5 work results

10) 1005.0012 - 1005.0033 [O.P. Geer--home movies] Reels 12-33
Collection-level description: amateur, edited footage with intertitles and scenes of family life, work at the law office, travel, summer camp, boating and sailing. Also contains...;Reel 30: Esso gas station was on McKown Street and Todd Avenue. In 2013 a bank site. Robert Rice says Orland McKown ran the station before and during WW II, followed by Ralph W...
3) 1382.0008 [John A. Stone--home movies] Reel 008
Donor's notes as follows: Reel 8: Vacation 1940. Oxen Yoke, North Conway, NH. Skimobile. Hannes Schneider. Top of Mt. Cranmore, NH. Avis Freeman and Buddy (dog) at Freedom, NH. ...
3) 1695.0003 Children playing, box trick, farm animals, Portland water tower, 1940-1941--Donald Taylor--home movies. Reel 3
"4th Birthday Carton / Little Sebago / Bingham Annuals / Means in Hoodoo / First brown puppy / Doll Carriage";Reel #3A: Dodge. South Portland. Hopscotch. Box trick - all neighbor. Sebago Lake - camp. Mean's camp. Animals at farm, Bingham ME. Sue in paper bag hat. Bucksport bridge. Hoodo...;Outside: bush by house, Jo and Sue run to tricycles under the bush and ride toward camera. Jo and Sue playing in sand with Buzz. Twins riding tricycles in the yard, jumping of...;Compiled reel of color home movies including the twins playing outside, a camera trick with several children crawling into a box, a family boat trip to Fort Knox, farm animals, ...
9) 2310.0007 [Milton Dowe—home movies] Reel 7
29:49-30:10 Sign: "Waldo-Hancock Bridge 300 Feet" with arrow pointing direction, then LS pan of bridge from Waldo to Hancock side with hills in B/G, and village seen along the ...
2) 2313.0001 [Alan Bemis—home movies] Reel 1
Can notes: "Bemi Trunk Movie - In + Out 1922? + 8/23/47 copy made Feb. 1962." Donor notes: "Original copy (I think) of '34 Bemi Explode from a Trunk'. August 23, 1947 Plus o...
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