20 work results

16) 2313.0048 [Alan Bemis—home movies] Reel 48
"Alan Bemis Commentary on Motormaulers." Alan Bemis comments on all of the Motormauler films as they are shown on screen. See reels 2313.0011, 2313.0012,2313.0013, 2313.0014, ...
5) 2716.0085 Summer Solstice
Henry Fonda; Myrna Loy; Stephen Collins; Lindsay Crouse; Marcus Smythe; Christopher Childs; Thomas Ruisinger; Jo Henderson; P.J. Hussey; Patricia Elliott in a feature film set i...;BBIC X1686 Summer Solstice International Dub Master (English);Henry Fonda's last acting role.;In the studio Henry Fonda, Myrna Loy, Stephen Collins, Lindsay Crouse, Marcus Smythe, Christopher Childs, Thomas Ruisinger, Jo Henderson, P.J. Hussey, Michael Simmons, Elisa Era...
3) 2716.1348 Park Street Under - Fitzy Gets Hired--Episode #11
Park St. Under; Fitzy Gets Hired; #11; Rec. date 1-26-80; Air date 1-28-80; X957;;Bonnie and Guy leave for New Hampshire; Marvin, Augie and Rhonda talk about how to hire a new waitress; Fitzy and Marvin argue about what is wrong with the T, only to learn that...;Credits: Steve Sweeney; Charles Welch; Jim Spruill; Chloe Leamon; Hubert Jessup, producer; James Field, director; Arnie Reisman, writer; Cathy Perron, associate producer;
23) 2716.1349 Park Street Under - Casey Gets A Job--Episode #12
Master; Park St. Under Casey Gets a Job; #12; Rec. date 2-2-80; Air date 2-4-80; X958; ;Park St. Under; Rhonda meets Casey at the restaurant after a job interview at Rhonda's insurance office; Casey says she needs a job right away; a model walks in to apply for Bon...;Credits: Steve Sweeney; Charles C. Welch; Jim Spruill; Chloe Leamon; Pamela Lewis; Donna LeBoeuf; Janice Wayne; Hubert Jessup, producer; Tony Kahn, Arnie Reisman, writers;
9) 2716.1350 Park Street Under - Casey Takes Over--Episode #13
Park St. Under; Casey Takes Over, Show #13; X-959; Rec. date 2-9-80; Air date 2-11-80;Park St Under; Casey redecorates the restaurant with flowers and table numbers; [video disturbance]; Augie draws a line on improvements at the bar, but Casey instead suggests ne...
25) 2716.1352 Park Street Under - [Birthday Party]--Episode 15
Park St. Under; Air master; #15; Rec. Date 2-23-80; X-965;Park St. Under: Don Vincenzo comes in to the restaurant and asks to have his birthday party that night, but it must be kept a secret; Casey tries to quit in order to avoid worki...;In the studio Steve Sweeney, Pamela Lewis, Chloe Leamon, Charles C. Welch, Jim Spruill, Paul Guilfoyle, Marak Mensch, Derek Meader, Hubert Jessup, James Field, Tony Kahn, Arnie ...
7) 2716.1353 Park Street Under - [Gambling episode]--Episode 16
Master;Betting and losing; Augie is made offers to cover his losses; he "wins" all at a card game of fish set up by his friends to teach him a lesson about gambling.;Credits: Steve Sweeney as Augie; Pamela Lewis as Casey; Charles C. Welch as Fitzy; Jim Spruill as Marvin; Chloe Leamon as Rhonda; Joey Scalise played by: Paul Guilfoyle; Vito pl...
8) 2716.1354 Park Street Under - [Casey's Anniversary]--Episode 18
Park St. Under; Show #18; Air tape, X-3002;Park St. Under; Casey and Rhonda plan an evening to distract Casey from bad associations of the day; Benny and Rhonda meet at the bar and chat, which takes over the plans Casey ...;Guest cast: Ted Reinstein; David Zucker; Credits: Steve Sweeney as Augie; Pamela Lewis as Casey; Charles C. Welch as Fitzy; Jim Spruill as Marvin; Chloe Leamon as Rhonda; Vito...
9) 2716.1355 Park Street Under - Fitzy's Date--Episode 19
Park St. Under; Fitzie's Date; #19; Air tape; X3004; Rec. date 3-22-80; WCVB code 4;Park Street Under: Fitzy has a spot on TV that causes a woman to call him at the restaurant and then to come by for a visit; Vito gives Fitzy tips on dating; Fitzy's "blind date...;Special Cast: Mary Loane; Ted Reinstein; Michele Garibotto Credits: Steve Sweeney as Augie; Pamela Lewis as Casey; Charles C. Welch as Fitzy; Jim Spruill as Marvin; Chloe Lea...
10) 2716.1356 Park Street Under - Vito's Blue Day--Episode 21
Vito's Blue Day; Air tape; #21; X-3008; rec. date 4-26-80; air date 4-28-80;Park St. Under; Nick wants to start a softball team; Casey suggests they be called the Park St. Under-dogs; Vito apologizes over the phone to his date for last night; everyone i...;Credits: Lou Criscuolo; Pamela Lewis; Ted Reinstein; Charles Welch; Chloe Leamon; Steve Schlow, executive producer; Jonathan Stathakis, producer; James Field, director; Nick Hol...
11) 2716.1357 Park Street Under - Casey's Ex Returns--Episode 22
Park St. Under; Casey's Ex Returns; #22; Air Tape; X-3010; Rec. date 5-3-80; Air date 5-5-80; mixed to mono;Park St. Under; Casey's ex-husband, J.J. Collins, shows up at the restaurant; Nick and J.J. talk about Casey; they plan to have a final dinner together at the restaurant before ...;Credits: Lou Criscuolo; Pamela Lewis; Ted Reinstein; Charles Welch; Chloe Leamon; Tom Kemp; Barry Doe; Sol Schwade; Steve Schlow, executive producer; Jonathan Stathakis, produce...
12) 2716.1358 Park Street Under - From Here to Eternity and Back--Episode 23
Mixed to Mono; Park St. Under; X-3014; #123; Rec. date 5-10-80; Air date 5-12-80; ;Park St. Under; Eternity and Back; Nick laments his poor eyesight; Jack Gleeson with his very pregnant wife, Louise, arrive at the restaurant; Nick and Louise talk about old fri...;Credits: Lou Criscuolo; Charles C. Welch; Ted Reinstein; Chloe Leamon; Pamela Lewis; Joe Schulman; Channing Chase; Steve Schlow (Executive Producer); Jonathan Stathakis (produce...
13) 2716.1359 Park Street Under - Ratfink Two--Episode 24
Master; Park St. Under; Ratfink Two; #24; Air Tape; Rec. date 5-17-80; Air date 5-19-80; X-3016
14) 2716.1360 Park Street Under - Nick Gets a Heart Murmur--Episode 25
Park St. Under; X-3018; Nick Gets A Murmur; #125; Rec. date 5-24-80; Air date 5-26-80; Air tape mixed to mono. ;Park St. Under; Vito and Theresa argue; Nick gets a call from his doctor and the call upsets him because he is told he has a heart murmur; everyone worries about Nick; Nick deci...;Credits: Lou Criscuolo; Pamela Lewis; Ted Reinstein; Charles Welch; Chloe Leamon; Steve Schlow, executive producer; Cathy Perron, producer; James Field, director; Tony Kahn, wri...
15) 2716.1361 Park Street Under - Nick Buys the Bar--Episode 20
Park St. Under; X-3006; Nick Buys the Bar; #20; Air tape; Rec. date 4-19-80; Air date 4-21-80; ;Park St. Under; Augie calls from Florida to say he is selling the restaurant to someone named Sgt. DeMarco; Vito, Fitzy and Casey decide to discourage the sale by making it look...;Credits: Pamela Lewis; Charles W. Welch; Chloe Leamon; Lou Criscuolo; Ted Reinstein; Steve Schlow, executive producer; Jonathan Strathakis, producer; James Field, director; Nick...
16) 2716.1362 Park Street Under - Rhonda's Award--Episode 17
Park St. Under; X-3006; Nick Buys the Bar; #20; Air tape; Rec. date 4-19-80; Air date 4-21-80; ;St. Pat's Day party; Rhonda is named secretary of the year for New England and her banquet is held at the restaurant; but it turns out the award was given in error. ;Credits: Steve Sweeney as Augie; Pamela Lewis as Casey; Charles C. Welch as Fitzy; Jim Spruill as Marvin; Chloe Leamon as Rhonda; Mr. Pruitt played by Howard London; produced by...
5) 2716.1365 Pearl - Part 2
Fictionalized and dramatized version of the activities of those at Pearl Harbor on Sunday, December 7, 1941, during the day of the Japanese attack, including the Japanese comman...;Credits: Credits: Also Starring: Finger – Christian Vance and Patricia – Mary Frances Crosby; With Cerutti – David Elliot and Lieutenant – Chip Lucia; Danny Nagata – Mike Miyash...;X2264 Pearl Rec Date: 11/27/82
18) 2716.1599 Miller's Court - Teach Your Children #406
Master "Teach your Children" X3801 (AIDS in School) National Version;Slate: ‘Miller’s Court Show No. 406 “Teach Your Children” Dir: Comiskey’. Title: ‘Miller’s Court’, ‘Teach Your Children’. Depiction of parents picketing a school, in order to pr...;Credits: Miller’s Court with Arthur Miller Harvard Law School; Produced by Elizabeth Cheng; Directed by Bob Comiskey; Associate Producer: Curtis Poole, Assistants to the Produce...
19) 2716.1713 Night of the Assassins
Master Night of the Assassins X1210 Prod. Garcia ;Adaptation for television of the play ‘Night of the Assassins’ by Cuban playwright Jose Triana. Three adult siblings go to the attic of their home to play a game where they act ...;Credits: From a play by Jose Triana; Adapted by Gabriel Garcia; Lalo – Kevin Michael Feeley, Cuca – Joanna Hefferen, Beba – Kathleen Patrick; Produced by Gabriel Garcia; Directo...
20) 2716.4232 Metromedia Playhouse - Growing Pains #1
Master Metromedia Playhouse - Growing Pains X3369;Special; Metromedia Playhouse; Growing Pains; black screen breaks; Act 1: Ralph Waite, Lisa Richards, and Katherine Borowitz portray a couple (Waite and Richards) managing their...;In the studio Charles Kravetz, Lisa Schmid, David Wheeler, William Cosel, Nelson Clark, Jon Lipsky, Frederic M. Kimball, Sheila Ferrini, Ernie Maler, Robin Bowers, Amanda Flecca...
Next 36