[Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 105

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1929 – 1940
From Logbook: C.B.H. & Alex Hurst with palm blossoms at Mountain Lake home. A.W.H. & Mary Wadsworth at Mountain Lake Home. A.W.H. Mary Wadsworth & Elizabeth Metcalf at Charleston, N.C. Teddy & Carol and Waddy & Cornie at St. Pete Beach. Waddy & Corny sailing at Mt. Lake. A.W.H. Cornie & Mrs. Nornabell at Sanctuary Budge playing tennis at Mt. Lake. Jan Pierce at tennis games. Joseph (steward) Carol, Teddy & Charles Jr. at Mt. Lake Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Homes & A.W.H. at Mt. Lake & at Chalet Suzanne A.W.H. in garden at Mt. Lake Judge & Mrs. Elbridge Davis, Barbara & A.W.H. at Chalet Suzanne. Flamingoes at the Sanctuary Major & Mrs. Nornabell, Mr. & Mrs. Milton Warner A.W.H. on the island at the Sanctuary. Carol & Teddy in our garden at Mt. Lake. Indians at Sanctuary, Major & Indian Chief, Carol, Teddy, Sis, Larry, A.W.H. & Rene at Sanctuary. A.W.H. Sis, Teddy, Carol, Rene in front of Tower. Carol, Ted, Sis & Larry on lawn Our gardens, Rene in circle at Mt. Lake. Japanese Gardens at Clearwater and A.W.H., Larry & Rene on beach at Clearwater. Rene, Alex & Larry planting palm, Palm Sunday. In front of our house at Mt. Lake. Gophers & turtle on our lawn, Larry among Azalias [sic] at Mt. Lake. Larry on ladder listening to Carillon his last day before leaving for Deerfield A.W.H. & Ed Horne in the path at Mt. Lake, Mr. Roger Babson & Judge Hershey and crowd at Uncle Henry's lawn party. (marsh) Easter Sunday at the Sanctuary Our garden and the eclipse at Mt. Lake. Snake. A.W.H. & Rene at the Breakers, Palm Beach. On the beach at Miami (model) A.W.H. & Rene On Sarasota Beach. Our garden.

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