[Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 112
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1920 – 1949
From Logbook: Elise Nason, Ellie, Bisbee, Billy Hinds, Betty
Bisbee, Ethel Bisbee, Lydia Parson, A.W.H.
Nate Redlon Jr., Jim & Elsie Stenhouse on
porch at Rockwood Villa, Rangeley. Jim
Stenhouse, Billy Hinds & Nate Redlon Jr.
Back of Rockwood by the garage.
Billy Hinds, Helen, Ralph & Christine Corey,
A.W.H., Larry (baby) & Skilly at camp, as
Corey's leave for Portland.
Josh & Alice Everett, Betty Morse, Billy,
at camp.
Percy McCord & two cousins on motor boat
with A.W.H.
Wadsworth, sis, Betty, Sal, Joe, Ethel &
Spaulding. Bisbee, Dick, Larry, the Parsons
& Christine Mount on picnic on Mooselook.
Babies (?)
A.W.H., Ethel, Gram Bisbee, Sally, Helen Cris,
& Ralph Corey, Bob Martin, Mary Skillin,
Larry, Tom Josselyn, Ellie, Betty & Spaulding
Bisbee on motorboat and at Birches on picnic.
Carol, Ted, Sis, Duke & others in bathing at
Rockwood Villa beach. A.W.H., C.B.H, M.G.S.,
Rene Wadsworth, Carol & Ted on picnic.
Ralph & Helen Corey, Gray & Abbie Buxton,
A.W.H. & C.B.H on beach at Rockwood Villa.
Bromley's, Mary-Helen & Rene at Rockwood.
Comm. Coit, Geo. Coit, Louise, Jim, Joan
Kilburn, Joe & Spaulding Bisbee, Coit dog
& Parsons on picnic at Birches, Rangeley.
Same group & Wad & Corny at Coit's leave.
A.W.H., Wad, Corny 7 Bill Hinds at Rockwood.
5 Copies