Miller's Court - Eye of the Beholder #100

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circa 1986
Miller's Court X3954 Master; (Art Vs Pornography) "Eye of the Beholder"
Miller's Court: Eye of the Beholder; Art vs. Pornography; a neighborhood reacts to a homeowner's exterior artwork and sues the homeowners; black screen breaks; attorneys Harry Manion and Stephen Glynn question witness about free speech and pornography; viewers are invited to vote their opinion for the verdict; lawyers are asked about their strategies, and jurors are asked what they think; 8 jurors voted in favor of the artist and 4 voted in favor of the neighbors.
Arthur Miller, Elizabeth Cheng, Bob Comiskey, Curtis Poole, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Adler, Emmons S. Levine, John Boyle, Bryan Lans, George Ellard, Joe Mozdiez, Rod Adams, Howie Rouse, Reg Power, Wayne Smith, Cal Hoyle, Bob Marsocci, George Nahas, Roger Rice, Alan Pratt, Doug DeVitt, Rodney Grace, Ellen Boyce, John Boyle, Ted Talanian, Bill Dawson, Ed Andre, Jim Gilbert, Joy McGugan, Norm Buerglin, Melanie Williams, Netta Vercollone, Stephen Minkofsky, The Charles Hotel at Harvard Square, Joseph W. Heston, Paul LaCamera.

2 Copies
