22 work results

29) 1108.0028 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 028
NHF cataloguer's notes, 4/96: Reel 28: Archie Stewart can notes: 1933 Maine fishing trip. Of little interest except to show when there were fish in Grand Lake and how they lived...
2) 1551.0046 [Birch Rock Camp footage, Kimble Union Academy] Reel 46
Two boys poling a canoe. Two boys swamping a canoe in shallow water. Boys jumping between rocks. Boys poling canoes. Canoeing over rapids. Men seated next to tents. A waterfall....
33) 1551.0051 [Birch Rock Camp footage, Kimble Union Academy] Reel 51
Dog sleds. Snowy hills, filmed from a moving vehicle. An archery target. People walking into the woods. A dog. A house seen through the trees. A boy paddling a canoe. View of a ...
34) 1902.0004 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 4, Accession 1902
Box label: "Quaboag River, May 1935 Kayaking and canoeing, rapids." The Quaboag River is a whitewater Class III and features several named rapids. Views of fast-running Qua...
5) 1902.0005 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 5, Accession 1902
Can label: "Westfield River, April 1936. Kayaking scenes" The Westfield River has been designated a National Wild & Scenic River, and has Class I-III rapids along its length. ...
7) 2145.0021 [Wohelo Camp Footage] Reel 21
Gulick Camp Riding 1929 Water Sports 1930;View of the lake. Girls (campers) on horseback, riding around an outdoor ring. A group of men and a Dalmatian puppy. People seated in the grass. Campers on horseback. Jumping. H...
11) 2145.0022 [Wohelo Camp Footage] Reel 22
Diving/War canoes/Water Sports Day/Dancing/Horses - Last 1/3 So Casco Fair;A motorboat towing a line of canoes, some with sails. Cabins. A marching band. A parade of people in costume. Clowns. Clowns in a pony cart with the sign: ‘SOUTH CASCO FIRE DEPT...
8) 2145.0024 [Wohelo Camp Footage] Reel 24
1933/Sebago Wohelo/Canoe Trip/Great [illegible]/Horses/July 4 - Minstrel/Horses + Old Cars;Girls in two canoes. One canoe capsizes, and the girls in the other help to right it. Girls (campers) jumping and diving from the dock. Campers on horseback, trying to halt thei...
21) 2145.0027 [Wohelo Camp Footage] Reel 27
Title: ‘THE LUTHER GULICK CAMPS’. Boys and girls (campers) on horseback. Girls blowing up balloons. A girl swimming with a parasol. Girls gathered on the shore. Synchronized swi...
22) 2145.0028 [Wohelo Camp Footage] Reel 28
Camp Timanous 1936;Sign: ‘CAMP TIMANOUS’. People seated in front of a house. A line of boys (campers) and men (counselors) lined up by the flagpole for the raising of the flag. Campers learning to...
18) 2145.0029 [Wohelo Camp Footage] Reel 29
1936 Sebago Wohelo No 1;Title: ‘THE LUTHER GULICK CAMPS’. The lake filmed from an airplane. The camp filmed from the water. Girls (campers) riding horses. A dance performance. A person sharpening a kni...
23) 2145.0030 [Wohelo Camp Footage] Reel 30
Sebago Summer 1937;A motorboat towing a line of sailboats and canoes. Sailboats on the lake. Synchronized swimming. A girl (camper) diving from a diving platform. A car with a rowboat on the roof,...
20) 2145.0031 [Wohelo Camp Footage] Reel 31
Timanous 1938;Groups of girls (campers) sitting on the grass, watching people riding horses in an outdoor ring. Close up of a boy. Boys (campers) on riding horses. Boys diving from a dock. Pe...
23) 2145.0034 [Wohelo Camp Footage] Reel 34
Little Wohelo 1939;People gathered on the shore. Girls (campers) diving from a raft. Campers canoeing. Swimming. A paddleboat race. A dance performance. Panning shot of the people watching the dan...
32) 2145.0035 [Wohelo Camp Footage] Reel 35
Sebago Wohelo 1939;Girls (campers) lined up on the dock to dive into the water. Swimming. A girl swimming, wearing a wide brimmed hat. People watching from the shore. A woman playing the cello on ...
16) 2145.0042 [Wohelo Camp Footage] Reel 42
Title: ‘LUTHER GULICK CAMPS on SEBAGO LAKE, MAINE.’ Girls (campers) riding horses. Cars parked in a field. Horseback riding in a circle. Jumping competition. A motorboat towing ...
32) 2145.0043 [Wohelo Camp Footage] Reel 43
Getting Gay with Neptune (c) 1919 C. L. Chester (Kodascope);Title: ‘FROM KODASCOPE LIBRARIES’. Intertitle: ‘GETTING GAY WITH NEPTUNE. A C.L. CHESTER PICTURE Produced in co-operation with OUTING The great outdoor magazine. Titled by KATHA...
3) 2177.0018 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 18
Label: 'Butlers DOB Aug 36.';Canoe with motor, three people in it on Sysladobsis Lake. People on shore in foreground. Pan to man in swimsuit bending over. Man and woman are eating something. Picking berrie...
21) 2177.0050 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 50
Label: 'Dob Spr 1930 Mtd Ned Ruth K'Col N.G. OK as B+W.' // Image appears b&w but is likely a Kodacolor print.;DVD slate: DOB, Spring 1930. Ned, Ruth, K. b&w. Two people in bucket hats, one with glasses and tie, in boat. View of engine and driver behind them. Also hauling a second c...
3) 2177.0051 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 51
Label: 'Dob Summer 30.';DVD slate: DOB summer 1930. Views of lake. Looking up into trees. Whitecaps on lake. Blurry views of birds. Views of shore from boat. Stream. Interior, dark of cook? Dramatic s...
7) 2177.0054 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 54
Label: 'COL'D DOBS SUNSET.' // Image appears b&w but is likely a Kodacolor print.;DVD slate: Reel 54. DOB Sunset 1930. [incorrect slate: this is company picnic at Juniper Hill] Man with cigarette walks woman on horse; then he rides the horse with many cars ...
10) 2241.0007 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 7,  Accession 2241
Box notes: " 1934-Jan- canoeing white water; Model T Ford" Pans of a rushing river after a good storm. A boy and girl in raincoats stand on the bank and throw rocks into the ...
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