22 work results

2) 1275.0004 Remember the Maine
Historians discuss the Spanish-American War and theorize about what or who destroyed the battleship 'USS Maine.'
3) 1911.0001 Exploring the Heights
This footage was compiled as part of a live presentation with accompanying narration given by Charles S. Houston in 2002. A few still images of mountains. A shot of a newspape...
7) 2271.0002 Great American Woodlots #101
Great American Woodlots #101.
7) 2716.0104 Black History - Black Faces on the Silver Screen
Master; Black History - Black Faces on the Silver Screen Black History X3960 Black Faces on the Silver Screen Rec. 1/24/86;Title: ‘Black Faces on the Silver Screen’. LeVar Burton hosts an episode about the history of Black cinema. Highlights prominent films, actors and directors, including ‘Emperor ...;Credits: Produced by Karl Nurse; Written by Steve Hemmingway; Editor: Geoffrey Sullivan; Post Production Editors: George Ellard, Doug DeVitt; Graphics: Marcel Watkins; Special T...
25) 2716.0105 Black History - The Price
Master; Black History - The Price;"The Price: The History of Slavery" hosted by LeVar Burton; 1066 is the start of the story that describes slavery as evidence of wealth; James Blackwell explains the variety of ...;Credits: Produced by Karl Nurse, host LeVar Burton, written by Steve Hemingway, videotape editor Geoffrey Sullivan, post production editors George Ellard, Doug DeVitt, Alan Prat...
6) 2716.0249 Dartmouth - French
Master; WCVB Code M.T.E; Dartmouth; French; Rec. Date: 1/11/86; 2;Patient in a hospital bed watching small bedside television; nurse approaches; an exchange in French asking about how the patient feels; there are many takes to improve the soun...
7) 2716.0250 Dartmouth - French
Master; Dartmouth - French; M.T.E.; Rec. Date: 1-11-86 ;The patient is in a hospital bed, watching a small television; a nurse walks in and asks how he feels; he replies with a series of ailments; there are several takes; patient bin...
8) 2716.0251 Dartmouth - French
Dartmouth - French; M.T.E.; #3; Rec. Date: 1-12-86;Parts of the Body; The Instructor swivels in a chair to face camera; he talks about how to tell if the conversation is about one's health and then moves to the blackboard behind...
9) 2716.0252 Dartmouth - French
Dartmouth - French; M.T.E.; Rec. Date: 1-12-86; #4;Dartmouth - French; On the Body; Are you feeling well? Are you feeling bad? The instructor begins the lesson by asking the students to notice the facial expressions of the speak...
10) 2716.0253 Dartmouth - French
Dartmouth - French; Dunn. Prod; #10 Metro tape;Dunn Prod. Metro Tape; Razziatazz begins with a comedy scene of a patience and nurse but then continues with the letters of Razziatazz slowly being erased to lighthearted music....
11) 2716.1053 Miller's Court - Fair Game #91
Miller's Court X3936 Master (Sports Violence) "Fair Game" No. 91 Rec. 2-5-86 ;Miller's Court: Fair Game; Herman Gotcher and Joseph Balliro argue the points of law in a case involving hockey players and some resulting injury; Arthur Miller introduces the l...;In the studio Elizabeth Cheng, Bob Comiskey, Curtis Poole, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin, Bruce Coleman, John Boyle, John Breen, George Ellard, Joe Mozdiez, Ro...
12) 2716.1054 Miller's Court - Thou Shalt Not Kill #94
Miller's Court X3942 Master; (Juvenile Death Penalty) "Thou Shall Not Kill"; Rec: 3-14-86;Miller's Court: Thou Shalt Not Kill; the scene opens on a detention center for kids and talk about a particular case that calls for the Juvenile Death Penalty; Steven Clark and ...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Elizabeth Cheng, Bob Comiskey, Curtis Poole, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin, Emmons L. Levine, Frank Gallozzi, John Boyle, George El...
33) 2716.1055 Miller's Court - Special Delivery #96
Miller's Court Master X3946 Special Delivery Rec: 4/9/86 Show #96;Miller's Court: Special Delivery; Scene opens with the patient pressuring the doctor to consent to doing the final delivery of her pregnancy; he agrees after she signs a waiver;...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Elizabeth Cheng, Bob Cominskey, Curtis Poole, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin Emmons S. Levine, Frank Gallozzi, Bryan Lans, George El...
14) 2716.1056 Miller's Court - King of the Road #97
Miller's Court X3948 Master; (Seat Belts) "King of the Road"; Rec: 4/16/86;Miller's Court: King of the Road; Scene opens with a driver behind the wheel going around a roadblock and talking to the radio; he is pulled over by the police for having no car...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Elizabeth Cheng, Bob Comisky, Curtis Poole, Mar Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin, Emmons S. Levine, Frank Gallozzi, Bryan Lans, Chris O'Har...
31) 2716.1057 Miller's Court - Hitting Home #98
Master Miller's Court X3950 (Gay Adoption) "Hitting Home" No. 98 Rec. 4-30-86;Miller's Court: Hitting Home; a gay couple is denied custody in the adoption of a young child, and so they sue the state agency that claims the welfare of the child is better se...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Elizabeth Cheng, Bob Comiskey, Curtis Poole, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin, Emmons S. Levine, Bruce Goldman, Bryan Lans, George Ell...
2) 2716.1058 Miller's Court - High Spirits #88
Miller's Court X3952 WCVB Code 27; Master (Teens and Alcohol); Miller's Court "High Spirits" No. 88; Rec. Date: 5-8-86;Teens and alcohol; Miller's Court: High Spirits; the scene opens with teens stopped by police at a prom party found with alcohol but the parents are arrested; Michael Bradbury a...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Elizabeth Cheng, Bob Comiskey, Curtis Poole, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin, Emmons S. Levine, John Boyle, Bryan Lans, Geoge Ellard,...
29) 2716.1059 Miller's Court - Prodigal Son #101
Miller's Court X4156 Master; (Defector) "Prodigal Son"; Rec. 5-21-86;Miller's Court: Prodical Son; scene opens with a plane landing and a customs officer voices over a description of a man before he is arrested by the FBI; Norman Early and Steven...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Elizabeth Cheng, Bob Comiskey, Curtis Poole, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin, J. Isaac Laughinghouse, Bruce Goldman, Bryan Lans, Geor...
8) 2716.1060 Miller's Court - Birth Rights #102
Master Miller's Court X4395 Birth Rights No. 102 Rec. 12/19/86;Miller's Court: Birth Rights; Scott Harshbarger and Judith Lindahl argue the points of law around the issue of criminal responsibility during prenatal maternity; Arthur Miller i...;In the studio Elizabeth Cheng, Bob Comiskey, Curtis Poole, Linda Adler, Karen Loop, Stephanie Levin, J. Isaac Laughinghouse, Emmons S. Levine, George Ellard, George Nahas, Vern ...
19) 2716.1083 Miller's Court - Right of Way #90
Master Miller's Court X3934 (Free Speech - Neo Nazis) "Right of Way" No. 90;Free Speech/ Neo-Nazis; Miller's Court: Right of Way; the city council meeting is interrupted by a marching group who asks for the right to parade during the July 4th celebratio...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Elizabeth Cheng, Bob Comiskey, Curtis Poole, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin, Bruce Goldman, John Boyle, Jam Hakim, Chris O'Hare, Joe...
10) 2716.1084 Miller's Court - Truth or Consequences #93
Miller's Court X3940 "Truth or Consequences" Show #93;Slate: “Miller’s Court Truth or Consequences Show 93 Prod. Cheng Dir Comiskey”. Title: “Miller’s Court Truth or Consequences”. Arthur Miller presents a fictional case of a man s...;Credits: Miller’s Court with Arthur Miller Harvard Law School; Produced by: Elizabeth Cheng; Directed by: Bob Comiskey; Associate Producer: Curtis Poole; Assistants to the Produ...
11) 2716.1085 Miller's Court - Breaking All the Rules #95
Miller's Court X3945 Master; Breaking all the Rules;Reel and can say Master; paperwork says Dupe; Miller Court: Breaking All the Rules; the scene opens with an angry father and his daughter, bursting into the home of another fami...;Arthur Miller, Elizabeth Cheng, Bob Comiskey, Curtis Poole, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin, Emmons S. Levine, Bruce Goldman, Scott Philbrick, George Ellard, Joe ...
22) 2716.1086 Miller's Court - Eye of the Beholder #100
Miller's Court X3954 Master; (Art Vs Pornography) "Eye of the Beholder";Miller's Court: Eye of the Beholder; Art vs. Pornography; a neighborhood reacts to a homeowner's exterior artwork and sues the homeowners; black screen breaks; attorneys Harry M...;Arthur Miller, Elizabeth Cheng, Bob Comiskey, Curtis Poole, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Adler, Emmons S. Levine, John Boyle, Bryan Lans, George Ellard, Joe Mozdiez,...
Next 36