[Aqui - Flamenco]

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December 21 1991
X4774 WCVB Code 2; Aqui; [Manuela] Baez; [Gaston Enstitue]; Flamenco; Rec. date: 12-21-91; Air date: 12-29-91
Aqui; Flamingo [flaminco]; Spanish language with English subtitles; Jose Masso remembers Manuela Baez, shot on the streets of Jamaica Plains; she worked three jobs to support her family but was without health insurance; her daughter, Mildred Manuela, and Carlos Diaz are interviewed about the situation of street crime, and employees with no insurance and how the community is providing support the Baez family; black screen breaks with count down; Mayra Rodriquez Howard provides background on a study done that reports Hispanics are the least likely minority to land jobs in a selection pool, and when they do they are paid below average for that job; Miren Uriarte is interviewed about the causes for this situation; women job-seekers are particularly affected in an era of forced employment rather than social benefits; First Night entertainers include the Ramon De Los Reyes Dance Group, who provide a rehearsal demonstration of their presentation;
In the studio Maria Luisa Monserrate, Jam Hakim, Brian Pellicano, John Green, Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd, Bayard Peabody, Jr., Susan Krieger, Doug Devitt, Gretchen Soehner, John Mitchell, Joe Soucar, Jerry Milot, Ken Sullivan, Doug Dike, John Mitchell, Carolyn Stirling, Kim Devolve, Sheri Amara, Donna Latson-Gittens, Paul LaCamera;

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