[Wohelo Camp Footage] Reel 34

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Little Wohelo 1939
People gathered on the shore. Girls (campers) diving from a raft. Campers canoeing. Swimming. A paddleboat race. A dance performance. Panning shot of the people watching the dancers. Dancing. A puppet show. Campers with marionettes. Girls in paddleboats. Two girls with a canoe. Sailboats. A line of campers. Girls lighting a campfire. Campers seated around the campfire, singing. Campers at the beach. Serving food, eating on the beach. Toasting bread on stick over a campfire. A man cutting up watermelon. Girls eating watermelon. Playing in the sand. Rowboats. Campers riding horses. Campers seated in the grass. Girls riding horses out of the ring. [End of Reel]

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