436 work results

1) 1108 [Archie Stewart--home movies] VT4 (part 2, two cuts), VT13, VT15, VT8 (two cuts)
Stewart International Airport footage: VT4 (part 2), two cuts dated 4/1/91 and 4/17/91 NHF Cataloger's notes [times from VCR display]: (1:00) Stewart Airport, Newburgh, NY, peop...;Mary Stewart Hafer notes: VT 4 Delta Airlines opens service, April 1, 1991. Archie cuts ribbon with huge scissors. "Time to fly" character. VT1y American Airlines celebrates 1 ...
2) 2716.0019 Boston Ballet
X4973; WCVB code 46; Aqui; Boston Ballet; Rec date: 4-27-91; Air date: 4-28-91;Aqui; City Ballet; viewer alert: Spanish language audio with English subtitles; Mayra Rodriquez Howard provides background on the Boston Ballet company and it's season of regula...
3) 2716.0020 Aqui - Naomi Martel
Master; Aqui; X1147; Naomi;Aqui; Naomi Martel; Mayra Rodriquez Howard interviews Naomi Martel, a member of the Massachusetts Commission on Discrimination, about the work of this state-supported agency; th...;In the studio Wilma Ovalles, Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd, Frank Firnschild, Liliana Gamba, Bayard Peabody, Jr., Susan Krieger, Doug Devitt, Gretchen Soehner, John Mitchell, Joe ...
4) 2716.0021 Aqui - Part 1: La Plena;
Master; Aqui 12; X4388; 11-11-91;Aqui; Part 1 on La Plena documentary; Spanish language with English subtitles; Jose Masso and Mayra Rodriquez introduce the documentary Plena, about the music representing every...;In the studio Wilma Ovalles, Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd, Brian Pellicano, Liliana Gamba, Shelley Ridgeway, Bayard Peabody, Jr., Susan Krieger, Doug Devitt, Joe Soucar, John Mit...
12) 2716.0022 [Aqui - Christmas]
X5508; WCVB code 32; Aqui; Flore De [Cana] Christmas M[?] No. 1; Rec date: 12-14-91; Air date: 12-15-91;Flor de Caña performs; Rosa Maria Amador and Brian Amador in an interview talk about the instruments they play in the Flor de Caña group, their new CD, translating their music l...;Credits: Producer: Wilma Ovalles; Directed By: Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd; Assistant Directors: Frank Firnschild, Brian Pellicano; Associate Producers: John Green, Maria Luisa ...
6) 2716.0023 [Aqui - Flamenco]
X4774 WCVB Code 2; Aqui; [Manuela] Baez; [Gaston Enstitue]; Flamenco; Rec. date: 12-21-91; Air date: 12-29-91;Aqui; Flamingo [flaminco]; Spanish language with English subtitles; Jose Masso remembers Manuela Baez, shot on the streets of Jamaica Plains; she worked three jobs to support he...;In the studio Maria Luisa Monserrate, Jam Hakim, Brian Pellicano, John Green, Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd, Bayard Peabody, Jr., Susan Krieger, Doug Devitt, Gretchen Soehner, Joh...
7) 2716.0194 Cityline - Healthy Start/ Healthy Babies
Cityline - Healthy Start/ Healthy Babies; X4048; Rec. date: 3-12-91; Air date: 3-17-91;Healthy Babies; Family Works; Healthy Start; Karen Holmes and Jose Masso report from the "death zone" of Boston to discuss infant mortality, which are three times more likely fo...;In the studio Bruno Rodriguez, Dick Puttkamer, Dorothy Will, Valerie Navy-Daniels, Frank Firnschild, Jam Hakim, Laura Brown, Ron Schindler, Susan Krieger, Jim Barker, Ed Baron, ...
8) 2716.0195 Cityline - Leap
Cityline - Leap; X457;CityLine: Leap; Adam Clayton Powell, Jr: King of the Cats, is a new biography of the man by Wil Haygood; Haygood is interviewed about the details in the history of Powell; Buy B...
9) 2716.0196 Cityline - Clarence Thomas; Joe Long
Dub Cityline X2618 Clarence Thomas - Joe Long Rec. 7/9/91 Air. 7/14/91;CityLine; Clarence Thomas; Joe Long; Karen Holmes introduces a report on the recent nomination of Clarence Thomas; Martha Bradley outlines the details of the nomination's benefi...;In the studio Phil Rubin, Valerie Navy-Daniels, Jam Hakim, Laura Brown, Ron Schindler, Doug Devitt, Bob Marscocci, Roger Rice, Jerry Milot, Kif Williams, Frank Firnschild, Dave ...
10) 2716.0197 Cityline - Kim Harbouer
Cityline; Kim Harbouer; X3916' Rec: date" 9-24-91; Air date: 9-29-91;Viewer alert: details of the crime are vividly reported, and there is some offensive language; CityLine: Kim Harbour; Karen Holmes and Byron Pitts host a special program on the ...;In the studio Karen Holmes, Phil Rubin, Laura Brow, Pat Bates, Bayard Peabody, Jr., Doug Devitt, Jerry Milot, John Mitchell, Roger Rice,Carolyn Stirling, Frank Firnschild, Leon ...
1) 2716.0198 Cityline - Acrerley; Elec. Wrap; Isaac Julian
Cityline - Acrerley; Elec. Wrap; Isaac Julian; X425; WCVB code 48;The lack of Black representation in the city; billboard advertising messages at Dudley Station; Young Soul Rebels, a film set in 1977; low voter turnout and slow start to campai...;Credits: Produced by Karen Holmes; Directed by Phil Rubin; Production Assistant: Laura Brown; Assistant Director: Brian Pellicano; Technical Director: Bayard Peabody; Audio: Joe...
12) 2716.0353 Five on Five - Sunday, Sept. 1, 1991 #587
Five on Five; Sunday September 1, 1991; No. 587; Rec. date 8-30-91; Air date 9-1-91; X3035
13) 2716.0354 Five on Five - Sunday, Sept. 8, 1991 #588
Five on Five Sunday, September 8, 1991, #588; X3987; Rec. date, 9-6-91; Air date, 9-8-91;Five on Five; John Collins, Paul Reid, Micho Spring, and Hubie Jones discuss the city's emergency budget plans for Chelsea; the nomination of Clarence Thomas is reviewed; change...;Credits: Produced by: Margie Arons-Barron; Directed by: Phil Rubin; Associate Producer: Laurie Covens; Assistant Director: Jam Hakim; Assistants to the Producer: Eleanor O’Keefe...
14) 2716.0355 Five on Five - #589
Five on Five; Sunday, September 15, 1991, No. 589; Rec. date 9-13-91; Air date 9-15-91; X3988;Five on Five: Elections at local and federal levels; Marjorie Arons-Barron hosts a discussion about comments by Gaylan Ellis-Hagler that incited much anger among local voters; d...;In the studio Laurie Coven, Phil Rubin, Jam Hakim, Eleanor O'Keefe, Daphne Chuang, Kif Williams, B. Geoffrey Lans, Kimberly Devolve, Doug Devitt, John Mitchell, Joe Soucar, Merr...
45) 2716.0462 Good Day - Bill Corcoran; Frank Avruch; Becky Wildman; Jamie Wildman; Dr Henry Klapholz
Master; X2813;Bill Corcoran; Frank Avruch; Becky Wildman; Jamie Wildman; Dr. Henry Klapholz; Becky Wildman, Jamie Wildman, and Dr. Henry Klapholz talk about the surprise delivery of their in...;Produced by: Karen Melamed; Directed by: Donna Hennessey; Assistant Program Producer: Faith Sutter; Unit Manager: Mary Ellen Hayes; Associate Producers: Linda Adler, Bonnie Goul...
16) 2716.0463 Good Day - #4285; Terry Alexander; Tony Ambrose; John Kallell; Jane Hyman
Master;#4285; Terry Alexander; Tony Ambrose; John Kallell; Jane Hyman "damaged tape"
17) 2716.0464 Good Day - #4286; Dr. Tom Cottle; Norma Callahan; Jay Thornton; D.J. Hazard; Anthony Clark; Marcel Marceleau
#4286; Dr. Tom Cottle; Norma Callahan; Jay Thornton; D.J. Hazard; Anthony Clark; Marcel Marceleau
9) 2716.0465 Good Day - #4287; Dr. Tom Cottle; Paul; Allison; Ann-Marie; Paul Donovan; Priscilla Nartell
#4287; Dr. Tom Cottle; Paul; Allison; Ann-Marie; Paul Donovan; Priscilla Martell; guests discuss the differences in their at-home neatness habits; the Youth Build Boston program...
35) 2716.0466 Good Day - #4388; Beverly Garland; Dr. Richard Price; Dr. Richard Cohen; Susan Wornick; Les Waas; Fatherine Rolfe
#4388; Dr. Richard Price and Dr. Richard Cohen discuss mercury poison from fillings; Les Waas and Catherine Rolfe talk about the Lighten Up Club and the Procrastinators Club; di...
20) 2716.0467 Good Day - #4289; Peter Collier; Frank Avruch; Wendy Silk; Boston Artists Ensemble
Master Good Day X2826 Wednesday Jan. 9, 1991 No. 4289 Rec. 1/9/91 Air. 1/10/91;Good Day; Eileen Prose interviews Peter Collier about his book on the Fonda family; black screen breaks; Wendy Silk demonstrates the many uses of scarves; the Super Bowl Getaway...;In the studio Karen Melamed, Donna Hennessey Smith, Faith Sutter, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Bonnie Gould, Susan Locke-Smith, Janet Lee, Ted Reinstein, Brian Pellicano, Dana...
21) 2716.0468 Good Day - #4290; Dave Caruso; Peggy Plant; Louise Stokehart; Dyan Cannon; Margie Kreschollek; Katherine Chase
Master; Good Day; Thursday; Jan. 10, 1991; No. 4290; X2707; Rec date 1-10-91; Air date 1-11-91;#4290; Dave Caruso; Peggy Plant; Louise Stokehart; Dyan Cannon; Margie Kreschollek; Katherine Chase
22) 2716.0469 Good Day - #4291
Master Good Day X2829;Good Day; Mildred Albert shows the viewers some special fashions; Ted Reinstein goes to Quincy Hall about a new law against public profanity, and interviews residents on the str...
23) 2716.0470 Good Day - #4292; Dr. Tom Cottle
Dub;#4292; Dr. Tom Cottle
46) 2716.0471 Good Day - #4294; Frank Avruch; D. Marcel Kinsbourne; Dr. Ralph Earle; Janet Manley; Janice Bielot; Michael Hugo
#4294; DPT and MMR shot risks are discussed with guests Janet Manley, Janice Bielot, Marcel Kinsbourne and Michael Hugo; there is a visit to Boston City Hospital because of conc...;Credits: Produced by: Karen Melamed; Directed by: Donna Hennessey; Assistant Program Producer: Faith Sutter; Unit Manager: Mary Ellen Hayes; Associate Producers: Linda Adler, Bo...
25) 2716.0472 Good Day - #4297; Dr. Tom Cottle; John Larew; Johanthan Scott; Manish Barna; David Greenway; Bob Salzberg; Emily Rooney; Alan Eisner
Master; Good Day; Monday Jan. 21, 1991; X3143; No. 4297; Rec. date 1-21-91; Air date 1-22-91;Good Day; David Greenway, Bob Salzberg, Emily Rooney, and Alan Eisner are interviewed in the studio about real-time news coverage of the Persian Gulf War; Steve Sbraccia reports...
26) 2716.0473 Good Day - #4298; Susan Wornick; William Ladd; Kimberly Williams; Diane Fassel; Kathy Ulloa
Master;#4298; Susan Wornick; William Ladd; Kimberly Williams; Diane Fassel; Kathy Ulloa
27) 2716.0474 Good Day - #4299; Not a Complete Show Due to Gulf War Coverage
#4299; Not a Complete Show Due to Gulf War Coverage
28) 2716.0475 Good Day - #4298; Asaf Ali Qazilbash; Mughira Razzaq; Susan Akram; Meri Stevens; Ellen Kriedman
#4298; Asaf Ali Qazilbash; Mughira Razzaq; Susan Akram; Meri Stevens; Ellen Kriedman Can says #4300 with dates rec:1/24/91; air 1/25/91
29) 2716.0476 Good Day - #4301; #4299; Dr. Alex Coleman; Kathy Miller
Master;#4301; #4299; Dr. Alex Coleman; Kathy Miller Paperwork and can notes do not match
30) 2716.0477 Good Day - #4302; Charles Givens; Nancy Barr; Gail Sheehy
Master Good Day X3632 Mon. Jan 28, 1991 No. 4302 Rec. 1/28/91 Air. 1/29/91;Good Day; Susan Wornick hosts a program about people doing service work; Ellen Bressel and Gregory Kinney talk about why they volunteered to go to help with relief efforts in Is...;In the studio Karen Melamed, Donna Hennessey, Faith Sutter, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Bonnie Gould, Susan Locke-Smith, Janet Lee, Ted Reinstein, Chay Yew, Brian Pellicano, ...
31) 2716.0478 Good Day - #4303; Dr. Tom Cottle; Frank Avruch; April Newman; Paul Powers, Jane Nathanson
Master;#4303; Dr. Tom Cottle; Frank Avruch; April Newman; Paul Powers, Jane Nathanson
32) 2716.0479 Good Day - #4304; Dr. Joanna Gallers; Dr. Barry Davidson; Teresa Hemperley; Loretta Woodbury; Bobbi Garratt-Barr
Master;#4304; Dr. Joanna Gallers; Dr. Barry Davidson; Teresa Hemperley; Loretta Woodbury; Bobbi Garratt-Barr
33) 2716.0480 Good Day - #4305; Carole Chaet; Bob Richards; Sheela Kennedy; James Rafferty; Shirley Billigmeier; Peter Browne; Mary McGrath; Frank Lavoie
Master Good Day X5080 Thursday 31, 1991 No 4305 Rec. 1/31/91 Air. 2/1/91;Good Day; high school campus recruiting is discussed by Carole Chaet, Bob Richards, Sheela Kennedy, James Rafferty, Mary McGrath, and Frank Lavoie; black screen breaks; James D...
34) 2716.0481 Good Day - #4305; Dr. Tom Cottle; Lynn Parizale; Diane Knox; James Maselan; Eugene Swan; Katherine Swan; Martin Lewis
Master; Good Day; Monday, Feb. 4, 1991; X147; No. 4305; WCVB code 105; Rec date 2-4-91; Air date 2-5-91;#4305; Dr. Tom Cottle; Lynn Parizale; Diane Knox; James Maselan; Eugene Swan; Katherine Swan; Martin Lewis; audio crew remarks during color bars; James Maselan, Eugene Swan, and...;Credits: Produced by Karen Melamed; Directed by Phil Rubin; Assistant Program Producer: Faith Sutter; Unit Manager: Mary Ellen Hayes; Associate Producers: Linda Adler, Bonnie Go...
35) 2716.0482 Good Day - #4306; Sonya Friedman; Jack Gillis; Susan Wornick; Rick Davis
Master;#4306; Sonya Friedman; Jack Gillis; Susan Wornick; Rick Davis
24) 2716.0483 Good Day - #4307; Frank Avruch; Charisma Clay; Lee Murphy; Candace Fleming; 2 models
Master;#4307; Charisma Clay and Lee Murphy are interviewed about their businesses of providing escort services; Candace Fleming shows some of her bell-bottom designs and then demonstra...
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