668 work results

9) 0941.0001 Frannie Peabody: The Best is Yet to Come
Presented by the Center for the Study of Lives, 400 Bailey Hall, University of Southern Maine, June 24, 1992.
35) 0672 cat. 5359-08-CAMP-34 [Frederic E. Camp--home movies] 76 Ranch
01:05 Tree-lined road (orchard). Mule cart with three passengers, boys in cowboy hats. More passengers in back of cart. Adobe house. 01:06 Man lays out bedding outside. Woman in...
255) 0672 cat. 5359-01-ACMP-32 [Frederic E. Camp--home movies] Ellingwood Picnic
Head shot of young man in small sailboat, he winks. Sailboat (pram) called WAH PIE, with young boy in it, seen from stern. Woman in swimsuit and bathing cap. Children in water a...
18) 0672 cat. 5359-03-ACMP-34 [Frederic E. Camp--home movies] Glen Cove, Cynthia and Rose Cottage Nursery School
Two-year old child at doorway. Woman and child. Adults outside, group at outdoor table. Man and small girl; father with pipe. Puts child on shoulder. Men in jackets and ties. Ch...
91) 0354 cat. 1020-30-WABI-62 French Stewardesses
Bangor: Presentation of key to the city to French flight attendants by a man, who also presents a 'birth certificate' for Paul Bunyan.
258) 2045 Friendship Sloops
Shots of man and woman hauling wooden boats from shop. Interview with Nick Roth regarding the building of Friendship Sloops and their history. Shots of sloops.
259) 0559 cat. 1018-12-WABI-61 [Gathering in Japan]
Crowd of Japanese approaches building carrying flags, a man and two young women wave from a balcony.
260) 1375.0022 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 22
22. Aug 1932--Susanne at cove, toothless Tom, Ralph, Tom and Erik alike from beach, eclipse, Tom's swimming lesson, G and I staring boat, San with sailor hat, Petey Wells, Jorda...;NHF Cataloguer's notes for reel 22:00:03. Woman tending vegetables near wooden, louver-like trellis. She removes roots from ground using trowel. Man wheeling infant in baby carr...
27) 1375.0024 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 24
24. 1933--Mar 26, Susanne eating, Apr 22, Tom's recital, Apr 28, planting seeds, Apr 28, Susanne's 2nd [birthday], May 1st, [Uncle] Ted, Tom, Dan stroller, Becker Dairy Farm, G ...;NHF Cataloguer's notes for reel 24:Infant in high chair. Man lowers tray attached thereto. 35:38. He places, ties bib on infant. Infant smiles. 36:07. Woman approaches and place...
262) 1375.0025 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 25
25. 1933--May 20, Tom launching boat, S.Q., June 10, San no clothes, Tom's 1st report, June 25, 'Go Bridge Daddy,' July 4, San and Re Henderson, races and show horses park, July...;NHF Cataloguer's notes for reel 25:00:00. Family in open car. Large toy sailboat is in back seat. Man backs car up. Boy sits on top of back seat. This might be a touring car or ...
16) 1375.0026 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 26
26. Isle of Springs 1933, July 26, Doug and Dan at tennis and leaving Sawyers, San picking berries, Aug 3, 1st ball game, San out front, Aug 6, Sunday ball game, Aug 10, 2nd bal...; NHF Cataloguer's notes for reel 26:Woman wheels infant in open carriage down small wooden bridge. Woman wheels infant in carriage on ground by small pond. Boulders and trees of...
5) 1375.0028 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 28
28. 1933--Thanksgiving at Sharon, Dec 10, Tom on skates, Dec 12, San in snow, Dec 25, state trooper's suit, Dec 25, San and Tom with carriage, Dec 29, San and Tom in deep snow, ...;NHF Cataloguer's notes Reel 28, JS (1998) :00:01. Woman holds hand of toddler dressed for rain. Toddler, woman descend front steps of home. Group children on front steps of home...
265) 1375.0031 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 31
31. 1934, island--Aug 17, yacht club races, Aug 22, Bar Harbor trip, Aug 28, bathing, Aug 31, boat ride and Jenkins, Sept 2, leaving isle and Sawyers, Sept 3, on board Florida, ...;NHF Cataloguer's notes Reel 31 :00:02. Woman, boy, toddler on tennis court. Woman, boy 'lob' ball as toddler watches. Toddler raises net and walks under it to other side. Man, a...
24) 1375.0043 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 43
NHF cataloguer's notes, 7/96 (reel numbers assigned by donor or creator): Reel 43: Woman getting out of wood paneled station wagon; 'Waldoboro' sign; girl blowing horn; boy and ...
7) 1375.0059 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 59
NHF Cataloguer's notes for reel 59. Woman on porch. Woman sits in chair. Other woman combs her hair while friend sitting on rail of porch looks on. 18:01. Woman tending to anoth...
268) 1375.0062 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 62
NHF Cataloguer's notes for reel 62:18:00. Door with geometric design. German writing above door. Man joins woman standing by door. Pov. car ride across bridge. Three cars parked...
6) 1375.0064 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 64
NHF cataloguer's notes (reel numbers assigned by donor or creator): Reel 64: (0:00) Woman going to garage door; (0:10) Graduation of girl (dark); girls leaving house w/ tennis r...
270) 1375.0077 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 77
NHF cataloguer notes (reel numbers assigned by donor or creator): Reel 77: [all exterior shots, well composed, lengthy, focused, and steady.] 6:17:56 women kiss in greeting at f...
36) 1375.0084 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 84
NHF Cataloguer's notes Reel 84:36:06. Older woman turns little boy about. Woman has book. She holds infant in her arms. Various family members with their gifts. Older man holds ...
272) 1375.0085 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 85
NHF cataloguer's notes for Reel 85, 1/13/1999 JS: (00:02) Infant crawling on floor. Infant moves toward mother, who claps her hands. Men painting exterior of house. Bushes drape...
273) 0733 Gilley, Portrait of a Bird Carver
Documentary: Biography of Wendell Gilley, bird carver. He narrates. Ducks swimming near rocks. Gilley sits and talks among his carving with young female interviewer. Fire going ...
274) 0383 cat. 0064-08-WABI-63 Girls Gym at UM
Men move equipment into women's gym.
32) 0822.0002 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 2
Picnic – CC – Grubb Long Thompson Island picnic Grubbs – Nancy Susan, Linda – Sand Beach, Thunderhole – Cadilac + 4 islands (Porcupines, Bar) Susan doing laundry SCS men at wor...;A man grilling. People at picnic tables by the water (Thompson Island, Maine). Close up of an older couple [Eva and Glenn Grubb] at a table. Various shots of people at picnic ta...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 2 (1963): -The family having picnic lunch with Walter’s co-workers and families at Thompson’s Point in Bar Harbor. -Group included Eva (blue sweater) and...
6) 0822.0006 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 6
Graduation ’66 1966 1966 – Graduation B.J. Davis UMO Nancy or Linda? Elwyn Susan on Davis Dr. A Robin in yard ; Gladys hanging laundry;Clouds. A line of graduates in caps and gowns. Shot of a man speaking at the podium, with the score board behind him. Graduates crossing the stage and then returning to the stan...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 6 (1966): -Nancy and El’s graduation from University of Maine, Orono -Nancy and El (red face, red hair) -Susan in dining room -Robin in backyard -Gladys...
7) 0822.0007 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 7
Grandma Hunter “Tote Gote Lon” ? w/ of glen + Gladys Snow Looks like nursing home Mother in Bgr. Convalescence (film very short – no leader);A woman lays a crocheted blanket over an old woman (Grandma Hunter). A snowy yard. Grandma Hunter in a wheel chair. A woman helps her take off her sweater. (Looks like a hospita...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 7 (1967): -Grandma Hunter (Gladys’s mother) – moved in with us following the death of Gladys’ father in Claysville, Pennsylvania -The Lane’s red house ne...
80) 0822.0009 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 9
no date Baheue Yadata Man in white Ethiopian type dress -w/ G. -Davis Dr.? when – not sure -maybe 66’ X-mas 67’ Susan + Linda dancing great hat! Really getting down!;A backyard with flowering bushes. A man in a white robes (Baheue Yadata) is joined by a woman (Gladys). They pose for the camera. A man standing next to a car, holding a toddler...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 9 (1967): -Baheru Yadeta and Gladys. Baheru is from Ethiopia and was studying at UMO. Gladys became friends with him through school and invited him to ma...
18) 0822.0023 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 23
Ocean Fishing ’70, Nancy + George ‘71 1970 Ocean fishing hanging fish to dry Cutting chum Seals 1971 building new garage? Nancy w/ big hair G packing VM Red VW;A man hanging fish. A boat’s wake. A man tossing chum in the water. Seals on the rocks. A building under construction. A woman waves at the camera. A woman with a Super 8 camera...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 23 (1970): -Ocean fishing -Red Volkswagon of Joan and George Postlethwait, Gladys’ niece from Prosperity, Pennsylvania along with Nancy and Gladys
25) 0822.0025 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 25
Fishing could date it from S’s graduation Dennis Erinakas more canoe fishing camp Larry Long Frank + Nancy Gladys good condition very nice scenery old farm house Susan Orono gra...;Two men fishing from a canoe. A man seated beside a campfire, with a tent in the background. A man fishing from a bridge. Two men in a canoe. Houses. A girl (Susan) in a white g...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 25 (1971): -Susan’s graduation from Orono High School -Thompson’s Point in Bar Harbor, eating lobster. Nancy, Frank Belsky (Nancy’s second husband, Glady...
281) 0822.0027 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 27
Nancy + Susan, Moosehead picnic, Fall scenery Nancy, Susan at Moosehead Bob, Mike, Grubbs. Fall scenery – very nice Picnic – always eating –;A woman exiting a house and waving at the camera. A girl walking towards the camera. The woman and the girl boarding a plane. People eating at a picnic table. A boy sitting on r...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 27 (1971) -Moosehead Lake -Susan and Nancy getting on plane (to where?) -Eva and Glenn Grubb, Gladys, Susan at Bar Harbor -Boat dock on lake (Schoodic?)
28) 0822.0028 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 28
Graduation - Gladys 1968 – graduation at UMO In gown at home – back yard.;A woman (Gladys) in graduation cap and gown. Gladys in a formal dress. Graduates walking across a field to seats near a small stage. Professors around the podium. Graduates. [En...;Reel 28 (1968): -Gladys’ graduation with Bachelor’s in Nutrition from UMO
29) 0822.0036 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 36
1969 Big picnic on Davis Dr. Shots of surf from back of boat? G + woman walking down a lane in the woods Man feeding bird out of his hand.;People eating at an outdoor table. A flooded dam. A dirt road in the wood. People walking up the road, to a car with a canoe on the roof. A red cabin with the sign: ‘RAVENCROAK’...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 36 (1969): -Backyard bar-b-que in Veazie -Grubb and Erinakis families, Gladys in green dress -Veazie dam on Penobscot River? -Car on camp road; Gladys an...
12) 0822.0037 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 37
Extremely short Shot of S. + G on Davis Drive ;Two women exiting a house. A car with a canoe on the roof and a canoe on a trailer. A house. [End of Reel];[From Susan Wells] Reel 37 (1969): -Susan and Gladys – house in Veazie
26) 0822.0038 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 38
S. + L. doing archery Building the garage Snow plowing the driveway;A building under construction. A girl with a bow and arrow. Men working on the wooden building. A different girl with the bow and arrow. Retrieving arrows from the target. The b...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 38 (1969): -Susan w/bow & arrow in backyard -New garage being built – Walter on top -Nancy w/bow -Nancy in German dress (Nancy spent 5 years in the A...
9) 0822.0042 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 42
G. [Gladys] Graduation G @ Sand Beach ;Professors in caps, gowns and hoods on stage, one speaking at a podium. Graduates. The crowd watching the graduation ceremony. Graduates and family members. A seagull in a tree....;[From Susan Wells] Reel 42(1968): -Gladys’ UMO graduation w/Linda, Bill Beutel and Eva Grubb -Sand Beach: Gladys, Susan, Linda and Bill
7) 2716.0461 Good Day - Repack #1
Master; Good Day; Repack Monday 12-24-90; August 30-1988; X-148;Repack #1; the Best of Good Day; [viewer alert: difficult subjects and painful revelations] Heidi Ellis, Kathryn Weiss are interviewed about the Playboy magazine's Women of Wome...
63) 0697.0002 [Goodman--home movies] Crescent Surf, Kennebunk
Shot July 4, 1961. Young and older adults wearing shorts and sports clothes eat and drink in grassy area above beach. House in background. Group at picnic table eat steamer clam...
Next 36