Good Day - #4297; Dr. Tom Cottle; John Larew; Johanthan Scott; Manish Barna; David Greenway; Bob Salzberg; Emily Rooney; Alan Eisner

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January 21 1991
Master; Good Day; Monday Jan. 21, 1991; X3143; No. 4297; Rec. date 1-21-91; Air date 1-22-91
Good Day; David Greenway, Bob Salzberg, Emily Rooney, and Alan Eisner are interviewed in the studio about real-time news coverage of the Persian Gulf War; Steve Sbraccia reports from Boston Commons; black screen breaks; callers ask questions of the guests; Dr. Tom Cottle talks about the challenges viewers might be facing at home with news coverage and children's fears; student leaders from campuses visit the set to talk about the protests against the war; they include John Larew, Michael Kozuch, Marcie Diamond, Jonathan Scott; Liz Ahl, and Hansa Godfrey;

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