253 work results

25) 2791.0048 [Marie and LeGrand Cannon III--home movies] Reel 48
1969 Reel 2;Too blurry to see. Sign: ‘Site of Dinosaur Tracks.’ Shot of dinosaur track. Too dark to see. Carnival rides. A boy (LeGrand "Lee" Cannon IV) on a bicycle. The family gathered ar...
26) 2791.0047 [Marie and LeGrand Cannon III--home movies] Reel 47
1969 Reel 1;A child hanging off a sign post in the snow. Sign: ‘Harbor View Rd.’ Children playing in the snow. Shots of a house. A snow plow. Children getting on a school bus. A man (LeGran...
10) 2791.0046 [Marie and LeGrand Cannon III--home movies] Reel 46
1968 Vacation Reel 3;Children (LeGrand "Lee" Cannon IV, Laura Cannon and another child) on a swing set. A man (LeGrand "Lee" Cannon III), Lee IV and Laura playing. Shot of a cathedral seen through a...
6) 2791.0045 [Marie and LeGrand Cannon III--home movies] Reel 45
1968 Vacation Reel 2;Children playing on a playground. A park by a stream. Cannons aimed at the water. A man in uniform. A marching band. Sign: ‘Fort Entrance This Way.’ Marching band inside the for...
29) 2791.0044 [Marie and LeGrand Cannon III--home movies] Reel 44
1968 Vacation Reel 1;Panning shot of a field and a city skyline. Close up of a cross on the side of a building. Cut to children playing in the woods. A man (LeGrand "Lee" III) and two children (LeGr...
29) 2791.0043 [Marie and LeGrand Cannon III--home movies] Reel 43
1967 Reel 2;The silhouette of the Old Man of the Mountain. (Franconia, New Hampshire) Sign: ‘Welcome to Polar Caves.’ Panning shot of the mountains. A man (LeGrand "Lee" Cannon III) and two...
31) 2791.0042 [Marie and LeGrand Cannon III--home movies] Reel 42
1967 Reel 1;A boy and a girl (LeGrand "Lee" Cannon IV and Laura Cannon) playing on a playground. Lee IV and Laura playing in the woods, pile people prepare a picnic in the background. Laura...
16) 2791.0040 [Marie and LeGrand Cannon III--home movies] Reel 40
1965 + 1966 Reel 1;A boy (LeGrand "Lee" Cannon IV) on a slide. Children on a slide. Cut to the Stowe House (Harriet Beecher Stowe House) in Brunswick, ME. Road sign: ‘International Bridge.’ Bridge...
33) 2791.0039 [Marie and LeGrand Cannon III--home movies] Reel 39
1964 New Port + Vac;Sign: ‘Newport Hospital.’ Sign: ‘The Breakers.’ Shots of the Breakers mansion and grounds. Shots of the Marble House mansion. Panning shots of mansions along the water. Sign: ‘M...
34) 2791.0037 [Marie and LeGrand Cannon III--home movies] Reel 37
1963 Vac Reel 2;Sign: ‘Visit, Old Abilene Museum.’ (Kansas) Shot of a reproduction of a log cabin. Wide shot of the buildings that make up the museum. Horses in a pen. Sign: ‘Great Western Catt...
36) 2791.0036 [Marie and LeGrand Cannon III--home movies] Reel 36
1963 Vac Reel 1;Shots dark and blurry. A bride and groom dancing. A boy (LeGrand "Lee" Cannon IV) looking out a car window. A man walking out of a house. Signs for the Mass. Pike seen through a...
35) 2791.0035 [Marie and LeGrand Cannon III--home movies] Reel 35
1962 Milton Tercent + Vac;Banner: ‘Milton Tercentenary, 1662 – 1962.’ Sign: ‘Phineas Davenport House, 1802.’ Shot of the front of a house, a woman and a baby entering the front door. Wider shot of the ho...
13) 2791.0033 [Marie and LeGrand Cannon III--home movies] Reel 33
1961 Vac, Lee IV, First x-mas 1961;Sign: ‘Welcome to Illinois, Please Drive Carefully.’ Sign: ‘Lincoln Trail Home Site, 3 MI.’ Sign: ‘Site of the Lincoln Cabin.’ Sign: ‘Springfield 83300.’ Sign: ‘Welcome to Sprin...
14) 2791.0032 [Marie and LeGrand Cannon III--home movies] Reel 32
Labor Day 1961;Sign: ‘Wel—me -o New York, The Empire State.’ Sign: ‘New York State Maximum Speed 50 MPH.’ Sign: ‘Vanderbilt Mansion National Historic Site.’ Shots of the mansion. Sign: ‘IHS, E...
25) 2791.0031 [Marie and LeGrand Cannon III--home movies] Reel 31
1961 Reel 1;A man (Lee III) packing a car. A woman holding a baby. A girl and a baby walking on the driveway. Sign: ‘Entrance, Massachusetts Turnpike’. Sign: ‘Massachusetts Turnpike.’ A bli...
16) 2791.0030 [Marie and LeGrand Cannon III--home movies] Reel 30
1960 Reel 2;Sign: ‘Lansing Service Clubs, Olds Hotel.’ Street sign: ‘S. Capitol Ave.’ Sign: ‘State Capitol Building’. The front of the Michigan State Capitol building. Signs for parking. Si...
26) 2791.0029 [Marie and LeGrand Cannon III--home movies] Reel 29
1960 Reel 1;Shot of the road filmed from a car window, with a sign for the Mass. Pike. Sign: ‘Entrance, Massachusetts Turnpike’. Road sign: ‘Welcome to New York State Thruway Berkshire Sect...
18) 2791.0022 [Marie and LeGrand Cannon III--home movies] Reel 22
Family Hash Reel 1;Nuns gathered on the beach. Women and nuns gathered around cars. Shot of a sign with a witch on a broomstick, reading ‘Historic 6 Trail’. Shot of a sign, reading: ‘House of Seve...
26) 2681.0123 [Albert G. and Mary Miller Dietrich--home movies] Reel 123
Box: Washington DC Spring 1968;Buildings in Washington DC. The Washington Monument. The National Gallery of Art. The National City Christian Church. The dome of the National Museum of Natural History. The US ...;"Washington D.C. 1967. On the Mall with a lot of cars. National Gallery of Art. I don’t know who the man in the suit is…. More buildings. The Capitol."
3) 2681.0113 [Albert G. and Mary Miller Dietrich--home movies] Reel 113
Box: 1965 + 1966 1st day of school / xmas 1965 – skiing at Gunstock NH;A boy waves at the camera as he leaves for school. An Orrington School Department school bus. Children (Mary Lou, David, Mark) on Christmas morning. A woman (Mary) reading. Ski ...
5) 2681.0079 [Albert G. and Mary Miller Dietrich--home movies] Reel 79
Box: First day of school Sept 6th, 1961;Three children (Mary Lou, David and Mark) leaving for school. Waiting for the school bus. The ‘Orrington School Department’ school bus. Shot of the two boys with their school bo...
3) 2681.0064 [Albert G. and Mary Miller Dietrich--home movies] Reel 64
Box: Isle au Haut trip over Labor Day weekend / Microbus wreck / Marky’s 1st day at school – leaving home on bus;A girl (Mary Lou) and a dog on a dock. Two boys (David and Mark) running down a dock ramp. Mary Lou and the dog. Houses along the shore. Three men in a rowboat. A buoy. David an...
13) 2656.0001 [Joan Cartledge--home movies] Reel 1
Guyana Essequibo Boys School 1965-1966. Donor reel Reg 8. #1. ;Guyana Essequibo Boys School 1965 - 1966;People gathered outside a building. A circle of people listen to a presentation. People demonstrating bandaging. People eating. A man on stilts. Woman walks along ropes strung b...
14) 2655.0007 [South America, 1960s. Joan Cartledge--home movies] Reel 7
New Amsterdam / Softball / To airport / Leaving Guyana;New Amsterdam, softball, to airport leaving Guyana;A group of people playing baseball/softball. A man washing something in a basin. A man chasing a cow. Two men moving a tarp. A road filmed through a car windshield. Houses along...
24) 2655.0006 [South America, 1960s. Joan Cartledge--home movies] Reel 6
Venezuela / Winni / Maine / Guyana Juggling / N.A. Soccer;Venezuela, Winnipesaukee, Maine, Guyana juggling, New Amsterdam soccer;Children playing on the beach and swimming. The Washington Monument and reflecting pool from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. People on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Shot...
15) 2655.0004 [South America, 1960s. Joan Cartledge--home movies] Reel 4
#1 to Kaieteur Falls;Shot of a riverboat. A man seated in the bow of the boat. Shot of the water. Shot of Kaieteur Falls. Panning across mountains, down into a valley and the river. Another shot of ...
17) 2655.0002 [South America, 1960s. Joan Cartledge--home movies] Reel 2
George town Intersection & Harbor - Ferry - Cricket, Scavenger Hunt - Up River to Kaieteur Falls;Georgetown intersection, harbour, ferry, cricket, scavenger hunt, upriver to Kaieteur F.;A ferry, filmed from another boat. Shots of trees and the water. Shot of a road with cars, horse drawn carts and people. Signs on buildings in the background read ‘Bank’, ‘The R...
30) 2655.0001 [South America, 1960s. Joan Cartledge--home movies] Reel 1
George town, Surinam, Cricket;Georgetown, Surinam (Dutch Guiana), Cricket game;Shots of a dirt road, houses and palm trees, filmed from a vehicle. Two men walking down a dirt road. Mountains seen through a car windshield. A crowd of people gathering around...
30) 2419.0083-.0151 Abraham Katz--home movies. Reels 83-151
Black and white and color amateur footage of the Katz family in Cambridge, MA, on vacation around the United States, Caribbean, and France, weddings, parades, and family scenes.
28) 2419.0001-.0031 Abraham Katz--home movies. Reels 1-31
Home movies shot by Abraham Katz including footage of the Centennial parade in Cambridge, MA, a vacation to Mexico, skiing in St. Johnsbury, VT, and Concord, NH.
11) 2288.0011 [Drive-In Theater Trailers] Reel 11
1961, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1968 edge codes on film. // Collection consists of multiple advertisements/trailers from New England drive-in theaters. Reel includes material from Chelm...
23) 2288.0010 [Drive-In Theater Trailers] Reel 10
1962, 1976 edge codes on film. // Collection consists of multiple advertisements/trailers from New England drive-in theaters. Reel includes material from Sky-Hi Drive-In Theater...
20) 2288.0009 [Drive-In Theater Trailers] Reel 9
1967, 1979, 1984 edge codes on film. // Collection consists of multiple advertisements/trailers from New England drive-in theaters. Reel includes material from Sky-Hi Drive-In T...
5) 2288.0005 [Drive-In Theater Trailers] Reel 5
1965, 1968, 1972, 1976 edge codes on film. // Collection consists of multiple advertisements/trailers from New England drive-in theaters. Reel includes material from Route 7 Dri...
35) 2221.0011 [Dave & Annette Jackson--home movies] Reel 11
Date range from edge codes on film. Also Ansco film stock. // Faded, heavy scratches, perf and edge damage, mold and water damage. // Man chopping wood. Men in motor-powered can...
19) 2161.0005 [Hubert Clemons—home movies] Reel 5
One of several reels of film that depicts a group of school teachers on a seven-week University of Maine sponsored bus tour of the U.S., which started and ended at Orono, Maine...
Next 36