Good Day - #2607; Plimoth Plantation; Thanksgiving '83

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November 24 1983
Dub; Good Day; Thanksgiving '83; X3031
#2607; Plimoth Plantation; Thanksgiving '83 1627 and Plimoth Plantation are the settings for Good Day; Abraham Lincoln declared the formal date for a Thanksgiving annual holiday; reenactors tell about the original days surrounding the voyage and landing [some audio is dropped]; black screen breaks; native people tried to get along with the newcomers and their descendants talk about the relations; a household and furnishings are described and observed; roof thatching is described; punishment by putting in the stocks is also discussed; trestle sawing is demonstrated; salting cod is demonstrated; cranberry bogs are on the visitor's tour; a modern-day weather report predicts a stormy evening but better weekend weather; gardening is demonstrated; a drum roll calls the men to attention for instructions; thrashing grain is demonstrated; a group of children is asked what they would miss about their current lives if they had to live as the pilgrims lived; Bradford history books are the few and far between for learning about the life of pilgrims;
Pamela S. Bullard, Donna Hennessey-Smith, Roni Goldberg, Peggy Allen, Debbie Lathrop, Deborah Cohen, Leslie Moraes, Nancy Swartz, Bonnie Shatsky-Hammer, Kathleen McSweeney, Caroline Lowrey, Isaac Laughinghouse, Keith Jardine, Ann Thomas, Ed Barron, Jim Barer, Al Brewer, Al Giglio, Jam Kakim, Roger Rice, Rich O'Neill, Kick Erickson, Ed Paolino, Joe Mozdiez, Jim Gilbert, Marina Palmerio, Mary Morrissey, David Chubet, Peter Dateo, Rochelle Joseph, J. Clifford Curley

2 Copies
