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3) 0143/0144.0010
[Robert M. Hume, Sr.--home movies]. Reel 10b: Thanksgiving
Can notes: 'Thanksgiving 1931. (Walkers) (Children) Bowdoin & Maine, Nevins, Woodward, Seelye, Stockwell 1930.' Cataloguer's notes: Thanksgiving CUs of family members laughing a...
1) 0143/0144.0020
[Robert M. Hume, Sr.--home movies]. Reel 20: Christmas
Box notes: 'Orono Xmas 1949. Bob III & Bill.' NHF cataloguer's notes: Christmas: tree, presents, children.
1) 0262.0001
[Frank Nash--home movies] Reel 1: Miami and Everglades
Film box notes: 'Feb and March 1955. Joel Campbells home also.' NHF cataloguer's notes, 1/96: Sea. Ships. Car approaching along road. Palm trees. Oranges. Pan of field, palm tre...
6) 0293
[Student Cable Production]
Student performance. Latter part of tape is Christmas concert performed by Gardiner School. FOR REFERENCE ONLY.
5) 0295.0001 cat. 5310-01-VLLX
[Philip Veilleux--home movies]
Family Christmas including tree, opening gifts, children. Woman dancing. Kitchen scene. [1954 date code]
27) 0295.0004 cat. 5310-04-VLLX
[Philip Veilleux--home movies]
Christmas scene. Children coming downstairs in pajamas and opening gifts. Toy helicopter. Large group arriving at house. Family meal with food visible. Dog. Boy wearing suit of ...
9) 0309 cat.0007-07-WABI-59
Downtown Bangor
Bangor : Scenes of Main Street during Christmas shopping season at night. Shows WABI neon sign, a toy train in a department store window, the Sears Roebuck building, Citizens Ut...
4) 0309 cat.0007-08-WABI-58
Freeses Department Store, Bangor
Bangor : Long static night shots of Freeses Department Store lit up for Christmas. Also, some shots of the crowds on the streets and a look through the front windows of the stor...
25) 0311 cat. 1002-15-WABI-59
Christmas Party at Dow Air Force Base
Santa's distribution of gifts including him posing with children and nuns. People eating around a table. The men rush out to get on an Air Force plane.
10) 0312 cat. 1003-01-WABI-59
Christmas Toys
Christmas items display including cards, toys, decorations, and crowd.
5) 0314 cat.1004-05-WABI-59
Paul Bunyan
Bangor: Christmas celebration around Paul Bunyan statue including crane placing of a lei around the statue's neck, Santa Claus, men raising themselves in the crane, CU of statue.
1) 0314 cat.1004-06-WABI-59
Santa Parade
Bangor: Parade including Cub Scout float on which scouts saw wood, Peace on Earth float with angels, majorettes, Santa on float.
30) 0316 cat.0010-06-WABI-59
Rexall Brewer Auditorium
Brewer: Rexall displays Christmas wares at Brewer Auditorium. Shots include people browsing; displays of cards, toys and decorations; 'Toyland' and 'Merry Christmas' signs.
3) 0316 cat.0010-09-WABI-59
Storm Scenes
Bangor: Heavy snowfall and its impact. Scenes include vehicles having difficulty from slippery road conditions, snowdrifts, and a 'Merry Christmas' sign.
17) 0324 cat. 1008-05-WABI-60
Highway Safety Message
Memorial Day message including Iwo Jima statue, family packing for picnic and driving in convertible.
45) 0328 cat. 0019-05-WABI-60
The Mart Santa
Santa arrives at the Mart in a convertible, and waves to kids and cameras. He enters the Mart, makes his way through the crowds, seats himself, and takes kids on his lap. Also s...
21) 0332 cat. 0020-06-WABI-61
Bozo in Presque Isle
Presque Isle: Bozo visits children at the Arthur R. Gould Memorial Hospital in Presque Isle. Shots of the hospital sign. Also of Bozo entertaining children at two hospitals and ...
18) 0338 cat. 0026-02-WABI-61
Christmas Decoration
Bangor: People hanging wreaths and decorations on street. [? Phil Yates, 1/94. Not on reel during transfer?]
23) 0340 cat. 1010-06-WABI-61
Bozo in Presque Isle
Presque Isle: Bozo's visit to Presque Isle Community Center including interior and exterior of building, crowd waiting, stage, introduction of Bozo, his talking to children and ...
34) 0345 cat. 0032-01-WABI-61
Santa Parade
Bangor: Parade featuring school marching bands from Bangor, Brewer, Bucksport, Hermon, Ellsworth and Orono. Also Santa and reindeer float, Bangor fire truck, and crowds.
6) 0350 cat. 0032-12-WABI
Christmas Lights
Bangor: Christmas lights on homes and businesses, Santa and reindeer displays, a Christmas tree.
22) 0350 cat. 0033-01-WABI-60
Santa Claus Parade
Parade including Nativity and Christmas Countdown floats, Jaycees, Santa and reindeer, Newport and Bangor marching bands and majorettes.
24) 0350 cat. 0033-06-WABI-60
Christmas Toys at Fire Station
Fire station collection drive for toys for needy children.
24) 0351 cat. 0045-24-WABI-62
Republican Lincoln Day Dinner
Maine political figures at dinner.
25) 0353 cat. 1020-16-WABI-62
Preparation for Memorial Day Race
Meeting to prepare for 5-mile race.
26) 0356 cat. 1021-21-WABI-62
Governor John Reed on Highway Safety
Reed speaks on 'Lights On' program, regarding driving with low beams to over Labor Day weekend to prevent accidents.
27) 0359 cat. 0049-22-WABI-62
Santa Parade
Parade including Orono, Bucksport, and Newport school bands along with floats and Santa with reindeer.
34) 0359 cat. 0049-23-WABI-62
Thanksgiving Day Shoppers
Scenes of holiday shoppers at grocery store including CUs of turkey, potatoes, and other produce. Also checkout counter, cash register.
29) 0360 cat. 0050-04-WABI-62
Christmas Greetings on Main St.
Bangor: Man puts up 'Merry Christmas' banner across lightposts. CU, MS, and LS.
32) 0360 cat. 0088-04-WABI-62
Christmas Lights
Night shots of Christmas lights, a nativity scene at a church, and a Santa Claus with reindeer.
33) 0373 cat. 0056-03-WABI-
Memorial Day Parade(?)
Bangor: Parade including Woodland High School Band, 195th Army Band, Bette Gregoire's Twirlerettes, majorettes, servicemen marching in formation, dignitaries on platform.
30) 0382 cat. 0071-01-WABI-63
Memorial Day Parade
Bangor: Parade including band, Legionnaires, twirlers, officials, and children.
35) 0383 cat. 0064-10-WABI-63
Fireworks Picked Up in Brewer
Brewer: Police confiscate, inspect and display several cases of fireworks.
36) 0385 cat.0067-13-WABI-63
Halloween Parade
Preparation for a Halloween parade including putting posters in store windows, a child in a bull costume, and a child at a door.
92) 0386 cat.0069-13-WABI-63
[Santa's Parade]
Santa parade. Santa climbs down a fire ladder and into a crowd as he heads for his cabin at the Broadway Shopping Center. Shots include parade with floats and marching bands, Sa...
30) 0387 cat. 0070-11-WABI-63
WABI Christmas Party
WABI party including Bozo and Santa Claus, a band playing, children.
22) 0387 cat. 1028-18-WABI-63
Lighting Contest
Various houses seen by night, entries in a Christmas lighting contest.
2) 0387 cat. 1028-19-WABI-63
Governor Reed -- Safety
Governor Reed extending season's greetings and good wishes for coming year. MS and CU.
146) 0387 cat. 1028-20-WABI-63
Governor Reed on Highway Safety
Reed speaks on highway safety and its importance during the Christmas season.
23) 0387 cat. 1029-04-WABI-63
Christmas Daddies Gifts
Men wait at WABI receptionist's desk with gifts, then carry them out. Also shot of sleds in lobby.
41) 0388 cat. 1028-01-WABI-63
Highway Safety, Fourth of July
Governor Reed speaks on the safety of Maine people during the Fourth of July weekend. Shots include Reed in MCU, LS and MS of posters as he tells of ordinary people in Maine. Re...
34) 0388 cat. 1028-02-WABI-63
Hampden Fourth of July Celebration
Hampden: Scenes from Hampden's Fourth of July celebration. Shots include a sign that invites you to spend the day with cooking contests, a chicken Bar b Cue, an auction, etc. Va...
18) 0398 cat. 1035-06-WABI-64
Easter Sunday
Young and old adults and children leaving church after Easter Mass.
44) 0400 cat. 0082-06-WABI-64
Memorial Day Parade
Bangor: Parade including Army, Navy, National Guard, bands, twirlers, onlookers.
169) 0405 cat. 1039-04-WABI-64
Torben Anderson -- Highway safety
Anderson urging public to drive safely over Labor Day Weekend, and warning against drinking, failure to yield, and to keep low beams on during daylight savings time.
20) 0408 cat. 0077-17-WABI-64
Easter Sunday
People leaving Sunday Mass in Easter outfits.
32) 0411 cat.0082-19-WABI-64
Armed Forces Day
Miss Bangor 1964 was Sherry Lowe, ne Sherylee Kay Jones. The airplane is now housed at the Tillamook Air Museum.
12) 0431 cat. 0039-07-WABI-59
Dow Air Force Base Christmas Party
Party includes children and nuns receiving and opening gifts from Santa.
4) 0432 cat. 1040-05-WABI-65
Fourth of July Celebration
Bangor: foot race, barbecue, music, games, a parade with clowns and marching bands, people in cars, pageant winners, old bicycles and cars, floats.
10) 0439 cat. 0095-04-WABI-66
Orono Parade on 4th
Orono: A 4th of July parade including crowd lining Main St., a fire truck carrying boys, a pageant winner, majorettes, a float called 'The Women's Club of Orono's Own Batman' ca...
13) 0439 cat. 0095-07-WABI-66
Fireworks at Dow Air Force Base
Bangor: Fireworks lighting up the sky.
36) 0447.0001
Christmas Daddies
Show in which Dick Bronson and man named John request contributions for needy children's Christmas presents. Shots of them reading children's names, Ralph Lowe singing, Slim sin...
61) 0449 cat. 1050-05-WABI-67
Memorial Day Parades and Ceremonies
Scenes from celebrations throughout area including parades, military, floats, marching bands, memorial ceremony.
18) 0450 cat. 1055-20-WABI-67
Flag Day
Flags planted in ground and blowing in the wind. Also flag on Winterport Post Office.
28) 0450 cat. 1055-21-WABI-67
Brewer Garden Club Wins Beautification Award
Toll bridge scenes in which flags are planted in potted flowers by the edge of each tollbooth.
22) 0451 cat. 1059-01-WABI-69
Fourth of July Feature
Ralph Lowe rocking on a front porch narrating story with drink in hand, Paul Bunyan statue, golf course, flag, kids on playground, waterfall, 'Buy U.S. Savings Bonds and New Fre...
9) 0451 cat. 1059-05-WABI-67
Dow Fireworks Display
Bangor: LS of Dow Air Force Base buildings. People sitting in grassy area. Fireworks.
58) 0453 cat. 1068-03-WABI-67
Knox City Hospital Day at the Samoset
Large house or hotel. Group of women with Christmas decorations for Knox Hospital Benefit sale. Christmas articles and clothes. Women talking.
23) 0553 cat. 0060-14-WABI-63
Jaycee Christmas Light Contest
Hampden: Christmas light contest sponsored by Jaycees. Various houses at night from various distances and angles. Ref. 385.
24) 0560 cat. 0093-02-WABI-64
Christmas Daddies Film
Live telecast including preparation for the event, sorting of gifts, Dick Bronson and Mike Dolley at the desk, camera crews, dancing and singing acts, crowd shots, various skits...
244) 0560 cat. 1041-02-WABI-62
Christmas Daddies Film
Behind the scenes of holiday television show production including secretaries, newsmen, reporters, engineers, typing of stories, setting up show, singers, dancers, cameramen, Di...
69) 0571 cat. 0043-02-WABI-60
Veterans Day Parade
Bangor: Parade including Bangor, Brewer, Milo and other marching bands, majorettes, floats.
30) 0631 and 0630
B & A Christmas Message
Same as 0046-18 but with animated snow scenes at beginning and end. Two takes of 36 ft. each.
64) 0644
Animated Snow Scene
Animated snow scene with trees and mountains. Was used on B & A Christmas commercial.
40) 0652
B & A Christmas Message
Same as Cat. No. 0046-18 but with animated snow scenes at beginning and end.
33) 0652
B & A Christmas Message
Same as Cat. No. 1019-05.
67) 0655
B & A Christmas Messages
B & A employee Gordon Robertson wishes everyone Merry Christmas and says to be strong through tough financial times and enjoy holiday.
246) 0672 cat. 5359-05-ACMP-34
[Frederic E. Camp--home movies] Labor Day
Tennis game. Very poor picture quality. Touch football game.
16) 0672 cat. 5359-06-ACMP-34
[Frederic E. Camp--home movies] Labor Day
01:03 Sailing race, nice views. Small boats. Canoe in middle. Coast. Sports activity on field. Group at shore. Boats in water. Dark indoor shot. Sailboats on water. Young men st...
14) 0684.0001-.0003
[unedited footage of Acadian interviews, cookery, and festival]
Unedited footage including interviews with Acadians, focusing on their daily lives, customs, food, music and dance. Original footage is 1/2-inch open reel videotape. From donor'...
1) 0697.0002
[Goodman--home movies] Crescent Surf, Kennebunk
Shot July 4, 1961. Young and older adults wearing shorts and sports clothes eat and drink in grassy area above beach. House in background. Group at picnic table eat steamer clam...
28) 0720 cat. 5429-08-WCSH-81
Scarborough Christmas Kids
No description available
2) 0720 cat. 5436-04-WCSH-87
No description available
22) 0742.PC5
A Yuletide Celebration
WABI news program: 'A Yuletide Celebration,' dated 12/21/87.
16) 0759.0013
[Margaret Cummings Bean--home movies] Reel 13
Christmas lights, horses, low water, horses, cars on ice, pung, Janet, Christine in snow (about 6 years old), Agassiz.;A covered bridge. A Christmas tree covered with lights. A girl and a dog in the snow. Horses and people in the snow. Horses and trucks on the ice. A horse drawn sleigh. Children...
14) 0759.0022
[Margaret Cummings Bean--home movies] Reel 22
Sunset, Jan and Frank, Christmas, snow covered Cape, horse and sleigh (Bill Ralph) delivering milk, tractor plowing snow.;Sunset. The sun (moon?). A girl (Janet?) with dogs. Two people having a snowball fight. A Christmas tree. A dog in the snow. Houses, trees and the lake in the snow. A horse draw...
19) 0806.0001
[John Murphy--home movies] Tape 1
NHF notes, 1991: Tape 1 contents (no clear divisions between 'reels' on the tape): Reel 1A Maine 1941-1953. Reel 1B: J.H. Murphy & Assoc. spring 1957 to December 1958. Reel 1C: ...
26) 0806.0002
[John Murphy--home movies] Tape 2
NHF notes, 1991: Tape 2 contents (no clear divisions between 'reels' on the tape): Reel 2A: Spring 1960 to Fall 1960. Reel 2B: Nov 1960 to Dec 1961. Reel 2C: Winter 1962 to Fall...
1) 0822.0001
[Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 1
Amateur footage. Viewing notes as follows (reel numbers are NHF-assigned). 1. (1961) Veazie snow scene. Volkswagen (VW) under snow. Dog named Tick. Christmas. Doing the twist (d...;Houses covered in snow. A person shoveling the driveway. Young women jumping in the snow. The women (Nancy, Linda and Gladys) shoveling. A dog running up the road. A man shoveli...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 1 (1961): - We moved from Pennsylvania to Maine in 1961 in time to see the famous snow storm of 1961/62. - View of house across the street in Veazie; Mr...
9) 0822.0009
[Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 9
no date Baheue Yadata Man in white Ethiopian type dress -w/ G. -Davis Dr.? when – not sure -maybe 66’ X-mas 67’ Susan + Linda dancing great hat! Really getting down!;A backyard with flowering bushes. A man in a white robes (Baheue Yadata) is joined by a woman (Gladys). They pose for the camera. A man standing next to a car, holding a toddler...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 9 (1967): -Baheru Yadeta and Gladys. Baheru is from Ethiopia and was studying at UMO. Gladys became friends with him through school and invited him to ma...
12) 0822.0012
[Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 12
Lane Tote Gate – Xmas 1968 - Church riding 3 wheel cart snow – Jo Lane with Susie church Orono Universal Fellowship good picture of Christmas – 1968 – Grandma Hunter Susan givin...;A boy on a motorized scooter pulls two children on a sled. (Jo Lane and Susie) People in a church. Shot of the altar. A woman and a girl with a kitten next to a Christmas tree. ...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 12 (1968): -Joseph Lane on scooter (homemade by him and his father) with Susan and Suzie Lane -Church of Universal Fellowship in Orono – regular service ...
46) 0866
[Pathe Newsreel Stories]
Six stories including: Spijacks yacht, 98 ft., sails around world in 15 months. Arrives in New York. Framingham (Ma.), State troopers graduation. Ceremonies, also polo. Princeto...
31) 0888.0001
Maine, New Hampshire, New York, and Boston, 1939--Albert Wheeler--home movies
A compiled reel of 1939 home movies in black-and-white and color, including footage of the 1939 New York World's Fair.;The section depicting the 1939 New York World's Fair begins in black-and-white, with a shot of Mabel and Al outside the Schaefer Center. The color footage begins with scenes of...;Donor notes received 10/96:
1. Horse races.
2. Ella White birthday, East Dixfield, Me.
3. Al and Mabel beneath "Goodrich" sign. Al and Mabel.
4. Car demo...
31) 0897.0001-.0013
[Unobskey--home movies]
[Unobskey--home movies] are scenes of Jewish family life in Calais, ME, spanning four decades. Footage includes graduations, birthday parties and other family celebrations, ice ...
15) 0998.0001-.0005
[unidentified--home movies] Reels 1-5
Amateur footage with hand-lettered intertitles. Reels 1-5: (approx. 40 min.; reel divisions unclear in cat. notes) Reel 1: 'Thanksgiving 1929 at home.' Patriarch at table with n...
57) 0998.0006-.0010
[unidentified--home movies] Reels 6-10
Amateur footage with hand-lettered intertitles. Reels 6-10: (reel divisions unclear in cat. notes) People playing with spotted dog and hose. Zoo. 'The homeopathic hospital at Rh...
9) 1059.0003
[George E. Whitmore--home movies] Reel 3
Film can/box notes as follows (reel numbers are NHF-assigned). 3. Xmas 1940. Martha's 9th birthday party 1/1/41
6) 1059.0004
[George E. Whitmore--home movies] Reel 4
Film can/box notes as follows (reel numbers are NHF-assigned). 4. Christmas.
44) 1059.0007
[George E. Whitmore--home movies] Reel 7
Film can/box notes as follows (reel numbers are NHF-assigned). 7. Xmas 1957 & Xmas 1958.
8) 1059.0008
[George E. Whitmore--home movies] Reel 8
Film can/box notes as follows (reel numbers are NHF-assigned). 8. Xmas 1959.
9) 1059.0009
[George E. Whitmore--home movies] Reel 9
Film can/box notes as follows (reel numbers are NHF-assigned). 9. Xmas 1960 part #1.
10) 1059.0010
[George E. Whitmore--home movies] Reel 10
Film can/box notes as follows (reel numbers are NHF-assigned). 10. Xmas 1960 2nd part.
11) 1059.0011-.0014
[George E. Whitmore--home movies] Reels 11-14
Film can/box notes as follows (reel numbers are NHF-assigned). 11. [8 mm.] Xmas 1961 #1 of 4. 12. [8 mm.] Xmas 1961 #2 of 4. 13. [8 mm.] Xmas 1961 #3 of 4. 14. [8 mm.] #4.
12) 1059.0015
[George E. Whitmore--home movies] Reel 15
Film can/box notes as follows (reel numbers are NHF-assigned). 15. Christmas 1962 at McLean #57.
137) 1059.0016
[George E. Whitmore--home movies] Reel 16
Film can/box notes as follows (reel numbers are NHF-assigned). 16. 1964.
1) 1108.0011
[Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 011
NHF cataloguer's notes, 1/96: Reel 11: Ann part 2. Screening notes: Gaily decorated table with clown cake. VS of young girls wearing party hats eating. VS of toys including dw...
24) 1108.0054
[Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 054
Reel 54: Archie Stewart can notes: Sound. Mary sings Solveig's song. Poorer odds & ends. Xmas tree. AES, TWS. Roy & Sadie. Grandpa & Ma Barnes. Otto, Ann & Geo. ...;SOUND Screening notes: CU on Mary singing (room lighting cast shadow on face). Grandma Stewart writing on lap in front of Christmas tree. Archie narration 'Grandma Stewart's bir...
32) 1108.0057
[Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 057
Reel 57 Archie Stewart can notes: Continuation of garage reel #78 for personal. Second garage reel. Picnic 1950, Picnic 1951. Xmas Party 1956.;Screening notes: Intertitle: 'Member Amateur Cinema League. World Wide Association of Movie Makers.' (Color). Dedication of new car show room. VS of people eating at long tables...
26) 1108.0065
[Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 065
Archie Stewart notes: Compilation reel of 'Annie Bannie' early childhood scenes over several years. [Ann Stewart Sauls, born April 18, 1930] Intertitle: 'Member Amateur Cinema...
5) 1108.0066
[Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 066
Viewing notes: Reel 66: Archie Stewart can notes: 1. Sound, 1936. 1. Mother reading. 2. My birthday. 3. Ann's birthday. 4. Slippery Elm. 5. Pig. 6. 4th of July. 7. Christmas. 8....;SOUND Mary and Ann under Christmas tree discuss their presents. Archie Stewart narrates children skating, Powelton Club, flooded tennis courts. Children climbing over fence into...
36) 1108.0107
[Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 107
Reel 107: Archie Stewart can notes: Temporary Xmas season pictures, 1949-1950. Start with Ann & Bob, end Ann & Mary's Xmas party. Storm damage, fall 1950. Small strip To...
67) 1108.0115
[Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 115
NHF cataloguer's notes: Reel 115: Archie Stewart can notes: 1- Uncle T & GG. 2- 4th of July. 3- Proper's boat. 4- Thruway. 5- Col. G's 79th. 6- Christmas 1953. 7- Ann &...
82) 1108.0117
[Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 117
NHF cataloguer's notes: Reel 117: Archie Stewart can notes: 1954 fall trip. Colonel 80 [Robert N. Golding]. Thanksgiving 1955. Camp May 1955. Screening notes: Ann Stewart Sauls...
15) 1108.0124
[Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 124
Archie Stewart can notes: Reel 124 Camp fall 1956. Colonel G's 82nd [birthday] 25 November 1956. Xmas 1956. New Years dinner. Screening notes: WS car picnic on rural road. VS o...
22) 1108.0134
[Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 134
Reel 134: Archie Stewart can notes: 1. Camp, September 1959. 2. Camp 23 October thru 8 November. 3. Florida, Christmas through New Years. 4. Rob [Golding] making brooms. NHF C...
32) 1108.0138
[Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 138
Reel 138: Archie Stewart can notes: 1. Thanksgiving 1960. 2. Snowstorm. 3. Trip to Elizabeth Anne's. 4. Trip South. 5. Kureck's Eau Gallie. NHF Cataloguer's notes for Reel 138...
3) 1108.0141
[Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 141
Reel 141: Archie Stewart can notes: Christmas 1961 - May 1962. 1. 1961 Xmas Hafer's in Eau Gallie. 3. Visit G.G. in Miami. 4. Return to Cape Canaveral. 5. Col. Glenn's take-off....
33) 1108.0143-.0144
[Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 143-144
Reel 143 & 144: Archie Stewart can notes: 1. Camp November, 1962. 2. Thanksgiving. Mary-ah's. 22 November at 330 Dogwood, Park Forest. 3. Christmas Mary-ah's in Park Forest....
31) 1108.0147
[Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 147
Reel 147: Archie Stewart can notes: 1) Hunting trip, November 1963. Continued from 146. 2) Thanksgiving. 3) Christmas. 4) Maryah's quick visit for party. 5) E.A.'s [third birthd...
122) 1108.0156
[Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 156
Reel 156: Archie Stewart can notes: 1966. 1. Camp hunting trip. 2. Air Force dinner at 388. 3. T's visit for Thanksgiving. 4. Christmas at Ann's, Lemoore, CA. 5. Take T. back to...;Mary Stewart Hafer notes: Good closeup of Rob Golding in boat. Earl. Walking out dock in rough weather. Two large deer being loaded. Dining table at 388 Grand being set for cat...
16) 1108.0163
[Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 163
Amateur footage. Archie Stewart can notes in quotes: 'Visit Maryah's Bedford 28-29 May. Esther. Geo with snorkel, tomato plant. Geo on Birthday, 2 August. Geo makes annual dep A...;Mary Stewart Hafer notes: 1969 Bedford, MA. Mother and I in back yard looking ato "Col. Klink," the scarecrow. Newburgh, Esther Gunther in fancy floral hat with corsage. Rex Sau...
17) 1108.0166
[Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 166
Archie Stewart can notes: Reel 166 Start reel, Thanksgiving 1970 at 388. Hafers from Bedford. Ann's Xmas 1970 through New Years 1971. Bedford 27 Feb. T.W.'s last civ supper 388,...;Mary Stewart Hafer notes: Newburgh, Thanksgiving at 388 Grand Street with Hafers present. Tom's girlfriend, later wife, Ann Sutphin, is present. California. Christmas at Ann an...
5) 1191 cat. 1076-17-WABI-67
Santa Claus Parade In Bangor
No description available
6) 1191 cat. 1076-20-WABI-67
Turkey Time Preview
No description available
148) 1191 cat. 1091-14-WABI-68
Margaret Chase Smith: Lincoln Day Dinner Address
No description available
156) 1191 cat. 1103-02-WABI-68
Memorial Day Plans Formulated by Brewer Legion
No description available
154) 1191 cat. 1105-13-WABI-68
Memorial Day Parades
No description available
10) 1191 cat. 1110-09-WABI-68
Flag Day Ceremonies in Augusta
No description available
1) 1258.0002
[Coughlan/Kelleher--home movies] Reel 2
Donor's notes as follows. Film box/reel notes in quotes. Reel 2: 'Xmas 41 Winter 42.' Christmas 1941? Year of Jack-in-the-boxes and big dolls. John in wool pointed hood, bowlegg...
3) 1258.0003
[Coughlan/Kelleher--home movies] Reel 3
Donor's notes as follows. Film box/reel notes in quotes. Reel 3: 'Xmas '42.' Christmas, 1942. Year of matching pjs [pajamas] (probably made by Kay). John Jr. having a
118) 1307.0002
[Herbert Kenney--home movies] Reel 002
Collection formerly called 'Seavey Collection' Amateur footage of family scenes. Can notes are as follows (reel numbers are NHF-assigned): 2. Emma at Dixmont. Don. Bea, and Emma...
14) 1307.0007
[Herbert Kenney--home movies] Reel 007
Collection formerly called 'Seavey Collection' Amateur footage of family scenes. Can notes are as follows (reel numbers are NHF-assigned): 7. Verona bridge. Columbia. Northport....
19) 1311.0014
[Helen V. Bird--home movies] Reel 14
Sept 58. Spring 59. New York Sept 1958.;Shot of an American Airlines plane, tail number: ‘N94275’. Shot of a bottle of Canada Dry Ginger Ale. A blurry shot of a Western Union Telegram and a check from Canada Dry. A ph...
16) 1311.0031
[Helen V. Bird--home movies] Reel 31
Xmas 1964. 1965 Jan.;A Christmas tree. Two children (Laura and Mark) playing on a couch. Laura and Mark having a tea party in front of the Christmas tree. The children playing with a toy steering wh...
6) 1315.0001
[Ralph White--home movies] Reel 001
Amateur footage of family and friends' activities. Donor's intertitles in quotes followed by donor's viewing notes. Reel numbers assigned by NHF. Reel 1: '1972. Lucerne-in-Maine...
1) 1319.0004
[Bob Woodbury--home movies] Reel 004
Amateur footage. Donor's/creator's notes as follows (reel numbers are NHF-assigned): 4. General #1. Christmas 1962-Bob and Joann Izzo. 'THE BLIZZARD'-1962. Snow scenes, March, 1...
11) 1319.0007
[Bob Woodbury--home movies] Reel 007
Amateur footage. Donor's/creator's notes as follows (reel numbers are NHF-assigned): 7. 1964 & 1965 Vacations #2. 1964-Duluth, Gross Isle, Michigan, Vermont. 1965-Sweetman vacat...
8) 1319.0008
[Bob Woodbury--home movies] Reel 008
Amateur footage. Donor's/creator's notes as follows (reel numbers are NHF-assigned): 8. 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969 vacations #3. 1966-Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Meluins Camp, Xmas...
14) 1319.0014
[Bob Woodbury--home movies] Reel 014
Amateur footage. Donor's/creator's notes as follows (reel numbers are NHF-assigned): 14. 1980 Xmas, Linda's graduation, 1980 & 1981 vacations.
2) 1319.0017
[Chester Woodbury--home movies] Reel 017
Amateur footage shot by Chester Woodbury (Bob's father). Donor's/creator's notes as follows (reel numbers are NHF-assigned). 17. Martin Pond-Peg & fish-Xmas 1962.
22) 1335.0001
[Fields--home movies] Reel 1
Amateur footage of family activities. NHF xfer notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. 1. Winter '56, Xmas '56, Susan and B 1st communion, trip to NY airport and Easter...
2) 1335.0002
[Fields--home movies] Reel 2
Amateur footage of family activities. NHF xfer notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. 2. July 4th, Thanksgiving, Xmas '57. (UNEDITED) NHF Cataloger's notes for reel 2....
24) 1335.0003
[Fields--home movies] Reel 3
Amateur footage of family activities. NHF xfer notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. 3. Carol Gogan's 1st communion and trip to NY '59, July 4th picnic at Gale Ave '5...
25) 1335.0004
[Fields--home movies] Reel 4
Amateur footage of family activities. NHF xfer notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. 4. Skating '58, Xmas '5[7?], Feb snowstorm '58, Danny's christening. (UNEDITED) N...
26) 1335.0005
[Fields--home movies] Reel 5
Amateur footage of family activities. NHF xfer notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. 5. David's 11th birthday '59, Danny summer '59, Susan's 9th birthday, Danny fall ...
6) 1335.0006
[Fields--home movies] Reel 6
Amateur footage of family activities. NHF xfer notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. 6. Danny's 1st birthday '60, Easter '60, Danny, July 4th picnic '60. (UNEDITED) N...
271) 1335.0007
[Fields--home movies] Reel 7
Amateur footage of family activities. NHF xfer notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. 7. David's confirmation, Danny's 2nd birthday, Xmas '60, blizzard of Feb '61. (UN...
272) 1335.0008
[Fields--home movies] Reel 8
Amateur footage of family activities. NHF xfer notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. 8. Dan with lawn mower, Sue in drill uniform, Karen from hospital and christening...
223) 1335.0009
[Fields--home movies] Reel 9
Amateur footage of family activities. NHF xfer notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. 9. Easter 1962, Cavaliers at Westover Air Base, 4th of July parade and picnic '62...
10) 1335.0010
[Fields--home movies] Reel 10
Amateur footage of family activities. NHF xfer notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. 10. Cavaliers at Catskill NY '62, Xmas '62, Danny C. and Danny [?], Danny '62, Ka...
225) 1335.0011
[Fields--home movies] Reel 11
Amateur footage of family activities. NHF xfer notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. 11. Karen's 2nd birthday, July 4th parade, Susan's 13th birthday, Susan's confirm...
12) 1335.0012
[Fields--home movies] Reel 12
Amateur footage of family activities. NHF xfer notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. 12. Cavaliers at Cleavland [Cleveland?], Danny's 6th birthday, Dave's Jr. Prom, X...
13) 1335.0013
[Fields--home movies] Reel 13
Amateur footage of family activities. NHF xfer notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. 13. Xmas '65, Mike and Donna's wedding, Bill and Mandy's wedding, Pete and Liz's ...
228) 1335.0014
[Fields--home movies] Reel 14
Amateur footage of family activities. NHF xfer notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. 14. Lenny and Paula's wedding, July 4th '67, David's high school graduation, Susa...
25) 1335.0015
[Fields--home movies] Reel 15
Amateur footage of family activities. NHF xfer notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. 15. July 4th parade'68. (UNEDITED) NHF Cataloguer's notes: Reel 15. Cavalier marc...
18) 1335.0017
[Fields--home movies] Reel 17
Amateur footage of family activities. NHF xfer notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. 17. Karen's 1st communion '69, 4th of July parade, storm 1969-70. (UNEDITED) NHF ...
112) 1370.0003
[Karl Stefan--home movies] Reel 3
Amateur footage of family and travel. Leader notes: 'Popcorn and bubbles.' [no date] NHF Cataloguer's notes for Reel 3: (01:07:32) Christmas footage. Small girl in frilly party ...
117) 1370.0008
[Karl Stefan--home movies] Reel 8
Amateur footage of family and travel. Leader notes: 'Fonnie and Candy, Xmas 1954.' NHF Cataloguer's notes for Reel 8: Little girls in front of working fireplace, holding up a si...
4) 1375.0001
[Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 1
1. June 1927--Tom six months old, horses. Dec 1927--Christmas. Feb 1928--Snow, first sled. ;NHF cataloguer's notes for Reel 1, 6/1/99 JS: (0:00) Intertitle: 'Week of June 12th, 1927.' Two men and three women hold and play with infant. Man smokes cigar. Absurd hat has b...
5) 1375.0005
[Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 5
5. 1929--Feb 17, our flight, Feb 22, snowman, Palm and, Mar 31, Easter Sundays. ;NHF Cataloguer's notes Reel 5 :17:40. Man enters coup'e car parked in yard. Child runs forward in yard. Snow on ground. Man opens garage door. Coup'e is driven into garage. 18:0...
12) 1375.0006
[Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 6
6. Sandbox and Memorial Day parade, Children's Day 1929, Sharon and colt, colts. ;NHF Cataloguer's notes Reel 6: Child in yard, garden area, flowers in bloom. Child walks along dragging pull-toy. Child walks along. Exterior of home. Man sawing wood at exterio...
139) 1382.0009
[John A. Stone--home movies] Reel 009
Donor's notes as follows: Reel 9: Mom looking at house lot with realtor, 103 Homestead Avenue, Weymouth MA, 1940. Steam shovel digging hole for house. Dad talking to workmen. Ho...
105) 1382.0011
[John A. Stone--home movies] Reel 011
Donor's notes as follows: Reel 11: Uncle Woody, Aunt Corrine and Susan (about 9-10 months). Johnny and Mom in living room at 103 Homestead Ave., Weymouth MA. Mom, Johnny, Paul a...
15) 1383.0003
[Earl Hodgkins--home movies] Reel 003
Box/can notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. Reel 3: Fort Popham--Marthe and Nellie. French trawler launching. Hyde home. Ricky as a baby. Dad Page. Charlotte at Des...
1) 1383.0004
[Earl Hodgkins--home movies] Reel 004
Box/can notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. Reel 4: Spring 1947. Niagara falls. Dot, Andy and Joyce at Falls. Canadian gardens. David as a baby 6 wks. Jo Joseph and...
17) 1383.0007
[Earl Hodgkins--home movies] Reel 007
Can notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. Reel 7: Ann's second birthday. Christmas 1949, Second Street. Windsor Hotel fire, Bangor. First picnic of 1950, Lucerne. Lau...
2) 1383.0013
[Earl Hodgkins--home movies] Reel 013
Can notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. Reel 13: Christmas 1961--David Glidden--horse. Girl scout slumber party 1961. Camp scene--burning brush--March 1962. A day a...
30) 1386
The Morgan
Footage of Charles W. Morgan (whaling ship) shot in New Bedford MA. Donor's notes, 5/96: The film was shot by an unidentified New York filmmaker hired by Col. H.R. Green, whose ...
15) 1399.0005
[Chester Chase--home movies] Reel 5
Amateur footage. Can/reel notes in quotes below. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. 5. 'Xmas '47. Fords, Helen and Bobby, us kids'
13) 1399.0006
[Chester Chase--home movies] Reel 6
Amateur footage. Can/reel notes in quotes below. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. 6. '1947. Cathy and kids, Helen, Bobby,snow plowing, Xmas day, Bernie. Plow on plains. Libby at c...
240) 1430.0001
[unidentified--home movies] Reel 1
Amateur footage. Can/reel labels as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. 1. 'Xmas Summer Winter 1963' 2. '1965 Xmas' 3. 'California #1' 4. 'California #2' 5. [no notes]
4) 1430.0002
[unidentified--home movies] Reel 2
Amateur footage. Can/reel labels as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. 2. '1965 Xmas'
2) 1435.0002
[Price--home movies] Reel 002
Amateur footage of family activities and events. Can notes as follows; reel numbers assigned by donor. Reel 2: Polly bath. Polly [?] Christmas. Puppy. Harrie at two weeks. Swimm...
2) 1435.0003
[Price--home movies] Reel 003
Amateur footage of family activities and events. Can notes as follows; reel numbers assigned by donor. Reel 3: [Weiltom?] [Polly and Harrie] leaves. Christmas. 1949. Chris and M...
244) 1435.0004
[Price--home movies] Reel 004
Amateur footage of family activities and events. Can notes as follows; reel numbers assigned by donor. Reel 4: Williamsburg. [Weiltom] Christmas. Birthdays. Babe in water. Flood...
245) 1435.0005
[Price--home movies] Reel 005
Amateur footage of family activities and events. Can notes as follows; reel numbers assigned by donor. Reel 5: Weiltom. Christmas. [Margie] arrives. Second grade party. Chris sw...
246) 1435.0006
[Price--home movies] Reel 006
Amateur footage of family activities and events. Can notes as follows; reel numbers assigned by donor. Reel 6: Margie one year old. Christmas. Hurricane at FML. Swimming. Stilts...
1) 1435.0008
[Price--home movies] Reel 008
Amateur footage of family activities and events. Can notes as follows; reel numbers assigned by donor. Reel 8: Shots of Craigmere beach etc. Swim at cabin. Christmas. Ice skatin...
9) 1435.0009
[Price--home movies] Reel 009
Amateur footage of family activities and events. Can notes as follows; reel numbers assigned by donor. Reel 9: Old Ford show. [Chris and Harrie] painting garage. [?] chain saw. ...
8) 1435.0010
[Price--home movies] Reel 010
Amateur footage of family activities and events. Can notes as follows; reel numbers assigned by donor. Reel 10: Polly home for Christmas. Chris home for Christmas. Harrie home f...
12) 1435.0012
[Price--home movies] Reel 012
Amateur footage of family activities and events. Can notes as follows; reel numbers assigned by donor. Reel 12: Jonathan. Jenny [Chitanuyo?] Erin. Jenny on bike. Margie and [Jen...
4) 1454.0001
[Unobskey--home movies] Reel 1
Amateur footage. Can notes in quotes. Reel numbers are NHF assigned. Reel 1. (400 ft., b&w) '1929. Honeymoon. Fishing trips';NHF cataloguer's notes, 3/97: Woman with stole. Palm trees. Pan of harbor. (Jerky quick shots.) Crowd with African Americans. Line of women on parapet. Fort. Quick portraits man...
7) 1464.0010
[Ralph White--home movies] Reel 010
Amateur footage of family events and travel. Donor's notes as follows (reel numbers are NHF-assigned). Reel 10: 1970. Hightstown, NJ. John W. White at Thanksgiving. Rhinebeck Ae...
1) 1464.0012
[Ralph White--home movies] Reel 12
Amateur footage of family events and travel. Donor's notes as follows (reel numbers are NHF-assigned). Reel 12: Quebec Winter Carnival. October parade in Cranbury, NJ.
301) 1488.0004
[Charles S. Clark--home movies] Reel 004
Amateur footage. Can/reel notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. 4. 'Sandra and Polly swimming, July 1949. Sandra and Polly, 1951. Moosehead Lake, 1951. Chas. Jr., Sus...
22) 1488.0006
[Charles S. Clark--home movies] Reel 006
Amateur footage. Can/reel notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. 6. 'Easter, 1955, 100 ft. Moosehead, George St. Clair, Steve, etc. Snow in winter of 1956, 100 ft. Duk...
33) 1496.0003
[Edmond Cotty--home movies] Reel 003
Reel numbers and titles in quotes are donor-assigned; other notes are reel/can notes. 3. 'Christmas (1955). Artists young and old.' December 1955.
34) 1496.0005
[Edmond Cotty--home movies] Reel 005
Reel numbers and titles in quotes are donor-assigned; other notes are reel/can notes. 5. 'Christmas and winter sports (1956-1957).'
6) 1496.0006
[Edmond Cotty--home movies] Reel 006
Reel numbers and titles in quotes are donor-assigned; other notes are reel/can notes. 6. 'Easter (1957).' April-May 1957.
10) 1496.0010
[Edmond Cotty--home movies] Reel 010
Reel numbers and titles in quotes are donor-assigned; other notes are reel/can notes. 10. 'Isabelle's first Christmas and Easter (1957/1958)'
33) 1496.0015
[Edmond Cotty--home movies] Reel 015
Reel numbers and titles in quotes are donor-assigned; other notes are reel/can notes. 15. 'Holidays/Lake George/Graduation (1960-1961)'
5) 1515.0005
[Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 5
Footage of men and women diving off a higher and lower diving board into a pool of water. Several shots of people playing and swimming in the pool while others sit on the edge....
50) 1515.0018
[Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 18
A shot of a man. A shot of a man reading. Footage of a man and woman playing in a garden, including playing frisbee, relaxing by a tree with a friend, the woman trying to pull...
24) 1515.0021
[Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 21
Footage of a large house and its grounds with a few shots of a man and woman posing in front of the house. A few shots of children playing outside on toy trucks and inside on a...
110) 1515.0025
[Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 25
Intertitle: “Bodnath and its Lama” A few shots of the Lama of Baudhanāth Stupa and the stupa itself. Intertitle: “Baláji and the Reincarnate Vishnu.” A few shots of a sculptu...
34) 1515.0044
[Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 44
Footage of people eating a meal at a dinner table, including shots of the centerpiece. A few shots of people socializing, drinking and eating around a small table. Footage of ...
2) 1515.0045
[Charles S. Houston—home movies] Reel 45
A few shots of men and women around a Christmas tree, including a young girl looking into a kaleidoscope. Footage of a man and a boy playing with toys, including a toy fort. A...
21) 1531.0001
[Bos--home movies] Reel 1
Amateur footage of family activities. Can notes and screening notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. Reel 1: [date code 1942] Uncle John. Daddy and cat. Frances, tea p...
9) 1544.0001-.0004
[Boy Scout camp and Mother's Day ad]
NITRATE // Four reels of 35 mm. film. Nitrate stock had some completely deteriorated sections which were removed during processing (approx. 10%) The remaining footage is in quit...
19) 1555.0001-.0019
[Rick Hawkes--home movies]
Amateur footage. Ice fishing, hunting and camping home footage. Box notes as follows (all boxes addressed Jim and Rosemary Hawkes, 64 and 66 Cedar St., Bangor, Maine): Reel 1 Fi...
29) 1618.0001-.0018
[various titles--home movies] Reels A-B, 1-16
Amateur footage. Can notes for 8 mm film: Reel A First Film, Camping, red house in Port Washington, Ohio, 1951 Reel B South Dakota, 491 Park Ave. Fall 'B', 1952 Reel 1 Christmas...
12) 1930.0004
Harvard-Dartmouth game and Montpelier winter scenes, 1929--Fitch family--home movies. Reel 4
Black-and-white home movie of 1929 Harvard-Dartmouth game and winter scenes of the Fitch family around Montpelier, Vermont.;Notes on can: "H[arvard]-D[artmouth] football, Colony Hills, Montpelier, cocktail party, everyone." ;Intertitle: "'Harvard-Dartmouth 1929, Dartmouth 36, Harvard 7." Harvard University marching band on football field; football players running onto field, warming up; male cheerl...
4) 1930.0008
Spring and fall, 1930--Fitch family--home movies. Reel 8
Black-and-white home movie includes 1930 scenes of the Fitch family at White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, and celebrating Thanksgiving.;Intertitle: "At White Sulphur Springs": winter landscape, man with bowler hat and cane posed in winter landscape; exterior shot of hotel; Intertitle: "April 15, 1930": woman b...
19) 2114.0079
[Everett Greaton--home movies] Reel 79, Accession 2114
Intertitles: “Maine, The Land Of Remembered Vacations” “Official State Picture Maine Development Commission State House Augusta, Maine.” Reel 79 is a promotional film about his...
17) 2170.0016
Family, Uncle Downing, Easter, 1928--Simmons Brown--home movies. Reel 16
Label on reel: "Uncle Downing, Easter, 1928 Mother, Father, children, also moose"
8) 2170.0018
Christmas, 1931--Simmons Brown--home movies. Reel 18
Label on reel: "1931 Christmas - House Party - Dog Team - Family at Falmouth, Joan + Karen with dog [Bingo]";"1931 dog team Fletcher/1931 Christmas family - Falmouth"
1) 2178.0005
[Albion Emery--home movies] Reel 5, Accession 2178
Footage of buildings and stores along snowed in streets in a small, downtown area, including various machines being used to remove the snow from the streets and sidewalks. A fe...
6) 2298.0006
[Manley Nelson--home movies] Reel 6
1947, 1958, 1959 edge codes on film. // Label on reel: 'Newport Fire Truck and New Fireman's Picnic. ML's Wedding.' Partially illegible note in can: 'Play and Charters. New Chev...;Intertitle: "Silas Smudge from Turnip Ridge Oct. 9-10, 1947" 16:32-20:17 Firetruck, says "Palermo Fire Dept." on door. Young children play in yard. 24:00-28:00 Fireman's p...
146) 2298.0014
[Manley Nelson--home movies] Reel 14
1948 edge code on film. // Box label: 'Xmas 49. Bridge Party.' ;Three generations of family sit near Christmas tree and a young boy shows his new gun. Men play cards at table. Several tables of women play cards, probably a bridge game.
14) 2298.0021
[Manley Nelson--home movies] Reel 21
1948, 1949 edge codes on film. // Can label: 'Bob and Cindy.' ;Three children play in yard with wheelbarrow and wagon. Parents with children. Family decorates Christmas tree and plays with cat. Two men stand outside grocery store. Panni...
34) 2310.0008
[Milton Dowe—home movies] Reel 8
Intertitle: "Home Movies Presents 'The Flood' Spring of 1940" 49:12- 50:37 Views of rushing water on village streets, running down embankment by small bridge and into stream b...
6) 2310.0010
[Milton Dowe—home movies] Reel 10
Intertitle: "Home Movies Presents Thanksgiving 1946" 16:39-18:41 Color views of family around table laughing and eating. Young girls also eating (same two as seen before). Sm...
2) 2399.0002
[Clayton P. Hodgkin--home movies] Reel 2, Accession 2399
Laura and Clyde Hodgkin holding baby Mary Hodgkin. Laura, Forest, Clyde and Mary Hodgkin on the beach at Range Pond in Poland, ME. People playing outside at the Additon Family...
3) 2399.0003
[Clayton P. Hodgkin--home movies] Reel 3, Accession 2399
The Hodgkin and Meade families eating Thanksgiving dinner and relaxing afterwards at the Meade household. Members of the Baptist Youth Fellowship making a large web out of twin...
4) 2399.0004
[Clayton P. Hodgkin--home movies] Reel 4, Accession 2399
A shot of Laura Hodgkin and others on a beach. A boy driving a tractor with two children in a wagon filled with hay attached to it. A large crowd and people standing near cars...
11) 2426.0048
[Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 48
From Logbook: Christmas tree & presents, Larry playing with presents, Charles Jr. in sun parlor, A.W.H. making wreath. Larry, Wadsworth & Frank with snow fort i...;A decorated Christmas tree. A cluttered desk. Boys playing with a toy train. A woman (A.H.W.) making a fir wreath. A boy looking through the wreath. Children climbing a snow tow...
257) 2426.0068
[Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 68
From Logbook: The Hinds', Bisbee's, Richard Segler, Mary Josselyn, Mrs. George Bisbee and Mrs. Stanley Bisbee at Thanksgiving Dinner at 27 Chadwick Street. Wa...
19) 2426.0089
[Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 89
From Logbook: Sis, Larry and Terry (the dog) at 22 Germain St. Worcester, Mass. A.W.H., Edna, Bayard, Charles Jr. and Miss Skillin as we left Worcester for home. Bin...
16) 2447.0026
Richard Hale Collection Reel 26
A shot of a sign that reads, “Evergreen Farms Christmas Trees Jackson, Maine” followed by a shot of the tree farm. Footage of workers at the tree farm chopping down, tying up ...
4) 2463.0004
A family outing and Christmas, 1937; scenes from 1939--Cyrus Pinkham--home movies. Reel 4
Compiled reel of home movies including an August 1937 trip by the Pinkhams and Stewarts to New York's Belmont Lake State Park; Christmas 1937; and various family scenes from thr...;Title: "A Family Outing/Aug. 1937" Title: "Cast/THE PINKHAMS/and/THE STEWARTS" Family packs up the car with picnic baskets and blankets, arrives to meet Peggy, then Charles, p...
1) 2507.0011
[S.D. Kelsey--home movies] Reel 11
Can notes: "1942-1946 Pre-Wedding, Steve as baby, Leave 1944, Boston WP 1946 Reel #1" [This information mostly likely pertains to Reel 1] [Info: Beginning of reel is poorly ex...;REEL ELEVEN 1961-1962 Darkened scenes of Jack and Eileen's wedding in Lemorre[sic] California on May 27, 1942. One can barely see the raised arc of swords after the ceremon...
31) 2523.0004
[Philip W. Hussey--home movies] Reel 4, Accession 2523
Intertitle: “Events About Town ’37 (Reel No. 1)” followed by shot of men with their cars, men playfully fight. Shot of three children posing for the camera (two boys, one girl)...
30) 2526.0002
[Philip W. Hussey--home movies] Reel 2, Accession 2526
Can notes: “’Family Affairs’; Bill + Pete in Scout Uniforms; Marion + Peter Fly To New York; Edith Taylor Gets Married; Kids Halloween Party in Basement; Marion has a Birthday; ...
12) 2526.0007
[Philip W. Hussey--home movies] Reel 7, Accession 2526
Can notes: “1950 Clam Bake; Uncle Ernest Wedding Anniversary 50th; Publicity Bureau, Kittery; Becky Brow’s Wedding; Nova Scotia Trip; Marion in Garden.” Reel notes: “Bar Harbor...
4) 2526.0017
[Philip W. Hussey--home movies] Reel 17, Accession 2526
Can notes: “Charlotte Ann Hussey. First Week at Home; Out Door [sic] for a little bit With 3 Hats on! Daddy helps out. Mother + Charlotte all dressed up. First Summer at Bea...
3) 2716.0038
Aqui - Mothers Day #115
Mothers Day look at nature and scenes of motherhood around the city; Children are interviewed about their feelings toward their mothers; Berklee College of Music is the subject ...;Aqui - Mothers Day #115; X5910; Rec. date: 5-2-92; Air date: 5-10-92;Credits: Produced by: Maria Luisa Monserrate, John R. Green; Directed by: Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd; Assistant Directors: Jim Lowell, Jam Hakim; Technical Directors: Bayard Pe...
3) 2716.0647
Good Day - holiday decorating
Good Day; Pre Tape Reel IA; X5147; Rec. Date 1-22-89;Good Day; Eileen Prose hosts; Pat Ross demonstrates festive holiday decorating; Karen Wilkerson demonstrates braiding; Ted Reinstein visits dancers backstage at the Nutcracker; ...
1) 7581
Wings to Brazil
Travel 'documentary' (promotional film) with scenes and brief narrative descriptions of the main cities and points of interest in Brazil. Includes shots of leisure activities (s...
54) 19662
Santa Claus Helicopters Into Bangor Shopping Center
No description available
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