344 work results

1) 2639.0050 Spirit of America
Booth - Spirit of America [See Collection Folder for Video Log]
5) 2639.0108 Cardinal Medeiros Tribute
Cardinal Medeiros Profile, April 1983
5) 2639.0166 William Shirer #1
[Shot list in Coll Folder]: Shirer house and car, shots around interior of house, interview with Shirer (author of The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich)
6) 2639.0167 William Shirer #2
7) 2639.0168 William Shirer #3
[Shot list in Coll Folder] Interview with Shirer (author of The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich)
8) 2639.0169 William Shirer #4
[Shot list in Coll Folder] Interview with Shirer (author of The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich)
24) 2639.0170 William Shirer #5
[Shot list in Coll Folder] Interview with Shirer (author of The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich)
10) 2639.0171 William Shirer #6
11) 2716.0013 Aqui: The Cock Fight
X2578; The Cock Fight;Aqui; The Cock-Fight; Viewer alert: animals fight in an arena while crowds of people look on; The environment of a cock-fighting gallery are observed: men and young boys playing...;In the studio Gabriel Garcia, Celenia Z. Melendez, Paula Lyons, Dick Dunham, Ellen Boyce, Alan Pratt, Doug Devitt, George Ellard, Billy Cobham, Pat Metheney, Carlos Santana, Sus...
12) 2716.0076 Aqui - The Art of Healing
Master; Aqui - The Art of Healing; X2445; ;[Same as 2716.0077, in English.] Title: ‘Aquí, The Art of Healing’. Episode looks at healers (curanderos) and spirit mediums of Puerto Rico. Painting of a mural. Shrines and mus...;Credits: Produced by Gabriel Garcia; Narrated by Natalie Jacobson; Associate Producer: Celenia Z. Melendez; Written By Susan Diesenhouse; Camera: Dick Dunham; Sound: Ellen Boyce...
13) 2716.0077 Aqui - The Art of Healing
Master; Aqui - The Art of Healing; X2568; Air date: Sept 18 Spanish ;[Same as 2716.0076, in Spanish.] Title: ‘Aquí, El Arte De Curar’. Episode looks at healers (curanderos) and spirit mediums of Puerto Rico. Painting of a mural. Shrines and musi...;Credits: Produced by Gabriel Garcia; Narrated by Natalie Jacobson; Associate Producer: Celenia Z. Melendez; Written By Susan Diesenhouse; Camera: Dick Dunham; Sound: Ellen Boyce...
14) 2716.0099 Black History - Those Who Dared
Master; Black History - Those Who Dared;Those Who Dared: James Earl Jones reads Frederick Douglass' words and Robert Brisbane adds details; Booker T. Washington's words are read by Jones and Benjamin Mays adds details...;Credits: produced and directed by KARL NURSE, written by STEVE HUSSEIN, researched by RENE WESTBROOK, location crew BOB HAKKILA CAL HOYLE GEORGE MANNING, cmx editors GEORGE ELLA...
24) 2716.0148 Candlepin Bowling - Bowling
Master; 90 minute special Bowling; Air date 10-8-83; Dir. Rubia; X2973; Prod. $40;Bowling; Candlepin Bowling with Scott Williams and Bob Kelly; Silver Anniversary of the show with first players Don Williams and Al Ray; flashbacks from first show are part of t...
16) 2716.0176 City Streets - The Dreamers; Those Who Dared
X2473 Air Master 2 Shows Series title: City Streets Program title: Black Documentary The Dreamers / Those who dared;Also 2/13/83; Karl Nurse, director; Black History Series
39) 2716.0177 City Streets/ Black History - West / Harlem
Master X3074 - Sub master 2 channel audio City Streets / Black History - West Harlem Rec: 12/27/83;2 channel audio; History of Harlem during the 1920s hosted by Ruby Dee and Ossie Davis; video falls apart at 10:10.
36) 2716.0181 City Streets/ Black History - Black Documentary
3915 X2474 City Streets Black Documentary 1983;1983; James Earl Jones; Those Who Dare; voice over with black screen; scholarship around Black history is given voice; same video/audio as Acc.# 2716.0099 and Acc.#27616.0176l T...
27) 2716.0243 Crumpet Corners - Christmas in the Colonies
X3046 Series Title: Crumpet Corners Series title: Specials Program Title: Christmas in the Colonies Rec Date: 11/22/83 Air Master;Puppet Christmas meeting of the Book and Sandwich Club. They act out a humorous story, read by Fitz.;Credits: Produced and Directed by J. Philip Miller; Written by Leslie Fuller; the puppets & their costumes designed by Mari Kaestle; Cast: Gert: Olga Marin, Leo: Craig Marin, Fi...
12) 2716.0244 Crumpet Corners - Christmas in the Colonies [Incomplete]
X2567 Series Title: Programing / Specials Program Title: Crumpet Corners;Musical clips from the “Christmas in the Colonies” and “The American Revolutions” episodes. Complete episodes in 2716.0243 and 2716.0240.
8) 2716.0372 Good Day - #2506; Jim Mallor; Tom Cottle; James Isaac
Master Good Day X294 Monday July 4 1983 No. 2506 Rec. 6/28/83 Air. 7/4/83;#2506; Jim Mallor; Tom Cottle; James Isaac
9) 2716.0373 Good Day - #2607; Plimoth Plantation; Thanksgiving '83
Dub; Good Day; Thanksgiving '83; X3031;#2607; Plimoth Plantation; Thanksgiving '83 1627 and Plimoth Plantation are the settings for Good Day; Abraham Lincoln declared the formal date for a Thanksgiving annual holiday...;Pamela S. Bullard, Donna Hennessey-Smith, Roni Goldberg, Peggy Allen, Debbie Lathrop, Deborah Cohen, Leslie Moraes, Nancy Swartz, Bonnie Shatsky-Hammer, Kathleen McSweeney, Caro...
23) 2716.0656 Great Entertainment, That - Pearl
The Great Entertainment X2537 Pearl Rec. 11/16/85;Work tape. Still images of various actors and actresses. Various clips from a promotional piece for Frank Avruch and ‘Great Entertainment’. Clips of interviews with Merna Loy, R...
24) 2716.0981 Miller's Court - Killing Him Softly #23
Master Miller's Court X2405 Killing Him Softly No. 23 Rec. 4-11-83 Air. 4-24-83;Miller's Court; Killing Him Softly; theme song and visuals; a patient rests motionless in a medical facility while mother and son talk about the patient's suffering; the son lea...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Julie Sattler Rosene, William Lowell, Diane Sherlock, Mary Ellen Hayes, Bruce Goldman, Joe Jacob, Emmons S. Levine, Jay Gravina, Skip Peabody, Bill ...
25) 2716.0982 Miller's Court - Guaranteed for Life #24
Miller's Court Master X2407; [Guaranteed] for life; Rec: 4-25-83 Air: 5-1-83;Miller's Court: Guaranteed for Life; Emergency workers, a child with a self-inflicted wound, and a report of handguns are the opening scene on whether a gun manufacture can be h...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Julie Sattler Rosene, William Lowell, Diane Sherlock, Mary Ellen Hayes, Bruce Goldman, Diane Culp, Frank, Gallozzi, Jay Gravina, Skip Peabody, Wayne...
26) 2716.0983 Miller's Court - Heavenly Deception #25
Master Miller's Court X2409 Heavenly Deception No. 25 Rec. 5-2-83 Air. 5-8-83;Miller's Court: Heavenly Deception; parents try to reclaim their daughter from a group that they believe is a cult; Arthur Miller introduces the question of whether those who be...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Julie Sattler Rosene, William Lowell, Diane Sherlock, Mary Ellen Hayes, Bruce Goldman, Sandy Foreman, Frank, Gallozzi, Jay Gravina, Skip Peabody, Bi...
2) 2716.0984 Miller's Court - In a Family Way #30
Master Miller's Court X2932 "In a Family Way" No. 30 (Paternity) Rec. 8-26-83 Air. 10-8-83;Miller's Court: In A Family Way; An amorous couple discusses a doctor's visit that discloses an unexpected pregnancy; she is now suing the father for child support; Arthur Mille...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Julie Sattler Rosene, William Lowell, Diane Sherlock, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Bruce Goldman, Steven Avruch, Chris O'Hare, Frank, Gallozzi, Ja...
28) 2716.0985 Miller's Court - Wrong Place Wrong Time
Master X2939 Series Title: Miller's Court X2939 Program Title: Wrong Place Wrong Time Prod: Bill Lowell;Miller's Court: Wrong Place, Wrong Time; A security guard accidentally shoots a bystander during a robbery, and one of the robbers is charged with homicide; the law allows the p...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Julie Sattler Rosene, William Lowell, Diane Sherlock, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Bruce Goldman, Joan Greco, Emmons S. Levine, Jay Gravina, Skip ...
31) 2716.0986 Miller's Court - Happy Birthday #35
Master Miller's Court X2943 (Surrogate Mothers) "Happy Birthday" No. 35 Rec. 11-7-83 Air. 11-19-83;Surrogate Mothers; Miller's Court; Happy Birthday; an infant is cradled, and a couple ask for directions to the maternity ward; mother and child rock while the "parents" observe...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Julie Sattler Rosene, William Lowell, Diane Sherlock, Mary Ellen Hayes, Bruce Goldman, Stephanie Levin, Emmons S. Levine, Frank Gallozzi, Bayard Pea...
32) 2716.0987 Miller's Court - Prescription For Murder #39
Master Miller's Court X2951 (Reasonable Doubt) "Prescription For Murder" No. 39 Rec. 12-5-83 Air. 1-28-84;Title: “Miller’s Court”, “Prescription for Murder”. Dramatization of a murder investigation. Arthur Miller introduces the court case of a man accused of murdering his brother. T...;Credits: Miller’s Court with Arthur Miller Harvard Law School; Produced By: Julie Sattler Rosene; Directed By: William Lowell; Associate Producer: Diane Sherlock; Assistants to ...
34) 2716.1006 Miller's Court - Forbidden Passion #36
Miller's Court X2945 Prod. Bill Lowell;Miller's Court: Forbidden Passion; a 15-year-old reports that a musician took advantage of her; statutory rape standards are the issues argued by Patrick Williams and Henry Owen...;In the studio Julie Sattler Rosene, William Lowell, Diane Sherlock, Mary Ellen Hayes Linda Adler, Bruce Goldman, Joan Greco, Emmons S. Levine, Jay Gravina, Bayard Peabody, Jr., ...
32) 2716.1007 Miller's Court - #32 Side Effects
Master Miller's Court X - 2937;Title: “Miller’s Court, Side Effects”. Dramatic scene, where a girl gets birth control pills from her doctor. The doctor then informs her parents. Arthur Miller introduces the c...;Credits: Miller’s Court with Arthur Miller Harvard Law School; Produced by Julie Sattler Rosene; Directed by William Lowell; Associate Producer: Diane Sherlock; Assistants to th...
33) 2716.1020 Miller's Court - Doing Time #14
Master Miller's Court X2387 #14 Doing Time 1/12/83;Arthur Miller: Doing Time; An inmate sues because of his treatment in jail; Arthur Miller introduces the lawyers, Richard Emery and Thomas Norton, Jr., who will present the lega...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Julie Sattler Rosene, William Lowell, Sandy Devincentis, Diane Sherlock, Bruce Goldman, Robert Clayman, Emmons S. Levine, Frank Gallozzi, Mary Ellen...
34) 2716.1021 Miller's Court - The Partys Over #16
Master Miller's Court X2391;Miller's Court: The Party's Over; During a rescue from choking, the victim is harmed, and later sues her rescuer; Should the rescuer be liable for the subsequent harm, though th...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Julie Sattler Rosene, William Lowell, Diane Sherlock, Bruce Goldman, Sandra Forman, Emmons S. Levine, Frank Gallozzi, Mary Ellen Hayes, George Manni...
35) 2716.1022 Miller's Court - An Eye for an Eye #18
Master Miller's Court X2393 An Eye for an Eye;Title: “Miller’s Court An Eye For An Eye”. Arthur Miller presents a fictional case of a murder. Lawyers Herman Gotcher and Alan Dershowitz question witnesses. Discussion of the ...;Credits: Miller’s Court with Arthur Miller Harvard Law School; Produced by: Julie Sattler Rosene; Directed by: William Lowell; Associate Producer: Diane Sherlock; Assistant to t...
36) 2716.1023 Miller's Court - The Set-Up
Master Miller's Court X2395;Miller's Court: The Setup; Scene opens with a surveillance team on two young men and then arrested; Arthur Miller welcomes the audience, Joseph Oteri, for the plaintiff who beli...;Credits: Julie Sattler Rosene, William Lowell, Diane Sherlock, Mary Ellen Hayes, Bruce Goldman, Sandra Forman, Emmons S. Levine, Jay Gravina, Skip Peabody, Bill Frewald, George ...
Next 36