[Aqui - Christmas]

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December 14 1991
X5508; WCVB code 32; Aqui; Flore De [Cana] Christmas M[?] No. 1; Rec date: 12-14-91; Air date: 12-15-91
Flor de Caña performs; Rosa Maria Amador and Brian Amador in an interview talk about the instruments they play in the Flor de Caña group, their new CD, translating their music lyrics to English, touring throughout the year and what it means to be a "cross over" group culturally; children and adults are interviewed about what the "Three Kings" festival of January 6 means, and what Christmas means to them.
Credits: Producer: Wilma Ovalles; Directed By: Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd; Assistant Directors: Frank Firnschild, Brian Pellicano; Associate Producers: John Green, Maria Luisa Monserrate; Technical Directors: Bayard Peabody, Jr., Susan Krieger; Audio: Doug Devitt, Gretchen Soehner; Camera: John Mitchell, Joe Soucar; Lighting Director: Jerry Milot; Videographer: Judi Guild; Sound: Doug Dike; Editor: John Mitchell; Electronic Graphics: Carolyn Stirling; Videotape: Leon Goldman, Nancy Moloney; Translations By: Laura Eastment; Special Thanks To: Volante Farms Inc.; V.P. Community Services & Director Public Affairs: Donna Latson-Gittens; V.P. Programming & Station Manager: Paul LaCamera; Copyright 1991

2 Copies
