75 work results

8) 0017.0001 Wedding and Hula Hoop Girls--Walter V. Mitton--home movies. Reel 17
Color logo of the Amateur Cinema League followed by titles, 'Thayer and Macdonald,' 'April 26, 1952,' 'I pronounce you man and wife.' Faded color. Bride and groom walk out of ch...
21) 0252.0047 [Howard Kane--home movies] Reel 47
NHF notes as follows. Can/reel/box annotations appear in quotes. Reel 47: (100 ft.) 'Columbia [?] family 1934.' Scenes of a black family, a large house.
31) 0749.0001 Maine scenes and New York trip, circa 1940--Vernard I. Pierce--home movies
Home movies shot by Vernard Price of 1940 travels to New York City, the Caratunk, Maine, Centennial Parade, and his logging operations in the woods near Bingham, Maine.;New York City, 1940. Reel opens with scenes of cars, taxis, and buses seen from above a busy street. Globe. Good footage of many neon and animated signs around Times Square, ...
8) 0760.0002 [Water Sports Day at the Rangeley Lake Hotel]
1932 date code on film. // Title card: 'Water Sports Day at the Rangeley Lake Hotel, August 13, 1932.' 'Photographed, edited and titled by Harrie B. Coe.' 'Can you find yourself...
20) 0857.0001 [Fryeburg Sesquicentennial, 1927]
Box notes: 'Moving picture reels of Fryeburg Sesquicentennial celebration 1927. 2 reels--(1) original and (1) duplicate.' // Can notes: (reel 1 of 2) 'P.K. Frye, 78 Portland Str...;Amateur film of 1927 Fryeburg Sesquicentennial Celebration of the incorporation of the town. With intertitles. Film is dated July 13, 1927, connecting 150th anniversary of incor...;Title: ‘THE END OF A PERFECT DAY’. Intertitle: ‘SESQUI-CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION HELD AT FRYEBURG, MAINE JULY 13, 1927 COMMEMORATING THE 150TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE INCORPORATION OF T...
17) 95-40.0033-.0035 Mediterranean cruise--Dassler family--home movies. Reels 33-35
NHF cataloguer's notes for Reels 33-35: Cargo-liner 'Jesse Lykes'; cargo is loaded by longshoremen, using forklifts, for departure from Houston; Houston's industrial shore zone;...
51) 1005.0001 [O.P. Geer--home movies] Reel 1
Collection-level description: amateur, edited footage with intertitles and scenes of family life, work at the law office, travel, summer camp, boating and sailing. Also contains...
4) 1005.0003 [O.P. Geer--home movies] Reel 3
NHF Cataloguer's notes for Reel 3: Intertitle: 'In 1952, on our way home we visited New Orleans, we're in Jackson Square.' Quick shot equestrian statue. Intertitle: 'St. Lou...
57) 1005.0012 - 1005.0033 [O.P. Geer--home movies] Reels 12-33
Collection-level description: amateur, edited footage with intertitles and scenes of family life, work at the law office, travel, summer camp, boating and sailing. Also contains...;Reel 30: Esso gas station was on McKown Street and Todd Avenue. In 2013 a bank site. Robert Rice says Orland McKown ran the station before and during WW II, followed by Ralph W...
6) 1108.0040 - .0041 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 040-41
NHF cataloguer's notes, 7/96 for Reels 40-42: Reel 40: Screening notes: Slate says 'This reel was divided up and spliced onto other reels.' Reel 41 [Archie Stewart can notes: Ro...
8) 1108.0042 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 042
NHF cataloguer's notes, 7/96: Reel 42 [Archie Stewart can notes: Good TAS [Thomas A. Stewart] Birthdays. Up ahead should like it. 1. Archie's birthday, 1929. Reading funneys (si...;NHF cataloguer's notes, 7/96: Reel 42 Screening notes: Intertitles throughout. Begins as above with titles for Amateur Camera League. 'Mary thinks up a surprise party for Archi...
31) 1108.0043-.0044 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 043-44
Reel 43 & 44 Archie Stewart can notes, 43: Kodak's first color. Faded after one year. They corrected it the following year. Before they faded these were some of the pretties...;NHF cataloguer's notes, 7/96 for Reels 43-44: Screening notes: Young couple and boy on steps of brick building with Mary. WS of Mary Stewart on lawn in front of large ivy-cover...
18) 1108.0059 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 059
Reel 59: Archie Stewart can notes: 1. Bits of sound from desk drawer 21 November 1949. 2. Mother with birthday cake. 3. Picnic at Cronomer's [Cronomer Hill Park, Newburgh, NY]. ...;SOUND Screening notes: Sound Archie narrating, mother given cake for 63rd birthday. People around campfire, waving bushes. (Poor ambient sound.) Gathered around picnic table, et...
12) 1108.0078-.0079 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 078-79
NHF cataloguer's notes, 1/96 for Reels 78-79 [division between reels is not clear in these notes]: Reel 79: silent. 1928 hunt. Some excellent photographs, splendid color. Good p...;Viewing notes: Compilation reel. Intertitle, 'Our Harold leads the Kluckers.' KKK parade in Newburgh, New York, ca. 1927. Banner says, "Klan No. 48, Poughkeepsie, NY" [Log says ...
10) 1108.0115 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 115
NHF cataloguer's notes: Reel 115: Archie Stewart can notes: 1- Uncle T & GG. 2- 4th of July. 3- Proper's boat. 4- Thruway. 5- Col. G's 79th. 6- Christmas 1953. 7- Ann &...
1) 1108.0133 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 133
Reel 133: Donor's can notes: 1959 Operation Shotgun 3. Eglin Air Force Base, 4-5-6 May. Family visit 30 June- 14 July. Build Ann St. Bldg. July, August. Take Mother and Esther t...
75) 1108.0136 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 136
Reel 136: Archie Stewart can notes: 1. Camp 8-21 May. 2. Put up anchor. Record R.N.G. 3. Egonn and Anne Hafer 24 May. 4. Weikert's for Nelson Wedding 5 June. 5. General Eisenhow...
16) 1108.0141 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 141
Reel 141: Archie Stewart can notes: Christmas 1961 - May 1962. 1. 1961 Xmas Hafer's in Eau Gallie. 3. Visit G.G. in Miami. 4. Return to Cape Canaveral. 5. Col. Glenn's take-off....
15) 1164.0004 [Cameron Bradley--home movies] Reel D
Amateur footage. Family's viewing notes as follows (reel titles in quotes are based on can/box notes, reel letters are NHF-assigned.) D. 'Maine Baseball, Fay, and Indian Digging...
6) 1164.0033 [Cameron Bradley--home movies] Reel 8
Description / Can notes (43) Amateur footage. Family's viewing notes as follows (reel titles in quotes are based on can/box notes, reel numbers are NHF-assigned.) 8. 'Meet in So...
12) 1311.0012 [Helen V. Bird--home movies] Reel 12
New Years eve 1957. Pajama party New years eve Jan 1958. Sandra Massoni dinner dance gown.;People dancing. A girl (Janice) sorting through records. Dancing. A pile of blankets and pillows. A dog. A girl in pajamas and a party hat. Dancing. A girl talking on the teleph...
45) 1311.0013 [Helen V. Bird--home movies] Reel 13
[P?]J Pajama party. Cape Cod canal 1958.';Shot of a sign: ‘CAPE COD CANAL CORPS OF ENGINEERS U.S. ARMY’. Shots of the canal. A boat on the canal. Dark shots of houses. Sunrise. A plane overhead. A dog at the door. Too d...
15) 1311.0015 [Helen V. Bird--home movies] Reel 15
Lorna's wedding 1961.;A girl (Janice) and two other women dressed as bridesmaids. Wedding guests arriving. A woman with a camera. The bride (Lorna) walking into the church. Guests waiting outside the...
33) 1311.0033 [Helen V. Bird--home movies] Reel 33
Summer 67. Spring 68. Laura & Mark's birthday party. 1968.;A man barbecuing. A woman (Janice) on a lawn chair, watching children playing. Children on bicycles. A group of children posing for the camera. A girl and a boy (Laura and Mark)...
34) 1311.0034 [Helen V. Bird--home movies] Reel 34
Summer of 68.;A child playing outdoors. A birthday party. A girl (Laura) blowing out birthday cake candles. A boy blowing on candles. A girl blowing on candles. Trick candles. Dark indoor sho...
11) 1318.0012 Friends, New York, Washington, D.C., 1937-1938--Samuel B. Horovitz--home movies. Reel 12
Compiled color home movie of air and road travel, including scenes of colleagues in New York and Washington, D.C.;Written on can: "BAP--Wash--NY trip, Dec-Jan 1, 1938/NY, Wash--Lodge Secr, Zimmer, Dept. of Labour Boys, New Years Party/Dr. Adler, mother & sisters, N.Y. Fifield WORKUM";Dec 1937-Jan 1938 Re-reviewed 9/2/65 Dr. Ali Adler, mother & sister in N.Y., girl (whose brother became mayor) FAYE, Dr., wife (Xray, German Ernst friend) SBH (thin) Streets o...;Main title: "SAM-O-GRAMS SBH" Outdoor portaits, shingle building behind headshots. Aerial views of landscapes in New England, some wing in most shots. Passengers within the c...
71) 1318.0019 Friends, Maine plane trip, fall 1938--Samuel B. Horovitz--home movies. Reel 19
Fall 1938 NATURAL COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY by Samuel B. Horovitz Alice & Flora see me off, PLANE TRIP TO MAINE (Union Leaders?) SBH Party in Rose's Everett cellar Vernon Marr, LODGE ...;Title: “Natural Color Photography by Samuel B. Horovitz” Sign: “Passengers will not pass through gates until plane is announced” American Airlines plane on tarmac. Breezy da...;Compiled color home movies including scenes of friends, a plane trip to Maine, a Harvard-Yale football game, and celebrations at Temple Emanuel and at the Massachusetts State Ho...;On can: "Fall 1938 Friends, Maine plane trip, Rose Everett's Cellar, Lodge & Temple Emanuel, J. Miles, Misc. - Yale Game, Labor & report at State House, Coconut Grove show..."
20) 1318.0020 Washington, D.C., Spring 1939--Samuel B. Horovitz--home movies. Reel 20
Compiled color home movies of friends and colleagues in Washington, D.C., including scenes at the law office of Houston & Houston and at the Howard University campus.;FRIENDS 1939 NATURAL COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY by SBH COLORED GROUP--FATHER HOUSTON --his office probably-SBH Reddish-Q simple original light MAX RABB, EUNA, CHARLIE, ZIMMER? whole WAS...;Title: “Natural Color Photography by Samuel B. Horovitz” Young woman eats ice cream with small spoon. Man to camera. African American group meeting in the law offices of Hous...;On can: "Wash D.C. Howard Law 1939 group, Euna, Charlie K?, J. Spiegel, group Manchester/1939 spring"
14) 1318.0023 Friends, Ella Frankfurter show, Malden Bar Association, 1939-1940--Samuel B. Horovitz--home movies. Reel 23
1939 ± SAMAFILMS (color) Frankfurter show-girls Renard and band and show Oscar's house, SNOW, Isobel + Barbara Pocahontas Tavern Malden Bar Assoc Gov. Hurley swearing Judge __ i...;Compiled color home movies including scenes of musical performances, a Malden Bar Association social event, Massachusetts Governor Hurley, and a Massachusetts Industrial Acciden...
14) 1428.0014 [Birch Rock Camp footage] Reel 14
Amateur footage primarily of camp activities at Birch Rock Camp, Waterford, Me. (and possibly at Kimball Union Academy in Meriden, N.H. where William Brewster, founder of Birch ...
18) 1638.0002 Children, Detroit visit and golf--Robert N. Lupfer--home movies. Reel 2
Joe. Ed Tullor (?) Hopie Swimming 4th of July, Joe Rinehart Joe with hose Detroit, Garfield Seminole [Street, Detroit], Maria Mason Alfred Mason’s House at Lake Bicycl...;Children with small cart. A toy slide with rails that sends the cart down the sidewalk. Girl hangs upside down on swingset trapeze, also on rings. Boy with ice cream cone sit...
18) 1688.0018 [Richard Clark--home movies] Reel 1
No can, no notes on leader. // Processing notes: 'Woods.';Various shots of a people at a gathering at a house on the lake. (Wedding reception?) [End of Reel]
19) 1688.0019 [Richard Clark--home movies] Reel 2
No can, no notes on leader.;Various shots of people at a gathering at a house on the lake, including three women (Helen, Katharine and Nancy). People drinking punch. Shots of various guests. Shot of a woma...
25) 1861.0052 [John Frederick Hohmann--home movies] Reel 52
From can notes: '1974 Hatteras; Maine; Nancy and Seth.' // On reel with reels 53-54. // This reel titled as reel 13 on 3/4 in. and VHS transfer copies.;Car parked on beach; woman and baby at picnic table on beach, woman feeding baby with spoon; two women and baby at picnic table on beach; sailboat on ocean; woman and baby in la...
26) 1930.0002 Graduation celebrations--Fitch family--home movies. Reel 2
Black-and-white and color home movies including young woman's graduation celebrations and campus scenes.;Label on can: "Horses, Dad, Doris, Ed, Carney, Paper chase, Mother's Day, Beaney, Billie & Elsie (about 1929).";People leaving large building (school or church building?); post graduation scene (?): young women in long white dresses and flowers; two women sitting in yard; man with drink a...
4) 2132.0004 50th anniversary parade, 1964--Joshua D. Maule, Jr. Family--home movies. Reel 4, Accession 2132
On can: "50th anniversary parade, 1964" ;Posy Parade - 1964
Next 36