[Pre-match footage for Liston-Ali fight] Reel 18

Poland Springs, Maine
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Reel 18: Pre-match doctor visits and signing contracts for Sonny Liston - Muhammad Ali boxing match that was held in Lewiston, Maine (May 1965). Reels 4, 5, 15-18, 27, 28 and 31 all relate to this event.
[Silent] Sonny Liston and Muhammad Ali sign pre-match contract and shake hands. B-roll of the room (in Logan Airport hotel?) Muhammad Ali shows his belt to the press. Ali and his entourage walk through Logan airport. They leave the airport and get into a car. Ali and several other men surround a car. Ali is holding a rope that he throws at the car and then jumps on trunk. Men hold Ali back from the car. Cut to doctors examining Sonny Liston and weighing him. Then doctors examine Ali.

7 Copies
