[Fields--home movies] Reel 9
United States (?)
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Amateur footage of family activities. NHF xfer notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. 9. Easter 1962, Cavaliers at Westover Air Base, 4th of July parade and picnic '62, Karen's 1st walking pictures Fall '62. (UNEDITED) NHF Cataloguer's notes: Reel 9: Intertitles: '1962. (1) Easter. (2) Cavaliers at Westover airbase. (3) 4th of July parade & picnic. (4) Karen's 1st walking pictures.' 00:01. Woman with infant in arms. Girl joins the two. The women smile. Girl waves. Infant grasps corsage woman is wearing. Shot of the three. C. U. infant smiling. CU woman. C,U. girl wearing Easter lily corsage. Fetching in suit, little boy waves. He walks under clothesline. 01:00. CU boy. Woman holds girl toddler's hands as infant walks. Girl in Easter dress by car. Smiles. Woman holds toddler's hands as both walk on path. Toddler smiles. CU toddler. Woman holds toddler in arms. Sets toddler down. Holds her arms as she walks. Toddler in woman's arms. Formally dressed boy by car. 02:01. He is joined by woman, man. Two men walk forward. Boys are teenagers. Older man, man in 20's or 30's. Vertical pan. of the two nicely-suited, shoes-well-shined men. Man in his 20's or 30's. Woman walks by with toddler in arms. Woman kisses infant or toddler in arms. Young man approaches. Woman kisses toddler. Family group in yard, by car. Girl waves. Young men talking by car. One taps fingers on car. 03:02. Two young men and older gent. CU smiling toddler. Airport. Plane on runway. Side of plane sign: 'U.S. Air Force. 2144.' Band, Cavaliers assembled at side of air field. Clad in scarlet jackets, yellow-plumed hats, cavalier band marches forward. 04:03. Some play drums. Others woodwind instruments. Harmonious marching in place. Woodwind section. Drummers. Rear view entire retinue. Pan. of group as they march in place. Cavalier bearing American flag, accompanying group. 05:08. Alternate cavalier group. They wear plumed hats, but white jackets and black trousers. Drummers of this group. Scarlet, yellow flags fly in background. Back of spectator's head. Cavaliers continue instrument-playing, marching. Drummers march forward. Conductor waves arms. 06:02. Leader bearing American flag heads this group. Unit flags bourne in rear of procession. Marching in formation. Girl, little boy. She touches under part of airplane wing. Boy swings arms. Plane descends runway. Rear exterior of plane. Planes. People walking, talking on air base. Scarlet-jacketed cavalier band. Quick pan. of group. Flags flying, group continues their marching. 07:06. Balloons. Cavaliers march through business district of town. Group smartly proceed in unison. Woodwind section. Rear view cavalier unit. Woman marchers, white blouses, black jumpers, unit flags flying. Another group of woman marchers,white blouses, black skirts,yellow plumes on heads. 08:01. Three woman marchers. One bears American flag. Ladies bearing unit flags. Scarlet-clad male cavaliers. Two uniformed men astride horses. One of them waves to crowd. Group of similarly-uniformed men in old-time vehicle. Unit assembled on field. Left tracking pan. of all aforementioned unit, cavaliers, etc. standing on field. 09:00. Two girls doing 60's type dance. This is the twist. Teenage boy in sunglasses does the same. Other individuals do so. Larger woman twists. Older gent in lawn chaise-lounge. Elderly woman seated nearby. Woman hollds toddler's hands as toddler walks. Family assembled by car. Man secures lid of trunk. Three men near trunk. Teenage boy strikes bodybuilder pose. Lifting together, the three men raise rear of car. 10:03. Adolescent boy eating slice of watermelon. Quick pan. of group near car. Older man does few lively dance steps. Boy, 11 or 12, walks along. Man holds infant in arms. Boy talks to the two. Infant points. CU toddler. Toddler walks on lawn. Toddler approaches table. Tricycle near table. Toddler sits down. Toddler rises, walks about. Toddler's face. 11:01. Toddler walks about. Stroller at side of door. Toddler smiles, enjoying walking. Walks past small ladder. Woman points in distance to toddler. Woman, toddler walk along together. 12:01. Toddler plucks small flower from lawn. Boy, little more than toddler himself, does the twist on lawn. Rare and charming shot. Toddler walks on driveway. Boy is with her. Boy. Runs, jumps into leaf pile. As car comes down street, boy rises from leaves. He throws leaves into the air. It is autumn. Woman, toddler in hand, walks up to boy. 13:08. Toddler smiles as boy throws leaves. Boy commences to rake leaves. Toddler smiles, speaks a bit. Boy plays in leaves. Driveable toy car at side. Woman watches children from doorstep. Boy rolls in leaves, dog-fashion. Toddler now crawls in leaves. Boy crawls in leaves. Pauses, smiles. (End of Reel 9.)
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