[Cary Maple Sugar Company—outtakes] Reel 1

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[Notes paraphrased from M.M. Thomas Film History] Men (George Cary, Albert Leland and others) drive a team of oxen pulling a collection tank up to an unloading trough alongside the Jones sugarhouse. In the background the sugarhouse is billowing steam from the boiling occurring inside. Scene continues to show the process of unloading the sap by gravity flow from the tank. Outside of the Jones sugarhouse in full boil with two men maneuvering a metal barrel full of syrup down a ramp from the door of the sugarhouse. Scene from inside the factory in St. Johnsbury showing a worker filling wax paper lined wooden boxes on a conveyor line with thick maple sugar from large overhead vats. Camera panning over hundreds of the boxes of sugar cooling in a large room in the warehouse. Man walking along the metal sap collection tubing system in the sugarbush – checks the connections for leaks. Pouring hot syrup on snow packed in sap collection pails to make maple taffy for a sugar on snow party. A group of men, women and children lined up and eating the sugar on snow with wood sticks in front of the Jones sugarhouse. Men exit the side door of the Newell/Waterman Sugarhouse. View of the outside from the rail line that runs alongside of the Cary maple Sugar Company. Group of men load wooden boxes of sugar onto a wheeled wagon with the words Cary painted on the side. Men move large metal barrels of syrup up a ramp into the plant. Penobscot Indian John Lewey and his son Roy Lewey in sugarbush in full plains Indian regalia, including feather headdress and leather outfit, tending to a hanging kettle of boiling syrup. Man using machine to nail covers on wood boxes of maple sugar inside the Cary factory. Wood boxes of sugar move along conveyor, men roll metal barrels of syrup in the Cary factory. View of sugarbush with shot showing network of metal sap pipeline system running down hillside and ending at the Jones sugarhouse. Men in white coveralls attend automated syrup canning machines inside of the Cary Factory. Also inside the factory: women in white smocks packing metal cans of syrup coming off a conveyor and view of automated canning machines.

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