116 work results

20) 1574.0001 Ballad of Buster
Donor's letter: 'Ballad of Buster' is an art film produced in 'context of a true story which took place on the Maine coast. Buster Estes was a Harpswell fisherman who took two y...;[a byron color-correct print] Shot of clouds over the sun while a voice over gives a marine forecast for Casco Bay on Dec. 27. An anemometer. A boat’s wake. Shot of the water an...
15) 2716.0329 The Family Works with Ann Jillian
The Family Works! with Ann Jillian Local Hour Show - follow up hosted by Chet Curtis & Natalie Jacobson airs 1/25/91 (Matching from Code X5660);Natalie Jacobs and Chet Curtis introduce the Family Works series in front of a live studio audience. Ann Jillian narrates dramatizations of different family scenes. Curtis and J...;Credits: Produced by: Debra Shapiro, Written by: Curtis Poole, Directed by: J. Philip Miller, Cast: Ann Jillian, with Joanne – Deb Parmet, Ken – Ken Baltin, Matthew – Danny Midd...
1) 2716.0974 Miller's Court - Innocent Murder #3
Master Miller's Court X2078 An Innocent Murder Rec. 9/23/82 Air. 9/26/82;Miller's Court: Innocent Murder; An elderly woman watches a television story about murder and sets up a loaded gun by her back door; she prepares for bed as a repairperson comes...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Julie Sattler Rosen, William Lowell, Sandy Devincentis, Diane Sherlock, J.I.Laughinghouse, Paul Taylor, Emmons S. Levine, Frank Gallozzi, Jay Gravin...
14) 2716.0975 Miller's Court - Money? #3
Miller's Court X2082 WCVB Code 23 [Love?] or Money; Rec Date: 9/30/82 Air Date: 10/3/82; Prod: Lowell Master "Play on an 1100 machine VTR 8, 9, 10 ";Miller's Court: Love or Money? opens with a series of photo slides and happy memories that dissolves into an argument between a couple; palimony is the topic of the segment; bla...;In the studio Arthur Miller; Julie Sattler Rosene; Bill Lowell; Sandy Devincentis; Diane Sherlock; Isaac Laughinghouse; Holly Wright; Emmons S. Levine, Frank Gallozzi, Bruce Gol...
5) 2716.0976 Miller's Court - Seeing Is Believing
Master Miller's Court X2081 Seeing is Believing Rec. 10/2/82 Air. 11/14/82;Miller's Court: Seeing is Believing; A robbery at a convenience store at the close of day puts the eye witness in the cross-hairs; Stephen Delinsky and James La Rossa argue the ...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Julie Sattler Rosen, William Lowell, Sandy Devincentis, Diane Sherlock, Emmons S. Levine, Robert Clayman, Bruce Goldman, Jay Gravina, Jerry Milot, ...
16) 2716.0977 Miller's Court - Stolen Child #8
Master Miller's Court X2210 Stolen Child Rec. 11/10/82 Air. 11/21/82;Miller's Court: Stolen Child; Daddy hustles his daughter away to his home away from his estranged wife; Julia Perles and Glenn Lewis argue about whether it should be a crime to ...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Julie Sattler Rosen, William Lowell, Sandy Devincentis, Diane Sherlock, Emmons S. Levine, Dana Cetlin, Ron Pearl, Leo Demers, Rob Roy, Bruce Goldma...
7) 2716.0978 Miller's Court - The Informer
Master Miller's Court X2252 The Informer Rec. 12/2/82;Miller's Court: The Informer; A senator is charged with taking money for his campaign but an informant is testifying against the senator; the questions in this episode are how f...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Julie Sattler Rosene; William Lowell, Sandy Devincentis, Diane Sherlock, Emmons S. Levine, Paul Taylor, Bruce Goldman, Joe Jacob, Frank Gallozzi, M...
8) 2716.0979 Miller's Court - Felon at Fifteen
Miller's Court Master X2290; Felon At Fifteen; Rec: 12/10/82 Air: 12/19/82;Miller's Court: Felon at Fifteen; 3:24 a.m. a young man is shown with a gas can and lighting a fire, then riding away on bicycle; emergency crews evacuating a building that is b...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Julie Sattler Rosene; William Lowell, Sandy Divincentis, Diane Sherlock, Emmons S. Levine, Paul Taylor, Bruce Goldman, Frank Gallozzi, Michael Grana...
9) 2716.0980 Miller's Court - One for the Road
Miller's Court Master X2304; 30 min XJ; "One for the Road"; Rec. Date 12/15/82 Air Date: 12/26/82;Miller's Court: One for the Road; Opens with scene of a car accident & DWI charges filed by emergency responders; black screen breaks; F. Lee Bailey and Thomas Mundy interview w...;Credits: Miller’s Court with Arthur Miller Harvard Law School; Produced by Julie Sattler Rosene; Directed by William Lowell; Associate Producers: Sandy Devincentis, Diane Sherlo...
20) 2716.0981 Miller's Court - Killing Him Softly #23
Master Miller's Court X2405 Killing Him Softly No. 23 Rec. 4-11-83 Air. 4-24-83;Miller's Court; Killing Him Softly; theme song and visuals; a patient rests motionless in a medical facility while mother and son talk about the patient's suffering; the son lea...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Julie Sattler Rosene, William Lowell, Diane Sherlock, Mary Ellen Hayes, Bruce Goldman, Joe Jacob, Emmons S. Levine, Jay Gravina, Skip Peabody, Bill ...
11) 2716.0982 Miller's Court - Guaranteed for Life #24
Miller's Court Master X2407; [Guaranteed] for life; Rec: 4-25-83 Air: 5-1-83;Miller's Court: Guaranteed for Life; Emergency workers, a child with a self-inflicted wound, and a report of handguns are the opening scene on whether a gun manufacture can be h...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Julie Sattler Rosene, William Lowell, Diane Sherlock, Mary Ellen Hayes, Bruce Goldman, Diane Culp, Frank, Gallozzi, Jay Gravina, Skip Peabody, Wayne...
22) 2716.0983 Miller's Court - Heavenly Deception #25
Master Miller's Court X2409 Heavenly Deception No. 25 Rec. 5-2-83 Air. 5-8-83;Miller's Court: Heavenly Deception; parents try to reclaim their daughter from a group that they believe is a cult; Arthur Miller introduces the question of whether those who be...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Julie Sattler Rosene, William Lowell, Diane Sherlock, Mary Ellen Hayes, Bruce Goldman, Sandy Foreman, Frank, Gallozzi, Jay Gravina, Skip Peabody, Bi...
13) 2716.0984 Miller's Court - In a Family Way #30
Master Miller's Court X2932 "In a Family Way" No. 30 (Paternity) Rec. 8-26-83 Air. 10-8-83;Miller's Court: In A Family Way; An amorous couple discusses a doctor's visit that discloses an unexpected pregnancy; she is now suing the father for child support; Arthur Mille...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Julie Sattler Rosene, William Lowell, Diane Sherlock, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Bruce Goldman, Steven Avruch, Chris O'Hare, Frank, Gallozzi, Ja...
12) 2716.0985 Miller's Court - Wrong Place Wrong Time
Master X2939 Series Title: Miller's Court X2939 Program Title: Wrong Place Wrong Time Prod: Bill Lowell;Miller's Court: Wrong Place, Wrong Time; A security guard accidentally shoots a bystander during a robbery, and one of the robbers is charged with homicide; the law allows the p...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Julie Sattler Rosene, William Lowell, Diane Sherlock, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Bruce Goldman, Joan Greco, Emmons S. Levine, Jay Gravina, Skip ...
25) 2716.0986 Miller's Court - Happy Birthday #35
Master Miller's Court X2943 (Surrogate Mothers) "Happy Birthday" No. 35 Rec. 11-7-83 Air. 11-19-83;Surrogate Mothers; Miller's Court; Happy Birthday; an infant is cradled, and a couple ask for directions to the maternity ward; mother and child rock while the "parents" observe...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Julie Sattler Rosene, William Lowell, Diane Sherlock, Mary Ellen Hayes, Bruce Goldman, Stephanie Levin, Emmons S. Levine, Frank Gallozzi, Bayard Pea...
26) 2716.0987 Miller's Court - Prescription For Murder #39
Master Miller's Court X2951 (Reasonable Doubt) "Prescription For Murder" No. 39 Rec. 12-5-83 Air. 1-28-84;Title: “Miller’s Court”, “Prescription for Murder”. Dramatization of a murder investigation. Arthur Miller introduces the court case of a man accused of murdering his brother. T...;Credits: Miller’s Court with Arthur Miller Harvard Law School; Produced By: Julie Sattler Rosene; Directed By: William Lowell; Associate Producer: Diane Sherlock; Assistants to ...
33) 2716.0988 Miller's Court - Against His Will #43
Master Miller's Court X4044 (Wills) "Against His Will" No. 43 Rec. 2-13-84 Air. 3-10-84;Miller's Court: Against His Will; Children expect to inherit their father's estate but a woman who lived with their father during his final years claims the inheritance; Arthur ...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Julie Sattler Rosene, William Lowell, Karen Colbert, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Bruce Goldman, Stephanie Levin, Emmons S. Levine, Bryan Lans, Sk...
28) 2716.0989 Miller's Court - Play Rights #44
Miller's Court X4046 (Students' First Amendment Rights) "Play Rights" No. 44 Rec. 3-5-84 Air. 3-17-84;Title: “Miller’s Court”. Dramatic scene of a school board member dealing with a controversial student play at a high school. Arthur Miller presents a case of free speech regardi...;Credits: Miller’s Court with Arthur Miller Harvard Law School; Produced by Diane Sherlock; Directed by William Lowell; Associate Producer: Karen M. Colbert; Assistant to the Pro...
35) 2716.0990 Miller's Court - Released #45
Master Miller's Court X4048 (Victim's Rights) "Released" No. 45 Rec. 3-12-84 Air. 3-24-84;Miller's Court: Victim's Rights; An assault victim discovers that her assailant is out on a work-release program; she sues to keep her assailant in jail for his full sentence; M...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Diane Sherlock, William Lowell, Karen M. Colbert, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin, Bruce Goldman, Emmons S. Levine, Frank Gallozzi, B...
20) 2716.0991 Miller's Court - Shape Up #46
Master Miller's Court X4050 (Exercise Show) "Shape Up" No. 46 Rec. 3-19-84 Air. 3-31-84;Title: “Miller’s Court, Shape Up”. Dramatic scene of a woman collapsing during an aerobics class. [Music is Michael Jackson’s ‘Beat It’.] Arthur Miller introduces the case: plai...;Credits: Miller’s Court with Arthur Miller Harvard Law School; Producer: Diane Sherlock; Directed by Bob Comiskey; Associate Producer: Karen M. Colbert; Assistants to the Produc...
31) 2716.0992 Miller's Court - Complications #47
Master Miller's Court X4054 (Midwifery) "Complications" No. 47 Rec. 3-26-84 Air. 4-21-84;Miller's Court: Complications; Expectant parents leave home for the hospital with a midwife helping the emergency staff; the baby dies soon after delivery; the midwife is being ...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Diane Sherlock, Bob Comiskey, Karen M. Colbert, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Bruce Goldman, Stephanie Levin, Emmons S. Levine, Frank Gallozzi, Ski...
2) 2716.0993 Miller's Court - Between the Lines #48
Miller's Court Master X4058 (Libel) "Between the Lines" No. 48 Rec: 4-2-84 Air: 4-28-84 Prod. Sherlock Comiskey;Miller's Court: Between the Lines; the difference between a novel and the truth are tested in a libel lawsuit as argued by Rikki Klieman and Don Reuben before a jury; black scre...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Diane Sherlock, Bob Comiskey, Karen M. Colbert, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin, Bruce Goldman, Emmons S. Levine, Frank Firnschild, B...
23) 2716.0994 Miller's Court - Show of Force #49
Master Miller's Court X4056 (Deadly Force) "Show of Force" No. 49 Rec. 4-9-84 Air. 5-5-84;Miller's Court: Show of Force; Police officers pull over a driver for running a stop sign and then end up shooting a passenger; Arthur Miller introduces the lawyers, Michael Ave...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Diane Sherlock, Bob Comiskey, Karen M. Colbert, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Bruce Goldman, Stephanie Levin, Emmons S. Levine, Frank Gallozzi, Ski...
22) 2716.0995 Miller's Court - Human Error #50
Master Miller's Court X4060 (Conspiracy) "Human Error no. 50 Rec. 4/23/84 Air. 5/12/84 Prod. Sherlock Dir. Comiskey;Conspiracy; Miller's Court: Human Error; scientists discuss the errors in a test batch of mice and the need to correct the results in order to get a drug on the market; the comp...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Diane Sherlock, Bob Comiskey, Karen M. Colbert, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin, Bruce Goldman, Emmons S. Levine, Frank Gallozzi, Bay...
25) 2716.0996 Miller's Court - Family Secrets #51
Master Miller's Court X5069 (Adoption) "Family Secrets" No. 51 Rec. 4-30-84 Air. 5-1984;Miller's Court: Family Secrets; A woman seeks her adoption records to learn of her biological parents; Arthur Miller introduces the legal question of whether the records should ...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Diane Sherlock, Bob Comiskey, Karen M. Colbert, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Bruce Goldman, Stephanie Levin, Emmons S. Levine, Frank Gallozzi, Ski...
6) 2716.0997 Miller's Court - Just Coffee #52
Miller's Court; X4063 WCVB Code 41 Master (Rape); Miller's Court "Just Coffee" No. 52; Rec. Date: 5-7-84 Air Date: 5-26-84;Miller's Court: Just Coffee; "Date Rape" opens with a party scene of couple enjoys drinks and separating into small talk; one pair drives off, with the outcome of a charge of ra...;Arthur Miller, Diane Sherlock, Bob Comiskey, Karen M. Colbert, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin, Bruce Goldman, Emmons S. Levine, Jay Gravina, Bayard Peabody, Jr.,...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Diane Sherlock, Bob Comiskey, Karen M. Colbert, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin, Bruce Goldman, Emmons S. Levine, Jay Gravina, Bayard...
27) 2716.0998 Miller's Court - The Last Straw #55
Master Miller's Court X3290 (Diminished Responsibility) "The Last Straw" No. 55 Rec. 9-26-84 Air. 10-6-84;Miller's Court: The Last Straw; An elderly man is taunted in his yard by a group of young men until he pulls out a small caliber handgun and shoots at the group to disperse them...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Diane Sherlock, Bob Comiskey, Karen M. Colbert, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Bruce Goldman, Stephanie Levin, Emmons S. Levine, Rob Sturgeon, Chris...
8) 2716.0999 Miller's Court - To Be or Not To Be #56
Miller's Court Master X3292 New Reproductive Technology "To Be or Not To Be" No. 56;Miller's Court: To Be or Not To Be; Scene of Lab with technicians and petri dish; scene with clients and lawyer in an argument over signing a waiver to use the frozen embryo wit...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Diane Sherlock, Bob Comiskey, Karen M. Colbert, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin, Bruce Goldman, Emmons S. Levine, Frank Gallozzi, Chr...
9) 2716.1000 Miller's Court - For Richer or For Poorer #66
Miller's Court X3458 Master (Future earnings as Alimony) 'For Richer or Poorer' No. 66 Air: 1/20/85;Miller's Court: For Richer or Poorer; Future earning as Alimony is the subject of the court case that develops but the scene opens with a hospital hallway and a female doctor re...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Diane Sherlock, Bob Comiskey, Karen M. Colbert, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin, Al Giglio, Emmons S. Levine, Bob Sturgeon, George El...
10) 2716.1001 Miller's Court - Deadly Defense #103
Master Miller's Court X4415 Deadly Defense Rec/ 1/16/87;Miller's Court: Deadly Defense; A man responds to a series of break-ins by putting a sign in his window that it is booby-trapped, but it still results in the death of an intrude...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Elizabeth Cheng, Bob Comiskey, Curtis Poole, Linda Adler, Karen Loop, Frank Firnschild, Stephanie Levin, John Boyle, Bruce Goldman, George Ellard, J...
11) 2716.1002 Miller's Court - Kiss and Tell #106
Master Miller's Court X4421 Kiss & Tell Rec 4/10/87 Air. 4/12/87;Miller's Court: Kill & Tell; A scene opens with couples in a bar flirting, then fades to a man waking up to a note alerting him to his partner's positive herpes test results; Ar...;In the studio Elizabeth Cheng, Bob Comiskey, Curtis Poole, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin, John Boyle, Bruce Goldman, John Breen, George Ellard, Joe Mozdiez, Dave Gardiner, Michae...
32) 2716.1003 Miller's Court - Legacy #107
Master Miller's Court X4423 Legacy Rec. 4/17/87;Miller's Court: Legacy; Upon the death of a family man, and dispersal of that inheritance, his property's seizure by the government on behalf of crime victims of the deceased is...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Elizabeth Cheng, Richard Puttkamer, Curtis Poole, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin, Emmons S. Levine, Bruce Goldman, Kif Williams, George Ellard, Joe Mo...
33) 2716.1004 Miller's Court - A Matter of Faith #109
Master Miller's Court X4427 A Matter of Faith Rec. 5/7/87;Miller's Court: A Matter of Faith; A TV preacher leaves his broadcast pulpit, and is stopped by a supplicant who later bequeaths her inheritance to the ministry upon her death; ...;In the studio Elizabeth Cheng, Richard Puttkamer, Curtis Poole, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin, John Boyle III, Bruce Goldman, Kif Williams, George Ellard, David Gardiner, Zip Bra...
34) 2716.1005 Miller's Court - If Words Could Kill #111
Master Miller's Court X4431 If Words Could Kill Rec. 5/22/87
15) 2716.1006 Miller's Court - Forbidden Passion #36
Miller's Court X2945 Prod. Bill Lowell;Miller's Court: Forbidden Passion; a 15-year-old reports that a musician took advantage of her; statutory rape standards are the issues argued by Patrick Williams and Henry Owen...;In the studio Julie Sattler Rosene, William Lowell, Diane Sherlock, Mary Ellen Hayes Linda Adler, Bruce Goldman, Joan Greco, Emmons S. Levine, Jay Gravina, Bayard Peabody, Jr., ...
10) 2716.1007 Miller's Court - #32 Side Effects
Master Miller's Court X - 2937;Title: “Miller’s Court, Side Effects”. Dramatic scene, where a girl gets birth control pills from her doctor. The doctor then informs her parents. Arthur Miller introduces the c...;Credits: Miller’s Court with Arthur Miller Harvard Law School; Produced by Julie Sattler Rosene; Directed by William Lowell; Associate Producer: Diane Sherlock; Assistants to th...
Next 36