117 work results

27) 18412 Fernald's Market Opens in Corinna
No description available
2) 18320 Zayre Opens in Augusta
No description available
3) 18178 Waterville Urban Renewal Wrap-Up Part 3
Waterville: Man from Waterville with Ralph Lowe and friend talking about town's urban renewal program. Shot of parking lot and mall.
6) 2716.1551 Paula Lyon's Consumer Journal - Paula Lyons Consumer Special
Master Specials - X4315 Paula Lyons Consumer Special Rec. 9/29/86;Title: “Paula Lyons Consumer Journal”, “Wheeler Dealer”, “The Chief Zany of Miscellany”, “Home, Home Out of Range”. Paula Lyons hosts a one hour special, looking at various cons...;Credits: Producer: Arnie Reisman; Writers: Paula Lyons, Elaine Pappas Graber, Arnie Reisman; Associate Producer: Debra Shapiro’ Contributing Producer: Elaine Pappas Graber; Edit...
20) 2707.0008 Clara F. Dinsmore--home movies. Reel 8
NHF cataloger: A man sells fruit to a woman out of his fruit cart on the street. The woman waves at the camera and goes back to talking to the fruit seller. They walk around t...;Supplied by the Historic Movies of Martha’s Vineyard project at the Vineyard Gazette in Edgartown, Massach...;Fruit Wagon – M.C.D. Romero
32) 2304.0001 [Norwood Movie Queen]
Views of the Norwood Central Railroad station; men stand outside the station. A train comes down the track toward and by the camera. The "Movie Queen" exits the train, is give...;According to articles in the Norwood newspaper 'The Messenger', (housed at the Morrill Memorial Library) Doris Hamel was the director of the Norwood Movie Queen.
10) 2137.0001 [Bath Movie Queen]
Opening title: "Extra! Extra! Movie Queen returns home!" Children, adults, and two uniformed groups, officers and boy scouts, stand on the railroad station platform awaiting th...;Intertitle: ‘Agfa 1935’, ‘Good News’. Intertitle: ‘Extra Extra! Movie Queen returns home.’ Panning shot of a train depot. People gathered near the train tracks. Close up of men ...
19) 2004-10.0002 Africa Trip #2, circa 1959--Lillian Edwards--home movies. Reel 2
Africa #2;Various shots of parrots in trees. Shot of a palm tree-lined beach. People in a boat paddling away from the beach. A crowd of people throw buckets of water on a burning thatch s...
39) 1906.0001 [Belfast Movie Queen footage] Reel 1
Intertitle: "Movie Queen Visits School Children" Black and white footage of children lined up carrying flags, boxes, or plaques for presentation. They are all in summer clot...
9) 1888.0001 [Van Buren Movie Queen]
People on train platform wave to camera. Many are children. A sign in background advertises the Movie Queen. A parade on the main street is led by policemen and Boy Scouts ca...;Laura Alexina Michaud Sloane (1912-2009) was the Van Buren Movie Queen. from her obituary in the Bangor Daily News: ...1933, after which she taught elementary school in V...
2) 1683.0003 [Groton Movie Queen--Preservation Print]
The Groton Massachusetts, Movie Queen film was shot in January, 1939 and shown in the Groton Town Hall January 26-27, 1939 as part of a larger local talent production. Intertitl...
106) 1683.0001 [Groton Movie Queen]
The Groton Massachusetts, Movie Queen film was shot in January, 1939 and shown in the Groton Town Hall January 26-27, 1939 as part of a larger local talent production. The "Mov...
34) 1539 Freeses Gold Bond Stamps
Man describes reasons to buy Freeses stamps and where to go to get them.
4) 1532.0001 [Newport Movie Queen]
'Movie Queen' film shot in Newport, Maine. Local residents appear. NHF cataloguing notes, 6/97 as follows (intertitles in quotes): Opening title: 'Extra! Extra! Movie Queen retu...
15) 1523 Some Hancock Folks
Dated summer 1978. Tour of town including Union Congregational Church; Hancock Grocery; Hancock Community Center; Hancock Denture Studio; Frenchman's Bay; lobster boat; post off...
16) 1508.0001 An Old Fishing Village
Videotape copy of intertitled amateur film. 'An Old Fishing Village fotographed by Fuller 1926 and 1927.' NHF viewing notes: Boothbay Harbor village scenes, fishing operations, ...
5) 1493.0001.02 [Lincoln Movie Queen] (Release Print)
New release print created from dupe negative (acc. 1493.0001.01), possibly at Cineric, of Movie Queen film shot in Lincoln, Maine.
3) 1493.0001.01 [Lincoln Movie Queen] (Duplicate Negative)
Duplicate negative created at John Allen, 03/1998 from original (acc. 1493.0001). // Movie Queen film shot in Lincoln, Maine. Crowd greets Queen at train station and then she...
3) 1493.0001 [Lincoln Movie Queen]
Original print of Movie Queen film shot in Lincoln, Maine. Local residents appear. Crowd greets Queen at train station. Parade with marching band and caravan of cars, including...
98) 1491.PC4 [NHF compilation: TV commercials]
1988 NHF compilation tape of news stories from BHS/WABI Collection. The tape contains: Political commercials: AD-1: cat.no.1007-01, July 1958, 20 sec. sound, Hildreth for Govern...
2) 1454.0017 [Unobskey--home movies] Reel 17
Amateur footage. Donor's notes in quotes. Reel numbers are NHF assigned. 17. (150 ft., b&w) 'Fire in Calais. March 5, 1958.' ;NHF cataloguer's notes for Reel 17: Pan of businesses. 'St. Croix Electric Co.' 'The Harvey Studio' sign above previous 'Unobskey Lock 192?.' 'State Theatre.' Smoke billows abov...
22) 1454.0015 [Unobskey--home movies] Reel 15
Amateur footage. Donor's notes in quotes. Reel numbers are NHF assigned. 15. (250 ft., col.) 'Sidney leaves for service with Fred, Mother, Joe and Arthur to see him off 1957. (F...;NHF cataloguer's notes for Reel 15: (3:32:26) Man putting suit case in back of large truck. He hugs older woman good-bye and pats young boy on the head. Other man with glasses (...
24) 1454.0010 [Unobskey--home movies] Reel 10
Amateur footage. Can notes in quotes. Reel numbers are NHF assigned. Reel 10. (400 ft., col.) '1952. Martha's trip to Europe. From boarding train in St. Stephens to Calais, Fran...;NHF cataloguer's notes, 3/97: Pan of two women, man and two teenage boys in front of 'Canadian Pacific' sign. Woman with her parents? Elderly man and woman. Elderly woman kisses...
7) 1454.0004 [Unobskey--home movies] Reel 4
Amateur footage. Can notes in quotes. Reel numbers are NHF assigned. Reel 4. (300 ft., b&w) '1946. Fishing trip with Charlotte, Sid goes to Camp Lown, Paul McMillan, Joe at Peek...;NHF Cataloguer's notes, 3/97: On boat. Woman holding up unreadable date sign. Woman helping older woman take off sweater. Man lighting cigarette and taking off sunglasses. Boys ...
14) 1384.0001 Beginning With Maine
Promotional film 'dealing with Maine, its people, geography and environment, and the personal values which emerge from these elements working together.' Running time: 16:35 min....
22) 1336 [compilation of Boothbay Harbor footage]
Compilation tape received from the Boothbay Region Historical Society. Tape divided into various segments as follows: 1. 1987 intertitle: 'The Boothbay Region Historical Society...
91) 1323.0014 [Philip Thompson--home movies] Reel 014
NHF cataloguer's notes for Reel 14 as follows. Notations received with films are in quotes. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. Reel 14: 'Back Bay Portland--Construction workers--air...
1) 1323.0008 [Philip Thompson--home movies] Reel 8
NHF cataloguer's notes for Reel 8 as follows. Notations received with films are in quotes. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. Reel 8: 'Giant puppet parade Portland--Boston Commons--...
14) 1301.0002 The Maine Journal: Christmas at Freese's
Retrospective look at Freese's department store in downtown Bangor, using 12 seconds of NHF archival footage of the store dated 1958-1960. The spot was aired on WLBZ's Six O'Clo...
88) 1284 Opportunities in Sales and Merchandising
Part of 'Job Opportunities Series 1967.' Filmed at Gilchrist's Department Store, Washington Street, Boston. Synopsis: 'Portrays to youth the career opportunities in sales and me...
35) 1258.0017A [Coughlan/Kelleher--home movies] Reel 17A
Donor's notes as follows. Film box/reel notes in quotes. Reel 17A: 'Maureen Grady's wedding. Mem. parade, Ab. Center 1951.' Maureen Grady and Jack Scully's wedding, Taunton, MA....
32) 1194.0003 [Cherryfield, 1938]
This release print was made from the dupe neg (acc. 1194.0002) at John E. Allen (?), date unknown. // Amateur footage of citizens of Cherryfield in early spring. Cherryfield-Nar...
85) 1194.0002 [Cherryfield, 1938]
This a-wind duplicate negative was made from the original 16mm print (acc. 1194.0001) at John E. Allen, date unknown. // Amateur footage of citizens of Cherryfield in early spri...
15) 1194.0001 [Cherryfield, 1938]
This is the archival original print. // Print has water damage - is very brittle, emulsion is flaking off in areas. // Film has twist throughout. // Dupe neg and print were made...
35) 1191 cat. 1084-12-WABI-68 Brewer Antique Shop Robbery
No description available
19) 1191 cat. 1083-09-WABI-67 Brewer IGA Foodliner Robbery
Next 36