Miller's Court - Special Delivery #96

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April 9 1986
Miller's Court Master X3946 Special Delivery Rec: 4/9/86 Show #96
Miller's Court: Special Delivery; Scene opens with the patient pressuring the doctor to consent to doing the final delivery of her pregnancy; he agrees after she signs a waiver; the delivery seems to go well until the breach of birth and troubled delivery; a first trial establishing the guilt of doctor in the liability of the delivery has already taken place; the trial portrayed in this episode is for damages that were capped in the waiver, but the plaintiffs are now asking for that cap to be lifted; attorneys are Christian Searcy and Charles Peruto; witnesses include the mother and the doctor before a jury; there is a call-in number for the viewing audience to vote their opinion of a verdict; the lawyers talk about their strategies; jurors voiced their views; four jurors voted for the plaintiffs and 8 voted for the doctor, denying the extra award in compensation.
In the studio Arthur Miller, Elizabeth Cheng, Bob Cominskey, Curtis Poole, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin Emmons S. Levine, Frank Gallozzi, Bryan Lans, George Ellard, George Mozdiez, Rod Adams, Alan Lee, Ed Baron, Wayne Smith, Dick Erickson, Emeric Feldmar, Bob Marsocci, Roger Rice, Alan Pratt, Doug DeVitt, Geoffrey Sullivan, Bill Hartigan, Jim Watson, Scott Philbrick, Ted Talanian Bill Dawson, Andrew Castellini, Cynthia Perduek Katherine Stauder, Ed Andre, Jim Gilbert, Joy McGugan, Bob Moses, Mary Lou Shriber, John Fiore, Netta Vercolione, Step[hen Minkosfsky, The Charles Hotel at Harvard Square, Joseph W Heston, V.P. Programming and Public Affairs, Paul LaCamera;

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