50 work results

22) 0284.0027 [Meyer Davis--home movies] Reel 27
Scenes of Willow Grove, an amusement park, with children, rides, flappers, arcades and crowds. A festival at Oak Lane Country Day School with children in costume, gymnastics, da...
21) 0284.0030 [Meyer Davis--home movies] Reel 30
Swimming and rowing. A gathering on the porch with family and friends. Having fun by the lake. A costume party with little David dressed in blackface and other children dressed ...
3) 0284.0031 [Meyer Davis--home movies] Reel 31
The Lake Placid Ferry. Swimming with the children and Rube Bloom. Picnic at lake house. The Wachapreague Hotel [Virginia]. On the docks with Meyer and friends geting ready for f...
30) 0284.0041 [Meyer Davis--home movies] Reel 41
Close-ups of Hilda and family at Lake Placid, pan of lake, Uncle Jake by lake. Davis' family and adult friends mugging for camera and kissing and dancing. Playing ball with chil...
15) 0660.0003 [Nice, North Africa] Reel 1
Title, 'Nice from the sea.' Water, hillside. Title, 'Nice, Promenade des Anglais.' People at tables. Title, 'Herald of the Carnival, Nice.' More such titles. Stable shots, no CU...;Title card with the still image of a man and woman standing near trees: 'Nice from the sea'. Panning shot of Nice shoreline, seen from the water. Shot of the beach. The Jetée-Pr...
22) 0818.0012 [Albert Conley--home movies] Reel 12
Date range from edge codes on film. // Notes from film tag: 'Sarasota (Fl.); circus; ballgame; end of pageant; celery farm; ranch [?].' // Monkeys in cage. Leopard in cage. Ring...
7) 0996.0002 Maine and New Hampshire, ca. 1929--Elizabeth Woodman Wright--home movies. Reel 2
Two people raising an American flag up a flagpole. People cutting brush. Two children in the back of a car. A man (Uncle Charles) and a dog (Ted). Charles sharpening a scythe. C...;Flagpole. Chopping at the Buckfield turn, clearing the road, by Curtis & CCW. 1929 Ford station wagon. Uncle Charles & Ted the dog. Uncle Charles sharpening his Scythe a...;[They are preparing location for tennis court, according to Aagot Wright, wife of Walter Woodman Wright.] // Donor note: The elderly woman having the birthday is Mrs. Maxim, n...
15) 0996.0003 Maine and New Hampshire, ca. 1929--Elizabeth Woodman Wright--home movies. Reel 3
A group of people and a dog. A man places a sign for ‘Windy Ledge’, as two others watch. Placing stones around the sign. Shot of the sign. Close up of a boy with a bird on his h...;Visiting the Ingrams next door. Setting out the Windy Ledge sign, carved by Vivian Alera, Norway artist. Curtis, Charles, Mary, Brooks, Weston Uncle Ell, CHCW Pheonry? on Brooks...
1) 1025.0005 [Elizabeth Woodman Wright--home movies] Reel 5
Women in dresses and bonnets in a carriage. A man in period dress. People pose for the camera, wearing 18th century dress. A boy riding an antique bicycle (penny-farthing/veloci...
10) 1025.0011 [Elizabeth Woodman Wright--home movies] Reel 11
Can/box notes: 'Ducks etc.';Flock of ducks in a pond. [End of Reel]
31) 1026.0001 [Elizabeth Thompson Reed--home movies] Reel 1
[illegible] at 215 Bishop. Bill. Burd's 1st cat Anne + friends in snow. Grandfather Reed. Watch Hill, Eddy. Children. Nanna, Uncle Blair. Bill + Hotchkess. (over) [illegible] on...;Four women in chairs in a garden. Three older women outside a stone building. A young girl leaning against a pillar. Two girls holding cats. Puppies in a dog house. Dogs seen th...
2) 1026.0002 [Elizabeth Thompson Reed--home movies] Reel 2
Dobb - 1931. Bliss' Graduation Dobbs - 1931. Anne's Graduation Vassar - 1930 Commencement Hammonds + Edith Woolsey at Bishop St. Yale Ball Game Vassar 1930 Vassar 1935 Bliss Gra...;Women playing baseball/softball. People racing around a track, a large brick building in the background. A crowd of young women on a lawn/garden. People seated outdoors (graduat...
1) 1204.0001 [Great Northern Paper Company films] Reel 1
Amateur footage of Great Northern Paper operations. // Opening title cards: 'All This for a Sheet of Paper.' 'Millinocket Mill. Fire Protection. Wood Pile. F.C. Bowler. 'Railroa...
29) 1271.0026 [Bell--home movies] Reel 26
Label: 'Ned Bells film, nursery school. 1930.'
15) 1271.0027 [Bell--home movies] Reel 27
Label: 'Add to Good Times. Japan[?].' [1930]
33) 1271.0030 [Bell--home movies] Reel 30
Label: 'Cruise E. Ship's party. Siam - Manila.' [1930] // Note: Thailand was known as Siam until 1949.
36) 1327.0015 [Whipple--home movies] Reel 15
Reel 15: Children peeking under fence at cows in pasture. CU women in flapper styled hats. Man speaking. Woman now closing eyes. Couple kissing. Man wipes womans mouth they kiss...
18) 1375.0010 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 10
10. Tom, Erik and Mummy in snow on sled, sliding Jan 26th, 1930, school Jan 28th, 1930, Abe Lincoln's birthday, flag out, coasting reservation and deer, anniversary April 1930.;NHF Cataloguer's notes for Reel 10: (00:00) Children shoveling snow on steps. Man and child with sled on street. (03:00) Child with obscure airplane toy. Sled with child and fat...
19) 1375.0011 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 11
11. All nursery school with titles.;NHF Cataloguer's notes for Reel 11: Intertitle: 'Activities at the Hillside Nursery School.' 'Going to School.' (18:00) Child arriving at school. Intertitle: 'Outdoor equipment....
20) 1375.0013 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 13
13. July 1930--Tom somersaults, [Schriblr] and Glunk funeral, Greenwood lake, Island, Fred mid bathing, Caroline and others, fishing party, tennis, beach ride, Sheepscot trip, E...;NHF Cataloguer's notes for Reel 13: (00:30) Father and son playing with blocks. Pall bearers taking casket to a hearse. Children swimming in outdoor pool. (04:00) Child with you...
9) 1375.0014 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 14
14. Day at shore Sept 1930, trains, races, Budd [Lak] picnic, Erik for Maine, Tom on Roberts bike, Navy-Princeton game, c. [af], rabbit. ;NHF Cataloguer's notes for Reel 14: (17:50) Family on sea shore boardwalk. Shot of blimp. Family picnic on beach. Play ground on beach. Family raking leaves in front of house. (...
14) 1375.0015 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 15
15. Nov 1930, Armistice Day parade, Dec 1930, Tom's [birthday] and Bagley, Apr 1931, Bunny Nursery School, picnic May 29th, Jun 1931 Susanne outdoors, in with lights, baptism.;NHF Cataloguer's notes for Reel 15: (35:40) Cavalry and military guard marching in parade. Armistice Day Nov. 1930. Artillery, confetti, marching bands. (39:00) Birthday party, ...
23) 1538.0003 [unidentified--home movies] Reel 3
Label on can: 'Reel 24.' // Film has 1930 edge code. // Severe warping and twist at head, some emulsion missing. // Includes a Kodacolor portion. // Same family appears throught...
24) 1538.0004 [unidentified--home movies] Reel 4
Label on can: 'Reel 25.' // Film has 1930 edge code. // Man and woman with officer of ship. Steamship comes into port. Railroad rolls to a stop alongside it. Stevedores at work....
25) 1656.0021 From Stump to Ship
Depicts the year-round activities of the Machias Lumber Company on the Machias River in Washington County, Maine. Includes scenes of winter logging in the forest with hand tools...
1) 1657.0001 [Margaret May McGrew Hunter--home movies] Reel 1
Can notes: No. J. Blk and white, Prince of Walec-Hon; Polo--Uncle Jay 1928; Polo-Army Game 1928; England-Rowes, Graf Zeppelin. Processing notes, PSL: Marching Band, polo, blimp,...;A parade with a marching band of men wearing kilts and playing bagpipes. A group of children and toddlers playing together. Men playing polo. A blimp/zeppelin. People on the bea...
2) 1657.0002 [Margaret May McGrew Hunter--home movies] Reel 2
Amateur footage. Processing notes, PSL: Lakeside scenes with fir trees, picnic, fishing, women feeding ducks; sheep farm, boy with dog and puppie, rodeo; boys aerial footage of ...;People seated at an outdoor table beside a cabin. A man with a line of fish. A group of people on horseback. A man and a dog leading horses. Two men in a motor boat. People seat...
23) 1688.0004 [Annie Wood Nowell--home movies] Reel 4
Notes from can: Discard. No. 2C. '27, '28, '31 & '40. Picnic backwards. 27 group in fur coats down from Win. white building. His girls H & N trying on hats at Win. at Bu...;Dark shot of a girl (Helen) and a toddler, (Nancy) reading. An older man, Helen and Nancy sitting together. Nancy playing. Intertitle: 'Helen was dressing for a party.' Helen in...
7) 1688.0006 [Annie Wood Nowell--home movies] Reel 6
Notes from can: 2B. Semi-good trips, etc. Mixed; Ben Block's horses. Win. '27; Maribel Vincent, World Champion before Sonja Henie, skates at Win. (M.L.'s play.); Picnic at Saqui...;A man training a horse. Intertitle: 'Red Rover, another Ben’s prize horses.' A man leading Red Rover. People skating, including Maribel Vincent. Close up of a woman with skating...
30) 1688.0013 [Annie Wood Nowell--home movies] Reel 13
Notes from can: 7A. N. at 6. M. Vinson's. N. mates.; Win. '27, '31 & Dux. '31.; Helen, Win. porch, 14 yrs.; Helen has breakfast with Nancy, 1 3/4 yrs.; Helen rides with Ruth...;A girl (Helen) sitting by the window. Intertitle: 'Helen and Ruth Wadleigh.' Two girls on horseback. Intertitle: 'Ben Black’s Flamingo”, Blue Ribbon of the Turf.' A man training...
13) 1688.0014 [Annie Wood Nowell--home movies] Reel 14
Notes from can: 8A Wood Relations. 1927-1932; Spring '27. Parker & Leonard. Carpenters; Summer, '27 at Burr House, Dux.; Fall '27 or '28, Barbara Wood; Fall '27, Kay and Joe...;Intertitle: 'Parker and Leonard Wood'. Two men sitting and smoking. Three men pose for the camera. Intertitle: 'The Carpenters.' Two women and a man sitting on the steps. A woma...
17) 1688.0026 [Annie Wood Nowell--home movie transfer with narration]
VHS copy of 17 reels donated with film, stored in vault. // Videotape has narration. // VHS video notes: 1928 - Powder Point house renovations, Duxbury, MA. 1927 - Nancy 1 year ...
12) 1705.0012 [William Henry MacCallum--home movies] Reel 12
1929 & 1930 edge codes on film. // Can label: '1930 MacCallum. Trapshooting. Rancaucas. 1st Part Only. I.' // Note in can: 'Mother sailing. Chambersburg Parade July 4, 1930.'
34) 1714.0004 [James F. Butler--home movies] Reel 4
Can label: '[ ? ], Niagara, Queen Mary.' // Date range from edge codes on film. // Reel was apparently transferred in two parts, as .0004A and .0004B. // 1930 Niagara Falls and ...
35) 1714.0005 [James F. Butler--home movies] Reel 5
Can label: 'Choate, Hockey, Destroyers.' // 1928, 1929, 1933 edge codes on film. // 1929, The Choate School: Pomfret Hockey Game, John Booth, Walter Kelly, Bud Sherwood, Zeke Sp...
36) 1732.0001-.0024 [Philip C. Curtis, Sr.--home movies]
24 reels donated 7/20/2000. 6 additional reels donated 8/31/2001 Reels shot by father (Philip C. Curtis, Sr.) 1929-1938. Notations on reels and in collections file. 1. Grand Man...
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