[Great Northern Paper Company films] Reel 4
Greenville, Maine
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'Tree Farm' logo. Closeup shot of invitation card for dedication ceremony of Great Northern Paper Company Tree Farm, June 10, 1963 at Squaw Mountain Inn in Greenville. J.T. Maines speaks outdoors at podium with Tree Farm logo on front. Shot of other speakers seated in lawn chairs behind podium. Shot of audience standing. John Hartranft speaks at podium. JC McClellan speaks at podium. Great Northern Paper Company President Peter Paine speaks at podium. J.T. Maines speaks at podium. Governor John Reed speaks at podium. Shot of small trees/seedlings in planters on table. Speakers pose while holding seedlings. Closeup shots of b&w still photos. Sign: 'Keep Maine Green. This is God's Country. Why Set It on Fire and Make it Look Like Hell.' American flag flying.
6 Copies