[Karen Saum--home movies]

United States
Colon, New Cristobal, Panama
This item may be available for reuse, please contact Northeast Historic Film for more information
1938 – 1965
Donor notes: '[video] is not all in chronological order...the first ten minutes are sequences of a 3 and 4 year old child with playmates in Colon and New Cristobal, Panama. Then a sequence of about half an hour begins starting with 'The Divergence of the Old French Canal' through a sequence shot in the San Blas Islands in 1940. This half hour (or so) segment includes footage of President Roosevelt's visit to Panama in 1940 and footage of Carnival... There follows a sweries of Christmas scenes, then an auto trip across country in 1941 with some historical commentary... After that in poor order, birthday celebrations from a thrid birthday in 1938 to a 14th birthday (all in Colon); footage of the interior; birthdays of grandchildren (1958 to 1960). // Tape 1: Little girl and boy playing with doll carriage; woman and girl with doll carriage by the Carribbean; woman and kids playing; little girl and man walking by water; little girl doing somersault; little girl posing (head shots); little girl acting like a monkey; little girl riding tricycle down sidewalk; kids 'boxing', running and skipping on sidewalk; little girl sleeping on sofa; little girl on potty seat reading Time magazine; boy and girl making mud pies; shot of muddy hands; boy climbing on clothes line; boy and girl jumping off steps; little girl drinking a glass of milk; kids getting ice cream from the Good Humor man; kids walking in single file toward camera; boy and girl on swingset; girls and boy playing and sitting on sidewalk; boats in water; Panama--panoramic shot; ruins of old Panama; people walking in ruins; women running toward camera; man carrying woman; Panama Harbor 1939; moored boats, canoes; 'Fishing Village Colon'; boats resting on shore, town in background; 'Gatun Lake, Jack and Karen Fishing'; shots of lake; boats on lake; 'Sunset (sans sun)'; clouds in sky; canal; woman standing by side of canal; alligator?; native boy holding iguana; native young men walking away from camera; 'Chinese Gardens Gatun'; grainy shots of fields of ?; 'Panama Express'; horsecart driving down street; man pulling and pushing hand cart; 'The Canal from a Train'; boat on canal; 'Pedro Miguel Locks'; canal, locks?, boat on canal; 'Gaillard Cut'; canal, landscape; 'Native Village'; village buildings shot from moving train; 'Gatun Lake'; shot of lake from moving train, tree trunks sticking out of water; shot of moving train taken from train window; 'How They Keep the Channel Clear'; dredging the canal; 'The Largest Floating Crane in the World'; shot of crane, canal; 'Coco-Nut Grove'; grove of palm trees; 'How Orchids Grow'; shot of tree branches (with orchids on them?); blurry close up of leaves; 'And How Damn Fools Photograph Them'; man climbing down from tree, stumbles when he reaches the ground; little girl in park lined with palm trees; 'Pam, Eva & Co.'; woman, man and boy in park ?; boy throwing playful punches at man; 'Bashful? Frances'; headshot of woman, woman turning her face away; train coming into station; motorcade arriving at train station; 'Guard of Honor, Ft. Davis'; cars driving along U.S. soldier and palm tree lined street; 'Boarding the USS Houston'; docked ships, lots of people on dock; ship pulling out of dock; 'Adios'; ship with American flag pulling out of dock; 'Shot from Gatun Fire Station'; garden and buildings; 'Taken from Car'; shots of buildings, pedestrians, parked cars; 'Bill Gray's Beer Garden'; hospital in New Christobal; palm trees and people on beach; high school building; Hotel Washington; main street in Colon; Christobal docks; Gatun water filtering plant; 'Our Summer Home May-Sept 1938'; four-family 'typical Canal Zone residence', man and girl walking down steps; 'Old Gatun Road: 2 Soldiers after Big Game'; overgrown road ('lover's lane'), two men in pith helmets walking toward camera; 'Old Christobal: Fire Station, United Fruit Co., ...'; buildings; navy ships coming into harbor; 'El Distrito'; building fronts shot from moving car, sailors walking on sidewalks; 'Carnival Colon'; car lined streets; parade; 'Oscar-(ette)?'; parade; 'The Grand Parade 2/22/39'; parade in New Christobal: floats, soldiers, sailors, firemen, band; 'Viva la Reina'; little girl dressed in white dress dancing; girl climbing steps, sitting on landing with little boy; dressed up little girls in yard; exterior of beer garden building; construction workders asleep on sawhorses; making concrete; 'Drawing the National'; men in gazebo drawing lottery winner and announcing winner with megaphone; '4th of July 1938 Christobal Docks'; crowd of people inside dockside warehouse; footrace in warehouse; 'The Boat Races'; men in sailboats sailing in rain; 'A Dark Horse'; two men rowing one man with umbrella in boat; sailboats sitting in harbor with sails furled; 'The Winnah'; solitary man standing in boat, rowing; double rainbow in front of large hill; native man carrying cloth sack; woman and girl walking in yard (clothes on clothesline); women and girl in yard; exterior shot of house, green landscape; women and girl walking down road; close up of little girl; woman and girl sitting on fence post; man in hammock in front of house; woman and little girl riding horse; men working in garden; girl taking saddle off horse; girls petting horse; man and little girl in yard with bucket of water; girl eating; outdoor patio; exterior of house; girl swinging on tire swing; woman pushing girl on swing; woman and girl (in cowgirl outfit) in yard; woman blowing up inflatable horse; girls gets on horse; 1940: aerial shot of islands off the SE coast of Panama; natives in dugout canoes; native village scenes; 1937: Christmas tree; little girl playing with gifts;little girl blowing horn; playing with doll, playing with teaset (tea party?); little girl and boy sitting in chairs; family at Christmas dinner; 'Christmas 1938'; decorating Christmas tree; cleaning up under tree; putting gifts under tree; 'Santa in Panama'; Christmas/Santa display in shop window; 'Her Big Moment'; shot of lit Christmas tree; gifts under tree; dark shots of little girl unwrapping gifts; little girl playing with gifts, caged bird; Christmas dinner; shot of living room (?) furniture (sofa, chaise lounge...); shot of lit Christmas tree (Christmas 1939); gifts under tree; train going under tree; little girl opening gifts; little girl playing with doll; exterior of house in Colon; Christmas tree with bicycle next to it; girl helping little girl ride bike; Christmas 1941: little girl and dog unwrapping gifts; Christmas tree; shot of set dining room table; little girl standing in sprinkler in yard; man hosing little girl off; boy and girl swinging in hammock; men on porch; family on porch; woman and girl swinging; girl swinging; man swinging; little girl standing in yard rubbing eye (as if she is sleepy); girl hugging puppy; girl and boy on stilts; kids with stilts; little girl asleep on bed with baby dolls; little girl crying; woman with injured nose; little girl and puppy in yard; puppy tugging on girl's dress; puppy and woman playing in living room; puppy eating from a bowl on black and white checked kitchen floor; kitten drinking milk from bowl; dog (Jack Russell terrier ?) and girl watching kitten; shots of kittens; woman and girl walking outside; man's and little girl's face shots; 'Karen and Louise Gatun'; woman and girl at edge of lake, girl throwing sand; 'Washington Pool'; women in swimsuits walking by pool's edge. // Tape 2: 'Karen and Louise Gatun'; woman and girl at edge of lake, girl throwing sand; 'Washington Pool'; women in swimsuits walking by pool's edge; women and little girl in pool; people swimming and jumping into pool; 'Southern Exposure'; girl and boy fishing; girl's smiling face (missing two front teeth); girls in yard; exterior of house, flowers; girls hiding in poinsettia bushes; girls splashing in tin tubs full of water on patio; little girl in southern belle Halloween costume; girl in yard wearing witch costume and mask; girl on teeter totter and slide on deck of ship; dolphins swimming along side of ship; little girl in life vest on deck of ship; passengers in life vests on ship's deck; dock in San Francisco, California; Golden Gate bridge; San Francisco Bay, Alcatraz; little girl showing camera page of book; kids on dock; shots of landscape from train; passengers on train; port of New Orleans; Havana, Cuba: lighthouse; girl playing on deck of ship; passengers in deck chairs; picnic; kids walking across rocks in stream; kids being led around on pony; school kids at train station(?); kids lined up in park (school bus in background); kids in park; Easter; boys in yard with bunny; boys throwing rocks in stream; two women and boy standing under palm tree; family on board ship; Puerto Rico: pool at the Hilton Hotel, with ocean in background; landscape (Rocky mountains, people skiing) seen from train; boys playing outside; exterior of house, kids on porch; boy climbing on gate; exterior of houses in South Carolina; older couple sitting on stoop waving to camera; little girl sitting on cannon; Williamsburg, VA: Governor's palace, girl in the stocks; panoramic view from Skyline drive; shot of Potomac River from Mt. Vernon; exterior view of the river side of Mt. Vernon; U.S. Capitol building; Washington monument with reflecting pool; Lincoln Memorial; view from Empire State building (Manhattan, Central Park, Chrysler building, Flatiron building); Grand Tetons, Jackson Hole, Wyoming; woman and girl standing in front of boarded up school house; man changing flat tire; shot of flat Colorado landscape (Eastern Colorado); little girl in landscape; mountains, pine trees, snow near Denver, Colorado; girl playing in snow; woman and girl walking in snow; stream; Buffalo Bill's gravesite; woman and girl at Buffalo Bill's grave; sign commemorating Buffalo Bill; woman and girl in petrified forest; canyon; geyser; salt flats in Utah; dark shots; going across Golden Gate Bridge; Grand Canyon (shot on June 22, 1941--the day Hitler invaded Russia); woman and girl at edge of Grand Canyon; dirt road in desert; girl standing on front bumper of car; woman standing next to car; Hopi reservation, houses, burros; girl sitting on petrified tree; 'Agate House'; girl and woman with ruins of house; hogan; New Mexico: white sands (1941), girl and woman on sand dunes; Apache Indian reservation; 'Cavern Supply Co.' sign; people in entrance to Carlsbad cavern; 'Karen's Birthday Party'; little girl's third birthday party; little girl standing on chair to blow out candles; tables set for party; kids playing pin the tail on the donkey; kids eating cake and ice cream; girl blowing out birthday candles; fifth birthday party; cake, kids; sixth birthday party: kids playing outside with crepe paper butterflies; 14th birthday party on beach; girl in graduation gown with boy ('graduating from Stanford University'); graduate posing with mom then dad; commencement exercises outside; baby in bouncy seat outside; boy and baby in yard; first birthday party: baby puts foot in cake; baby and toddler at first birthday party with family members; little boy feeding cake to baby; baby eating cake; man, woman and two small children on porch in winter; boy on tricycle on porch; baby in playpen; little boys playing in yard, picking flowers; baby lying in crib crying; baby being bathed in basin; baby lying in crib; 4 month old baby lying in carrier; quick shot of Christmas tree; baby in swing; baby in play pen; little girl holding baby; woman holding baby; baby in swing; baby crawling, sitting on floor; baby in high chair; girl holding baby up; baby in playpen; girl playing with baby; crawling baby; baby walking with help; baby in playpen; baby walking; baby at beach in New Christobal; baby walking in yard; baby in high chair with cake, eating cake; third birthday party: cake, candles, food, family and friends; kids with balloons; boy in dirt driveway in front of house; nude boy in yard playing in water; boy in cowboy outfit; boy and girl in toy car; Christmas; sledding; kids pretending to be fighting knights; cub scouts dressed as knights in armor; kids outside in winter gear holding up stuffed animals; fifth birthday party: pinata, kids dressed in costume, blowing out birthday candles, food on table; kids with balloons; 1956: interior of cabin at Yellowstone National park (pot belly stove, bed, bare light bulb hanging from ceiling): exterior of cabin with boy in doorway; rapids and Falls on Yellowstone River; Mt. Rushmore; outdoor family/friends get together in Dayton, OH; kids 'fighting' with sticks; boys digging up weeds in yard; shot of flowers in a vase; sunset; kids sledding; icicles hanging off house roof; snow covered trees; young woman and young man dressed to go to prom, posing in house, walking out door, posing in yard with roses; young man in suit putting on coat; two young men posing for camera; bride and groom leaving church; bridal party, guests leaving church; Christmas tree and gifts, manger; man and woman with gifts in front of tree; Christmas decorations; family/friend get together in family room (?), woman sitting on man's lap, kissing man; man and woman dressed as Roman gladiator and Roman lady; woman holding baby, man in shot; baby held by various people; baby on floor.

4 Copies
