[Cary Maple Sugar Company—outtakes] Reel 3
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[Notes paraphrased from M.M. Thomas Film History] Workmen drawing off syrup from evaporator inside sugarhouse and tending to a syrup finishing rig inside the sugarhouse. Man in chef’s hat and smock fills a syrup decanter with maple syrup from a can. Workman in Cary factory uses equipment to pour liquid into large containers. Workmen nail lids onto wood boxes of cans on conveyor with hammer. Boxes are labeled “Highland Pure Maple.” View of stack of metal barrels. Factory workman fills wax paper lined wood boxes with soft sugar moving along conveyor. John Lewey and son, Roy, standing alongside boiling kettle in front of log cabin. Workman in Cary factory moving wood shipping boxes along conveyor. View of storage area with stacks of wood boxes full of blocks of maple sugar. Man in suit eating pancakes with maple syrup at nicely set table in dining room. Worker holds a can of “Highland” brand pure maple syrup. View of front of the Cary Maple Sugar Company factory from across the road (four-story concrete, metal and glass). Corner of Cary maple cabin visible. Railroad running alongside factory visible. Young woman reading a magazine and enjoying a bar of maple sugar candy. Men and children with oxen pulling gathering tanks collect sap in sugarbush. Woman picking up maple taffy with wood stick from pail of snow at sugar on snow party. Aerial and ground footage of WWI era US fighter planes flying in formation. Speed race of automobiles along ocean shoreline including aerial view and crash of car at high speed. Ski jumping competition. Driving car in winter with high snow banks.
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