[Wohelo Camp Footage] Reel 22
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circa 1931
Diving/War canoes/Water Sports Day/Dancing/Horses - Last 1/3 So Casco Fair
A motorboat towing a line of canoes, some with sails. Cabins. A marching band. A parade of people in costume. Clowns. Clowns in a pony cart with the sign: ‘SOUTH CASCO FIRE DEPT.’ Sign on the side of a car: ‘DONT FEED THE LION’. A person in a lion costume. A stage coach. Cars parked in a field. Tents. A girl playing with a puppy. Diving. Campers seated on the dock. Campers canoeing. Righting capsized canoes. Campers paddling canoes with their hands. Campers paddling in sync. Paddleboats. Campers stretching and dancing. A dance performance. A toddler in the audience. Dancing. Campers on horseback, riding in formation. Riders in costume performing skits. A rider doing a handstand on horseback. Two girls on horseback, one holds up a doughnut on the string while the other tries to eat the doughnut. Riding. Jumping. Decorated canoe paddles. Clay pots. [End of Reel]
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