Miller's Court - Shape Up #46

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March 19 1984
Master Miller's Court X4050 (Exercise Show) "Shape Up" No. 46 Rec. 3-19-84 Air. 3-31-84
Title: “Miller’s Court, Shape Up”. Dramatic scene of a woman collapsing during an aerobics class. [Music is Michael Jackson’s ‘Beat It’.] Arthur Miller introduces the case: plaintiff Brenda Morgan sues defendant Kimberly Bates for a back injury during an exercise class. Stanly Preiser represents the plaintiff, Jo Ann Harris for the defendant. The plaintiff and defendants are questioned. Miller asks the lawyers about their process and talks with the jury. The jury sides with the defendant.
Credits: Miller’s Court with Arthur Miller Harvard Law School; Producer: Diane Sherlock; Directed by Bob Comiskey; Associate Producer: Karen M. Colbert; Assistants to the Producer: Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler; Writer/Researcher: Stephanie Levin; Assistant Director: Bruce Goldman; Stage Managers: Emmons S. Levine, Frank Gallozzi; Switcher: Bayard Peabody, Jr.; Audio: Joe Mozdiez; Audio Assistants: Isiah Bradwell, Gretchen Soehner; Video: Karl Lorncic; Lighting Director: Jerry Milot; Camera: Richie O’Neill, Raymond Smith, Peter Walent, Jim Watson; Camera Assistant: Sumner Shain; Videotape Editor: Alan Pratt; Post Production: Doug DeVitt, George Ellard; Location Director: William Lowell; Location Crew: Bob Birkett, Howard Rouse, Sumner Shain, Carolyn Stirling; Set Design: Ted Talanian; Graphics: Glenn Robbins; Interns: John Beaulieu, Lynn Gilbert, Terri Siegel; Exec. Production Manager: Alan Ritsko; Production Manager: Ed Andre; Engineering Supervisor: Jim Gilbert; Brenda Morgan played by Sharon Passalcqua; Kimberly Bates played by Patricia Culbert; Court Reporter: Netta O’Brien; Court Officer: Stephen Minkofsky; Special Thanks to: North Quincy High School; Executive Producer: William C. Brennan; Vice President Programming: J. Clifford Curley

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