[Wohelo Camp Footage] Reel 29

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1936 Sebago Wohelo No 1
Title: ‘THE LUTHER GULICK CAMPS’. The lake filmed from an airplane. The camp filmed from the water. Girls (campers) riding horses. A dance performance. A person sharpening a knife on a whetstone, another working a grinding wheel, [could also be a spinning wheel] silhouetted against the lake. Campers at a worktable. Sailboats. A girl playing the cello. A man and a woman playing violins. Campers on the dock. Swimming. Two girls seated in a cabin window. Synchronized swimming. A motorboat pulling a line of canoes. A derelict boat on the shore. Canoeing. A horse drawn wagon. Campers at the beach, running into the surf. Campers eating. Sunbathing. Campers eating watermelon. A motorboat pulling a line of sailboats and canoes. [End of Reel]

6 Copies
