedia: Lobster]
Disney Encyclopedia. Doreen introduces and narrates a juvenile geographic film on down east Maine. 'This is Penobscot Bay.' Features Stockton Springs High School students learni...
21) 0945.0001 Maine's Harvesters of the Sea
General description: narration and appearance by artist Laurence Sisson. Fishermen in trawlers, draggers, purse seiners and lobster boats. Fishing for cod, haddock, whiting, oce...
30) 0952 NHF TAPE #070 Music in Maine
Dated 06-68.
14) 0954.0002 [Tennis]
6) 0954.0003 [1968 Potato Blossom Queen]
1968 Potato Blossom Queen is crowned; Queen and her court on stage
28) 0954.0004 [1968 Potato Blossom Festival]
1968 Potato Blossom Festival; parade in Fort Fairfield; information acquired from tape label on film
22) 0954.0008 [Youth Conservation Education Camp]
Men and woman outside log cabin; man with children near campfire; lakeside scenes; Knight talks with Romey (sp?) Haines about a youth conservation education camp at Mud Lake; in...
35) 0954.0010 [Merv Griffin Show Promo]
Promo for Merv Griffin Show; woman in hat speaks into microphone and interviews people
8) 0954.0056 [Auto Racing Promos]
Series of short promotional films on auto racing
9) 0954.0057 [Auto Racing Promos]
Series of short promotional films on auto racing; one titled 'Pike's Peak'
13) 0954.0133 [Man]
Man with glasses
19) 0954.0134 [People]
Man and woman; man in coat
17) 0954.0136 [Canoeing]
22) 0954.0137 [unidentified]
15) 0954.0138 [Aerial Footage]
Aerial footage?
19) 0954.0139 [Interview]
Two men interviewed
13) 0954.0140 [Boy Scout Camp]
Boy Scout camp
4) 0954.0160 [Potato Blossom Festival]
Potato Blossom festival at Fort Fairfield; host Frank Knight
5) 0954.0161 [Potato Blossom Queen]
Potato Blossom Festival; queen sings and plays guitar in potato field;WAGM coverage of the 1967 Potato Blossom Festival in Ft. Fairfield, Maine, begins with a performance of Jeannie Leighton, 1966 Potato Blossom Queen, singing and playing guitar. ...
27) 0954.0162 [Spudland Open Golf Tournament]
Wayne Knight recaps highlights of the weekend's Spudland Open Golf Tournament on Monday on deserted course at Presque Isle Country Club.
22) 0954.0163 [Golfers]
Golfers in action golfing
30) 0954.0164 [Golfer Interview]
Wayne Knight reports from Presque Isle Country Club. He and golfer Al Page demonstrate golfing techniques. Golfer Danny [Holthom?] also demonstrates, and a boy, Kenny Dufour, al...
9) 0954.0165 [Basketball]
23) 0954.0166 [Basketball Interview]
Man interviewed with basketball players practicing in background;The Presque Isle High School basketball team is to play Fort Fairfield, and the coach of the 1966 team talks about how the teams compare; players practice in the background; cen...
11) 0954.0167 [Interview]
Man interviews young women; women perform on stage
32) 0954.0168 [Harness Racing]
Harness racing
30) 0954.0169 [Stage Event]
Stage event/parade
36) 0954.0177 [Interview]
Man interviews another man
22) 0954.0178 [Basketball]
2) 0954.0179 [Basketball]
6) 0954.0180 [Basketball]
4) 0954.0182 [Interview]
One man interviews another man
33) 0954.0189 [Presque Isle Basketball Coach Interview]
Knight interviews Presque Isle High School basketball coach Dint Lovely about the team
13) 0954.0190 [Basketball Coach Interview]
Knight interviews basketball coach Jim Yugon (sp?) in gymnasium
26) 0954.0191 [Caribou vs. Fort Fairfield Basketball]
Caribou vs. Fort Fairfield; high school basketball game
4) 0954.0196 [Car Names]
Closeup footage of car names
27) 0954.0197 [Phillip's 66]
Zoom-in/closeup footage of 'Phillip's 66' gasoline logo
6) 0954.0198 [Ship At Sea]
Ship at sea; ocean scenes; audio of men's choir singing 'Eternal Father, Strong to Save'; may have been used during station sign-on or sign-off
11) 0954.0203 [Cars & Interstate]
Car carrier with sign reading 'Crickets are here at K. N. Motor Sales'; rolling footage from cab of tractor-trailer showing a brief shot of two-way traffic on Interstate 95 (I-9...
17) 0954.0316 [Basketball]
23) 0954.0359 [Meeting]
7) 0954.0362 [Interview]
Interview with man in checkered coat and cap
7) 0954.0372 [State Championship]
Sports team celebrates state championship
1) 0954.0373 Warden Canoe School on Allagash
Label on film: 'Warden Canoe School on Allagash'; Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Game film for tv use
29) 0954.0376 [Aerial Footage]
Aerial footage during winter?
28) 0954.0400 [Meeting]
29) 0954.0401 [Flower Shop]
Flower shop
30) 0954.0402 [Carriage House Store]
Store with 'Early American Carriage House' sign
21) 0954.0403 [Golf]
32) 0954.0404 [Golf]
33) 0954.0405 [unidentified]
35) 0954.0406 [Man on Phone]
Man in hat talks on phone
8) 0954.0433 [King's Head]
'The King's Head'; historical settlement?
13) 0954.0457 Up, Up and Away, But Where?
Title on film: 'Up, Up and Away, But Where?'; from Aroostook Viewpoint series; public affairs program on airline service?
14) 0954.0458 [unidentified]
27) 0954.0459 [Boy Scouts]
Boy Scouts
17) 0954.0461 [Speakers]
Various speakers
6) 0954.0471 [Interview]
Knight interviews unidentified man
20) 0954.0501 [Telephone Company]
Telephone company; Christmas time
35) 0954.0502 [ROTC Orienteering Exercises]
Army ROTC orienteering exercises
28) 0954.0515 [Nurses]
3) 0954.0516 [unidentified]
1) 0954.0517 [Interview & Guitar Playing]
Man in suit interviewed; young people in lab; library; two young men play guitars
26) 0954.0528 [Skiers & Snowmobilers]
Label on can: 'February Fun Festival Preview'; skiers on small hill; snowmobilers
12) 0954.0573 [Oscar Nelder]
Oscar Nelder with Floyd Harding (?)
8) 0954.0575 [Stanley Salwak]
Nelder with Stanley Salwak
6) 0954.0586 [Interview]
Interview in front of 'Presque Isle Civil Defense/Search and Rescue...' sign
33) 0954.0587 [Interview]
Nelder interviews man in hunting cap
31) 0954.0589 [Interviews & Snowmobiles]
Street scene; interviews; snowmobiles
30) 0954.0590 [Snowmobile Race]
Snowmobiles race around track
19) 0954.0601 [Interview]
Gordon Manuel (?) interviews man with glasses
35) 0954.0621 [Canadian Air Force]
Can note: F102 Emergency Landing 31 Jan 1970 Goose AB Canada, Nose Gear Retracted, Maj. Tally, Chief of Safety, Goose AB, Canada; also see item 0954.0491
36) 0954.0623 [Skiing]
10) 0954.0626 Ed Muskie: Man From Maine
Campaign piece for 1968 Democratic presidential candidate Hubert Humphrey and vice-president/running mate Edmund Muskie; possibly a kinescope; title from film
6) 0954.0628 [Auto Racing]
A man in a helmet laying on the hood of a car crashes through a burning wall. Shots of various cars. Stock car racing.
6) 0954.0629 [Presque Isle Basketball Coach Interview]
Knight interviews Presque Isle High School boys basketball coach Eugene "Dint" Lovely on court.
13) 0954.0630 [Presque Isle Basketball]
Basketball game/practice at Presque Isle High School; Knight interviews coach Dint Lovely
25) 0954.0631 [Voting]
Meeting/voting; date uncertain
24) 0954.0632 [Election Results]
Election results
6) 0954.0633 [Snowmobile Race]
Snowmobile race
11) 0954.0634 [Torchlight Parade]
Parade in winter by torchlight
12) 0954.0635 [Skiing]
20) 0954.0636 [Skiing & Snowmobiling]
Skiing and snowmobiling
25) 0954.0648 [Covered Snowmobile]
Air conditioner; covered Ski-Doo snowmobile; date uncertain
12) 0954.0680 [Apartment Complex]
Exterior of apartment/housing complex
8) 0954.0684 [Maine-Quebec Caravan]
Label on film: 'Maine-Quebec Caravan 1964'
7) 0954.0685 [Cutting Seed By Hand]
Label on can: 'Cutting Seed By Hand June 3, 1969'
26) 0954.0686 [Housing Applicant]
Man standing at desk/counter; label on can: 'R. Smart, Housing Applicant'
21) 0954.0688 [Speaker]
Man speaks at lectern
18) 0954.0689 [Speakers]
Various men speak at lectern
27) 0954.0700 [Interviews]
Interviews with people on the street
7) 0954.0729 [Interview]
Gordon interviews man in coat and tie
21) 0954.0753 [Interview]
Woman in sweater interviewed (by Ruth Mraz?)
19) 0954.0777 [Potato Queen Interview]
Woman interviews girl in queen costume on 'Maine Potatoes' set
15) 0954.0778 [Nun Interview]
Gordon interviews nun
33) 0954.0794 [Military Ball]
Military ball; people outdoors in snow
32) 0954.0795 [Snowmobiles]
34) 0954.0800 [Potato House]
Potato house?
26) 0954.0801 [Toy Set]
'Toy Storyland' set
21) 0954.0806 [Stanley Salwak]
President Stanley Salwak of the University of Maine at Presque Isle; footage of UMPI campus
5) 0954.0808 [Interview]
Gordon interviews man in plaid cap next to small plane
13) 0954.0843 [Carrying a Cross]
People marching, carrying a cross
31) 0954.0868 [Interview]
Silverbrand interviews man with beard and glasses
9) 0954.0875 [Snow]
32) 95-40.0041 Pvt. Clea, Biloxi, W.F.--Dassler family--home movies. Reel 41
Pt. Clea (1960)--Bilox (1964)--W.E. (1965)
295) 95-40.0042 Norfork, 20th reunion--Dassler family--home movies. Reel 42
Norfork--20th reunion--Cubs--Lakewood--Xmas (1961)--Irondale (1964)
296) 95-40.0043 Crystal, Isle Royale--Dassler family--home movies. Reel 43
Crystal (1961-1962)--Isle Royale (1962)
7) 95-40.0044 Isle Royale, Lake Ontario--Dassler family--home movies. Reel 44
Isle Royale (1963)--Lake Ontario and Isle Royale (1966).
8) 95-40.0045 Canada, Colorado--Dassler family--home movies. Reel 45
Canada with Ladds (1964)--Colorado (1965)--S., S. and L.
23) 95-40.0047 Lecque picnic--Dassler family--home movies. Reel 47
Lecque picnic (double exposure) (1961)
11) 95-40.0048 Birthdays--Dassler family--home movies. Reel 48
Birthday (1961, 1962, 1963)
12) 95-40.0049 Florida, spring--Dassler family--home movies. Reel 49
Florida (Spring 1967)
23) 95-40.0051 Hawaii, Maui--Dassler family--home movies. Reel 51
Hawaii and Maui (1967)
18) 95-40.0052 Skip's graduation--Dassler family--home movies. Reel 52
Skip's graduation (1968)
24) 95-40.0053 R. Yenson--Dassler family--home movies. Reel 53
R Yenson (1969)
13) 95-40.0054 Christmas party--Dassler family--home movies. Reel 54
Xmas party, at Cheshire (1969)
18) 324 cat. 0017-10-WABI-60 Air National Guard
Bangor : Dow Air Force Base, inspection of National Guard by officer going up and down rows.
19) 410 cat. 0082-02-WABI-64 Nick Brountas -- Radio Month
Brountas discusses 'Radio Month' and radio's achievements. Encourages appreciation of radio with slogan 'Radio -- Your Constant Companion.'
18) 1000.0005 Sporting Event
Boys playing baseball. A man grooming a horse. The man on horseback. Sunset over mountains. A soccer game. Shot of a toy elephant sitting on the ground. Cut back to the soccer g...
26) 1013.0001 New England's Heritage Trail
Summary provided by AFI: 'A tour of New England which includes scenes of Mystic, CT; the mansions of Newport, RI; Martha's Vineyard and Boston, MA; a clambake and blacksmith's f...
21) 1018-09-WABI-61 [Houston Classic]
Invitational $40,000 Golf Tournament including Ken Venturi, Gary Playerl Arnold Palmer, players executing shots, scoreboard, crowd.
36) 1023.0005 Summer, family gatherings and road trip, 1969--Cameron A. Rae--home movies. Reel 5
Color home movie featuring family gatherings, picnics, and summer activities, including a road trip.;Opens with waves crashing on rocks, boy in parka at picnic table, girl at water's edge. Indoors, boy smiling with black eye. Large group at family picnic, eating watermelon. ...
8) 1023.0007 Sara, Edie, and Donald, 1970--Cameron A. Rae--home movies. Reel 7
"Sara, Edie + Donald 1970";Color home movie including scenes of children waiting for schoolbus, family camping, and a lobsterman baiting, lowering, and raising traps.;Opens on eggs frying in skillet on camp stove. Children and mother eat at picnic table next to van and tent. Man playing catch with children in the grass. Home scene, chi...
36) 1054-26-WABI-67 Rotary Celebrates 50th Anniversary
Bangor: Celebration including members driving 1917 car to dinner, old Fords pulling out of Howard Johnson's, people at Rotary, dinner.
5) 1058.PC5 Commencement 1962
Promotional footage. Commencement 1962
11) 1058.PC11 Commencement 1964
Promotional footage. 'Commencement 1964'
13) 1059.0009 [George E. Whitmore--home movies] Reel 9
Film can/box notes as follows (reel numbers are NHF-assigned). 9. Xmas 1960 part #1.
12) 1059.0010 [George E. Whitmore--home movies] Reel 10
Film can/box notes as follows (reel numbers are NHF-assigned). 10. Xmas 1960 2nd part.
11) 1059.0011-.0014 [George E. Whitmore--home movies] Reels 11-14
Film can/box notes as follows (reel numbers are NHF-assigned). 11. [8 mm.] Xmas 1961 #1 of 4. 12. [8 mm.] Xmas 1961 #2 of 4. 13. [8 mm.] Xmas 1961 #3 of 4. 14. [8 mm.] #4.
12) 1059.0015 [George E. Whitmore--home movies] Reel 15
Film can/box notes as follows (reel numbers are NHF-assigned). 15. Christmas 1962 at McLean #57.
24) 1059.0016 [George E. Whitmore--home movies] Reel 16
Film can/box notes as follows (reel numbers are NHF-assigned). 16. 1964.
25) 1059.0017 [George E. Whitmore--home movies] Reel 17
Film can/box notes as follows (reel numbers are NHF-assigned). 17. Florida--February 1966.
33) 1059-13-WABI-67 More Landmarks Coming Down in Bangor
Shots of large old homes and demolition.
27) 1059.A1 [George E. Whitmore--home movies] Reel A1
Film can/box notes as follows (reel numbers are NHF-assigned). A1. K of C [Knights of Columbus?] degree.
28) 1059.A2 [George E. Whitmore--home movies] Reel A2
Film can/box notes as follows (reel numbers are NHF-assigned). A2. Geo, Lillian and Greta in Sarasota and AL. Florida
4) 1063-07-WABI-67 Miss Maine at Belfast
Ralph Lowe with Miss Maine from Cape Elizabeth. Jaycee sponsored candidate.
13) 1078-04-WABI-67 Maine Trial Lawyers Seminar Preview
No description available
11) 1078.PC1 [The Small College--unedited footage]
Promotional footage. 'The Small College'--unedited footage
3) 1078.PC2 Outing Club Activities
Promotional footage. 'Outing Club Activities'
11) 1078.PC3 Outing Club Skiing
Promotional footage. 'Outing Club Skiing'
34) 1080.0002 [Buffington--home movies] Reel 2
Donor notes: [EM is Ellen M. Buffington.] Reel 2: salt water at A. Nelsons with H. Kallis. Skindivers, diggin for presents. Tommy, Betsy and EM at Scarboro, Moosup Pond (Me.). C...
36) 1080.0004 [Buffington--home movies] Reel 4
Donor notes: [EM is Ellen M. Buffington.] Reel 4: 1955 Rambler. Ella Wallenius Mom and Pop. Mrs. Kalle Forst. Gloria Johanson et al. EM horsebacking, long hair, short hair. At c...
12) 1092.0008-.0009 The Resource and the Challenge (NHF Reels 8-9)
NHF cataloguer's notes, 11/94 for NHF Reels 8-9: [DIVISION BETWEEN REELS IS UNCLEAR] 'J.R. Simplot Co. Presents The Resource and the Challenge.' Promo film for a mining and agri...
4) 1092.0010 Machine, Inc. of Maine (NHF Reel 10)
NHF catlaoguer's notes, 11/94 for NHF Reel 10: 'Machine Inc. of Maine' promo film for a sand screening production equipment company.
14) 1092.0011 [1964 Maine Potato Festival] (NHF Reel 11)
NHF cataloguer's notes, 11/94 for Reel 11: Banquet. Local beauty pageant, Miss Van Buren and Miss Houlton. Parade. Large farm equipment.
17) 1094-05-WABI-68 U-M Freshmen Weekend Preview
No description available
23) 1094-15-WABI-68 Councilor Baldacci Comments on Referendum Results
No description available
19) 1095-06-WABI-68 Winter Sports Banquet
No description available
32) 1108.0134 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 134
Reel 134: Archie Stewart can notes: 1. Camp, September 1959. 2. Camp 23 October thru 8 November. 3. Florida, Christmas through New Years. 4. Rob [Golding] making brooms. NHF C...
36) 1108.0135 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 135
Reel 135: Archie Stewart can notes: 1. Florida January 1960. Mary-ah's motel. 12-13 March. 19-29 Feb, 3-7 March G.G.'s. Perry's. Weikerts. 15 March Snow. 2. Trip to Michigan for...
26) 1108.0136 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 136
Reel 136: Archie Stewart can notes: 1. Camp 8-21 May. 2. Put up anchor. Record R.N.G. 3. Egonn and Anne Hafer 24 May. 4. Weikert's for Nelson Wedding 5 June. 5. General Eisenhow...
26) 1108.0137 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 137
Reel 137: Archie Stewart can notes: 1. Work trip to Camp, 18-28 September. 2. Weekend visit from Weikerts and Maguires. 3. Autumn foliage. 4. Ann Hafer's wedding. 5. Visit to Se...
90) 1108.0138 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 138
Reel 138: Archie Stewart can notes: 1. Thanksgiving 1960. 2. Snowstorm. 3. Trip to Elizabeth Anne's. 4. Trip South. 5. Kureck's Eau Gallie. NHF Cataloguer's notes for Reel 138...
19) 1108.0139 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 139
Reel 139: Archie Stewart can notes: 1961. 1. Start Mary-ah's at Eau Gallie Sun. Afternoon 26 March. 2. John Wallace's big fish. 3. Trip north. 4. Washington. Pottsville. 5. Part...
1) 1108.0140 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 140
Reel 140: Archie Stewart can notes: 1. End August camp trip and morning glories. Sept Take G.G. to Sterling Forest. 2. Sept work trip to camp. 3. Oct visit Ann Quantico. Autumn ...
31) 1108.0141 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 141
Reel 141: Archie Stewart can notes: Christmas 1961 - May 1962. 1. 1961 Xmas Hafer's in Eau Gallie. 3. Visit G.G. in Miami. 4. Return to Cape Canaveral. 5. Col. Glenn's take-off....
32) 1108.0142 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 142
Reel 142: Archie Stewart can notes: 1. Go to Quantico for kids 29-13 May. 2. Farewell at Fackler's 26 June. 3. To Pottsville for Maguire party 30 June - 1 July. 4. [No Pottsvill...
58) 1108.0143-.0144 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 143-144
Reel 143 & 144: Archie Stewart can notes: 1. Camp November, 1962. 2. Thanksgiving. Mary-ah's. 22 November at 330 Dogwood, Park Forest. 3. Christmas Mary-ah's in Park Forest....
35) 1108.0145 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 145
Reel 145: Archie Stewart can notes: 1963. 1. End of California trip, driving east. 2. Abby's fifth birthday. 3. Weekend at Pottsville. 4. Flying to Colorado Springs. 5. May fish...
36) 1108.0146 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 146
Reel 146: Archie Stewart can notes: Starts 8 Aug 1963. 1) Mary's birthday at Bird & Bottle. 2) 5 grandchildren to camp. 3) Dinner at 350. 4) Supper at 388. 5) Camp September...
8) 1108.0147 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 147
Reel 147: Archie Stewart can notes: 1) Hunting trip, November 1963. Continued from 146. 2) Thanksgiving. 3) Christmas. 4) Maryah's quick visit for party. 5) E.A.'s [third birthd...
24) 1108.0148 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 148
Reel 148: Archie Stewart can notes: 1) camp 13-26 May 1964. 2) Decoration Day parade (with Brownie MLWB)? 3) Arrival of Hafers. 4) Swans with babies. 5) Farwell family reunion a...;Mary Stewart Hafer notes: Archie's grandchildren in camp at The Thoroughfare, between West Grand Lake and Pocumcus Lakes. Ann & Reg Sauls are also there. Earl Bonness is gui...
10) 1108.0149 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 149
Reel 149: [Archie Stewart can notes: 1964 1. Kids in camp 6-21 July. 2. MWS and TAS in camp 24 Aug - 1 Sept. 3. Thanksgiving at Maryah's Arlington. 4. Rooms 388 December. 5. Chr...
11) 1108.0150 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 150
Reel 150: Archie Stewart can notes: Trip to England and Scotland, 17 September - 5 October 1964. Screening notes: WS of Horse Guards parading on street in London. WS of crowd g...;Mary Stewart Hafer notes: Trip to Scotland. Sept. 1964. Edinburgh. Edinburgh castle. Walter Scott monument. flowers. Stirling castle (?) Half-timbered houses. Shrewsbury. Wesl...
12) 1108.0151 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 151
Reel 151: Archie Stewart can notes: 1965. 1. Trip to Ann's at Lemoore, CA. 15 January 1965, 15 March. 2. Stop off at Maryah's. 3. Topping tree. 4. Self's visit 10 April. 5. Camp...;Mary Stewart Hafer notes: Nasturtium leaves. Visit to my house at 1823 N. Harrison Street, Arlington VA. Abby, John, Heidi the long-haired dachshund. Snow scene. Heidi with Moth...
13) 1108.0152 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 152
Reel 152: Archie Stewart can notes: 1965. 1. Flowers 388 Spring. 2. Trip to Maryah's 25-28 June. 3. Digging the big well, July. 4. Kids to camp 7-20 August. 5. Family gathering ...;Mary Stewart Hafer notes: High climbing roses and garden roses at 388 Grand Street, Newburgh. Rhododendrons. Trip to my house, 1823 N. Harrison Street, Arlington, VA June 25-2...
19) 1108.0153 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 153
Reel 153: Archie Stewart can notes: 1965. 1. Eddie & Doc visit. 2. Trip to Dearborn. 3. Camp, 7-21 November. 4. Celebrate Rob's 91st one week in advance. 5. Deliver Mary's 1...;Mary Stewart Hafer notes: Senior Hafers visit, LeRoy "Doc" Hafer and Esther "Eddie" Hafer, October 15-17, 1965. Autumn foliage. Camp. Rob. Tommy Lockhead, Archie, and Earl with...
7) 1108.0154 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 154
Reel 154: Archie Stewart can notes: 1966. 1. End of trip to Ann's. 2. Abby's birthday. 3. Gurnee Hart's wedding. 4. Camp 9-21 May. 5. Garden upon return from camp. 6. Kids to ca...;Mary Stewart Hafer notes: Mary Lou painting sunset scene. Family dressed up. Car departing. Rex bringing pecan pie to Archie for 64th birthday, Feb. 27. Trip back East. Car. Mot...
16) 1108.0155 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 155
Reel 155: Archie Stewart can notes: 1966. 1. End of kids trip to camp with kids. 23 June - 6 July. 2. Geo going to W.M. Camp. 3. ML dressed for riding. 4. Hafers departure 20 Ju...;Mary Stewart Hafer notes: June 26-July 6, kids at camp continued. Good scene, kids shooting clay pigeons. Mary Lou and Abby throwing darts. Mary Lou and Abby raising flag. Flag...
35) 1108.0156 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 156
Reel 156: Archie Stewart can notes: 1966. 1. Camp hunting trip. 2. Air Force dinner at 388. 3. T's visit for Thanksgiving. 4. Christmas at Ann's, Lemoore, CA. 5. Take T. back to...;Mary Stewart Hafer notes: Good closeup of Rob Golding in boat. Earl. Walking out dock in rough weather. Two large deer being loaded. Dining table at 388 Grand being set for cat...
18) 1108.0157 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 157
Can notes and NHF cataloguer's notes: Reel 157: Rotary trip to Scandinavia 11 - 29 May 1967. [Transferred at wrong frame rate; too slow]. Urban scenes. People get on bus. Look a...;Mary Stewart Hafer notes: Getting on tour bus. Mother at waterfalls. Snowy hillsides. Mother looking down on picturesque village. Sign "Norheimsund." Boat scenes. Mother looking...
19) 1108.0158-.0159 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reels 158-159
Reels 158 and 159 combined on VHS screening tape. Archie Stewart can notes: Reel 158: Summer 1967. 15 June - 12 Sept. 1) Kids visit. 2) Mary-ah and Fred visit. 3) Trip to camp. ...;Mary Stewart Hafer notes: July 24-August 10. Mary, Fred, Abby in backyard at 388 Grand Street, Newburgh NY. Abby with braids cut off. Sauls and Hafer kids playing ankle hoop g...
13) 1108.0160 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 160
Reel 160: Slate mislabeled Reel 161 and lists can notes for Reel 161 on VHS screening tape. Screening notes: WS of large white house, family in yard. Boy with hula hoop. MS of ...;Mary Stewart Hafer notes: Abby and kids waiting for schoolbus at Saran Ave., Bedford, MA. Abby with big fancy envelope to Miss A.A. Dinner in Newburgh with Senior Hafers and A...;Archie Stewart can notes: Starts fall 1967. 26-8 Oct. Mary visit from Bedford, at 388 for new car. Xmas 1967 Mary and kids and Hafers. Visit to Mary-ah's at Bedford in deep snow...
11) 1108.0161 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 161
Amateur footage. Archie Stewart can notes in quotes: 'Starts 1968. Maryah's visit 21-24 June. John Wallace's Eagle Scout Award. Camp 18 Aug - 1 Sept. Visit Col. RNG, 26 Aug. Ann...;NHF cataloguer's notes for Reel 161, 3/26/99 JB: WS of boys wrestling on the grass [slow motion?]. Woman [Ann] and dachshund dog watch. MS of rose bushes. MS of young girl in di...;Mary Stewart Hafer notes: Springtime 1968 Mary Stewart Hafer visiting Newburgh from Bedford. Roses in bloom. Abby by rhododendrons in front of 388 Grand Street. John Hafer gett...
31) 1108.0162 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 162
Amateur footage. Archie Stewart can notes in quotes: 'Starts with last 50 feet of 1968 fall hunting trip. Xmas at Ann's in Fallbrook. Birthday trip to Mary-ah's. Bedford 27 Feb ...;Mary Stewart Hafer notes: Christmas 1968 at Fallbrook, CA with Ann and kids. (Major Reginald G. Saul IV was serving in Vietnam) Bedford, MA Feb 27 1969. Archie's birthday at m...
5) 1108.0163 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 163
Amateur footage. Archie Stewart can notes in quotes: 'Visit Maryah's Bedford 28-29 May. Esther. Geo with snorkel, tomato plant. Geo on Birthday, 2 August. Geo makes annual dep A...;Mary Stewart Hafer notes: 1969 Bedford, MA. Mother and I in back yard looking ato "Col. Klink," the scarecrow. Newburgh, Esther Gunther in fancy floral hat with corsage. Rex Sau...
24) 1108.0164 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 164
Archie Stewart can notes: Reel 164 1969-1970. Xmas Reunion at 388. T.W.s 21st birthday, Concord, Mass. Trip to Ann's 10 Feb - 4 March. Abby's 12th birthday, 31 March. Snowstorm,...;Mary Stewart Hafer notes: Christmas in Newburgh. Big snowstorm. Hafers, Saulses, and senior Hafers all present. Back yard at 388 Grand Street. Grandkids make snowman. Shoveling ...
36) 1138.0007 [William Rand, Sr.--home movies] Reel 007
NHF cataloguer's summary for Reel 7: Amateur outdoor footage with detailed portraits of ducks and geese swimming and flying, their gestures and habits, as well as the activities...
19) 1156-1198 4/1/69-11/30/69 [WABI News Department April 1, 1969 - November 30, 1969]
Approximate dates of uncatalogued reels. Catalog numbers 1156-1198. See WABI News Department Film Record: Notebook 1 1964-1969.
33) 1191 Governor & Exec. Council Meet Atop Sugarloaf Mt.
No description available
10) 1191.0925 [Tangerine Bowl and Return]
Football: Tangerine Bowl and Return; University of Maine football team.
12) 1191.1100.21 [Last Planes Leave Dow]
Last bomber plane and stratotanker leave Dow Air Force Base in Bangor; Air Force men board plane, it takes off; 'City of Bangor' painted on side of bomber; inspection of men in ...
22) 1191.1102-13 [Democratic Convention Speakers]
Segments of speeches from George Mitchell, William Hathaway, and Peter Kyros at Democratic Convention in Augusta.
4) 1191.1102-16 David Graham Speaks on the Issues
No description available
30) 1191.1107.11 Bangor Airport Manager Outlines Takeover Procedures
No description available
2) 1191.1108 [Martin Luther King Memorial]
California congressman Ronald Dellums in Bangor for Martin Luther King memorial.
21) 1191.1110.11 [Bangor Airport Manager Explains Fixed Base Operations]
No description available
23) 1191.1168 and 1169 The Trenton Dilemma news special
No description available
30) 1191.1178-26 [Maine People React to Moon Landing July 21]
Maine people react to moon landing.;Description and catalog number found in log book.
10) 1191.1206.01 [Special School District Proposal]
Interview with Bangor city manager Merle Goff on proposal for special school district in Bangor and parking garage complex
9) 1191.1206.02 [Substandard Housing in Bangor]
Interview with Robert Allen on Bangor's substandard housing and tenants' rights; wearing funky sunglasses
22) 1191.1206.03 [Fire Department Fixes Toys]
Bangor firemen complain of small amount of toys to fix for the Christmas season; footage of fire official (chief?), fire men working on fixing all sorts of toys; footage of toy ...
9) 1191.1206.04 [Car Accident in Snow]
Icy roads and snow cause rash of accidents; footage of car wreck in Hampden, person on stretcher being put in ambulance during snow storm
13) 1191.1206.05 [Heath Director on Bangor Housing]
Bangor Department of Health Director discusses substandard housing conditions in the city
28) 1191.1206.06 [Colby Ski Coach Interview]
Hale interviews Colby College ski coach Mike Hodges
32) 1191.1206.07 [Film Censhorship]
Interviews with Brewer attorney Wayne Libhart (spelling?) and Colonel Parker Hennessey on obscenities and movies; Governor Ken Curtis comments; bill proposal to censor films/movies
30) 1191.1206.08 [Industrial Park Funding]
Half of the funding needed for Brewer East-West Industrial Park is subscribed; fundraising meeting
31) 1191.1206.09 [University Play Production]
University of Maine Masque to produce 'Camino Real' play by Tennessee Williams
32) 1191.1206.10 [Bangor Art Society Show]
Preview of holiday art show/exhibition being put on by Bangor art society
22) 1191.1206.11 [Sewall on Budget]
Joseph (Joe) Sewall comments on state budget and appropriations report, recommneds $2 million cuts
15) 1191.1206.12 [New England Power Exchange]
Official from Central Maine Power speaks at Kiwanis Club dinner in Augusta; the New England power exchange program will be run by computer
35) 1191.1206.13 [Good Roads Association Meeting]
Meeting of Maine Good Roads Association in Orono; men at conference
33) 1191.1206.14 [Soil Conservation]
Proper land use and soil conservation is key to Maine community planning
1) 1191.1206.15 [Irish Folk Singer in Bangor]
Irish folk singer Michael Joyce gets off plane at Bangor International Airport
2) 1191.1206.16 [White Roots of Peace Group]
White Roots of Peace indian/native american group arrives at Bangor International Airport
3) 1191.1206.17 [HEP Commision Report]
HEP Commission report hearing at University of Maine in Orono
2) 1191.1206.18 [Curtis on Wildlands Tax]
Governor Ken Curtis talks wildlands commission, wildlands tax possibilities, and the oil situation in Maine
5) 1191.1206.19 [Husson Basketball Coach Interview]
Husson College winter sports luncheon; Hale interviews Husson basketball coach Bruce MacGregor
25) 1191.1207.01 [4-H Club Conference]
'Make Tomorrow Happen' conference of the 4-H Club at the University of Maine; Maine's 4-H members will fly to convention in Chicago
29) 1191.1207.02 [Bangor-Brewer Management Club]
Richard Bronson speaks at dinner of the Bangor-Brewer Management Club
10) 1191.1207.03 [March of Dimes Kickoff]
Penobscot County March of Dimes kickoff night dinner; kid wears 'Go Mod' pin
6) 1191.1207.04 [Paul Bunyan Basketball Tournament]
Fifth annual Paul Bunyan basketball tournament; Hale interviews Husson College basketball coach and Keith Mahaney
31) 1191.1207.05 [Problems in Lincoln]
Interview with unidentified man on Penobscot County municipal problems, particularly those in Lincoln
33) 1191.3884 [Basketball Game]
High school basketball game; scoreboard reads: visitors 63, home 62
34) 1191.3886 [unidentified]
Ships at Bath Iron Works go into the water; ship christening; DuPont film stock, date not certain
32) 1191.3888 [Nixon Rally in Maine]
Rally for Richard Nixon in Maine; Nixon in attendance with wife Pat, introduced by Governor John Reed; Nixon thanks Reed, gives speech; Margaret Chase Smith also in attendance.
2) 1191.3889 [Bellamy & Garson in Maine]
Ralph Bellamy and Greer Garson arrive at Bangor Airport en route to Campobello Island; they get off plane and are interviewed on runway/tarmac; Bellamy discusses the Broadway ac...
3) 1191.3890 [CH Rice Company]
Peter D'Errico interviews owners of CH Rice, a meat-packing company; interview takes place outside in front of new building in industrial park; Dupont film stock, date not certain
28) 1191.3892 [WABI Anniversary]
Man offers congratulations on the tenth anniversary of WABI-TV in Bangor
6) 1191.3893 [WABI Anniversary Message]
Tenth anniversary WABI message; man speaks about the Bangor station; tirade against the FCC and government regulation; no edge code on film stock
7) 1191.3894 [WABI Anniversary Thanks]
'We hope you have enjoyed our ten-year anniversary program.'; man talks about WABI station past and future, videotape and color
8) 1191.3895 [unidentified]
Car, sound test (?)
9) 1191.3897 Test Kine From Tape
'The stars' address is CBS; advertisement for Tab cola/soft-drink; 1964 edge code on film stock
32) 1191.3898 [Kinescope Test]
Kinescope sound and picture test
19) 1191.3899 [Camera Test Without Picture]
Sound only, no picture/image; camera test/sound check; customs rules are read
12) 1191.3900 [Miscellaneous Logging Competition Outtakes]
Outtakes were originally in pieces, were assembled into one item; footage consists of outtakes; includes interview with Stan Stanchell of Stanchell-McCullough Chainsaws; winner ...
20) 1191.3901 [Muskie At Military Hearing]
Edmund Muskie presides over hearing on military/Air Force buildings at Presque Isle (?); sound is difficult to understand; negative film element
3) 1191.4478 CBS Affiliates Fall Preview Film: The Winners Circle
CBS season promo including previews of Mayberry RFD for Monday night, Lancer for Tuesday night, The Good Guys for Wednesday night, Blondie for Thursday night, and Hawaii Five-O....
20) 1191.4480 NASA Aeronautics and Space Report
NASA report. 'Langley 50th Anniversary' Previous Acc. # 0600
6) 1191.4481 NASA: Year End 1969
NASA-produced educational film.
7) 1191.4482 Aeronautics & Space Report - Highlights 1966
NASA-produced educational film; Previous accession # 0598
8) 1191.4483 NASA: Space Highlights 1967
NASA-produced educational film; Previous accession # 0602
30) 1191.4487 CBS - The Best Television On Television
CBS/WABI-produced season preview; Have Gun, Will Travel; The Governor & JJ; Marshall Dillon; Medical Center; The Jim Nabors Hour; Get Smart!; To Rome With Love
4) 1191.4490 [unidentified]
Interior of airplane cockpit; Previous accession # 0467
17) 1191.4491 [American Trucking Association]
Finley interviews Gerald Cole of Cole's Express of Portland, Maine at the American Trucking Association convention in Chicago, Illinois; advertisement spot for American Trucking...
240) 1191.4492 [American Baptists]
McBain speaks at American Baptist Convention on role of american Baptists in protestantism; notes say: '52nd United Baptists in Augusta'; Previous accession # 0459
25) 1191.4500 Early Bird - Ireland - 1964
Negative film element; title refers to writing on can; note on leader reads: 'from here, not used on air'; short clips, possibly outtakes; footage includes airplanes in hangar, ...
36) 1191.4501 Early Bird - 'Ireland'
Negative film element; title refers to tape on leader; note on leader reads: 'first part used on air'; short clips, possibly outtakes; footage includes women in a shop, people o...
27) 1191.4502 [Return of the 'Minute Man']
Negative and positive film elements; title refers to writing on can; footage of house fire with firemen fighting fire at night, aftermath of fire with destroyed block of main st...
34) 1191 cat. 0020-01-WABI-1964 [Freese's Gold Bond Stamps]
Freese's Gold Bond Stamps
4) 1191 cat. 0020-02-WABI-1962 [Deer Lying on Side]
Deer lying on its side, breathing rapidly; negative film element
12) 1191 cat. 0020-03-WABI-1962 [John Paul Commercial]
Production footage for commercial/advertisement for John Paul, men's clothing store in Bangor; negative film element
31) 1191 cat. 0020-04-WABI-1962 [John Paul Commercial Footage]
Production footage for commercial/advertisement for John Paul, men's clothing store in Bangor; men model clothes; negative film element
32) 1191 cat. 0020-05-WABI-1962 [John Paul Commercial Footage]
Artwork for John Paul, men's clothing store in Bangor; negative film element
33) 1191 cat. 0020-06-WABI-1964 [Bozo Performance]
Bozo the Clown (probably played by Mike Dudley) visits A.R. Gould Memorial Hopital in Presque Isle and the Cary Memorial Hospital in Caribou; performs for large group in auditorium
11) 1191 cat. 0020-07-WABI-1963 [Libby Motors]
Production footage for comercial/advertisement for Libby Motors; footage of Renault, Peugeot cars
24) 1191 cat. 0020-08-WABI-1963 [Large Fire]
Large fire being fought by fire fighters; trucks from Rockland, Camden, Lincolnville at the scene; possibly somewhere near Rockland waterfront
36) 1191 cat. 0020-09-WABI-1961 [WABI Studio Footage]
People stand and chat at WABI-TV studios in Bangor
7) 1191 cat. 0020-10-WABI-1965 [High School Basketball]
Boys high school (?) basketball players from Presque Isle, Rockland, Orono, Bucksport bounce/dribble basketball
30) 1191 cat. 1054-16-WABI-67 Schooner 'America' Poised for Launch
'0049.' LS of schooner as men put mast on to finish her.
29) 1191 cat. 1073-11-WABI-67 Fire Prevention Week Kickoff Parade in Bangor
Bangor: Parade including men in uniform. Hermon High School band. Area Fire Chiefs' cars including Jellison, Bangor, Robbins, Hampden, Dow AFB, Wood, Brewer. Fire Trucks. Marche...
5) 1191 cat. 1073-12-WABI-67 Bangor Kiwanis Annual Charity Auction
Woman auctioneer taking bids from crowd. Floor shot with Norge Store. Choir. Books. Crowd. Kiwanis signs. Men holding sink.
27) 1191 cat. 1073-13-WABI-67 Hatfield Condemns Vietnam Policy
Brass section of band. Women, then men on woodwinds. Conductor. Crowd. Large hall. Chorus. Woman speaker introducing male speaker. Mark Hatfield silent. Scene changes. He talks ...
225) 1191 cat. 1073-14-WABI-67 Alonso Before MTA Convention
No description available
21) 1191 cat. 1073-17-WABI-67 MTA Gym Instructors
Women, many in sports clothes, sit in stands, shoot baskets.
9) 1191 cat. 1073-18-WABI-67 Teacher Aids Conference in Brewer
People at table in front of BJHS banner. Name cards say Thomas Boyd,-orton Hamlin, Virginia Pettingill, Robert Ronco, Rita Kenfield, Margaret Bennett, Esta Astor, Philip Lucas. ...
4) 1191 cat. 1073-19-WABI-67 French House Fete
No description available
1) 1191 cat. 1073-20-WABI-67 Delta Kappa Gamma Sorority at Hammond St. Congregational Church
No description available
12) 1191 cat. 1073-21-WABI-67 Bangor Sylvania Plant Interior, Part 1
No description available
20) 1191 cat. 1073-22-WABI-67 Philadelphia Chamber Symphony at Memorial Gym
No description available
25) 1191 cat. 1073-24-WABI-67 Meet the Candidates Night at Brewer Chamber of Commerce
No description available
26) 1191 cat. 1073-25-WABI-67 Meet the Candidates Night at Bangor JC's
No description available
29) 1191 cat. 1073-29-WABI-67 Art Print Exhibition by World-Renowned Artists at Carnegie
Orono: University of Maine art building (Carnegie Hall)
17) 1191 cat. 1074-01-WABI-67 Goldwater Speech in Memorial Gym at Orono
Barry Goldwater
18) 1191 cat. 1074-02-WABI-67 Danish Gym Team
No description available
19) 1191 cat. 1074-03-WABI-67 Border Patrol Feature, Part Two
No description available
20) 1191 cat. 1074-08-WABI-67 Methodist Conference Home Ground Breaking in Rockland
No description available
26) 1191 cat. 1074-09-WABI-67 Penobscot County Government Day
No description available
4) 1191 cat. 1074-10-WABI-67 Admiral Rogers Addresses the Bangor Rotary
No description available
25) 1191 cat. 1074-13-WABI-67 UM Soccer Field Progress Report #1
Bulldozers. [Some doubt about assigning this title to this story]
24) 1191 cat. 1074-15-WABI-67 NAACP Boston President in Orono
No description available
30) 1191 cat. 1074-16-WABI-67 [Bionics Expert at Colby]
Group of men seated, in discussion. This story tentatively assigned the above title, but may not be correct.
23) 1191 cat. 1074-22-WABI-67 Pershingette Leader Linda Bond
No description available
27) 1191 cat. 1074-24-WABI-67 Eben Elwell in Orono
Some question whether this is story.
5) 1191 cat. 1074-25-WABI-67 Maine Section Institute of Electrical Engineers Tackle Penobscot Pollution Problem
No description available
17) 1191 cat. 1075-11-WABI-67 Maine State Guard Ceremony In Augusta
No description available
3) 1191 cat. 1075-13-WABI-67 Maine Ceramic And Crafts Show In Brewer
No description available
31) 1191 cat. 1075-15-WABI-67 Union St. Shopping Center Nears Completion
No description available
1) 1191 cat. 1075-16-WABI-67 Halloween Window Painting Contest
No description available
33) 1191 cat. 1075-17-WABI-67 Halloween Parade
No description available
34) 1191 cat. 1075-18-WABI-67 Military Retirement Ceremony At Dow
No description available
35) 1191 cat. 1075-19-WABI-67 Bangor Industrial Park Feature, Part I
No description available
36) 1191 cat. 1075-20-WABI-67 Halloween Ghosties Gambol
No description available
30) 1191 cat. 1075-21-WABI-67 Maine-Connecticut Football Game
No description available
6) 1191 cat. 1075-22-WABI-67 Mt. Desert Fire Memorial Plaque Ceremony
No description available
8) 1191 cat. 1075-23-WABI-67 Peaceniks Parade In Orono
No description available
28) 1191 cat. 1075-27-WABI-67 Symphony Women Dinner At Dow
No description available
26) 1191 cat. 1075-29-WABI-67 First Staff Meeting at Jewish Community Center
No description available
18) 1191 cat. 1075-31-WABI-67 Albert Moultin Addresses Bangor Sales & Marketing Executives
No description available
14) 1191 cat. 1075-33-WABI-67 Penobscot County Community Action Committee at All-Souls Church
No description available
25) 1191 cat. 1075-34-WABI-67 Bangor-Brewer Social Service Club Meeting
No description available
10) 1191 cat. 1076-01-WABI-67 McBain Addresses 52nd United Baptist Convention In Augusta
25) 1191 cat. 1076-02-WABI-67 Harry Miller Speaks At Bangor Rotary
No description available
33) 1191 cat. 1076-04-WABI-67 Sears Open in Augusta
No description available
5) 1191 cat.1076-05-WABI-67 Doug's Shop 'n Save Opens in Bucksport
No description available
18) 1191 cat. 1076-06-WABI-67 United Baptist Convention Concludes In Augusta
No description available
13) 1191 cat. 1076-07-WABI-67 Amelia Earheart Award At Dow
No description available
16) 1191 cat. 1076-08-WABI-67 Dr. Cutler Addresses Bangor-Brewer Kiwanis
No description available
16) 1191 cat. 1076-10-WABI-67 Husson College Dormitory Complex Progress Report
No description available
15) 1191 cat. 1076-11-WABI-67 Shrine Imperial Potentate Seay At Bangor's Anah Temple
No description available
14) 1191 cat. 1076-12-WABI-67 C.P. Ceramics & Crafts Show Preview
20) 1191 cat.1076-13-WABI-67 Bucksport Community Center Ready To Open
Alamo Theater building Screening notes by Jane Berry O'Donnell and Berry family, 1/29/00: Shot from across the street of front of Alamo Theatre Building Cars passing by and park...
21) 1191 cat. 1076-16-WABI-67 Santa Claus Interview
No description available
12) 1191 cat. 1076-17-WABI-67 Santa Claus Parade In Bangor
No description available
21) 1191 cat. 1076-18-WABI-67 Thomas College Thanksgiving Convocation
9) 1191 cat. 1076-20-WABI-67 Turkey Time Preview
No description available
35) 1191 cat. 1076-21-WABI-67 Univ. of Maine History Prof. Doty Assesses Current Generation
26) 1191 cat. 1076-23-WABI-67 Maine Central Railroad Boy Scout Awards
No description available
6) 1191 cat. 1076-25-WABI-67 Palmer Elected Executive Secretary of Maine Council of Churches (At Waterville)
No description available
28) 1191 cat. 1076-26-WABI-67 New Milo High School
No description available
36) 1191 cat. 1076-27-WABI-67 Christmas Daddies Kick-Off
No description available
20) 1191 cat. 1076-28-WABI-67 First National Pickets in Portland
No description available
31) 1191 cat. 1076-29-WABI-67 First National Strike Vote Scheduled
No description available
32) 1191 cat. 1076-30-WABI-67 Narraguagus River Dredging At Milbridge
No description available
35) 1191 cat. 1077-01-WABI-67 Gretchen Stern Before Bangor-Brewer Social Service Club
No description available
34) 1191 cat. 1077-01-WABI-67 St. Regis Student Seminar In Bucksport
No description available
34) 1191 cat. 1077-04-WABI-67 Marine Colloids Of Rockland, Part One
No description available
18) 1191 cat. 1077-05-WABI-67 Public-Private School Orientation In Orono
No description available
1) 1191 cat. 1077-06-WABI-67 Penobscot Boy Scout Awards
No description available
2) 1191 cat. 1077-07-WABI-67 Marine Colloids Of Rockland, Part Two
No description available
30) 1191 cat. 1077-08-WABI-67 Ellsworth Bank First To Be Computerized In Hancock County
No description available
31) 1191 cat. 1077-09-WABI-67 Symphony Women Ball Preview
No description available
5) 1191 cat. 1077-10-WABI-67 YWCA Hanging Of The Greens
No description available
10) 1191 cat. 1077-12-WABI-67 Dick Gregory Calls For Christmas Boycott To Protest Vietnam War
Dick Gregory protests Vietnam War
13) 1191 cat. 1077-13-WABI-67 Info 67' At Jewish Community Center
No description available
21) 1191 cat. 1077-14 House Speaker Kennedy At Bangor State Hospital
No description available
24) 1191 cat. 1077-15-WABI-67 Maine Apple Story, Part One
No description available
10) 1191 cat. 1077-19-WABI-67 Brian Mcall On Prospects For Univ. of Maine Basketball
No description available
11) 1191 cat. 1077-20-WABI-67 Rockland Area Chamber Of Commerce Annual Banquet
No description available
21) 1191 cat. 1077-21-WABI-67 Dow A.F.B Declared Excess
No description available
13) 1191 cat. 1077-22-WABI-67 Maine Apple Story, Part Two
No description available
14) 1191 cat. 1078-01-WABI-67 Brewer Sports-O-Rama
No description available
19) 1191 cat. 1078-02-WABI-67 13th Annual Cerebral Palsy Meeting & Slate Of New Officers
No description available
20) 1191 cat. 1078-06-WABI-67 Maine Apple Story, Part Three
No description available
23) 1191 cat. 1078-10-WABI-67 Sno-Karting
No description available
9) 1191 cat. 1078-12-WABI-67 Colby Basketball Preview
No description available
13) 1191 cat. 1078-13-WABI-67 Colby Hockey Preview
No description available
21) 1191 cat. 1078-15-WABI-67 Stetson Block Demolition Begins In Bangor
No description available
22) 1191 cat. 1078-17-WABI-67 The New Northeast Shoe Plant In Pittsfield
No description available
21) 1191 cat. 1078-18-WABI-67 Shrine Potentate At Pilot's Grill
No description available
9) 1191 cat. 1078-19-WABI-67 Univ. of Maine High School Debate Workshop
8) 1191 cat. 1078-20-WABI-67 Frankfort Youth Dies In Route 202 Crash
No description available
7) 1191 cat. 1078-21-WABI Jan Peerce At Bangor's Jewish Community Center
No description available
3) 1191 cat. 1078-23-WABI-67 Bangor's One Thousand Dollar Post Time Winner
No description available
28) 1191 cat. 1078-24-WABI-67 Hampden Chicken Truck Catastrophe
No description available
29) 1191 cat. 1078-25-WABI-67 Univ. Of Maine Security Chief At Bangor Rotary
No description available
33) 1191 cat. 1078-26-WABI-67 Dedication Of New Colby Field House
No description available
31) 1191 cat. 1079-01-WABI-67 Basketball Clinic At Old Town 'Y'
No description available
31) 1191 cat. 1079-02-WABI-67 Veterans Day Parade In Bangor-Brewer
No description available
36) 1191 cat. 1079-06-WABI-67 Union-Broadway Exit Accident at Bangor
No description available
14) 1191 cat. 1079-08-WABI-67 Photo-Journalism Display At Colby
No description available
35) 1191 cat. 1079-09-WABI-67 Unity College Story, Part One
No description available
36) 1191 cat. 1079-10-WABI-67 Hale Previews Bangor-Brewer Football
No description available
18) 1191 cat. 1079-11-WABI-67 Bangor Industrial Park Feature, Part Two
No description available
5) 1191 cat. 1079-12-WABI-67 Northeast Revises Winter Flight Schedule Into Bangor
No description available
5) 1191 cat. 1079-14-WABI-67 Unique Univ. of Maine Augusta Workshop on Aging
No description available
14) 1191 cat. 1079-15-WABI-67 Bowdoin - Maine Soccer
No description available
28) 1191 cat. 1079-17-WABI-67 Third Annual Festival Of Art Preview
No description available
27) 1191 cat. 1079-18-WABI-67 Prof. Rice At Orono Parents-Teens Conference
No description available
7) 1191 cat. 1079-19-WABI-67 Julian Sobin At Bangor-Brewer Management Club
No description available
8) 1191 cat. 1079-20-WABI-67 Piscataquis County Extension Meeting in Dover-Foxcroft
9) 1191 cat. 1079-21-WABI-67 Skowhegan City Charter Story
No description available
29) 1191 cat. 1079-23-WABI-67 Patron's Night At Festival Of Art
No description available
11) 1191 cat. 1080-01-WABI-67 Sylvania Open House in Bangor
No description available
17) 1191 cat. 1080-04-WABI-67 East-West Highway Lauded Before Brewer Chamber of Commerce
No description available
13) 1191 cat. 1080-05-WABI-67 Curtis Comments On Preparations For Special Session
No description available
13) 1191 cat. 1080-06-67 Curtis Speaks On Private Power Rates
No description available
5) 1191 cat. 1080-11-WABI-67 Medicare Shared Computer Program Wrap-Up In Waterville
No description available
17) 1191 cat. 1080-13-WABI-67 Univ. of Maine Construction in Augusta
Construction work at the University of Maine in Augusta.
18) 1191 cat. 1080-15-WABI-67 Westerman Talks On New Univ. of Maine Athletic Complex
No description available
14) 1191 cat. 1080-19-WABI-67 Univ. of Maine's Dr. Young Urges Referendum #4 Approval
No description available
20) 1191 cat. 1080-20-WABI-67 Westerman At Orono - Old Town Kiwanis
No description available
34) 1191 cat. 1080-24-WABI-67 Wrap Up Day For Cerebral Palsy Institute
22) 1191 cat. 1080-29-WABI-67 Boy Scouts Meeting in Waterville
No description available
23) 1191 cat. 1081-01-WABI-67 Collagen Corperation Opens Plant In Newport
No description available
9) 1191 cat. 1081-03-WABI-67 Curtis Before Maine Government Class At Hauk
No description available
25) 1191 cat. 1081-04-WABI-1967 Bapst Headmaster Introduced at School Auditorium
No description available
10) 1191 cat. 1081-07-WABI-67 'Bye Bye Birdie' Rehearsal At Bangor High
No description available
20) 1191 cat. 1081-08-WABI-67 Rockland Quarry Car Salvage Operation
No description available
5) 1191 cat. 1081-09-WABI-67 Fender-Bender Traffic Warning
No description available
4) 1191 cat. 1081-10-WABI-67 Bangor C.A.P. Anniversary Training session
21) 1191 cat. 1081-11-WABI-67 Rockland Quarry Car Salvage 5th day
No description available
31) 1191 cat. 1081-12-WABI-67 Annual Meeting Me. Assoc. Of Soil & Water Conservation Committee
No description available
1) 1191 cat. 1081-13-WABI-67 Bangor Jaycees Junior Miss Candidate
No description available
33) 1191 cat. 1081-14-WABI-67 Operation Paper-Back For Vietnam
No description available
36) 1191 cat. 1081-15-WABI-67 Stetson Block Demolition In Last Stage
No description available
35) 1191 cat. 1081-16-WABI-67 Rockland Quarry Car Salvage Operation Wrap Up
No description available
2) 1191 cat. 1081-17-WABI-67 'Messiah' Performance Preview At Orono
No description available
1) 1191 cat. 1081-18-WABI-67 Milbridge Medical Center One Year later
No description available
6) 1191 cat. 1081-19-WABI-67 Gardiner Jaycees Rehabilitate Stevens Training Center Dorm In Hallowell
No description available
3) 1191 cat. 1081-21-WABI-67 Newport Trust goes computer
No description available
8) 1191 cat. 1081-23-WABI-67 Pets For Christmas From Animal Shelter
No description available
1) 1191 cat. 1081-25-WABI-67 Jr. Fire Brigade In Hampden
No description available
7) 1191 cat. 1081-27-WABI-67 Annual Bangor Fall Instrumental Assemblies
No description available
6) 1191 cat. 1081-27-WABI-67 Ohio Street Fire In Bangor
No description available
31) 1191 cat. 1082-01-WABI-67 University Of Maine Prize Holstein Herd
No description available
24) 1191 cat. 1082-03-WABI-67 Old Town Community Radio Watch
No description available
10) 1191 cat. 1082-04-WABI-67 Ingraham Before Brewer Kiwanis
No description available
22) 1191 cat. 1082-06-WABI-67 Hermon Ski Area
No description available
12) 1191 cat. 1082-07-WABI-67 Seasons First Major Northeast Storm
No description available
13) 1191 cat. 1082-09-WABI [Middle-aged man at Bangor Rotary meeting]
No description available
19) 1191 cat. 1082-10-WABI-67 Home Rule Hearing In Bangor
No description available
23) 1191 cat. 1082-11-67 Timberland Machines Dedication
No description available
25) 1191 cat. 1082-14-WABI-67 Symphony Women Prepare For Ball
No description available
17) 1191 cat. 1082-16-WABI-67 Customer Day At Timberland In Bangor
No description available
18) 1191 cat. 1082-17-WABI-67 Standard Packging Plant Closed By Fire
13) 1191 cat. 1082-19-WABI-67 Standard Packaging Compiles Fire Damage Estimates
No description available
1) 1191 cat. 1082-20-WABI-67 Curtis At Penobscot Dinner-Dance
No description available
22) 1191 cat. 1082-21-WABI-67 Symphony Ball At Bangor House
No description available
23) 1191 cat. 1082-22-WABI-67 Orrington's Imc Chlor-Alkali Plant Begins Production
No description available
24) 1191 cat. 1082-24-WABI-67 Bronson's 4-H Award
No description available
14) 1191 cat. 1082-25-WABI Verow Appointed Headmaster at Bapst
No description available
26) 1191 cat. 1082-26-WABI-67 Goff Before Bangor-Brewer Management Club
No description available
27) 1191 cat. 1082-27-WABI-67 Curtis Calls For Formal Rate Proceedings Against Power Companies
No description available
28) 1191 cat. 1082-30-WABI-67 Hogan Road Fire In Bangor
No description available
29) 1191 cat. 1083-02-WABI-67 Christmas Vacation Time for Maine Colleges
No description available
17) 1191 cat. 1083-03-WABI-67 Bangor Air Force Cadet Before Lions Club
No description available
32) 1191 cat. 1083-04-WABI-67 Senior Citizens Theatre Party
33) 1191 cat. 1083-05-WABI-67 Maine Jaycees Plan Camp for Disadvantaged Children
Some question whether this is story.
33) 1191 cat. 1083-06-WABI-67 McDonald's Hamburger Part for Underprivileged Children
Some question whether this is the story.
35) 1191 cat. 1083-08-WABI-67 WABI Christmas Greeting
No description available
36) 1191 cat. 1083-09-WABI-67 Brewer IGA Foodliner Robbery
32) 1191 cat. 1083-10-WABI-67 Fire Heavily Damages Ohio St. Home
16) 1191 cat. 1084-02-WABI-68 Open Meeting on Bangor Mental Retardation Facility
Some question whether this is story.
3) 1191 cat. 1084-03-WABI-68 Paul Bunyan Winter Carnival Committee Meeting
No description available
15) 1191 cat. 1084-04-WABI-68 Curtis Says Legislature Has Hit Taxpayers Hard Enough
No description available
5) 1191 cat. 1084-05-WABI-68 Richardson Fears Necessity of State Income Tax
No description available
6) 1191 cat. 1084-06-WABI-68 Maine Commission on Rehabilitative Needs
No description available
7) 1191 cat. 1084-07-WABI-68 Brewer City Council Meeting
No description available
8) 1191 cat. 1084-08-WABI-68 Bangor City Council Meeting
No description available
24) 1191 cat. 1084-10-WABI-68 High Winds Buffet Maine
No description available
23) 1191 cat. 1084-11-WABI-68 Divorced Mother Murdered at Clinton
Some doubt if this is the story.
11) 1191 cat. 1084-12-WABI-68 Brewer Antique Shop Robbery
No description available
33) 1191 cat. 1084-13-WABI-68 Gourman Report Lauds UM Academic Standing
No description available
13) 1191 cat. 1084-14-WABI-68 High School Oral Interpretation Workshop
No description available
19) 1191 cat. 1084-16-WABI-68 New Urban Renewal Parking Plan
No description available
18) 1191 cat. 1084-17-WABI-68 Maine News Editors' Objections to Attorney General's Information Guideline
No description available
34) 1191 cat. 1084-18-WABI-68 Community Aides Conference in Brewer
Some doubt if this is story.
1) 1191 cat. 1084-19-WABI-68 Manpower Development Training Program
Some doubt if this is story.
18) 1191 cat. 1085-01-WABI68 UM Year-end Review
No description available
14) 1191 cat. 1085-03-WABI-68 Snowmobile Club Organizational Meeting
No description available
20) 1191 cat. 1085-06-WABI-68 Maine Commissioner of Vet. Services, Robert Washburn
Some question if this is story.
21) 1191 cat. 1085-07-WABI-68 Richardson Explains GOP Student Subsidy Stand
Some question if this is story.
22) 1191 cat. 1085-10-WABI-68 Maine Federation of Republican Women Meet in Bangor
Bangor :
2) 1191 cat. 1085-13-WABI-68 Husson Reports Construction Progress on New Campus
Some question if this is story.
24) 1191 cat. 1085-14-WABI-BHS Hathaway Declares Candidacy
Congressman William Hathaway
27) 1191 cat. 1085-18-WABI-68 Symphony Women Dinner at Pilots
No description available
26) 1191 cat. 1085-19-WABI-68 Fahey Reports on Maine's Handicapped Youth
No description available
27) 1191 cat. 1085-20-WABI-68 Dedication of Squaw Mountain Chair Lift at Greenville
Greenville (Me.)
5) 1191 cat. 1086-01-WABI-68 Old Town Rec Dir Talks to Bangor Teens
Some question if this is story.
12) 1191 cat. 1086-02-WABI-68 Romney in Maine
No description available
30) 1191 cat. 1086-05-WABI-68 Husson College Winter Carnival Queen Candidates
No description available
31) 1191 cat. 1086-06-WABI-68 Hathaway Stand on Vietnam
some question if this is story.
32) 1191 cat. 1086-07-WABI-68 Bangor - Brewer - Hampden Kiwanis Install Officers
No description available
31) 1191 cat. 1086-08-WABI-68 Second Day of Legislative Hearings in Augusta
Some question if this is story.
32) 1191 cat. 1086-09-WABI-68 Hathaway Supports Erwin on Anti-Crime Tools
Congressman William Hathaway
25) 1191 cat. 1086-10-WABI-68 Curtis Calls for Rural Youth Corps
No description available
31) 1191 cat. 1086-12-WABI-68 Doug Brown Signs Telejournal Across the Board
No description available
1) 1191 cat. 1086-13-WABI-68 Most Vital Special Session Bills Reviewed
No description available
1) 1191 cat. 1086-17-WABI-68 Republican Leadership Restores UM Funds
Some question whether this is story.
3) 1191 cat. 1086-18-WABI-68 Maine Council of Churches Prepares Membership Drive
Some question whether this is story.
34) 1191 cat. 1086-19-WABI-68 Keefe Comments on D.E.D. Economic Planning
No description available
33) 1191 cat. 1086-19-WABI-68 Slick Streets Cause Rash of Skidding Mishaps
No description available
36) 1191 cat. 1086-20-WABI-68 Keefe Comments on Ski Promotion Criticism
No description available
26) 1191 cat. 1086-21-WABI-68 Sylvania's Snow Sculpture Paul Bunyan Shapes Up
No description available
8) 1191 cat. 1086-23-WABI-68 Benson Comments on Sea Moss Bill Success
No description available
32) 1191 cat. 1087-02-WABI-68 Bangor State Hospital Votes to Keep 44 Hour Week
Some question whether this is story.
3) 1191 cat. 1087-03-WABI-68 Maine Hospital Workers Split on Work Week Vote
Some question whether this is story.
22) 1191 cat. 1087-04-WABI-68 Bangor City Council Meeting
Some question whether this is story.
12) 1191 cat. 1087-05-WABI-68 Legislature Passes Super University Bill
No description available
13) 1191 cat. 1087-06-WABI-68 Sylvania's John West Before Industrial Development Council of Maine
No description available
14) 1191 cat. 1087-07-WABI-68 Bangor Symphony in Crisis Luncheon
Some question whether this is story.
15) 1191 cat. 1087-08-WABI-68 UM Trustees Meeting
Some question whether this is story.
16) 1191 cat. 1087-09-WABI-68 Bangor Theological Seminary Convocation Week Preview
No description available
20) 1191 cat. 1087-14-WABI-68 Winslow Industrial Park Dedication
No description available
19) 1191 cat. 1087-15-WABI-68 Bangor Sylvania Employees Prepare Paul Bunyan Snow Sculpture
No description available
20) 1191 cat. 1087-16-WABI-68 Lawmakers Near End of Special Session
Some question if this is story.
12) 1191 cat. 1087-17-WABI-68 Maine Lawmakers Wind Up Second Week of Special Session
Some question if this is story.
11) 1191 cat. 1087-18-WABI-68 Cutler Explains UM Trustees Opposition to Super University
No description available
23) 1191 cat. 1088-02-WABI-68 Two Car Head on Crash on Finson Road
No description available
9) 1191 cat. 1088-03-WABI-68 Hildreth Reports on Special Session
No description available
25) 1191 cat. 1088-04-WABI-68 Final Dow Special Awards Ceremony
No description available
25) 1191 cat. 1088-05-WABI-68 Father Peter Gorham on Catholic's View of Ecumenisity
No description available
85) 1191 cat. 1088-06-WABI-68 Eastern Maine General Hospital Nurses Alumni Association Officers Elected
No description available
36) 1191 cat. 1088-06-WABI-68 Levesque Reports on Special Session
No description available
29) 1191 cat. 1088-08-WABI-68 Bangor's Junior League Presents 'Hansel and Gretel'
No description available
18) 1191 cat. 1088-09-WABI-68 Bangor's First Baptist Church Pageant
No description available
2) 1191 cat. 1088-13-WABI-68 Bangor's Paul Bunyan Snowmobile Races
No description available
32) 1191 cat. 1088-15-WABI-68 Paul Bunyan Winter Carnival Fireworks Winter Carnival Queen Candidates
No description available
28) 1191 cat. 1088-16-WABI-68 Canteen 22nd Building to Locate in Industrial Park
No description available
34) 1191 cat. 1088-17-WABI-68 Bangor's Paul Bunyan Winter Carnival Preview
No description available
35) 1191 cat. 1088-19-WABI-68 WABI Says Goodbye to Bob Woodbury
No description available
4) 1191 cat. 1088-20-WABI-68 Husson Seniors Breakfast
No description available
36) 1191 cat. 1088-22-WABI-68 UM's Young Describes Use for Budget Funds Restored by the Legislature
No description available
2) 1191 cat. 1088-23-WABI-68 Dick Rice Night at Brewer Kiwanis
No description available
8) 1191 cat. 1088-27-WABI-68 Lowe in the Colby Pool
Ralph Lowe, WABI reporter
29) 1191 cat. 1088-30-WABI-68 Mansfield Approves Timing of Vietnam Re-Assessment
Senator Mike Mansfield, Democrat from Montana.
28) 1191 cat. 1088-31-WABI-68 Mansfield Comments on Upcoming Political Campaign
Senator Mike Mansfield, Democrat from Montana.
27) 1191 cat. 1089-01-WABI-68 Veazie Blaze Destroys Snowmobiles
No description available
6) 1191 cat. 1089-02-WABI-68 Thomas College Snowdelic Weekend
No description available
12) 1191 cat. 1089-06-WABI-68 Oxford County Republicans Plan Mini-Convention
No description available
24) 1191 cat. 1089-07-WABI-68 Concert Hour at Fruit Street School
No description available
4) 1191 cat. 1089-08-WABI-68 Toastmaster's Club Speech Contest
No description available
11) 1191 cat. 1089-09-WABI-68 Charles Perry before Penobscot Women's Republican Club
Charles H. Perry--a Bangor native--and vice president of Columbia Investment Company of Bangor.
21) 1191 cat. 1089-11-WABI-68 Husson Winter Carnival Rehearsal Activities
No description available
22) 1191 cat. 1089-13-WABI-68 Brewer Cinema Theatre Robbery
No description available
13) 1191 cat. 1089-14-WABI-68 Brewer State Street School Vandalized
No description available
15) 1191 cat.1089-15-WABI-68 St. Regis Provides Civil Defense Shelter for Bucksport Area
No description available
16) 1191 cat.1089-17-WABI-68 U-M Students Protest Dow Chemical Recruiting
No description available
17) 1191 cat. 1089-18-WABI-68 Curtis Begins Implementing Super University Bill
No description available
18) 1191 cat. 1089-20-WABI-68 Coordinated Program for Senior Citizens
No description available
13) 1191 cat. 1089-21-WABI-68 Youth Lounge Dedicated at Jewish Community Center
No description available
20) 1191 cat. 1089-23-WABI-68 Queen of Bangor's Paul Bunyan Winter Carnival
No description available
8) 1191 cat. 1089-24-WABI-68 Hathaway on Vietnam
Congressman William Hathaway
33) 1191 cat. 1089-25-WABI-68 Winter Carnival Pancake Dinner
No description available
23) 1191 cat. 1089-26-WABI-68 Family Snow Sculpture Judging
No description available
9) 1191 cat. 1089-28-WABI-68 Municipal Fire Administration Institute
No description available
25) 1191 cat. 1089-29-WABI-68 Basic Traffic Engineering Workshop
No description available
26) 1191 cat. 1090-04-WABI-68 Mt. Desert Island 3rd Winter Carnival
No description available
27) 1191 cat. 1090-05-WABI-68 'L' & 'M' Basketball semi-finals (evening competetion)
No description available
28) 1191 cat. 1090-06-WABI-68 'L' & 'M' Quarter-Finals (Afternoon Competition)
No description available
6) 1191 cat. 1090-07-WABI-68 Callahan Mine Installation Dedicated at Brooksville
No description available
10) 1191 cat. 1090-08-WABI-68 Bucksport Public Safety Building Dedicated
No description available
6) 1191 cat. 1090-11-WABI-68 3rd Annual Camp Counselor Interview Day
No description available
27) 1191 cat. 1090-14-WABI-68 Class 'S' Basketball Tournament
No description available
33) 1191 cat. 1090-15-WABI-68 Firefighters Week Proclamation
No description available
35) 1191 cat. 1090-17-WABI-68 New Orono Y-Teen Center
No description available
35) 1191 cat. 1090-20-WABI-68 Car Towing Accident on Stillwater Avenue
No description available
36) 1191 cat. 1090-21-WABI-68 Trieste Delegation Departs Praises Bangor Education
No description available
32) 1191 cat. 1090-22-WABI-68 Contract for Rockland Retirement Home Signed
No description available
29) 1191 cat. 1090-25-WABI-68 Bangor Kiwanis Honors Dr. Hedin on 96th Birthday
No description available
3) 1191 cat. 1090-26-WABI-68 Hathaway Claims U.S. Has Inherited Britian's World Leadership Responsibilities
No description available
4) 1191 cat. 1091-04-WABI-68 Hathaway Appraises Viet Cong Offensive
No description available
28) 1191 cat. 1091-07-WABI-68 Trieste Delegation Arrives in Bangor
No description available
6) 1191 cat. 1091-11-WABI-68 Neurosurgeon Defines Death as Dead Brain
No description available
7) 1191 cat. 1091-12-WABI-68 Police School in Bangor
this entry not confirmed. Cat. no. 1091-12 is also recnum 19470.
8) 1191 cat. 1091-12-WABI-68 Moral Questions in Medicine
No description available
9) 1191 cat. 1091-14-WABI-68 Margaret Chase Smith: Lincoln Day Dinner Address
No description available
21) 1191 cat. 1091-17-WABI-68 Louis Armstrong at U of M Winter Carnival
No description available
11) 1191 cat. 1091-20-WABI-68 Bangor Post Office Moves to New Federal Building
No description available
12) 1191 cat. 1091-23-WABI-68 Sullivan Ford Annex Grand Opening
No description available
22) 1191 cat. 1092-05-WABI-68 Orville Freeman in Bangor
Orville Freeman, Secretary of Agriculture
19) 1191 cat. 1092-09-WABI-68 Grange Plans 'Pride in Maine Project'
No description available
15) 1191 cat. 1092-11-WABI-68 Curtis Claims No Financial Crisis in Maine
No description available
17) 1191 cat. 1092-12-WABI-68 Curtis Protests Federal Aid Cut in Impacted School Districts in Maine
No description available
16) 1191 cat. 1092-15-WABI-68 Father Gorham Transferred to Ft. Fairfield
No description available
18) 1191 cat. 1092-16-WABI-68 Brewer to Poll Chamber of Commerce Membership on Greater Bangor Chamber Concept
No description available
1) 1191 cat. 1092-18-WABI-68 Regional High School Gym meet Preview
No description available
13) 1191 cat. 1092-19-WABI-68 East Holden Motel Robbery
No description available
21) 1191 cat. 1092-20-WABI-68 Urban Renewal Hotel Site Report Part II
No description available
4) 1191 cat. 1093-04-WABI-68 Bangor Regional Health Planning Group
No description available
10) 1191 cat. 1093-05-WABI-68 Freight Train Derailment at Kingman
No description available
7) 1191 cat. 1093-06-WABI-68 Etna Car Crash Off Interstate 95
No description available
2) 1191 cat. 1093-07-WABI-68 Waterville Rabies Clinic
No description available
23) 1191 cat. 1093-09-WABI-68 Alcindor of UCLA
No description available
6) 1191 cat. 1093-10-WABI-68 Singer Opens Westgate Shopping Plaza
No description available
5) 1191 cat. 1093-11-WABI-68 Senator MacLeod on Republican Platform for Maine
No description available
4) 1191 cat. 1093-12-WABI-68 1968 Republican Platform Committee Hearing
No description available
32) 1191 cat. 1093-15-WABI-68 Maine Rabies Control Program, Part Two
No description available
2) 1191 cat. 1093-16-WABI-68 Maine Rabies Control Program, Part One
No description available
1) 1191 cat. 1093-17-WABI-68 Hayes of Houston
No description available
36) 1191 cat. 1094-01-WABI-68 Muskie Discusses Dissident Democrats
No description available
35) 1191 cat. 1094-03-WABI-68 Brewer Amer. Legion Marks 49th Anniversary
No description available
34) 1191 cat. 1094-03-WABI-68 Veteran Bangor Police Officer Kelleher Retires
No description available
36) 1191 cat. 1094-06-WABI-68 Curtis Praises Eastern Maine Development District
No description available
1) 1191 cat. 1094-08-WABI-68 Standard Pack. Assigns Mill Sale Bids to One Contact Firm
No description available
2) 1191 cat. 1094-09-WABI-68 Bangor Airport Manager Talks About Transition
No description available
3) 1191 cat. 1094-10-WABI-68 Goff Discusses Bangor's Reapplication As Model City
No description available
4) 1191 cat. 1094-14-WABI-68 Referendum Day in Bangor
No description available
34) 1191 cat. 1094-17-WABI-68 Dr. Fredrickson Talks on Smoking & Health at Thayer Hospital in Waterville
No description available
27) 1191 cat. 1094-25-WABI-68 Pine State Volkswagon Ground Breaking
No description available
26) 1191 cat. 1094-28-WABI-68 Curtis on Maine's 1st County-Wide Food Distribution Program
No description available
23) 1191 cat. 1094-29-WABI-68 Curtis Declines to Name Presidential Preference
No description available
24) 1191 cat. 1095-01-WABI-68 Brewer Police Investigate Vandalism
No description available
10) 1191 cat. 1095-03-WABI-68 Bangor Forum Ecumenical Luncheon
No description available
11) 1191 cat. 1095-05-WABI-68 Whitehouse Discharged from Standard Pack.
No description available
21) 1191 cat. 1095-06-WABI-68 Dr. Robin Winks on Un-American Nature of Canadian History
No description available
29) 1191 cat. 1095-08-WABI-68 Speaker Kennedy Discusses Revenue Gap
This is probably Robert Kennedy, at the time campaigning for President in the western states. He spoke in several Utah cities and proposed a new system of federal aid that would...
12) 1191 cat. 1095-09-68 E. Me. Vo-Tech. Institute Tour
No description available
16) 1191 cat. 1095-11-WABI-68 Band Directors at Orono
No description available
17) 1191 cat. 1095-12-WABI-68 15 Maine High Schools in Regional Play Contest
No description available
15) 1191 cat. 1095-13-WABI-68 Hale Interviews Brian McCall
No description available
19) 1191 cat. 1095-14-WABI-68 Eastern Workers Hear Whitehouse Purchase Plan
No description available
17) 1191 cat.1095-15-WABI-68 Kingman Derailment Caused by Burned-Off Journal
No description available
21) 1191 cat. 1095-16-WABI-68 Maine Conference of Social Welfare Preview
No description available
11) 1191 cat.1095-18-WABI-68 Maravich of Louisiana State
No description available
21) 1191 cat. 1095-19-WABI-68 Maine Rabies Control Program, Part IV
No description available
1) 1191 cat. 1095-21-WABI-68 Washington Moves to Assist Labor Force Involved in Standard Pack. Phase-Out
No description available
8) 1191 cat. 1095-23-WABI-68 DED Commissioner Comes Close to Confirming Stan Pack Sale
No description available
24) 1191 cat. 1095-24-WABI-68 Boot & Shoe Workers Union Attempt to Organize Bangor Shoe Company
This may not be correct.
27) 1191 cat. 1096-01-WABI-68 DED Promotes Travel Council at Holiday Inn in Augusta
No description available
28) 1191 cat. 1096-02-WABI-68 McKay Outlines Vacation Travel Council Program
No description available
17) 1191 cat. 1096-03-WABI-68 Curtis Comments on Pre-Convention Candidate Choices
No description available
30) 1191 cat. 1096-04-WABI-68 Judge Ian MacInnes at Bangor House
This may not be correct.
2) 1191 cat. 1096-05-WABI-68 [Curtis comments on health and welfare funds]
No description available
29) 1191 cat. 1096-06-WABI-68 [Dr. WInks talks about racism in Canada vs. the U.S.]
No description available
26) 1191 cat. 1096-07-WABI-68 Century Series Computer Unveiled in Bangor by NCR
No description available
34) 1191 cat. 1096-08-WABI-68 Students Vote 'Choice '68' at U-M
No description available
35) 1191 cat.1096-09-WABI-68 Danforth School Story, Part One
No description available
18) 1191 cat. 1096-11-WABI-68 Ray Curtis Explains Community Awards
No description available
1) 1191 cat.1096-12-WABI-68 Danforth School Story, Part Two
No description available
36) 1191 cat. 1096-16-WABI-68 Liquor I.D. Applications Ready
No description available
30) 1191 cat. 1096-18-WABI-68 Daylight Saving Time
No description available
4) 1191 cat. 1096-19-WABI-68 Brooks Beauty Pageant Presents Miss Waldo County
No description available
17) 1191 cat. 1096-21-WABI-68 Telephone District Commercial Manager William Gilmartin Comments
No description available
6) 1191 cat. 1096-22-WABI-68 Telephone Strike Hits Maine
No description available
5) 1191 cat. 1096-23-WABI-68 God & Goddess of Greek Weekend at U-M
No description available
8) 1191 cat. 1096-24-WABI-68 Brewer High Readies for Exchange Concert
No description available
13) 1191 cat. 1096-25-WABI-68 Arbor Day Planting Ceremony
No description available
10) 1191 cat. 1096-27-WABI-68 Foreign Model Car in Orrington Stream
No description available
22) 1191 cat. 1096-28-WABI-68 Inactivation Ceremonies at Dow
No description available
21) 1191 cat. 1097-01-WABI-68 Maine Maritime Launches 4-year Development Program
No description available
3) 1191 cat. 1097-02-WABI-68 Admiral Rodgers Explains Development Program
Maine Maritime Academy
14) 1191 cat. 1097-03-WABI-68 Gas and Oil Exploration Rights Granted Off Maine Coast
No description available
2) 1191 cat. 1097-04-WABI-68 Hallowell Girls School Assistant Speaks Before Bangor Rotary
No description available
35) 1191 cat. 1097-05-WABI-68 Brewer-Bangor Committee on Economic Problems
No description available
16) 1191 cat. 1097-07-WABI-68 U.S. Track & Field Federation Championship
No description available
32) 1191 cat. 1097-08-WABI-68 Volkswagen Flips Over on Interstate
No description available
19) 1191 cat. 1097-09-WABI-68 Bangor Symphony to Survive for Another Season
No description available
20) 1191 cat. 1097-10-WABI-68 [Black Tie Dinner with Speakers]
No description available
21) 1191 cat. 1097-11-WABI-68 Open House Week at U-M Announced
No description available
7) 1191 cat. 1097-12-WABI-68 [Bartlett Cram and Woman discuss Paper Work in Classroom of Mostly Older People]
No description available
21) 1191 cat. 1097-13-WABI-68 Management Personnel Receive Diplomas
No description available
11) 1191 cat. 1097-14-WABI-68 U-M Agricultural Team Embarks to Brazil
No description available
25) 1191 cat. 1097-17-WABI-68 Bangor High Pops Concert
No description available
26) 1191 cat. 1097-19-WABI-68 One Car Accident at Six Mile Falls
No description available
6) 1191 cat. 1097-22-WABI-68 Sen. Katz Maintains Maine Will Not Be Plagued by Teacher Strikes
No description available
28) 1191 cat. 1097-25-WABI-68 [Basketball: Old Town vs. Presque Isle and Cony vs. Winslow]
No description available
29) 1191 cat. 1098-01-WABI-68 Curtis and Keefe Stress Action Points In Coping With Standard Phase-Out Crisis
No description available
3) 1191 cat. 1098-02-WABI-68 Training Ship 'State of Maine' Returns to Castine
No description available
31) 1191 cat. 1098-04-WABI-68 Bangor Kiwanis Hear Plea for Housing Authority & Report on 'Y' Building Fund
No description available
1) 1191 cat. 1098-05-WABI-68 Nissen Eastern-Northern Salesmen Meet at Pilots
No description available
36) 1191 cat. 1098-08-WABI-68 Standard Phase-Out Affectings Housing Referendum
No description available
25) 1191 cat. 1098-09-WABI-68 Goff Explains Housing Authority Referendum to Rotary
No description available
35) 1191 cat. 1098-10-WABi-68 Union Officials Report on Job Phase-Out Situation at Standard
No description available
36) 1191 cat. 1098-11-WABI-68 Governor's Task Force in Brewer
No description available
1) 1191 cat. 1098-12-WABI-68 The Paper Workers Speak on Mill Closings in Brewer and Lincoln
No description available
2) 1191 cat. 1098-15-WABI-68 Standard Packaging Closes in Brewer and Lincoln
No description available
4) 1191 cat. 1098-17-WABI-68 Union official Comments on Standard Closing
No description available
2) 1191 cat. 1098-18-WABI-68 1st Penobscot NFO meeting in Charleston
No description available
18) 1191 cat. 1098-18-WABI-68 Rock Concert Benefit for Bangor Symphony
No description available
26) 1191 cat. 1098-19-WABI-68 Gary Merrill Describes his Campaign Techniques
Merrill runs for Congress in Maine against Horace Hildreth and David Ault. (Bette, Rita and the Rest of My Life 1988 by Gary Merrill. p. 220).
25) 1191 cat. 1099-01-WABI-68 Ellsworth Dog Sled Championship Races
No description available
9) 1191 cat. 1099-02-WABI-68 Girls' Regional Gymnastic Meet
No description available
24) 1191 cat. 1099-03-WABI-68 Maine Adult Ed. Assoc. at Pilots Grill
No description available
29) 1191 cat. 1099-04-WABI-68 March Roars in Like a Lion
No description available
22) 1191 cat. 1099-10-WABI-68 Curtis Supports Kennedy for Nomination
No description available
11) 1191 cat. 1099-11-WABI-68 Curtis Would Not Oppose Muskie as Favorite Son
No description available
16) 1191 cat. 1099-13-WABI-68 Bangor High Self Defense Course for Girls
No description available
16) 1191 cat. 1099-14-WABI-68 Hale Talks Baseball with Jack Butterfield
No description available
18) 1191 cat. 1099-15-WABI-68 U-M Sports Press Day
No description available
15) 1191 cat. 1099-17-WABI-68 Dr. Leonard Mayo Cites Poverty as Prime Cause of Family Breakdown
No description available
20) 1191 cat. 1099-19-WABI-68 Bartlett Cram Speaks of East-West Highway at Bangor Kiwanis
No description available
7) 1191 cat. 1099-20-WABI-68 Maine Student Nurses Spring Convention
No description available
22) 1191 cat.1099-21-WABI-68 Robert Kennedy Rally in Bangor
No description available
23) 1191 cat. 1100-02-WABI-68 [Four County Economic Workshop at Pilots]
Four-county economic workshop (probably Pilot's Grill)
36) 1191 cat.1100-03-WABI-68 [Davenport Service for Martin Luther King]
Davenport service for Martin Luther King; people march on downtown street in memorial procession.
16) 1191 cat.1100-04-WABI-68 [Martin Luther King Memorial March]
Large number of people march down street downtown to church; speeches in park; wreath placed on a monument; similar footage in 1100-03-WABI-68
26) 1191 cat. 1100-05-WABI-68 [Brewer City Council Meeting]
City council meeting in Brewer
27) 1191 cat. 1100-06-WABI-68 [Bangor City Council Meeting]
Bangor City Council meeting
18) 1191 cat 1100-10-WABI-68 [Muskie on Presidential Race]
Interview with Edmund Muskie; says he has not yet picked anyone to support in the upcoming presidential election; sound is slightly out of synch
29) 1191 cat. 1100-12-WABI-68 [Consumer Credit Conference]
Consumer credit conference at Pilot's Grill in Bangor
18) 1191 cat. 1100-13-WABI-68 [New Stained-Glass Windows]
Essex Street Baptist Church in Bangor gets new stained-glass window; man unpacks new windows from wooden crates; dark shots of the windows
31) 1191 cat. 1100-14-WABI-68 [Family Night at Lincoln School]
Family night at Lincoln School; kids wave, make faces at camera, stand in line for snacks, make things; kid gets silouette done by teacher.
32) 1191 cat. 1100-15-WABI-68 [University Open House Round-Up]
Wildey gives wrap-up report on open house at the University of Maine; stills/photographs of the event are shown, including Governor Ken Curtis, reporter Daniel Shore, Senator Ed...
29) 1191 cat. 1100-16-WABI-68 [Sportsmen's Show Opening Night]
Opening night for 30th sportsmen's show; showgirls with trained acrobatic dogs perform, monkey looks on; people look at boats, campers, etc..
30) 1191 cat. 1100-17-WABI-68 [Penobscot Committee for Community Action]
Meeting of Penobscot Committee for Community Action; men speak at podium to audience; one man in audience doesn't seem to care much
34) 1191 cat.1100-18-WABI-68 [Memorial Service For Martin Luther King]
Grace Methodist Church memorial service for Martin Luther King; candle lighting, organ player; people in pews.
32) 1191 cat.1100-19-WABI-68 [Flags at Half-Mast]
Flags fly in the wind at half-mast for Martin Luther King; man at Harold A. Slager U.S. Army Reserve Center in Bangor raises United States flag on pole.
1) 1191 cat. 1100-20-WABI-68 [Whitehouse Bank Support]
Interview with Mr. Whitehouse on support/backing for his bank in Brewer
31) 1191 cat. 1100-22-WABI-68 [Dollars For Scholars Kick Off]
'Dollars for Scholars' kick-off event/party; jazz band plays in a lobby
3) 1191 cat. 1100-23-WABI-68 [Industrial Hydraulics Seminar]
Man reading paper at desk with typewriter in background; men sitting in chairs, recieve awards/diplomas/certificates
29) 1191 cat. 1100-24-WABI-68 [Bangor Drownings]
Two Bangor children drown in Union Street pool; emergency crew drains and drags pool at night; pumps used to drain water; footage before and after recovery of the bodies; body w...
5) 1191 cat. 1100-25-WABI-68 [Manhunt]
Police search for suspect; police men by car
6) 1191 cat. 1101-05-WABI-68 [Bucksport Shootout]
Shootout in Bucksport; armed Maine State Police officers crouch beside cars, search for suspect; footage of houses, police cars on road; no footage of shootout
7) 1191 cat. 1101-06-WABI-68 [Maine Teachers Association Meeting]
Maine Teachers Association (MTA) meeting/assembly in Waterville
9) 1191 cat. 1101-08-WABI-68 [Red Sox Baseball Practice]
Four Boston Red Sox baseball players throw, hit, and catch baseballs at what appears to be spring-training practice in Florida; palm trees visible in distance; 'Go For Two' sign...
10) 1191 cat. 1101-09-WABI-68 [Golf Course Opens for Season]
Bangor Municipal Golf Course opens for season; footage of course, players, clubs, clubhouse, parking lot
20) 1191 cat. 1101-11-WABI-68 [New Ambulance For Unity]
New ambulance for Unity; ceremony outside at fire department, new ambulance displayed; writing on ambulance says: 'Liberty Corner New Jersey First Aid Squad'; footage of ambulan...
21) 1191 cat. 1101-13-WABI-68 [Annual Boat Show]
Tenth annual boat show; footage of campers, boats, Old Town canoes, outboard engines/motors
13) 1191 cat. 1101-14-WABI-68 [Dinner]
School boys and adults have dinner; athletic/sports banquet?
19) 1191 cat.1101-16-WABI-68 [Chief for a Day Winners]
Husson College 'Chief For A Day' winners; young men and women receive trophies; man with pseudo-handlebar moustache.
18) 1191 cat. 1101-17-WABI-68 [unidentified]
Men and women wearing name tags talk at meeting
11) 1191 cat. 1101-19-WABI-68 [Waterville Man of the Year]
Dr. Frederick T. Hill named Waterville's Man of the Year; Dr. Hill comments on future medical prospects in Maine at award dinner/banquet; says lack of doctors is large problem
15) 1191 cat. 1101-21-WABI-68 [Teacher Retires]
East Corinth teacher retires after 51 years; woman shakes hands, smiles; students sit in chairs; cake in shape of schoolhouse
19) 1191 cat. 1101-22-WABI-68 [Roberge Sheet Metal Fire]
Fire at Roberge Sheet Metal on Hammond Street; smoke rises behind coin laundry/laundromat building; victim on stretcher placed in ambulance; fire fighters battle fire as lots of...
29) 1191 cat. 1101-23-WABI-68 [Ohio Street Fire]
Ohio Street fire destroys barn, shed, and garage; Bangor fire fighters spray smoldering wreckage; only skeleton of building is left; fire chief walks by; there is some barely au...
21) 1191 cat. 1102-01-WABI-68 Hale Talks to Ed Styrna About Track Prospects
No description available
22) 1191 cat. 1102-02-WABI-68 750 Gallon Pumper for Brewer
No description available
9) 1191 cat. 1102-04-WABI-68 Muskie Reviews Administration Conditions For Peace Talks
No description available
24) 1191 cat. 1102-05-WABI-68 Muskie Will go to Democratic Convention as Favorite Son if asked
No description available
25) 1191 cat. 1102-08-WABI-68 Humphrey Lands in Bangor
Hubert Humphrey
7) 1191 cat. 1102-09-WABI-68 Democratic Platform Hearing
No description available
15) 1191 cat. 1102-10-WABI-68 Democratic Convention Scenes
No description available
28) 1191 cat. 1102-12-WABI-68 Humphrey Keynote Address at Democratic Convention
Hubert Humphrey
4) 1191 cat. 1102-14-WABI-68 Humphrey Speaks in Orono
Hubert Humphrey
1) 1191 cat. 1102-17-WABI-68 George Mitchell Comments on Democratic Platform
No description available
10) 1191 cat. 1102-18-WABI-68 Lowe at Augusta Armory
No description available
32) 1191 cat. 1102-22-WABI-68 Highway Tabulation Marker Plates
No description available
33) 1191 cat. 1102-23-WABI-68 Liquor Identification Cards Processed at Bangor Council Chamber
No description available
16) 1191 cat. 1102-24-WABI-68 Jordan River Country Club Golf Opening Day
No description available
35) 1191 cat. 1103-02-WABI-68 Memorial Day Plans Formulated by Brewer Legion
No description available
36) 1191 cat. 1103-04-WABI-68 Corvair Flips Off Interstate 95
No description available
32) 1191 cat. 1103-07-WABI-68 First Annual U-M Horse Show
No description available
2) 1191 cat. 1103-09-WABI-68 Republican Convention Adopts Platform
No description available
30) 1191 cat. 1103-10-WABI-68 Margaret Chase Smith at Republican State Convention
No description available
7) 1191 cat. 1103-12-WABI-68 Maine State Republican Convention Adjourns
No description available
23) 1191 cat. 1103-13-WABI-68 U-M Spring Concert Preview
No description available
27) 1191 cat. 1103-17-WABI-68 Merrill on the Issues
No description available
26) 1191 cat. 1103-20-WABI-68 Cyril Joly Addresses Republican State Convention
No description available
25) 1191 cat. 1103-21-WABI-68 Republican State Convention Genl. Scenes
No description available
9) 1191 cat. 1103-22-WABI-68 Republican State Convention Preview
No description available
4) 1191 cat. 1103-23-WABI-68 'Y' Drive Reaches Goal
No description available
21) 1191 cat. 1103-29-WABI-68 Plans & Training Officer, Leslie Higgins, Reports on Maine's CD Shelter Program
No description available
24) 1191 cat. 1103-30-WABI-68 Maine Day at Orono
No description available
14) 1191 cat. 1104-01-WABI-68 Blue-White Football
No description available
9) 1191 cat. 1104-02-WABI-68 ROTC Annual Review & Awards Ceremony
No description available
16) 1191 cat. 1104-03-WABI-68 Curtis Re-Affirms Support of Kennedy
No description available
16) 1191 cat. 1104-04-WABI-68 Bangor 'Info '68' Meeting at 5th St. School
No description available
8) 1191 cat. 1104-05-WABI-68 Curtis Defends Offshore Leasing for Oil & Gas Exploration
No description available
32) 1191 cat. 1104-06-WABI-68 Family Child Services Merges with Eastern Maine Guidance Center
No description available
13) 1191 cat. 1104-07-WABI-68 Business in the Arts Meeting
No description available
21) 1191 cat. 1104-08-WABI-68 Teacher Exchange Between Bangor & Trieste Discussed at Bangor Rotary
No description available
11) 1191 cat. 1104-09-WABI-68 Maine-Bates Baseball
No description available
23) 1191 cat. 1104-10-WABI-68 McCarthy Fund-Raising Fete at Pilots Grill
Eugene McCarthy
18) 1191 cat. 1104-11-WABI-68 First Main Street Urban Renewal Demolition
No description available
25) 1191 cat. 1104-12-WABI-68 Plant Visitation: MVTI
No description available
8) 1191 cat. 1104-13-WABI-68 Kenduskeag to Bangor Canoe Marathon
No description available
27) 1191 cat. 1104-15-WABI-68 17th Annual Disabled Veterans Convention in Bangor
No description available
10) 1191 cat. 1104-16-WABI-68 Bangor Waterfront Fire
No description available
6) 1191 cat. 1104-19-WABI-68 Telephone Strike, 7th Day
No description available
24) 1191 cat. 1104-20-WABI-68 Yankee Conference Golf Tourn. at PVCC
No description available
411) 1191 cat. 1104-21-WABI-68 Maine-Massachusetts Baseball
No description available
32) 1191 cat. 1104-24-WABI-68 Century of Teaching honored at Dow Lane School
No description available
33) 1191 cat. 1104-25-WABI-68 Hermon Grass Fire One of Many
No description available
34) 1191 cat. 1105-01-WABI-68 House of Bargains, Second Scenes
No description available
35) 1191 cat. 1105-05-WABI-68 House of Bargains, Third Scenes
No description available
26) 1191 cat. 1105-06-WABI-68 Rural Areas Can Aid in Avoiding Urban Friction
No description available
1) 1191 cat. 1105-09-WABI-68 New YMCA Building Fund Progress Report
No description available
412) 1191 cat. 1105-10-WABI-68 Thomas College Commencement in Waterville
No description available
33) 1191 cat. 1105-11-WABI-68 United Community Services Awards Night
No description available
25) 1191 cat. 1105-12-WABI-68 Bangor Toastmasters Club Awards Night
No description available
20) 1191 cat. 1105-12-WABI-68 Final Concert at 14th Street School
No description available
27) 1191 cat. 1105-13-WABI-68 Memorial Day Parades
No description available
26) 1191 cat. 1105-14-WABI-68 Maine Maritime Academy Graduates 124 Cadets
No description available
25) 1191 cat. 1105-20-WABI-68 Greater Bangor Brewer Development Corp. Organized
No description available
32) 1191 cat. 1105-21-WABI-68 Warren Cookson Discusses Lincoln Mill Reactivation
No description available
19) 1191 cat. 1105-22-WABI-68 Lincoln Development Chief Describes Bonds for Mill Financing
No description available
11) 1191 cat. 1105-23-WABI-68 Lincoln Superintendent Outlines Legal Suit Against MTA
No description available
12) 1191 cat. 1105-26-WABI-68 St. Regis Hosts Area Educators at Alamoosook in Orland
No description available
16) 1191 cat. 1105-27-WABI-68 Bess Myerson in Bangor
No description available
36) 1191 cat. 1106-01-WABI-68 Army Reserve Riot Control Training at Augusta
No description available
25) 1191 cat. 1106-02-WABI-68 50th Annual Olympic Sportsday
No description available
16) 1191 cat. 1106-03-WABI-68 New Old Town Community Pool
Precision swimming.
33) 1191 cat. 1106-04-WABI-68 Nutrition Conference at E. Me. Gen. Hosp.
No description available
23) 1191 cat. 1106-06-WABI-68 Governor Curtis Launches Maine Community Betterment
No description available
13) 1191 cat. 1106-07-WABI-68 Circus Time in Brewer
No description available
12) 1191 cat. 1106-08-WABI-68 Bangor Housing Signs for Dow Housing
No description available
16) 1191 cat. 1106-09-WABI-68 Hathaway Describes Background of Stop-Muskie Speech
No description available
23) 1191 cat. 1106-10-WABI-68 Carmel Teachers Honored on Retirement
No description available
9) 1191 cat. 1106-11-WABI-68 Safety-Rama Demonstrations in Fairfield
No description available
25) 1191 cat. 1106-12-WABI-68 Hathaway Talks About the Candidates
No description available
14) 1191 cat. 1106-13-WABI-68 Union Station Lot Ready for Development
No description available
1) 1191 cat. 1106-14-WABI-68 4th Annual House Beautiful Tour
No description available
11) 1191 cat. 1106-15-WABI-68 Poland Spring Job Corps Center Preview
No description available
29) 1191 cat. 1106-16-WABI-68 Legislative Hearing on Chamberlain Bridge Tolls
No description available
30) 1191 cat. 1106-17-WABI-68 Farewell Dinner for Dr. H. Austin Peck
No description available
31) 1191 cat. 1106-19-WABI-68 John Christie Talks on Maine Tourism
No description available
9) 1191 cat. 1106-20-WABI-68 Jewish Community Center Auction
No description available
36) 1191 cat. 1106-21-WABI-68 Bangor Schools Rehearse for Spring Concert
No description available
34) 1191 cat. 1106-22-WABI-68 Bangor League of Women Voters at Pilots Grill
No description available
22) 1191 cat. 1107-01-WABI-68 Jewish Community Center Art Show
No description available
14) 1191 cat. 1107-03-WABI-68 Husson Students to Refurbish Morse Covered Bridge
No description available
11) 1191 cat. 1107-05-WABI-68 Natl. Hospital Week Celebrated at EMGH
No description available
2) 1191 cat. 1107-06-WABI-68 Husson Students Finish Painting Morse Covered Bridge
No description available
30) 1191 cat. 1107-08-WABI-68 Me. Osteopathic Assoc. Pres. Roy Young News Conference at Rockland
No description available
1) 1191 cat. 1107-09-WABI-68 Young Voices Opinion on Validity of St. Peter's Bones
No description available
5) 1191 cat. 1107-10-WABI-68 Rainy Day on Route One [Belfast to Camden]
Approximately from Belfast to Camden.
27) 1191 cat. 1107-12-WABI-68 Trans-East Airlines Begins Bangor Operations July First
No description available
7) 1191 cat. 1107-13-WABI-68 Bangor City Manager Merle Goff Comments on New International Airport
No description available
2) 1191 cat. 1107-16-WABI-68 State Future Farmers of America Convention in Orono
No description available
9) 1191 cat. 1107-17-WABI-68 [White Haired Man in Office]
No description available
10) 1191 cat. 1107-19-WABI-68 [Group of Middle-Aged and Older People Eating Cafeteria Style]
Possible Bay Festival meal, they are eating crabs, lobster, etc.
20) 1191 cat. 1107-20-WABI-68 7th Annual Grand Natl. Isma Baton Championship
No description available
13) 1191 cat. 1107-22-WABI-68 Cable Television Discussed at Brewer City Council
No description available
15) 1191 cat. 1107-23-WABI-68 Brewer Stanpack Fund Raising Reaches Crucial Point
No description available
31) 1191 cat. 1107-24-WABI-68 Brewer Students Help Brewer Stanpack Drive
No description available
10) 1191 cat. 1107-25-WABI-68 Maine Processing Firm to Move Stranded Potatoes
No description available
11) 1191 cat. 1107-26-WABI-68 Dr. Asa Adams Apts. in Orono Smoke Damaged in Fire
No description available
15) 1191 cat. 1107-27-WABI-68 Eastern Development Drives Pick Up Stream
No description available
19) 1191 cat. 1107-28-WABI-68 Bangor Urban Renewal Project June Report
Footage of demolition.
12) 1191 cat. 1107-30-WABI-68 Narraguagus River Improvement Project Completed
No description available
16) 1191 cat. 1107-32-WABI-68 Urban Problem Conference at Hammond St. Church
MISSING, 1/3/94
23) 1191 cat. 1108-01-WABI-68 Husson Commencement
No description available
31) 1191 cat. 1108-02-WABi-68 U-M's 133rd Commencement at Orono
No description available
25) 1191 cat.1108-04-WABI-68 360 Railroad Cars Full of Potatoes Idle in Bangor & Aroostook Northern Maine Juct.
No description available
26) 1191 cat. 1108-06-WABI-68 Fund-Raising Center for Stan-Pack Mill Reopening Begins Operations in Brewer
No description available
11) 1191 cat. 1108-07-WABI-68 Class Day Exercises for U M at Orono
No description available
28) 1191 cat. 1108-08-WABI-68 Bangor High Assoc. Music Awards Dinner
No description available
22) 1191 cat. 1108-10-WABI-68 Penobscot Republicans Hear Shute
No description available
30) 1191 cat. 1108-11-WABI-68 Wallace Campaign Headquarters Opens in Bangor
George Wallace
31) 1191 cat. 1108-12-WABI-68 Curtis Plans Courtesy Meeting with Wallace
No description available
4) 1191 cat. 1108-13-WABI-68 Curtis has No Alternate Choice if Kennedy Falters
No description available
30) 1191 cat. 1108-14-WABI-68 Curtis Endorses Indian Bond Issue
No description available
33) 1191 cat. 1108-15-WABI-68 Lincoln Workers Optimistic Over Mill Reopening
No description available
9) 1191 cat. 1108-15-WABI-68 Premoid President Confident Lincoln Mill Will Be Successful
No description available
36) 1191 cat. 1108-17-WABI-68 DED Chief Keefe Outlines Premoid Financing
No description available
19) 1191 cat. 1108-18-WABI-68 Husson College Annual Sports Awards Banquet
No description available
2) 1191 cat. 1108-19-WABI-68 Bangor Signs Dow Option With Natl. Company
No description available
30) 1191 cat. 1108-21-WABI-68 New Husson Campus, June Progress Report
No description available
4) 1191 cat. 1108-22-WABI-68 Class Day Exercises & Summer Sessions Preview
No description available
5) 1191 cat. 1109-03-WABI-68 Recognition Celebration of Beautification of St. Mary's Church
No description available
6) 1191 cat. 1109-04-WABI-68 Grand National Isma Baton Championship Preview
No description available
36) 1191 cat. 1109-05-WABi-68 Camp Sunrise in Ellsworth
No description available
8) 1191 cat. 1109-06-WABI-68 4th Paul Bunyan Amateur Golf Tournament at Lucerne
No description available
18) 1191 cat. 1109-07-WABI-68 Bruce Hamilton Says Full Staff Ready for Extra Day
No description available
3) 1191 cat. 1109-08-WABI-68 Earle Stevens Urges Citizens to Join Bond Drive
No description available
11) 1191 cat. 1109-09-WABI-68 Girls State, Waterville
No description available
12) 1191 cat. 1109-10-WABI-68 Gov. Curtis Addresses Boys State at Orono
No description available
13) 1191 cat. 1109-11-WABI-68 Boys State President Elected at Orono
No description available
21) 1191 cat. 1109-12-WABI-68 Statehouse Master Plan for Augusta
No description available
12) 1191 cat. 1109-13-WABI-68 57th Annual Greater Bangor Chamber of Commerce Dinner
No description available
3) 1191 cat. 1109-14-WABI-68 Curtis Optimistic Brewer Bond Drive Will Succeed
No description available
17) 1191 cat. 1109-15-WABI-68 Frank Knight Talks on Mill Situation to Bangor Rotary
No description available
15) 1191 cat. 1109-16-WABI-68 Curtis Holding Back on Presidential Endorsement
No description available
35) 1191 cat. 1109-17-WABI-68 Shopping Center Underway in Augusta
Construction work begins on $410,000 shopping center in Augusta.
20) 1191 cat. 1109-19-WABI-68 Human Sciences and the Church Institute at Orono
No description available
31) 1191 cat. 1109-20-WABI-68 Primary Day, 1968
No description available
22) 1191 cat. 1109-21-WABI-68 Frank Knight on Eve of Brewer Cut-Off Date
No description available
10) 1191 cat. 1110-01-WABI-68 The Maine Meat Pricing Problem
No description available
24) 1191 cat. 1110-02-WABI-68 Two Thai Officials Go Lobstering at Tremont
No description available
25) 1191 cat. 1110-03-WABI-68 Last One-Room Schoolhouse Closes in Greenfield
No description available
27) 1191 cat. 1110-04-WABI-68 Goff Comments on New Airport Terminal Bldg.
No description available
27) 1191 cat. 1110-06-WABI-68 Norman Minsky Comments on New Airport Terminal
No description available
3) 1191 cat. 1110-07-WABI-68 Penobscot Women's Republican Club Hears Dave Tibbetts
No description available
29) 1191 cat. 1110-08-WABI-68 Boys State Delegates Arrive in Orono
No description available
13) 1191 cat. 1110-09-WABI-68 Two Trailer-Trucks Off Interstate at Fairfield
No description available
31) 1191 cat. 1110-09-WABI-68 Flag Day Ceremonies in Augusta
No description available
27) 1191 cat. 1110-13-WABI-68 Dr. Rusk on Present Day Rehabilitation Center Construction
No description available
33) 1191 cat. 1110-15-WABI-68 Penobscot River Navigation Hearing
No description available
29) 1191 cat. 1111-09-WABI-68 Speedway 95 Races On the 4th
No description available
1) 1191 cat. 1111-10-WABI-68 Manuel Talks to Captain Barna Norton
J-port Lobster Boat Races
31) 1191 cat. 1111-13-WABI-68 Winterport Dairy Princess for Maine, 68'
No description available
3) 1191 cat. 1111-14-WABI-68 Bangor Urban Renewel Project On Eve Of First Construction
No description available
4) 1191 cat. 1111-16-WABI-68 Bangor Municipal Childrens Golf Course Opens
No description available
5) 1191 cat. 1111-17-WABI-68 [New PUC Chairman]
Governor Ken Curtis names Feehan as chairman of Public Utilities Commission (PUC)
6) 1191 cat. 1111-18-WABI-68 Curtis Hopeful Machiasport Free-Trade Zone Will Be Approved Within the Year
No description available
7) 1191 cat. 1111-20-WABI-68 Elden Shute On Gun Control Legislation
No description available
8) 1191 cat. 1111-20-WABI-68 Fifth Body Search At Greenville Fire Site
No description available
9) 1191 cat.1112-01-WABI-68 St. Croix Island Dedicted At Calais
Muskie Speech
3) 1191 cat. 1135-13-WABI-68 McCarthy at Memorial Gymnasium
No description available
11) 1191 cat. 1135-15-WABI-68 McCarthy Scores Opponents Political Tactics
No description available
8) 1191 cat. 1135-16-WABI-68 McCarthy Comments on Johnson's Vietnam Stance
No description available
13) 1191 cat. 1135-17-WABI-68 McCarthy Says He Could Support Hatfield
No description available
35) 1191 cat. 1154-01-WABI-69 Ho Sai Guy Kitchen Scenes
No description available
29) 1191 cat. 1154-02-WABI-69 Ho Sai Guy Faces Rumor Problems
No description available
9) 1191 cat. 1154-03-WABI-69 Caribou beats Westbook for 'LL' Championship (Basketball)
Final game of high school basketball championship, played at Bangor Auditorium. Includes several minutes of final quarter, and aftermath of game. Taken at courtside. The 'shot h...
10) 1191 cat. 1154-04-WABI-69 [Four Awards at Leadership Luncheon in Orono]
No description available
18) 1191 cat. 1154-05-WABI-69 Labor Education Seminar in Orono
No description available
19) 1191 cat. 1154-06-WABI-69 Greater Bangor Labor Council Supports Income Tax
No description available
9) 1191 cat. 1154-07-WABI-69 Creative Crafts Exposition In Memorial Union
No description available
7) 1191 cat. 1154-08-WABI-69 Old Bangor Mansion Faces Demolition
No description available
11) 1191 cat. 1154-09-WABI-69 Fire Routes Twelve from Hermon Home
No description available
16) 1191 cat. 1154-10-WABI-69 Motel United Nations at Orono
[typo in News Dept. Film Record? Should be Model? see story 1154-11-WABI-69]
24) 1191 cat. 1154-11-WABI-69 Y.M.C.A. Project Director Explains Model U.N. Goals
[United Nations]
25) 1191 cat. 1154-12-WABI-69 Gov. Curtis Attends National Honor Society State Convention in Brewer
[United Nations]
19) 1191 cat. 1154-13-WABI-69 Treworgy's Heavily Damaged Orono Fire
[United Nations]
26) 1191 cat. 1154-14-WABI-69 Crime in Maine, Part Fifteen (Pittsfield)
[United Nations]
21) 1191 cat. 1154-15-WABI-69 Wayne Maunder on Television Violence
[United Nations]
29) 1191 cat. 1154-16-WABI-69 Gov. Curtis Outlines Expectations for Rural Youth Corps in Maine
[United Nations]
30) 1191 cat. 1154-17-WABI-69 Rockland Jaycees Outline Season Goals
[United Nations]
22) 1191 cat. 1154-18-WABI-69 Jack Butterfield Assesses U.M. Baseball Prospects
[United Nations]
14) 1191 cat. 1154-18B-WABI-69 unknown
[Unable to match film to News Dept. Film Record. Woman at podium addresses crowd.]
36) 1191 cat. 1154-19-WABI-69 Gov. Curtis Addresses U.M. Faculty Club
No description available
18) 1191 cat. 1154-20-WABI-69 Gov. [Curtis] Pledges Support for U.M. Budget Appropriations
No description available
22) 1191 cat. 1154-21-WABI-69 Gov. Curtis Insists on Agnew Explanation on Reported Blocking of Machiasport
No description available
36) 1191 cat. 1154-22-WABI-69 Wayne Maunder Awarded Hall of Stars Niche at Studio City
No description available
30) 1191 cat. 1154-23-WABI-69 'Lancer' Star Wayne Maunder at Studio City
No description available
20) 1191 cat. 1155-02-WABI-69 Community Director of B'nai B'rith Speaks about Organization Work in Maine
No description available
21) 1191 cat. 1155-03-WABI-69 Gov. Curtis Names Education as Top Administration Priority
No description available
34) 1191 cat. 1155-04-WABI-69 Mattawamkeag Recreation Project Building
No description available
7) 1191 cat. 1155-08-WABI-69 Bangor Sportsmen's Show Opening Night
camper vehicles, cars, boats, Bumpy [sp?] family tumbling act, hunting equipment
8) 1191 cat. 1155-09-WABI-69 Bangor Sportsmen's Show Preview
camper vehicles, cars, boats, Bumpy [sp?] family tumbling act, hunting equipment
9) 1191 cat. 1155-10-WABI-69 Thomas College Spring Convocation
No description available
1) 1191 cat. 1155-11-WABI-69 Dr. Leonard Mayo on the 'Polaroid Era'
No description available
3) 1191 cat. 1155-12-WABI-69 Colby Baseball Coach Looks Ahead to Prospects
No description available
20) 1191 cat. 1814-01-WABI-1969 [National Guard]
National Guard advertisement? // Found abandoned while moving films from basement into vault, 06/2004
53) 1196 [Shaw--home movies]
Videotape copy of nine Shaw family home movies. (Segment #1 is Brady Gang segment described in separate ProCite record.) 2. Civil Rights Parade, Bangor, Main St. Dated early 196...
32) 1204.0004 [Great Northern Paper Company films] Reel 4
'Tree Farm' logo. Closeup shot of invitation card for dedication ceremony of Great Northern Paper Company Tree Farm, June 10, 1963 at Squaw Mountain Inn in Greenville. J.T. Main...
8) 1204.0005 [Great Northern Paper Company films] Reel 5
Title cards: 'The 'William Hilton' 1962.' 'Delivery at Chesuncook Dam.' Snowy dirt road. Flatbed truck approaches camera on road carrying large hull of boat named 'William Hilto...
24) 1204.0006 [Great Northern Paper Company films] Reel 6
Same scenes as reel 5, but shot with different camera. // Group of people stand on deck of boat named 'William Hilton.' Crowd of people on dock beside boat. William Hilton shake...
11) 1206.0020 [Laurence Bray--home movies] Reel 20
Fishing on sea. Boats. People hand shoveling. Snow in mobile home area. Snowstorm.
25) 1206.0023 [Laurence Bray--home movies] Reel 23
Very faded coastal scenes. Leader says 7/68.
11) 1210.0006 [Industry on Parade #482]
Episode #482 of the weekly Industry on Parade newsreel series. Originally broadcast on January 9, 1960. // Segments on reel: Fairest in the Land. Four factories selected by Fact...
10) 1231.0001 Alaska Trip, 1963--Mary Anna Fox. Reel 1
Opening title: “The Church in Alaska” with a map of Alaska. Closer shot of the map along the coast (soft focus and hard to read). Shot of sun shining through the clouds and da...;Travel enroute to Alaska “and in Alaska in 1963. I was teaching Vacation Bible School in Fort Yukon. Then traveled to Tanacross, Pt. Hope, and Kotzebue. Also taught in Fairba...
1) 1248.001 Sidebar
No description available
30) 1248.003 [Interviews with James Whitmore and Audra Lindley]
No description available
35) 1250 NHF Compilation: 'Video Promo Tape'
Excepts put together for QVC. Contains segments from Earliest Maine Films, Woodsmen & River Drivers, From Stump to Ship, Aroostook County 1920s, Maine's Television Time Machine....
12) 1257.0001 Mission: Alpha Centauri
Science fiction film made by Blue Hill Consolidated School 8th grade. Take-off on 'Star Trek.' // 1/4 inch audio tape (1257.0002) accompanies the film.
13) 1257.0001.01 Mission: Alpha Centauri (Blowup Negative)
35mm blowup picture negative created from Super 8mm original (acc. 1257.0001) at Cineric, August 29, 2006. // NOTE: This element runs at 18 fps and was not used to create the 35...
26) 1257.0002 Mission: Alpha Centauri (Soundtrack)
Soundtrack for science fiction film made by Blue Hill Consolidated School 8th grade. Take-off on 'Star Trek.' // Accompanies 1257.0001. // This tape runs at 3 3/4 ips. Half trac...
25) 1257.0003 Mission: Alpha Centauri (Soundtrack)
Copy of soundtrack for science fiction film made by Blue Hill Consolidated School 8th grade. Take-off on 'Star Trek.' // Accompanies 1257.0001. // This tape runs at 7 1/2 ips an...
17) 1257.0004 Mission: Alpha Centauri (Video Master)
Science fiction film made by Blue Hill Consolidated School 8th grade. Take-off on 'Star Trek.' // This 3/4 inch SP video master was created from the Super 8mm originial and cont...
16) 1257.0005 Mission: Alpha Centauri (Picture Negative)
35mm blowup picture negative created from Super 8mm original (acc. 1257.0001) at Cineric. // NOTE: This element runs at 24 fps and was stretch printed. It was used to create the...
24) 1257.0006 Mission: Alpha Centauri (Soundtrack Negative)
35mm optical soundtrack negative created from 1/4 inch soundtrack at Magno Sound & Video. This was done through Cineric, not by NHF staff. // NOTE: This element runs at 24 fps. ...
6) 1284 Business Machine Operators
Part of 'Job Opportunities Series 1967.' Filmed at MDTA Job Center, Boston, 881 Commonwealth Avenue, and RCA Computer Center, Boston. Synopsis: 'Sparkles with liveliness and int...
7) 1284 Opportunities in Sales and Merchandising
Part of 'Job Opportunities Series 1967.' Filmed at Gilchrist's Department Store, Washington Street, Boston. Synopsis: 'Portrays to youth the career opportunities in sales and me...
29) 1284 Jobs in the Automotive Trades
Part of 'Job Opportunities Series 1967.' Filmed at R.S. Robie Ford, Boston. Synopsis: 'This fast-moving film offers a fresh and dramatic insight into the many interesting and re...
25) 1284 Jobs in Small and Major Electric Appliance Repair
Part of 'Job Opportunities Series 1967.' Filmed in suburban home, Framingham, and G.E. Appliance Center, Brighton, Mass. Synopsis: 'This film captures the drama and interest of ...
16) 1284 If These Were Your Children
Sponsored by Metropolitan Life Insurance Company. Presented as 'a public service, to inform parents and teachers that mental health danger signs may be recognized in the behavio...
21) 1284 Applying for a Job
Part of 'Job Opportunities Series 1967.' Filmed at MPTA Training Center, Boston. Synopsis: 'This film highlights, with gentle humor, the things many young people say and do duri...
18) 1284 Parlon Francais III
Filmed on location in Paris. Audio-visual course in language awareness designed for primary school grades. Features master-teacher Mme. Anne Slack. 'Lecons I through XV. Complet...
28) 1284 Opportunities in Welding
Part of 'Job Opportunities Series 1967.' Filmed at Fore River Shipyard, Quincy and Lewis & Shepard Machine Shop, Watertown, Mass. Synopsis: ''Excellent vocational scenes...very ...
31) 1284 Drafting
Part of 'Job Opportunities Series 1967.' Filmed at Stone & Webster Company, Boston during the designing of the Yankee Atomic Plant at Plymouth, Mass. Synopsis: ' 'A stimulating ...
8) 1284 Helen Keller
[no abstract notes available]
9) 1284 A Day That Might Never Have Been
Filmed at the Madden Farm 'Open Hearts Camp' located in Great Barrington, Mass.
2) 1284 Neighborhood Youth Corps
[Part of 'Job Opportunities Series 1967.'] Filmed in Portland, Maine and New Bedford, Mass. Synopsis: 'A short film demonstrating how youth can stay in school and continue their...
27) 1284.0001 Jobs in Cosmetology
Part of 'Job Opportunities Series 1967.' Filmed at Denholm's Department Store, downtown Worcester, Mass. and at Leop's Beauty School in Worcester, Olive's Beauty Salon, Boston, ...
12) 1284.0002 Cooks, Chefs and Related Occupations
Part of 'Job Opportunities Series 1967.' Filmed at the Rehabilitation Center, Rosindale and at the Sheraton Hotel at the Prudential Center, Boston, Mass. Ext: Ken's Steak House,...
23) 1284.0003 Opportunities in Clerical Work
Faded color. // Filmed at First National Bank of Boston Headquarters and at First National Data Center, Forest Hills. Features exterior footage of Government Center and Tremont ...
26) 1284.0005 Job Corps & You, The
1968 date code on film. // Faded to red. No splices. // 'To show youth how they can gain work experience and occupational training away from home; the Job Corps settings; the ty...
27) 1284.0006 Job Corps & You, The
1968 date code on film. // Faded to red. No splices. // 'To show youth how they can gain work experience and occupational training away from home; the Job Corps settings; the ty...
24) 1291.0009 [Pine Tree Camp/Easter Seal footage]
Pine Tree Camp footage. Can/reel notes in quotes below; reel numbers are NHF-assigned. 9. 'July 14, 1960--Charlie Miller's film taken at Pine Tree Camp during the 1958 season' (...
21) 1295.0002 [John Howard--home movies] Reel 002
Amateur footage of Orrington scout troop or Katahdin Council Contingent activities. Box notes as follows. Reel numbers are donor-assigned. 2. Jamboree 1964. Valley Forge. Al, P,...
29) 1295.0005 [John Howard--home movies] Reel 005
Amateur footage of 1960s Orrington scout troop or Katahdin Council Contingent activities. Box notes as follows. Reel numbers are donor-assigned. 5. Last night, 1964 jamboree, an...
22) 1307.0007 [Herbert Kenney--home movies] Reel 007
Collection formerly called 'Seavey Collection' Amateur footage of family scenes. Can notes are as follows (reel numbers are NHF-assigned): 7. Verona bridge. Columbia. Northport....
8) 1311.0015 [Helen V. Bird--home movies] Reel 15
Lorna's wedding 1961.;A girl (Janice) and two other women dressed as bridesmaids. Wedding guests arriving. A woman with a camera. The bride (Lorna) walking into the church. Guests waiting outside the...
21) 1311.0019 [Helen V. Bird--home movies] Reel 19
Spring 1960. Sally's wedding. Easter 1960--May Sally Carbreni's wedding.;A woman (Janice) in gloves and a flowery hat. Janice bouncing a baby on the front steps. Janice holding the baby. Wedding guests gathered on the sidewalk. A car decorated with s...
13) 1311.0020 [Helen V. Bird--home movies] Reel 20
Summer 1960. Laura's 1st birthday and Mark's christening.;A girl (Janice) holding a baby (Laura) and a pinwheel. Laura in a highchair with a birthday cake. Laura in a basin. A man and a woman standing on the sidewalk, holding a baby (M...
19) 1311.0021 [Helen V. Bird--home movies] Reel 21
Mark's 1st Bday 1961 Summer.;Babies with balloons. A woman puts a party hat on a baby (Mark). Babies in a pool (Mark and Laura). Mark and Laura on a swing. People in formal dress standing on the sidewalk. [...
25) 1311.0022 [Helen V. Bird--home movies] Reel 22
Summer 1961. 1961--putting up swing. [illegible].;A girl (Laura) on a rocking horse. Laura watches as a man washes a car. A baby (Mark?) in a crib outdoors. Laura on a swing while a woman (Janice) puts the swing set together. A...
26) 1311.0023 [Helen V. Bird--home movies] Reel 23
Winter 1961. Summer 1962.;A woman (Janice) holding a baby (Mark?) in the snow. A toddler (Laura) walking down a path in the snow. A man shoveling snow. Laura in a stroller. A man holding Mark. Mark in a ...
27) 1311.0024 [Helen V. Bird--home movies] Reel 24
Around 61 or 62 Summer.;A baby (Mark?) on a swing set. A toddler (Laura) next to a laundry line. Laura eating. Laura and a woman (Janice) sitting on the front steps. Shots of a house and yard. [End of ...
15) 1311.0025 [Helen V. Bird--home movies] Reel 25
Summer & Winter 61-62.;Adults and children outdoors. Two toddlers (Laura and Mark) in a pool. Laura and Mark playing in the yard. A man pulling Laura on a sled. Shot of a house. Laura pulling the sled...
26) 1311.0026 [Helen V. Bird--home movies] Reel 26
Around Winter & Spring 63.;Two children (Laura and Mark) with shovels. Children playing in the snow. Laura in a dress. Laura and Mark dressed up. Children on a swing set. A woman (Janice) and a man leanin...
27) 1311.0027 [Helen V. Bird--home movies] Reel 27
Fall of 64. Winter 65.;A girl (Laura) posing in the driveway. A little girl getting out of a car. The two girls running down the street. A baby in a crib. Children playing in the street. Two children ...
5) 1311.0028 [Helen V. Bird--home movies] Reel 28
Summer 64. Easter 1965.;A group of children playing indoors. Children in party hats seated around a table. A birthday cake with a ‘5’ and a ‘4’ on it. ‘Mr. ED’ and ‘BUGS BUNNY’ toys. Children exiting a...
11) 1311.0029 [Helen V. Bird--home movies] Reel 29
Around Spring & Summer of 64.;Two children in formal dress (Laura and Mark). A woman (Janice) posing for the camera. Children around a bicycle. An outdoor birthday party. Children bicycling and playing outdo...
23) 1311.0030 [Helen V. Bird--home movies] Reel 30
Around 1964.;Children on a swing set. Children playing outdoors. Setting up an outdoor pool. A girl (Laura) serving lemonade and animal crackers. Children playing outdoors. A boy with a toy ...
34) 1311.0031 [Helen V. Bird--home movies] Reel 31
Xmas 1964. 1965 Jan.;A Christmas tree. Two children (Laura and Mark) playing on a couch. Laura and Mark having a tea party in front of the Christmas tree. The children playing with a toy steering wh...
25) 1311.0032 [Helen V. Bird--home movies] Reel 32
Sept of 68.;A policeman standing by the side of the road. A group of children pose for the camera. Dark shot of children running down the street. Children with hula hoops. Girls in dresses ...
36) 1311.0033 [Helen V. Bird--home movies] Reel 33
Summer 67. Spring 68. Laura & Mark's birthday party. 1968.;A man barbecuing. A woman (Janice) on a lawn chair, watching children playing. Children on bicycles. A group of children posing for the camera. A girl and a boy (Laura and Mark)...
6) 1311.0034 [Helen V. Bird--home movies] Reel 34
Summer of 68.;A child playing outdoors. A birthday party. A girl (Laura) blowing out birthday cake candles. A boy blowing on candles. A girl blowing on candles. Trick candles. Dark indoor sho...
35) 1311.0035 [Helen V. Bird--home movies] Reel 35
About Summer of 69. Going to school 1970.;Children playing in the snow. Children playing ball on the grass. A woman wiping a child’s face. Children playing. [End of Reel]
30) 1311.0037 [Helen V. Bird--home movies] Reel 37
Summer of 69. Winter of 70. Leslie's wedding.;A backyard barbecue. Children and a man in pools. A group of children posing for the camera. Boys and girls running down the street. A woman in a green coat. A bride (Leslie) an...
27) 1318.0027 Greece-Egypt trip, Paris to Belgrade, 1963--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 27
Reel 27: "12(1) Greece-Egypt trip. Paris...Belgrade... 1963 Sep 29-Oct 2."
35) 1318.0028 Greece-Egypt trip, Turkey to Athens, 1963--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 28
Reel 28: "12(2) Greece-Egypt trip. Turkey to Athens... 1963 Oct 5-8."
8) 1318.0029 Greece-Egypt trip, Athens, 1963--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 29
Reel 29: "12(3) Greece-Egypt trip. Athens... 1963 Oct 10-14."
9) 1318.0030 Greece-Egypt trip, Rhodes, Ephesus--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 30
Reel 30: "12(4) Greece-Egypt trip. Stella Solaris...Rhodes, Ephesus... 1963 Oct 14-21."
10) 1318.0031 Greece-Egypt trip, Greece & Lebanon, 1963--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 31
Reel 31: "12(5) Greece-Egypt trip. Greece & Lebanon... 1963 Oct 15-23."
11) 1318.0032 Greece-Egypt trip, Lebanon, Cairo, 1963--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 32
Reel 32: "12(6) Greece-Egypt trip. Lebanon...Cairo... 1963 Oct 23-28."
6) 1318.0033 Greece-Egypt trip, Cairo, Alexandria, 1963--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 33
Reel 33: "12(7) Greece-Egypt trip. Cairo...Alexandria... 1963 Oct 26-29."
29) 1318.0034 Greece-Egypt trip, Leaving Cairo, Luxor, 1963--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 34
Reel 34: "12(8) Greece-Egypt trip. Leaving Cairo...Luxor... 1963 Oct 29 to Nov 2."
2) 1318.0035 Greece-Egypt trip, Luxor, Aswan Dam, 1963--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 35
Reel 35: "12(9) Greece-Egypt trip. Luxor...Aswan Dam... 1963 Nov 1-2."
36) 1318.0036 Greece-Egypt trip, 1963--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 36
Reel 36: "12(10) Greece-Egypt trip. 1963 Nov 1-5."
25) 1318.0037 Greece-Egypt trip, 1963--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 37
Reel 37: "12(11) Greece-Egypt trip. 1963 Nov."
35) 1318.0038 Greece-Egypt trip, Spain, 1963--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 38
Reel 38: "12(12): Greece-Egypt trip. Spain. 1963 Nov 5-9."
25) 1318.0039 Mexico, 1963--Samuel B. Horovitz--home movies. Reel 39
"13(3) Mexico. 1963 Feb 10."
23) 1318.0040 Europe Trip, Frankfort, Prague, 1964--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 40
Reel 40: "14(1) Europe. Frankfort...Prague... 1964 Summer."
20) 1318.0041 Europe trip, Prague, Vienna, 1964--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 41
Reel 41: "14(2) Europe. Prague...Vienna... 1964 Jul to Aug."
22) 1318.0042 Europe trip, France to Andorra, 1964--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 42
Reel 42: "14(6) Europe. France to Andorra...Spanish border. 1964 [Mar] 28-29."
19) 1318.0046 Africa Trip, Dakar to Ghana, 1965--Samuel B. Horovitz--home movies. Reel 46
"17(1) Africa. Dakar, Senegal...Ghana lecture... 1965 Jan 27-28."
18) 1318.0047 Africa Trip, Nigeria to Johannesburg, 1965--Samuel B. Horovitz--home movies. Reel 47
"17(5) Africa. Nigeria to Johannesburg. Synagogues. Tribal Dances. Deer Island Mine. Kenya. 1965 Feb 5-7."
9) 1318.0048 Africa Trip, Johannesburg to Ethiopia, 1965--Samuel B. Horovitz--home movies. Reel 48
"17(6): Africa. Johannesburg. Ethopia. Deep City Mine. 1965 Feb & Mar."
5) 1318.0049 Africa Trip, Johannesburg, 1965--Samuel B. Horovitz--home movies. Reel 49
"17(7) Africa. Johannesburg. Kimberley. Mines. 1965 Feb 7-8."
15) 1318.0050 Africa Trip, Capetown and Cape of Good Hope, 1965--Samuel B. Horovitz--home movies. Reel 50
"17(8) Africa. Capetown & Cape of Good Hope. 1965 Feb 7-12."
12) 1318.0051 Africa Trip, Capetown to Plettenberg Bay, 1965--Samuel B. Horovitz--home movies. Reel 51
"17(9) Africa. Capetown. Plettenberg Bay. 1965 Feb 12-14."
31) 1318.0052 Africa Trip, Port Elizabeth to Durban Indian Market, 1965--Samuel B. Horovitz--home movies. Reel 52
"17(10) Africa. Port Elizabeth...Durban Indian market... 1965 Feb 15-28."
32) 1318.0053 Africa Trip, Durban, 1965--Samuel B. Horovitz--home movies. Reel 53
"17(11) Africa. Durban... 1965 Feb 24-26."
36) 1318.0054 Africa Trip, Mozambique, 1965--Samuel B. Horovitz--home movies. Reel 54
"17(12) Africa. Mozambique... 1965 Feb 24-26."
35) 1318.0055 Africa Trip, Kruger National Park, 1965--Samuel B. Horovitz--home movies. Reel 55
"17(13) Africa. Kruger National Park... 1965 Feb 26."
34) 1318.0056 Africa Trip, South Rhodesia to Victoria Falls, 1965--Samuel B. Horovitz--home movies. Reel 56
"17(15) Africa. S. Rhodesia...Victoria Falls...1965 Mar 2-4."
12) 1318.0057 Africa Trip, Kenya, 1965--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 57
Reel 57: "17(20) Africa. Kenya... 1965 Mar 16-17."
1) 1318.0058 Africa Trip, Amboseli, Kenya, 1965--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 58
Reel 58: "17(21) Africa. Amboseli, Kenya... 1965 Mar 18-19."
15) 1318.0059 Africa Trip, Nairobi, Kenya, Uganda, 1965--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 59
Reel 59: "17(22) Africa. Nairobi, Kenya...Uganda (start of). 1965' Mar 19-22."
21) 1318.0060 Africa Trip, Kampala, Uganda, 1965--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 60
Reel 60: "17(23) Africa. Kampala, Uganda...Queen Elizabeth Park... 1965 Mar 22-24."
4) 1318.0061 Africa Trip, Uganda, 1965--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 61
Reel 61: '17(24) Africa. Uganda. 1965 Mar 24-28."
5) 1318.0062 Africa Trip, Uganda, 1965--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 62
Reel 62: "17(25) Africa. Uganda. 1965 Mar 28-31."
27) 1318.0063 World, Boston to Rome, 1961--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 63
Reel 63: "18(1) World. Start of round-the-world speaking trip...Boston to Rome. 1961 Sep 17-25."
7) 1318.0064 World, Israel & Iran, 1961--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 64
Reel 64: "18(2) World. Israel & Iran. 1961 Sep 27."
27) 1318.0065 World, India, 1961--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 65
Reel 65: "18(4) World. India. 1961 Sep 25-Oct 10."
27) 1318.0066 World, India, 1965--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 66
Reel 66: "18(5) World. India. 1961 Oct."
28) 1318.0067 World, India, 1961--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 67
Reel 67: "18(6) World. India. 1961 Sep 23 to Oct 10."
11) 1318.0068 World, Burma, 1961--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 68
Reel 68: "18(7) World. Burma. 1961 Oct 14-16."
8) 1318.0069 World, Bangkok, Thailand, 1961--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 69
Reel 69: "18(8) World. Bangkok, Thailand. 1961 Oct 16-20."
349) 1318.0070 World, Philippines, 1961--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 70
Reel 70: "18(9) World. Phillipines. 1961 Oct 21-24."
29) 1318.0071 World, Hong Kong, 1961--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 71
Reel 71: '18(10) World. Hong Kong I. 1961 Oct 24-31."
15) 1318.0072 World, Hong Kong, 1961--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 72
Reel 72: "18(11): World. Hong Kong. 1961 Oct 24-31."
16) 1318.0073 World, Japan I, 1961--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 73
Reel 73: "18(12): World. Japan I. 1961 Oct 31 to Nov 12."
35) 1318.0074 World, Japan II, 1961--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 74
Reel 74: "18(13): World. Japan II. 1961 Nov 10."
354) 1318.0075 World, Hawaii I, 1961--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 75
Reel 75: "18(14): World. Hawaii I. 1961 Nov 13-25(?)."
19) 1318.0076 World, Hawaii II, 1961--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 76
Reel 76: "18(15): World. Hawaii II. 1961 Nov 13-25(?)."
27) 1318.0099 Left overs, 1965--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 99
Reel 99: "31(3) Left-overs. 45th reunion, Africa, Kenya... 1965."
26) 1318.0100 Left overs, 1959-1963--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 100
Reel 100: Left-overs 1959 & 1963."
17) 1318.0101 Various Outtakes, circa 1960--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 101
Reel 101: [various outtakes, ca.1960s]
3) 1318.0102 Mexico to Guatemala, 1966--Samuel B. Horovitz--home movies. Reel 102
"35(1) Mex.-Guat. (1-6). 1966 Jan 23 to Feb 12."
23) 1318.0103 South Africa Trip, Senegal, 1965--Samuel B. Horovitz--home movies. Reel 103
"36(2) Senegal...S. Africa. 1965."
11) 1318.0104 Aran Islands to Ashford Castle, 1966--Samuel B. Horovitz--home movies. Reel 104
"37(2) Aran Islands...Ashford Castle. 1966 Sep 4 to Sep 6."
8) 1318.0105 Cardinal Cushing, 1966--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 105
Reel 105: "38(1) Cardinal Cushing, Temple B'nai-Moshe. 1966 Oct 10. Cardinal Cushing, Stony Hill Club. 1966 Oct 21."
9) 1318.0106 Cardinal Cushing, 1964--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 106
Reel 106: "38(3) Cardinal Cushing, Temple B'nai Moshe. 1964 Mar. 1965 Nov to Dec. 1966 Jun 19."
10) 1318.0107 Baptist Church, 1967--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 107
Reel 107: "38(5) Baptist Church...Sto[ny] Hill Exer. 1967 May."
18) 1318.0108 Pacific Trip, 1967--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 108
Reel 108: "39(1) Pacific trip. 1967 Jan 20 to Jan 29."
17) 1318.0109 New Zealand, 1967--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 109
Reel 109: "39(4) New Zealand. [1967]"
17) 1318.0110 Australia, 1967--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 110
Reel 110: "39(8) Australia. [1967] Feb 28 to 4 Mar."
24) 1318.0111 Indonesia III, 1967--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 111
Reel 111: "39(13) Indonesia III. [1967]"
14) 1318.0112 Malaya to Singapore, 1967--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 112
Reel 112: "39(14) Malaya to Singapore. [1967] Mar 16-20."
11) 1318.0113 Cambodge, 1967--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 113
Reel 113: "39(15) Cambodge, [Cambodia] Singapore to Phnom-Penh... 1967 Mar 20-21."
32) 1318.0114 Hong Kong, 1967--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 114
Reel 114: "39(17) Hong Kong. [1967] Mar 24-26."
115) 1318.0115 Hong Kong to Taiwan, 1967--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 115
Reel 115: "39(18) Hong Kong (end) to Taiwan... [1967] Mar 28."
23) 1318.0116 Pacific Trip - South Korea, 1967--Samuel B. Horovitz--home movies. Reel 116
Reel 116: "39(19) S. Korea, Part I. [1967]" Arrival airport Seoul (via Japan Fukiukai airport), Oak family, Miss Lee (Pres Kim Secy), EHWA University - girls, street scenes, Ame...
9) 1318.0117 Korea, 1967--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 117
Reel 117: "39(20) Korea (contd). [1967]"
29) 1318.0118 Japan, 1967--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 118
Reel 118: "39(21): Japan. [1967]"
20) 1318.0119 Hawaii, 1967--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 119
Reel 119: "39(22): Hawaii. [1967]"
27) 1318.0120 Hawaii, San Francisco, 1967--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 120
Reel 120: "39(24): End Hawaii...San Francisco... [1967]"
28) 1318.0121 Bali, Indonesia, 1967--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 121
Reel 121: "41(4) Bali, Indonesia...to Jogjakarta (Nora)."
25) 1318.0122 Indonesia, 1967--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 122
Reel 122: "41(5) Indonesia."
5) 1318.0123 South America, Chile to Argentina, 1968--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 123
'43(9) South America. Chile to Argentina... 1968 Feb 29 to Mar 2.'
27) 1318.0124 South America Trip, Argentina, 1968--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 124
'43(10) So. Am. trip. Argentina. 1968 Mar 3 to Mar 6.'
31) 1318.0125 South America Trip, Uruguay, 1968--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 125
'43(11):So. Am. trip. Uruguay. 1968 Mar 8 to Mar 10.'
34) 1318.0126 South America Trip, Brazil, 1968--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 126
'43(12):So. Am. trip. Brasil. 1968 Mar 10 to Mar 12.'
34) 1318.0127 South America Trip, Brazil, 1968--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 127
'43(13):So. Am. trip. Brasil. 1968 Mar 12 to Mar 14.'
128) 1318.0128 South America Trip, Brazil, 1968--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 128
'43(14):So. Am. trip. Brasil. 1968 Mar 15 to Mar 19.'
36) 1318.0129 South America Trip, Copacabana Beach, 1968--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 129
'43(15):So. Am. trip. Copacabana Beach (contd)...race track. 1968 Mar 20 to Mar 23.'
33) 1318.0130 South America Trip, Rio de Janeiro, 1968--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 130
'43(16):So. Am. trip. Rio de Janeiro...to Sugarloaf trip. 1968 Mar 23 to Mar 29.'
32) 1318.0131 South America Trip, Rio (riot)--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 131
'43(17):So. Am. trip. Rio (riot)...to Brasilia. 1968 Mar 29 to Apr 2.'
3) 1318.0132 South American Trip, Brasilia, 1968--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 132
'43(18):So. Am. trip. Brasilia (contd) to...Amazon River and school children. 1968 Apr 2-4.'
4) 1318.0133 South American Trip, 1968--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 133
'43(19):So. Am. trip. 1968 Apr 4 to Apr 7.'
5) 1318.0134 End of South America Trip, 1968--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 134
'43(20): End of So. Am. trip...Florida, Logan. 1968 Apr 8-12.'
27) 1318.0135 Lecture Tour Florida, 1969--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 135
'45(1): Lecture tour Florida. 1969 Jan 29 to Feb 12.'
7) 1318.0136 Fla. to start of Mexico, 1969--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 136
'45(2): Fla. to start of Mexico. 1969 Feb 13 to Feb 22.'
137) 1318.0137 Yucatan, Chichenitza, 1969--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 137
'45(3): Yucatan...Chichenitza. 1969 Feb 22-28 (3).'
7) 1318.0138 Portugal, Spain, Morocco, 1969--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 138
'45(4): Portugal, Spain, Morocco, start of Tangier. 1969 Mar 13 to Mar 30.'
17) 1318.0139 Chauen, 1969--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 139
'45(5): Chauen. 1969 Mar 21 to Mar 22.'
11) 1318.0140 Morocco, Marrakech, 1969--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 140
'45(6): Morocco...Marrakech (start of). 1969 Mar 23 to May 29.'
21) 1318.0141 Marrakech to Canary Islands, 1969--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 141
'45(7): Marrakech trip to...Canary Islands. 1969 Mar 30 to Apr 5.'
13) 1318.0142 Casablanca, Algiers, 1969--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 142
'45(8): Casablanca...Algiers. 1969 Apr 5 to Apr 10.'
143) 1318.0143 Algiers, 1969--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 143
'45(9): Algiers. 1969 Apr 11-14.'
23) 1318.0144 Tunisia, Libya, 1969--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 144
'45(10): Tunisia (contd) and start of Libya. 1969 Apr 14 to Apr 17.'
16) 1318.0145 Tunisia, Libya, 1969--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 145
'45(11): Libya (contd)...back to Tripoli. [1969] Apr 18 to Apr 20.'
17) 1318.0146 Libya, Tripoli, Sicily, 1969--Samuel Horovitz--home movies. Reel 146
'45(12): Libya, enroute to Tripoli...Sicily. 1969 Apr 21, 23, 26, 27.'
18) 1318.0147 Sicily, Dubrovnik, 1969--Samuel B. Horovitz--home movies. Reels 147
Amateur footage shot by Samuel Horovitz to document primarily his extensive lecture tours connected with his legal profession. Reel numbers assigned by creator. Can notes as fol...
19) 1318.0148 Dubrovnik, Zurich, 1969--Samuel B. Horovitz--home movies. Reel 148
Amateur footage shot by Samuel Horovitz to document primarily his extensive lecture tours connected with his legal profession. Reel numbers assigned by creator. Can notes as fol...
12) 1319.0003 [Bob Woodbury--home movies] Reel 003
Amateur footage. Donor's/creator's notes as follows (reel numbers are NHF-assigned): 3. [1960 by d.c.] Linda-Church. [First frames are titles: 'Announcing,' 'our first,' 'nut.']
23) 1319.0004 [Bob Woodbury--home movies] Reel 004
Amateur footage. Donor's/creator's notes as follows (reel numbers are NHF-assigned): 4. General #1. Christmas 1962-Bob and Joann Izzo. 'THE BLIZZARD'-1962. Snow scenes, March, 1...
9) 1319.0005 [Bob Woodbury--home movies] Reel 005
Amateur footage. Donor's/creator's notes as follows (reel numbers are NHF-assigned): 5. 1962-1963 Vacations #1. 1962-Vermont, Duluth, Concord, Mass., York. 1963-New Hampshire, T...
10) 1319.0006 [Bob Woodbury--home movies] Reel 006
Amateur footage. Donor's/creator's notes as follows (reel numbers are NHF-assigned): 6. General #2. In Russ Longley's plane, Augusta to Waterville. Duck's camp-Bada's birthday. ...
26) 1319.0007 [Bob Woodbury--home movies] Reel 007
Amateur footage. Donor's/creator's notes as follows (reel numbers are NHF-assigned): 7. 1964 & 1965 Vacations #2. 1964-Duluth, Gross Isle, Michigan, Vermont. 1965-Sweetman vacat...
21) 1319.0008 [Bob Woodbury--home movies] Reel 008
Amateur footage. Donor's/creator's notes as follows (reel numbers are NHF-assigned): 8. 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969 vacations #3. 1966-Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Meluins Camp, Xmas...
15) 1319.0009 [Bob Woodbury--home movies] Reel 009
Amateur footage. Reel number is NHF-assigned. 9. [1967 by d.c.; Super 8 mm.]
35) 1319.0016 [Chester Woodbury--home movies] Reel 016
Amateur footage shot by Chester Woodbury (Bob's father). Donor's/creator's notes as follows (reel numbers are NHF-assigned). 16. [1961 by d.c.] No. 1 Pleasant Pond-Grace Pond-Pe...
36) 1319.0017 [Chester Woodbury--home movies] Reel 017
Amateur footage shot by Chester Woodbury (Bob's father). Donor's/creator's notes as follows (reel numbers are NHF-assigned). 17. Martin Pond-Peg & fish-Xmas 1962.
1) 1319.0018 [Chester Woodbury--home movies] Reel 018
Amateur footage shot by Chester Woodbury (Bob's father). Donor's/creator's notes as follows (reel numbers are NHF-assigned). 18. Vacation 1965 Parlin Lake [Parlin Pond].
4) 1319.0019 [Chester Woodbury--home movies] Reel 019
Amateur footage shot by Chester Woodbury (Bob's father). Donor's/creator's notes as follows (reel numbers are NHF-assigned). 19. Kancamagus Trail [NH] etc 1969-70.
6) 1321.0001-.0022 [Archie Stewart--home movies]
Amateur footage of Sauls family and Stewart family activities. Can notes follow; reel numbers are donor-assigned. 1. Goofy golf tricks--Xmas. Korea Military Maneuvers. Baby Mary...
28) 1322.0027 [Camp Snipatuit or Hall family footage] NHF Reel 27
NHF cataloguer's notes as follows. (Film can/box notes in quotes, reel numbers are NHF-assigned.) 27. 'Bright Waters at 3 weeks. Born March 23, 1962.' Mare and colt. CU colt. Si...
33) 1322.0028 [Camp Snipatuit footage] NHF Reel 28
NHF cataloguer's notes as follows. (Film can/box notes in quotes, reel numbers are NHF-assigned.) 28. [dc 1965] 'Camp Snipatuit [address].' Back to camp. Riding ring. Drill team...
5) 1322.0029 [Camp Snipatuit footage] NHF Reel 29
NHF cataloguer's notes as follows. (Film can/box notes in quotes, reel numbers are NHF-assigned.) 29. [dc 1965] 'Camp Snipatuit [address].' Camp skits. Robin Hood. Balloon game....
32) 1322.0030 [Camp Snipatuit footage] NHF Reel 30
NHF cataloguer's notes as follows. (Film can/box notes in quotes, reel numbers are NHF-assigned.) 30. [dc 1965] 'Camp Snipatuit [address].' Camp riding ring. Parents Day. 'Forma...
1) 1322.0031 [Camp Snipatuit footage] NHF Reel 31
NHF cataloguer's notes as follows. (Film can/box notes in quotes, reel numbers are NHF-assigned.) 31. [dc 1968] 'Camp Snipatuit [address].' Swimming. Rescue techniques from dock.
2) 1322.0032 [Camp Snipatuit footage] NHF Reel 32
NHF cataloguer's notes as follows. (Film can/box notes in quotes, reel numbers are NHF-assigned.) 32. [dc 1968] 'Camp Snipatuit [address].' Swimming. Life saving demonstration. ...
3) 1322.0033 [Camp Snipatuit footage] NHF Reel 33
NHF cataloguer's notes as follows. (Film can/box notes in quotes, reel numbers are NHF-assigned.) 33. [dc 1968] 'Camp Snipatuit [address].' Swimming. Rowing. Canoeing. Flutter b...
6) 1335.0006 [Fields--home movies] Reel 6
Amateur footage of family activities. NHF xfer notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. 6. Danny's 1st birthday '60, Easter '60, Danny, July 4th picnic '60. (UNEDITED) N...
10) 1335.0007 [Fields--home movies] Reel 7
Amateur footage of family activities. NHF xfer notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. 7. David's confirmation, Danny's 2nd birthday, Xmas '60, blizzard of Feb '61. (UN...
360) 1335.0008 [Fields--home movies] Reel 8
Amateur footage of family activities. NHF xfer notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. 8. Dan with lawn mower, Sue in drill uniform, Karen from hospital and christening...
139) 1335.0009 [Fields--home movies] Reel 9
Amateur footage of family activities. NHF xfer notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. 9. Easter 1962, Cavaliers at Westover Air Base, 4th of July parade and picnic '62...
13) 1335.0010 [Fields--home movies] Reel 10
Amateur footage of family activities. NHF xfer notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. 10. Cavaliers at Catskill NY '62, Xmas '62, Danny C. and Danny [?], Danny '62, Ka...
14) 1335.0011 [Fields--home movies] Reel 11
Amateur footage of family activities. NHF xfer notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. 11. Karen's 2nd birthday, July 4th parade, Susan's 13th birthday, Susan's confirm...
12) 1335.0012 [Fields--home movies] Reel 12
Amateur footage of family activities. NHF xfer notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. 12. Cavaliers at Cleavland [Cleveland?], Danny's 6th birthday, Dave's Jr. Prom, X...
16) 1335.0012-1 [Fields--home movies] Reel 12 [Duplicate]
Amateur footage of family activities. NHF xfer notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. 12. Cavaliers at Cleavland [Cleveland?], Danny's 6th birthday, Dave's Jr. Prom, X...
10) 1335.0014 [Fields--home movies] Reel 14
Amateur footage of family activities. NHF xfer notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. 14. Lenny and Paula's wedding, July 4th '67, David's high school graduation, Susa...
19) 1335.0015 [Fields--home movies] Reel 15
Amateur footage of family activities. NHF xfer notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. 15. July 4th parade'68. (UNEDITED) NHF Cataloguer's notes: Reel 15. Cavalier marc...
7) 1335.0017 [Fields--home movies] Reel 17
Amateur footage of family activities. NHF xfer notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. 17. Karen's 1st communion '69, 4th of July parade, storm 1969-70. (UNEDITED) NHF ...
10) 1346.0001 Record Passage to MoBay: Jamaica's Blue Water Challenge
'A profile of the 811-mile Miami to Montego Bay Race, from 1961 through 1988. In detailing this important ocean race the program focuses on 'Windward Passage' (the '73 Maxi that...
22) 1359.0004 Remembering New Hampshire
Educational/promotional film with primary focus on some aspect of New Hampshire life. Title on film container as follows (length is approx.). Print may be incomplete. 'Rememberi...
8) 1359.0009 N.H. The Granite State
Educational/promotional film with primary focus on some aspect of New Hampshire life. Title on film container as follows (length is approx.). Print may be incomplete. 'N.H. The ...
15) 1359.0015 Concord Coach
Educational/promotional film with primary focus on some aspect of New Hampshire life. Title on film container as follows (length is approx.). Print may be incomplete. 'Concord C...
12) 1370.0022 [Karl Stefan--home movies] Reel 22
Amateur footage of family and travel. Leader notes as follows: 22. Florida, July -. [last part illegible, no date] NHF Cataloguer's Notes: (32:41) Canvas topped power boat. Man ...
27) 1370.0023 [Karl Stefan--home movies] Reel 23
Amateur footage of family and travel. Leader notes as follows: 23. Turtle kroll, turtles. [no date] NHF Cataloguer's Notes: (36:23) Sign: 'Turtles' in front of pens in water ful...
11) 1370.0034 [Karl Stefan--home movies] Reel 34
Amateur footage of family and travel. Leader notes as follows: 34. [no notes or date] NHF Cataloguer's Notes:
13) 1370.0040 [Karl Stefan--home movies] Reel 40
Amateur footage of family and travel. Leader notes as follows: 40. [crossed out: Balloon flight end phase 1959] Bro. and les in Falls Church, Muhls resort, summer 1960. NHF Cata...
4) 1370.0041 [Karl Stefan--home movies] Reel 41
Amateur footage of family and travel. Leader notes as follows: 41. [reel: Colo. winter '60] Candy and Fonnie with Mr. Stefan, winter Colorado scenes. NHF Cataloguer's Notes:
22) 1370.0042 [Karl Stefan--home movies] Reel 42
Amateur footage of family and travel. Leader notes as follows: 42. 50th wedding anniversary, staff house 20 Rosemount. [no date] NHF Cataloguer's Notes:
31) 1370.0043 [Karl Stefan--home movies] Reel 43
Amateur footage of family and travel. Leader notes as follows: 43. Island and girl scouts [1965]. NHF Cataloguer's Notes:
7) 1375.0090 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 90
NHF Cataloguer's notes Reel 90: 36:00. Two men in wooded area. Large tractor nearby. Autumn-foliaged trees. We are on pov. car ride. Telephone poles. Varicolored leaves of autum...
6) 1375.0091 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 91
NHF Cataloguer's notes Reel 91: 00:01. Toddler walks forward carrying kiddiecar. Little girl pedals tricycle near garage. She pedals trike backwards. Boy walks along with kiddie...
9) 1375.0092 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 92
NHF Cataloguer's notes Reel 92: 18:02. Florida. Palm trees. Domed building in background. Flamingos on lawn. Right-tracking pan. of area. Pool with many flamingos assembled at s...
25) 1375.0093 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 93
NHF Cataloguer's notes Reel 93: 35:41. Man, boy, girl at side of car. Man holds shy boy in his arms. Little girl has doll, paper bag. Children enter car. Group adults, two coupl...
16) 1375.0094 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 94
NHF Cataloguer's notes Reel 94: 00:02. Man working on car motor. Hood raised. Red 'Volkswagen' drives up to garage door. Woman emerges. Older man, toddler join her. Man carries ...
27) 1375.0095 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 95
NHF Cataloguer's notes Reel 95: 18:00. Young boy, girl sit in bed of pickup truck. They wave as truck starts journey. Wharf, platform extending into water. White van parked adja...
15) 1375.0096 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 96
NHF Cataloguer's notes Reel 96: 36:06. Boy, woman, man walk up gangway of wharf. Paper bags under his arms, another man ascends gangway. Tennis game on court. Four men playing. ...
34) 1376.0005 [Face the Nation] NHF Reel 005
Collection level description: footage of various Margaret Chase Smith interviews and travels dated 1950s-1960s. NHF Reel 5: one reel 16 mm., 900 ft., 'MCS Face the Nation Februa...
31) 1376.0006 [television program] NHF Reel 006
Collection level description: footage of various Margaret Chase Smith interviews and travels dated 1950s-1960s. NHF Reel 6: one reel 16 mm., 900 ft., 'MCS Washington Conversatio...
20) 1376.0010-.0011 [program recorded in Senate recording studio] NHF Reels 10-11
Collection level description: footage of various Margaret Chase Smith interviews and travels dated 1950s-1960s. NHF Reels 10-11: two reels of 16 mm. negative on film core, 'Prog...
30) 1376.0017 [small reel] NHF Reel 017
Collection level description: footage of various Margaret Chase Smith interviews and travels dated 1950s-1960s. NHF Reel 17: one reel 16 mm., 50 ft., 'negatives of programs film...
12) 1376.0020 [small reel] NHF Reel 020
Collection level description: footage of various Margaret Chase Smith interviews and travels dated 1950s-1960s. NHF Reel 20: one reel 16 mm., 300 ft., 'Senator Spessard Holland'...
14) 1376.0027 Senator Margaret Chase Smith at GTMO (NHF Reel 027)
Collection level description: footage of various Margaret Chase Smith interviews and travels dated 1950s-1960s. NHF Reel 27: 35 mm. fine grain master, 'Sen. Margaret Chase Smith...
16) 1376.0029 NASA Trip August 1962 (NHF Reel 029)
Collection level description: footage of various Margaret Chase Smith interviews and travels dated 1950s-1960s. NHF Reel 29: one reel, 8 mm., 'NASA Trip August 1962.';Marriott Hotel; Washington, D.C.; Jefferson Memorial; Washington Memorial; Lincoln Memorial from driving car; Eisenhower Executive Office Building; White House; man with 8mm cam...
36) 1383.0012 [Earl Hodgkins--home movies] Reel 12
Can notes: 'Popham Beach 1959. Beech Hill, summer and fall. Building snow fort-home 1959-1960. Billy--Ann sliding down rook. Cub scout--St. George Lake 1960. Popham Beach 1960. ...
14) 1383.0013 [Earl Hodgkins--home movies] Reel 013
Can notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. Reel 13: Christmas 1961--David Glidden--horse. Girl scout slumber party 1961. Camp scene--burning brush--March 1962. A day a...
18) 1383.0014 [Earl Hodgkins--home movies] Reel 014
Can notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. Reel 14: Big storm, 29-30 December 1963. Dietrich at Abol Falls, July 1963. Howards at Beech Hill 1963. Larsons at Beech Hil...
16) 1383.0015 [Earl Hodgkins--home movies] Reel 015
Box/can notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. Reel 15: Beech Hill. Dot and Andy's boys. 1964. Waterskiing, Ann. Popham Beach, Nellie family. Jane, Kendra and two chil...
16) 1383.0016 [Earl Hodgkins--home movies] Reel 016
Box/can notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. Reel 16: Mules at Cripple Creek. Aunt Lille etc. Hummingbird, Taylor [?]. Skiing--overexposed. Michelle. Rich's folks an...
18) 1383.0017 [Earl Hodgkins--home movies] Reel 017
Box/can notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. Reel 17: Scouting. Overnight at Pushaw, spring 1962. Overnight at Sewall, Mt. Desert Island, spring 1963. Service projec...
23) 1383.0018 [Earl Hodgkins--home movies] Reel 018
Box/can notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. Reel 18: (box) Girl Scout mounted patrol, spring 1964.
20) 1383.0019 [Earl Hodgkins--home movies] Reel 019
Box/can notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. Reel 19: Bill's jamboree training.
36) 1396 Potato Eaters
See description at Maine Department of Agriculture Coll./acc.0782, ProCite record 3060.
21) 1418.0001 [John Grant--home movies] Drive-In, Belfast
Amateur footage of drive-in theater in Belfast. Original footage is 8 mm. film. ONSITE REFERENCE ONLY.
8) 1422.0001 Targets
Videotape copy of a film for drive-in program. ONSITE REFERENCE ONLY.
15) 1428.0038 [Birch Rock camp footage] Reel 38
Amateur footage primarily of camp activities at Birch Rock Camp, Waterford, ME.;Three boys in ‘BR’ polo shirts pose for the camera. Boys hiking. Two canoes on the lake, one with a sail. A line of campers. People eating outdoors. [End of Reel]
19) 1430.0001 [unidentified--home movies] Reel 1
Amateur footage. Can/reel labels as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. 1. 'Xmas Summer Winter 1963' 2. '1965 Xmas' 3. 'California #1' 4. 'California #2' 5. [no notes]
12) 1430.0002 [unidentified--home movies] Reel 2
Amateur footage. Can/reel labels as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. 2. '1965 Xmas'
6) 1430.0003 [unidentified--home movies] Reel 3
Amateur footage. Can/reel labels as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. 3. 'California #1'
8) 1430.0005 [unidentified--home movies] Reel 5
Amateur footage. Can/reel labels as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. 5. [no notes]
27) 1431 [unidentified--home movies]
Amateur footage of boat trip on glacial lake (Alaska?). NHF viewing notes: MS of cruise-type boat on lake, mountains in distance. Pan of snow-capped mountains. POV from boat of ...
12) 1434.0001 [Allagash Trip 1960]
"ALLAGASH" #1-#5 1960;Two people in a motor powered canoe. A woman unloading the trunk of a car. People loading supplies into two canoes. A man and a woman pose for the camera in front of the canoes....
4) 1458.0282 [JFK at UMaine]
Visit to University of Maine, Orono, ME, by President John F. Kennedy, including excerpts from outdoor speech at commencement. // Speech is incomplete - interrupted momentarily ...
8) 1488.0020 [Charles S. Clark--home movies] Reel 20
Can/reel notes: '1965. Rangeley Lake. Golf at Mingo Springs. Ric and rubber boat at Farm. Windsor Fair, Sept. Blue Hill Fair, Sept. Bird hunting with P. Garlona, Oct. Hunting va...;Pan of golf course with mountains in distance. Man and woman golfing: chipping, putting, pulling golf bags behind them as they walk. View from behind golfer on tee as he hit bal...
25) 1490 [NHF compilation: Promo Reel 10]
1988 NHF compilation tape of news stories from BHS/WABI Collection. Tape contains: 1. Unity Raceway, cat.no.0065-01, dated 6/24/62 2. Merchants Banks ad, cat.no.0065-06, dated 2...
29) 1490.0002 [NHF Compilation - Promo Reel 2]
1988 NHF compilation tape of news stories from BHS/WABI Collection. Tape contains: 1. B&A pre-iced railroad cars ad, 60 sec., sof, cat.no.1009-06, dated 5/17/61 2. Freeses Gold ...
3) 1490.0003 [NHF Compilation - Promo Reel 3]
3/4 in. reference tape. 1988 NHF compilation tape of news stories from BHS/WABI Collection. Tape contains: 1. Ike speaks at Dow, sof, cat.no.0005-01, dated 1957 2. JFK at Univer...
7) 1490.0005 [NHF Compilation - Promo Reel 5]
1988 NHF compilation tape of news stories from BHS/WABI Collection. Tape contains: 1. Univ. of Maine electronic brain, cat.no.0029-16, dated 1961 2. Union Street Tower demolitio...
24) 1490.0006 [NHF Compilation - Promo Reel 6]
1988 NHF compilation tape of news stories from BHS/WABI Collection. Tape contains: 1. Studio City construction, cat.no.1012-03, dated 6/14/61 2. Frontier Week in Calais, cat.no....
32) 1490.PC7 [NHF compilation: Promo Reels 9 and 11]
1988 NHF compilation tape of news stories from BHS/WABI Collection. Tapecontains: Promo Reel 9 (all sof): 1. Maine woman in Miss America Pageant, [cat.no.????], dated 9/10/64 2....
12) 1507 Watermen
Long (full) version of 'Watermen,' a documentary about Chesapeake Bay oyster fishermen, their families and working life. Long (full) version is 2300 ft., 65 min. running time.
13) 1507 Watermen
Shorter version of 'Watermen,' a documentary about Chesapeake Bay oyster fishermen, their families and working life. Shorter version is edited for television.
9) 1515.0019 [Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 19
Footage of a man and a woman skiing amidst snow covered trees. Footage of a man and two women having a picnic on the rocks by a lake. A few shots of the garden in front of a l...
23) 1515.0034 [Charles S. Houston—home movies] Reel 34
Footage of snow covered mountains shot from within an aircraft. A shot of a man wearing extreme weather gear exiting a tent and walking through the snow. A shot of a man carry...
14) 1515.0045 [Charles S. Houston—home movies] Reel 45
A few shots of men and women around a Christmas tree, including a young girl looking into a kaleidoscope. Footage of a man and a boy playing with toys, including a toy fort. A...
20) 1515.0049 [Charles S. Houston—home movies] Reel 49
A few shots of a small child asleep on a blanket in a field. A few shots of a makeshift tent with several children under it. Footage of children playing on tire swings and in ...
5) 1515.0050 [Charles S. Houston—home movies] Reel 50
Footage of a few men and women at desks and a baby in a crib in a very small room with a chalkboard. A few shots of seated men and women with notebooks in a small room. Donor ...
18) 1515.0051 [Charles S. Houston—home movies] Reel 51
Footage of men and women with notebooks in a room seated at desks and chairs. Donor Notes: "India: Peace Corps Doctor Training #3"
33) 1515.0052 [Charles S. Houston—home movies] Reel 52
Footage of men and women sitting at a long table with several microscopes. The men and women look at slides through their microscopes as men in lab coats walk around the table....
17) 1515.0053 [Charles S. Houston—home movies] Reel 53
A few shots of a young boy helping a man put steaks on a small grill as another boy and a woman watch. Footage of a few adults and children hitting balls with a bat in a parkin...
18) 1515.0054 [Charles S. Houston—home movies] Reel 54
Footage of a woman and two boys exploring a fort, including one of the boys climbing a wall. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tughlaqabad_Fort] Donor Notes: "India: Peace Corps Tu...
33) 1515.0055 [Charles S. Houston—home movies] Reel 55
Footage of a woman cooking at a stove while a young girl watches and man samples the meal. Donor Notes: "India: Peace Corps, 2 reels unlabeled"
21) 1515.0057 - 1515.0065 Operation Everest II
"Operation Everest II" (3/4 in., CSH) NHF notes: per Jane Beal, a series of nine tapes, original footage is 3/4" videotape. Studies on the effects of high altitude on human phy...
2) 1515.0067 [Charles S. Houston—home movies] Reel 67
Reel 67 contains footage that was used for Charles S. Houston’s series of talks, “Fifty Years of Going Higher,” which relates to a study on the effects of high altitude on human...
24) 1515.0068 [Charles S. Houston—home movies] Reel 68
Reel 68 contains footage that was used for Charles S. Houston’s series of talks, “Fifty Years of Going Higher,” which relates to a study on the effects of high altitude on human...
31) 1515.0069 [Charles S. Houston—home movies] Reel 69
Reel 69 contains footage that was used for Charles S. Houston’s series of talks, “Fifty Years of Going Higher,” which relates to a study on the effects of high altitude on human...
4) 1515.0070 [Charles S. Houston—home movies] Reel 70
Reel 70 contains footage that was used for Charles S. Houston’s series of talks, “Fifty Years of Going Higher,” which relates to a study on the effects of high altitude on human...
23) 1519.0040 [Flying Moose Lodge footage] Reel 040 (F10)
Amateur footage of activities and events at Flying Moose Lodge, East Orland. Reel numbers are NHF assigned. Reel 40 (F10): [no can/reel notes; dc 1961] note:book by Price(A bad ...
7) 1519.0041 [Flying Moose Lodge footage] Reel 041 (F11)
Amateur footage of activities and events at Flying Moose Lodge, East Orland. Reel numbers are NHF assigned. Reel 41 (F11): [can/reel notes available; dc 1962] note:book by Price...
25) 1519.0042 [Flying Moose Lodge footage] Reel 042 (F12)
Amateur footage of activities and events at Flying Moose Lodge, East Orland. Reel numbers are NHF assigned. Reel 42 (F12): [no can/reel notes; dc 1963] note:book by Price(A bad ...
26) 1519.0043 [Flying Moose Lodge footage] Reel 043 (F13)
Amateur footage of activities and events at Flying Moose Lodge, East Orland. Reel numbers are NHF assigned. Reel 43 (F13): [no can/reel notes; no dc] note:book by Price(A bad ca...
22) 1519.0044 [Flying Moose Lodge footage] Reel 044 (F14)
Amateur footage of activities and events at Flying Moose Lodge, East Orland. Reel numbers are NHF assigned. Reel F14: [no can/reel notes; no dc] note:book by Price(A bad case of...
11) 1519.0045 [Flying Moose Lodge footage] Reel 045 (F15)
Amateur footage of activities and events at Flying Moose Lodge, East Orland. Reel numbers are NHF assigned. Reel 45 (F15): [no can/reel notes; dc 1966] note:book by Price(A bad ...
12) 1519.0046 [Flying Moose Lodge footage] Reel 046 (F16)
Amateur footage of activities and events at Flying Moose Lodge, East Orland. Reel numbers are NHF assigned. Reel 46 (F16): Flying Moose Lodge film, reel one. note:book by Price(...
33) 1536.0002 [unidentified--home movies] Reel 2
Amateur footage. Can notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF assigned. Reel 2: 'Hawaii II.'
6) 1536.0003 [unidentified--home movies] Reel 03
Amateur footage. Can notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF assigned. Reel 3: Frances in our yard 1958. Smith Cove Village. Frances and Mom, vacation 1958. Natural Bridge, Blue ...
11) 1536.0004 [unidentified--home movies] Reel 4
Amateur footage. Can notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF assigned. Reel 4: Fall, Pennsylvania 1958. Fall, New York 1962. With Symingtons: Old Mystic, Connecticut 1962; Dingma...
16) 1536.0005 [unidentified--home movies] Reel 05
Amateur footage. Can notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF assigned. Reel 5: 1963 Vacation, Toddy Pond. Fred, Helen and Bovenizers. 1964 Vacation, Camden and Toddy Pond. Aug 4,...;From Bucksport Facebook Group asked if they recognized the names or places in this collection: "Hazelwood was the camp of Miss Hazel Woodworth on Alamoosook. (I believe that was...
8) 1540.0014 Quiet Frontier (NHF Reel 014)
Reel number is NHF-assigned. Print date code 1970. Can notes: 'Maine Department of Economic Development presents 'Quiet Frontier.''
14) 1545.0022 Dr. Heidegger's Experiment
"Dr. Heidegger's Experiment" - live action film © 1969 Encyclopedia Britannica Education Corporation, based on the Nathaniel Hawthorne short story.
19) 1554.0001 James Willard and Frances Fellows Wedding
Footage of Wedding reception from December 1966.
5) 1555.0001-.0019 [Rick Hawkes--home movies]
Amateur footage. Ice fishing, hunting and camping home footage. Box notes as follows (all boxes addressed Jim and Rosemary Hawkes, 64 and 66 Cedar St., Bangor, Maine): Reel 1 Fi...
21) 1555.0001--1 [Rick Hawkes--home movies] [Duplicate]
Amateur footage. Ice fishing, hunting and camping home footage. Box notes as follows (all boxes addressed Jim and Rosemary Hawkes, 64 and 66 Cedar St., Bangor, Maine): Reel 1 Fi...
9) 1556.0002 Adventures in Eating
Title on film: 'The State of Maine Department of Agriculture Presents 'Adventures in Eating.'' // Print is A-wind, has moderate twist, 2 splices with blooping ink. // Film shows...
4) 1557.0001-.0041 [Alan Kattelle--features] Reels 1-41
Note: ìBlue Labelî refers to separate batch of the collection. This record is one of three and comprises 41 individual reels, each numbered separately (e.g., The Fall of Jerusal...
22) 1557.0042-.0095 [Alan Kattelle--features] Reels 42-95
This record is two of three and comprises 54 individual reels. SECOND BATCH 42. The Parson by Wallace Carson, Daypho-Bray Library of Motion Pictures First part b&w, then aft...
16) 1559 Blandford Station Whaling footage
Donor stated in a letter (see collection file) 'this was the last operating whaling station on the northeast coast and I believed it was closed down by 1971 . . . ship's crew we...
18) 1561 As Maine Goes
Educational/cultural work. Economic development film shot in Maine. See Collection File for film outlines.
17) 1561 A Concert of Efforts
Educational/cultural work. Economic development film shot in Maine. See Collection File for film outlines
3) 1563.0001 [Robert Mercer--home movies] Reel 001
Football footage of Bucksport High School. 'Belfast Sept. 7 1963 6-2'
2) 1563.0002 [Robert Mercer--home movies] Reel 002
Football footage of Bucksport High School. 'Bucks vs. Higgins 9-14-63 57-0'
36) 1563.0004 [Robert Mercer--home movies] Reel 004
Football footage of Bucksport High School. 'Dexter Oct? 63 30-0'
35) 1563.0005 [Robert Mercer--home movies] Reel 005
Football footage of Bucksport High School. 'Hampden 10/12/63 34-0'
35) 1563.0006 [Robert Mercer--home movies] Reel 006
Football footage of Bucksport High School. 'Greenville Oct?63 13-0'
33) 1563.0007 [Robert Mercer--home movies] Reel 007
Football footage of Bucksport High School. 'Orono Oct. 26th 1963 13-0'
34) 1569.0001-.0027 [various titles]
Americana: Plymouth Colony, 1971 Americana: Yankee Whaling, 1974 Brake Free, 1972 [Mt. Washington] Conservation: A Job for Young America, 1968 Conservation and Balance in Anture...
2) 1571.0002 [Donald Saunders home movies] 1963 Eclipse
Time-lapse footage of 1963 solar eclipse shot from gates of Katahdin Iron Works.
30) 1584.0001 [Estella Doughty--home movies] Reel 1
Box notes: Julie's 1965 ;A little girl and little boy sit at a table in a kitchen eating bowls of ice cream. Adults sitting on the couch in the living room eating bowls of ice cream. A woman (June Sou...;Notes from viewing with family (mostly Julia Raven, with some input from Mark and Dee): Birthday Party at June’s house in California. [June Southard is one of Estella Doughty's ...
5) 1584.0002 [Estella Doughty--home movies] Reel 2
Box notes: 'At Julia's, Julie and Teedie' ;A little boy (Shawn Raven) walking on the lawn. A woman (Dee raven) gives him a volleyball. Two women (June and Dee Raven) playing badminton on the lawn. An older woman (Ellu...;Notes from viewing with family (mostly Julia Raven, with some input from Mark and Dee): Sean w/ ball. Dee Dee on the lawn with June. [Sean, Dee Dee, and June are Julia Raven's ...
6) 1584.0003 [Estella Doughty--home movies] Reel 3
Box notes: 'Chuck, Dee Dee, Teedie, Auntie and Earl at Alna, Shaw St. Strawberries at Julia's' ;A woman (Dee) riding a horse bareback. A car backs up and drives away. Dee on the horse. A man (Floyd Raven Sr.) with a stick moves a porcupine out of the road. A white hous...;Notes from viewing with family (mostly Julia Raven, with some input from Mark and Dee): Dee Dee on a pony (Mountain Fire) at the farm that Julia and her family lived on. [Dee s...
3) 1584.0004 [Estella Doughty--home movies] Reel 4
Box notes: 'Earl Auntie and oxen, Susan at Julia's' ;A woman in a blue dress in a field (Julia Bryant). An Ox in a field walking toward the camera. CU of the ox. A man (Earl Bryant) walks toward the ox cautiously with a bucket....;Notes from viewing with family (mostly Julia Raven, with some input from Mark and Dee): Aunt Julia. Pete or Ruben the Bull. Earl and Julia owned two Oxen. At their farm in D...
26) 1584.0005 [Estella Doughty--home movies] Reel 5
Box notes: 'Maine & Seth's Family Aug. 1966, Chek weighing clams' ;A puppy tied to a tree sits looking at the camera. A teenage boy (Rob) walks toward a trailer. A teenage girl (Rowena) goes to the dog and tries to untangle its rope from some...;Notes from viewing with family (mostly Julia Raven, with some input from Mark and Dee): Sister’s kids – Rob & Rowena In Phippsburg with Eunice and her husband Robert Coombs ...
5) 1584.0006 [Estella Doughty--home movies] Reel 6
Box notes: 'Teedie's Family, Julia's, cookout at Joe's' ;A woman (Harriet) taking meat off a grill and setting food up on a picnic table. A man (Harold) comes out of the front door of a house dressed in a uniform for work and carryin...;Notes from viewing with family (mostly Julia Raven, with some input from Mark and Dee): My brother Harold (Teedie) and Harold Jr., we called him Bud That’s my brother and his fa...
7) 1584.0007 [Estella Doughty--home movies] Reel 7
Box notes: 'In Ala, July, 1967, Seth's Truck' [Box doesn't match film content] ;The water shot from a beach, the camera zooms in on a boat. Kids and some adults clamming on the beach. A man sits on a picnic table with his family (Harold, his wife Harriet,...;Notes from viewing with family (mostly Julia Raven, with some input from Mark and Dee): Digging clams Teedie, Harriet, & the family Harriet painting Nana unloading Woody the...
22) 1584.0008 [Estella Doughty--home movies] Reel 8
Box notes: 'Seth & [?] at Julia's, Teedie & Bob ' ;Grainy, dark shot of two men in the front yard of a neighborhood shooting arrows. Long shot of the men walking across a field. Cut to indoors, living room: people playing Twis...;Notes from viewing with family (mostly Julia Raven, with some input from Mark and Dee): My brother Sonny Armand playing twister and that’s Warren Ponies – the red one is Jazzy P...
12) 1584.0009 [Estella Doughty--home movies] Reel 9
Box notes: Teedie's Horse and Pony show 1969 ;Dark footage of a yard. A brown and white painted horse in a paddock. A blond girl (Susan?) puts a bridle on it and leads it out of the enclosure. She gets on the horse and r...;Notes from viewing with family (mostly Julia Raven, with some input from Mark and Dee): Susan’s horse so that must be Susan riding. Dee doing mama’s hair – we had a salon in the...
6) 1605.0001-.0006 [Maine and Massachusetts--home movies] Reels 1-6
Content description not available. NHF reel numbers and can notes follow: Reel 1 Marblehead June 1960, Maine Trip June 1960, Pemaquid July 1960, Rockport July 1960, Playground P...
6) 1607.0001-.0100 [Sulya family--home movies]
Amateur footage. No content description available. Box notes below: Reel Notes 2 Fran's Wedding 3 'Aug-Sept 1968: Kids in Cannon at Fort Knox, Jack Wedding, ' 4 'Summer 1968: Se...
34) 1611.0001-.0014 [Orlando F. Snow--home movies] Reels 1-14
Amateur footage. No detailed content description available. Incomplete transfer notes as follows (can notes in parenthesis, all ): Reel 1 (Church) 1941 from date code. 'My Churc...
25) 1612.0027 [Chute Homestead—home movies] Reel 27
A shot of two toy tractors. Footage of men moving an antique car from a garage onto a tow truck. A shot of an antique car turning into the Hyde Memorial Rehabilitation Hospita...
107) 1612.0028 [Chute Homestead—home movies] Reel 28
Footage of a woman exploring houses and other structures in a wooded area, including the woman taking pictures of a house damaged by fire and a boy scout holding flowers. A few...;Notes on can: “Naples - early shots - ice cutting wall - etc. 16” “Moose Pond - Parade Bridgton - Rope Tow - Plane no ice cutting”
14) 1612.0029 [Chute Homestead—home movies] Reel 29
Footage of antique cars, including people having a picnic nearby some parked cars, cars driving through a covered bridge, shots of covered bridges and several antique cars parke...
29) 1612.0031 [Chute Homestead—home movies] Reel 31
Footage of an antique car, intercut with a man getting out of an army ultralight helicopter with a police escort and waving to the crowd, including another man shaking hands and...
20) 1612.0032 [Chute Homestead--home movies] Reel 32
Naples Festival [?] Queen + Parade [?] on Bike [? Save #2
31) 1612.0033 [Chute Homestead--home movies] Reel 33
Flood Naples & Bridgton;parade scenes; hot rod footage; sports car rally' a two-foot train car derailed; many young women in bathing costume; old car rally; Belfast + Moosehead Lake Railroad Co. train ...
22) 1612.0034 [Chute Homestead--home movies] Reel 34
Very antique auto rally; Wurlitzer organ on wheels; totem poles; Shoreside Automeet; Scottish reelers; Boothbay Railway museum.
23) 1612.0035 [Chute Homestead--home movies] Reel 35
Antique car rally, ski tricks without snow; Tame Raccoons; ski slope shots ; snowmobile scenes ; racing scenes;
36) 1612.0036 [Chute Homestead--home movies] Reel 36
Train Station Berlin N.H. ; deer herd ; Auto Rally
8) 1612.0037 [Chute Homestead--home movies] Reel 37
Stagecoach in action; old autos; Fryeburg Fairgrounds antique car rally; sign: "Ogunquit or Bust";
2) 1614.0001-.0029 [Don Coleman--home movies] Reels 1-29
Amateur footage. No content description available. Box notes as follows: Reel 1 Xmas Night 1965 Reel 2 Dwayne Lee Dec. 26, 1965 Reel 3 Ruby's House Dec. 26, 1965 Reel 4 The 'Sna...
5) 1619.0007A [Basketball & Hockey Newsreel]
University of San Francisco vs. La Salle in 1954 NCAA college basketball championship game at Municipal Auditorium in Kansas City, Bill Russell stars; Red Auerbach smoke at Bost...
30) 1619.0015 [Winter Driving Tips]
Can label says: 'Winter Driving Tips Dupe February 1960 Prospect Maine, Ham Mobile Units'; men stand beside cars with radio antennas attached; car with Maine license plate; men ...
6) 1619.0017 [Rines Editorial on Educational Programming]
William Rines editorial on proposal for use of television stations solely for educational purposes, comments on Maine television networks, asks viewers to write legislators in s...
31) 1619.0021 [Live Transatlantic Television Broadcast]
Large satellite dish/observatory rotating with flashing lights and machinery at Bell Systems Earth Station near Andover, Maine; report on first-ever live transatlantic televisio...
32) 1619.0022 [Hockey Newsreel]
Unidentified high school hockey game footage featuring goalie without helmet; Saint Dominic's (Dom's) vs. unidentified high school; Waterville vs. unidentified high school, fans...
12) 1619.0023 [Christmas Greetings]
Footage of many different familes posing in front of Christmas trees, and waving at camera; footage includes pet cats and dogs, babies, children with presents; man smiling in fr...
34) 1619.0024 [Would You Vote For A Woman?]
[Colby] interviews people on street in wake of Margaret Chase Smith announcing her interest in campaigning for president. Asked if they would vote for a woman for president. Wom...
35) 1619.0025 [Baseball]
Children learn baseball techniques on baseball field; pracitce batting stance, proper slide technique; major league game footage at Fenway Park; Little League game footage with ...
33) 1619.0026 [Groundbreaking]
Groundbreaking ceremony; can notes say: 'Air, Gr. Brk. 12/15/1966'
1) 1619.0027 [Blue Law Advocates]
Men with 'Please Don't Shop on Sunday' signs; footage of Dan's Discount Foods store; can notes: 'Blue Law Advocates - Strike '66'
33) 1619.0028 [New Portland Players Theater]
Portland Players stage play rehearsal for 'The Odd Couple'; reporter stands in front of stage in new South Portland theater that will serve as the Portland Players new home; int...
21) 1619.0029 ['Forum' Review & Oil Embargo]
Cohen reports on performance of 'A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum'; footage of actors on stage (see item 1619.0009); unrelated silent color footage of multiple gas...
35) 1619.0030 [Thomas College Stage Play]
Reporter in old library at Thomas College talks about play written by college official about smalltown black mayor whose father is white; footage of play, actor in blackface mak...
23) 1619.0032 [Fort Preble]
Can labels date as 04/03/1968; reporter at Fort Preble; interview at fort with director of Southern Maine Vocational Technical Institute on history of the installation; brief to...
1) 1619.0033 [Portland Museum of Art]
Can labels date as 10/29/1969; reporter at Portland Museum of Art next to sculpture discusses the generation gap; interviews sculptor and his son, who is a painter; painter smok...
17) 1619.0034 [Revere Bell]
Can labels date as 09/25/1969; interview with priest at Holy Trinity Church on the corner of Park and Pleasant Streets in Portland; one of the few remaining Revere Bells made by...
9) 1619.0035 [Noxzema Girl Interview]
Interview with Noxzema girl/spokesmodel Guinilla Knutson about celebrity status, her new book 'Beauty and Health the Scandinavian Way', her opinion of nudity and pornography, an...
10) 1619.0036 [Miscellaneous Sports]
Silent b&w high school outdoor track and field meet (in Saco?) with shot put and hurdles; men's (college?) track meet; silent color footage of interview with hockey player Bobby...
26) 1632.0001 [Wayne Campbell--home movies] On the Allagash
Amateur footage. Snowmobiles. ONSITE REFERENCE ONLY
18) 1639.0001-.0017 Maine Caribou Project
ONSITE REFERENCE ONLY Two copies Caribou: Return of the Native Four copies Newfoundland to Maine: Return of the Caribou (one labeled ìbadî) Maine Caribou Project, Lowell mating ...
12) 1647.0001 [Wesleyan vs. Trinity football]
Amateur footage. Football footage. Can note below: Wesleyan vs. Trinity offense, Nov. 18, 1967.
20) 1654.0002 Maine: Vacation Paradise in Fall
Date from edge code on film. // Label on can: ' 'Maine-Fall' from Telic, Inc. Film Center, New York City.';Promotional film extolling the virtues of autumn in Maine. Footage of outdoor activities in fall: cookout/barbecue, boating, water skiers, sailboat on lake, cookout with pancake...
9) 1654.0003 Snowmobiling Maine Trails
Date from edge code on film. // Can note: ' 'Snowmobiling in Maine.' ' //;Snowmobile footage. Governor Ken Curtis rides Ski-doo snowmobile with his wife, two children ride on sled tied to rear of snowmobile. Curtis later rides snowmobile while his wif...
4) 1656.0006 Autumn: Frost Country
Commercial production. Description from 1988 film catalog: An award winning film about a journey through the woods and mountains of Vermont, where poet Robert Frost lived and wo...
5) 1656.0018 Doughnuts
Commercial production. Description from 1988 film catalog: Ten year old Homer Price is up to his ears in doughnuts, thanks to a doughnut machine gone berserk. How Homer manages ...
10) 1656.0021 From Stump to Ship
Depicts the year-round activities of the Machias Lumber Company on the Machias River in Washington County, Maine. Includes scenes of winter logging in the forest with hand tools...
6) 1656.0035 The Lobsterman
Commercial production. Description in 1988 film catalog: A profile of the lobstermen of Corea, Maine, as they bait, set and repair traps, navigate boats, market the lobsters and...
9) 1656.0037 Maine Lumberjack Holiday
Commercial production. Description in 1988 film catalog: What do lumberjacks do when they are not felling trees? In Western Maine they have a celebration called Tall Timber Days...
15) 1656.0052 O-Ye-Dalay
Commercial production. Description in 1988 film catalog: A lyrical nature film intended to create the mood of a typical Maine shore. Water reflections and patterns, tidal pool l...
16) 1672.0001 [Boothbay Camps--home movies]
Amateur footage. Can label 'Boothbay Camps, Bath, ME., complete, color, silent.' No content description available.
17) 1678.0001-.0027 [John Porter--home movies]
Reels 9-27 in vinegar freezer. Processing notes in collection file. 1. Plainfield NJ, track meet, 1927-1929 2. Bill Tilden Tennis (Kodak Cinegraph) 3. Morocco - 1948 4. North Af...
4) 1695.0004 Wedding, Disneyland, Children playing, 1959-1964--Joanne Swift--home movies. Reel 4
Wedding. Outside shot of bride, Joanne Swift, and her father at door to church with other people. Dark footage inside the church. Pan of the crowd from the back of church. B...
23) 1695.0005 Children, fishing, London, 1965-1967--Joanne Swift--home movies. Reel 5
Pan across front of estate. Pan across Garden with fountain and statures. (Versailles, France) Man with a little black dog in front of garage. He shovels snow while girl mak...
6) 1695.0006 Boats and outdoor family scenes, 1957-1963--Joanne Swift--home movies. Reel 6
Two people in a canoe by a docked boat. Women with dog on the pier. Shot of a road. Another road. Trees, landscape, pan through trees. Road sign for Maine Rt.1/3. Snow in ...;Reel 10: Snow - end of bridge. Chipmunk South Portland. 'Sue Jo' South Portland. She[?] Marten Taylor. South Portland fertilizer plant. Boats in cove. Stockton Springs centenni...
24) 1695.0009a [Joanne Swift--home movies] Reel 9A
Two women, a group of children, and a dog playing next to a decorated Christmas tree. A toddler hands a camera to a man. The toddler sitting at a piano. Children and the dog pla...
23) 1695.0009b [Joanne Swift--home movies] Reel 9B
A child playing in a pile of leaves while a man rakes. The man gathers up the leaves, and the child, in a tarp. The child falls out. He gathers it all up again and walks off. He...
5) 1697.0039 Cape Cod, Rutgers University, horses, 1960-1961--Mortimer B. Fuller, Jr.--home movies. Reel 39
"Allison, Cape 1960. Rutgers, P. Freshman 1960. Dressage 3/61.";Cape: babies
24) 1697.0040 Horses, 1961--Mortimer B. Fuller, Jr.--home movies. Reel 40
"Dressage 3/61. 2.";Indoor riding
25) 1697.0041 Saint Thomas, 1960--Mortimer B. Fuller, Jr.--home movies. Reel 41
"St. Thomas, 2/15/1960-3/13/1960";St. Thomas 1960?
9) 1697.0043 Bonaire, Curacao, 1960--Mortimer B. Fuller, Jr.--home movies. Reel 43
"Bonaire 1960.";Bonaire, Curacao, Bahamas? looking for solar salt locations
13) 1712.0001 [Crocker Family--home movies] Reel 24
Amateur footage. No detailed content description available.
4) 1713.0002 [William Stone--home movies] Reel 2
1966, 1967 edge codes on film. // Note in can: '1967, Christmas. New Years Party. Montgomerys. Jan and Rogers. Montreal. Ice fishing.' // Footage of Christmas tree, pan of prese...
2) 1713.0004 [William Stone--home movies] Reel 4
1967 and 1968 edge codes on film. // Can note: 'Michelle 1968-1969.'
26) 1713.0005 [William Stone--home movies] Reel 5
1967, 1968, 1970 edge codes on film. // Can note: '1968-1971, Family, Easter. Mrs. Mont birth. Easter - Whitney. Cournoyers, Aug. 1968. Thanksgiving, 1968. Cookout, May 1968. Mo...
35) 1713.0007 [William Stone--home movies] Reel 7
1967, 1968, 1969 edge codes on film. // Can note: '1969-1971. House, 1969. Framed, winter 1971.'
29) 1715.0001 [Fran Mitchell -- home movies] Reel 1
'Ricky.';People skiing. A dog (German Shepherd) playing in the snow. A man with the dog on a leash. The dog in a lumber yard. The dog playing in front of houses. Shot of a snowy road. Th...;Kids and German Shepherd dog play in snow, ski.
11) 1715.0002 [Fran Mitchell -- home movies] Reel 2
'Smokestack.';A harness race. A mill with a smokestack. Panning shot around the mill yard and buildings. Men in the mill yard, watching as a smokestack is raised by a crane. Panning shot up t...;// Date from edge code on film. // Harness race. Pans of old mill building. Huge smoke stack raised by crane.
6) 1715.0003 [Fran Mitchell -- home movies] Reel 3
'Mem. Parades.';Shots of a tree lined street, as a Memorial Day parade approaches. A marching band in white uniforms, carrying a banner: ‘SHERMAN’. Men in uniform carrying the American flag. Sh...; // Date from edge code on film. // Memorial Day parade down residential street, marching bands.
35) 1715.0004 [Fran Mitchell -- home movies] Reel 4
'Shin Pond '61, Natarswi - Jeanne '61.';Two girls in swimsuits walk to the water. They wade in. The older girl swimming. The younger girl swimming. Out of focus shots of someone feeding a baby bird. The bird on a wind...;// 1960 edge code on film. // Girls swimming at lake/pond. Out of focus shots of birds. // Note: Camp Natarswi is located about 18 miles north of Millinocket, on Lower Togue Pon...
14) 1715.0005 [Fran Mitchell -- home movies] Reel 5
'Smoke stack #2. Kids skiing & dog.' ;Men gathered around the base of a mill smokestack. Panning shot up the smokestack. The top of the smokestack. Men smoking in the mill yard. Two men being raised up the side of t...;// Date from edge code on film. // Smokestack at old mill building, men climbing. // See 1715.0002.
36) 1715.0006 [Fran Mitchell -- home movies] Reel 6
'Jonesport & Natarswi, backyard birds, Sherman.';Panning shot of a lake. Zooming in on a boat on the water. A seagull on a rock. A line of girls sitting on a dock by the water. Other girls swimming in the water. Mount Katahdin...;// Date from edge code on film. // Swimming in lake, pans of coast and mountain.
9) 1715.0007 [Fran Mitchell -- home movies] Reel 7
'Shin Pond & Hannibal Race, Lewiston.';Children swimming. A float plane flying low over the lake. A girl walking to school. A truck leaving a lumber mill. A harness race. Shot of a stable. [End of Reel];// Date from edge code on film. // Kids swimming. Horse delivered in adapted pickup truck bed.
8) 1715.0008 [Fran Mitchell -- home movies] Reel 8
'Ponies in Harness, Sherman.';A child in a two wheeled cart (sulky) pulled by a pony, driving up and down a street. She drives past houses and a mill lumber yard. Two girls driving sulkies pulled by ponies. ...; // Date from edge code on film. // Ponies pulling harness cart drive up and down residential street. Girls play on dock, lake in background.
18) 1715.0009 [Fran Mitchell -- home movies] Reel 9
'Back of house, chickadees & squirrel.';A window looking out at trees and a bird feeder. Panning shot of landscape. A woman walking through the snow. Cut back to a squirrel at the bird feeder. A person seated on a roc...; // Date from edge code on film. // Boy with briefcase walks down snowy drive.
20) 1715.0010 [Fran Mitchell -- home movies] Reel 10
'Backyard - Kemo, Anne & Jeanne, Blizzard '62-'63.';A girl playing with a German Shepherd puppy. Panning shot of a backyard. Shots of the sunset. Two girls in swimsuits and towels pose for the camera. Girls swimming. A group of y...;// 1961 edge code on film. // Puppy frolics. Sunset. Girls pose in swimsuits, lake in background. Swim meet, race begins. German Shepherd dog jumping through 2 foot snow drifts.
20) 1715.0011 [Fran Mitchell -- home movies] Reel 11
'Blizzard '62-'63, plus Feb. Storm.';Shot through a window of a man and dog (German Shepherd) walking through the snow. A man with a small bulldozer/plow. Panning shot of trees and water. Sunset. Snowy yard seen th...;// 1961 edge code on film. // Man and German Shepherd dog walk through huge snow drifts, shot through screen window. Snow plow approaches. POV inside car driving through snow co...
8) 1715.0012 [Fran Mitchell -- home movies] Reel 12
'Eagle.';A pheasant walking through a field. The moon seen through the trees. A birdfeeder hanging from a tree. A birdhouse nailed to a tree. A bald eagle perched in a tree by the water....;// Date from edge code on film. // Pheasant walking in garden. Bald eagle in tree, flying.
22) 1715.0013 [Fran Mitchell -- home movies] Reel 13
'Kemo.';A dog (German Shepherd) and a woman in the back of a truck. A woman driving the truck. They park and the dog jumps out. A bird feeder hanging from a tree. Close up of birds in a...;// Date from edge code on film. // German Shepherd and woman in truck drive out through high snowbanks, return. Birds at feeder. Dog plays with snowballs.
23) 1715.0014 [Fran Mitchell -- home movies] Reel 14
'Sugarloaf & Kemo pup.';Multiple shots of people skiing down a slope at Sugarloaf Mountain (Carrabassett Valley, Maine). Skiing on a trail in the woods. Cut to a bird feeder hanging from a tree. An ani...;// Date from edge code on film. // Skiers on slope, skiing. Cute young German Shepherd puppy plays with wood.
18) 1715.0015 [Fran Mitchell -- home movies] Reel 15
'Jeanne skiing at Bald Mt. Pres. Kennedy visit to UM.';A young woman skiing, ascending the mountain using tow ropes. School marching band in oval formation in a football stadium at the University of Maine in Orono. Helicopters in ai...; // 1962 edge code on film. // Bald Mountain in either Dedham or Oquossoc. // JFK speaking at UMaine graduation in 1963.
27) 1719.0001 [Douglas W. Crate, Sr.—home movies] Reel 1
View of mountains, car parked on side of the road. Couple dressed up (prom?) woman waves to car as couple drives away. Dark footage of man in hat addressing football team in h...
35) 1719.0002 [Douglas W. Crate, Sr.—home movies] Reel 2
Football game, grainy footage. Shots too bright to make out some actions in the game.
3) 1719.0013 [Douglas W. Crate, Sr.—home movies] Reel 13
Caribbean cruise vacation. Footage from boat deck and dock. Resort and landscape. Cruise ship shot from smaller boat on water. Marketplace shop with sign: Carlos Craft Mahog...
6) 1719.0016 [Douglas W. Crate, Sr.—home movies] Reel 16
Dark and scratchy Camp Katahdin scenes. Boys and counselor on docks. Swimming. Tennis. Woodshop. Boy with a birthday cake. Woman who made the cake poses with boy. Campers...
22) 1719.0032 [Douglas W. Crate, Sr.—home movies] Reel 32
Family scenes. Brick buildings. Snowy hillside and skiing (appears to be downhill course). Yards and houses from street with cars parked on street (snow-covered). Blurry bui...
2) 1719.0033 [Douglas W. Crate, Sr.—home movies] Reel 33
Camp Katahdin scenes. Campground and buildings. Shot of clock reads: 7:30. Shot of docks and swimming from within trees. Campers and counselors brush teeth. Raising of the ...
2) 1719.0034 [Douglas W. Crate, Sr.—home movies] Reel 34
Camp Katahdin scenes. Water skiing. Buildings and houses. Campers gathered in the morning to raise the flag. Dark indoor footage. Campers go inside for breakfast. Double e...
8) 1719.0035 [Douglas W. Crate, Sr.—home movies] Reel 35
Camp Katahdin scenes. Douglas Crate, the Camp Director, exits office, leads a song with a man at a piano and the campers are singing. Swimming. Clock face reads 7:30. Boys i...
29) 1719.0036 [Douglas W. Crate, Sr.—home movies] Reel 36
Family and Camp Katahdin scenes. Kids in above-ground pool with adults interacting with them from yard. Swimming. Men wave at camera from picnic table on lawn. Man joins kid...
30) 1720 Northeast Farm Community
Educational film, junior high school level. Description UNH catalog: Portrays the life of a typical farm family during the early 1800's in the northeastern United States.
8) 1725.0002 Maine Lumberjack Holiday
No description available
17) 1726.0007 [E. Fromuth--home movies] Reel 7
Can notes: 'Year 1959-60-61. Shadow Lake - NH. Autumn in NH, Route 3. Ice Follies in Boston. Ocean Surf at Rockport. Steamer coming through bridge at Congress Street, Boston. Da...
15) 1726.0008 [E. Fromuth--home movies] Reel 8
Can notes: 'Vacation 1961-62 Part 1963. On the Beach at the Cape. Sunset from our front window. Vacation in Milton NH. Visit Bea+Rich in Wolfeboro NH. Boat Trip on Lake Winnipes...
19) 1726.0009 [E. Fromuth--home movies] Reel 9
Can notes: 'General-Alarm Fire Squire [?], Cambridge MA April-14-63. 1964 Linda Wedding.' // 1962, 1963, 1964 edge codes on film. // Building on fire. Vacation in Amherst NH 196...
19) 1736.0019 Islamadora--Joan Thurber Baldwin--home movies. Reel 19
Islamadora, 1968;An airport. A town by the ocean. A pool by the water. Two women in the hallway of a hotel. People on a boat. A pelican. People fishing. A kite in the air. Boats in a marina. Boa...
28) 1761 Alice's Restaurant
Commercial VHS features with New England connections purchased by NHF. Backup copies for titles in Reference by Mail collection.
2) 1775.0001-.0022 [Donaldson--home movies]
Films originally on 17 reels. Recorded onto 3 reels (reels 1-8, 9-16, 17-22). Transferred to two MiniDV tapes, dubbed to 3/4 in. and VHS (reels 1-16, 17-22). Collection came in ...
36) 1800.0001 Maine's Harvesters of the Sea
Color is faded. // General description: narration and appearance by artist Laurence Sisson. Fishermen in trawlers, draggers, purse seiners and lobster boats. Fishing for cod, ha...
3) 1800.0004 Flavor of Maine
Date from edge code on film. // Color faded to red. Occasional emulsion scratches. // Presented by the United States Department of the Interior and the Maine Sardine Council. Fi...
27) 1805.001 Windjammer: Schooner Mattie
Amateur footage of schooner at sea.
8) 1814.0001 The Quiet Frontier
Date of Publication: 1969 Location: Maine: Bangor Notes: 16 mm elements from 'The Quiet Frontier'. On deposit from J. Normand Martin, Martin Ad Productions (formerly Tom Kane Ad...
29) 1822.001 Sunrise at Campobello
Tech IB Print. Edge code indicates 1971. 'The story of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's bout with polio'.
19) 1825.0001 [Francis B. Henderson--home movies] Reel 1
Christmas 1969.
9) 1832.001 [McGaughran, Virginia--home movies] Maine
Date from edge codes. Film is in 3 separate sections (divided by short leader). On reel with Reel 2 [Variety]
22) 1832.002 [McGaughran, Virginia--home movies] Variety
Date from edge codes. Film is in 4 separate sections (divided by short leader). On reel with Reel 1 [Maine]
2) 1832.004 [McGaughran, Virginia--home movies] Maine Miscellaneous
On reel with Reels 3, 5-7 .
3) 1832.005 [McGaughran, Virginia--home movies] Local Snow Scenes
On reel with Reels 3-4, 6-7.
1) 1833.0001 [UMaine vs. East Carolina, 1965 Tangerine Bowl] Reel 1
University of Maine vs. East Carolina in the 1965 Tangerine Bowl, played on 12/11/1965. East Carolina beat the University of Maine 31-0. // The Tangerine Bowl became the Florida...
12) 1833.0002 [UMaine vs. East Carolina, 1965 Tangerine Bowl] Reel 2
University of Maine vs. East Carolina in the 1965 Tangerine Bowl, played on 12/11/1965. East Carolina beat the University of Maine 31-0. // The Tangerine Bowl became the Florida...
11) 1833.0003 [UMaine vs. East Carolina, 1965 Tangerine Bowl] Reel 3
University of Maine vs. East Carolina in the 1965 Tangerine Bowl, played on 12/11/1965. East Carolina beat the University of Maine 31-0. // The Tangerine Bowl became the Florida...
4) 1833.0004 [UMaine vs. East Carolina, 1965 Tangerine Bowl] Reel 4
University of Maine vs. East Carolina in the 1965 Tangerine Bowl, played on 12/11/1965. East Carolina beat the University of Maine 31-0. // The Tangerine Bowl became the Florida...
10) 1840.001 A Window on American Education
Film is amateur documentary on Wilson Jr. High School (now Wilson Middle School) in Natick, Massachusetts. Film was produced by the late Ralph G. Giuliani 'an Italian who lived ...
19) 1858.0001 Halloween Compilation
2001 NHF compilation of parade footage dated 1963-1968, six segments taken from two collections. (Segments are described fully in separate ProCite records at each collection.) 1...
32) 1861.0045 [John Frederick Hohmann--home movies] Reel 45
From notes on film can: 'In and Around New York, 1954-1961, New York World's Fair, 1964.' This reel is titled as reel 6 on 3/4in. and VHS transfer copies.;Baseball stadium (with sign that says 'Chesterfield'); baseball game (Cincinnati Reds ? vs ?); city streets (taxis, pedestrians); exterior of New York City Public Library; crowd...
4) 1861.0048 [John Frederick Hohmann--home movies] Reel 48
From notes on can: 'Outer Banks, 1958-61; Jeep to Ocracoke; Fishing Trip.' // Poor focus. // This reel titled as reel 9 on 3/4in. and VHS transfer copies.;Boy on beach cleaning fish; girl and woman in ocean; waves washing up on shore; beach scenery; seagulls flying; girl on boat deck; ferry full of cars, people coming into shore; ...
16) 1861.0050 [John Frederick Hohmann--home movies] Reel 50
Title from label on original film can: 'Winter, 1963.' // On reel with reel 51. // This reel titled as reel 11 on 3/4in. and VHS transfer copies.;'P-Air to the Rescue, Winter 1963.' Woman opening garage door, taking out sled, trying to sled; man walking up, waxing or sanding runners of sled; woman pulling sled, lying down...
7) 1861.0051 [John Frederick Hohmann--home movies] Reel 51
From notes on can: 'September, 1966; Nancy at Bates; Hatteras.' // On reel with reel 50. // Poor focus. //This reel titled as reel 12 on 3/4in. and VHS copies.;Woman with lots of luggage, carrying it into dorm/ sorority house; boats docked at marina; fishing in surf; waves; lighthouse and shore; sunrise on ocean; shot of sand; town; dr...
9) 1861.0053 [John Frederick Hohmann--home movies] Reel 53
Title from label on original film can: 'Nancy's Wedding, 1969.' // On reel with Reels 52, 54. // This reel titled as reel 14 of 3/4in. and VHS transfer copies.;Woman at desk writing; shot of wedding invitation, woman putting invitation into envelope; family cleaning house windows, polishing silver; shot of wedding gifts; shot of exteri...
10) 1861.0054 [John Frederick Hohmann--home movies] Reel 54
Title from label on original film can: 'Seth, 1973 and Christmas, 1968.' // This reel titled as reel 15 on 3/4in. and VHS transfer copies.;Raccoon and dog on deck; raccoon and dog (dachshund) in yard; mobile moving above crib; baby lying in crib; baby with stuffed animals; white bird on lake; close up of berries an...
1) 1873.0001 Maine Show Afloat
Maine Maritime Academy's cruise to Caribbean waters carrying a products show. Publicity film for MMA. This print is in good shape, except the color is totally pink.
30) 1873.0003 [MMA Amateur Footage]
Footage of Maine Maritime Academy on Kodachrome reversal film. Perf damage, shrunken, splicey. Camera gate was often dirty.
2) 1900.0001 Maliseet Basket Making at Woodstock, N.B.
Amateur documentary of basketmaking and ceremonial dancing by Maliseet Indians. See Collections folder for detailed description by donor.
19) 1907.0001-.0002 [Karen Saum--home movies]
Donor notes: '[video] is not all in chronological order...the first ten minutes are sequences of a 3 and 4 year old child with playmates in Colon and New Cristobal, Panama. Then...
8) 1913.001-.075 [Peter Kyros Political Spots]
.001 088A :30 1966? .002 089A :30 1966? .003 100A :30 1966? .004 104A :30 1966? .005 157A :10 1966? .006 158P :30 1966? .007 167A :30 1966? .008 359A :10 1966? .009 390A :10 196...
10) 1913.076 December 1967 Christmas Message
Note taped to box: 'Bill, Found this in the Congressman's drawer. --Alyce'
5) 1913.077 [Unidentified Peter Kyros film]
Note taped to box: 'Bill, Found this in the Congressman's drawer. --Alyce' Historical stills.
8) 1927.001 [Paul Gelardi--home movies] Reel 1
Note on container: 'Christmas, 1964'
28) 1927.002 [Paul Gelardi--home movies] Reel 2
Note on container: 'David's Birthday (1965)'
4) 1927.003 [Paul Gelardi--home movies] Reel 3
Note on container: 'David Deanne'. Date from edge code. Kodak Italian film.
36) 1927.032 [Paul Gelardi--home movies] Reel 32
Note on container: 'Paul's'.
12) 1927.033 [Paul Gelardi--home movies] Reel 33
Note on container: 'PJ / Venice'.
11) 1927.034 [Paul Gelardi--home movies] Reel 34
No description available
10) 1927.035 [Paul Gelardi--home movies] Reel 35
No description available
9) 1927.036 [Paul Gelardi--home movies] Reel 36
No description available
25) 1927.037 [Paul Gelardi--home movies] Reel 37
No description available
7) 1927.038 [Paul Gelardi--home movies] Reel 38
No description available
6) 1927.039 [Paul Gelardi--home movies] Reel 39
No description available
36) 1932.0003 [Curtis Family--home movies] Reel 3
1960. // Box notes in quotes: 'Charlotte & Susie on Lady, Susie, Linda & Lisa, Susie playing hopscotch.' // Footage of woman and child horseback riding with western-style saddle...
35) 1932.0004 [Curtis Family--home movies] Reel 4
1960. // Box notes in quotes: 'Mostly Charlotte & Blaze, water skiing, up to Conner [?] Lake.' // Footage of waterskiing and motorboating on lake; cabins; woman on horseback at ...
35) 1932.0005 [Curtis Family--home movies] Reel 5
1960. // Box notes in quotes: 'John & Susie on tractor, Horses in water hole, Phyllis, kids & John up to Greenville, Johnnie, Uncle David, Nana & Grampa.' // Man and little girl...
36) 1932.0006 [Curtis Family--home movies] Reel 6
1960. // Box notes in quotes: 'White's Beach, scenery, ball field, house, kids in Mass.' // Lake scene with partially thawed ice; Autumn foliage; cabin shot; horses grazing in a...
7) 1932.0007 [Curtis Family--home movies] Reel 7
1960. // Box notes in quotes: 'Wilson Pond & camps, tree below our house, view from Rocky Hill [?].' // Town street shot; lake shot; old car and new car with convertible top goi...
8) 1932.0008 [Curtis Family--home movies] Reel 8
1960. // Box notes in quotes: 'Mary Curtis, Indoor Christmas pictures.' // Christmas: tree, children, adults, Popeye doll; convertible with top down driving in the snow.
30) 1932.0009 [Curtis Family--home movies] Reel 9
1960-1961. // Box notes in qutoes: 'Christmas 1960. John, Mary & Cathy at Christmas time, kids on the back of horse in Mass., David & Rex[?] on lawn.' 'David, John, Phyl & kids;...
10) 1932.0010 [Curtis Family--home movies] Reel 10
1961. // Box notes in quotes: 'Mary & John, Charlotte & Aunt Charlotte skiing, Uncle Stew's plane, brown jacket, Charlotte [?] blue scarf, Aunt Charlotte's red gloves, Mary.' //...
11) 1932.0011 [Curtis Family--home movies] Reel 11
1961. // Box notes in quotes: 'Summer 1961 Our trip home from Maine, summer 61, the first part is in Niagara Falls, the last is when we arrived in Calif. at Favors[?].' // Famil...
27) 1932.0012 [Curtis Family--home movies] Reel 12
1961. // Box notes in quotes: 'July 2, 1961 John & Rod, parade--Rosemary, Mann Michaud--wedding, Char & girls going to Pris[?]'s wedding, Susie riding bike, Lisa, flowers.' // F...
26) 1932.0013 [Curtis Family--home movies] Reel 13
1961. // Box notes in quotes: 'July 23, 1961 at the cottage (White's), Mary Curtis.' // Picnic in the woods by a lake; shots of kids with women; kids in a wooden play pen; swimm...
14) 1932.0014 [Curtis Family--home movies] Reel 14
1961. // Box notes in quotes: 'August 1961 Center Pond, [?] David, Donnie.' // Exterior scene at a camp picnic; fishing from pier; water skiing.
15) 1932.0015 [Curtis Family--home movies] Reel 15
1961. // Box notes in quotes: 'August 1961 Cathy & Kelly on horse, Johnny riding horse, Aunt Charlotte [?] on horse, lobster feed on [?], lots of John's kids.' // Little girl be...
10) 1932.0016 [Curtis Family--home movies] Reel 16
1961. // Box notes in quotes: 'Picnic at A. White's, Mary Curtis.' // Kids playing in lake with red watering can; woman in a swim cap diving into lake from pier and boat; shot o...
17) 1932.0017 [Curtis Family--home movies] Reel 17
1961. // Box notes in quotes: 'John & Johnny, Wilson's Pond' 'Dove, recognize Helen at the table? (from Texas).' // Footage of shoreline from boat on a lake; shot of boat on lak...
21) 1932.0018 [Curtis Family--home movies] Reel 18
1961. // Box notes in quotes: 'Fall 1961 Bobby S. & Phil Humphry, horse show in Gray.' // Horses and ponies at horse show; horseback riding Western style and English; sunset sky.
20) 1932.0019 [Curtis Family--home movies] Reel 19
1961. // Box notes in quotes: 'Christmas, Thanksgiving 1961 Thanksgiving at Shirley, Christmas at Phyl & Donnie's.' // Girl playing clarinet; dog (beagle?) and cat playing toget...
20) 1932.0020 [Curtis Family--home movies] Reel 20
1961. // Box notes in quotes: '1961-1962 Mostly snow scenes, sliding, Mr. Fodder's barn, Gramps feeding birds, not very exciting.' // Sledding with both kids and adults; exterio...
21) 1932.0021 [Curtis Family--home movies] Reel 21
1962. // Box notes in quotes: 'San Jose - John, Edna & kids.' // Christmas?--little boy in pajamas unwrapping toy gun; Volkswagen Beetle being driven; kids on tricycle and bicyc...
16) 1932.0022 [Curtis Family--home movies] Reel 22
1962. // Box notes in quotes: 'Linda on tricycle, Char playing guitar, Reunion at Center Pond.' // Woman and little girl with tricycle; woman playing guitar and singing; exterio...
23) 1932.0023 [Curtis Family--home movies] Reel 23
1962. // Box notes in quotes: 'September 1962 Reunion at Steve & Del's [?], water skiing at Center Pond.' // Picnic; kids on swing; baby on tricycle; eating corn on the cob; wat...
24) 1932.0024 [Curtis Family--home movies] Reel 24
1962. // Box notes in quotes: 'October 7, 1962 Borestone Mt., Morore's camp & plane, Bailey Island, hurricane.' // Shore shot from lake--houses, rocks, trees; water plane landin...
25) 1932.0025 [Curtis Family--home movies] Reel 25
1963. // Box notes in quotes: 'George & Mary's anniversary, Susie & Linda, riding bikes in Medway.' Anniversary party--cake cutting; little girls playing dress-up and dancing; k...
20) 1932.0026 [Curtis Family--home movies] Reel 26
1963. // Box notes in quotes: 'Greenville[?], black & white film of skiing, Kim & Susan Drew on motorcycle.' // Skiing with dog; man with car; Winter landscape shot; man and wom...
27) 1932.0027 [Curtis Family--home movies] Reel 27
1963. // Box notes in quotes: 'October 3, 1963 Charlotte & Donna over to Gray's building B[?], Kilbrides camp, fall, up country.' // Sunrise or sunset shot; horseback riding; re...
28) 1932.0028 [Curtis Family--home movies] Reel 28
1964. // Box notes in quotes: 'San Jose, S[?], Bruno, Susie & Linda.' // Man reading newspaper; playing tennis; kids dancing; tractor plowing snow; Winter landscape; Bath (?) br...
10) 1932.0029 [Curtis Family--home movies] Reel 29
1964. // Box notes in quotes: 'J. E. Curtis, Jr.' // Roadtrip; 'Jesse's Cafe' sign; changing kids' clothes in the station wagon in the parking lot of 'Howdy House'; playing ball.
9) 1932.0030 [Curtis Family--home movies] Reel 30
1964. // Box notes in quotes: 'Haying season, John & Charlotte riding horses, Phil, Donnie's new home.' // Tractor baling hay; loading hay bales on trailer; horseback riding; su...
15) 1932.0031 [Curtis Family--home movies] Reel 31
1964. // Box notes in quotes: 'Bobby Simpson breaking colt to halter, Linda back of house in Mass., Rosemary before senior prom, scenes at Plymouth Rock in Mass., Ellis (from Ha...
32) 1932.0032 [Curtis Family--home movies] Reel 32
1964. // Box notes in quotes: 'Double exposed.' // Double-exposure footage of picnic and a wedding: bride getting ready; shot of an amaryllis; sledding; kids in a tire tube; hor...
6) 1932.0033 [Curtis Family--home movies] Reel 33
1965. // Box notes in quotes: 'David & Jonny, family reunion.' 'Moosehead, John, David & John, Jr.; last part--family reunion.' // Two men fishing from a boat on a lake; filling...
28) 1932.0034 [Curtis Family--home movies] Reel 34
1965. // Box notes in quotes: 'Family reunion, 1965.' // Men tossing kid between them; woman refusing a can of beer; volleyball game; family group shot; woman and kids sitting o...
4) 1932.0035 [Curtis Family--home movies] Reel 35
1965. // Box notes in quotes: 'Kelly & Leanne's birthday at Edna's folks cottage & trip at Bar Harbor.' // Birthday part at the lake--opening presents, clothes, rag doll, book, ...
36) 1932.0036 [Curtis Family--home movies] Reel 36
1965. // Box notes in quotes: 'Johnny, family in N.H., Western singing in N.H., Web Pierce, Mom & Dad, Hielder [?] & Woody, from Greenville in Phoenix.' // Man throwing little g...
31) 1932.0037 [Curtis Family--home movies] Reel 37
1965. // Box notes in quotes: 'July 1965 Grandchildren playing on the lawn, swimming at White's Beach.' // Kids playing in yard with dog; woman with flower pot avoiding the came...
8) 1932.0038 [Curtis Family--home movies] Reel 38
1965. // Box notes in quotes: 'Summer 1965 Phyllis, kids at Pleane [?] Island, kids at Kilbride's Cottage.' // Little girl coming down silo slide at an amusement park; man on sl...
33) 1932.0039 [Curtis Family--home movies] Reel 39
1965. // Box notes in quotes: 'Fall 1965 Bar Harbor trip.' // View of ocean and islands from the shore and Cadillac mountain; Acadia National Park shots; 'Cadillac Summit Loop T...
35) 1932.0040 [Curtis Family--home movies] Reel 40
1966. // Box notes in quotes: 'Timmy on a date, Susan & Linda at White's, Marie & Ira riding Char's horse, Steve, airplane.' // Water plane with dead deer on it; formalwear shot...
34) 1932.0041 [Curtis Family--home movies] Reel 41
1966. // Box notes in quotes: 'Grand Canyon, Mes [?] with boats, back in N.H., Johnnie's house in New Hampshire.' // Grand Canyon and visitor center; horses and burros coralled;...
36) 1932.0042 [Curtis Family--home movies] Reel 42
1967. // Box notes in quotes: 'Phoenix, David & Chris & kids, Rd. to Grand Canyon.' // Arizona landscape--rocky desert; suburban ranch style houses--family walking out the door;...
1) 1932.0043 [Curtis Family--home movies] Reel 43
1967. // Box notes in quotes: 'Algonquin, Ill.' // Boy and girl coming out of house and walking to school; exterior shot of ranch style suburban home from backyard--swing set, d...
31) 1932.0044 [Curtis Family--home movies] Reel 44
1968. // Box notes in quotes: 'Susan & Linda on the Hondas, Char, Susan on Haybol [?], at swimming hole.' // Girls riding scooters around yard; boy on a tractor with hay bales o...
30) 1932.0045 [Curtis Family--home movies] Reel 45
1969. // Box notes in quotes: 'Winter - Grampa plowing, someone's wedding, Tammy, Linda on Honda [?].' // Leaving church scene; Winter landscape scene, barn, house with dog; pla...
5) 1934.0001 Bangor Historical Society/WABI Compilation
Clips of 'Gadget Master' and 'Nuclear Survival Products' transferred from original negative. Digibeta stored in vault, BetaSP stored with reference tapes.
10) 1942.0001 [McEwen Family--home movies] Reel 1
Date from edge code on film. // Contains footage of a picnic, activities by a lake, and some shots of a farm and a barn.
14) 1942.0002 [McEwen Family--home movies] Reel 2
Date from edge code. Footage of sailors touring around a naval ship in port.
3) 1942.0003 [McEwen Family--home movies] Reel 3
Date from edge code. Footage of people relaxing by a lake.
13) 1942.0004 [McEwen Family--home movies] Reel 4
Date from edge code. Footage of a road trip. Mostly shots from inside the car.
21) 1942.0009 [McEwen Family--home movies] Reel 9
Footage of a family barbecue, as a well as shots of a big tent, and various shots of nature.
11) 1942.0011 [McEwen Family--home movies] Reel 11
Footage of icefishing and a sunset.
9) 1942.0012 [McEwen Family--home movies] Reel 12
Footage of a group loading wood into a truck.
17) 1942.0017 [McEwen Family--home movies] Reel 17
Footage of people at a lake, and footage of someone mowing a lawn.
2) 1942.0019 [McEwen Family--home movies] Reel 19
Footage of a parade.
22) 1942.0022 [McEwen Family--home movies] Reel 22
Date from edge code. Reel contains footage of a family trip to the coast.
23) 1942.0023 [McEwen Family--home movies] Reel 23
Footage of a picnic.
29) 1942.0024 [McEwen Family--home movies] Reel 24
Date from edge code. Footage of people outside in the winter relaxing by a lake in the summer.
8) 1949.0008 [Lauren K. Woods—home movies] Reel 8
Color footage, Brief shots in hospital, maybe for a produced comedy? Snow shots, and view of two guests under a fur blanket on a dog sled. A building with Olympic rings logo i...
14) 1949.0009 [Lauren K. Woods—home movies] Reel 9
Mother (Violet Woods) as older woman. Children on bikes, boy blowing bubbles, children playing in yard (grandchildren?) Entrance to the Hotel Roanoke, pan of Roanoke city s...
8) 1958.0029 [Saddleback Mountain]
Saddleback ski footage with skiers, mountain shots, aerial shot of trails, chairlifts
25) 1963.0024 [Medomak Camp] Reel 24
A shot of an older woman talking to another older person as a dog plays nearby. Two shots of Mount Katahdin. A shot of girls, one of whom is wearing a Cazenovia College sweats...
20) 1963.0028 [Medomak Camp] Reel 28
Two shots of Cubs running and getting into a truck. Footage of campers exploring a fort, including Cubs being lowered into a hole in the ground, eating lunch, playing on a cann...
31) 1963.0029 [Medomak Camp] Reel 29
Footage of girls’ camp, including girls running various kinds of races, such as a three-legged race, performing a synchronized swimming routine as a crowd watches from the shore...
11) 1963.0030 [Medomak Camp] Reel 30
A shot of a wooden sign with a bird on it that reads, “MED-O-LARK CAMP.” Footage of camp, including a group shot, a few shots of sailboats, girls swimming, diving, playing tenn...
7) 1985.0032 [Southworth Family--home movies] Reel 32
Kendrick #31 Family Album Xmas 1959 and 1960
9) 1985.0034 [Southworth Family--home movies] Reel 34
Family Nov. 1960 to July 1961 32
4) 1985.0035 [Southworth Family--home movies] Reel 35
Family Nova Scotia Leftovers 1961 33
3) 1985.0036 [Southworth Family--home movies] Reel 36
Gillett Film 1961-1962
33) 1985.0037 [Southworth Family--home movies] Reel 37
Family Activities 1961-1962
20) 1985.0038 [Southworth Family--home movies] Reel 38
Family Aug 62 - Dec 62
35) 1985.0039 [Southworth Family--home movies] Reel 39
Kendrick R36 Family Dec 1962-1963
35) 1985.0040 [Southworth Family--home movies] Reel 40
Kendrick R 37 Family 1963 Spring
34) 1985.0041 [Southworth Family--home movies] Reel 41
Family 1963 Summer
16) 1985.0042 [Southworth Family--home movies] Reel 42
Family 1963 Sept to 1964 June
18) 1985.0043 [Southworth Family--home movies] Reel 43
Family 1964 Summer + Fall
2) 1985.0044 [Southworth Family--home movies] Reel 44
Family Dec 1964 - Aug 1965
13) 1985.0045 [Southworth Family--home movies] Reel 45
Kendrick #42 Henley Summer 1965
12) 1985.0046 [Southworth Family--home movies] Reel 46
1965 Xmas Party, 1966 Steak Roast
23) 1985.0048 [Southworth Family--home movies] Reel 48
CCA - 1961 HX Race + Bras D'Or P/K/S Productions Movies Taken by dick Preston, Mel Southworth, Mayotta Kendrick Preston-Kendrick-Southworth - CCA. 1961 - Halifax Race + Bras D'O...
8) 1985.0049 [Southworth Family--home movies] Reel 49
Southworth Christmas Party Dec 11, 1965 Steak Roast June 26, 1966
25) 1985.0050 [Southworth Family--home movies] Reel 50
Southworth Co Clambake at Riverside 1967 Southworth Co Xmas Party 1966
15) 2002-013.0011 Parade--Julia Crafts Sheridan--home movies. Reel 11
Parade, dark, location unknown. Statue of Liberty from harbor. People on ship shake hands outdoors. New York Harbor. Indoor shots of boy, sunset over lake.
12) 2002-013.0012 Dancing--Julia Crafts Sheridan--home movies. Reel 12
Woman and grandson (?) dancing.
12) 2069.0001 [Africa in the 1960's]
Transfer from 16 mm. film originally done as Tech Services job, 2000. Job #00-084. Accessioned 04/23/2004. Images of wings of plane that say "Pan Am."
35) 2079.0001 [Thailand Scenes, 1965]
Transfer from 16 mm. film originally done as Tech Services job, 2001. Job #01-005. Accessioned 04/27/2004.
35) 2114.0053 [Everett Greaton--home movies] Reel 53, Accession 2114
Footage of male and female deer in a field. A few shots of men in a boat. Footage of men digging clams out of the mud with a pitchfork, or clam hoe, and putting them in crates...
3) 2114.0057 [Everett Greaton--home movies] Reel 57, Accession 2114
Footage of people hiking through the woods, including a woman drinking from a stream, the group resting at cabins in the woods, a man banging a large mallet made out of a log, p...
6) 2114.0059 [Everett Greaton--home movies] Reel 59, Accession 2114
Footage of flowers and trees in gardens, including a man chasing a baby in a field and a woman and a child in a car. Footage of a pond filled with lily pads. A few shots of a ...
6) 2114.0060 [Everett Greaton--home movies] Reel 60, Accession 2114
Footage of a variety of waterfalls in forests, on mountains and coming from dams in rivers, including a man walking across a log and shots of mountains in the distance. Donor N...
34) 2114.0061 [Everett Greaton--home movies] Reel 61, Accession 2114
A few shots of apple trees with their blossoms in bloom. Footage of Rangeley Lake and the surrounding mountains. A few shots of a car driving down a road through a town along ...
1) 2114.0088 [Everett Greaton--home movies] Reel 88, Accession 2114
Intertitles: “Maine the Land of Remembered Vacations” “Official State Picture Maine Development Commission State House Augusta, Maine” Reel 88 is a promotional film about tuna ...
17) 2132.0004 50th anniversary parade, 1964--Joshua D. Maule, Jr. Family--home movies. Reel 4, Accession 2132
On can: "50th anniversary parade, 1964" ;Posy Parade - 1964
21) 2132.0022 Travel to New York, Washington, Chicago--Joshua D. Maule, Jr. Family--home movies. Reel 22, Accession 2132
On can: "New York City trip";Color home movies of 1960s travels in New York, Washington, DC, and Chicago.
23) 2132.0023 Easter, 1960--Joshua D. Maule, Jr. Family--home movies. Reel 23, Accession 2132
On can: "Easter 1960, Eric, Bret, Troy, etc."
5) 2148.0005 [Fred Hafer--home movies] Reel 5
Reel W1. // Donor notes: 1967 western trip. Newburgh, New York to Badlands National Park, South Dakota. Corn Palace, Mitchell, SD.
21) 2148.0006 [Fred Hafer--home movies] Reel 6
Reel W2. // Donor notes: 1967 western trip. Badlands, South Dakota. Mount Rushmore. Fourth of July rodeo at Belle Fourche. Glacier National Park, Montana.
22) 2148.0007 [Fred Hafer--home movies] Reel 7
Reel W3. // Donor notes: 1967 western trip. Glacier Park, Montana. Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming.
7) 2148.0008 [Fred Hafer--home movies] Reel 8
Reel W4. // Donor notes: 1967 western trip. Yellowstone National Park. Old Faithful geyser. Grand Teton National Park. Snake River. Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Colorado Springs, Colo...
34) 2152.0021 [Sawyer Family--home movies] Reel 21
Box label: 'Little Jonathan Schatz First Xmas Home 1968 Dec. 25'
1) 2157.0002 "By Land and Sea"
Collection Notes: "SCRIPT FOR THE 1965 FILM The film opens with typical scenes of the Maine coast, first in winter, including vapor rising from water which is warmer than the...;Additional viewing notes: Intertitle: "Since 1905 The Maine Sea Coast Missionary Society of Bar Harbor has carried the Christian gospel to isolated Maine island and coastal set...
9) 2157.0010 [Maine Sea Coast Mission--production outtakes] Reel 5
These scenes appearing in this reel are outtakes or duplicates of scenes from the edited films produced by The Maine Sea Coast Mission View of a coastal lighthouse, Sunbeam pul...
10) 2157.0011 [Maine Sea Coast Mission-- production outtakes] Reel 6
These scenes appearing in this reel are outtakes or duplicates of scenes from the edited films produced by The Maine Sea Coast Mission Views of Sunbeam underway, then at a fish...
21) 2157.0012 "Fishers of Men" Reel 1
2157.0012-0015 make up the film "Fishers of Men" Intertitle: "This is the story of The Maine Sea Coast Mission which has for half a century carried a practical Christian minis...
27) 2157.0013 "Fishers of Men" Reel 2
Pans of small village on the snowy coastline. On land, views of lobster traps piled in dooryards of small houses in deep snow. View of a church in show, and children making sn...
28) 2157.0014 "Fishers of Men" Reel 3
Views from the Sunbeam of fishing trawlers at work, a lighthouse on a small island, and a dory approaching from the island. Views of small harbor, sealife, and shots of the shi...
29) 2157.0015 "Fishers of Men" Reel 4
Views of the Maine Seacoast Mission's headquarters in a house in Bar Harbor. Shots of Sunbeam III underway with various people aboard. Two young women learn to tie knots, and ...
35) 2161.0005 [Hubert Clemons—home movies] Reel 5
One of several reels of film that depicts a group of school teachers on a seven-week University of Maine sponsored bus tour of the U.S., which started and ended at Orono, Maine...
34) 2169.0002 [Dormans' Dairy Dream] Reel 1
December 1966.
35) 2169.0003 [Dormans' Dairy Dream] Reel 2
June 1967.
32) 2169.0004 [Dormans' Dairy Dream] Reel 3
August 1967.
1) 2169.0005 [Dormans' Dairy Dream] Reel 4
October 1967, January 1968.
4) 2169.0006 [Dormans' Dairy Dream] Reel 5
August 1968.
4) 2169.0007 [Dormans' Dairy Dream] Reel 6
February, April 1969.
4) 2169.0008 [Dormans' Dairy Dream] Reel 7
June 1969.
7) 2169.0009 [Dormans' Dairy Dream] Reel 8
June 1969.
27) 2169.0010 [Dormans' Dairy Dream] Reel 9
December 1969.
7) 2169.0011 [Dormans' Dairy Dream] Reel 10
August, September 1969.
24) 2169.0012 [Dormans' Dairy Dream] Reel 11
October 1969, January 1970.
11) 2170.0035 Christmas, 1960--Simmons Brown--home movies. Reel 35
"Christmas - Payson Party - 1960"
25) 2170.0036 Christmas, 1960--Simmons Brown--home movies. Reel 36
"1. Simmons Brown Christmas 1960, 2. Christmas Payson's 1960"
4) 2170.0037 50th Anniversary, 1963--Simmons Brown--home movies. Reel 37
"1963 - 50th Anniversary - The Clarkes"
13) 2171.0001 Maine Parks: An Idyllic Journey
Date from edge code on film. // Film is in near-perfect condition with excellent color. Has twist throughout. // Promotional work made for the Maine Department of Economic Devel...
16) 2178.0005 [Albion Emery--home movies] Reel 5, Accession 2178
Footage of buildings and stores along snowed in streets in a small, downtown area, including various machines being used to remove the snow from the streets and sidewalks. A fe...
17) 2178.0006 [Albion Emery--home movies] Reel 6, Accession 2178
Footage of a football game. Notes on can: “Dexter - Bar Harbor Football”
34) 2178.0007 [Albion Emery--home movies] Reel 7, Accession 2178
Footage of a New Year’s Eve party, including men playing a drum set, people drinking, dancing and trying on hats and wigs, a Montana state flag on the wall and a man playing a p...
46) 2178.0008 [Albion Emery--home movies] Reel 8, Accession 2178
A few shots of the remnants of a building after a fire. A few shots of children riding a toy tractor pulling a wagon through Emery’s Cottages. A shot of people cooking in a ki...
3) 2179.0003 [Solon and Betty Bailey--home movies] Reel 3
Donor's notes (abridged - see collection folder): Large Reel #3. Winter/Spring: Easter in Providence and Milton; Spring, Donkey Day, Fourth of July: Donkey Day at Milton Hoosic ...
4) 2179.0004 [Solon and Betty Bailey--home movies] Reel 4
Donor's notes (abridged - see collection folder): Large Reel #4. September 1960: James at 1 month, Copes' picnic (Solon and Marguerite), Perrys and Marguerite roller skating, sn...
14) 2179.0005 [Solon and Betty Bailey--home movies] Reel 5
Donor's notes (abridged - see collection folder): Large Reel #5. Winter 1962: Marguerite skating, visiting Emily Johnson in Danby, VT; Milton Hoosic Club holiday party; 1963 Eas...
32) 2179.0006 [Solon and Betty Bailey--home movies] Reel 6
Donor's notes (abridged - see collection folder): Large Reel #6. Spring 1963: Milton Hoosic Club follies, Marguerite's birthday in Norwell, James in Milton, our garden, Norwell ...
25) 2179.0007 [Solon and Betty Bailey--home movies] Reel 7
Donor's notes (abridged - see collection folder): Large Reel #7. 1964 Summer costume party at Salter's; double exposure - Pennsylania spring 1965?; 1965 Courtney's farm in PA; 1...
9) 2179.0008 [Solon and Betty Bailey--home movies] Reel 8
Donor's notes (abridged - see collection folder): Large Reel 'Salter's Group.' 1960: New Year's Eve: Friends of Betty and Solon Bailey at the home of Larry and Barbara Austin at...
11) 2179.0010 [Solon and Betty Bailey--home movies] Reel 10
Donor's notes: Visit to the Swan Boats, Boston 1964.
4) 2181.0001-.0064 [Albert Ferreira--home movies] Reels 1-64
Date of Publication: [1950s-1960s] Location: Maine; Massachusetts: Boston, Carver, Milton, Nantasket Beach, Plymouth, Sturbridge; New Hampshire; Vermont: Bellows Falls Notes: ...
28) 2182.0001 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 1
Label: 'Special Occasions - Christmas 1968, Tom's 2nd Birthday.' // Footage of Christmas and birthday party.
2) 2182.0002 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 2
Label: 'Tom's 3rd Christmas 1968.' // Christmas footage.
17) 2182.0004 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 4
Label: 'Tom's 4th Xmas, Stacey's First, Tom's 3rd Birthday.' // Footage of Christmas and birthday party.
15) 2182.0011 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 11
Label: 'Waterskiing Cup.' // Footage of waterskiing.
17) 2182.0012 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 12
Label: 'Easter 69, Waterskiing 69.'
14) 2182.0015 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 15
Label: 'Ed Waterskiing at Camp.'
14) 2182.0020 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 20
Label: 'Waterskiing and Honor Club 1968.'
21) 2182.0021 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 21
Label: 'Honor Club, Concord 1969.' // 1968 date code on film.
26) 2182.0026 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 26
Label: 'Vacation - Florida & New Hampshire.'
6) 2182.0027 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 27
Label: 'Canada 1967.' // 1966 date code on film.
1) 2182.0028 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 28
Label: 'Niagara Canada April 1967.' // 1966 date code on film.
33) 2182.0029 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 29
Label: 'Vacation - Canada Trip 1967.' // 1966 date code on film.
1) 2185.0001 [Philip Thompson--home movies] Reel 1
Label: 'European Trip.' 'London Cambridge Paris Evian Turin Florence Rome.' // Film has several burn marks throughout. Severe perf damage at head removed.
5) 2185.0002 [Philip Thompson--home movies] Reel 2
Label: 'Maine Coast, Misc NE Scenes.' // Outdoor fishing footage. Christmas. Fishing and camping. Skiing. Family trip.
4) 2185.0003 [Philip Thompson--home movies] Reel 3
Label: 'Family July 63-July 64.' // Date range from edge codes on film. // Footage of boys' amateur drama/play. Boys fight. Water park/amusement park. Sailing. Travel. Double ex...
35) 2185.0004 [Philip Thompson--home movies] Reel 4
Label: 'Misc 1965-6.' // Leader between reels says 'August 1967.'
7) 2186.0042 [Herbert F. Sturdy--home movies] Reel 42
Label: 'Spring 1966/Statue of Liberty Costume/Suzy's Baby/Scrabbles in Boots.' // Ektachrome.
29) 2186.0047 [Herbert F. Sturdy--home movies] Reel 47
Label: 'Suzy+Her Baby, Paul+Sally, Some Close Ups of Car, Easter 1966, Hunting in Yard.' // Kodachrome II.
6) 2186.0062 [Herbert F. Sturdy--home movies] Reel 62
Label: 'Xmas 62.' // Ektachrome.
7) 2186.0063 [Herbert F. Sturdy--home movies] Reel 63
Label: 'Carousel 1964.' // Ektachrome.
28) 2186.0064 [Herbert F. Sturdy--home movies] Reel 64
Label: 'Marlborough Graduation + Grad Night / Nancy June 11, 1964.' // Kodachrome II, Ektachrome and Ansco (faded).
35) 2186.0065 [Herbert F. Sturdy--home movies] Reel 65
Label: 'Marlborough Graduation 1964' 'Marlborough Father Daughter Picnic - Grad.' // Kodachrome II + Ektachrome.
23) 2186.0066 [Herbert F. Sturdy--home movies] Reel 66
Label: 'Nantucket 1964 / Nancy Starts Smith.' // Kodachrome II and Ektachrome. // Smith College footage.
11) 2186.0067 [Herbert F. Sturdy--home movies] Reel 67
Label: 'Homecoming For Nancy Dec 1964 / Just Before Las Madrinas For Her / Sally's First Ski Lesson / Thanksgiving Time 1965 / Xmas 1965 + The New Riviera.' // Ektachrome.
16) 2186.0068 [Herbert F. Sturdy--home movies] Reel 68
Label: 'Nancy's 1st Father Daughter Weekend At Smith, April 29-May 1, 1966.' // Ektachrome. // Smith College footage.
5) 2186.0084 [Herbert F. Sturdy--home movies] Reel 84
Label: 'Xmas 1960.' // Ansco film - faded. // Christmas footage.
27) 2186.0085 [Herbert F. Sturdy--home movies] Reel 85
Label: 'First Xmas 1960/Second Xmas 1961.' // Ansco film - faded. // Christmas footage.
36) 2186.0090 [Herbert F. Sturdy--home movies] Reel 90
Label: 'Christmas 1966/Mostly Presents From Europe/Plus Dogs.' // Ektachrome.
13) 2196.0017 [Vermont Forest Service Films] Reel 17
Ripton Job Corps Gov. Davis #1 Sign at entrance to camp reads "RIPTON Job Corps Conservation Center. Green Mountain National Forest. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Forest Se...
19) 2196.0018 [Vermont Forest Service Films] Reel 18
Ripton Job Corps Gov. Davis #2 Visitors exit Administration Building, and cameraman shoots as newsman interviews Governor Deane C. Davis, governor of Vermon from 1969-1973, at...
16) 2202.0033 [Daniel T. Dusenberry--home movies] Reel 33
#33 1959-60 Char: Phil's friends Mezzoni family - Pop + Mom Marseglia's, Blydenbers Joe + John A family Scene: Birthday party Phil + Fran Junior Prom. Dress Phil B Day Party H...
24) 2202.0033-1 [Daniel T. Dusenberry--home movies] Reel 33 [Duplicate]
#33 1959-60 Char: Phil's friends Mezzoni family - Pop + Mom Marseglia's, Blydenbers Joe + John A family Scene: Birthday party Phil + Fran Junior Prom. Dress Phil B Day Party H...
14) 2202.0034 [Daniel T. Dusenberry--home movies] Reel 34
#34 1960 Char: Mezzoni family Dave Brown Bonnie, Steve, Seniors (Phil) Judy, Dick Dexter -[Tanjya?] Gulser Fran's friends Dick Kenedy, Tee Clark. Raven B[?] Scenes. Easter '60...
20) 2202.0035 [Daniel T. Dusenberry--home movies] Reel 35
#35 1960-61 Char: Bonnie, Steve, Dave Brown Pop + Mom Mezzoni Family Scene: Jocko puppy + kids on hay pile Petun[i]a's in front of house. Skiing + sliding on back hill w/ dog ...
12) 2202.0036 [Daniel T. Dusenberry--home movies] Reel 36
#36 1961 Char: Phils friends at college Patti, Joe, Fran Bickel, Ellen Fox, Bob Sherman, Phill friends at Bob's Birthday Scene. Dorm at Penn. Phils B. Day at Dorm Iris garden ...
5) 2202.0037 [Daniel T. Dusenberry--home movies] Reel 37
#37 1961-62 Char: Henry Smith Margaret's Mom + Pop, [Blydenbergs?], F[?] Bob Sherman Scene: Shoveling snow F+D Sliding on back hill w/ dog Deep snow Ranger in deep snow w/ Dan...
4) 2202.0038 [Daniel T. Dusenberry--home movies] Reel 38
#38 1962-63 Char: Bob, Sherman, fran Rickel - Joanna K. - Blyden[?] family - (Mark Pat Nasson) Mezzonis Bob + Mrs Sherman Scene: Dan B Day 62 Xmas 62 Fran + Dan playing chess ...
24) 2202.0039 [Daniel T. Dusenberry--home movies] Reel 39
#39 1963-64 Char Fran's Girl friends Steve Bonnie (friends) Dan + Friends. Bruce Stern Annie Joe, June Kids Pop Phil Scene: Fran BDay- Fran PJ Party - Leaving The Freugle Danc...
31) 2202.0040 [Daniel T. Dusenberry--home movies] Reel 40
#40 1965-66 Char - Dan, Fran, Phil Dans Friends(boys + girls) Grandpa. Melville St. girls Joe - June + kids. Dot, Joe + kids G[?] Scene. Hammonessett Beach Raking lawn Fran le...
31) 2202.0041 [Daniel T. Dusenberry--home movies] Reel 41
#41 1966-67 Char: Grandpa, Dan, Fran Mezzoni's Phil wedding guests Ranger, Phil, Ranger Dan's Bday 66 Scenes: 66 Xmas Building garage, Easter, picking out Xmas tree, Easter in...
33) 2202.0042 [Daniel T. Dusenberry--home movies] Reel 42
#42 1967-68 Char: Grandpa Dan's friends Fran Bear's Mother + Father Sister, Phil Lany Scenes: Burning tree by driveway, Dans B'day Party - Labor Day Picnic Dan's [Corvair?] Ga...
5) 2202.0043 [Daniel T. Dusenberry--home movies] Reel 43
300' Reel #43 '66 '67 '68 '69 Char: Phil, Fran, Dan, Grandpa Mezzoni's Lary, Phil, Thor Frank Vasick Scene: Xmas '65 Maine Xmas 67 Dans B Day 68 Xmas 68 [?] Lederhosen Pops ...
34) 2202.0045 [Daniel T. Dusenberry--home movies] Reel 45
300' Reel #45 [?] Char: Dan, Fran, Phil, Bob Sherman, Phils friends. Eleanor, Bruce Kenny + others, Roberts family. Mezzoni's , Dan's Prom date, W Mike Pop Dan's friends? Sce...
1) 2202.0045-1 [Daniel T. Dusenberry--home movies] Reel 45 [Duplicate]
300' Reel #45 [?] Char: Dan, Fran, Phil, Bob Sherman, Phils friends. Eleanor, Bruce Kenny + others, Roberts family. Mezzoni's , Dan's Prom date, W Mike Pop Dan's friends? Sce...
1) 2202.0046 [Daniel T. Dusenberry--home movies] Reel 46
#46 1964 Char: Sterns, Eleanor, Bob Bachmans, Bickell, Ellen Joanna John Haden Dan's friends Glen, Bill, S[?], Vic, Mike Dick Dexter Scene: Phil Graduation (Phils) Fran workin...
1) 2202.0047 [Daniel T. Dusenberry--home movies] Reel 47
#47 Char: Phil Fran Dan Larys mother, Mezzoni Family, David, Edward Lary, Scene: Zmas 64, Aster Weding 67 Easter 68 Xmas 73 Thanksgiving 74 Maine.
25) 2208.0004 Passagammut 1960 [David Pollard--home movies] Reel 4
Passagammut 1960, Children Swimming
36) 2208.0006 Skiing 1961 [David Pollard--home movies] Reel 6
Skiing - Masons + Us, Kids Skiing, Baby Sam, 1961
13) 2208.0007 Easter Egg Hunt Millinocket 1961 [David Pollard--home movies] Reel 7
Easter Egg Hunt Millinocket 1961
7) 2208.0011 Spring 1962 at Camp [David Pollard--home movies] Reel 11
Ma - Gramp - Swansea, Grandparents - Dunstable Camp Spring 1962 at Camp
27) 2208.0012 1962 [David Pollard--home movies] Reel 12
1962 Steve, Bain, Sarah, Basin Pond, Mr. K.
4) 2208.0015 Sledding River Rd. 1962 [David Pollard--home movies] Reel 15
Sledding River Rd. 1962+-
26) 2208.0020 Spring 1968 Mopaug #1 [David Pollard--home movies] Reel 20
Spring 1968, Mopaug #1
1) 2208.0021 Mopaug #2 1968 [David Pollard--home movies] Reel 21
Mopaug #2 1968, Deer from kitchen window + North Haven + Casco Passage
18) 2208.0023 1966 Soap Box Derby [David Pollard--home movies] Reel 23
1966 Soap Box Derby, Bain etc.
12) 2208.0025 Soapbox Derby + Prowler (MA) [David Pollard--home movies] Reel 25
Soapbox Derby + Prowler (MA)
19) 2217.0006 [Russell/Kane Family--home movies] Reel 6
At Home + On The Road;Crazy shit at Township ; Pat + Rose ; Covered Bridge + Nash (Grey w/ Black) N.Y. Eve w/ Cat Me + Jen D.R. Sequence ; Uke[?] Course ; Gray [?] Rambler Trip ; C.V. Bridges ; Work ...
9) 2217.0008 [Russell/Kane Family--home movies] Reel 8
First Reel Suzie;March 1960 ; Susie 1 mo - old ; Caldon's Pool[?] ; [?]
8) 2217.0009 [Russell/Kane Family--home movies] Reel 9
Reel #2 Suzie
27) 2217.0010 [Russell/Kane Family--home movies] Reel 10
Reel #3 Suzie;Susie One year ; 8338 [?] ; in small [?] ; Summer 61 ; 4th July Parade ; Elk [?] ; Xmas
7) 2217.0011 [Russell/Kane Family--home movies] Reel 11
Susie #4 w/ Mom + Co[?], Buick ; Sue Easter '63 ; 4th of July '63 ; Maine ; Kennedy Funeral
8) 2217.0012 [Russell/Kane Family--home movies] Reel 12
Suzie Reel #5;David Hill Zoo ; [?] ; Paul + [Pock?] ; Circus
11) 2221.0003 [Dave & Annette Jackson--home movies] Reel 3
Date from edge codes film. Also Ansco film stock. // Reel label: 'Carrie 1956/57. Rona and Pam Xmas 60.' Can label: 'Relations, Friends and Neighbors.' // Heavy scratches, faded...
31) 2221.0008 [Dave & Annette Jackson--home movies] Reel 8
Ansco film stock. // Reel label: 'Our House August 63.' // Faded, etching from mold damage. // Project at 24 fps. // Children playing outside. People eating around table. Adults...
17) 2221.0009 [Dave & Annette Jackson--home movies] Reel 9
Date from edge code on film. Also Ansco film stock. // Reel label: 'Good [?]. Flo - Electric Line Up - Stu [?].' // Faded, perf and edge damage. // Scenic landscape with signs i...
19) 2221.0011 [Dave & Annette Jackson--home movies] Reel 11
Date range from edge codes on film. Also Ansco film stock. // Faded, heavy scratches, perf and edge damage, mold and water damage. // Man chopping wood. Men in motor-powered can...
29) 2221.0013 [Dave & Annette Jackson--home movies] Reel 13
Date range from edge codes on film. Also Ansco film stock. // Reel label: 'Erin 1 Month Old. Mickle 1 Year Old. A Good [?]. Christmas [?]. Aunt M Lee - Easter. Ron and Family to...
3) 2229.0003 circa 1962, Brazil [Page Family--home movies] Reel 3
B3 Manaus Flight across Jungle Boat Ride down Rio Negro Jungle Amazon River Brazilia Belo Horizonte Children's Carnival Itatiaia Religious Parade near Sugarloaf from [?] [?]
4) 2229.0004 circa 1960, Brazil [Page Family--home movies] Reel 4
B4 Diana's Conformation São Paulo from Morumbi CTA Graduation & Planes Trip to Caraguatatuba, to R[?] Belo, Cavalho's [?] Religious Parade - Corpus Christie Swimming near [?...
27) 2229.0005 circa 1960, Brazil [Page Family--home movies] Reel 5
R-1 Corcovado Pagueta Island [Cantergenha?] Hotels Carnaval in Rio - 3 Days Sugarloaf - Grey day Carnaval in Rio - 4th day
25) 2229.0006 circa 1960, Argentina & Bolivia [Page Family--home movies] Reel 6
S1 Flight to B.A. from S. P. Buenos Aires - City Feeding Pigeons El Tigre Delta Par[?] signs at night Casa Rosa Flight to La Paz La Paz
28) 2229.0007 circa 1961, Bolivia & Peru [Page Family--home movies] Reel 7
S2 Tihuanaco & Alto Plano Lake Titicaca Train Trip from P[?] to Cuzco Indian Dances (Peruvian) Cuzco
8) 2229.0008 circa 1961, Peru [Page Family--home movies] Reel 8
S3 Train Trip Cuzco to Machu Picchu Machu Picchu Climb up H[?] Picchu Sunrise at Macchu Picchu Flight from Cuzco to Lima Lima [Puchaqmac?] Ruins
9) 2229.0009 circa 1961, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia & Panama [Page Family--home movies] Reel 9
S4 Lima Flight to Guayaqil & Quito Quito Flight to Cali Hacienda C[?] G[?] Cali Pool Bogota Panama City
20) 2244.0007 [Abrahamson--home movies] Reel 7
Coming out of house before wedding; Robert + Elaine wedding June 25, 1960
21) 2244.0008 [Abrahamson--home movies] Reel 8
Robert + Elaine wedding, June 25, 1960
22) 2244.0010 [Abrahamson--home movies] Reel 10
Scott June 1963
5) 2244.0011 [Abrahamson--home movies] Reel 11
Ginger + Pups
6) 2244.0012 [Abrahamson--home movies] Reel 12
June 1965; Scott - Beth (3 mo); Robert [?]; Film 1
8) 2244.0013 [Abrahamson--home movies] Reel 13
Moose June 1965; Film 2;2 Burn marks
26) 2244.0014 [Abrahamson--home movies] Reel 14
Home 65, Bathtub, painting
8) 2244.0015 [Abrahamson--home movies] Reel 15
Mill - paper machine - Aug 65
16) 2244.0016 [Abrahamson--home movies] Reel 16
Santa's village; Scott; Sept 1965
17) 2244.0017 [Abrahamson--home movies] Reel 17
2 1/2 yr, 7 mo Scott + Beth; Halloween 1965
5) 2244.0018 [Abrahamson--home movies] Reel 18
Dec. 1965; David + Jo; Our children; David Haggerty
276) 2244.0019 [Abrahamson--home movies] Reel 19
20) 2244.0020 [Abrahamson--home movies] Reel 20
Xmas 1965; mostly black;Removed [401] black no image from orig [501] reel
33) 2244.0021 [Abrahamson--home movies] Reel 21
Dec 26 1965, Children at home
16) 2255.0009 [Abrahamson--home movies] Reel 9
Scott Spring 63
1) 2265.0008 [Marston Family--home movies] Reel 8
Summer 1961 LGM;Woman with a baby on her lap, woman and cocker spaniel, old woman and a baby, baby in bonnet on lawn, small plane takes off in field, in flight, pan of boats in water, beach peo...
15) 2265.0009 [Marston Family--home movies] Reel 9
Summer 1961 Christmas 1961 Spring 1962 Reel #10;Toddler sitting on floor, toddler and dog, tractor running in field, man and woman shoveling snow and chopping Christmas tree, goofing off, plowing snow/tractor, baby in walker ...
19) 2265.0010 [Marston Family--home movies] Reel 10
Reel # 11;Woman, two toddlers and dog in yard, kids swinging in hammock, shoveling snow in front of house.
34) 2265.0011 [Marston Family--home movies] Reel 11
Reel #12 Christmas 1962 - Summer 1963 Spring 1964 Larissa G. Marston;Boy toddler in snow, gets into gar, girl toddler in red wagon on grass, girl and baby in wagon, girl on slide, climbing on swing set.
1) 2265.0013 [Marston Family--home movies] Reel 13
Reel #1 1960-62
24) 2265.0015 [Marston Family--home movies] Reel 15
Reel #2 1962-64
7) 2265.0017 [Marston Family--home movies] Reel 17
Reel #3 1964-67;First shot: A child in a yellow car.
27) 2265.0018 [Marston Family--home movies] Reel 18
Continuation of previous original reel (#3)
7) 2265.0019 [Marston Family--home movies] Reel 19
#4 Dec. 67 to 8/70;First shot: Two figures in the snow.
12) 2270.0001 [Ouellet Family--home movies] Reel 1
The Backyard Kids Spring 1965
15) 2270.0002 [Ouellet Family--home movies] Reel 2
Mem. Parade - Boat N.W June 1965
14) 2270.0003 [Ouellet Family--home movies] Reel 3
Sun. School Pic. - Wooden Bridge June 1965
13) 2270.0004 [Ouellet Family--home movies] Reel 4
Lincoln Park 1965
17) 2270.0005 [Ouellet Family--home movies] Reel 5
1965 NY
11) 2270.0006 [Ouellet Family--home movies] Reel 6
New York City 1965
23) 2270.0007 [Ouellet Family--home movies] Reel 7
New York Fair 1965
19) 2270.0008 [Ouellett Family--home movies] Reel 8
Oct. 1965 - 1st Day School K. 6th J. 4th F. 3rd N. 1st
20) 2270.0009 [Ouellet Family--home movies] Reel 9
Easter Parade - 1966 Waltham
36) 2270.0010 [Ouellet Family--home movies] Reel 10
Bob Graduation June 19, 1966;[Viewing notes from earlier inspection] Man in cap + gown posing near house, inside - cakes + other food buffet - dark, guests in house.
7) 2270.0011 [Ouellet Family--home movies] Reel 11
July 4th 1966 Merrymount + Doris;[Viewing notes from an earlier inspection] Kids swimming in lake with tubes, people at beach (wide shot) girls at outdoor shower in swimsuits, boy [?] them, eating outside at t...
23) 2270.0012 [Ouellet Family--home movies] Reel 12
Vac. Aug 1966 Niagara Falls Rapids + Tunnel;[Viewing notes from earlier inspection] People in raincoats falls in background, rapids, woman posing in front the rapids then man posing there.
5) 2270.0013 [Ouellet Family--home movies] Reel 13
Aug. 1966 Niagara Falls 1st Day;[Viewing notes from earlier inspection] Pan across hilly landscape, falls, horse carriage, falls underexposed, bridge + falls underexposed, boat underexposed.
4) 2270.0014 [Ouellet Family--home movies] Reel 14
Niagara Falls 7:30 AM 1966 - Aug 2nd Day;[Viewing notes from earlier inspection] Falls - good, some underexposed but most good. People looking over observation fence in silhouette. Woman looking over the fence + zoom ...
26) 2270.0015 [Ouellet Family--home movies] Reel 15
Coming home from vac. 1966 - covered bridge;[Viewing notes from earlier inspection] Driving POV over bridge, also on highway (underexposed). Driving POV thru covered bridge good, woman + man standing inside covered bride...
6) 2270.0016 [Ouellet Family--home movies] Reel 16
College Pond Kims play Lake Cochituate 1966;[Viewing notes from earlier inspection] Swimming at lake, kids + adults, splashing each other.
1) 2270.0017 [Ouellet Family--home movies] Reel 17
Winter Dec 1966;[Viewing notes from earlier inspection] Girls skiing x country, kid going backwards down small hill on sled.
36) 2270.0018 [Ouellet Family--home movies] Reel 18
Nancy ice skating 1966 - 6 1/2;Girl stumbling on skates, trying to skate, clothesline w/ clothes on it in snowy yard. Squirrel on bird feeder. Sledding in yard, 1 kid stands [?] other sits.
35) 2270.0019 [Ouellet Family--home movies] Reel 19
Lake Cochituate July 1967 Plus Backyard;Swimming in lake, beach wide shots.
34) 2270.0020 [Ouellet Family--home movies] Reel 20
Summer 1967;[Viewing notes from earlier inspection] [Bandshell?] in park crowd overexposed. Kids on lawn with rabbit.
11) 2270.0021 [Ouellet Family--home movies] Reel 21
Doris Party Thanksgiving 1967 At Doris;[Viewing notes from earlier inspection] Girl playing violin, woman playing violin. Setting table, cake w/ candles. Girl blows out candles.
33) 2270.0022 [Ouellet Family--home movies] Reel 22
Christmas 1967;[Viewing notes from earlier inspection] Decorations - nativity set - decorating tree, stocking on banister, kids going to bed, opening presents.
31) 2270.0023 [Ouellet Family--home movies] Reel 23
Ice skating 1967;[Viewing notes from earlier inspection] Kids playing shoveling snow at each other. Girls ice skating, boy sledding.
30) 2270.0024 [Ouellet Family--home movies] Reel 24
Nancy's Birthday 1968 - 9 yrs old.;[Viewing notes from earlier inspection] Overexposed birthday cake, birthday party + kids. Opening presents, pan around girls bedroom. Boys room, man reading in lazy boy chair.
36) 2270.0025 [Ouellet Family--home movies] Reel 25
Doris Christmas kitchen mess 1968
1) 2270.0026 [Ouellet Family--home movies] Reel 26
John's Birthday [illegible] June 29 1969
27) 2270.0027 [Ouellet Family--home movies] Reel 27
Bob + Boys Fishing Summer 1969
26) 2270.0028 [Ouellet Family--home movies] Reel 28
Covered Bridge + Backyard Fall 1969
19) 2270.0029 [Ouellet Family--home movies] Reel 29
Skiing - Nancy + Fran 1969 - 9 1/2 + 11 1/2
28) 2270.0030 [Ouellet Family--home movies] Reel 30
Christmas 1969 15 - 13 - 12 - 10;[Viewing notes from earlier inspection] Very dark, opening presents.
10) 2288.0005 [Drive-In Theater Trailers] Reel 5
1965, 1968, 1972, 1976 edge codes on film. // Collection consists of multiple advertisements/trailers from New England drive-in theaters. Reel includes material from Route 7 Dri...
19) 2288.0009 [Drive-In Theater Trailers] Reel 9
1967, 1979, 1984 edge codes on film. // Collection consists of multiple advertisements/trailers from New England drive-in theaters. Reel includes material from Sky-Hi Drive-In T...
15) 2288.0010 [Drive-In Theater Trailers] Reel 10
1962, 1976 edge codes on film. // Collection consists of multiple advertisements/trailers from New England drive-in theaters. Reel includes material from Sky-Hi Drive-In Theater...
23) 2288.0011 [Drive-In Theater Trailers] Reel 11
1961, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1968 edge codes on film. // Collection consists of multiple advertisements/trailers from New England drive-in theaters. Reel includes material from Chelm...
30) 2298.0030 [Manley Nelson--home movies] Reel 30
Date from edge code on film. // Box label: 'Bar Harbor. Hunting 1961 or ?'
31) 2298.0031 [Manley Nelson--home movies] Reel 31
1961 edge code on film. // Box label: 'Reunion at Camp '63.'
15) 2299.0001 Maine Goes to the Tangerine Bowl
Reconstructed version created from 16mm print of Maine Goes to the Tangerine (acc. 0240.0001). Original print was damaged, this version is slightly reworked. // Disc also contai...
11) 2299.0002 Maine Goes to the Tangerine Bowl DISTRIBUTION MASTER
DISTRIBUTION MASTER // For distribution duplication only. // Reconstructed version created from 16mm print of Maine Goes to the Tangerine (acc. 0240.0001). Original print was da...
13) 2300.0002 Waterskiing, 1960--Jacqueline Clancy--home movies. Reel 2
Waterskiing - Aug. 1960;People waterskiing on a single ski shot from the boat. Women on the beach with kids. Jacqueline in a tube by the beach. People waterskiing shot from the shore, and then again...
33) 2310.0018 [Milton Dowe—home movies] Reel 18
11:16 -19:45 Family Christmas with Santa played by father, handing out gifts to young daughter. More shots of daughter (3-4 yrs. old) playing in deep snow and learning to ice s...
21) 2324.0020 [Camp Runoia—home movies] Reel 20
Girls on a boat. Views from the boat: A fort and manor- type building. Seagulls fly. Girls eat sandwiches on rocks and wave at the camera. Girls are arranged in rows for a photo...
20) 2324.0021 [Camp Runoia—home movies] Reel 21
Girls ride horses. Girls on the water at night and large fire burning in the distance. Aerial shot of lake and camp. Trees against red sky. Trees in the fall. Empty cabins. Girl...
33) 2330.0016 1963, Hot Springs, VA [Pulliam Family--home movies] Reel 16
1963 "The Hegira Group" - The Homestead Hot Springs, VA - golf Pulliams, Morgans, Tuckers & Madsons;Hegira 63 Spring in VA 64
9) 2330.0017 1964, Virginia [Pulliam Family--home movies] Reel 17
1964 spring vacation - Virginia Myrta's college tour Randolph Macon, Sweet Briar, Monticello, The Homestead
14) 2330.0018 1964, Virginia [Pulliam Family--home movies] Reel 18
1964 spring vacation - Virginia Myrta's college tour Randolph Macon, Sweet Briar Monticello, The Homestead
15) 2330.0023 1964, Scotland & England [Pulliam Family--home movies] Reel 23
1964 trip to Scotland & England Gleneagles, St. Andrews, Armathwaite Hall, Haworth, York, Chedworth Roman Villa, Longleat, Penzance, Stonehenge;British Isles - Aug [?] #1;First scene of a girl sitting by a window.
10) 2330.0024 1964, Scotland & England [Pulliam Family--home movies] Reel 24
1964 trip to Scotland & England Gleneagles, St. Andrews, Armathwaite Hall, Haworth, York, Chedworth Roman Villa, Longleat, Penzance, Stonehenge;British Isles - Aug [?] #1
7) 2330.0025 1964, Scotland & England [Pulliam Family--home movies] Reel 25
1964 trip to Scotland & England Gleneagles, St. Andrews, Armathwaite Hall, Haworth, York, Chedworht Roman Villa, Longleat, Penzance, Stonehenge;British Isles - Aug [?] #1
18) 2330.0026 1964, Scotland & England [Pulliam Family--home movies] Reel 26
1964 trips to Scotland & England Gleneagles, St. Andrews, Armathwaite Hall, Haworth, York, Chedworth Roman Villa, Longleat, Penzance, Stonehenge;British Isles - Aug [?] #1
19) 2330.0027 1964, Scotland & England [Pulliam Family--home movies] Reel 27
1964 trip to Scotland & England Brown's Hotel - London, Empress of Canada Quebec, Montreal 8830 Pickwick Dr. - Duchess as a puppy;Britain #2;First scene of flowers.
10) 2330.0028 1964, Scotland & England [Pulliam Family--home movies] Reel 28
1964 trip to Scotland & England Brown's Hotel - London, Empress of Canada, Quebec, Montreal 8830 Pickwick Dr. - Duchess as a puppy;Britain #2
21) 2330.0029 1964, Scotland & England [Pulliam Family--home movies] Reel 29
1964 trip to Scotland & England Brown's Hotel - London, Empress of Canada, Quebec, Montreal 8830 Pickwick Dr. - Duchess as a puppy.;Britain #2
22) 2330.0031 1965, Michigan [Pulliam Family--home movies] Reel 31
summer - 1965 Night blooming cereus - Martha & Ed Burns Michigan: Chippewa Trail Camp, Charlevoix, Colonial Inn, Belvedere - golf 8830 Pickwick Dr.;1965 Cereus - Chip Trails;First scene of a flower in a pot.
13) 2330.0032 1965, Michigan [Pulliam Family--home movies] Reel 32
summer - 1965 Night blooming cereus - Martha & Ed Burns Michigan: Chippewa Trail Camp, Charlevoix, Colonial Inn, Belvedere - golf 8830 Pickwick Dr.;1965 cereus - Chip Trails
14) 2330.0033 1965, Michigan [Pulliam Family--home movies] Reel 33
summer - 1965 Night blooming cereus - Martha & Ed Burns Michigan: Chippewa Trail Camp, Charlevoix Colonial Inn, Belvedere - golf 8830 Pickwick Dr.;1965 cereus - Chip Trails
25) 2330.0034 1965, Michigan [Pulliam Family--home movies] Reel 34
1965 8830 Pickwick Drive Thanksgiving - Christmas;Mich - Thanksgiving 1965 Summer - Christmas
26) 2330.0035 1965, Michigan [Pulliam Family--home movies] Reel 35
1965 8830 Pickwick Drive Thanksgiving - Christmas;Mich - Thanksgiving 1965 Summer - Christmas
21) 2330.0036 1966, Williamburg [Pulliam Family--home movies] Reel 36
1966 Colonial Williamsburg Indianapolis 500;1966 Williamsburg - 500 Michigan - Christmas
28) 2330.0037 1966, Williamsburg [Pulliam Family--home movies] Reel 37
1966 Colonial Williamsburg Indianpolis 500;1966 Williamsburg - 500 Michigan - Christmas
14) 2330.0038 1966, Michigan [Pulliam Family--home movies] Reel 38
1966 Michigan Petoskey, Colonial Inn, Chippewa Trail Camp, Kramers
30) 2330.0039 1966, Michigan [Pulliam Family--home movies] Reel 39
1966 Michigan Petoskey, Colonial Inn, Chippewa Trail Camp, Kramers
31) 2330.0040 1966, Christmas Eve [Pulliam Family--home movies] Reel 40
1966 8830 Pickwick Dr. Christmas Eve - Christmas Eve
32) 2330.0041 1966, Scotland [Pulliam Family--home movies] Reel 41
1966 8830 Pickwick Dr.: Heidi as a puppy Gold trip to Scotland customs, Turnberry, Gleneagles, sheep
33) 2330.0042 1966, Scotland [Pulliam Family--home movies] Reel 42
1966 8830 Pickwick Dr.: Heidi as a puppy Gold trip to Scotland customs, Turnberry, Gleneagles, sheep
34) 2330.0043 1966, Scotland [Pulliam Family--home movies] Reel 43
1966 Golf trip to Scotland Loch Ness, Creel Inn near Stonehaven, Carlton Hotel, Edinburgh, Waverley Station, Eddy & Tamara Gilmore's - outside London
16) 2330.0044 1966, Scotland [Pulliam Family--home movies] Reel 44
1966 Gold trip to Scotland Loch Ness, Creel Inn near Stonehaven, Carlton Hotel, Edinburgh, Waverley Station, Eddy & Tamara Gilmore's - outside London
2) 2330.0045 1967 [Pulliam Family--home movies] Reel 45
1967 8830 Pickwick Dr. Golf Ulen Country Club - family photo Christmas eve - Christmas;Fall + Xmas '67;First scene: Autumn tree with hammock. Scene with Dan Quayle.
32) 2330.0046 1967 [Pulliam Family--home movies] Reel 46
1967 8830 Pickwick Dr. Golf Ulen Country Club - family photo Christmas eve - Christmas
2) 2330.0047 1967 [Pulliam Family--home movies] Reel 47
1967 8830 Pickwick Dr. Golf Ulen Country Club - family photo Christmas eve - Christmas
27) 2330.0048 1968, Michigan [Pulliam Family--home movies] Reel 48
1968 Michigan Charlevoix, Harbor Springs Colonial Inn - Don & Mary Gonzales
4) 2330.0049 1968, Michigan [Pulliam Family--home movies] Reel 49
1968 Michigan Charlevoix, Harbor Springs Colonial Inn - Don & Mary Gonzales
26) 2330.0050 1968 [Pulliam Family--home movies] Reel 50
1968 8830 Pickwick Dr. Deb's party - Debby Benedict, Janet Fry, Sidney Goodrich, Julie Hollowell, Babby Hohlt, Cindy Marshall, Harriet Mullin, Sandy Steinway, Susie Stoops
22) 2330.0051 1968, Christmas [Pulliam Family--home movies] Reel 51
1968 Christmas;S. ISL. - G. West '69 Fall - Xmas '68
17) 2330.0053 1968-1969 Georgia, Arizona, California [Pulliam Family--home movie] Reel 53
1968-1969 Sea Island, GA - golf Casa Blanca - Scottsdale AZ Jim & Corinne Quayle Bill & Suzanne Murphy San Diego, CA
9) 2330.0054 1968-1969, Georgia, Arizona, California [Pulliam Family--home movies] Reel 54
1968 - 1969 Sea Island, GA - golf Casa Blanca - Scottsdale AZ Jim & Corinne Quayle, Bill & Suzanne Murphy San Diego, CA
14) 2330.0059 'Water Sports' [Pulliam Family--home movies] Reel 59
"The Sports Parade 'Water Sports'"
16) 2330.0061 [Pulliam Family--home movies] Reel 61
2 TARS #1 Laurel & Hardy;'Blackhawk Films presents TWO TARS'
19) 2330.0062 [Pulliam Family--home movies] Reel 62
Two Tars
34) 2330.0063 [Pulliam Family--home movies] Reel 63
Two Tars
35) 2339.0003 Governor's Day, A
Date from edge code on film. // Documents daily work of Connecticut Governor Abraham Ribicoff. Presented by the Committee for the Re-Election of Ribicoff.
9) 2339.0005 Flavor of Maine
Date from edge code on film. // Color faded to red. Occasional emulsion scratches. // Presented by the United States Department of the Interior and the Maine Sardine Council. Fi...
20) 2351.0023 "Faith is the Substance"
Title: "FAITH IS THE SUBSTANCE" Intertitle: "Since 1905 the Maine Sea Coast Missionary Society of Bar Harbor has carried the Christian gospel to isolated Maine island and coast...
33) 2351.0030 [Title misprint]
Box notes: "Title with misprint" Intertitle: "Ashore on an islands [sic] with dwindled population"
8) 2351.0031 [Faith is the Substance titles 2]
Box notes: "Faith is the Substance Extra Titles" Four copies of the title, separated by clear leader.
24) 2354.0002 The Quiet Frontier
No description available
20) 2355.0001-.0018 [Jack Cryan--News Film] Reels 1-18
(Reels 1-5 = Already Transferred) Reel 4: Boston Fireman Drills Reel 5: Judy Garland, 1967 0006: Fires Reel 1 - 9 fires (1000 ft) 0007: Fires Reel 2 – Seven fires in Chelsea...
13) 2355.0001-.0605 [Jack Cryan miscellaneous films]
Box 1: Sports, 71 Reels Box 2: Fireworks, 10 reels Box 3: Award Films & misc, 42 reels Box 4: Home Movies, 75 reels of 8mm (1962-1975) Box 5: Fires, 8 reels (1970-1980) Box ...
4) 2355.0005 [Judy Garland, 1967]
Judy Garland concert footage August 31, 1967 Boston Common
5) 2355.0013 [Celtics vs Warriors - NBA Finals Game 5]
Celtic Playoffs
29) 2355.0014 [Celtics]
112) 2355.0015 [Bruins Game]
Bruins – Boston Garden” (1000 ft) - Bruins vs. Detroit Red Wings
31) 2355.0016 [Bob Cousy Day]
0016: Bob Cousy Day” (1000 ft)
1) 2355.0019 [Celtics vs. Cincinnati]
Celtics vs. Cincinnati #3, Playoff game #5, April 6 1963
332) 2355.0019-.0089 [Jack Cryan--News Film] Sports, Reels 19-89
Box 1: Sports (Acc. 2355.0019-0089) 61 reels of 16mm (8,275 ft) of sports film from 1960-1964 Celtics Basketball, Patriots Football, Bruins Hockey, Midget Wrestling, Dodgers, R...
35) 2355.0020 [Celtics vs. Cincinnati]
Celtics vs. Cincinnati #3, Playoff game #5, April 6 1963
35) 2355.0021 [Celtics vs. Cincinnati]
Celtics vs. Cincinnati #3, Playoff game #5, April 6 1963
20) 2355.0022 [Celtics vs. Cincinnati Basketball #1]
#1 Cincinnati vs. Celtics March 28 63 - Eastern Playoff #1
17) 2355.0023 [Celtics vs. Cincinnati Basketball #2]
#2 Cincinnati vs. Celtics March 28 63 - Playoff game #1
2) 2355.0024 [Celtics vs. Cincinnati Basketball #3]
#3 Cincinnati vs. Celtics March 28 63 - Eastern Playoff #1
8) 2355.0028 [Celtics vs. Hawks]
Celtics vs. St. Louis Hawks basketball game
4) 2355.0029 [Celtics vs. Philadelphia]
#3 Celtics vs. Philadelphia Warriors
5) 2355.0035 [Bruins vs. Montreal]
Hockey #1 test roll;Bruins vs. Montreal Canadiens
19) 2355.0037 [Bruins vs. Toronto]
Hockey Bruins vs. Toronto Maple Leafs - fights
25) 2355.0044 [Celtics vs. Hawks]
Celtics vs. Hawks (from cage)
17) 2355.0050 [Celtics vs. Cincinnati #1]
#1 Celtics vs. Cincinnati 7th game 10/63
10) 2355.0051 [Celtics vs. Cincinnati #2]
#2 Celtics vs. Cincinnati 7th game 10/63
11) 2355.0052 [Celtics vs. Cincinnati #3]
#3 Celtics vs. Cincinnati 7th game 10/63
14) 2355.0053 [Celtics vs. Cincinnati #4]
#4 Celtics vs. Cincinnati 7th game 10/63
28) 2355.0054 [Celtics vs. Cincinnati]
Celtics vs. Cincinnati 7th game 10/63 - silent cut ins
34) 2355.0055 [Celtics vs. Philadelphia #1]
#2 Celtics vs. Philadelphia Warriors
18) 2355.0056 [Celtics vs. Philadelphia #2]
#4 Celtics vs. Philadelphia Warriors - Last few minutes of game on this reel
31) 2355.0061 [Bruins vs. Montreal Canadiens]
Bruins Hockey
18) 2355.0063 [Bruins vs. Rangers #1]
#1 Bruins Hockey vs. New York 1/14/60 - 1st goal score assist
4) 2355.0064 [Bruins vs. Rangers #2]
#2 Bruins Hockey vs. New York 1/14/60
20) 2355.0068 [Bruins vs. Chicago]
Bruins & Chicago [Blackhawks] - Hockey fights 10/23/1960
11) 2355.0070 [Bruins vs. Montreal]
#2 Hockey Bruins vs. Montreal opening game in Boston - Test roll
10) 2355.0071 [Bruins vs. Montreal]
Hockey Bruins + Montreal - Fight
14) 2355.0090-.0099 [Jack Cryan--News Film] Fireworks, Reels 90-99
Box 2: Fireworks (Acc. 2355.0090-0099) 10 reels of 16mm (1,960 ft) of Firworks circa 1963-1966
6) 2355.0102-.0143 [Jack Cryan--News Film] Fires, Reels 102-143
Box 3: Award Films & misc (Acc.2355.0102-0143) 42 reels of 16mm (7,205 ft.) 1957-1976 Fires, Skiing, “Applause for Schnozz,” Work Train Tragedy, Fanny Foxe, Hancock Windows...
11) 2355.0153-.0251 [Jack Cryan--News Film] Fires, Reels 153-251
Box 6: Fires (Acc.2355.0153-0251) 99 reels of 16mm (7,740 ft.) 1962-1969 Footage of fires in Roslindale, South Boston, Jamaica Plains, Crawford House, a Brockton Church, Beacon ...
6) 2355.0252-.0316 [Jack Cryan--News Film] Fires, Reels 252-316
Box 7: Fires (Acc. 2355.0252-0316) 67 reels of 16mm (8,585 ft.) 1969-1981 Footage of fires in Castle Island, Middleton, Needham, East Boston, Belmont, Mass Ave, Brighton, Beverl...
4) 2355.0317-.0340 [Jack Cryan--News Film] Accidents, Reels 317-340
Box 9: Accidents (Acc.2355.0317-0340 & .0380) 25 reels of 16mm (2,185 ft.) 1959-1967 News footage of car accidents, Burglar falling out of house, and a hit and run around th...
8) 2355.0367-.0454 [Unidentified--home movies & commercial films] Reels 367-454
Box 8: Fires (Acc. 2355.0367-0454) 87 reels of 16mm (8,465 ft.) 1960-1976 Footage of fires in St. Patrick’s Church, Brookline, Cambridge, Dorchester, Pembroke St., Dartmouth Hou...
10) 2367.0007 [Thomas P. Haviland--home movies] Reel 7
Label on can: 'Stonington 1952-1961.' // See collection folder for additional notes.
248) 2367.0010 Stonington as It Was: 1952-1961
Edited compilation taken from 8mm films shot by Thomas Haviland.
9) 2371.0015 [Huot Family--home movies] Reel 15
21) 2371.0016 [Huot Family--home movies] Reel 16
Sept 1 - 13
7) 2371.0017 [Huot Family--home movies] Reel 17
Chris Craft Camp '63
25) 2371.0018 [Huot Family--home movies] Reel 18
Poland Springs 1963 + Farm
21) 2374.0004 [Thomas P. Haviland--home movies] Reel 11
Isle Au Haut
30) 2375.0003 [Dick Packard--home movies] Reel 3
#3 1) Cissy Quinn, Barbara + Ellen [address--see folder] May + June - 59 2) Nancy Hamilton with Ellen + Marie 3) Ellen in back yard 6/20/59 4) Ma + Ellen 1959 + Marie at home Th...
4) 2375.0004 [Dick Packard--home movies] Reel 4
#4 #4 1) Al + M[ryt Evell?] + family at [address--see folder] 2) 4th July Parade, Hingham 1959 3) Al Evell 1959 while [?] overnight 1959 4) Ellen with carriage in yd. 5) Pat + E...
26) 2375.0005 [Dick Packard--home movies] Reel 5
#5 1) 4th July Parade 1960 2) Xmas Party at Bob Meserve's 3) 4th July Parade 1961 with Billy 4) Nancy's Wedding July 1961 5) Snowstorm March 1961 6) Ellen + Marie in snow in bac...
27) 2375.0006 [Dick Packard--home movies] Reel 6
#6 1) Trip to White Mtns Oct 1961 2) Trip to Washington @ Bills Nov 3, 1961 3) Dec 1961 Sledding in snow in yd 4) Herring Run E Way - 1962 5) Al Evells family June 1962 6) 4th J...
7) 2375.0007 [Dick Packard--home movies] Reel 7
#7 1) 4th July Parade - 1962 (Cont.) 2) Pictures in yd of Bill + Family 1962 3) Cottage at Cape 1962, Bill + Family 4) Nauset Beach, July 1962 5) Leaving Cape 6) Outing with gan...
4) 2375.0008 [Dick Packard--home movies] Reel 8
#8 1) Ellen leaving house for kindergarten - 1962 2) Ellen + Marie in Hingham Town Forest 3) Ellen waiting at bust stop - 1962 4) Ellen, Marie, Anne, + Marie Coleman at Hingham ...
30) 2375.0009 [Dick Packard--home movies] Reel 9
1963 - State fish hatchery at Cape 1963 Small Swamp Nature Trail at Cape 1963 Blue Hills Trailside Museum 1964 Mystic Seaport 1964 Sept in White Mtns
22) 2375.0010 [Dick Packard--home movies] Reel 10
#9 1) 1963 - Xmas - Ellen + Marie 2) Marie with Anne's Bible 3) snow scenes - Backyard 4) Anne + Jack in garden - 1964 5) Robins Nest - Backyard - 1964 6) July 4th parade - 1964...
32) 2375.0011 [Dick Packard--home movies] Reel 11
#10 1) 1964 - Marie clowning in kitchen 2) 1964 - Ellen going to school in fall 3) 1964 - Marie dancing in kitchen 4) 1964 - Ellen with long hair 5) 1965 4th July parade - Billy...
21) 2375.0012 [Dick Packard--home movies] Reel 12
Beginning of Reel #10A Splice to Reel #10
36) 2380.0002 Wedding [Gordon & Roberta Weil--home movies] Reel 2
Wedding;Reel 2 Gordon and Roberta Weil wedding, Waltham, MA April 6, 1962.
26) 2380.0003 1969 [Gordon & Roberta Weil--home movies] Reel 3
1969;Reel 3 Family scenes Levittown, NY; Cushing Island, ME; Pt. Washington, NY; Waltham, MA Dec 24, 1969; Key West, Florida.
13) 2389.0004 [Rudolph Hikel--home movies] Reel 4
1960-1962 #4 Ok Swimming North Pond Joy's 1st Comm. Barby's 1st Rudy's Tricycle Danny + Rita 4th July Parade IV
31) 2389.0005 [Rudolph Hikel--home movies] Reel 5
1962-1963 #5 Danny's Christening Camp North Pond Reed Park, Summer '62 T + Joy Confirmation Jeffery [Yarchin?] Rudy '62 Christmas '62 Danny's 1 yr. Birthday '63 Vacation '63
15) 2389.0006 [Rudolph Hikel--home movies] Reel 6
1964 - 1969 #6 T[?] at A[?] Christmas '64 Barby's [?] Bethy's 1st [?] [?] [?] NY NY Skyline N.Y. World's Fair Bronx Zoo
35) 2389.0008 [Rudolph Hikel--home movies] Reel 8
1969-1970 #8;Moore Camp NY Trip Sailing Water Ski Dan 1st Comm.
18) 2389.0009 [Rudolph Hikel--home movies] Reel 9
Seattle Wash. '69 Boston Florida 1971-73 Barbara - Seattle '69 FL '71-73 #9
12) 2394.03286 Hockey
Description from Assignment Sheet: "Schoolboy Hockey - In the afternoon/ ECAC at night.";Hockey 3/9/1979;Crowd cheers and winning shots in exhibition play between Raiders and CA team members.
8) 2394.14813 C.M. versus Rindge
Score: 81-52, Semi-finals Tech [See Collection Folder for copy of can]
19) 2394.14909 [Baseball]
Black and White print. Baseball at head. (edge code square triangle = 1967)
28) 2394.14910 [Unknown]
Black and White print. "Florida United Press" title at head. (edge code circle triangle = 1963)
8) 2394.14913 [Unknown]
Black and White print. (edge code circle triangle = 1963)
Next 36