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29) 0293
Sisters in Harmony: Women's Barbershop Singing Competition
Dated 06-04-82. Singing contest with women from Maine and Canada performing. Maine groups are KenneBelles Chapter of Harmony Inc., and Maine Quarter Notes, both from Waterville....
35) 0293
Margaret Fuller Forum [Rodney Pierce Interview]
A UMA panel of women from Maine discuss Margaret Fuller's life and accomplishments. Second part of tape is Mainetide show with host Mary Mayo interviewing labor consultant Rodne...
14) 0293
Maine Poets Festival -- 5th annual
Dated 04-23-82. Master source tape. Readings in auditorium by Kendall Morrison, Kathleen Lignell, Lee Sharkey, Sheldon Christian and Louise Piper. Terry Plunkett is Master of Ce...
4) 0293
[Kennebec River] Mainetide
Dated 08-12-82. Mary Mayo interviews Michael Burns regarding river and Maine's resources. Then they cruise down Kennebec. FOR REFERENCE ONLY.
20) 0293
[Raymond Richard interview] Mainetide
Mayo interview of Reverend Raymond Richard regarding support group for people who have ended relationships. FOR REFERENCE ONLY.
58) 0293
Smoking Out/Maine
Dated 11-18-86. Commercial with an anti-smoking theme. FOR REFERENCE ONLY.
18) 0293
A Lovely Light; Dance Behind the Mask
A Lovely Light is a documentary on the poet Edna St. Vincent Millay. Dance Behind the Mask is a dance performance about children danced by Jimena Lasansky. FOR REFERENCE ONLY.
51) 0657 cat. 5271-01-NHFC-88
Sins of Our Mothers: The Story of Emeline
Story of young 19th century woman believed to have inadvertently married her own son. NHF distributes this title to institutions; it is also available through Reference by Mail....
8) 0659
[Autowise Commercial]
Autowise commercial in which young woman wearing jeans and cap stands next to car with open hood and describes store's selection of import car parts.
21) 0659
A Lovely Light: Laurie Jones as Edna St. Vincent Millay
No description available
2) 0659
Portland Glass
Commercial for Portland Glass in which man is driving classic car with cracked windshield. Suggests he should replace it with Portland Glass.
25) 0659
She Knew a Phoenix: May Sarton
Dub. Documentary about poet May Sarton includes Sarton at typewriter, speaking poem, talking with (student) interviewer. Winter road scenes driving to her house (in Maine?). The...
8) 0659
[Young mother]
Young woman pushes small boy in shopping cart throughout grocery store. She is seen and heard talking to child, choosing food, talking to other mother with child, playing with b...
21) 0659
Displaced Homemakers
Dated 9 December 1980. Edited Master, final edit with credits.
22) 0659
Coupon Swap Centers
Dated February 7, 1980. Shaw's Supermarket commercial in which woman demonstrates how to put coupons into bins at swap center.
33) 0659
['Falling In Love' Ad]
Short, incomplete ad for HBO movies 'Falling in Love' with Meryl Streep and Robert de Niro and 'Same Time Next Year' with Alan Alda and Ellen Burstyn
25) 0659 cat 5415-03-WEST
[WGMX radio spot]
WGMX-FM 93 radio spot: bright pop art animation of man sitting in living room surrounded by smokey cloud until he changes radio dial and breath of fresh air comes in. Scene tran...
14) 0681
Donald Lord and Mabel Kane Worcester
Interviews with Surry and Blue Hill area residents: Donald Lord, and Mabel Kane Worcester.
5) 0681
Esther Wood, Mabel Kane Worcester and Harvey Saunders
NHF cataloguer's notes, 2/2/95: opening shows old buildings, cows, old farmhouse--no sound or narration, quality not good. Interview with man in bed [Harvey Saunders] and with a...
7) 0681
Esther Wood and the McGraws
NHF cataloguer's notes, 2/7/95: First interview on tape is with Esther Wood (17 min.) Next interview is with a man about stone quarries, speaks of town in late 1800s flourishing...
8) 0681
Quarries, Esther Wood and Robert Slaven
Includes interviews with Surry area residents: historian Esther Wood, and Robert Slaven.
12) 0681
Talk with Mabel Kane Worcester
Interview with Surry area resident Mabel Kane Worcester. NHF cataloguer's notes, 2/2/95: Interview with Mabel Kane Worcester--out of focus on CUs. She says original spelling of ...
13) 0681
[Surry Folklife Festival]
Surry Folklife Festival activities, held in a school. Women at weaving demonstration which includes spinning wheel, floor loom, quilts. Surry Playhouse playbill display. Postcar...
36) 0686 cat. 5295-01-SHAW-89
Shaw's Impact '90
Promotional tape for Shaw's Supermarkets which incorporates 2-second MCU shot of cow from Hinckley Collection at NHF (Catalog no. 5044-01-HINK-40). Opens with events of 1856, ye...
52) 0687
East Dover Days
July 3, 1989 town celebration. People in period costume ride in old car. Parade on Brickyard Hill. Flag raising. Group gathered around clown. Sack and three-legged races and chi...
33) 0689
Grace: A Portrait of Grace DeCarlton Ross
Biography of actress-dancer Ross, who was still dancing at the age of 93 (died 1983). Opens with dance class. Grace dancing with young woman in yard, on shore, in nightclub. Cla...
34) 0689
Quite Amazing
Pineland Center's 80th Celebration, 'A Very Special Arts Festival.' LS of Pineland grounds. MS of festival sign. Clown juggling. Grounds. Sculpture. Two very brief questions ask...
89) 0694
Machias Renaissance
NHF viewing notes: 'A Bulldog Production.' Revitalization of Machias. Maps of world, United States, Maine, with Machias highlighted on state map. Quick cuts include worker in bl...
11) 0704
We'll Be Right Back
Dated July 31, 1989. Compilation of campy commercials from early days of TV. Includes Madge of old Palmolive dishwashing liquid commercials and Mr. Whipple character from Charmi...
30) 0720
Nylander Museum
No description available
31) 0720 cat. 5427-03-WCSH-81
Piano Player
No description available
12) 0720 cat. 5430-10-WCSH-82
Physically Fit Kids
No description available
39) 0720 cat. 5430-11-WCSH-82
Panty Hose Dolls
No description available
34) 0720 cat. 5431-06-WCSH-82
Mozzarella Cheese
No description available
23) 0720 cat. 5431-16-WCSH-82
St. John Valley Museum
No description available
4) 0720 cat. 5432-02-WCSH-84
York City Registrar of Deeds
No description available
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