9 work results

31) 2426.0122 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 122
From Logbook: Sunset on Moosleookmeguntic Lake, Rangeley. Dr. & Mrs. Miller from Worcester. Charles Jr., Sis, Carol, Peter & Kela in swimming at Rockwood Villa on Mo...
15) 2426.0121 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 121
From Logbook: Wesley & Helen Raye, Mary & Rene Wadsworth & A.W.H. at Boyden's Lake for Mary's birthday. A.W.H. & Helen Raye at Dennysville, Maine. Scen...
4) 2426.0120 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 120
From Logbook: Billy, Cornelia, A.W.H., Ella Hunt & Miss Spring At Johnson Heights, Waterville, Me. A.W.H. & Rene Wadsworth at Charlerton (?) Gardens. Spring Day at...
2) 2426.0114 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 114
From Logbook: Billy- A.W.H. & Larry (baby) on lawn, Portland Waddy, Larry, Mary Hamlen playing in snow at 27 Chadwick Street. Skating at Poland Springs. Larry at 2...
32) 2426.0112 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 112
From Logbook: Elise Nason, Ellie, Bisbee, Billy Hinds, Betty Bisbee, Ethel Bisbee, Lydia Parson, A.W.H. Nate Redlon Jr., Jim & Elsie Stenhouse on porch at Rockwoo...
6) 2426.0111 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 111
From Logbook: Baby at Me. General Hospital with teeth at birth. A.W.H. & Edna DeMallie at Bennett graduation. Graduation exercises at Bennett graduation. Edna, Ba...
70) 2426.0110 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 110
From Logbook: Flame vine, azalias [sic] and our house, Mt. Lake Lake Wales band at Mt. Lake Club pool. Tinkie Upson, Flodi Porteous & Louis, Mollie Dillon, Van Benton, ...
15) 2426.0109 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 109
From Logbook: At the Cypress Gardens A.W.H. Cornell Winston & Dr. & Mrs. Volt at Vero Beach. Ann, Marvin & Jamie & Cornell Winston at our Mt. Lake home. Cornell...
13) 2426.0108 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 108
From Logbook: John and Ruth Raye & A.W.H. at the tower. John & Ruth Raye & A.W.H. with Major Nornabell and Anton breeze to the Tower. Mt. Lake. John, Ruth & A.W.H...
Next 36