Dartmouth - French
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January 12 1986
Dartmouth - French; M.T.E.; Rec. Date: 1-12-86; #4
Dartmouth - French; On the Body; Are you feeling well? Are you feeling bad? The instructor begins the lesson by asking the students to notice the facial expressions of the speakers when they are talking about how they feel -- and reminding them to pay attention when they look at the blackboard notation behind him;
comment allez-vous? 1: je vais bien; 2: je vais mal; part of the body; la tete; le bras; la mains;
Part 2
Instructor stands and begins with Bonjour: parts of the body, then steps out of the screen;
then repeats the sequence; there are several takes;
Part 3
No audio, comedy of hospitalized patient watching television and consuming food while channel surfing.
2 Copies