8 work results

1) 2837.0007 [Johnson Family--home movies] Reel 7
Original Can #19;August 1979: Bolton fish hatchery cont'd - feeding the "big ones," our kids & Paul; then an outdoor "carnival" at Greensboro Bend, featuring strawberry ice cream, with a clo...
2) 2837.0008 [Johnson Family--home movies] Reel 8
Original Can #20;August 1980: Vermont vacation with Anne & Paul, including Ned with a crayfish & Lamb II, visit to Cabot Creamery for a yogurt feast, Morgan Horse Farm, Fairbanks Museum ...
24) 3000.0001 [Johnson Family--home movies] Reel 1
[See] this #24 OOUR FINAL SUPER 8'S
25) 3000.0002 [Johnson Family--home movies] Reel 2
OUR SPLICED SUPER 8's (with written commentary);Maura / Vineland - Boxwood Drive 1981 long to shore [?] Canada - Ned, Kevin, Paul + F[?] fish swimming + cliff Brian Jaeger + Maura - all Jaegers all Bradley kids Susan's house ...
26) 3000.0003 [Johnson Family--home movies] Reel 3
27) 3000.0004 [Johnson Family--home movies] Reel 4
OUR SPLICED SUPER 8's (with written commentary);1983 - fishing - Canada J [L]adue, John B[?] Church Milne Gallagher + all of us Molson Display Gratzs look Ballpark 7-4 + Denny + Luke + JD Sept - school Maura + Michael V[?] Ed...
Next 36