67 work results

1) 0011.0001 Air Circus Bangor--Walter V. Mitton--home movies. Reel 11
Title, 'Aerial Circus at Bangor airport, May, 1939,' b&w: planes, hangar with Bangor painted on roof. Cars parked along field. Planes doing rolls. Title, 'Capt. Eddie Rickenb...;Compiled black-and-white and color home movies including scenes of ice skating, baseball, an aerial show, and a 1940 appearance in Bangor of World War I flying ace Captain Eddie...
1) 0014.0001 Rockland Buildings--Walter V. Mitton--home movies. Reel 14
Title, 'Rockland has many fine Federal, County and City public buildings in well kept and attractive settings.' Color, White house with columns around front door and balcony abo...
5) 0156.0001 Sociography: How Mainers Work, Live and Play
'A record of the travels of the pioneer sociography class of the Farmington State Teachers' College 1947 Summer Session.' 'Through Maine sociography one learns at firsthand of M...;Tape is in good condition, but transfer is EXTREMELY poor quality. // Original footage is 16mm. Film donated to University of Maine. See collection folder. // Factual film recor...
4) 0252.0089 [Howard Kane--home movies] Reel 89
NHF notes as follows. Can/reel/box annotations appear in quotes. Reel 89: (300 ft.) 'Vacationland 1939-40.' Color. Washington Normal State School. Sign: Joe Burnham's Inn. Scene...
11) 0780.0007 [Sawyer--home movies] Reel 007
NHF cataloguer's notes as follows (box/reel notes in quotes, reel numbers are NHF-assigned). Reel 7: 'German band & Planes ; 1941'. Length 5:45. b&w.;Musical band of German soldiers giving a concert outdoors at some kind of camp for audience of mostly women and young children. People crossing a river or stream on a makeshift ...
11) 0785.0007 Knox County on Parade 1940 (Reel 7)
Original seven reels of 'Knox County on Parade' are 2800 ft. total. Reel contents received with the film as follows: Reel 7 of 7: Snow Bowl Ski Area, Vinalhaven Harbor and Stree...;Additional Notes, Jan. 6, 2023: Camden Snow Bowl Ski Area, Camden Outing Club Cabin / Lodge, Ice Skating, Sled Dog Race, Skiing, Ski Rope Pull, Truck with "H.H. Crie & Co. // Ha...
3) 0792.0001 New England
Video copy of film about New England. There are several themes in this film that focus on nature, lifestyle, work, architecture and geographical locations in New England. There ...
3) 0865.0001 Air show, 1940--Gilbert Pond--home movies. Reel 1
Air show meet with planes in air, parachutists, people posing by parked planes, walking around planes. Planes doing acrobatics, announcer at microphone describing the scene. V...;"Mom; AW Air Meet (2nd[?] roll) Jones--Priscilla--crowd--acrobatics"
4) 0865.0003 Airport, circa 1939-1941--Gilbert Pond--home movies. Reel 3
Various military planes parked at small airport. Visitors and enthusiasts look them over, and several taxi onto runway and take off. Views of parked planes and others taxiing.;"Planes taking off 1941; Airplanes and airport 105's to Canada"
6) 0865.0006 Airplane, baby, circa 1939-1942--Gilbert Pond--home movies. Reel 6
All poor quality shots. Plane landing toward camera, views from plane over landscape below, shots of plane taking off, baby in carriage.;"Airplane Particially [sic] no good"
6) 0865.0007 Air meet, circa 1940-1941--Gilbert Pond--home movies. Reel 7
Aerials over city with river running through it. Shots of single engine plane landing. Views of spectators at the air meet, LAS of plane doing acrobatics, announcers describing...;"AW Air Meet 1st roll city of AW--Bat wings--crowd"
32) 0865.0008 Baby Dana Gregory, airport, 1940--Gilbert Pond--home movies. Reel 8
Baby in carriage being fed milk, crawling on a blanket outdoors with mother and dog. Pan a small airport with people on runways, several planes parked, some near airport buildi...;"D.G. 1940 and airport"
10) 0865.0010 Dana Gregory, Priscilla, skiing, 1941--Gilbert Pond--home movies. Reel 10
Mother and Dana Gregory as toddler out in snow. The child wears a snow suit, playing with dogs as the mother looks on. Long views of ski area with people skiing down the hill....;"Airplanes; D.G. and Prisc. skiing."
10) 0865.0011 Portland, Maine, airport, 1940--Gilbert Pond--home movies. Reel 11
Small single-engine planes, and a larger Air Force plane take off from the runway at Portland. Truck plows snow on the runway, passengers exit a passenger plane and walk toward...;"PW airport and Bino 1940"
22) 0938.0002 Our New Home Office Building Under Construction (Film No. 2)
Videotape copy of New England Mutual insurance company film. FOR REFERENCE ONLY. Footage details received with film: - 'Our New Home Office Building Under Construction.' 1939-19...
10) 95-40.0020 Gulfport, Mississippi--Dassler family--home movies. Reel 20
NHF cataloguer's notes, 2/96: Gulfport military airfield; four engine bombers (B-52?) flying in formation; brief close-up of young pilot; shot pans from his hands on controls to...
11) 1023.0001 Summer picnics, veteran, 1939-1942--Cameron A. Rae--home movies. Reel 1
"Family";Compiled reel of black-and-white and color home movies including scenes of summer picnics, one of them a Rotary Club gathering.;Black-and-white section: A waterside picnic, swimmers, speedboats, rowers, a plane landed on the water, a Rotary Club gathering at which a group of men pose for a group portrait...
10) 1108.0084 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 084
NHF cataloguer's notes: Reel 84: Archie Stewart can notes: Hunting 1941. Screening notes: Tracking shot, plane flying in cloudy sky. LS of sea plane circling over lake at Thoro...
20) 1108.0086 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 086
NHF cataloguer's notes: Reel 86: Archie Stewart can notes: 1942 Major Proper in uniform. Hunting trip Maine. Dr. Ted Proper Man in black uniform posed beside car. VS of unifor...
14) 1108.0094 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 094
NHF cataloguer's notes: Reel 94: Archie Stewart can notes: 1949 trips to Maine. WSW, summer and fall hunt. Screening notes: Moving shots from boat crossing lake. MS of three p...
11) 1108.0104 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 104
Reel 104: Archie Stewart can notes: The War Years. Screening notes: Faded color. Slo pan from rooftop of commercial area of unidentified town. Sign for Marks Furs in FG. [Prob...
9) 1202.0005 cat. 5043-01-HINK-40 Truth About Taxes
Educational film showing brief scenes of industry (foundry farming, building motors). Interviews with taxpayers. War footage of planes and aerial bombing, destruction of cities,...
22) 1218.0001 [Elwyn Davis--home movies] Reel 1
NHF cataloguer's notes, 1/96: Reel 1 (5 min., b&w and color): (fades in and out of focus) Yellowstone National Park. Mountain tops shot from plane, plane wing shown in the foota...
4) 1218.0002 [Elwyn Davis--home movies] Reel 2
NHF cataloguer's notes, 1/96: Reel 2 (23 min.): Waves crashing. Several shots. Pastoral seascapes, villages. Odd rock formations in sea. Dirt roads. Covered bridge, mist hanging...
25) 1388.0002 [Wright Family--home movies] Reel 2
Box notes for Reel 2: Aagot Caroline Horn and Walter Woodman Wright, married 16 November 1941. By Odd Wennberg.;Donor's notes: 'Shot by Odd Wennberg, uncle of the bride, at the First Parish (Unitarian) [church] in Cambridge. MA.';A little girl playing with a balloon. A woman kisses the little girl. Machinery. Landscape and clouds filmed from an airplane. A bride and groom. (Aagot Horn and Walter Woodman ...
32) 1475.0001 [H.A. Sanders, Jr.--home movies]
Label on can: 'H 8 1st snow fall 1944. Jim and Barbara.' Label inside can: 'Planks at [Paul's] camp.' // Date range from edge codes on film. //;Man in military uniform and woman pose for camera standing side-by-side. Woman and younger boy pose. Man in uniform closes car door while woman moves towards camera. Man in unif...
27) 1531.0003 [Bos--home movies] Reel 3
Amateur footage of family activities. Can notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. Reel 3: [date code 1946] Seaplane at Star Island. Albany, horses plowing, apple trees....
16) 1549.0033 [DuMais Family--home movies] Reel 33
1946 edge code on film. // Label on reel: 'Rochester 1947.' // Likely reel 3 in donor notes at end, compare to be certain. // Donor notes: 1946-1947. Helicopter, plane, biplane,...
24) 1637 [Pawtucket industry and prosperity]
Documentary and promotional footage. Covers Pawtucket industry and prosperity including historical piece on Slater Mill and cotton mill industry. No detailed content description...
12) 1682.0008 Travels in New York and Canada, 1940--Robert Hoadley Whipple--home movies. Reel 8
On can: "Trip to Canada 1940, Muskoka Lake";Color home movies of the Whipple family's travels through New York and Ontario, Canada, including Niagara Falls, Toronto, the Muskoka Lakes region, and North Bay.;Reel opens on scenic vistas of the Allegheny Mountains in New York. Sign: "Roosevelt Highway/Wyalusing Rocks/Allegheny Mountains." Scenic overlook. Sign: "Watkins Glen State ...
9) 1682.0009 Quebec, Canada, 1942--Robert Hoadley Whipple--home movies. Reel 9
Color home movies of travels through Quebec province in 1942, including scenes in Saguenay, Murray Bay (now La Malbaie), and Quebec City. ;On can: "Saguenay, 1942"
27) 1682.0010 Poland Springs, Boston, and New York, 1943--Robert Hoadley Whipple--home movies. Reel 10
Color home movies including scenes of Boston, New York, and the Poland Spring House in South Poland, Maine. ;On can: "Poland Springs, Boston, New York 1943"
27) 1697.0027 Cape Cod, Patsy's seventh birthday--Mortimer B. Fuller, Jr.--home movies. Reel 27
On can: "Cape Cod 1939, Patsy's 7th birthday. 1940.";Compiled color home movies of family scenes at Cape Cod over 1939 and 1940.;Title: “Patsy’s 7th Birthday” (hand-written card) Clay-court tennis. A crudely hand-painted sign reads "Fair Grounds / Beware of Pickpockets / No Spitting” Group gatherin...;Cape Cod. Adult fun and games, PAF 7th birthday, Plymouth? 1940?
16) 1882.008 [Houghton, Amory M., Jr.--home movies] Reel 8
Cataloger's note: Woods, trees felled by beavers, shacks, man in front of cabin, waves on lake, men with fish, women on dock, cabins, powerboat on lake, sunset, weighing fish, b...
14) 1882.009 [Houghton, Amory M., Jr.--home movies] Reel 9
Original label illegible, donor's note: 'Great SBC [Spencer Bay Camp]' Cataloger's note: Winter scenes, hauling logs by horse, cutting ice, deer, cutting wood, Jeep; Spring scen...
12) 2114.0012 [Everett Greaton--home movies] Reel 12, Accession 2114
Footage of a river and the surrounding area, including a road passing by the river, water rushing through a small gorge at Snow Falls, animals grazing in a field nearby, people ...
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