68 work results

1) 1902.0001 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 1, Accession 1902
Box notes: "Bethel, ME, Feb. 1929";People skiing on snowy hill, passing camera as they go down a slope one by one. The hill is not groomed, so some cross-country ski, and some downhill ski on the same track. As...
2) 1902.0002 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 2, Accession 1902
Can notes: "St. Jovite & Bethel, Feb. 1930. Skiing" ;Views of people cross-country skiing in open, flat, snowy area, then in a wooded area. A group of dogs are attached to a dog-sled, and one is hard to control as it waits to go....
3) 1902.0003 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 3, Accession 1902
Box label: "Air Meet, 1932" Biplanes and planes lined up on a flight line, and a trio of planes flying overhead. Spectators on the ground watch planes circling. Plane t...
4) 1902.0004 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 4, Accession 1902
Box label: "Quaboag River, May 1935 Kayaking and canoeing, rapids." The Quaboag River is a whitewater Class III and features several named rapids. Views of fast-running Qua...
5) 1902.0005 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 5, Accession 1902
Can label: "Westfield River, April 1936. Kayaking scenes" The Westfield River has been designated a National Wild & Scenic River, and has Class I-III rapids along its length. ...
34) 1902.0006 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 6, Accession 1902
Notes from titles: "Boston Skating Club Carnival 1937 and 1938" Intertitle: "Boston Skating Club Carnival 1937" Choreographed dance of young women in pink tulle costumes dancing...
33) 1902.0007 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 7, Accession 1902
Can note (and on title): "Boston Skating Club Carnival, 1939" Intertitle: "Boston Skating Club Carnival 1939" Skaters dressed as toy soldiers, toreros, majorettes, and horses s...
10) 1902.0008 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 8, Accession 1902
Can note: "Lake Placid, Feb. 1932" The Winter Olympics took place in Lake Placid, NY, February 4-15, 1932, with 14 events in 8 sports. Views of skaters in an outdoor rink, espe...
9) 1902.0009 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 9, Accession 1902
Can notes: "December 1934, Elmwood Feb. 1935, Franconia" Cross country skiers in forested area. Views from top of hill as skiers start down toward open farmland below (underex...
1) 1902.0013 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 13, Accession 1902
Can note: "Surf, Cranberry, Dart, Jericho Bay, Black Duck" Extended coverage of waves crashing against rocky Maine shoreline which looks similar to that on Mt. Desert. POV fr...
2) 1902.0014 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 14, Accession 1902
Can note: "Westfield River, 1915"
27) 1902.0015 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 15, Accession 1902
"Kayak in [?], Cohasset, and in Surf, Blue Hill, Mt. Desert" Date on can: June 20 & Aug. 26, 1915
13) 1902.0016 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 16, Accession 1902
"Family, Milton" Notes: "October 1915, Family members" Views of a car parked at the edge of a road, and another car with its convertible top down driving down a dirt driveway...
13) 1902.0017 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 17, Accession 1902
"Katharine" Dates on can: Sept. & Dec. 1915 and 1919
117) 1902.0018 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 18, Accession 1902
Notes: Dates on can: "June & Sept. 1915" POV from boat as it comes into a landing, including a boathouse. Hadley Harbor, Naushon Island, with view of a Herreshoff 121/2 un...
46) 1902.0019 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 19, Accession 1902
Janet & Florry, Milton, Seal Harbor (KF, JF, FEF & Yeddy), Milton See-Saw. Dates on can: 'June & Sept. 1915.';DEC. 1920
36) 1902.0021 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 21, Accession 1902
Quaboag River, April 30, 1922
31) 1902.0022 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 22, Accession 1902
Irving Forbes, with KF, JF, & FEF and ball. Katharine and Florence skiing; FEFdance; KF & JFdance. Dates on can: 1924, 1925, Dec. 1926, April 1928.
16) 1902.0024 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 24, Accession 1902
Surf on Mount Desert Is. Maine
9) 1902.0032 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 32, Accession 1902
Negatives (rolls and scraps)
26) 1902.0034 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 34, Accession 1902
First shot: waves crashing on rocks - holds this shot for a long time, with the tide coming and going. Different shots of waves, then moves closer in. More angles of rocks and...
27) 1902.0035 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 35, Accession 1902
Shots of rocks and waves
36) 1902.0036 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 36, Accession 1902
Shots of rocks and waves
29) 1902.0037 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 37, Accession 1902
Videotape made during screening of Forbes collection 28mm films. // Filmed off of screen in Park Plaza Hotel, Boston, during AMIA Conference in November 2002. // Projection by S...
18) 1902.0039 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 39, Accession 1902
"Surf on Great Hd. Mt. Desert Maine Aug. 6, 1915"
47) 1902.0040 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 40, Accession 1902
"Surf Mt. Desert Maine July 1915 off Anchorage & Ingraham Pt."
20) 1902.0041 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 41, Accession 1902
"Surf Mt. Desert Maine Blue Head Aug. 5, Otter Cliffs Aug 28, 1915."
1) 2241.0001 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 1 Accession 2241
Box notes: "1929--June--Lossie; Irving & express wagon; children dancing, etc., Milton & Naushon" View of woman in a garden with her garden tools. A young child scoots...
35) 2241.0002 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 2,  Accession 2241
Box notes: "1929 Naushon-- Family Beech Tree Climb; Florry aquaplaning; Mangasteen; nice harbor scenes." Four children swing on three rope swings handing from one branch of a ...
44) 2241.0003 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 3,  Accession 2241
Box notes: "1930 - Black Duck; 4-masted schooner passing Naushon; Florry, Kitty & friends dancing with scarves; more Black Duck." Kitty (Alexander's daughter Katherine) and ...
Next 36