4 work results

11) 1318.0012 Friends, New York, Washington, D.C., 1937-1938--Samuel B. Horovitz--home movies. Reel 12
Compiled color home movie of air and road travel, including scenes of colleagues in New York and Washington, D.C.;Written on can: "BAP--Wash--NY trip, Dec-Jan 1, 1938/NY, Wash--Lodge Secr, Zimmer, Dept. of Labour Boys, New Years Party/Dr. Adler, mother & sisters, N.Y. Fifield WORKUM";Dec 1937-Jan 1938 Re-reviewed 9/2/65 Dr. Ali Adler, mother & sister in N.Y., girl (whose brother became mayor) FAYE, Dr., wife (Xray, German Ernst friend) SBH (thin) Streets o...;Main title: "SAM-O-GRAMS SBH" Outdoor portaits, shingle building behind headshots. Aerial views of landscapes in New England, some wing in most shots. Passengers within the c...
12) 1318.0019 Friends, Maine plane trip, fall 1938--Samuel B. Horovitz--home movies. Reel 19
Fall 1938 NATURAL COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY by Samuel B. Horovitz Alice & Flora see me off, PLANE TRIP TO MAINE (Union Leaders?) SBH Party in Rose's Everett cellar Vernon Marr, LODGE ...;Title: “Natural Color Photography by Samuel B. Horovitz” Sign: “Passengers will not pass through gates until plane is announced” American Airlines plane on tarmac. Breezy da...;Compiled color home movies including scenes of friends, a plane trip to Maine, a Harvard-Yale football game, and celebrations at Temple Emanuel and at the Massachusetts State Ho...;On can: "Fall 1938 Friends, Maine plane trip, Rose Everett's Cellar, Lodge & Temple Emanuel, J. Miles, Misc. - Yale Game, Labor & report at State House, Coconut Grove show..."
18) 1318.0020 Washington, D.C., Spring 1939--Samuel B. Horovitz--home movies. Reel 20
Compiled color home movies of friends and colleagues in Washington, D.C., including scenes at the law office of Houston & Houston and at the Howard University campus.;FRIENDS 1939 NATURAL COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY by SBH COLORED GROUP--FATHER HOUSTON --his office probably-SBH Reddish-Q simple original light MAX RABB, EUNA, CHARLIE, ZIMMER? whole WAS...;Title: “Natural Color Photography by Samuel B. Horovitz” Young woman eats ice cream with small spoon. Man to camera. African American group meeting in the law offices of Hous...;On can: "Wash D.C. Howard Law 1939 group, Euna, Charlie K?, J. Spiegel, group Manchester/1939 spring"
2) 1318.0023 Friends, Ella Frankfurter show, Malden Bar Association, 1939-1940--Samuel B. Horovitz--home movies. Reel 23
1939 ± SAMAFILMS (color) Frankfurter show-girls Renard and band and show Oscar's house, SNOW, Isobel + Barbara Pocahontas Tavern Malden Bar Assoc Gov. Hurley swearing Judge __ i...;Compiled color home movies including scenes of musical performances, a Malden Bar Association social event, Massachusetts Governor Hurley, and a Massachusetts Industrial Acciden...
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