[Marie and LeGrand Cannon III--home movies] Reel 42
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1967 Reel 1
A boy and a girl (LeGrand "Lee" Cannon IV and Laura Cannon) playing on a playground. Lee IV and Laura playing in the woods, pile people prepare a picnic in the background. Laura beside a picnic table. Children on a playground, with a sign for ‘Pillsbury Lake’ in the background. Laura and Lee IV by a wooden bridge. The children playing on a playground. Laura walking on the sidewalk. Laura and Lee in the lake. A small train going up a mountain. Lee IV feeding ducks. Laura chasing a duck. Sign: ‘Berlin, Lancaster, Shelburne, Portland ME.’ Shot too dark to see. Sign: ‘Andover. ME. Earth Satellite Station.’ Sign: Earth Station for Communicating by Satellites. Shot of the station’s dome. Sign: ‘Comsat Earth Station, Andover, Maine.’ People standing next to the dome. Lee IV feeding deer in a pen. Shots of various animals in pens, including deer, sheep, llamas, lions, a peacock and a bear. Close up of Laura. Marie and Lee IV walking, while Lee IV pushes Laura in a stroller. Close up of donkeys in a pen. Deer in a pen. Lee IV feeding deer while Laura watches. Guinea pigs. Close up of the peacock. Lee IV on a swing. Lee IV pushing Laura on a swing. Lee and Lee IV on the swings. Sign: ‘State Line New Hampshire.’ Sign: ‘Welcome to New Hampshire.’ A covered wagon with ‘Six Gun City,’ written on the side. Lee IV standing in a parking lot. Lee IV riding a horse. A man shooting a bow and arrow. People getting into a coach. Sign: ‘Santa’s Village.’ Lee IV on a toy dinosaur. Shots around Santa’s Village. Lee IV on a carnival rides. Lee IV with a man dressed as Santa Claus. A duck pond. Lee IV and Laura on a goose statue. [End of Reel]
4 Copies