254 work results

24) 1108.0077 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 077
NHF cataloguer's notes for Reel 77: Archie Stewart can notes: Moving picture scrapbook. Blimp. Fish Grand Lake. Picnic Curtises. Chas. Beasleys P.D. Army Navy Train. RNG shoveli...;Screening notes: Appears to be compilation reel of outtakes. Intertitle: Indoor Sports -- Editing Films. MS of young Archie in dressing gown, seated at table with projector, win...
26) 1108.0078-.0079 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 078-79
NHF cataloguer's notes, 1/96 for Reels 78-79 [division between reels is not clear in these notes]: Reel 79: silent. 1928 hunt. Some excellent photographs, splendid color. Good p...;Viewing notes: Compilation reel. Intertitle, 'Our Harold leads the Kluckers.' KKK parade in Newburgh, New York, ca. 1927. Banner says, "Klan No. 48, Poughkeepsie, NY" [Log says ...
6) 1154.0010-.0058 Arthur Libby Race--home movies. Reels 10-58
10: Niagara Falls July 1927 11: Detroit, Windsor, Buffalo July 1927 12: Golf Nassau September 1927 13: Boothbay Fishing October 19, 1939 'Hebron Island 14: St. Louis Trip N...
1) 1641.0001-.0004 [Bacheller Family - home movies]
Letter from donor in collection file. Most scenes set at Breezy Hill, summer home of Joseph Henry Bacheller, Sr. Extensive family information included. NHF cataloguer's notes fo...
41) 1271.0016 [Bell--home movies] Reel 16
Label: 'HBB. Cathedral, [?]lling, downtown plaza, Sau[?].' [1927]. // Boy sliding down hill on sled. Children join boy. Man kissing small boy, father and son. C.U. boy wearing s...
15) 96-034.0004 Bermuda, 1926-1927--Oscar R. Houston--home movies. Reel 4
Black-and-white home movies of a visit by the Houstons to Bermuda, including scenes of boating, aquatic life, an equestrian event, and the waterfront of Hamilton.
43) 3055.0001 Bonyun Family Film Circa 1926-1928
Bonyun Family Film Circa 1926-1928 Transferred to Video Length About 36 Minutes Scenes of Silver Bay School Long Island, Great South Bay Sailing Briefly, Times Square L-210 B Wi...
2) 1154.0002 Boothbay, Summer 1927--Arthur Race--home movies. Reel 2
"Boothbay--Summer 1927." ;Ponies pulling cart. CU ponies' heads. Woman leaves house and waves. Walks away. Boy with pony team. Resting. Shots of house and grounds. Woman returns from walk, pats ponies. B...
22) 0696.0004 [Bucksport Mill footage] NHF Reel 4
NHF notes: Footage of the construction of the Maine Seaboard Paper Company milli in Bucksport, Maine. Appears to be professionally shot. Includes shots of man on scaffolding, p...
46) 2335.0003 California, 1927 [Goodspeed--home movies] Reel 3
California 1927 #1;Intertitle: 'A Trip to California by Mrs. Frank D. Goodspeed during February and March 1927.' Intertitle: 'Saying 'Goodbye' in Boston...'
9) 1164.0025 [Cameron Bradley--home movies] Reel Y
Amateur footage. Family's viewing notes as follows (reel titles in quotes are based on can/box notes, reel letters are NHF-assigned.) Y. 'Maine, calf and HSB.' Scenes of boating...
9) 1266.0001 [Camp McWain]
Two segments of amateur footage with scenes of activities at Camp McWain, a girls' camp in Waterford ME. Per donor: one segment is possibly scenes of an excursion, the other seg...
32) 2324.0010 [Camp Runoia—home movies] Reel 10
Boy campers play with small animal (maybe goat) in field. Boys pile into boat as girl campers stand on deck. Girls row boats. Girls play basketball. Girls sit on the grass and e...
50) 1844.001 Captain Salvation
Filmed off of Alamo Screen. Created as reference tape for musical accompaniment for 2001 Silent Film Festival. Three minutes of black from 45:00 to 48:00.
1) 1154.0001 Car ride, trains, Boothbay, February 1927--Arthur Race--home movies. Reel 1
"Boothbay Feb '27." ;Woman in fur coat leaving house. Kittens in her arms. Two ponies in harness, pulling. Three boys on sun porch. Boys taken for ride through countryside. Stop at barn. Cows. Coupl...
1) 1579.0001 [Cary Maple Sugar Company—outtakes] Reel 1
[Notes paraphrased from M.M. Thomas Film History] Men (George Cary, Albert Leland and others) drive a team of oxen pulling a collection tank up to an unloading trough alongside ...
2) 1579.0002 [Cary Maple Sugar Company—outtakes] Reel 2
[Notes paraphrased from M.M. Thomas Film History] Boy driving team of oxen in sugarbush. Oxen pull gathering sled along two track road with another little boy riding on back of...
2) 1579.0003 [Cary Maple Sugar Company—outtakes] Reel 3
[Notes paraphrased from M.M. Thomas Film History] Workmen drawing off syrup from evaporator inside sugarhouse and tending to a syrup finishing rig inside the sugarhouse. Man i...
14) 2426.0014 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 14
Beach scenes. Ocean. Man in swimsuit (top and bottom) wades in, then jumps. Family on rocky beach. Figures stand on rocks, child dives in water. Man in swimsuit flops in wat...
16) 2426.0016 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 16
Camp William Hinds, a Boy Scout summer camp founded 1927 and still operating. Very large canoe with two dozen people arrives. Boys on beach, face down kicking. Doing sit ups, ...
57) 2426.0017 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 17
Excursion; car parked at side of road, toddler (Aurelius B. Hinds II) runs through grass followed by two women. Picnic. At house, family members in garden. Arbor with pillars....
58) 2426.0041 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 41
From Logbook: Larry, Wadsworth & Rayes at Boyden's Lake. Larry in back yard at 22 Key St, picnic party at St. Andrews, New Brunswick, at Boyden's Lake & Eastport. Eas...
19) 2426.0042 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 42
From Logbook: Woodpecker in tree on Cupsuptic Stream, Lewiston Falls, felling big tree (birch) at Rockwood Villa, Wadsworth Hinds in foreground, Longfellow Garden Society ...;A woodpecker on a tree. Water falls. [Lewiston falls?] Two men sawing a birch tree. People seated in a park. People gathered around a gazebo. Women dancing. Children presenting ...
60) 2426.0043 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 43
From Logbook: Lindbergh on Tran-Atlantic aeroplane [sic] flight. Reception in Europe and his return to America. Lindbergh parade in Portland, Maine, headed by Boy Scouts, wai...
61) 2426.0044 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 44
From Logbook: Boyden's Lake & Eastport, Maine. Wadsworth's, Raye's & Hinds, Eastport. Augusta Raye's wedding, Mary-Helen as maid-of-honor, at Boyden's Lake, the Br...
62) 2426.0045 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 45
From Logbook: Larry & Grandpa Wadsworth at 27 Chadwick Street, Larry & Skilly at S. Bisbee's house. Nate Redlon, Christine, Catherine & Larry. Larry & family at cam...
63) 2426.0046 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 46
From Logbook: Charles Jr. & Wadsworth riding horse-back at Augusta, Georgia. Mary Wadsworth on hotel piazza, A.W.H. with flowers on lawn. Augusta, Ga. Bridge across the ...
17) 2426.0047 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 47
From Logbook: Surf at Cape Elizabeth, Maine. Larry & Jim Kilborn in front of 27 Chadwick Street, A.W.H., Larry, father and the Stanleys coming out of house to auto....
65) 2426.0058 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 58
From Logbook: At Dartmouth College, football game. At Dartmouth College, Redlon's & Hinds' Dartmouth College band, view from tower. Harvard-Dartmouth football game,...
66) 2426.0071 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 71
From Logbook: A.W.H., Larry and Wadsworth in dining room, Larry and Miss Skillin in bed room, Larry and Irene Wadsworth...
16) 2426.0072 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 72
From Logbook: Air plane pictures.
9) 2426.0112 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 112
From Logbook: Elise Nason, Ellie, Bisbee, Billy Hinds, Betty Bisbee, Ethel Bisbee, Lydia Parson, A.W.H. Nate Redlon Jr., Jim & Elsie Stenhouse on porch at Rockwoo...
13) 2426.0114 [Charles B. Hinds—home movies] Reel 114
From Logbook: Billy- A.W.H. & Larry (baby) on lawn, Portland Waddy, Larry, Mary Hamlen playing in snow at 27 Chadwick Street. Skating at Poland Springs. Larry at 2...
3) 2170.0014A Charles Lindbergh, Orchard Beach air show, 1927-1928--Simmons Brown--home movies. Reel 14A
Label on reel: "Lindbergh/1928" ;First part of reel is pulled from a commercial newsreel; second part is amateur footage including Charles Lindbergh and "The Spirit of St. Louis" at Orchard Beach, Maine, in Jul...
73) 2170.0014 Children at La Tuque and Grand Beach, circa 1928--Simmons Brown--home movies. Reel 14
Label on reel: "Children, La Tuque and Grand Beach/Mary in wedding dress + children June 12, 1928/Karen in White Coat"
24) 3016.0005 [Children in Costume, Spitehouse/Tunk Pond 1st Part, Nov. 1927] Reel 5
Children in Costume, Spitehouse/Tunk Pond 1st Part, Nov. 1927
Next 36