310 work results

15) 0284.0072 [Meyer Davis--home movies] Reel 72
Box notes: '1967--Israel--Hilton Hotel--Tel Aviv. Jerusalem--Kennedy Library. Going to Nazareth--Tiberias--Sea of Galilee. Capernian Hills. Entrance to Kibbutz. Planting trees i...
1) 0309 cat. 0007-09-WABI-60 Eastern Trust and Banking Co.
Commercial about the Eastern Trust and Banking Co., and list of branch offices. Probably used with the University of Maine 114th Commencement, which they sponsored live telecast...
31) 0309 cat. 0007-10-WABI-60 Merchants National Bank
Commercial for Merchants National Bank, advantages and locations of various branches. Probably broadcast with University of Maine 114th Commencement. 'Remember, you are always w...
29) 0309 cat. 0007-11-WABI-60 Merrill Trust Co.
Merrill Trust Co., advantages of the banking system. 'The commencement broadcast is a public service provided by Merrill Trust Co.' Probably broadcast with University of Maine 1...
8) 0309 cat.0007-13 Bowl MOR Lanes
Exterior Bowl MOR Lanes, three men shaking hands, man bowls a strike. Ref. 300.
34) 0309 cat. 0008-02-WABI-60 Hampden Roofing
Product promotion: Scenes include demonstration of the strength of the exterior door of a house and CU of trim and siding. Man hangs from door, looks at camera. Two men stand on...
1) 0316 cat.0010-11-WABI-60 Libby Motor Renault
Commercial for Libby Motors for the new Renault. No visible image. Announcer states advantages of buying a Renault.
20) 0318 cat.0013-04-WABI-60 Shell Sign
Revolving Shell service station sign. Two takes.
16) 0322 cat.0016-05-WABI-60 Frost Farm Fire
Frost Farm on fire. Farm burning, fire fighters with hose, car on fire.
26) 0322 cat.0016-06-WABI-60 Farm and Home Week at UM
Students and faculty at Farm and Home Week presentation. Students walking in front of Student Union, students and faculty listening to speaker.
34) 0322 cat.1007-09-WABI-60 Farm and Home Week at Univ. of Maine
Live broadcast including UM sign, a WABI interview, people seated and listening, baby animal playing.
18) 0322 cat.1008-02-WABI-60 Sears Roebuck Farm Dept.
Commercial for Sears. Man tries to sell couple an item at Sears, then shakes their hands.
34) 0325 cat. 0018-02-WABI-60 Civil Air Patrol Cadets Off to Encampment
Female CAP cadets file past officers onto an Air Force bus.
9) 0328 cat. 0018-16-WABI Country Kitchen
Country Kitchen Bread ad. Bread slice is torn in half, then loaf is shown. Narrator says, 'Only batter whiping makes bread this tender, and only Country Kitchen is batter whippe...
24) 0328 cat. 0018-17-WABI-61 Beacon Finance
2 spots for Beacon Finance Co. First features John J. Flaherty Jr. Second features William G. Hayes.
27) 0328 cat. 0018-20-WABI-61 Beacon Finance Co.
2 spots for Beacon Finance Co. First features John J. Flaherty, Jr. Second features William G. Hayes.
28) 0328 cat. 0018-21-WABI Country Kitchen
Commercial: Country Kitchen bread, 'Have you tried the tenderness test?' A woman compares normal bread to batter-whipped Country Kitchen bread, tearing it.
27) 0328 cat. 0018-23-WABI-61 Dead River
Dead River Co. ad in which a man makes a speech. 4 takes.
9) 0328 cat. 1008-14-WABI Cushman Bakery Products
Commercial : shows woman seated at a table extolling virtues of Cushman products and pouring syrup over Cushman brownies and ice cream.
21) 0332 cat. 0019-10-WABI-61 Freeses
Freeses Gold Bond Stamp commercial. Stamp spins with caption, a stamp book filling up, and a poster for the stamp.
23) 0332 cat. 0019-11-WABI-60 New Central Furniture
First commercial is for refrigerator with double doors. 2 takes. 36 ft. each. Second commercial is for washer-dryer set.
17) 0332 cat. 0020-01-WABI-61 Freeses
Freeses Gold Bond Stamps spot. Stamp spinning, a stamp book filling up and displaying its total value, and poster advertising stamp.
16) 0332 cat. 0020-07-WABI-60 Libby Motors (Renault)
Libby Motors Renault spot. Shots of Renault driving and of two men opening the trunk.
19) 0334 cat. 0024-05-WABI-61 Community Oil
Commercial featuring Chevron Oil Company. Shots of a receptionist answering the phone, a Chevron truck delivering oil to a house, and other oil and gas companies in Bangor area ...
29) 0334 cat. 0024-06-WABI-60 Community Oil
Chevron commercial featuring their products such as Comoco Antifreeze and RPM Motor Oil. Shots of attendant pumping gas for customer at Chevron station and station sign.
24) 0334 cat. 0024-10-WABI-61 Hugh Davis Barn Fire
Fire burning at Hugh Davis barn.
13) 0334 cat. 1009-09-WABI-60 Community Oil
Chevron ad including products such as Comoco Anti-Freeze and RPM Motor Oil. Man pulling his vehicle into Chevron station, being helped by attendant and serviced with products, C...
1) 0335 cat. 1009-11-WABI-63 Freeses Gold Bond Stamps
Commercial : including stamp spinning and stopping with the caption 'Freeses Gold Bond Trading Stamps.' Cut to a drawing saying, 'Where a Wonderful World of Gifts is Waiting for...
7) 0336 cat. 0023-07-WABI-61 Saab
Hammond Motors Saab commercial. Optical audio track followed by shots of Saab on various types of roads, its features, Hammond Motors.
21) 0336 cat. 1009-03-WABI-61 Bangor & Aroostook Pickup and Delivery
Ad including train pulling past camera, man backing up a truck and dropping off a crate, more footage of train rolling by.
13) 0336 cat. 1009-05-WABI-61 Bangor & Aroostook Pickup and Delivery
Commercial: composite master copy of commercial about Bangor & Aroostook Railroad's free pickup and delivery service. Same as 1009-03.
39) 0336 cat. 1009-06-WABI Bangor & Aroostook Pre-Iced Cars
Ad including a hydraulic lift raising large ice blocks to top of a railroad car, men sliding blocks down into car. Dick Curless sings jingle.
28) 0336 cat. 1009-07-WABI-61 Bangor & Aroostook Round-trip Ticket
Commercial: Bangor & Aroostook Railroad's round trip ticket on their bus service. Shots include bus stopping to pick up passengers, onboard the bus, washroom, shot of the road a...
16) 0336 cat. 1009-08-WABI-61 Bangor & Aroostook Pickup and Delivery
Four copies of ad. Same as Cat. No. 1009-03. Third or fourth copy is listed as the first proof.
20) 0337 cat. 0023-02-WABI-60 Dead River
Dead River spot.
35) 0337 cat. 0023-03-WABI-61 Dead River Salutes Houlton
Dead River spokesman talks about their representatives in Houlton, Presque Isle and Van Buren. He holds up cards with pictures of those stations and their managers.
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