[Fields--home movies] Reel 6
United States (?)
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Amateur footage of family activities. NHF xfer notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. 6. Danny's 1st birthday '60, Easter '60, Danny, July 4th picnic '60. (UNEDITED) NHF Cataloguer's Notes For Reel 6. Intertitles: '(1) Danny's 1st birthday. (2) Easter. (3) 4th of July picnic. 1960.' 15:25. Toddler walks hurriedly across lawn. Toddler walks on path of home. 16:04. Walks to bottom step. Resumes walk, but falls down. (These shots a bit faded.) Toddler walks under wash hanging on line. He bouncingly walks on lawn. Wals past door, crouches down on lawn. He alternately crouches and walks. 17:02. Now walking expertly. He walks past bushel basket. He picks up rake lying on lawn. Two girls, in formal dress walk on path. Toddler between formally clad boy and girl. The three walk on path. Girl, boy side by side. 18:01. Toddler walking on lawn. He hops along in bouncing fashion. He hops like a bunny. Woman takes him by hand. Toddler, woman, two girls in back of car exterior. Toddler walks about in jauntty, bouncing fashion. Woman, two girls by car exterior. Girls greet toddler as he approaches. Girls dance about in imitation of toddler's continuing jaunty, bouncing walk. 19:09. Woman joins girls by car. One of the girls wave. Boy lights candle on cake. He has strap across shoulder. Small bag attached to end of strap. Toddler in high chair. Boy brings cake over to toddler. Boy tries to encourage toddler to blow out candle. Boy does so for him. CU cake. Toddler in high chair. Girl at side. 20:00. Woman feeds toddler from spoon. Woman leans down and talks to toddler. She feeds him more cake. She places smidgin of cake on high chair tray. Boy at table eating cake. 21:00. Family assembled at table. Two boys wave. Woman waves. Two girls well-dressed. Girl at right, boy wave. Toddler in high chair. Woman at table. Food on table. Pan. of well-provendored table. Two girls by table. One points. Woman. Boy has home movie camera. Boy holds toddler on his lap. Toddler attempts to get down. Girl has present. She waves. 22:05. Boy fools with toddler who now sits on floor. Toddler rises, walks away. Boy holds up present, 'Learn to draw outfit'. Girl has camera. Instructions dangle from string still attached to camera. Toddler. Toddler outside. He has two batons. Girl arrives. She takes one of the batons and twirls it. 23:00. Swinging his, toddler tries to imitate her. She marches along as majorette would. Toddler imitates her. She beckons to toddler. As she swings, twirls baton, he attempts same. He does march steps. She does same. Both do marching steps. CU girl. 24:02. She waves. Curls lips over teeth. Toddler walks along dragging two batons. CU toddler. Girl emerges from door of home. Woman emerges clad in summer outfit. Shorts, sleeveless blouse. Girl holds blouse in front of self as if to hide from camera. She says a few words, smiles. Two young men beating on individual drums extended from shoulder straps. They march forward, beating their drums in unison. They turn, march in opposite direction. They march, beat drums standing in place. 25:01. Group women. Not formally, but nicely dressed. The five stand side by side. They wave. Two men in business suits talking, older woman at right. Pan. of five men standing side by side. Male group waves. Toddler walks along as girl follows. Toddler wheels toy wheelbarrow. He turns, points. 26:02. Toddler wheels wheelbarrow vigorously as girl watches. Toddler pauses at side of building. Runs swiftly forward. Runs back. Picnic. Barbecue grill in operation. Man cooking, serving food from grill. Man drinks from can. Two girls near grill. 27:03. Several picnickers under tree branch. Group helps selves from food on table. Woman wearing sunglasses. Man wears plumed hat. Woman smiles as she approaches grill. She lowers sunglasses. Man drinks from can. Steam ascends from grill. Boy with well-stocked plate. Woman in sunglasses. Weiner on end of cooking fork. Man dispenses into waiting bun. 28:03. Girls walk away with plates loaded with food. Toddler crouched under table. Game of toss ball has begun. CU woman. Woman removes sunglasses. CUs of several women. woman retrieves bll from beside of bush. 29:03. It is small basketball. She tries to threw through hoop. Toddler sitting on ground. Dog walks up. Girl pats dog. Holding onto stick implanted in ground, toddler rocks self back and forth. Boy, slightly older than toddler walks up. Toddler crouches down by stick. (End of Reel 6.)
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