3 work results

1) 1902.0001 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 1, Accession 1902
Box notes: "Bethel, ME, Feb. 1929";People skiing on snowy hill, passing camera as they go down a slope one by one. The hill is not groomed, so some cross-country ski, and some downhill ski on the same track. As...
2) 1902.0002 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 2, Accession 1902
Can notes: "St. Jovite & Bethel, Feb. 1930. Skiing" ;Views of people cross-country skiing in open, flat, snowy area, then in a wooded area. A group of dogs are attached to a dog-sled, and one is hard to control as it waits to go....
52) 2241.0011 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 11,  Accession 2241
Box notes: "1936- 1st 4 minutes - Milton- Florry & siblings tabogganing behind Parachute" Florry (Alexander's daughter Florence) tries skiing behind the horse Parachute as ...
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