119 work results

35) 2426.0123 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 123
From Logbook: Old Faithful guyser [sic] erupting in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. Swans & signets on Deschutes River at Bend, Oregon. Grand Coulee Dam in Washingt...
34) 2426.0122 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 122
From Logbook: Sunset on Moosleookmeguntic Lake, Rangeley. Dr. & Mrs. Miller from Worcester. Charles Jr., Sis, Carol, Peter & Kela in swimming at Rockwood Villa on Mo...
69) 2426.0121 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 121
From Logbook: Wesley & Helen Raye, Mary & Rene Wadsworth & A.W.H. at Boyden's Lake for Mary's birthday. A.W.H. & Helen Raye at Dennysville, Maine. Scen...
4) 2426.0120 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 120
From Logbook: Billy, Cornelia, A.W.H., Ella Hunt & Miss Spring At Johnson Heights, Waterville, Me. A.W.H. & Rene Wadsworth at Charlerton (?) Gardens. Spring Day at...
5) 2426.0119 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 119
Color footage of New York World's Fair includes brief views of exterior sites and the railroad pageant, Railroads on Parade. ;From Logbook: A.W.H. C.B.H. Larry at Worlds Fair New York Cornelia & Wadsworth with Bill, their first child at their first home in Waterville, ME. Alex & John Raye ...
6) 2426.0118 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 118
From Logbook: Mrs. Edward Horne at Holly Inn, Pinehurst, N.C. The crowd following players on golf course at Pinehurst golf club. Pet & Happy, Porter & bus driver,...
29) 2426.0117 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 117
From Logbook: Larry at Camp Kewanhee. Bayard & Edna DeMallie, Corny & Waddy Larry 7 A.W.H. Rockwood Villa, Rangeley. A.W.H. at Cypress Gardens, Charleston, N.C. ...
28) 2426.0116 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 116
From Logbook: A.W.H. with Larry at Kewanhee. Trip to Megantic with Mary-Helen & Helen Raye, Irene & Mary Wadsworth & A.W.H Megantic Cathedral, City of Megantic on ...
27) 2426.0115 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 115
From Logbook: A.W.H., C.B.H., M.G.S., at Kawanhee, Weld, Me. Larry & Others swimming at Kawanhee Weld, Me. Quoddy Village, Eastport, Me. View at North End Augusta ...
4) 2426.0114 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 114
From Logbook: Billy- A.W.H. & Larry (baby) on lawn, Portland Waddy, Larry, Mary Hamlen playing in snow at 27 Chadwick Street. Skating at Poland Springs. Larry at 2...
11) 2426.0113 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 113
From Logbook: Larry, Tom Josselyn, A.W.H., Ralph & Helen Corey & Mary Skillin, & crowd on motor boat for picnic Mary Skillin, A.W.H., Helen Corey on motorboat Ralph...
24) 2426.0112 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 112
From Logbook: Elise Nason, Ellie, Bisbee, Billy Hinds, Betty Bisbee, Ethel Bisbee, Lydia Parson, A.W.H. Nate Redlon Jr., Jim & Elsie Stenhouse on porch at Rockwoo...
13) 2426.0111 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 111
From Logbook: Baby at Me. General Hospital with teeth at birth. A.W.H. & Edna DeMallie at Bennett graduation. Graduation exercises at Bennett graduation. Edna, Ba...
22) 2426.0110 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 110
From Logbook: Flame vine, azalias [sic] and our house, Mt. Lake Lake Wales band at Mt. Lake Club pool. Tinkie Upson, Flodi Porteous & Louis, Mollie Dillon, Van Benton, ...
71) 2426.0109 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 109
From Logbook: At the Cypress Gardens A.W.H. Cornell Winston & Dr. & Mrs. Volt at Vero Beach. Ann, Marvin & Jamie & Cornell Winston at our Mt. Lake home. Cornell...
16) 2426.0108 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 108
From Logbook: John and Ruth Raye & A.W.H. at the tower. John & Ruth Raye & A.W.H. with Major Nornabell and Anton breeze to the Tower. Mt. Lake. John, Ruth & A.W.H...
9) 2426.0107 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 107
From Logbook: The Lynch's & Holmes at Mountain Lake The Lynch's & Holmes and A.W.H. & Catherine Nornabell on the island at Sanctuary. Lynch's & Holmes with Catherin...
18) 2426.0106 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 106
From Logbook: Flamingos at Miami, Mt. Lake & Flamingos at Tower. Pauline Stahlbrook(?), Madge Nutt, A.W.H., Rene at Tower. Alex, Thurman, Elizabeth, Eufaula Hurst, ducks...
4) 2426.0105 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 105
From Logbook: C.B.H. & Alex Hurst with palm blossoms at Mountain Lake home. A.W.H. & Mary Wadsworth at Mountain Lake Home. A.W.H. Mary Wadsworth & Elizabeth Metcalf...
28) 2426.0104 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 104
From Logbook: A.W.H., Mary Skillin & Larry at Mt. Lake Sanctuary A.W.H. & Larry at Mt. Lake Sanctuary A.W.H , Skilly & Larry in front of azalias [sic] Sanctuary. A...
21) 2426.0103 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 103
From Logbook: At Mountain Lake. Crowd at Singing Tower. Tower view from Tower grounds, Mt. Lake Club, Cypress Gardens at Winter Haven, A.W.H. on bridge, & on path. ...
14) 2426.0102 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 102
From Logbook: St. Augustine C.B.H. & A.W.H. Singing Tower & garden, flowers, crowd, Mountain Lake. Cardinal. At Mountain Lake Club. Home of Ed. Bock, Home now o...
23) 2426.0101 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 101
From Logbook: Volendam, Holland. Larry in Dutch costume, Hotel Carlton, Amsterdam, Holland. Scheveningen, Holland. On the Rhine River in Germany. Scenes ...
24) 2426.0100 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 100
From Logbook: Bridge out on Raymond Road near Duck Pond Corner During floods. High water at bridge, Yarmouth. Dartnouth [sic] College campas [sic] and Library. Daughter...
11) 2426.0099 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 99
From Logbook: Wesley, Helen, C.B.H., Larry, A.W.H. and Gee. Raye at 27 Chadwick Street and at airport. Wesley leaves by plane for Bangor. Isabel Sollitt, Helen Raye, A...
18) 2426.0098 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 98
From Logbook: At the Farmington, Maine Zoo. Carol's first birthday at Hilltop Lodge, Rangeley. Carol, Sis and Charles Jr. Carol and Terry, Cornie, A.W.H., Ethel and ...
36) 2426.0097 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 97
From Logbook: Cascade in White Mountains. Rene, Mary and A.W.H. viewing Cascade Fire from Western Promenade, Portland, Panorama view from Promenade, Portland Tho...
28) 2426.0096 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 96
From Logbook: At Overlook Farm, Casco, Maine. Vivian Blauvelt, the dog, Benoits, Mellie Marsh, Larry Sonny, Seward Marsh, Bubble gum contest, the crowd, A.W.H., and ...
8) 2426.0095 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 95
From Logbook: A.W.H., Helen Raye at 27 Chadwick Street Larry's birthday party Carol at Brookline, Mass. Police parade Carol, Charles Jr. A.W.H. (birthday) Portl...
35) 2426.0094 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 94
From Logbook: Carol Hinds (age 10 days), Sis and Charles Jr. At Hanover, N.H. hospital. Carol at Brookline, Mass. Carol and Sis Brookline, Mass. Carol and Charle...
31) 2426.0093 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 93
From Logbook: A.W.H. and Edna leave for Hanover to see there [sic] new grand-daughter Carrol Hinds. C.B.H. and Bayard. At the picnic across the lake. Flossie Sk...
32) 2426.0092 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 92
From Logbook: Larry, Sonny Bisbee, John Robinson with Larry's new bicycle on his 10th birthday A.W.H., Miss Skillin and Mrs. Skillin At 27 Chadwick Street. Bobby...
33) 2426.0091 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 91
From Logbook: Irma Bentley, Larry, W.L.H., Gardner and Duke out fishing in motor boat at Rangeley, On the wharf, the catch. C.B.H., Larry, W.L.H. and Skilly by the ...
34) 2426.0090 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 90
From Logbook: Elizabeth MacClelland and Wadsworth Hinds in Front of house at 27 Chadwick Street. Elizabeth and A.W.H. coming out of house And in front of house. Eli...
35) 2426.0089 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 89
From Logbook: Sis, Larry and Terry (the dog) at 22 Germain St. Worcester, Mass. A.W.H., Edna, Bayard, Charles Jr. and Miss Skillin as we left Worcester for home. Bin...
36) 2426.0088 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 88
From Logbook: Dartmouth-Norwich game at Hanover, N.H.
Next 36