[Buffington--home movies] Reel 4

New Jersey, New York, United States
This item may be available for reuse, please contact Northeast Historic Film for more information
1960 – 1961
Donor notes: [EM is Ellen M. Buffington.] Reel 4: 1955 Rambler. Ella Wallenius Mom and Pop. Mrs. Kalle Forst. Gloria Johanson et al. EM horsebacking, long hair, short hair. At cemetery. Statue of Liberty with EM. Empire State Building with EM. U.N. building with EM. Family Pix. Mom's farewell to farm. Hartford hospital. Ilmi Laakso and cousin from Finland. First flag raising by Popsi. Kallen and If. Evening grosbeaks in winter in crabapple tree. 1960-61.

3 Copies
