394 work results

1) 0002.0001 Cupid, Registered Guide
16mm reduction print made from 35mm. // Short romantic drama. // Short romantic drama shot in Maine in 1921 and starring Edgar Jones and Edna May Sperl. Doctor Allan Lang is on ...
2) 0002.0002 Cupid, Registered Guide (Negative)
16mm reduction negative made from 35mm. // Short romantic drama. // Short romantic drama shot in Maine in 1921 and starring Edgar Jones and Edna May Sperl. Doctor Allan Lang is ...
3) 0020.0001 For Better Roads, MGRA--Walter V. Mitton--home movies. Reel 20
Titles, 'For Better Roads, M.G.R.A.,' 'Maine Good Roads Association have a fall convention called ladies day. Prizes are given for golfing, putting, fishing, boating, contract b...;Title: ‘FOR BETTER ROADS M.G.R.A.’, ‘Maine Good Roads Association have a fall conventional called Ladies’ day. Prizes are given for golfing, putting, fishing boating, Contract b...
5) 0133.0001 Logging in Maine
Dated June 1 and 3, 1906. 'The subject is the movement of cut timber from the forest to the mill. The few scenes that make up the film are of loggers performing the various oper...
3) 0133.0002 Trout Fishing, Rangeley Lakes
Dated October 1906. Made for the New England Forest, Fish and Game Assoc. 'The subject is a trip to a fishing camp by train, boat and pack route. All the necessary operations to...;Title: ‘1573’, ‘TROUT FISHING RANGELEY LAKES. American Mutoscope & Biograph 1906 H71525’. Intertitle: ‘A Trout Fishing Trip To The Rangeley Lakes. Copyrighted 1906, BY THE A...
7) 0143/0144.0007 [Robert M. Hume, Sr.--home movies]. Reel 8: Grand Lake
Box notes: 'Grand Lake 1933.' NHF cataloguer's notes: Float plane taking off, boys feeding crow, women and men play-fighting, group of men posing for picture, boy with harmonica...
4) 0150.0001 Lucerne, Maine
1. Actuality: Tozier's winter sports party 1928, 1929' with Dupont Pathe 12 stock. Decorated frame shots, Lucerne Hotel, train, fishing. (Dupont Pathe 29 stock). Six or so men p...
4) 0153.0004 [Sailing and sunset footage]
NHF cataloguer's notes: 5004-04-MAHER-23 (Kodak safety, 1923, 1925 by d.c.) Sailing, various boats in lake, sailboat and sunset. Windjammer?
5) 0155.0001 [Herbert Kenney--home movies]
Collection formerly called 'Seavey Collection' A walk through Author's Ridge in Mt. Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge, Mass., with a young woman, Constance Seavey (about 15 years old),...
1) 0155.0002 [Herbert Kenney--home movies]
Collection formerly called 'Seavey Collection' Various short scenes includes: Fishermen with their catch, a small whale; captain's head barely in view; Sea lion on a beach, bark...
14) 0155.0004 [Hunting dogs short]
Collection formerly called 'Seavey Collection' Three hunting dogs in action. Shots include a group of hunters and various hunting dogs cornering a deer; a Chesapeake Bay dog ret...
8) 0158.0005 State of Maine Dedicates Carlton Bridge, 1928--Edward Farrington Abbott--home movies. Reel 5
Amateur. First 17 ft. perf. damage and brittle. 1928 footage, with Title 'Opening the Bake,' man selects corn and clams from large pit clambake. About 12 people look at men arou...
3) 0158.0006 Wrights Manor and Poland Spring, 1928--Edward Farrington Abbott--home movies. Reel 6
Amateur. Title, 'Summertime in Maine.' 'Wright's Manor, Norway' [Maines]. Man in plus-fours on road. Cars parked near stone house. Dog on lawn. Rapid pan of landscape. Women in ...
43) 0252.0065B [Howard Kane--home movies] Reel 65B
NHF notes as follows. Can/reel/box annotations appear in quotes. Reel 65B: (50 ft., dc 1935) 'Roth #2.' Small town, flooded.
15) 0252.0068 [Howard Kane--home movies] Reel 68
NHF notes as follows. Can/reel/box annotations appear in quotes. Reel 68: (100 ft.) 'June 1936.' Moosehead Lake area [and Quebec]. Waterfall.
34) 0252.0098 [Howard Kane--home movies] Reel 98
NHF notes as follows. Can/reel/box annotations appear in quotes. Reel 98: (75 ft., dc 1939) Color. Freshwater fishing.
13) 0252.0099 [Howard Kane--home movies] Reel 99
NHF notes as follows. Can/reel/box annotations appear in quotes. Reel 99: (100 ft., dc 1940) 'Blizzard.' Color. Shots of heavy snowfall.
13) 0252.0102 [Howard Kane--home movies] Reel 102
NHF notes as follows. Can/reel/box annotations appear in quotes. Reel 102: (350 ft., dc 1940?) Color. 'Cathance, deer, Acadia, R. Bluffs [?].' 'Home folks 1929' [inconsistent wi...
11) 0260.0001 Northeastern States, 2nd Edition
Educational film produced by Encyclopedia Brittanica covering New England and N.Y., Penn., N.J., Del., and Maryland. Visually unidentified footage: dairy production, apple orcha...
2) 0284.0016 [Meyer Davis--home movies] Reel 16
'Mother Davis' with young girl and on swing. Pierre clowning with two ladies, nurse brings a baby out to a couple. Two children playing by the lake and roasting hot dogs, marshm...
28) 0284.0020 [Meyer Davis--home movies] Reel 20
Driving through the Italian Alps, views of St. Marks Square and the Cathedral, feeding doves, CU's of Italian children, Italian Police, the Bridge of Sighs, views of the Rialto,...
25) 0284.0028 [Meyer Davis--home movies] Reel 28
Children playing on land and on boat. Pan of lake and speedboats. Meyer having a smoke. Hilda and the children playing and going on a boat ride. Shots of sailboats, docks, dogs,...
21) 0284.0030 [Meyer Davis--home movies] Reel 30
Swimming and rowing. A gathering on the porch with family and friends. Having fun by the lake. A costume party with little David dressed in blackface and other children dressed ...
27) 0284.0031 [Meyer Davis--home movies] Reel 31
The Lake Placid Ferry. Swimming with the children and Rube Bloom. Picnic at lake house. The Wachapreague Hotel [Virginia]. On the docks with Meyer and friends geting ready for f...
32) 0284.0040 [Meyer Davis--home movies] Reel 40
Davis children by the lake, dancing, mugging and rowing canoe. Swimming with children and adults. Adults and children model swimsuits. Davis children dressed like Indians, doing...;http://www.sdbonline.org/sites/archive/SDBMembership/Oppenheimer.html Jane Marion Oppenheimer, 1911-1996 Jane Marion Oppenheimner...achieved distinction as an embryologis...
3) 0284.0052 [Meyer Davis--home movies] Reel 52
Eddie Cantor appears with luggage and performs before camera. Rudy Vallee in sunglasses tips his cap to the camera beside Kezar Lake. Several people, including Meyer Davis, shoo...;// Meyer Davis Logbook: 'Rudy Vallee's camp, summer 1939. Ginny, Garry, M.D, Revues [?]. Farringtons 1939. Mr. and Mrs. Chapman. Bill Dasheff. Picnic, Liptons 1938. Butler's Bal...
3) 0285.0004 Hurricane Carol and Edna
Film has a Hurricane Carol and a Hurricane Edna section. Stretch of leader separates two sections. // Each section is [650 ft.] // Hurricane Carol section: Dupont film stock, no...
6) 0318 cat.0012-13-WABI-59 Kenduskeag Flood
Bangor: Flood. Shots of ice left after water retreated, flooded yards, people surveying damage, water level compared to bridge.
5) 0319 cat.0014-03-WABI-59 Hurricane Donna
People preparing for Hurricane Donna and coping with aftermath. People preparing by tying things down, later cutting fallen branches. Shots of waves crashing on shore, trees fal...
17) 0322 cat.1007-11-WABI-60 Flood Pictures at Hudson
Flooded river including cars trying to cross road, water rushing over road past trees and houses.
34) 0325 cat. 1008-12-WABI-60 Hurricane Donna
Bangor: Hurricane-related activities including Civil Defense Dept. radioing message, men working on power lines, tree branch, men working by truck.
8) 0339 cat. 0026-07-WABI-61 Machias Flood
Machias: Flooded ditches and roads, picnic area underwater, logjam, houses and stores, Narraguagas and Machias rivers.
25) 0343 cat. 0029-02-WABI-61 Drowning at Brewer Lake
Penobscot Sheriffs Department searches for drowning victim. Sheriffs in boat and planes.
9) 0358 cat. 0049-16-WABI-62 Hurricane Daisy
Large tree broken by hurricane scrapes a building. Shots of men cutting off branches, coastal waves, high winds.
62) 0363 cat. 0045-02-WABI-62 Ice Fishing Hopkins
Fishermen on frozen lake set traps for ice fishing. An airplane sits near them.
18) 0379 cat. 1027-08-WABI-63 Hopkins Pond Ice Fishing
George Hale on an ice fishing expedition with a group of men. Shots include snowmobile, cutting ice with manual auger, a fish on the snow, setting the traps, MS of men talking, ...
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