[Allagash Trip 1960]
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circa 1960
"ALLAGASH" #1-#5 1960
Two people in a motor powered canoe. A woman unloading the trunk of a car. People loading supplies into two canoes. A man and a woman pose for the camera in front of the canoes. Shots of the river, filmed from the bow of a canoe. A waterfall. Two men unloading a beached canoe. A man seated in the stern takes a fish out of a net and holds it up. Shots of the river. Sunrise over the water. Other canoes on the river. Rapids. A man holds up a fish. He holds up two fish, hanging by the gills off of his thumb and little finger. Shots of the river. A deer walking out of the water. A flock of ducks taking off. Shots of the river and shore. Shots of a dam. A man on the shore stands next to a canoe full of supplies. A person dragging a canoe up on shore and carrying it. A campfire. A dam or rapids. A tent. People loading canoes onto a truck. Carrying a canoe to the water. Two men pose next to a Ford pickup truck with a ‘Forest Fire Patrol’ sign on the hood. A campfire. Shots of the river. A float plane taxiing on the water. A man seated in the stern of the canoe, steering the motor. A person holds up a fish. A man steers a canoe while standing. A person in a raincoat bails out a beached boat. A man walks past a tarp lean-to. Several canoes on the water. Cabins and a float plane on the shore. A man with a pole poses in the stern of a boat. Beaching a canoe. Loading supplies into a canoe. A deer on the shore. A deer in the river. Shots of the water. Log pilings (remains of a dam?) A man standing in the middle of the river. People on the shore carrying bags and piles of wood. A line of fish on a rock. The fish laid out on a board. Cooking the fish in a frying pan over a campfire. People seated by the fire. Beaching a canoe and loading it into the truck. A man poling through the rapids. A man in a canoe holds up a fish. A man fishing from the shore. The river, filmed from the bow of a canoe. A man walking around a log cabin. A man wading, pulling a canoe through shallow water. Pulling the canoe over a beaver dam. Taking a fish out of a net. A man with a fishing pole getting into a canoe. Rapids. Mount Katahdin. Shots of other mountains. Two men stand next to a beached canoe, one holding a gun. Water fowl taking off. A man walks out of a log building with the sign: ‘CAMP [obscured] OSE A-B’, carrying a gun in a case. The man opening a box. Shots of the river and mountains. A man cooking on a camp stove on the shore. A man poling a canoe. He poses for the camera. Shots of the river. Poling against the current. A bridge. A campsite with tents. A man chopping wood. A man in a beached canoe. Two men on shore. Launching a canoe. People dragging a dead black bear. They hang the bear from a tree and take turns posing with it. Shots of the campsite. Two people skinning the bear. A man painting the bottom of a canoe with what appears to be aircraft dope. A set of long underwear drying on a laundry line. Shots of trees, the campfire and the river. Cabins on the shore. A bridge. A man chopping wood. Unloading a canoe. Two men and a child wave at the camera. [End of Reel]
4 Copies