Aqui - The Art of Healing

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October 16 1983
Master; Aqui - The Art of Healing; X2445;
[Same as 2716.0077, in English.] Title: ‘Aquí, The Art of Healing’. Episode looks at healers (curanderos) and spirit mediums of Puerto Rico. Painting of a mural. Shrines and musicians. Scenes of La Perla. Interview with Doña [Ann Helena?], a santiguandora (healer/curandera), and some of the people she has helped. Discussion with local priest, Padre Bernard. Don [Guata?] and Don Juan discuss their roles as curandero. Mediums lead a group at Centro Espiritista Heraldo. Doña Auria leads a ritual to cure a woman’s cancer.
Credits: Produced by Gabriel Garcia; Narrated by Natalie Jacobson; Associate Producer: Celenia Z. Melendez; Written By Susan Diesenhouse; Camera: Dick Dunham; Sound: Ellen Boyce; Editors: Alan Pratt, Dave Teixiera; Post-Production Editors: Doug DeVitt, George Ellard; V.P. Community Services & Director Public Affairs: Donna Latson-Gittens; V.P. Public Affairs: Paul LaCamera; “The Art of Healing” Mural was created for this documentary by Rafael Rivera Garcia; Special Thanks To: The Healers of Puerto Rico Who Allowed Us to Witness Their Practice

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