Miller's Court - Birth Rights #102

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December 19 1986
Master Miller's Court X4395 Birth Rights No. 102 Rec. 12/19/86
Miller's Court: Birth Rights; Scott Harshbarger and Judith Lindahl argue the points of law around the issue of criminal responsibility during prenatal maternity; Arthur Miller introduces the lawyers and the situation in the case that is before the jury; black screen breaks; witnesses testify about drug use; the audience is invited to cast votes by telephone; the lawyers talk about their strategies, and jurors talk about their observations; 9 jurors voted the mother not guilty and 3 voted guilty; the audience vote result is blank;
In the studio Elizabeth Cheng, Bob Comiskey, Curtis Poole, Linda Adler, Karen Loop, Stephanie Levin, J. Isaac Laughinghouse, Emmons S. Levine, George Ellard, George Nahas, Vern Coleman, Michael Foti, Ellen Serwin, Jerry Milot, Dick Erickson, Rich O'Neill, Howard Rouse, Roger Rice, Jim Watson, Geoff Sullivan, Doug DeVitt, George Ellard, Bob Hakkila, Chris O'Hare, Scott Philbrick, Ted Talanian, Bill Dawson, Jim Bolton, Ed Andre, Jack Barry, Leona McCarthy, Donna Asali, Bob McCaffrey, Netta Vercollone, Stephen Minkofsky, Joseph W. Heston, Paul LaCamera;

2 Copies
